AuthorsNo. of Publications
ip, wy 50
ip, jwy 47
pun, wk 30
luk, kdk 26
leong, jcy 24
lu, ww 24
leung, f 18
fung, bkk 16
ip, fk 16
chiu, pky 15
chiu, ky 14
so, yc 14
cheung, kmc 10
chan, kc 9
cheng, cl 9
leung, kl 9
ng, c 9
ahmed, sk 8
fitoussi, f 8
fung, b 8
leung, f 8
lu, w 8
chow, w 7
lau, tw 6
li, yw 6
ng, kh 6
poon, tl 6
tang, sc 6
chan, cw 5
chen, dz 5
fang, d 5
gibson, i 5
hoaglund, ft 5
li, fb 5
liao, wm 5
ngai, wk 5
chan, cs 4
collins, rj 4
crosby, c 4
gu, yd 4
lao, zg 4
roure, p 4
shibata, t 4
zhu, l 4
bilgin, ss 3
bong, sc 3
campbell, da 3
chan, cf 3
chan, fl 3
chau, rmw 3
drobetz, h 3
ertel, w 3
garg, r 3
gogolewski, s 3
haas, np 3
hanson, b 3
ho, h 3
holmes, ad 3
höntzsch, d 3
jing, wm 3
lam, kw 3
lau, jhk 3
lauri, g 3
leung, g 3
li, t 3
luk, dk 3
mak, aft 3
marenthuber, m 3
matschke, s 3
neugebauer, rh 3
ng, tp 3
plecko, m 3
pun, ts 3
rehm, ke 3
rikli, d 3
ring, d 3
siebert, hr 3
sommer, chr 3
souer, js 3
tang, fh 3
topalan, m 3
torretta, f 3
tu, yk 3
wagner, m 3
wang, am 3
wentzensen, a 3
winker, kh 3
wu, wc 3
yau, ac 3
yau, acmc 3
audige, l 2
bruce, ic 2
cao, y 2
chan, ym 2
cheah, kse 2
cheung, jpy 2
chew, wyc 2
fok, m 2
fung, asm 2
fung, bk 2
gudushauri, p 2
ha, kwy 2
hintriger, w 2
ho, dd 2
ho, ekw 2
ho, smy 2
ho, wy 2
huang, cd 2
hui, pw 2
ikuta, y 2
jupiter, jb 2
kimori, k 2
kwok, hy 2
kwong, wh 2
lam, ck 2
lau, p 2
lau, sk 2
leung, eyp 2
ma, a 2
mok, ck 2
ng, cl 2
o'flanagan, sj 2
ochi, m 2
pun, kk 2
rajesh, g 2
rogoff, sm 2
schneeberger, ag 2
stroebel, ab 2
tang, wm 2
teoh, lc 2
tokmakova, k 2
wong, fhw 2
wong, s 2
xie, j 2
xu, dl 2
yu, wha 2
amer, t 1
audigé, l 1
bao, cy 1
barlaan, pig 1
beh, sl 1
billett, dm 1
can, kc 1
chan, d 1
chan, r 1
chan, yk 1
chen, jy 1
chen, xf 1
cheung, lk 1
cheung, n 1
cheung, wl 1
cheung, wy 1
chew, w 1
choi, ch 1
chu, km 1
chu, m 1
chu, yw 1
crosby so, cyc 1
dixon, as 1
feng, jm 1
fu, m 1
fung, sc 1
furamachi, k 1
furumachi, k 1
gogplewski, s 1
goto, h 1
goyal, r 1
guo, yd 1
han, s 1
han, sy 1
hintringer, w 1
ho, e 1
ho, henry 1
ho, ph 1
ho, pwm 1
hooper, g 1
hsu, lcs 1
huang, l 1
huang, wq 1
huang, yl 1
hwang, jcc 1
jupiter, j 1
kalamchi, a 1
kleevens, jwl 1
kong, kf 1
kuffner, t 1
kung, awc 1
kung, tm 1
kwan, kyh 1
lam, jj 1
lam, rwm 1
lam, t 1
lamchuan, t 1
lau, s 1
law, k 1
law, lk 1
law, s 1
lee, ey 1
lee, p 1
lee, pc 1
lee, pwh 1
lee, sfy 1
lee, sh 1
leung, fkl 1
leung, pwl 1
leung, yk 1
li, ch 1
li, f 1
li, yh 1
liao, w 1
lie, c 1
liehmak, f 1
lim, j 1
liong, e 1
liu, k 1
lou, zg 1
mark, elk 1
ming, f 1
ng, j 1
ng, wf 1
ngai, yy 1
ngan, ah 1
ngan, ahw 1
ngan, hw 1
ni, g 1
ning, cy 1
ong, sg 1
ozkan, m 1
peng, wh 1
poon, r 1
qiu, j 1
qiu, js 1
qiu, qx 1
rajasekhar, c 1
roberts, cj 1
savalani, m 1
si, xh 1
stephens, mm 1
takemoto, s 1
tipoe, g 1
tsoi, mm 1
upadhyay, ss 1
ur rashid, h 1
wang, a 1
wang, c 1
wang, cy 1
wang, kw 1
wang, lp 1
wang, yj 1
wong, j 1
wong, mk 1
wong, pwl 1
wong, sh 1
wong, wb 1
wong, wl 1
wu, g 1
wu, j 1
wu, pc 1
wu, zh 1
yan, ch 1
yan, ls 1
yang, bc 1
yang, kf 1
yau, a 1
yau, pwp 1
yau, wp 1
ye, jd 1
yeung, hw 1
young, rtt 1
yu, od 1
zhang, b 1
zhang, jy 1
zhang, xd 1
zhao, q 1
zhou, lr 1
zhu, jk 1
zhu, y 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 12
adult 8
adolescent 7
animals 7
female 7
male 7
aged 6
middle aged 6
bioactive bone cement 5
biocompatibility 5
biomechanics 5
bone cements 5
cell line 5
chromium alloys 5
finger joint - surgery 5
fracture fixation - methods 5
hand 5
hip fracture 5
hong kong - epidemiology 5
hydroxyapatites 5
materials testing 5
mice 5
prospective studies 5
prostheses and implants 5
recurrence 5
spinal surgery 5
spine - surgery 5
strontium 5
strontium-containing hydroxyapatite 5
treatment outcome 5
aged, 80 and over 4
bone plates 4
child 4
complication 4
follow-up studies 4
hip fractures - complications - mortality - surgery 4
medical equipment 4
modelling 4
mortality 4
mycobacterium marinum 4
osteoporotic fractures - complications - mortality - surgery 4
outcome 4
physical therapy modalities 4
postoperative complications 4
pressure ulcer - etiology 4
rapid prototypes 4
time factors 4
timing of surgery 4
basic fibroblast growth factor 3
biomechanical properties 3
biomechanics (生物力學) 3
bone screws 3
bone wires 3
cancellous screw fixation 3
caregivers 3
cerebral palsy 3
cerebrovascular disorders - complications 3
child, preschool 3
chronic disease 3
combined modality therapy - methods 3
comorbidity 3
cumulative trauma disorders 3
cumulative trauma disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 3
debridement 3
distal radius fracture (橈骨遠端骨折) 3
ethambutol - administration & dosage 3
femoral artery - pathology - surgery 3
femoral neck fractures - complications 3
femoral neck fractures - epidemiology 3
finger injuries - complications 3
finger injuries - pathology - surgery - therapy 3
fracture 3
fracture fixation, internal 3
fractures, open - pathology - surgery - therapy 3
hemiplegia - complications 3
hip fractures - complications - rehabilitation - surgery 3
hip fractures - epidemiology 3
hip joint - surgery 3
hong kong 3
injury severity score 3
institutionalization 3
metacarpus - injuries 3
movement 3
musculoskeletal diseases - diagnosis - epidemiology 3
mycobacterium infections - complications - diagnosis - therapy 3
neuromuscular diseases - complications 3
occupational diseases - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 3
occupations 3
osteomalacia - complications 3
parent-child relations 3
postoperative period 3
primary health care 3
prognosis 3
psychological tests 3
rabbits 3
radius fractures - surgery 3
random allocation 3
rat model 3
rats 3
rifampin - administration & dosage 3
risk factors 3
self-help groups 3
skin flaps 3
subcapital femoral neck fractures 3
tenosynovitis 3
tenosynovitis - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 3
treatment (治療) 3
walking 3
workplace 3
wound healing 3
wrist 3
abscess - epidemiology 2
accidents, occupational 2
accidents, occupational - prevention & control - statistics & numerical data 2
action potentials 2
acute disease 2
adhesiveness 2
aggressive giant cell tumours 2
anastomosis, surgical 2
anastomosis, surgical - methods 2
anesthesia, conduction - methods 2
anesthesia, intravenous - methods 2
ankle 2
arteries - transplantation - ultrastructure 2
arteriovenous anastomosis. 2
articular reconstruction 2
back pain - etiology 2
bacteria - isolation & purification 2
bandages 2
bedding and linens 2
biomechanics 生物力學 2
biopsy 2
blood-vessels - surgery. 2
body height 2
bone density 骨密度/生理學 2
bone nails 2
botulinum toxins, type a - administration & dosage 2
carpal tunnel syndrome - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 2
cellulitis - epidemiology 2
cerebral palsy - complications 2
chondrocalcinosis - complications 2
coating by plasma spray 2
combined modality therapy 2
connective tissue - surgery 2
constriction, pathologic - etiology - pathology - surgery 2
debridement - methods 2
diagnosis, differential 2
dislocations - radiography - surgery 2
dislocations. 2
distal radius 2
distal radius fracture 2
distal tibia 2
dupuytren contracture - diagnosis - pathology 2
elbow joint - injuries - radiography - surgery 2
equipment design 2
equipment failure 2
evaluation studies as topic 2
exercise/physiology 運動/生理學 2
external fixation 2
external fixators 2
femoral artery - surgery 2
femoral vein - abnormalities 2
femur head - surgery 2
finger injuries - epidemiology - prevention & control 2
finger injuries - physiopathology - radiography 2
finger injuries - physiopathology - surgery 2
finger injuries - radiography - surgery 2
finger injuries - surgery 2
finger injuries - surgery - therapy 2
finger joint - physiopathology 2
finger phalanges - injuries - radiography 2
fingers 2
fingers - innervation 2
forearm 2
fracture fixation 2
fracture fixation, internal - adverse effects - methods 2
fracture fixation, internal - methods 2
fractures, bone - radiography - surgery 2
fractures, bone - radiography - therapy 2
fractures, bone - surgery 2
fractures, bone - surgery - therapy 2
fractures, comminuted - surgery 2
fractures, open - surgery 2
fractures. 2
free flap 2
freeze drying 2
gap healing 2
gloves, surgical - standards - utilization 2
graft occlusion, vascular - pathology 2
groin 2
hand - microbiology - pathology - surgery 2
hand - surgery 2
hand dermatoses - complications - etiology 2
hand injuries - complications 2
hand injuries - epidemiology - etiology 2
hand injuries - surgery 2
hemostasis, surgical - methods 2
hip fractures - surgery 2
hip prosthesis 2
humeral fractures - etiology - radiography - therapy 2
hybrid fixation 2
hydroxyapatite 2
ilizarov 2
ilizarov technique - instrumentation 2
immobilization 2
immunohistochemistry 2
implant 2
incidence 2
infant 2
intra-articular 2
joint congruity 2
joint incongruity 2
keratoderma, palmoplantar - complications - pathology - surgery 2
kyphosis - etiology - radiography 2
lateral tibial condyle reconstruction 2
latex - standards 2
lidocaine - administration & dosage 2
loss of reduction 2
lumbar vertebrae - radiography 2
medical sciences 2
microcirculation - pathology - surgery 2
microsurgery 2
microsurgery - methods 2
microsurgery. 2
microvascular 2
models, animal 2
mri 2
muscle, skeletal - surgery 2
mycobacterium infections 2
mycobacterium infections - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 2
mycobacterium infections - etiology - pathology 2
mycobacterium infections, nontuberculous - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 2
needlestick injuries - epidemiology - prevention & control 2
nerve regeneration 2
neural conduction 2
occupational therapy 2
open reduction 2
open reduction and plate fixation 2
orthopedics 2
orthopedics and traumatology 2
pedicled vascularized fibular graft 2
peripheral nerves - surgery 2
physical therapy modalities - methods 2
pigmented villonodular synovitis 2
pilon 2
pilot projects 2
placenta - blood supply 2
plastic adhesive drape 2
plastics 2
play and playthings 2
postoperative care 2
postoperative complications - etiology - pathology 2
postoperative complications - radiography - therapy 2
pregnancy 2
pressure sores 2
protective clothing 2
quadriplegia - complications 2
range of motion, articular 2
rats 大鼠 2
rats, inbred strains 2
rats, sprague-dawley 2
rats, sprague-dawley - anatomy & histology 2
reconstruction 2
reference values 2
regional blood flow 2
rupture 2
sacrum - radiography 2
scapholunate ligament 2
sensitivity and specificity 2
sensory reinnervation 2
sex factors 2
skin - microbiology 2
skin - pathology 2
skin diseases, infectious - complications - etiology 2
soft tissue injuries - therapy 2
spinal fusion 2
staphylococcal infections - complications - pathology - surgery 2
staphylococcal infections - pathology 2
sterilization 2
sural nerve - physiology - surgery 2
surgical equipment 2
surgical excision 2
surgical flaps 2
surgical procedures, operative - methods 2
surgical wound infection - epidemiology 2
surgical wound infection - microbiology - prevention & control 2
surgical wound infection - pathology 2
suture techniques 2
synovial membrane - pathology 2
synovitis 2
synovitis - etiology 2
synovitis - etiology - pathology 2
tendon injuries - physiopathology - rehabilitation - surgery 2
tendon injuries - physiopathology - surgery 2
tendons - surgery 2
tenosynovitis - etiology 2
tenosynovitis - etiology - pathology 2
tensile strength 2
tensor fascia lata flap 2
thrombosis - etiology - pathology 2
thumb - injuries 2
thumb - injuries - surgery 2
tibial fracture - radiography - surgery 2
tibial fractures - surgery 2
torsion abnormality - complications 2
touch 2
tourniquets 2
transplantation, heterologous 2
triangular fibrocartilage complex 2
tuberculoma - etiology 2
tuberculosis - diagnosis 2
tuberculosis, spinal - complications - radiography - therapy 2
ulna fractures - surgery 2
variable inflammation 2
vascular patency 2
vascular patency - physiology 2
vascular surgical procedures 2
vascular surgical procedures - methods 2
wound infection 2
wounds, penetrating - complications 2
wrist arthroscopy 2
25-hydroxycholecalciferol 1
abdomen - surgery 1
abdominal muscles - surgery 1
acromegaly - complications 1
acromioclavicular joint - injuries - physiopathology - surgery 1
activities of daily living 1
administration, cutaneous 1
age factors 1
amputation 1
amputation, traumatic - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
anaesthetic technique 1
anaesthetics 1
anesthesia, intravenous - adverse effects - methods 1
ankle joint - physiopathology 1
anterior spinal fusion 1
antitubercular agents - therapeutic use 1
anxiety 1
arteries - surgery 1
arteries - surgery - ultrastructure 1
asian continental ancestry group 1
athletic injuries - pathology - radiography - therapy 1
attitude to health 1
axis 1
back pain - psychology 1
blood coagulation tests - instrumentation 1
blood pressure 1
bone cements - administration & dosage 1
bone malalignment - etiology - radiography 1
bone neoplasms - surgery 1
braces 1
calcifediol - blood 1
calcium 1
canes 1
carpal bones - radiography 1
cementation - adverse effects 1
chickens 1
china 1
china - ethnology 1
clinical protocols 1
clinical protocols - standards 1
cohort studies 1
compression 1
congenital hip dislocation 1
constriction 1
consumer satisfaction 1
contracture - prevention & control 1
cord 1
denervation 1
depression 1
diskectomy 1
dysplasia 1
edema - etiology - therapy 1
embolism, fat - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 1
ethnic groups 1
experiment 1
extremities 1
exudates and transudates - analysis - secretion 1
femoral artery - surgery - ultrastructure 1
femoral artery - transplantation - ultrastructure 1
femoral fractures - complications 1
femoral neck fractures - blood - etiology 1
femoral neck fractures - etiology 1
femoral neck fractures - surgery 1
femoral vein - surgery 1
femur 1
femur head - pathology 1
femur head necrosis - chemically induced 1
finger injuries - epidemiology - physiopathology 1
finger injuries - epidemiology - surgery 1
finger injuries - rehabilitation - therapy 1
finger joint (指關節) 1
fingers - blood supply - surgery 1
fingers - physiopathology - surgery 1
fingers - surgery 1
fluocinolone acetonide - administration & dosage - adverse effects - analogs & derivatives 1
foot 1
foreign-body migration - epidemiology 1
fracture fixation, internal - instrumentation - methods 1
fracture healing - physiology 1
fractures, bone - drug therapy 1
fractures, closed - surgery 1
fractures, compression - radiography - surgery 1
fractures, spontaneous - etiology - radiography 1
fractures, ununited - etiology 1
fractures, ununited - etiology - radiography 1
functional laterality 1
gait 1
ganglia, spinal - anatomy & histology - transplantation 1
ganglia, spinal - pathology 1
giant cell tumors - surgery 1
giant cell tumour 1
graft 1
hand - physiopathology 1
hand - physiopathology - surgery 1
hand injuries - epidemiology - surgery 1
hand injuries - psychology - rehabilitation 1
hand strength - physiology 1
hip dislocation, congenital - epidemiology - radiography 1
hip fractures - complications - surgery 1
hip fractures - physiopathology - surgery 1
hip fractures - radiography - surgery 1
hip fractures - rehabilitation - surgery 1
hip joint - physiopathology 1
histological techniques (組織學技術) 1
hostility 1
hydronephrosis - etiology - radiography 1
hyperplasia 1
income 1
infant care 1
infant, newborn 1
insulin-like growth factor i 1
insulin-like growth factor i - analysis - metabolism 1
intervertebral disc derangement 1
intervertebral disc displacement - complications - radiography - surgery 1
intervertebral disc displacement - radiography - surgery 1
intervertebral disc displacement - surgery 1
interview, psychological 1
intra-articular fractures - radiography - surgery 1
intravenous 1
joint diseases - etiology 1
joint prosthesis (人工關節) 1
knee 1
knee joint 1
knee joint - physiopathology 1
knee joint - radiography 1
lateral tibial condyle 1
lidocaine 1
lifestyle 1
ligaments, articular - injuries - physiopathology - surgery 1
local 1
locomotion 1
low-back pain 1
lumbar vertebrae 1
lumbar vertebrae - radiography - surgery 1
lumbar vertebrae - surgery 1
medicine, chinese traditional 1
medicine, east asian traditional 1
metacarpophalangeal joint - injuries - surgery 1
methods 1
methylmethacrylate 1
methylmethacrylates 1
microcirculation 1
microscopy, electron 1
microscopy, electron, scanning 1
microsurgery - instrumentation - methods 1
models,biological (模型,生物學) 1
multiple 1
muscle contraction 1
muscle denervation 1
muscle tonus 1
muscle, skeletal - innervation - physiology - surgery 1
muscles - innervation - physiopathology - surgery 1
mycobacterium infections, nontuberculous - drug therapy - surgery - transmission 1
myelography 1
necrosis 1
necrosis - etiology 1
nerve compression syndromes - etiology 1
nerve tissue - transplantation 1
neurologic examination - methods - standards 1
observer variation 1
organ size 1
orthopedic procedures 1
osteocalcin 1
osteocalcin - blood 1
osteoporosis - blood - complications 1
osteotomy 1
osteotomy - methods 1
oxygen - blood 1
pain 1
pain - etiology 1
pain measurement 1
pain, postoperative 1
peripheral nerve injuries 1
peripheral nerves - physiopathology - surgery 1
peripheral nerves - transplantation 1
peroneal nerve - surgery 1
plant extracts - pharmacology 1
plants, medicinal 1
postmenopausal osteoporosis 1
postoperative complications - etiology 1
postoperative complications - radiography 1
pressure 1
prosthesis design 1
prosthesis failure 1
pseudarthrosis - etiology - pathology - radiography - surgery 1
psychomotor performance - physiology 1
psychosocial screening 1
pulmonary embolism - epidemiology 1
pulmonary embolism - epidemiology - etiology 1
radioimmunoassay 1
radius fractures - classification - surgery 1
radius fractures - complications - radiography 1
radius fractures - radiography - surgery 1
range of motion, articular - physiology 1
rats, inbred wky 1
recovery of function 1
regional 1
replantation 1
reproducibility of results 1
respiration 1
retroperitoneal fibrosis - etiology - radiography 1
retrospective studies 1
rupture - pathology 1
safety 1
sciatic nerve - surgery 1
sciatica - etiology 1
sensation 1
sensation disorders - epidemiology 1
sex characteristics 1
shoulder joint - radiography 1
skin 1
skin - blood supply 1
spinal cord injuries - physiopathology - surgery 1
spinal diseases - pathology - radiography - surgery 1
spinal fractures - blood - etiology 1
spinal fusion - adverse effects 1
spinal fusion - instrumentation - methods 1
spinal fusion - methods 1
spinal nerve roots 1
spinal stenosis - complications 1
spine 1
spine - radiography 1
splints 1
spondylitis, ankylosing - complications - radiography 1
stress, mechanical 1
subtalar joint - physiopathology 1
surgical flaps - methods 1
surgical mesh 1
sutures 1
synovial fluid - physiology 1
synovial membrane - surgery 1
tendon injuries - pathology - surgery - therapy 1
tendons - anatomy & histology - physiology - transplantation 1
tendons - pathology - surgery 1
tendons - physiopathology - surgery 1
tenosynovitis - complications 1
thrombophlebitis - epidemiology 1
thrombophlebitis - etiology 1
thrombophlebitis - etiology - radiography - surgery 1
thrombosis - pathology 1
thumb 1
thumb - innervation 1
thumb - surgery 1
tibial fractures - pathology - radiography - therapy 1
tibial fractures - physiopathology - therapy 1
tissue preservation 1
tissue preservation - methods 1
titanium 1
toes - transplantation 1
tomography, x-ray computed 1
touch - physiology 1
transplantation, autologous 1
transplantation, homologous 1
transplantation, isogeneic 1
tuberculosis 1
tuberculosis, osteoarticular - drug therapy - radiography 1
tuberculosis, osteoarticular - drug therapy - surgery - transmission 1
tuberculosis, osteoarticular - radiography - surgery - therapy 1
ureteral obstruction - etiology - radiography 1
urinary tract infections - etiology 1
veins - physiology 1
vitamin d deficiency 1
vitamin d deficiency - complications - diet therapy 1
weight-bearing 1
work schedule tolerance 1
wound healing - drug effects 1
wrist injuries - classification - surgery 1
young adult 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
mcp, metacarpophalangeal, prosthetic 5
orthopaedics 5
null 4
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
orthopaedics/traumatology 5
n/a 4
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