Browsing by Author Chan, RW

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Showing results 67 to 72 of 72 < previous 
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Thalamic low frequency activity contributes to resting-state cortical interhemispheric MRI functional connectivity
Proceeding/Conference:2019 Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Annual Meeting
The role of hippocampus in central auditory processing - An optogenetic auditory fMRI study
Proceeding/Conference:ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine) Virtual Conference, 2020
Visual cortical responses to auditory stimulation during deep isoflurane anesthesia: an fMRI study
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM 2016