Browsing by Author Lovell-Badge, RH

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TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Abnormal chondrocyte differentiation in COL2A1-SV40 T-antigen chimeric mice
Proceeding/Conference:5th International Conference on the Molecular Biology & Pathology of Matrix
Defects in cochlear structure and function in the Sox9Y440X campomelic dysplasia mouse model
Proceeding/Conference:Molecular Biology of Hearing & Deafness Conference
Dosage-dependent role of Sox2 in otic fate determination
Proceeding/Conference:Keystone Symposia on Regenerative Biology and Applications: Cell Differentiation, Tissue Organization and Biomedical Engineering
Dysregulation of Aqp3 and endolymphatic hydrops in a mouse model of campomelic dysplasia
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists, JSDB-46
An essential role for Sox2 in inner ear development
Proceeding/Conference:EMBL 2001 Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting
From high to low: SOX2 dosage control of otic prosensory fate revealed by single cell transcriptome analyses
Proceeding/Conference:SBMS Research Day, School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
A genetic approach for disease gene discovery in the mouse
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference of Asia-Pacific Molecular Biology Network, A-IMBN 2001
Human COL2A1-directed SV40 T-antigen expression in transgenic mice results in abnormal skeletal development
Proceeding/Conference:Pan-Pacific Connective Tissue Societies Symposium , PPCTSS 1993
Impact of Sox2 dosage on sensory neurogenesis and prosensory versus non-sensory cell fate in the inner ear
Proceeding/Conference:Gordon Research Conference on Neural Crest & Cranial Placodes
Insights into the function of SOX9 and campomelic dysplasia
Proceeding/Conference:Biennial Meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology, ASMB 2008
Molecular and developmental insights into the pathogenesis of the SOX9Y440X campomelic dysplasia mutation
Proceeding/Conference:International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress, ISDB 2009
Molecular and developmental insights into the pathogenesis of the SOX9Y440X campomelic dysplasia mutation
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Introductory Course on Skeletal Dysplasias
A mouse model for hearing and balance defects in campomelic dysplasia
Proceeding/Conference:Molecular Biology of Hearing & Deafness Conference
Predicting the establishment of hair follicle patterns in the developing mouse
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium of the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology, HKSDB 2012
Sox2 dosage defines the specification and survival of sensory neurons in the inner ear
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium of the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology, HKSDB 2012
SOX2 dosage dependent control of otic cell identity revealed by single cell transcriptome analyses
Proceeding/Conference:The 11th Molecular Biology of Hearing and Deafness Conference 2018
SOX2 dosage dependent control of otic cell identity revealed by single-cell transcriptome analyses
Proceeding/Conference:Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists Annual Meeting, 2019
Sox2 is required for sensory organ development in the inner ear
Proceeding/Conference:CSHL 2004 Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting