e-Learning in formal, informal and open learning contexts: a study of global trends, policy options and their implications for sustainable development in Hong Kong

Grant Data
Project Title
e-Learning in formal, informal and open learning contexts: a study of global trends, policy options and their implications for sustainable development in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator
Professor Law, Nancy Wai Ying   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Wang Dan   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Lu Jingyan   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
e-Learning in formal, informal and open learning contexts: a study of global trends, policy options and their implications for sustainable development in Hong Kong
Presentation Title
ICT in education policy trends, learning technology, lifelong learning, open education, social impact of ICT
Education: Research on Teaching & Learning
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
Funding Year
1) To identify the global trends in policy goals and implementation strategies in ICT use for learning in formal educational settings, and to compare the best practices and lessons learnt from evaluation studies of these policy developments and their implementation with those in Hong Kong. 2) To investigate the lifelong learning challenges faced by adults and senior citizens in the knowledge society, and to compare the varieties of policy goals and implementation strategies to leverage e-Learning in informal learning settings to address such challenges adopted in developed countries with those in Hong Kong. 3) To identify the policy goals and strategies that are being developed by systems/institutions globally to exploit the potentials of open education, including MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), and how such developments have/are expected to impact on the well-being of the local community and education institutions. 4) To develop an initial set of Policy Options for Hong Kong on the basis of the outcomes of the extensive literature reviews and a Delphi Study.