‘Talking Genetics’: Intersections of Language, Culture and Genetic Literacy in Intercultural Genetic Testing and Counselling Contexts

Grant Data
Project Title
‘Talking Genetics’: Intersections of Language, Culture and Genetic Literacy in Intercultural Genetic Testing and Counselling Contexts
Principal Investigator
Professor Zayts, Olga A   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Completion Date
Conference Title
‘Talking Genetics’: Intersections of Language, Culture and Genetic Literacy in Intercultural Genetic Testing and Counselling Contexts
Culture, Genetic Literacy, Intercultural Genetic Testing and Counselling, Language, Talking Genetics
Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
Funding Year
1 To consolidate a database of intercultural genetic testing and counselling consultations in Hong Kong across genetic conditions, diverse patient and professional populations and different modes of communication for the purposes of research in this project and future dissemination activities. To extend the database of existing data to include new intercultural data from tele- and DTC genetic contexts to address the changes in the mode of service provision due to the pandemic; 2 To theorize an integrated mixed methods approach to researching intercultural health communication, using genetic contexts as an example; 3 To develop an innovative discursive framework for research design to examine the interrelation between language, culture, and genetic literacy in intercultural genetic testing and counselling contexts; 4 To examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the changing landscape of intercultural health communication in genetic contexts; 5 To examine the differences between face-to-face and tele-genetic encounters in intercultural contexts; 6 To complete a monograph ""Talking Genetics: Intersections of Language, Culture and Genetic Literacy in Intercultural Genetic Testing and Counselling Contexts"" (target publisher: OUP); 7 To complete at least two articles to be presented at international conferences and to be submitted to peer-reviewed international journals; to disseminate the findings to relevant beneficiaries.