Developing a Next-Generation Synbiotic for the Treatment of Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Fatty Liver Disease

Grant Data
Project Title
Developing a Next-Generation Synbiotic for the Treatment of Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Fatty Liver Disease
Principal Investigator
Professor Seto, Wai Kay Walter   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
Developing a Next-Generation Synbiotic for the Treatment of Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Fatty Liver Disease
Next-Generation Synbiotic,Treatment, Metabolic Dysfunction, Fatty Liver Disease
Medicine, Dentistry and Health
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Midstream Research Programme for Universities (MRP)
Funding Year
Metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is the updated consensus-driven international nomenclature describing fatty liver disease with metabolic dysregulation. MAFLD is the world’s most common chronic liver disease, in which viable pharmacological treatment options are lacking. Preliminary data from a human microbiota-associated rodent model found a potentially causative role for one microbial species: Lactococcus lactis, and two microbial fermentation products: biotin and fumaric acid, in preventing MAFLD. Can combining different microbiome-based products as a synbiotic offer new therapeutic possibilities for MAFLD, as a supplement and/or a drug product? We currently propose the mid-stream development of a next-generation synbiotic, comprising of Lactococcus lactis strains, biotin and fumaric acid. We will sequence cultured Lactococcus lactis strains via third-generation sequencing, determine optimal biotin and fumaric acid concentrations via a mouse model, pharmaceutic development of different synbiotic formulations, and test the delivery of the formulated synbiotic in a rabbit model via in-kind support from Vickmans Laboratories. The proposal targets a large and profitable pharmaceutical worldwide market, and has high potential for patent filing. Developing this next-generation synbiotic can utilize the expansion of scientific knowledge on the gut microbiome, and provide a novel therapeutic option for the world’s most common liver and metabolic disease.