Browsing by Author Lau, HL

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Showing results 21 to 27 of 27 < previous 
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Promoter polymorphisms of the estrogen receptor beta gene are associated with higher risks of osteoporosis in both men and women
Proceeding/Conference:Regional Osteoporosis Conference, ROC 2005 & ISCD/IOF Bone Densitometry Course
Site and age specificity of genetic and environmental determinants of bone mineral density
Proceeding/Conference:Research Postgraduate Symposium, RPS 2003
Test of linkage and association of 14 genetic loci with bone size
Proceeding/Conference:Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Test of linkage and/or association of genes and bone mineral density in Chinese
Proceeding/Conference:Medical Research Conference, MRC 2004
Test of linkage and/or association of genes and bone mineral density in Chinese
Proceeding/Conference:Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Transforming Growth Factor-?1 Gene Polymorphisms And Bone Mineral Density In Southern Women
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, ENDO 2002