School of Chinese (Chinese)

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School of Chinese (Chinese)  
    in the Faculty of:
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RP - Teaching List, Current
2020 S2CCCH90052DThe Chinese Cultural Revolution
2022 S2CHIN61042ASpecial Topics in Ancient Chinese
2019 S2HKGS20022AHong Kong identities in local, national and global contexts
2018 S8CHIN1213SAFolklore and modern Chinese culture
2020 S2CHIN22542AChristianity and Chinese culture
2022 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
Choi, Sung Hei
Soo, Yiu Chung
2020 S1CHIN72031AIntroduction to Interpreting
Cheung, King Man
2018 S2CHIN23432ALegal interpreting
2018 S2CHIN22262AHistory of the Qing period
2022 S1CHIN70061AAn Introduction to Documentary Sources in Chinese
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