School of Modern Languages and Cultures (Global Creative Industries)

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General Information
School of Modern Languages and Cultures (Global Creative Industries)  
    in the Faculty of:
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Key People
RP - Teaching List, Current
2019 S1GCIN20051AInternship in global creative industries
2022 S1GCIN20261AApplied law to creative industries and laws: An introduction
2021 S2GCIN20262AApplied law to creative industries and laws: An introduction
2021 S2GCIN40012AGlobal creative industries research project (capstone experience)
2022 S1GCIN40011AGlobal creative industries research project (capstone experience)
2022 S1GCIN20051AInternship in global creative industries
2018 S2GCIN10012BIntroduction to global creative industries
2018 S2JAPN20842AStudies in Japanese culture
2020 S2JAPN10112AIntroduction to Japanese Studies
2022 S1JAPN20841AStudies in Japanese culture
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