Social integration of children born in Hong Kong to Mainland women: A study of long-term implications on education, health and social services

Grant Data
Project Title
Social integration of children born in Hong Kong to Mainland women: A study of long-term implications on education, health and social services
Principal Investigator
Dr Chan, Edward Ko Ling   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Professor Tiwari Agnes Fung Yee   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Ip Patrick   (Co-Investigator)
Mr Yip Hak Kwong   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Chow Chun Bong   (Co-Investigator)
Emeritus Professor Ho Pak Chung   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Fong Daniel Yee Tak   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Leung Wing Cheong   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Social integration of children born in Hong Kong to Mainland women: A study of long-term implications on education, health and social services
Presentation Title
Child protection, Children and women health, Cross border families, Longitudinal study, Social exclusion & integration
Social Work,Others - relating to Social Sciences
HKU Project Code
HKU 7001-SPPR-12
Grant Type
Strategic Public Policy Research
Funding Year
1) To investigate the profile of the cross-border families and their planning of residence in Hong Kong. Specifically, the following aspects will be examined: a) The demographic and socioeconomic profile of the families with Type I and Type II children who were born during 2001-2011 and attending kindergartens/child care centers, primary schools or special schools in Hong Kong; b) Parents’ arrangement for living and child care management at three developmental stages: (a) preschool stage, (b) when studying at kindergarten/child care center, and (c) when studying at primary school or special school in Hong Kong; c) Changes in parents’ plans and arrangement for children’s living and child care management during the development of their children. 2) To investigate the quality of life of the children and how they integrate into the society, specifically: a) Children’s experiences of social exclusion and social integration; b) The factors for social exclusion and resilient factors that are facilitative to the children’s integration to Hong Kong society; c) Physical and mental health; d) School performance of the children and support measures provided by schools; and e) Child victimization. 3) To explore the geographic distributions of these children’s residential areas and schools in Hong Kong and Mainland China by geo-mapping. 4) To study the children’s utilization of education, health and social services in Hong Kong.