Deeper understanding of color matching mechanism for developing high-quality lighting and imaging systems

Grant Data
Project Title
Deeper understanding of color matching mechanism for developing high-quality lighting and imaging systems
Principal Investigator
Professor Chang, Hue Fung Dorita   (Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) (for projects led by other university))
Start Date
Conference Title
Deeper understanding of color matching mechanism for developing high-quality lighting and imaging systems
Color Matching Function, Observer Metamerism, Lighting Quality, Wide Color Gamut Display
PhotonicsBuilding and Construction
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2021/22
Funding Year
(1) To comprehensively understand the underlying color matching mechanisms of the human beings,from the responses of the photoreceptors in the retina and the responses of the visual cortex in thebrain.(2) To design and build two apparatuses to carry out color matching experiments by systematicallyvary the wavelengths and shapes of the color stimuli using different light sources, filters, anddisplays.(3) To carry out color matching experiments by recruiting a large group of East Asian humanobservers, who will be carefully selected from an observer database, to cover a wide range of agesand vision conditions, with the vision conditions being characterized and the responses of thephotoreceptors and visual cortex being measured. And a repository of all the data will be created forpublic access.(4) To develop models for better characterizing the color matching mechanisms and models forbetter characterizing the observer metamerism, which can be used for lighting and imaging systemdesign and calibration.(5) To establish a Color Consortium, comprised of world-leading research, standardization, andcommercial institutes in the lighting and imaging communities, to strength the impact of the project,and also to maintain the long-term collaboration between the research team and the community.