Green and Low-Carbon Urban Development in the Greater Bay Area: Spatial Pathways Contributing toward Carbon Neutrality

Grant Data
Project Title
Green and Low-Carbon Urban Development in the Greater Bay Area: Spatial Pathways Contributing toward Carbon Neutrality
Principal Investigator
Professor Huang, Bo   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
Green and Low-Carbon Urban Development in the Greater Bay Area: Spatial Pathways Contributing toward Carbon Neutrality
Climate change, GIS, Geospatial big data, Remote sensing, Carbon neutrality
Others - relating to Social and Behavioural Sciences
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) 2023/24
Funding Year
1. Formulate a theoretical framework, with a GCD indicator system as the core, to facilitate themonitoring, assessment, and optimization of the spatial distribution patterns of carbon sourcesand carbon sinks, thereby developing spatial pathways toward carbon neutrality at the city level.2. Develop a downscaling method, based on satellite images and geospatial big data, to estimatecarbon sources and carbon sinks at a high spatial and temporal resolution at the city level and maptheir changes over time.3. Assess the GCD level of every grid cell in the study area in light of the defined GCDGs.4. Establish the relationship between GCD levels and the spatial patterns of land use and humanactivities (represented by human mobility).5. Simulate and optimize patterns of land use and human activities under various scenarios of SharedSocioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to devise spatially optimal pathways toward carbon neutrality.6. Develop a deep learning model to increase the efficiency of devising spatially optimal pathways.7. Demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed models and approaches and develop policy strategiesfor selected cities in the GBA.