University graduates' transitions to post-covid-19 workplaces: The impacts of the pandemic and adjusting to ""new normal"" work orders

Grant Data
Project Title
University graduates' transitions to post-covid-19 workplaces: The impacts of the pandemic and adjusting to ""new normal"" work orders
Principal Investigator
Professor Zayts, Olga A   (Project Coordinator (PC))
Professor Jones Rodney   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Jaworska Sylvia   (Co-principal investigator)
Powell Candice   (Collaborator)
Dr Lee Carmen Ka Man   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Fortune Zoe   (Co-principal investigator)
Professor Chan Cecilia Ka Yuk   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Luk Po Ling Pauline   (Co-principal investigator)
Dr Hafner Christoph   (Co-principal investigator)
Thiang Odile Mei Kim   (Collaborator)
Professor Wong Paul Wai Ching   (Co-principal investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
University graduates' transitions to post-covid-19 workplaces: The impacts of the pandemic and adjusting to ""new normal"" work orders
1) workplace transitions 2) graduates 3) new work orders 4) post-COVID-19 workplaces 5) Hong Kong
Sociolinguistics and Discourse AnalysisPsychology
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) - Group Research Project 2023/2024
Funding Year
1. To examine university graduates’ transitions to post-COVID-19 workplaces in Hong Kong,and to develop evidence-based strategies and solutions to support them moving into theworkforce, ameliorating the long-term negative impacts of the pandemic.2. To investigate the opportunities for Hong Kong graduates to diversify their careerdevelopment trajectories in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) post-COVID. In particular, tounderstand GBA employers’ expectations and graduates’ preparedness, and how graduatescan be best supported.3. To generate new direct evidence (quantitative and qualitative) on graduates’ transitions topost-COVID-19 workplaces and to triangulate these findings with those of the seed-fundedCRF project. In particular, we aim to understand agreement and misalignment in perspectivesbetween prospective employers, graduates, and universities, and to use this evidence todevelop resources for productive and sustainable employment.4. To investigate the health and well-being needs of graduates during transitions to postCOVID-19 workplaces, the new ‘work orders’, and new competencies that are expected ofgraduates.5. To develop a ‘Graduates Mindmap’ digital hub with evidence-based tools and resources forstudents, universities, and employers to support career choices, activities, well-being, andsuccessful workplace transitions.6. In collaboration with Mind HK and CMHA HK, to develop training modules on mental healthresilience and essential mental health competencies to be delivered via the ‘GraduatesMindmap’ digital hub.7. To conduct: three training workshops for graduates, universities and workplaces; a roundtablewith the main stakeholders and policy makers; and a one-day symposium on graduates’workplace transitions to post-COVID workplaces. To disseminate the project’s findingswidely to academic and professional communities. 8. Using a participatory research approach,to provide advocacy for young adults, a vulnerable demographic group in the workforce, asthey transition to post-COVID-19 workplaces and adjust to new ‘work orders’. 9. To developan interdisciplinary area of strength focusing on the ""Enhancement of Youth Employability andCareer Successes"" (EYES) that will lead to the team’s future involvement in high qualitycollaborative research and impact initiatives, including public policy making, publicengagement, etc.