Name Card
rp01707 picture

Professor Jordan, Lucy Porter

Associate Professor

Contact Information
rp01707 picture

Professor Jordan, Lucy Porter

Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae:

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
2006The University of WashingtonPh.D.
1996The University of MichiganM.S.W.
1992The Evergreen State CollegeB.A.

Dr. Jordan (Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong) works at the intersection of social policy and population studies. Her professional and research experience emphasizes market-state-civil society strategies to address social protection needs and vulnerabilities of families and youth. The overarching question driving Dr. Jordan’s scholarship and practice is to understand how government policies and practices influence and impact on intimate family life. Current research focuses on migration and the family in emerging economies of Asia. Dr. Jordan has held research grants as PI from the RGC (Hong Kong), British Academy (UK), National Institute of Health (NIH) (USA), as CO-I from the Ministry of Education (MOE) (Singapore), ESRC (UK) and international research consultancy on child protection topics has been funded by UNICEF and Terres D’Hommes. She also holds an honorary appointment as Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg recognizing her contribution to the development of social development research in sub-Saharan Africa.

Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
07/2015-07/2016Academic Review CommitteeInterntional Society for Third Sector Research
01/2007-presentYoung Scholar ReviewerChild Care Research Policy Consortium
08/2018-presentExternal Examiner/AssessorNon-Profit Management Programmes at Singapore University of Social Sciences
06/2013-presentReviewerAustralian Research Council
09/2019-presentReviewerBritish Academy
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Vulnerable populations in developing global urban contexts
Social development and intervention
Migration studies
Spoken Languages:
Spoken Language(s) (EN)Spoken Language(s) (ZH)
Written Languages:
Written Language(s) (EN)Written Language(s) (ZH)
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