Name Card
rp02670 picture

Mr Lo, Kai Chung 盧啟聰

Practice Consultant
Assistant Lecturer

Contact Information
rp02670 picture

Mr Lo, Kai Chung 盧啟聰

Practice Consultant
Assistant Lecturer

Curriculum Vitae:

Short Biography:

Kai Chung Lo is registered social worker, Assistant Lecturer (practice consultant) in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong. He has been involved in frontline, supervisory and social work teaching experiences in NGOs and universities for over 15 years. As a practice consultant in HKU at present, he is mainly responsible for supervising BSW & MSW placement students and placement setting coordinator of multicultural social work and community development services.

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
Hong Kong Social Workers Registration BoardRegistered Social Worker​
Chinese University of Hong KongMSoc in Social Work
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
04/2019-04/2019ManagerIncorporated Management Committee, Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School
01/2018-12/2019MemberSocial Service Group, The Convocation of the Convocation of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
01/2018-12/2020MemberPractice Research Group, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
01/2018-12/2020MemberThe International Association for Social Work with Groups
09/2018-12/2020Advisor MemberInternational Advisory board of the project “The Voices of Ethnic Minority Children on Their Lives and Well-Being in Hong Kong” funded by UNICEF
01/2018-12/2020MemberInternational Association for Community Development
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