Name Card
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Professor Li, Weiran 李蔚然

Assistant Professor

Contact Information
rp03050 picture

Professor Li, Weiran 李蔚然

Assistant Professor

Short Biography:

Weiran (aka Alex) studies magmatism and volatile cycling on Earth using petrology, geochemistry, and thermodynamics-kinetics modelling. She is particularly interested in volcanic eruption mechanisms and hazards, subduction-zone magmatism, mantle geochemistry, diffusion chronometry and geochronology, and hydrothermal ore deposit formation. She has worked intensively on volatiles (C-H-S-F-Cl), major elements, and trace elements (including rare earth elements) in volcanic rocks and minerals. ​

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
2019Nanyang Technological UniversityPh.D. in Petrology-volcanology
2014Peking UniversityMSc in Structural Tectonics
2012Peking UniversityBSc in Geochemistry (double major in art history)
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
05/2021-presentMemberInternational Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior
11/2022-presentMemberEuropean Association of Geochemistry
01/2023-presentMemberAmerican Geophysical Union
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