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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 276
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Social Work Education in Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:Social Work and Social Development Curriculum Development Workshop (organized by Regional Social Development Centre, Department of Social Work and Social Policy, La Trobe University)
Lessons unlearned – planning disaster and community anomie
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference: Globalization, Development, and Human Security in the Asia-Pacific Region, Pattaya Learning Facility, Thammasat University (organized by The Asia-Pacific Branch of ICSD. International Consortium for Social Development, International Organizing Committee)
Elderly residence – policy & practice issues
Proceeding/Conference:Inaugural Conference of AASW – Asian Association for Social Welfare. The State of Social Welfare in Asia.
Skills-Laboratory Teaching in Community Work - experience of the University of Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:Conference on Social Work Education in Chinese Societies (organized by Asian-Pacific Association for Social Work Education)
Curriculum Planning in Community Work in Social Work Education of Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:Conference on Social Work Education in Chinese Societies (organized by Asian-Pacific Association for Social Work Education)
Political Leaders of Hong Kong: Janus-faced profile in transition to 1997
Proceeding/Conference:Conference on The 1995 Legislative Council Election (organized by The Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies)
An Exploration into the Perception of Elite-Mass Relationship by Local Level Political Representatives in Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:Centre of Urban Planning & Environmental Management Research Seminars
The 1991 Elections: An Exploration into the Elite-mass Relationship in Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:Workshop on the 1991 Elections (organized by Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
The 1991 Elections: A Citizens' Perspective
Proceeding/Conference:Conference on Politics and 1991 Elections in Hong Kong 1991 (organized by Department of Public and Social Administration, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong)
Retirement Communities – International Experiences
Proceeding/Conference:Happy and Healthy Ageing Seminar (organized by Hong Kong Housing Society)
Poverty and social exclusion of elderly people in Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:“Worlds of difference in qualities of life for older people living in developing and developed countries” at the ISA World Congress of Sociology
Caring for our seniors - private issue or public? The Asian picture
Proceeding/Conference:Regional Symposium on Rapid Socio-economic and Demographic Change and Policy Responses in Greater China (Organized by Centre for Greater China Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Centre for China Studies, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, and Institute for Social Policy and Social Security, Sun Yat Sen University, China)
Age-friendly Outdoor Spaces: Walkability at Government-Subsidized Housing in North America and East Asia
Proceeding/Conference:Age friendly city – cooperation and participation – Asia Pacific Perspective Age friendly city – cooperation and participation – Asia Pacific Perspective, co-organized by Sau Po Centre on Ageing of The University of Hong Kong, Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University of Hong Kong, SH Ho Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Institute of Active Ageing of Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Reform of Income Distribution Institutions and Transformation of Economic development Models
Proceeding/Conference:6th Sino-Norwegian Social Policy Forum, jointly organized by Institute for Reform and Development (CIRD) and Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) jointly organize
The role of elderly community work in promoting productive ageing (老年社區工作在促進實現老有所為中的角色和任務)
Proceeding/Conference:First Social Work Conference in China (首屆中國社會工作論壇--社會建設中的社會工作). In conference proceedings 首屆中國社會工作論壇論文集pp95-105)
Productive aging under the urban-rural dualistic social structure: From the perspective of work and health security
Proceeding/Conference:Aging and Social Security International Conference----International Experience and China's development
Inter-generational Co-residence – Ideal vs. Real?
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium on Housing Trends and Demands in Ageing Hong Kong and Mainland China
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 276