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Article: Using a spatial interaction model to assess the accessibility of district parks in Hong Kong

TitleUsing a spatial interaction model to assess the accessibility of district parks in Hong Kong
KeywordsAccessibility index
Attraction index
Catchment zone
District park
Spatial interaction model
Issue Date2017
Sustainability (Switzerland), 2017, v. 9, n. 11, article no. 1924 How to Cite?
AbstractUrban parks are key elements of the urban landscape. They provide important ecological, environmental, and social value as well as spaces for outdoor activities to contribute to urban sustainability. Reasonable accessibility is fundamental for people to take full advantage of the benefits of parks. Spatial interaction models are useful in many fields, especially in static systems. The proposed model has been validated for analyzing the accessibility of district parks in Hong Kong. The accessibility index was calculated using the population in catchment zones lying within a walking distance of 400 m, considering the population that the parks serve, the distance between residential areas and parks, the park area, and the facilities and current condition of green spaces in the parks. The results indicate that the index is strongly related to the spatial pattern of residential areas and the shape and spatial pattern of district parks. High accessibility is always associated with parks located in centers of population concentration rather than in the geographical centers of built-up areas. The catchment zones of district parks within walking distance only cover one-fourth of residential areas, and most residents do not have convenient access to reach parks on foot. The district parks were established without much concern for increasing accessibility. No districts have enough district parks to meet the needs of their residents. Future parks should preferably be elongated to serve more nearby residents, especially in extremely compact cities like Hong Kong.
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dc.contributor.authorTian, Yuhong-
dc.contributor.authorJim, C. Y.-
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Yiqing-
dc.identifier.citationSustainability (Switzerland), 2017, v. 9, n. 11, article no. 1924-
dc.description.abstractUrban parks are key elements of the urban landscape. They provide important ecological, environmental, and social value as well as spaces for outdoor activities to contribute to urban sustainability. Reasonable accessibility is fundamental for people to take full advantage of the benefits of parks. Spatial interaction models are useful in many fields, especially in static systems. The proposed model has been validated for analyzing the accessibility of district parks in Hong Kong. The accessibility index was calculated using the population in catchment zones lying within a walking distance of 400 m, considering the population that the parks serve, the distance between residential areas and parks, the park area, and the facilities and current condition of green spaces in the parks. The results indicate that the index is strongly related to the spatial pattern of residential areas and the shape and spatial pattern of district parks. High accessibility is always associated with parks located in centers of population concentration rather than in the geographical centers of built-up areas. The catchment zones of district parks within walking distance only cover one-fourth of residential areas, and most residents do not have convenient access to reach parks on foot. The district parks were established without much concern for increasing accessibility. No districts have enough district parks to meet the needs of their residents. Future parks should preferably be elongated to serve more nearby residents, especially in extremely compact cities like Hong Kong.-
dc.relation.ispartofSustainability (Switzerland)-
dc.subjectAccessibility index-
dc.subjectAttraction index-
dc.subjectCatchment zone-
dc.subjectDistrict park-
dc.subjectSpatial interaction model-
dc.titleUsing a spatial interaction model to assess the accessibility of district parks in Hong Kong-
dc.identifier.spagearticle no. 1924-
dc.identifier.epagearticle no. 1924-

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