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Article: Strengths and gaps of climate change perceptions in the Beijing metropolis

TitleStrengths and gaps of climate change perceptions in the Beijing metropolis
KeywordsClimate change adaptation
Climate-resilient city
Living environment
Perception discord
Perception forte
Self-rated health status
Issue Date2023
Climate Services, 2023, v. 30, article no. 100350 How to Cite?
AbstractImplementing China's climate-change mitigation and adaptation measures demands citizens’ recognition and participation. This study investigated the strengths and gaps of climate-change perceptions of Beijing's citizens by a questionnaire survey. Responses were sought on 36 perceptions under three domains: causes, impacts, and countermeasures. The influence of underlying factors, self-rated health status and current and childhood living environments, were explored by non-parametric statistical tests. Self-rated health status strongly influenced two causes (deforestation, releasing carbon dioxide), two countermeasures (responsibility to do something to tackle climate change, officials ignored the issue of climate change), and none for impacts. Childhood city-living strongly affected the perceptions of some climate-change causes. However, childhood living environments did not affect impacts and countermeasures. A typology of residents’ perception patterns was proposed. Respondents registered perception forte, especially for the common causes. Perception disconnection was detected for the linkage between two causes: resource consumption and fossil-fuel use. Perception deficit was shown for three causes: nitrous oxide release, methane emission, and urbanization. A strong collateral perception was found between the impacts of health-related issues and extreme weather. Perception discord was established between impacts on food production and agricultural pest problems. For countermeasures, the strongest perceptions were expressed for taking personal actions, changing behavior, and supporting the government. Such responses signified altruistic personal mitigation commitments and the manifestation of civic duties. The findings could inform the formulation of climate-change public policies and public education programs to nurture a climate-resilient city.
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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorTian, Yuhong-
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Fenghua-
dc.contributor.authorJim, C. Y.-
dc.contributor.authorWang, Tiantian-
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Xu-
dc.contributor.authorLuan, Jingya-
dc.contributor.authorYan, Mengxuan-
dc.identifier.citationClimate Services, 2023, v. 30, article no. 100350-
dc.description.abstractImplementing China's climate-change mitigation and adaptation measures demands citizens’ recognition and participation. This study investigated the strengths and gaps of climate-change perceptions of Beijing's citizens by a questionnaire survey. Responses were sought on 36 perceptions under three domains: causes, impacts, and countermeasures. The influence of underlying factors, self-rated health status and current and childhood living environments, were explored by non-parametric statistical tests. Self-rated health status strongly influenced two causes (deforestation, releasing carbon dioxide), two countermeasures (responsibility to do something to tackle climate change, officials ignored the issue of climate change), and none for impacts. Childhood city-living strongly affected the perceptions of some climate-change causes. However, childhood living environments did not affect impacts and countermeasures. A typology of residents’ perception patterns was proposed. Respondents registered perception forte, especially for the common causes. Perception disconnection was detected for the linkage between two causes: resource consumption and fossil-fuel use. Perception deficit was shown for three causes: nitrous oxide release, methane emission, and urbanization. A strong collateral perception was found between the impacts of health-related issues and extreme weather. Perception discord was established between impacts on food production and agricultural pest problems. For countermeasures, the strongest perceptions were expressed for taking personal actions, changing behavior, and supporting the government. Such responses signified altruistic personal mitigation commitments and the manifestation of civic duties. The findings could inform the formulation of climate-change public policies and public education programs to nurture a climate-resilient city.-
dc.relation.ispartofClimate Services-
dc.subjectClimate change adaptation-
dc.subjectClimate-resilient city-
dc.subjectLiving environment-
dc.subjectPerception discord-
dc.subjectPerception forte-
dc.subjectSelf-rated health status-
dc.titleStrengths and gaps of climate change perceptions in the Beijing metropolis-
dc.identifier.spagearticle no. 100350-
dc.identifier.epagearticle no. 100350-

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