Humanities: Conference papers Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 1615
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Authentic Digital Assessment: Online Conversations
Proceeding/Conference:Half-Day Virtual Forum: Online T&L 2019-2020: The HKU Experience
Using a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in a Crisis
Proceeding/Conference:Teacher Experience Sharing Session, Chinese University of Hong Kong (via Zoom)
Pianist as action executer and observer: Fingering in musical communication
Proceeding/Conference:Who is the “I” that performs? Enacting Musical Identities Festival & Symposium
Analysing Wen's Proposal in Algebraic Semantics
Proceeding/Conference:Nation Conference on Modern Logic 2019
The Self-making of Hong Kong Identities: An Ethnography of Anthem Singing
Proceeding/Conference:Hong Kong Studies Symposium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Consuming the Nation: Food, Drink, and Diaspora in the American Missionary Memoir
Proceeding/Conference:Historians' Workshop 2nd Early Career Conference (Virtual Conference)
Plague, 'Pests', and the Natural World in Singapore and Malaya, c. 1890s to 1930s
Proceeding/Conference:Fourteenth Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies
Embodied Madrigals as Events: From the Renaissance, to the Renaissance of Performers as Interpreters
Proceeding/Conference:Music Pours over the Sense: Experimenting with Relationships between Body and Sound as a Transformative Practice Experimental Symposium
Ex-situ Verb Focusing And its Interpretation in Igbo
Proceeding/Conference:Stress-free Focus Workshop (SFW) 2019
[v] in Latin American Spanish: Contact, Bilingualism, or Language Internal Change?
Proceeding/Conference:The Language and Ecology Conference: Towards a Shared Narrative in Interdisciplinary Research 2019
Adjectives in Likpakpaln (Konkomba): Structural and areal typological aspects
Proceeding/Conference:Laboratory for the Languages and Cultures of Africa (LLACAN) Seminar
Green: How a General Motors locomotive came to represent a Hong Kong town
Proceeding/Conference:New Tracks in the History of Railways (NTIHOR) Conference
The Ice Plant Cometh: The Insular Cold Storage and Ice Plant, Livestock Health, and the Imperial Biodeterioration of American Manila, 1900-1941
Proceeding/Conference:Science, Technology, and Medicine Series, Centre for Humanities and Medicine, HKU
Livestock Production and Negotiating the Terrain of the Law in Nineteenth-Century Philippines
Proceeding/Conference:17th Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day Conference, 2019
Liberating Parasites: Biological Control in British Malaya
Proceeding/Conference:Department of History Research Workshop Series, HKU, 2020
Unexpected Sites, Unexpected Science: Forgotten Flows of Medical Thinking in East Asia, c. 1880s to 1910s
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (ICHSEA)
Mutual convergence between the Sinitic and Tai-Kadai languages in Southern China
Proceeding/Conference:The 29th Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
Typological variation across Sinitic in relation to its neighboring languages
Proceeding/Conference:The 10th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-10), 2018
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 1615