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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 861 to 880 of 1824
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
What Affects Trade Disputes
Proceeding/Conference:Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting
Applications of Functional Dynamic Factor Models
Proceeding/Conference:Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
On the modeling and forecasting of call center arrivals
Proceeding/Conference:Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference
Capturing the elusive poissonity in web traffic
Proceeding/Conference:Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's Annual International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, MASCOTS
Spatio-temporal modeling of traffic workload in a campus WLAN
Proceeding/Conference:ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Forecasting and dynamic updating of uncertain arrival rates to a call center
Proceeding/Conference:2007 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, SOLI
On scalable measurement-driven modeling of traffic demand in large WLANs
Proceeding/Conference:LANMAN 2007 - Proceedings of the 2007 15th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
Modeling client arrivals at access points in wireless campus-wide networks
Proceeding/Conference:14th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, LANMAN 2005
Evaluation of short-term traffic forecasting algorithms in wireless networks
Proceeding/Conference:2006 2nd Conference on Next Generation Internet Design and Engineering, NGI 2006
Short-term traffic forecasting in a campus-wide wireless network
Proceeding/Conference:IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC
Institutional substitution, affiliate contingency, and foreign affiliate performance
Proceeding/Conference:Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Role of Financial Statements in Reporting Financial Performance
Proceeding/Conference:Accounting & Finance / IASB Research Forum
Variation in foreign affiliate performance: a legitimacy perspective
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, ANZAM 2015
Interactions of Subnational Institutions: the effects on foreign subsidiary ownership structure
Proceeding/Conference:Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
Resolving paradoxes in Top Management Team dynamics: the role of CEO tertius Iungens orientation
Proceeding/Conference:Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
The influence of social exclusion on consumer preference for anthropomorphized brands
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, EMAC 2015
An empirical investigation of how interpersonal similarity influences customers' crowding perceptions in services contexts
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, EMAC 2015
Does workplace ostracism hurt service agents' value coproduction with customers? A differential sources and needs explanation
Proceeding/Conference:Annnual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, EMAC 2015
Customer live chat experience in an embodied virtual interaction
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Frontiers in Service Conference
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 861 to 880 of 1824