Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education: Conference papers Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 127
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
The role of interpersonal interactions in emotional regulation in medical student learning
Proceeding/Conference:Biennal Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning & Instruction, EARLI 2013
Structure and mobility of the glenohumeral joint
Proceeding/Conference:Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Technology triggers for caring: examining affect while learning to communicate bad news to patients
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA 2012
An analysis of the educational value of physical anatomy models
Proceeding/Conference:Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, APMEC 2012
Helping medical students deal with emotions in patient communication: Challenges and opportunities of e-learning in multicultural learning communities
Proceeding/Conference:Research Symposium of the Centre for Information Technology in Education, CITERS 2012
A case-study exploring the role of affect and culture in communicating bad news: technology triggers for problem based learning and practice
Proceeding/Conference:Simulation Summit of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, RCPSC 2011
Low-fidelity anatomy models and their educational value
Proceeding/Conference:Frontiers in Medical & Health Sciences Education Conference
Teacher Training Workshop: an effective way for Faculty development in Medical School
Proceeding/Conference:Frontiers in Medical & Health Sciences Education Conference
Can technology foster emotional regulation in medical students? An international case study approach
Proceeding/Conference:Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning & Instruction, EARLI 2012
Primacy of learning in introducing techology into PBL
Proceeding/Conference:Medical Education Conference for China Mainland, Taiwan & the Hong Kong Region
Researching disciplinary discourses: perspectives from applied linguistics and medical education in a second language context
Proceeding/Conference:1st Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, ALAPP 2011
Comparison of the educational and professional attainments in graduates from a traditional and a PBL curriculum
Proceeding/Conference:Frontiers in Health & Medical Sciences Education Conference
Interpreting evidence in clinical training: the language of likelihood in the diagnostic process.
Proceeding/Conference:Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine & Ethics, COMET 2011
The challenges of presenting the patient history in a second language context: evidence from clinical interlanguage
Proceeding/Conference:1st Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics & Professional Practice, ALAPP 2011
Communication in medical education: harnessing the power of the Internet
Proceeding/Conference:Frontiers in Medical & Health Sciences Education Conference
What else do medical graduate wish they had studied in medical school
Proceeding/Conference:Asian Pacific Medical Education Conference, APMEC 2010
The mother-tongue medical vocabulary of final-year medical students in an English-medium medical programme
Proceeding/Conference:Frontiers in Medical & Health Sciences Education Conference
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 127