Discovery - Top 10
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HKU Organizations
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 207
Title | Author(s) | Issue Date | |
Susana Chou and Macao Book:Between Talent and Virtue: Chinese Family Business and Women | 2013 | ||
Maritime Trade and Interactions between Zhejiang and Kyushu of Japan from Late Ming to Early Qing (In Chinese) Book:跨越海洋: 海上丝绸之路与世界文明进程国际学术论坛文选 (2011・中国・宁波) | 2012 | ||
Export Chinese Ceramics, Ilha da Veniaga, and the Sanchoao Island Book:Europe-China: intercultural encounters (16th-18th centuries) | 2012 | ||
Trade, Migration and Sojourning Community: Chinese Merchants in Melaka Book:Port cities and intercultural relations: 15th-18th centuries | 2012 | ||
Family Business and Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurs of the Western Pacific: A Historical Perspective Book:Journal of Sino-Foreign Relations History | 2013 | ||
Birmanie: Réformes et transition: Glasnost sans Perestroïka Book:Asie (2013-2014 ed.) | 2013 | ||
The Yuan and Ming periods Book:Chinese medicine and healing : an illustrated history | 2013 | ||
Bajpai, Girja Shankar Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Bebler, Ales Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Berendsen, Sir Carl August Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Bevan, Aneurin Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Bevin, Ernest Book:The The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Bohlen, Charles Eustis Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Bowles, Chester Bliss Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Bradley-Bohlen Mission to Korea Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Brainwashing Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Bridgeford, Sir William Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Chauvel, Jean Michel Henri Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
China lobby Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 | ||
Clubb, Oliver Edmund Book:The encyclopedia of the Korean War: a political, social, and military history | 2010 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 207