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Article: Variation of microphysics in wind bubbles: an alternative mechanism for explaining the rebrightenings in Gamma-ray burst afterglows

TitleVariation of microphysics in wind bubbles: an alternative mechanism for explaining the rebrightenings in Gamma-ray burst afterglows
KeywordsGamma rays: bursts
ISM: jets and outflows
Stars: mass loss
Issue Date2010
PublisherBlackwell Publishing Ltd. The Journal's web site is located at
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, v. 402 n. 1, p. 409-416 How to Cite?
AbstractConventionally, long Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are thought to be caused by the core collapses of massive stars. During the lifetime of a massive star, a stellar wind bubble environment should be produced. Furthermore, the microphysics shock parameters may vary along with the evolution of the fireball. Here, we investigate the variation of the microphysics shock parameters under the condition of wind bubble environment, and allow the microphysics shock parameters to be discontinuous at shocks in the ambient medium. It is found that our model can acceptably reproduce the rebrightenings observed in GRB afterglows, at least in some cases. The effects of various model parameters on rebrightenings are investigated. The rebrightenings observed in both the R-band and X-ray afterglow light curves of GRB 060206, GRB 070311 and GRB 071010A are reproduced in this model. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS.
Persistent Identifier
2023 Impact Factor: 4.7
2023 SCImago Journal Rankings: 1.621
ISI Accession Number ID
Funding AgencyGrant Number
Hong Kong Government701109
National Natural Science Foundation of China10625313
National Basic Research Programme of China2009CB824800
Funding Information:

We thank the anonymous referee for stimulating suggestions that lead to an overall improvement of this study. We also would like to thank Kinwah Wu, Z. G. Dai and X. Y. Wang for helpful suggestions and discussion. This research was supported by a 2009 GRF grant of Hong Kong Government (grants 701109), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 10625313) and the National Basic Research Programme of China (973 Programme 2009CB824800).



DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorKong, SWen_HK
dc.contributor.authorWong, AYLen_HK
dc.contributor.authorHuang, YFen_HK
dc.contributor.authorCheng, KSen_HK
dc.identifier.citationMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, v. 402 n. 1, p. 409-416en_HK
dc.description.abstractConventionally, long Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are thought to be caused by the core collapses of massive stars. During the lifetime of a massive star, a stellar wind bubble environment should be produced. Furthermore, the microphysics shock parameters may vary along with the evolution of the fireball. Here, we investigate the variation of the microphysics shock parameters under the condition of wind bubble environment, and allow the microphysics shock parameters to be discontinuous at shocks in the ambient medium. It is found that our model can acceptably reproduce the rebrightenings observed in GRB afterglows, at least in some cases. The effects of various model parameters on rebrightenings are investigated. The rebrightenings observed in both the R-band and X-ray afterglow light curves of GRB 060206, GRB 070311 and GRB 071010A are reproduced in this model. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS.en_HK
dc.publisherBlackwell Publishing Ltd. The Journal's web site is located at
dc.relation.ispartofMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societyen_HK
dc.rightsThis is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, v. 402 n. 1, p. 409-416, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.-
dc.subjectGamma rays: burstsen_HK
dc.subjectISM: jets and outflowsen_HK
dc.subjectStars: mass lossen_HK
dc.titleVariation of microphysics in wind bubbles: an alternative mechanism for explaining the rebrightenings in Gamma-ray burst afterglowsen_HK
dc.identifier.emailCheng, KS: hrspksc@hkucc.hku.hken_HK
dc.identifier.authorityCheng, KS=rp00675en_HK
dc.publisher.placeUnited Kingdomen_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridKong, SW=35112235700en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridWong, AYL=20437073100en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridHuang, YF=7501574835en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridCheng, KS=9745798500en_HK

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