Browsing by Grant Type university research committee / committee on research and conference grants - general award

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 42  next >
StatusProject CodeProject TitleAmountFunding Year
N/ARegulation of plasminogen activator production and steroidogenesis by rat granulosa cells395001987
N/AGenetics of chronic granulomatous disease1260001995
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/AProthrombotic and fibrinolytic factors in diabetic nephropathy1360001995
Professor Janus Edward Denis
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/AThe social causes of juvenile crime1358801993
Dr Traver Harold Henry
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/APrivacy attitude in Hong Kong690001992
Dr Traver Harold Henry
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/AThe effect of carbimazole on thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin in Graves' Disease30001984
N/ARepresentativeness of the Hong Kong senior civil service221651987
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/AEndocrine sequalae of childhood tuberculous meningitis850001989
N/AGene expression of hypothalamic releasing hormones1197001992
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/AEvaluation of telephone surveys in Hong Kong22401990
Principal Investigator
N/APlasma lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] in patients with diabetes mellitus and thyroid dysfunction925901993
Professor Janus Edward Denis
Professor Tam Sidney
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/AA survey to establish reference ranges of serum immunoglobulins G, A, M and E; immunoglobulin G subclassess 1,2,3 and 4 in children aged 0-16 years500001988
Principal Investigator
N/ARegulation of plasminogen activator production and steroidogenesis by rat granulosa cells400001987
N/ARegulation and function of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the rat anterior pituitary400001989
N/ADemographic and criterion-related studies of giftedness and creativity in Hong Kong schools779401993
Dr Shek Daniel T.L.
Mrs Ku-Yu
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/AMolecular genetics of diabetic retinopathy850001997
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/ARegulation of plasminogen activator production and steroidogenesis by rat granulosa cells100001982
N/AThe effect of carbimazole on thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin in Graves' Disease60001982
N/ATo define mutations and/or promoter polymorphism of mannose binding lectin (MBL) gene in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)1050001997
Principal Investigator (PI)
N/ARepresentativeness of the Hong Kong senior civil service15451990
Principal Investigator (PI)