Faculty of Engineering

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General Information
Faculty of Engineering  
3917 2803
2546 9142 
Key People
3917 2800

Associate Dean
2859 8025

Associate Dean
2219 4778

Associate Dean
2859 2172

Associate Dean
3917 7900

Associate Dean
2859 1973

Associate Dean
2859 1964

Associate Dean
3917 8493

Faculty Secretary
Mr Tsang, WK
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RP - Teaching List, Current
2018 S1CIVL21041GHydraulics and Hydrology
Jayawardena, Amithirigala Widhanelage
2019 S2ELEC66042ANeural networks, fuzzy systems and genetic algorithms
2023 S1CIVL21021BEngineering Geology and Rock Mechanics
2022 S1CIVL21061ISoil Mechanics
2023 S2COMP71062CBig data management
2020 S2IMSE21352AMathematical Optimization
2021 S1BMED46021AMolecular and cellular biomechanics
2019 S1IMSE41221AGlobal logistics systems
2020 S2COMP23962BObject-oriented programming and Java
2022 S2COMP32702BArtificial intelligence
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