Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School)

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
chau, pyk 149
chang, ec 131
wong, kp 125
biddle, gc 123
fang, yulin 122
zhou, kz 120
chen, z 108
hui, c 102
enright, mj 95
tao, z 94
ng, twh 93
lin, c 92
bose, i 89
lowry, paul benjamin 84
chau, m 81
lam, ssk 79
chau, mcl 74
huang, s 68
lin, tc 67
qiu, ld 67
wong, ryc 64
hsu, bfc 63
michaely, roni 63
song, fm 62
feldman, dc 54
shen, h 53
hau, td 52
liu, q 52
wang, y 52
shen, haipeng 51
farhoomand, af 49
kim, s 49
lau, ahl 48
xiao, g 48
chen, h 45
suen, w 45
lee, c 44
yuen, cw 44
lau, hs 43
meng, r 43
arner, dw 41
zou, h 39
jiang, zhenhui 38
zhang, je 37
tse, dkc 36
yen, bp 36
chen, x 34
lumineau, fabrice 32
tse, dk 32
gorn, gj 31
chan, cmk 30
chan, w 30
luo, y 30
tse, cy 30
lu, y 29
chen, h 28
ng, jeffrey 28
siu, akf 28
szentes, balázs 28
broll, u 27
cai, hongbin 27
chu, junhong 27
tang, y 27
chan, awh 26
cheng, bh 26
huang, zt 26
li, h 26
tang, dy 26
yen, bpc 26
du, j 25
fung, kc 25
li, x 25
liu, j 25
lu, y 25
zhu, xiaodong 25
ching, s 24
kung, james kai sing 24
wang, z 24
yim, bck 24
buehlmaier, m 23
kauffman, rj 22
ma, l 22
razin, a 22
schönberg, uta 22
suen, wc 22
wan, ew 22
wan, we 22
yan, h 22
zheng, y 22
jia, hm 21
jiang, y 21
tang, yi 21
zhou, y 21
bai, c 20
he, guojun 20
lim, kai h. 20
ou-yang, h 20
schaubroeck, j 20
xu, j 20
zhang, j 20
jiang, k 19
li, jj 19
o'connor, ng 19
hsu, p 18
lau, shp 18
levine, r 18
li, s 18
li, y 18
luo, y 18
phan, tuan q. 18
zhang, y 18
zhou, w 18
chan, kw 17
farhoomand, a 17
kathuria, a 17
ma, x 17
park, cw 17
payne, tr 17
wang, l 17
wang, m 17
zhou, x 17
chan, k 16
guo, d 16
iizaka, h 16
leung, acm 16
li, huifang 16
lou, d 16
lowry, pb 16
lu, j 16
makino, s 16
qian, wenlan 16
roberts, tom l. 16
song, f 16
weinberg, cb 16
yen, b 16
zhang, guochang 16
bai, ce 15
celly, n 15
chen, zhiwu 15
dustmann, christian 15
fang, eric 15
li, tianyi 15
lin, chen 15
liu, q 15
luo, x 15
ma, y 15
vere, jp 15
wang, x 15
westland, jc 15
zhao, h 15
cai, zhanrui 14
chan, cm 14
chau, michael 14
fong, yuk fai 14
gu, l 14
hu, pjh 14
huang, jianhua z. 14
jiang, zhenhui jack 14
li, j 14
poppo, l 14
pretorius, fih 14
sheng, s 14
tang, heiwai 14
tjosvold, d 14
wang, d 14
wang, s 14
wong, gyy 14
chatrath, a 13
drury, dh 13
huang, y 13
isobe, t 13
lin, z 13
pinegar, mj 13
scott, ee 13
siu, a 13
wang, x 13
wong, ycr 13
yang, l 13
zhang, j 13
zhang, xiaowei 13
zhou, n 13
agarwal, sumit 12
benbasat, izak 12
chan, dkw 12
chiu, ys 12
dahl, dw 12
du, j 12
fang, x 12
hsu, ph 12
hui, kai wai 12
law, ks 12
li, t 12
li, x 12
lin, m 12
ma, c 12
pan, y 12
qi, r 12
qiao, xinghao 12
ren, j 12
wan, zhixi 12
wang, c 12
wang, j 12
wang, t 12
wang, weichen 12
wong, sc 12
xie, w 12
xu, d 12
yu, y 12
zhang, y 12
zhou, yp 12
bao, z 11
bhattacharya, prasanta 11
chen, c 11
cheung, hy 11
gao, pingyang 11
huang, xi 11
li, zhepeng 11
liu, t. j. 11
liu, xuewen 11
lo, p 11
pantano, juan 11
qureshi, israr 11
schmid, t 11
sin, rg 11
wang, w 11
wong, sml 11
yu, p 11
zeng, d 11
zhang, x 11
arner, d 10
chen, t 10
cheng, q 10
ding, c 10
firth, m 10
han, j 10
hsu, y 10
huang, m 10
jiang, l 10
lam, w 10
lejot, pl 10
li, xi 10
li, z 10
nie, j 10
pal, r 10
sadka, e 10
tang, y 10
wang, d 10
wang, j 10
wang, sq 10
wang, youwei 10
yang, h 10
yi, cheng 10
butts, mm 9
chan, i 9
chan, lhl 9
chau, kw 9
chellappa, rk 9
chen, z 9
cheng, jw 9
choi, ben c.f. 9
fan, jianqing 9
gao, gy 9
gong, jie 9
jia, sj 9
kang, q 9
khuntia, j 9
li, d 9
li, j 9
li, l 9
li, w 9
liang, liang 9
liu, l 9
liu, s 9
liu, x 9
liu, y 9
lu, x 9
luo, shuqing 9
ma, chicheng 9
newton, j 9
ouyang, k 9
pinegar, jm 9
qin, j 9
ramsey, elaine 9
rondon, o. a. 9
sinclair, aj 9
sorensen, kl 9
su, c 9
venkata subban, s 9
wang, l 9
wei, l 9
welzel, p 9
whited, tm 9
wright, rp 9
yang, cc 9
yip, psf 9
young, er 9
yu, l 9
zou, yinuo 9
bao, y 8
button-shafer, j. 8
chattopadhyay, a 8
chen, haoyang 8
chen, y 8
cheng, bonnie hayden 8
chintagunta, pradeep k. 8
cloutier, jasmin 8
court, g. 8
dutz, h. 8
fang, y 8
goh, khim yong 8
graen, gb 8
gu, ff 8
hu, yj 8
huang, difang 8
hwang, bh 8
jin, l 8
joo, jh 8
kim, bk 8
leung, cky 8
leung, ff 8
li, hao 8
li, hui 8
lin, p 8
man, dck 8
marron, j. s. 8
mccarthy, j. 8
meyer, w. 8
michaely, r 8
mitchell, j. 8
palmatier, robert w. 8
rijllart, a. 8
saldanha, t 8
shi, l 8
sick, i. 8
stice, de 8
stice, derrald 8
sun, heshan 8
truong, yk 8
wang, jc 8
wang, sh 8
wang, yongjun 8
wong, kf 8
wong, pwc 8
wong, rmk 8
wu, c 8
wu, f 8
xiong, y 8
yang, x 8
yim, ck 8
zhang, c 8
zhang, dongsong 8
zhang, j 8
zhang, jian 8
zhang, q 8
zhang, yixiang 8
zhao, h 8
zhao, sx 8
zhao, x 8
zhou, lingrui 8
zhou, maigeng 8
zhou, zhongyun 8
abe, k. 7
akagi, t. 7
anthony, p. l. 7
antonov, r. 7
arnold, r. g. 7
averett, t. 7
baker, rr 7
band, h. r. 7
barth, jr 7
bauer, j. m. 7
borel, h. 7
bosted, p. e. 7
breton, v. 7
carverhill, ap 7
chan, cwh 7
chan, dk 7
chen, c 7
chen, hailiang 7
chen, j. p. 7
chen, rp 7
chen, ty 7
chupp, t. e. 7
clendenin, j. 7
coulter, k. p. 7
crabb, d. 7
damiano, e 7
daoudi, m. 7
day, d. 7
dietrich, f. s. 7
ding, y 7
drury, d 7
du, f 7
dunne, j. 7
erbacher, r. 7
fan, maoyong 7
fellbaum, j. 7
feltham, a. 7
fonvieille, h. 7
frlez, e. 7
garvey, d. 7
gearhart, r. 7
gomez, j. 7
gorn, gj 7
grenier, p. 7
griffioen, k. a. 7
hansen, james v. 7
hoibraten, s. 7
houston, jf 7
hsu, dy 7
hughes, e. w. 7
ji, ruijun 7
jia, j 7
jin, xiao ling 7
johnson, j. r. 7
johnstone, s 7
kawall, d. 7
klein, a. 7
kuhn, s. e. 7
kuriki, m. 7
lau, sh 7
lee, hh 7
lee, i 7
li, c 7
li, runze 7
liang, ys 7
lindgren, r. 7
liu, gaifen 7
liu, t 7
liu, x 7
lombard-nelsen, r. m. 7
marroncle, j. 7
martin, x 7
maruyama, t. 7
maruyama, x. k. 7
mccole, patrick 7
meziani, z. e. 7
minehart, r. 7
morgenstern, j. 7
neufeld, derrick j. 7
nunamaker, jay f. 7
ouyang, jing 7
park, cw 7
park, wy 7
peng, k 7
petratos, g. g. 7
phan, tuan quang 7
pitthan, r. 7
pocanic, d. 7
posey, clay 7
prepost, r. 7
prescott, c. 7
raines, p. 7
reyna, d. 7
roblin, y. 7
rochester, l. s. 7
rock, s. e. 7
she, guoman 7
smith, l. c. 7
smith, t. b. 7
spengos, m. 7
staley, f. 7
steiner, p. 7
stone, r 7
stuart, l. m. 7
suekane, f. 7
sun, yongqiang 7
szalata, z. m. 7
tam, ky 7
tang, h. 7
terrien, y. 7
tian, f 7
tse, ch 7
tse, mks 7
usher, t. 7
walz, d. 7
wang, h 7
xu, gongjun 7
xu, jj 7
xuan, y 7
yang, z 7
yim, fhk 7
zhang, h 7
zhang, l 7
zhang, x 7
zheng, l 7
zheng, l 7
zheng, w 7
zhong, z 7
agarwal, s 6
agrawal, n 6
bai, ying 6
bhattarai, s 6
bowen, rm 6
cao, j 6
chen, g 6
chen, h 6
chen, zx 6
cheng, b 6
cheng, lk 6
cheng, r 6
choi, jh 6
chong, a 6
comptour, c. 6
fu, kw 6
grullon, gustavo 6
guo, naijia 6
guo, shaojun 6
he, g 6
he, wei 6
hu, pj 6
huang, g 6
hui, kw 6
hung, k 6
hyde-wright, c. 6
jin, y 6
kim, sara 6
kim, y 6
lee, jw 6
lee, s 6
lei, xiao 6
li, bingjing 6
li, d 6
li, f 6
li, x 6
liu, y 6
lu, yi 6
lucianetti, l 6
lui, hk 6
luo, y 6
maurer, ta 6
mccarthy, jm 6
moody, gregory d. 6
ng, wai hung thomas 6
ni, j 6
ouyang, h 6
pu, l 6
pursiainen, v 6
raue, b. 6
schriesheim, ca 6
sheng, alt 6
shim, s 6
tai, m 6
tang, y 6
taylor, mp 6
tey, kian siong 6
tu, z 6
vance, anthony 6
wallace, js 6
wang, yanbo 6
wang, yilong 6
wei, kwok kee 6
white, j. l. 6
wong, cyp 6
wu, y 6
xie, e 6
xu, c 6
xu, y 6
xu, z 6
yang, y 6
young, e 6
yu, jie 6
zechner, j 6
zhang, h 6
zhang, k 6
zhang, m 6
zhang, t 6
zhang, w 6
zhao, jl 6
altinkemer, k 5
anderson, bonnie brinton 5
bai, y 5
bakshi, gurdip s. 5
bernhardt, d 5
brav, alon 5
cao, c 5
chan, f 5
chan, k 5
chan, w 5
chantasasawat, b 5
chen, d 5
chen, guoli 5
chen, huaping 5
chen, nf 5
chen, w 5
chen, yangyang 5
cheng, j 5
chiu, syw 5
chow, kw 5
christopher westland, j 5
dang, ci 5
deng, b 5
deng, yipu 5
fry, jd 5
fung, slk 5
gao, h 5
gao, y 5
glynn, peter w. 5
gu, tt 5
guan, y 5
han, m 5
ho, hw 5
hu, j 5
hu, n 5
huang, j 5
huang, l 5
huang, x 5
huang, z 5
ikenberry, d 5
jin, jl 5
karhade, prasanna 5
kim, jb 5
lai, s 5
lee, h 5
li, g 5
li, j 5
li, jing 5
li, n 5
li, tmh 5
li, xu 5
lin, c 5
lin, tse-chun 5
liu, h 5
liu, pw 5
liu, z 5
loo, bpy 5
lovelock, p 5
luk, yf 5
lumineau, fep 5
luo, d 5
luo, s 5
ma, lz 5
ma, zhiming 5
miyamoto, wataru 5
ng, psp 5
ng, tyj 5
oliveira, nuno 5
pan, yuesong 5
papadopouli, maria 5
park, e 5
park, s 5
phan, tq 5
polk, c 5
pursiainen, vp 5
ramchander, s 5
reuer, jj 5
romano, nicholas c. 5
schilke, oliver 5
schroeder, andreas 5
shan, c 5
shaw, michael j. 5
shi, w 5
shu, c 5
sternthal, b 5
subramanyam, ramanath 5
sun, chang 5
sun, h 5
tse, ksm 5
vogel, doug 5
wan, zeying 5
wang, f 5
wang, pengfei 5
wang, z 5
witte, k. 5
wu, cw 5
wu, x 5
wu, y 5
xiang, h 5
yang, s 5
yao, d 5
yi, l 5
yim, ckb 5
young, c. c. 5
youngman, b. 5
yu, m 5
yu, ping 5
yueshen, bz 5
zhang, g 5
zhang, s 5
zhang, xiaojie 5
zhao, j 5
zhou, j 5
zhou, kevin zheng 5
zhou, li an 5
zhou, m 5
zhou, x 5
zhu, j 5
zhu, weiming 5
zihlmann, b. 5
zou, shaoming 5
adams, m 4
adams, mb 4
amaldoss, w 4
amir, e 4
andrade rojas, mg 4
au, akk 4
bakshi, g 4
bao, x 4
baskin, ernest 4
bavolar, jozef 4
beamish, paul w. 4
berg, sv 4
bernardo, antonio e. 4
brandt, loren 4
brown, jr 4
cai, h 4
cao, jingcun 4
chan, hock chuan 4
chang, e 4
chau, patrick yk 4
chen, ax 4
chen, f 4
chen, muzi 4
chen, shuo 4
chen, wenjie 4
chen, yuyu 4
cheng, hk 4
ching, stf 4
chu, lk 4
cook, wade d. 4
dang, chu ivy 4
day, martin v. 4
defond, ml 4
dev, cs 4
dietl, erik 4
dong, y 4
dreber, anna 4
driessen, j 4
du, jl 4
eby, lt 4
ellis, katrina 4
evans, kenneth r. 4
fan, h 4
fu, xiaolan 4
galletta, dennis f. 4
gans, n 4
gao, x 4
ge, l 4
george, g 4
goldberg, me 4
graf-vlachy, lorenz 4
graham, john r. 4
hackbarth, d 4
hafenbrädl, sebastian 4
han, j 4
hao, yu 4
hartanto, andree 4
hilary, g 4
hong, l. jeff 4
hong, lj 4
hou, k 4
hsu, b 4
hu, d 4
hu, x 4
hu, y 4
james, gareth m. 4
jiang, w 4
johannesson, magnus 4
kao, b 4
karhade, prasanna p. 4
keith, mark j. 4
keller, lucas 4
kim, j 4
kim, m 4
kombeiz, olga 4
kubota, jennifer t. 4
kung, james kaising 4
kwan, alan 4
kwan, hk 4
lai, s 4
lai, scs 4
lee, j 4
lee, mihee 4
lee, typ 4
lei, y 4
lejot, p 4
lejot, pl 4
leung, wsc 4
li, cb 4
li, jiatao 4
li, k 4
li, mh 4
li, q 4
li, wanghong 4
lien, d 4
lin, cy 4
lin, zhengzheng 4
liu sheng, or 4
liu, b 4
liu, n 4
liu, tong 4
liu, xd 4
lo, awy 4
lorant, s. st 4
lu, xuesong 4
lumineau, f 4
luo, jiang 4
ma, ml 4
ma, mlz 4
ma, z 4
man, dc 4
man, p 4
martin, rk 4
martončik, marcel 4
mcgill, al 4
mo, pll 4
moody, gd 4
moody, greg 4
mui, vl 4
neufeld, derrick 4
nguyen, thuy lan 4
nilsonne, gustav 4
o'bryan, d 4
o'hara, m 4
officer, ms 4
pan, yuhang 4
park, s 4
parker, sk 4
paruzel-czachura, mariola 4
petty, rm 4
pfeiffer, thomas 4
qiu, c 4
qiu, z 4
ravichandran, r 4
ropovik, ivan 4
roussinov, d 4
rucker, dd 4
saudagaran, sm 4
schaerer, michael 4
sengupta, j 4
seow, g 4
shen, h 4
sheng, orl 4
shu, j 4
sing, tien foo 4
song, y 4
stice, d 4
stice, h 4
su, d 4
su, l 4
subramanian, v 4
summers, scott l. 4
sun, z 4
sung, wk 4
tan, bernard c.y. 4
tan, tianhui 4
tan, w 4
tan, y 4
tian, w 4
tierney, warren 4
tse, ks 4
tso, ps 4
uhlmann, eric luis 4
vandenberg, rj 4
verdin, p 4
viganola, domenico 4
wan, g 4
wan, q 4
wang, b 4
wang, dt 4
wang, penglian 4
wang, r 4
wang, t 4
wang, weiping 4
wang, y 4
wei, x 4
woike, jan k. 4
womack, kent l. 4
wong, a 4
wong, acp 4
wong, yc 4
wu, brian 4
wu, yanhui 4
xiao, j 4
xiao, jz 4
xu, h 4
xu, p 4
xu, r 4
xu, y 4
yan, shipeng 4
yang, d 4
yang, d 4
yang, s. alex 4
yang, xin 4
yang, yc 4
yeung, p. eric 4
yim, ck(b) 4
yin, p 4
yu, j 4
yuan, r 4
yue, yanzhen 4
yuta, h. 4
zapalac, g. 4
zeng, b 4
zeng, jicheng 4
zhang, j 4
zhang, n 4
zhang, ys 4
zhang, z 4
zheng, jinyang 4
zhou, jingmei 4
zhou, lina 4
zhou, t 4
zhou, x 4
zhu, h 4
zimmermann, d. 4
zou, h 4
abraham, ajay t. 3
adamkovic, matus 3
ahlstrom, d 3
ahn, m 3
airoldi, edoardo m. 3
an, jiafu 3
andrade rojas, mgg 3
babb, jeffry s. 3
bae, jh 3
bai, t 3
baker, bradley j. 3
bakshi, gurdip 3
banerjee, s 3
baník, gabriel 3
bao, j 3
bao, zhengyang 3
barlow, jordan b. 3
batra, r 3
bauman, christopher w. 3
beil, damian r. 3
benhabib, jess 3
bennett, rebecca j. 3
berkers, ruud m.w.j. 3
blanchet, jose 3
booth, cd 3
bowen, r 3
brenner, m 3
brockman, p 3
brown, stephanie e.v. 3
buu, anne 3
caldentey, r 3
cao, charles 3
chan, j 3
chan, m 3
chau, p 3
che, y 3
chen, bin 3
chen, br 3
chen, ch 3
chen, cheng 3
chen, heng 3
chen, kcw 3
chen, l 3
chen, ningyuan 3
chen, peter f. 3
chen, s 3
chen, shiqin 3
chen, wenhui 3
chen, xp 3
cheung, pk 3
chiu, pc 3
cho, yuna 3
chou, ey 3
clemente, elena giulia 3
cornelissen, thomas 3
correll, joshua 3
cui, x 3
cummins, jamie 3
curtis, aaron 3
cutright, keisha 3
cuypers, yk 3
czech, r 3
da roza, am 3
dai, l 3
dang, tv 3
dasgupta, s 3
dawson, ian g.j. 3
de, p 3
delios, andrew 3
dollar, david 3
domurat, artur 3
du plessis, christilene 3
du, k 3
duffy, vg 3
e, feiyu 3
ebersole, charles r. 3
elsherif, mahmoud m. 3
eun, cs 3
fan, w 3
fang, hanming 3
fang, xiao 3
fernandes, ana p. 3
firat, mustafa 3
fong, yf 3
fréchet, marc 3
garciaherrero, a 3
gaskin, james eric 3
gathmann, christina 3
georgiadis, george 3
ghasemi, omid 3
giboney, justin scott 3
goh, beng wee 3
goldberg, matthew h. 3
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
china 55
corporate governance 30
hong kong 30
innovation 29
business and economics 18
competition 18
social media 18
trust 18
performance 17
e-commerce 16
mergers and acquisitions 16
risk management 14
uncertainty 14
earnings management 13
supply chain management 13
firm performance 12
foreign direct investment 12
machine learning 12
outsourcing 12
productivity 12
audit quality 11
emerging markets 11
firm value 11
information asymmetry 11
liquidity 11
political connections 11
asset pricing 10
corruption 10
culture 10
human capital 10
investment 10
market efficiency 10
motivation 10
fdi 9
finance 9
financial crisis 9
game theory 9
information sharing 9
information technology 9
learning 9
meta-analysis 9
ownership 9
pricing 9
reputation 9
social influence 9
asymmetric information 8
banking 8
banks 8
corporate social responsibility 8
decision making 8
disclosure 8
economics 8
electronic commerce 8
executive compensation 8
incentives 8
information quality 8
institutions 8
monitoring 8
moral hazard 8
resource-based view 8
return predictability 8
risk aversion 8
transitional economy 8
advertising 7
capital structure 7
clustering 7
collaboration 7
communication 7
contracts 7
control 7
decentralization 7
epidemiology 7
financial development 7
hedging 7
hikikomori 7
humans 7
income 7
information 7
international financial center 7
internet 7
optimization 7
organizational learning 7
privacy 7
private firms 7
psychopathology 7
r&d 7
regulation 7
risk sharing 7
severe social withdrawal behavior 7
signaling 7
social communication 7
social networks 7
supply chain 7
unemployment 7
valuation 7
youth social issues 7
bargaining 6
commitment 6
confucianism 6
consumer behavior 6
coping 6
credibility 6
customer participation 6
data mining 6
design science 6
dispute resolution 6
e-business 6
education 6
efficiency 6
emergency department 6
emotions 6
endogeneity 6
entrepreneurship 6
firm heterogeneity 6
forecasting 6
governance 6
healthcare 6
information acquisition 6
measurement 6
mechanism design 6
organizational change 6
price 6
real effects 6
service quality 6
social network 6
social network analysis 6
stock returns 6
transaction costs 6
venture capital 6
vertical integration 6
volatility 6
welfare 6
accruals 5
adult 5
agency problems 5
ambiguity aversion 5
asia 5
audit fees 5
bank loans 5
big data 5
biophysical process 5
blogs 5
bootstrap 5
chinese 5
conservatism 5
corporate innovation 5
cost of waiting 5
credit risk 5
crowdfunding 5
crowdsourcing 5
decision support systems 5
delay announcement 5
dimension reduction 5
distrust 5
economic systems and theories, economic history 5
emerging economies 5
empirical analysis 5
event study 5
export 5
female 5
field experiment 5
financial regulation 5
foreign exchange 5
g14 5
globalization 5
health 5
individualism 5
information flow 5
institutional theory 5
international diversification 5
international joint ventures 5
job performance 5
job satisfaction 5
knowledge 5
land auction 5
landsat 5
leader-member exchange 5
limited attention 5
litigation risk 5
male 5
managerial incentives 5
market responses 5
market valuation 5
marketing 5
modis 5
multinational corporations 5
multinationals 5
ndvi 5
offshoring 5
ownership structure 5
patents 5
personalization 5
platform governance 5
price signals 5
property rights 5
property rights protection 5
quality 5
queueing behavior 5
queueing network coordination 5
radiative forcing 5
reciprocity 5
risk 5
satisfaction 5
social presence 5
surface albedo 5
text analysis 5
textual analysis 5
total factor productivity 5
trade credit 5
trade liberalization 5
transformational leadership 5
urban environment 5
user-generated content 5
voluntary disclosure 5
absorptive capacity 4
accessibility 4
acquisitions 4
agency theory 4
anonymity 4
anthropomorphism 4
artificial intelligence 4
b-spline 4
bankruptcy 4
blackmail 4
bonds 4
capital investment 4
capital investment efficiency 4
case study 4
cash holdings 4
cheap talk 4
chinese firms 4
classification 4
conflict 4
consumption 4
contract design 4
contracting 4
coordination 4
corporate governance -- law and legislation -- china -- hong kong 4
corporate investment 4
corporate performance 4
correlation 4
cost of capital 4
covid-19 4
creativity 4
cross-listing 4
customer satisfaction 4
data uncertainty 4
debt 4
demand uncertainty 4
developing countries 4
development 4
discrete choice 4
diversity 4
dynamic pricing 4
e-learning 4
emotional distress 4
empirical study 4
employment 4
exchange rates 4
expectations 4
exports 4
extortion 4
f23 4
fertility 4
financial institutions -- law and legislation -- china -- hong kong 4
financial reporting quality 4
financial services industry -- china -- hong kong 4
financial services industry -- law and legislation -- china -- hong kong 4
fintech 4
firm behavior 4
forward contract 4
functional regression 4
futures 4
garch model 4
gender 4
global financial crisis 4
household finance 4
information production 4
information retrieval 4
information systems 4
insider trading 4
institutional development 4
institutional ownership 4
international trade 4
inventory 4
investor attention 4
knowledge management 4
knowledge transfer 4
knowledge-based view 4
labor supply 4
leadership 4
legal reform 4
lehman brothers 4
literature review 4
lottery 4
management 4
market premium 4
microblogging 4
migration 4
monetary policy 4
monopoly 4
multinational firms 4
new product development 4
online learning 4
online shopping 4
opportunism 4
overconfidence 4
pattern recognition 4
payout policy 4
perception 4
performance evaluation 4
personality 4
perspective taking 4
pollution 4
power 4
pre-sale 4
price volatility 4
psychological contract 4
psychological tests 4
regression discontinuity 4
regulatory structure 4
reviews 4
second life 4
securities -- china -- hong kong 4
segmentation 4
self-efficacy 4
service 4
sharing economy 4
simulation 4
social capital 4
status 4
stock market 4
stock trading 4
stock valuation 4
structural change 4
sustainability 4
team performance 4
technology 4
technology adoption 4
term structure 4
transportation 4
turnover 4
two-sided markets 4
value creation 4
variance risk premium 4
web site design 4
work stress 4
3d virtual environments 3
52-week high 3
accounting 3
accounting conservatism 3
accounting standards 3
acquisition 3
affect analysis 3
age 3
agency problem 3
algorithms 3
alternative fuel vehicles 3
analysts 3
asia's financial markets 3
attention 3
attitude and intention 3
attitudes 3
attribution theory 3
auction 3
auctions 3
awareness 3
bank lending 3
bank regulation 3
bankruptcy risk 3
behavioral trading needs 3
bidding outcome 3
blue ocean strategy 3
boards 3
bone tissue engineering 3
bureaucrats 3
business performance 3
capabilities 3
carbonated hydroxyapatite 3
case studies 3
censored quantile regression 3
ceo turnover 3
channel choice 3
clan 3
collaborative online shopping 3
collective intelligence 3
collectivism 3
comovement 3
compensation clawback 3
competition (economics) 3
competitive environment 3
competitor orientation 3
complementarity 3
composite microsphere 3
computer science 3
conditional conservatism 3
conflict of interest 3
congestion 3
congestion pricing 3
constructivist learning 3
contagion 3
continuance intention 3
contract 3
contract enforcement 3
corporate boards 3
corporate governance index 3
corporate governance mechanisms 3
corporate governance premium 3
corporate strategy 3
counterproductive work behavior 3
credit cards 3
customer loyalty 3
customer orientation 3
customer service 3
customization 3
d&o liability insurance 3
d82 3
data-snooping bias 3
deductible 3
default risk 3
depression 3
digital game-based learning 3
discretionary accruals 3
diversification 3
dominant retailer 3
double moral hazard 3
dynamic capabilities 3
earnings 3
earnings forecasts 3
earnings quality 3
economic situation and conditions 3
economic situation and conditions business and economics 3
electronic data interchange 3
emerging economy 3
emotion 3
empire building 3
environmental sustainability 3
equity risk premium 3
ethical leadership 3
export entry and exit 3
exporter heterogeneity 3
externalities 3
f10 3
factor models 3
fdi impacts 3
financial analysts 3
financial constraints 3
financial history 3
financial inclusion 3
financial intermediaries 3
financial performance 3
financial regulatory structure 3
financial reporting 3
financial sector 3
financial stability 3
financial technology 3
firm size 3
fixed rate loans 3
foreign affiliates 3
g11 3
g15 3
g34 3
gaming 3
generalized approximate cross-validation 3
geography of finance 3
global investment banks 3
global value chains 3
going out 3
government 3
government intervention 3
government subsidy 3
guanxi 3
g指标 3
headquarters relocation 3
herding effect 3
hypothesis testing 3
identification 3
identity 3
idiosyncratic deals 3
ifrs adoption 3
imitation 3
impression management 3
income inequality 3
income smoothing 3
incomplete contracts 3
india 3
industrial agglomeration 3
information and communications technology 3
information environment 3
information hinterland 3
information processing 3
information security 3
initial public offerings 3
innovative behavior 3
institutional change 3
institutional investors 3
insurance 3
international law firms 3
internet censorship 3
interpersonal relations 3
intrinsic motivation 3
investor inattention 3
is evaluation 3
item response theory 3
land development 3
language use 3
legal liability 3
legitimacy 3
leverage 3
limited liability 3
liquidity constraints 3
localization 3
lockdown 3
logistic regression 3
longitudinal study 3
management forecast 3
managerial learning 3
marginal treatment effects 3
market competition 3
market for corporate control 3
market orientation 3
market sentiments 3
market uncertainty 3
mental health literacy 3
mispricing 3
mnl model 3
modeling 3
modular construction 3
modular integrated construction 3
multinational enterprise 3
multinominal logit model 3
mutual funds 3
nanoparticle 3
national culture 3
natural experiments 3
newsvendor product 3
nonparametric estimation 3
online markets 3
online social network 3
online social networks 3
online word-of-mouth 3
opinion summarization 3
option 3
option pricing 3
options 3
organizational behavior 3
organizational citizenship behavior 3
organizational commitment 3
organizational culture 3
organizational innovation 3
outcome-based learning 3
p2p lending 3
pandemics 3
party membership 3
patent 3
performance-based compensation 3
persistence 3
persuasion 3
piracy 3
political connection 3
poly(l-lactide) 3
population growth 3
portfolio management 3
posting intensity 3
power distance 3
predictability 3
price discrimination 3
price informativeness 3
principal component analysis 3
principal-agent 3
private equity 3
proactive behavior 3
procurement 3
product innovation 3
product returns 3
profitability 3
prosocial behavior 3
prospect theory 3
psychological contracts 3
public health 3
public light bus 3
public policy 3
purchase intention 3
purchasing 3
quantitative orientation 3
quasi-experiment 3
rank data 3
rank data reliability 3
real options 3
regulatory focus 3
relational contracts 3
relational exchange theory 3
relational governance 3
relative performance 3
reliability 3
reorganization 3
research methods 3
rfid 3
risk factor 3
risk taking 3
robustness 3
sarbanes-oxley act 3
scaffolds 3
scheduling 3
selective laser sintering 3
self-disclosure 3
share repurchases 3
shareholder activism 3
short selling 3
singular value decomposition 3
social exchange 3
social exchange theory 3
social identity 3
social networking 3
social networking sites 3
social perception 3
social responsibility 3
sorting 3
sparsity 3
speculation 3
stakeholder theory 3
state capacity 3
state ownership 3
stated preference survey 3
stated preference surveys 3
stochastic volatility 3
stock liquidity 3
strategic approach 3
stroke 3
students 3
substitution effect 3
suicidal process 3
suicide research 3
suicide surveillance 3
supply chains 3
surveys 3
sustainable development (sd) 3
systematic risk 3
taiwan 3
technical analysis 3
technological capability 3
technology acceptance model 3
telecommunications 3
text mining 3
three-dimensional 3
time series 3
time-varying effect 3
time-varying toll 3
trade policy 3
trading rules 3
trading strategy 3
transparency 3
tunneling 3
underinvestment 3
user behavior 3
variable rate loans 3
virtual learning environment 3
voice 3
volume 3
voting 3
web forums 3
winner's curse 3
word-of-mouth 3
wto 3
企业价值 3
公司治理 3
治理机制 3
access to deposits 2
accounting fraud 2
accounting manipulation 2
achievement 2
achievement goals 2
acute ischemic stroke 2
administrative change 2
adolescent 2
adverse selection 2
advertising effectiveness 2
advice adherence 2
affect 2
affect mining 2
affect transfers 2
affective commitment 2
affine jump diffusion 2
agency costs 2
agenda setting 2
agglomeration 2
aging 2
agriculture 2
air pollution 2
alibaba 2
alignment 2
alliances 2
ambidexterity 2
ambiguity 2
ambivalence 2
analyst coverage 2
analyst forecasts 2
analyst portfolio 2
analyst recommendation changes 2
analyst recommendations 2
anchoring 2
announcement returns 2
antidumping 2
anxiety 2
applications 2
appraisals 2
asset allocation 2
asset specificity 2
asymmetric cost information 2
asymmetry 2
attachment 2
attention allocation 2
attention shocks 2
attitude 2
auction logistics 2
audit complexity 2
audit failures 2
audit fee 2
audit fee change 2
auditors' liability 2
auditors' personal characteristics 2
automobiles - prices - china. 2
avoidance behavior 2
bandwidth selection 2
bank ownership 2
banking industry 2
basis expansion 2
bayesian 2
behavior 2
behavior and behavioral decision making 2
behavioral theory 2
bi-sourcing 2
bias 2
bibliometrics 2
biodiversity 2
blind source separation 2
blog 2
blog mining 2
blood pressure 2
board independence 2
board of directors 2
bond premium 2
bond return 2
brand awareness 2
brand image 2
brownian motion 2
buffet pricing 2
business cycle 2
business cycles 2
business enterprises - china. 2
business intelligence 2
business model 2
business strategy 2
buyback 2
buyer-supplier exchange 2
c14 2
c22 2
canada 2
capital accumulation 2
capital flow 2
capital investment mix 2
capital mobility 2
capital requirements 2
career dynamics 2
career stage 2
careers 2
carry trade 2
cash flow downside risk 2
cash holding 2
cds 2
ceo characteristics 2
ceo compensation 2
ceo overconfidence 2
change 2
channel coordination 2
channel integration 2
channel management 2
channel relationship 2
chapter 11 2
china investment property 2
china market 2
china s economic reform 2
china's economic reform 2
china's private enterprises 2
chinese economy 2
chinese manufacturing 2
choices for others 2
christian missionaries 2
citizenship behavior 2
classical pianists 2
classical test theory 2
click-through rate 2
cognitive trust 2
cohort analysis 2
collaborative software 2
collusion 2
commercial credit - china. 2
commodity futures 2
commuting cost 2
commuting time 2
compensation 2
compensation clawback provisions 2
competence 2
competitive action 2
compliance 2
compound poisson process 2
computational complexity 2
computer abuse 2
computer applications 2
computer simulation 2
computer systems 2
computers 2
conceptual framework 2
conceptual replications 2
conditional skewness 2
configuration theory 2
conflicts 2
conservation of resources theory 2
consistency 2
constitutional law -- china -- hong kong 2
consumer behaviour 2
consumer decision making 2
consumption smoothing 2
contagion effect 2
contempt 2
content analysis 2
continuance 2
continuum model 2
continuum transportation system 2
contracting institutions 2
contractual friction 2
conversational dominance 2
conversion rate 2
cooperation 2
cooperative behavior 2
cooperative strategy 2
coordinate descent 2
coordination game 2
corporate culture 2
corporate hedging 2
corporate r&d 2
corporate site visits 2
corporate tax rate 2
corporate taxation 2
corporations, foreign - asia. 2
cost of debt financing 2
cost of equity 2
cost-reducing r&d investment 2
cost-volume-profit analysis 2
counterproductive behavior 2
country heterogeneity 2
co‐worker 2
crash risk 2
credibility assessment 2
credit 2
credit default swap 2
credit default swaps 2
credit rating agencies 2
creditor rights 2
critical failure factors 2
cross threat 2
cross-border mergers 2
cross-cultural studies. 2
cross-firm return predictability 2
csr 2
cultural differences 2
cultural distance 2
cultural norms 2
cultural value orientation 2
culture distance 2
currency hedging 2
currency returns 2
customer concentration 2
customer momentum 2
customer retention 2
customer-firm affection 2
customers’ perceived common ground 2
d21 2
d81 2
data quality 2
dealers' inventories 2
debt contracting 2
decision theory 2
deep learning 2
default 2
democracy 2
demography 2
dependence 2
deposit withdrawals 2
derivatives 2
developing world 2
dictatorship costs 2
difference in coefficients 2
difference-gmm 2
diffusion 2
digital advertising 2
directed steiner tree 2
directors' and officers' liability insurance 2
disconfirmation 2
discriminant analysis 2
discriminatory lcr 2
disease 2
disorder costs 2
distributed systems 2
dividend policy 2
dividends 2
doi theory 2
dominance transitions 2
double marginalization 2
downside risk 2
dowry 2
dsge model 2
durable goods 2
dynamic 2
e-government 2
e-marketplace 2
e-tailing 2
e21 2
earnings announcements 2
earnings coefficient 2
earnings surprise 2
earnings surprises 2
ecommerce 2
econometric models 2
economic development 2
economic growth 2
economic institutions 2
economic performance 2
economic shocks 2
economic transition 2
effects of stock market 2
efficiency bounds 2
ego depletion theory 2
elaboration likelihood model 2
electricity price volatility 2
emotion regulation 2
emotional exhaustion 2
emotional trust 2
employee ownership 2
employee representation 2
employee voice 2
employment relations 2
endogenous growth 2
energy 2
engagement 2
enterprise risk management 2
entrepreneurial firms 2
entry barriers 2
environmental protection 2
environmental uncertainty 2
equilibrium 2
equilibrium asset pricing 2
equity incentives 2
equity risk 2
erp implementation 2
erp life cycle 2
ethics 2
evaluation 2
event studies 2
exchange hazards 2
exchange rate 2
exchange rate dynamics 2
excludable public goods 2
existence 2
expectancy-value theory 2
expectation formation 2
experiment 2
expertise 2
exponential utility 2
export product scope 2
exporters 2
exporting behavior 2
expropriation 2
extensive margin 2
external corporate governance 2
external dependence 2
external finance dependence 2
external financing 2
externality 2
extra-role behaviors 2
extrinsic rewards 2
f12 2
f21 2
f31 2
failure of channel coordination 2
fair value accounting 2
family control of business 2
family firms 2
family ownership 2
family planning 2
favoritism 2
fdi location 2
fdi location choice 2
fdi locational choice 2
feature selection 2
feedback 2
finance sector development 2
financial center 2
financial centres 2
financial disclosure 2
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
tao, zhigang 16
chang, eric chieh 13
suen, wing chuen 12
wang, xin 12
wong, richard yue chim 12
chau, michael 10
luo, yulei 10
zhou, kevin zheng 10
lin, chen 9
chau, patrick yam keung 8
chen, heng 8
hui, chun 8
li, jin 8
lin, tse-chun 8
tse, david kwai che 8
chan, christine man kuen 7
lau, sau him 7
chan, william 6
chen, hailiang 6
chiu, stephen yiu wah 6
huang, shiyang 6
qiu, larry dongxiao 6
wan, wen echo 6
yen, benjamin ping-chang 6
yim, bennett chi kin 6
arner, douglas wayne 5
chan, derek kwok wing 5
fang, xiang 5
hsu, po-hsuan 5
hui, kai wai 5
jia, he michael 5
k w chau 5
kwan, alan paul 5
liu, yang 5
ng, thomas wai hung 5
ouyang, huiyin 5
sun, chang 5
tai, mingzhu 5
tang, yongjun 5
zhang, hongsong 5
zhou, xianming 5
zou, hong 5
fang, yulin 4
frederik pretorius 4
fu, king wa 4
he, guojun 4
hsu, fong chung berry 4
jia, shi jayson 4
lam, simon sing kwong 4
lau, amy hing-ling 4
luo, ye 4
ng, tee yong jeffrey 4
tse, kwok sang 4
wang, jingqi 4
xu, pai 4
yu, ping 4
yuen, chi wa 4
chan, lilian him lai 3
du, jinzhao 3
farhoomand, ali f 3
gu, ti tracy 3
guo, naijia 3
han, jun 3
helen h. zhao 3
hu, xing 3
huang, zhongqiang tak 3
kim, sara 3
kim, tae wook 3
lee, hsiao-hui 3
li, xi 3
li, xu 3
liu, qiao 3
liu, tingjun 3
maurer, thomas andreas 3
miyamoto, wataru 3
phan, tuan quang 3
she, guoman 3
siu, alan kai fat 3
tian, feng 3
vere, james patrick 3
wang, yanbo 3
wong, paul wai ching 3
wu, felix fulih 3
zhang, guochang 3
zhang, jin 3
zhang, lichen 3
zhou, wen 3
bian, jiang 2
biddle, gary clark 2
buehlmaier, matthias 2
cai, hongbin 2
cao, jingcun 2
chan, alex wing ho 2
cheung, david wai lok 2
ching, tang foon 2
chow, ka chung 2
dang, chu ivy 2
deng, yipu 2
du, fei 2
enright, michael john 2
fong, yuk fai 2
gao, xiaohui 2
guo, di 2
hau, timothy doe-kwong 2
ip, patrick 2
jiang, kun 2
jiao, jimmy jiu jiu 2
kao, chi ming 2
kwok, hon ho 2
kwok, wellwin chung hoi 2
lee, yau tat thomas 2
lei, xiao 2
li, bingjing 2
li, dan 2
li, haishi 2
li, jing 2
lim, jia de gedeon 2
ma, chicheng 2
na, ke 2
o'connor, neale gilbert 2
park, chul won 2
park, eric 2
qin, bei 2
rao, nirmala 2
sin, gee han raymond 2
sinclair, andrew john 2
song, frank ming 2
stice, derrald earl 2
tang, hei wai 2
taori, peeyush 2
tse, chung yi 2
venkata subban, subramanian 2
wan, zhixi 2
wang, qingchen 2
wang, weichen 2
wang, xiao betty 2
wang, zhengli 2
wang, zigan 2
wong, michael bo-lin 2
wong, siu kei 2
wong, sze chun 2
wu, yanhui 2
xiao, geng 2
xu, yan 2
xu, yujing 2
xu, zhiyun 2
yang, dan 2
yee, patrick ka chi 2
yip, paul siu fai 2
yiu, siu ming 2
you, yang 2
zhang, wei 2
zhang, xiaowei 2
zhang, yiwen 2
zhao, chen 2
zheng, liu 2
zhu, xiaodong 2
ahn, min kwan 1
bacon-shone, john 1
bose, indranil 1
cao, yiming 1
chan, christian shaunlyn 1
chan, konan 1
chang, shu-sen 1
chen, cheng 1
chen, zhansheng 1
chen, zhiwu 1
cheng, bonnie hayden 1
cheung, anne shann yue 1
cho, michelle yuna 1
chow, nelson wing sun 1
chu, samuel kai wah 1
chui, ernest wing tak 1
couvert, maxime thibault b. 1
cui, xiaodong 1
de la torre, jimmy 1
feng, shihui 1
gao, pingyang 1
gong, jie 1
goo, say hak 1
gorn, gerald joseph 1
gu, jidong 1
gu, lifeng 1
guo, hongye 1
guo, siyan 1
hao, yu 1
harvey, patrick james 1
hu, peicong 1
hu, weixing richard 1
hu, xiao 1
hu, xing 1
huang, guo quan 1
huang, jiantao 1
huang, shan 1
jiang, zhenhui 1
jin, dunhong 1
joo, jeong hwan 1
kaplan, jed oliver 1
kim, sang hyun hugh 1
klopfer, john bodian 1
kung, kai sing james 1
kwan, kenny yat hong 1
kwok, yu kwong 1
lam, edmund yin mun 1
lam, tak wah 1
law, nancy wai ying 1
law, yik wa 1
lee, kyung ran 1
leng, jing 1
leung siu chung, patrick 1
leung, joe cho bun 1
leung, ki che angela 1
li, hui 1
li, yuguo 1
li, zhepeng 1
lin, mei 1
lin, tao 1
liu, xiaohong 1
liu, xuewen 1
liu, yang 1
lo, pei-yu 1
loh, elizabeth ka yee 1
loo, becky pui ying 1
lowry, paul benjamin 1
lu, yi 1
lum, terry yat sang 1
luo, shuqing 1
mao, shengjun 1
mcdonald, tom 1
meng, rujing 1
park, sangyoon 1
park, woong yong 1
peng, chenhong 1
pomfret, david martin 1
qiu, cheng 1
qiu, lin 1
rahman, nafis 1
schmid, thomas 1
schuldenfrei, eric henry 1
shen, haipeng 1
shim, sohyeon 1
szentes, balazs 1
tam, wai leuk vincent 1
tan, cheng yong 1
tan, chung jen 1
tang, yi 1
tang, yinuo 1
tian, linwei 1
tracy, eve poha siu 1
tso, wan yee winnie 1
wang, liao 1
wang, linghuan lynn 1
webster, christopher john 1
wong, ka fu 1
wong, ka wai gary 1
wong, kit pong 1
wong, yao yee gilbert 1
wu, cheng-wei 1
wu, min 1
wu, yu-ching steve 1
xia, chun 1
xu, chenggang 1
xu, dean 1
xu, yu 1
yan, shipeng 1
yang, fan 1
yu, jiaheng 1
yuen, hoi kau 1
zhang, jack junxi 1
zhang, jian 1
zhang, peng 1
zhang, shaojun 1
zhao, simon xiaobin 1
zhao, yue 1
zheng, yanfeng 1
zhou, lingrui 1
zhou, xiaohua 1
zhou, yongpin 1
zhu, jianjun 1
zhu, weiming 1
zhu, wenjie 1
zhuang, mengzhou 1
View More
Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
null 21
digital citizenship 20
centre, enhancing, financial, hong kong, international, leading 10
financial technology, inclusion, stability 10
poverty 9
built environment epidemiology, disease transmission models, exposure notification, privacy-preserving tracing, wireless localization 7
business process 6
computer platform 6
quantitative history of china, historical roots, recent success, future development 5
achievement gap, early child development, school readiness, socioeconomic inequality 4
banks, real estate 4
bidding strategy, market sentiment, winner's curse 4
delay announcement, emergency department, empirical healthcare operation, structural estimation, waiting time 4
demand forecasting, healthcare management, patient flow, resource allocation, simulation 4
trade and industry 4
air quality 3
artificial intelligence, blockchain, financial technology, fintech, internet of things 3
chinese economy, corporate investment, euler equation model, firm-level survey, institutions 3
covid economic recovery, digital trace data, human mobility data, predictive medicine, risk modeling 3
dotcom bubble 3
financial systems 3
in youths, mental well-being, promoting 3
price dispersion, price volatility, real estate, transaction tax 3
bottom-up institutional reform, policy diffusion, textual analysis, total factor productivity, chinese economy 3
coastal hydrogeology, aquifer, groundwater, e. coli, 3
decision rule learning / adaptive learning / decision rule evaluation / counterfactual analysis / social interaction 3
financial technology, financial inclusion, banking market, , 3
abnormal accrual, dynamic structural model, model validity 2
accounting restatement, earnings news, financial misreporting, information externality, strategic alliance 2
adjudication, corruption, court decisions, economic development, judicial bias 2
advertisement, information diffusion, regulation, reneging cost, selling mechanism 2
advising, board of directors, ceo retention, earnings management, monitoring 2
affect analysis, blog mining, suicide prevention 2
agency costs, discipline effect, empire building, real earnings management, short selling 2
analysts, forecast accuracy, market reaction, selective access, site visits 2
animation, brand logo, speed, video ad, visual marketing 2
anthropomorphism, consumer experience, self-serving technologies, social density, spatial density 2
attention allocation, media influence, media quality, monopolistic competition, sender-receiver games 2
audit fee, credit default swaps, going concern opinion, insurance, loss function 2
big data, hospital readmission, low back pain, machine learning, repeated attendance, risk stratification 2
boards of directors, company ownership profile, endogeneity, hong kong 2
business 2
capacity allocation, carpooling, dynamic pricing, matching mechanism, ride-sharing 2
capital goods, import gains, intermediate goods, international sourcing, trade liberalization 2
career-building 2
ceo turnover, firm life cycle, market reactions, performance measures 2
ceo, executive, stock 2
china's hospital industry, hospital henetrogeneity, impacts of competition, ownership, quality certification 2
china, information diffusion, microblogs, network, politics 2
coalignment, contingency approach, performance metrics, service strategy 2
collective action, coordination, leader, reform, regime change 2
communication, coordination, global game, revolution, rumors 2
compensation contract, discretionary promotion, internal labor market, promotion rule 2
cordon-based 2
core-periphery structure, interdealer trade, inventory capacity, over-the-counter market, search frictions 2
corporate bond, currency home bias, hedging demand, investment cost, portfolio choice 2
cultures, customer, service 2
customer 2
customer satisfaction, inter-functional collaboration, marketing metrics, product management, service management 2
default probability, risk premium, risk-free rate, sovereign bond, stochastic discount factor 2
dual-channel distribution, dual-channel supply chain, inventory allocation policy, multi-echelon inventory models 2
economic institutions, foreign direct investment, location choice 2
empirical studies, innovation, knowledge flow, supply chain management 2
employee performance, employee voice, threat 2
evaluation, government employees, retraining programme 2
financial data mining, penny stocks, social media, text analysis 2
financial decision, focus on gain, money, risk-taking, social exclusion 2
firm effect, industry effect, performance effects 2
firms, heterogeneous, horizontal, mergers 2
forecast accuracy, sell-side analysts, team composition, team stability, teamwork 2
generation investmen, optimal portfolio, risk assessment, risk management 2
homeownership, labor mobility, oswald hypothesis, public housing, uemployment 2
information uncertainty, pead, supply chain 2
intangible investment, international capital market, mispricing, r&d intensity, return predictability 2
mass media, new media, online opinion, political participation, public opinion 2
middle class activism, pessimism, political economy, political passivity 2
natural disasters, operating performance, supply-chain disruption 2
ocb, team culture 2
options return predictability, options trading liquidity, stock liquidity, stock market indexing, transient investors 2
radio frequency 2
accounting quality, payment provisions, licensing contracts, , 2
air pollution 2
business cycles, international trade, production network, , 2
capital flows, asset returns, us investment, demand system, economic policy 2
coastal hydrogeology, aquifer, groundwater, mangrove-marsh system, carbon sequestration 2
corporate taxation, fiscal system, accounting for r&d, r&d investment, china 2
deep trade agreements, global supply chains, multinational enterprises 2
deservingness perception, social/public rental housing , welfare spectrum , deservingness criteria , heterogeneity 2
foreign exchange, currency, jump, quanto, 2
incumbent advantage, incumbent dilemma, , , 2
mutual fund, morningstar, 2002 rating change, risk taking, betting against beta 2
pension plans, peer effects, mutual funds, 401(k), 2
product rating, visual marketing, sensory marketing, aesthetics, consumer behavior 2
public housing, price spillovers, housing assignment, , 2
recommendation bias, contracting with externality, uniform pricing, platform, two-part tariff 2
stochastic control, optimal policy, dynamic programming, goal attainment, skill development 2
time of day, algorithm, recommendation, , 2
- 1
2019 district council election, hong kong youth, housing conditions, income inequality, social mobility 1
abnormal bond return, corporate governance, debtholder value, regression discontinuity, shareholder voting 1
abusive supervision, adult attachment, dysfunctional parenting, lassiez-faire leadership, trait activation 1
abusive supervision, leader-member exchange, organizational justice, self-verification, work demands 1
access to finance, collateral, macroprudential regulation, small business loan 1
accounting experts, audit, financial reporting, investment efficiency, labor market 1
accounting fraud, constraints, earnings management, earnings restatement 1
accounting information quality, credit market competition, informed creditor, risk shifting 1
accounting irregularities, earnings management, employment agreement, managerial myopia 1
accounting manipulation, cfo incentives, executive compensation 1
accounting quality, contractor selection 1
accounting quality, product market, restatement, vertical integration 1
accounting structure, economic network, inferring inter-entity transac, quadruple book entry 1
accounting-based performance, budget controls, formal planning systems, management control systems, market competition 1
acquisition and greenfield, institution-based view, multinational corporations, ownership structure, subnational regions 1
acquisition experience, cross-listing, firm growth, institutional theory, productivity 1
adjustment cost, capital structure, operating inflexibility, regression discontinuity, union elections 1
advertisements, consumption decisions, magazine articles 1
affect regulation, health risk perception, regulatory resource depletion, self-control, self-positivity bias 1
affect, experimental research, information processing style, product judgment 1
affine-linear model, core inflation, currency strategies, emerging market currencies, inflation risk 1
agency theory, behavioral theory of the firm, information technology, innovation, r&d 1
agent-based, distributed scheduling 1
agglomeration economies, cities and growth, location choice, middlemen, search and matching 1
agricultural exports, randomized control trial, supply chain, technology upgrading 1
alpha, beta, psychological barrier, stock price dynamics, technical analysis 1
ambidexterity, institutional theory, international joint venture, partner competition, partner coordination 1
ambiguity, consumption-portfolio rules, recursive utility, robustness, stochastic labor income 1
ambiguity, investment position, management earnings guidance, positive or negative guidance 1
amplifying idiosyncratic shock, guaranteed loan, information asymmetry, network formation, propagation 1
analytical modeling, page accessibility, tradeoff analysis, web design 1
anayst forecast dispersion, audit fee, audit quality, auditor's reporting model, bid-ask spreads 1
anchoring, dual-listing, ipo underpricing, segmented market 1
antecedents, longitudinal study, work and family outcomes, workplace ostracism 1
anthropomorphism, brand relationship, efficacy needs, social affiliation, social exclusion 1
anti-corruption campaign, firm performance, newspaper coverage, political connection 1
antidumping, distance, free trade areas, retaliation, wto 1
app developer engagement, app update performance, boundary resource, platform-based ecosystem, platform-level practices 1
application list system, endogenous-supply auction 1
apps competition, big data, machine learning, market structure, mobile app industry 1
arbitrage, limits, overconfidence 1
arbritage capital, financial crisis, limits of arbitrage, liquidity 1
asset price, discount rate, financial reporting 1
asset pricing, partisan politics, policy uncertainty, political economy, tax polucy 1
asymmetric information, management guidance, mergers and acquisitions, optimal takeover offers 1
asymmetric timeliness, conditional conservatism, earnings-return relation, real options 1
attention allocation, job search, portfolio investment 1
attention-based view, bribery, firm performance, market capabilities 1
attorney contingent fee, moral hazard, signaling 1
attribution, management guidance, self-serving 1
attributions, elm, management earnings guidance, qualitative form, quantification 1
auctions with entry costs, optimal auctions, security-bid auctions 1
auctions, efficiency bounds, foreclosure, mechanism design, structural estimation 1
auctions, endogenous entry, mechanism design, selectivity, semi-parametric estimation 1
auctions, equity bids, market feedback, mechanism design 1
audit firms, organizational forms, theoretic analysis 1
audit quality, auditor's behavior 1
audit quality, critical audit matter, disclosure, information acquisition, investment efficiency 1
audit quality, fraudulent misstatement, internal control, sarbanes-oxley act 1
audit, internal audit function, outsource 1
autocovariance, factor models, high-dimensional, side information, tensor time series 1
avatars, distrust, e-commerce, online shopping, personalization 1
bank loan, financial repression, firm performance and growth, income distribution inequality, trade credit 1
bank ownership structure, credit crisis, financial stability 1
bank portfolio management, gse policy, mortgage securitization, small and medium enterprises 1
bank-affiliated mutual funds, financial intermediary, international bond returns, international equity returns 1
banking relationship, credit supply, employee benefit, labor policies 1
banking, loan structure, network, risk sharing, syndication 1
bargaining deadlines, information aggregation, mechanism design, repeated voting 1
bargaining, class and race, diversity, group identity, intergroup relationship 1
basel ii pillar 3, credit risk, expected loss, incurred loss, transparency 1
bayesian updating model, e-commerce, online auctions, trust 1
behavior-based pricing, price nontransparency 1
bequest heterogeneity, health heterogeneity, loss aversion, policy design, public annuity 1
bi-sourcing, incomplete contracts, in-house production, out-sourcing, theory of firm 1
big bang, economic reform, gradualism, one-child policy, population 1
big data, financial economics, labor economics 1
biological consideration, conversational user interface, marketing communication, product anthropomorphism, product personification 1
board of directors, corporate governance, shareholder activism 1
bond ratings, ceo, incentives 1
bond, commodity, inflation, monetary policy, stock 1
boundaryless career, career management, career resources, career success, idiosyncratic-deals 1
bounded rationality, different payoff parameters, group size, intergroup prisoner's dilemma, social preferences 1
brand, consumer inference, logo, product design 1
branding strategy, china business, china marketing, firm dynamic capabilities 1
breach remedies, externality, investment, performance 1
broker networks, information dissemination, informed trading, mutual fund holdings, share pledges 1
bundled payment, empirical research, health care, operational performance, payment policy 1
business and management studies 1
business cycles, input-output linkages, international trade 1
business groups, china, diversification strategy, emerging markets, listed firms 1
business model innovation, open innovation, open-source software, platform competition, software license 1
business models, european airline industry, group definition, group emergence, strategic groups 1
capability asymmetry, innovation performance, product co-development, technological capability 1
capital allocation efficiency, diversification discount, insider trading, internal information asymmetry 1
capital gain and dividend tax, corporate disclosures, individual savings accounts, retail investors, small investor protection 1
capital-biased technologies, inequality, international trade, labor shares, multinational production 1
cash flow-to-debt ratio, cost of raising equity, long-run performance, market timing, seasoned equity offerings 1
catering, dividend demand, dividend policy, price pressure 1
causal inference, china, communism, persistence, revolution 1
cdo, collateral assets, collateralized debt obligation, corporate bonds, portfolio manager 1
cdo, collateralized debt obligation, conflicts of interest, credit crisis, credit rating 1
cds, credit default swaps, front running, insider trading 1
centrality, clustering of announcements, customer-supplier relationship, externality of disclosure, network effects 1
centralized admissions, early admissions, matching, mechanism design, preferential treatment 1
ceo and cfo, equity based compensation, internal control weakness, timeliness of remediation 1
ceo compensation, inevitable disclosure doctrine, labor market restriction, turnover risk 1
ceo compensation, innovation, investment efficiency, managerial incentives, state-owned enterprises 1
ceo, facial expression, information, non-verbal, stock prices 1
change of basis, fixed effect, panel data, social interaction, unknown network 1
changes, discrete emotions, organizational support, supervisor support, voice behavior 1
cheap talk, garbling, laboratory experiments, prior bias 1
china market, corporate governance, subsidiary company, tax avoidance 1
china's soes, china's state capitalism, marketing competences 1
china, contract, exchange hazards, institutional change, trust 1
china, fdi, joint venture, productivity, spillovers 1
china, history, jesuit mission, knowledge diffusion, science 1
china, machine learning, public health, social accountability, social media 1
china, relational governance 1
china’s environment, health, energy market, impacts of ultra-high voltage electricity transmission 1
chinese firms listed in the us, press coverage, textual analysis 1
chinese imports, election outcomes, voting on trade-related bills 1
chinese start-ups, investment termination, resource dependence, venture capital 1
chinese warrant market, derivatives market, option pricing, warrant 1
chinese-style state capitalism, corporate donation, discrimination, institutional quality, private enterprises 1
citizenship behavior, investing in employees 1
click-through and dwell time, convolutional neural network, hidden markov model, newsfeed native advertising, personalized advertising 1
closed-end fund, earnings opacity, fund discounts, information risk 1
cohort-specific risks, displacement risk, foreign exchange markets, international finance, overlapping generations 1
collaborative technology, creative synthesis, survey research, team creativity, virtual teams 1
collateral, firm performance, market reactions, risk-taking behavior 1
collectivism, employee motivation, employment relations, organizational behavior 1
college admission, contests, selection mechanisms, shadow education, strategic substitutes 1
college admission, matching, mechanism design 1
combined versus independent, consumer experiences, consumption sets, placebo effect, utility 1
commission, mobile economy, platform, pricing, revenue 1
commission, mutual fund, soft dollars 1
commitment strengthening, exchange rate regime 1
commodity futures, oil shock, stock return 1
common agency, heterogeneous principals, inter-agent interaction, multi-principal multi-agent 1
communication costs, input sourcing, international trade 1
comparison approach, physicians' acceptance, telemedicine technology 1
compensation design, corporate social responsiblity, political ideology, upper echelons theory 1
compensation, field experiment, management control system, multi-dimensional tasks 1
compensation, pay for performance, signaling theory 1
competition, crowdfunding, free market, invisible hand, text mining 1
competition, divestitures, mergers, structural remedies 1
competition, dynamic decision making, sustainability 1
competition, international market, market entry decision 1
competition, search engine optimization, seo, welfare 1
complementarity, digital download, digital rental, subscription-based streaming, substitution 1
complementarity, mobile app, mobile web, retail, substitution 1
compliance, enterprise systems, organizational context, social capital, survey 1
computer-based communications, creativity, emoticons, intrinsic motivation, leadership styles 1
concentration, intermediate input, international trade, market power 1
conditional value at risk, financial hedging, operational hedging, supply and demand uncertainty, supply chain risk management 1
confidence interval, endogeneity, specification testing, threshold regression 1
confidence interval, threshold regression, uniform validity 1
confidential treatment order, reviewer characteristics, reviewer discretion, sec review process 1
conflict management, customer participation, market newness, new product development, technology newness 1
conglomerates, financial crises, internal capital markets 1
consumer choices, consumer preferences, life meaninglessness, psychological threat 1
consumer deliberation, data collection, personalized pricing, price discrimination 1
consumer emotions, consumer judgments, self-affirmation, service/product failures, word-of-mouth communications 1
consumer protection, financial service quality, insurance complaint, insurance purchase, public disclousure 1
consumer self-selection, information acquisition, review bias, review system design, two-sided platform 1
consumption smoothing, emerging economies, information imperfections, model uncertainty, the current account 1
consumption volatility, general equilibrium, ignorance, parameter uncertainty 1
consumption, optimal control, precautionary saving, rational inattention, risk-sensitivity 1
contagion effects, coworker voice, peer competition, social exchange, voice self-efficacy 1
contents, end-of-day, information 1
contract design, subjective evaluation 1
contract enforcement, firm boundaries, vertical integration, voluntary disclosure 1
contracting, management accounting, management control systems, performance measurement, strategic alliances 1
contractual coordinating, contractual safeguarding, guanxi importance, institutional theory, legal development 1
cooperation, reward 1
coordination, global game, multicandidate election, voting 1
corporate culture, incentives, intrinsic motivations, multiple agents, multitasks 1
corporate governance, d&o insurance, firm value, indemnification 1
corporate governance, financial crisis, insurance, risk managment 1
corporate governance, incentive, power 1
corporate venture capital, embedding, knowledge graph, network analysis, social proximity 1
corruption, microblogs, newspapers, political control of media, politician promotion 1
cost accounting, pricing, supply chain 1
cost behavior, cost stickiness, disclosure quality, initial public offering, ipo underpricing 1
cost of capital, direct method, statement of cash flows, voluntary disclosure 1
counter-party risk, money market funds, repurchase agreements 1
counterproductive behavior, emotions, idiosyncratic deals, transactional leadership, transformational leadership 1
creative goals, creativity, interdependence, perspective taking 1
credence good, doctor, kickback, laboratory test, referral 1
credit constriaints, debt overhang, personal finance, small business 1
credit default swap, financial stability, fire sale, liquidity management 1
credit supply, health care, service quality, social welfare 1
cross-border m&a, fdi, potential impacts, simultaneously, trade, wto 1
cross-listed firms, investor perception, investor sophistication, risk disclosure 1
cross-section of returns, distress risk, equity premium, idiosyncratic risks, systematic risks 1
cultural norms and standards, donations, mortality salience, prosocial behavior, self-worth 1
cultural values, psychological safety, servant leadership, team performance 1
culture, diversity, identity, language, nation building 1
culture, job embeddedness, job performance, organizational trust, turnover 1
currency 1
current accounts, emerging market business cycle, investment, model uncertainty, robustness 1
customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, interpersonal trust, role accumulation, service-sales ambidexterity 1
data-centric analysis, patient care 1
decision making, divergent, interests 1
decision making, efficacy 1
deferred acceptance, runaway brides, stable matchings 1
demand forecast, firm network, high technology, new product adoption, statistical estimation 1
demand uncertainty, government investment, inventory stock, markup, road infrastructure 1
demographic dividend, economic impact, fertility, mortality 1
determinants, economic institutions, economic policies, export intermediary, geographic distance 1
determinants, executive promotion, incentive contracts 1
digital nudge, haptic feedback, health consciousness, mobile interaction, touch gesture 1
digital platforms, matching platforms, online dating, platform design, search and matching 1
direct investment, japanese occupation of china, trade 1
directed search, structural equilibrium anaysis, two-sided market, unobservable heterogeneity, wage dispersion 1
director hiring, director liability, shareholder litigation, universal demand law 1
displacement risk, factor pricing model, international capital market, return predictability, value premium 1
domain knolwdege and regularization, enhancing simulation metamodeling 1
dominant manufacturer, supply chain contracts 1
downstream entry, entry deterrence, exclusive contracts, mutual dependence, upstream entry 1
dowry, india, inheritance, welfare, women 1
duopoly, patent 1
durables consumption, information diffusion, infrequent adjustments, sticky expectations, welfare losses 1
dynamic control, healthcare operations, markov decision process, priority index policy 1
dynamic institution-based view, foreign firm performance 1
dynamic prize allocation, incentive, queuing 1
earnings conference calls, investor sentiment, textual analysis 1
economic 1
economic equality, economic growth 1
economic growth, heterogeneous agent model, human capital investment, inequality, intergenerational mobility 1
economics and business 1
economics, female, fertility, labor supply 1
economics, turn taking 1
education and health, longevity increase, retirement age, retirement saving, social security 1
electoral, media, politics 1
electricity prices, operating flexibility, payout policy, price uncertainty, weather 1
employee litigation, financial reporting 1
endogenous fta formation, free trade agreements, fta waves/dynamics, wto 1
enterprises, information technology diffusion 1
entrepreneurial risk, fiscal policy, robustness, wealth distribution 1
epihedonics, experiential utility, goodness-of-deal, mode of payment, placebo effect 1
export destination, margin, product quality, productivity, trade liberalization 1
exports, foreign direct investment, geopolitical conflict, multinational firms, uncertainty 1
extended warranty, pricing, reliability, supply chain management 1
family firms, insider trading 1
feedback effect, momentum returns, momentum trading 1
field studies, information disclosure, mobile phone, privacy, social networks 1
filtering, informational frictions, inventories, production smoothing, risk-sensitive control 1
finance constraints measure, financial constraints factor, stock price comovement, text-based information 1
financial crises, high frequency trading, market regulation, stock-price volatility, trading strategies 1
financial data mining, social media, text analysis 1
financial market, short-sales 1
financial organizations, institutional theory, sustainability 1
financing structure, information asymmetry, leveraged buyout, private equity 1
fire sale, liquidity management, open-end funds, partial equilibrium, swing pricing 1
firm 1
firm heterogeneity, forecasting, information frictions, micro-level uncertainty 1
firm performance, ownership, turnover 1
fixed effects, product market, sales executives, voluntary disclosures 1
food consumption, food waste, resource availability, self-construal, sharing 1
foreign affiliate performance, foreign direct investment, institutional theory, institution-based view, subnational institutions 1
foreign affiliate, institutional theory, mnc, performance 1
funding liquidity risk, hedge funds, hot money, investor sophistication, market efficiency 1
gaap earnings, pro forma earnings 1
gender 1
global green finance centre, hong kong 1
goal orientation, performance, regulatory motives, workplace anxiety 1
government funding, innovation, knowledge economy, preference uncertainty, public good 1
hang seng index 1
hedging, lending fees, put options, short sale, speculation 1
high dimensional, irregular inference, linear programming, non-gaussian asymptotics, sampling method 1
hospital grading, lack of referrals, medical conditions, patient hospital choice, price sensitivity 1
household saving rate, housing finance, long-term, mortgage contract, refinancing 1
housing price index, housing prices, spatial hedonic price 1
identification, social interaction, social network 1
idiosyncratic risk, investor sentiment, stock return 1
impatient voters, information acquisition, pivotal voters, simple majority, stopping rule 1
implied volatility, informed traders, o/s, volatility skew, volatility spread 1
incentive issues, management, turnover 1
individual-specific effect, panel data, specification testing, threshold regression, wild bootstrap 1
inflation 1
information asymmetry, initial public offerings, international m&a, signaling theory, staged financing 1
information security, meta-analysis, organisational security, protection motivation, security compliance 1
innovation efficiency, innovation influence, intangible investment, patents, r&d 1
innovation process, product/process innovation, productivity, r&d demand, technology spillover 1
innovation, risk premium, stock returns, technology 1
institutional theory, local and foreign firms, marketing capability, resource-based view, technology capability 1
international marketing, mnc-subsidiary relationship, parenting strategy 1
international, joint venture, termination 1
inventor, migration, pollution, toxic emission 1
investment 1
investment flexibility, operational frictions, real options, value creation 1
investment, stock 1
liquid and solid consumption, moral judgment and behavior, perceived ownership, perceived responsibility, social connection 1
mechanism design, personalization, privacy, regulation, welfare analysis 1
media decisions 1
merger arbitrage 1
mortality change, retirement age, schooling years, state-dependent approach 1
multi-sided media markets, news aggregation, paywall and pricing 1
multimedia information systems, semantic relevance, visual representations 1
mutual fund 1
online labor market, randomized field experiments, service operations 1
online reviews, review helpfulness, social media 1
pay for performance, performance pay complexity, signaling theory 1
perspective of employee, psychological ownership 1
portfolio theory, trading volume, variable approach 1
price impacts, short-sales constraints 1
quantile treatment effect, rank preservation, rank similarity, specification testing 1
straddle, valuation, volatility risk 1
team performance, transformational leadership 1
trade 1
trading 1
volatility index 1
1) gender commute gap 2) gender pay gap 3) residential location choice 4) work location choice 5) collective household model 1
1) covid-19 2) loan loss provisions 3) current expected credit losses 4) loan loss provisions timelines 5) regulation 1
accounting standard, attention, coordination, strategic complementarity, comparability 1
announcement, stock returns, behavioral finance 1
artificial intelligence, natural selection, machine learning, competitive equilibrium 1
asset pricing, attention, big data, , 1
bank social capital , bank esg disclosure , underbanked community , mortgage market , small business lending 1
big data analytics, offline recommender systems, debiased machine learning, , 1
bike sharing, socially responsible operation, field experiment, , 1
carbon emission, green investment, capital investment, firm value, stochastic discount factor 1
carbon trading, air pollution, externality, climate change, 1
causal effects, long-term treatment, a/b testing, methodology, application 1
ceo early-life experience, corporate political strategy, upper echelons theory, non-soe chinese firms, clan culture 1
china; industrial policies 1
climate risk disclosures, environmental performance, capital markets, shareholders, 1
compensation, hedging, disclosure, regulation, sec 1
construct development, compliments, pride, leadership , emotion regulation 1
consumer behavior, consumer psychology, brand relationships, trust, interdependence 1
consumer behavior, pricing, retailing, numerical cognition, preference 1
corporate governance, proxy voting, mutual funds, esg, subadvisors 1
covid-19 pandemic , digital platform, brand performance , signaling theory , 1
creator economy, social media platforms, platform strategies, business model, 1
cross-border acquisitions, ownership level, signaling theory, , 1
cryptocurrency , social media, sentiment , machine learning, trust 1
culture , crisis , altruism, trust, labor supply 1
culture, diversity, assimilation, language, nation building 1
dei, gender gap, mobile app, digital platform, platform governance 1
digital addiction, dynamic pricing, control, social responsibility 1
digitalization , social inequality , information processing theory, capability-empowerment view , executive-employee pay gap 1
dynamic choice, discrete and continuous choice, euler equation, moment-based estimation 1
dynamic contract, optimal control, queueing , , 1
dynamic pricing strategy, grocery e-commerce , profit optimization , double machine learning , field experiment 1
emergency department, time-varying productivity, physician staffing, behavioral queueing, simulation analysis 1
entrepreneurship, gender inequality 1
entrepreneurship, optimal income taxation, bayesian learning, , 1
equity split, evaluation of knowledge , resource contributions, entrepreneurship, venture capital 1
esg, analysts, information environment, capital markets, disclosures 1
financial inclusion, fintech adoption, crowdsourced, charitable lending, covid-19 pandemic 1
food delivery services, omni-channel, game-theoretic model, , 1
food security risk, missing food trade, trade under uncertainty, agricultural productivity gap, structural change 1
historical price, consumer learning, pricing, , 1
human vs machine, automation, productivity, non-routine tasks 1
informal discretion, communication, organization 1
information design, epidemic control, public health, , 1
information design, gig economy, worker welfare 1
information spillover, credit market, consumer lending, , 1
innovation policy , science of sciences , migration , china, program evaluation 1
innovation policy, innovation, venture capital, entrepreneurship, program evaluation 1
innovation process, knowledge work, work sequencing, innovation pivoting 1
international business cycles, heterogeneous agents, incomplete markets, risk sharing, exchange rate puzzles 1
livestream selling, e-commerce, quasi-experiment, difference-in-differences 1
managerial short-termism, investor short-termism, corporate theory 1
marketing-finance interface, advertising, customer sentiment, investor sentiment, 1
menu rotation, customer satiation, assortment planning, , 1
milestone, stochastic control, hjb equation, dynamic programming, venture creation 1
monetary policy expectation, event study, prediction markets, investor education 1
non-monetary information, esg investing, disclosure, price informativeness, 1
nonnegative decomposition, semiparametric factor model, gamma loading matrix, model misspecification tests, nonparametric statistics 1
old-age support, childcare, family arrangement, female labor market outcomes, dynamic lifecycle model 1
optimal policies, quantitative trade models, gradien-based learning, nash-equilibrium, international competition 1
packett-luce model, maximum likelihood estimator, spectral method, rank confidence intervals, gaussian multiplier bootstrap 1
pay transparency, job satisfaction, information asymmetry, regulation, 1
pcaob, inspection of auditors, information leakage, government procurement, china research 1
performance management, workplace relationships, peer effects, status, career outcomes 1
personalization, product positioning, product line pricing, consumer information privacy, platform-based marketing 1
platform, food delivery, rider work pressure, customer satisfaction, regulation 1
please refer to hard copy. 1
policy formation, policy diffusion, social network, textual analysis, china 1
political relationships, debt financing, local news, private debt, public bonds 1
rational expectations, persuasion bias, market qualities , social communication, public information 1
refer to attachments 1
reference-dependent preference, asset pricing, sentiment-driven equilibrium , non-fundamental fluctuation 1
relative performance, employee poaching, labor market, sabotaging, collusion 1
resource allocation, urban search and rescue, dynamic programming, flooding rescue, disaster response 1
returns to public spending, public economics, cost-benefit analysis, returns to education, school finance reforms 1
reward-based crowdfunding, donation option, quasi-experiment, difference-in-differences, 1
science of sciences , knowledge spillover , knowledge commercialization, science policy, international collaboration 1
securities analysts, certification requirements, earnings forecasts, cash-flow forecasts, analyst reports 1
sharing economy, peer-to-peer platforms, natural experiment, seller inequality, professionalism 1
shoppertainment, livestream commerce, influencer marketing, salesforce, structural model 1
short selling, market manipulation, misinformation, costly misreporting, legal penalty 1
sleepiness, price sensitivity, need for pleasant feelings, sleep deprivation, 1
smartphone addiction, design features, habit formation, topic model, 1
social norms, milestone ages, risk taking , retail investor, brokerage account data 1
state tax regulations, addback statutes, tax haven operations, international tax avoidance, real effects 1
tariffs, innovation, infant industry theory, economic growth, technology bias 1
the market for news, social media, information economics, textual analysis, china 1
urban economics, agglomeration economies, big data 1
vision, creativity, leadership, , 1
wage dynamics, life cycle, human capital accumulation, job search, panel data 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
economics 47
finance 32
accounting 25
economics (including finance) (obsolete) 20
education: research on teaching & learning,software 20
business and management studies (including accounting) (obsolete) 18
marketing 17
n/a 16
management 13
financeeconomics 12
finance,law 10
law,finance 10
information system management 9
operations management 9
others - relating to social sciences 9
accounting,finance 8
accountingfinance 7
information analyticssignal and image processing 7
finance,economics 6
operations managementhealth services 6
others - computing science and information technology 6
others - professional and vocational studies 6
accounting,economics 5
building and construction 5
economicshistory 5
finance,accounting 5
others - administrative, business and social studies (obsolete) 5
others - medicine, dentistry and health 5
building and construction,others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 4
education: research on teaching & learning 4
others - relating to business studies 4
artificial intelligence (obsolete) 3
chemical engineering,environmental studies and science 3
econometrics and business statistical methods 3
econometrics and business statistical methodsoperational research 3
lawothers - relating to business studies 3
management,international business 3
managementothers - relating to business studies 3
marketing,information system management 3
urban planning (obsolete) 3
accounting,others - relating to social sciences 2
accountingeconomics 2
business studies 2
earth sciencesenvironmental studies and science 2
economics (including finance) (obsolete),business and management studies (including accounting) (obsolete) 2
economics,others - relating to business studies 2
economicseconometrics and business statistical methods 2
economicsfinance 2
economicsothers - relating to business studies 2
environmentalpopulation health 2
information system management,artificial intelligence (obsolete) 2
information system management,economics 2
journalism and media 2
law 2
marketing,psychology 2
operations management,others - relating to business studies 2
operations managementinformation system management 2
operations managementmanagement 2
operations managementoperational research 2
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 2
others - relating to social sciences,public administration and political science 2
power (obsolete) 2
signal and image processing 2
social policysocial work 2
accounting,others - administrative, business and social studies (obsolete) 1
accountingmanagement 1
business and management studies (including accounting) (obsolete),economics (including finance) (obsolete) 1
business and management studies (including accounting) (obsolete),engineering management 1
economics,education: policy & administration 1
economics,finance 1
economics,information analytics 1
economics,others - relating to social sciences 1
economicsinformation analytics 1
economicsinternational business 1
economicsoperations management 1
economicsothers - relating to social and behavioural sciences 1
finance,environmental sciences 1
financeaccounting 1
financerisk and insurance management 1
information system management,marketing 1
information system managementmanagement 1
information system managementmarketing 1
international business 1
international business,marketing 1
international businessmanagement 1
management,others - administrative, business and social studies (obsolete) 1
management,others - relating to social sciences 1
management,psychology 1
managementothers - relating to social and behavioural sciences 1
managementsociology 1
marketing,international business 1
marketing,management 1
marketing,others - administrative, business and social studies (obsolete) 1
marketing,others - relating to business studies 1
marketinginformation system management 1
marketingmanagement 1
marketingpsychology 1
operational research 1
operational researchoperations management 1
operations management,accounting 1
operations management,marketing 1
operations researchoperations management 1
others - relating to business studies,others - relating to social sciences 1
others - relating to business studiesinternational business 1
others - relating to social sciences,others - relating to business studies 1
probability & statistics 1
probability & statisticseconometrics and business statistical methods 1
professional and vocational subjects (obsolete) 1
sexuality and gender studies 1
software,engineering management 1
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