Department of Diagnostic Radiology

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
bae, kyongtae t. 212
mak, hkf 211
vardhanabhuti, v 163
khong, pl 136
lee, eyp 103
chan, q 98
chiu, whk 95
chang, hcc 72
ng, my 70
cao, p 60
lai, v 59
wong, cs 59
chapman, arlene b. 55
torres, vicente e. 54
goshima, satoshi 47
lam, ko 46
chan, t 45
lee, vhf 45
hui, sk 42
kanematsu, masayuki 42
kwong, dlw 40
so, th 39
grantham, jared j. 35
huang, jianpan 35
kondo, hiroshi 35
kim, m 34
cheung, rtf 33
lau, gkk 33
perucho, jau 30
chu, lw 29
harris, peter c. 29
bae, kyongtae ty 28
chiu, pw 28
cao, peng 27
perrone, ronald d. 27
watanabe, haruo 27
bennett, william m. 26
wu, ex 25
chan, kh 23
chen, nk 23
kawada, hiroshi 23
lee, hoyeon 23
noda, yoshifumi 23
steinman, theodore i. 23
wong, yc 22
hong, cheng 21
yiu, kh 21
abebe, kaleab z. 20
mrug, michal 20
chan, kannie w.y. 19
chau, cm 19
tao, cheng 19
woo, yc 19
bae, k. t. 18
chiang, cl 18
chiu, kwh 18
flessner, michael f. 18
kawai, nobuyuki 18
li, lsw 18
moriyama, noriyuki 18
ng, ming-yen 18
anthony, m 17
cui, d 17
huang, b 17
mak, h 17
samartzis, d 17
zhang, z 17
anthony, mp 16
du, r 16
furlan, alessandro 16
schrier, robert w. 16
zhang, h 16
braun, william e. 15
cho, seungryong 15
hogan, marie c. 15
kwong, yl 15
lang, hhb 15
pilgram, thomas k. 15
poon, wl 15
roobottom, ca 15
wang, y 15
chen, lin 14
choi, cw 14
chu, yc 14
heiken, jay p. 14
ho, sl 14
lam, tc 14
leung, tw 14
miyoshi, toshiharu 14
tse, hf 14
wong, yk 14
xu, x 14
yau, kkw 14
zhu, fang 14
bae, kyongtae 13
chan, sk 13
chan, wlw 13
chang, hing chiu 13
cheung, kmc 13
gierada, david s. 13
onozuka, minoru 13
rahbari-oskoui, frederic f. 13
sun, h 13
tse, ky 13
wang, m 13
xu, jiadi 13
yu, alan s.l. 13
zhang, l 13
an, h 12
chan, sy 12
chu, ml 12
guay-woodford, lisa m. 12
hildebolt, charles f. 12
huang, f 12
king, bernard f. 12
koohimoghadam, m 12
kwan, skj 12
leung, gkk 12
miskulin, dana c. 12
ngan, hys 12
thompson, paul a. 12
deva, dp 11
feng, st 11
juan, cj 11
law, syk 11
liu, yj 11
meyers, catherine m. 11
miller, j. philip 11
moon, chan hong 11
shea, yf 11
wetzel, louis h. 11
wong, ghy 11
xie, c 11
yan, at 11
zhang, j 11
zhao, tiejun 11
brosnahan, godela 10
chan, kmk 10
chen, y 10
chen, zilin 10
lai, joseph h.c. 10
lau, hy 10
leong, tl 10
li, h 10
li, l 10
li, zp 10
liu, x 10
qian, w 10
rothwell, pm 10
seto, wkw 10
tan, cb 10
tanahashi, yukichi 10
yang, x 10
yuan, h 10
chau, acm 9
chung, hw 9
gong, n 9
kim, jung hwan 9
koohi-moghadam, m 9
kwok, kw 9
larson, peder e.z. 9
lau, hy 9
lee, tmc 9
lee, wma 9
leung, st 9
moore, charity g. 9
shiratori, yoshimune 9
wang, s 9
wang, x 9
yeung, tw 9
yuen, rmf 9
zhang, m 9
zhu, hj 9
anthony, mp 8
bae, k. ty 8
chan, rck 8
chan, wc 8
chang, hc 8
cheung, eva y.w. 8
chiu, pkc 8
goo, jin mo 8
han, xiongqi 8
hung, ifn 8
kim, kwang gi 8
lee, yh 8
liu, t 8
nensey, r 8
ninan, t 8
park, sung hong 8
shim, hackjoon 8
tsang, coa 8
winklhofer, franz t. 8
wong, emf 8
wong, swh 8
wu, w 8
xie, b 8
yu, x 8
zhu, hongyunjune 8
chan, lwc 7
chen, s 7
chu, tyc 7
chung, hsiao wen 7
hsu, hh 7
hsu, k 7
kim, hyeongseok 7
klahr, saulo 7
kong, fp 7
koohi-moghadam, mohamad 7
kwan, jsk 7
lam, ksl 7
landsittel, douglas p. 7
lau, wcs 7
law, tk 7
lee, cy 7
lee, jcy 7
lee, kh 7
lian, j 7
liu, j 7
liu, y 7
liu, yang 7
ma, t 7
mak, ly 7
matsuo, masayuki 7
ng, ks 7
park, se weon 7
shen, xp 7
tong, cc 7
van lunenburg, jtj 7
wang, h 7
wang, r 7
wang, z 7
xia, p 7
yu, h 7
azman, r 6
bae, kt 6
bhatnagar, g 6
bost, james e. 6
cai, shuhui 6
chan, acy 6
chen, c 6
cheng, lf 6
cheung, efc 6
cheung, k 6
chiu, hc 6
chiu, tw 6
chua, se 6
dong, z 6
dou, q 6
fong, dyt 6
gu, j 6
guo, h 6
ho, jwk 6
hui, e 6
hui, r 6
hung, ksy 6
kajita, kimihiro 6
kim, jin sung 6
ko, jmy 6
lau, cs 6
lee, awm 6
leipsic, j 6
li, q 6
li, x 6
li, y 6
liang, l 6
lim, lw 6
liu, x 6
lung, ml 6
mok, tmy 6
paganetti, harald 6
pang, cl 6
pennell, dj 6
sham, pc 6
so, k 6
song, aw 6
vardhanabhuti, varut 6
wen, j 6
whiting, bruce r. 6
woodard, pamela k. 6
wu, j 6
xie, l 6
yao, n 6
yuen, ky 6
yuen, mk 6
braun, william 5
brink, james a. 5
brosnahan, godela m. 5
brummer, marijn e. 5
cai, congbo 5
chan, dtm 5
chan, ks 5
chang, rcc 5
chang, samuel 5
chen, zhong 5
chiu, my 5
choi, hcw 5
chong, ps 5
chow, ws 5
chu, mmy 5
chung, twh 5
connelly, ka 5
cooper, joel d. 5
fang, g 5
gao, j 5
gao, y 5
goris, michael l. 5
han, l 5
he, j 5
ho, pyp 5
huang, hk 5
hui, es 5
ilyas, s 5
jiang, w 5
jimenez-juan, l 5
kaya, diana 5
kim, ds 5
koyasu, hiromi 5
kuker, w 5
kuo, md 5
lai, yta 5
landsittel, doug p. 5
landsittel, douglas 5
lau, kk 5
lee, elaine yuen phin 5
lee, seoyoung 5
li, a 5
lin, y 5
lin, yingying 5
liu, z 5
lo, csy 5
lui, mms 5
luk, kdk 5
luk, my 5
luo, l 5
luo, y 5
ma, kf 5
mak, henry k.f. 5
masoumi, amirali 5
mcalonan, gm 5
menias, christine o. 5
ng, wt 5
ngu, sf 5
park, bumwoo 5
patil, amol 5
qiu, d 5
roobottom, c 5
sun, ch 5
tam, ar 5
teo, kc 5
thavendiranathan, p 5
to, kkw 5
van zijl, peter c.m. 5
wald, r 5
wan, eyf 5
wang, am 5
wang, ge 5
wang, jin hong 5
wong, a 5
wong, fkc 5
wong, mp 5
wu, m 5
xiao, l 5
xiao, peng 5
yan, andrew t 5
yu, plh 5
zhang, s 5
zhao, y 5
zhen, z 5
abrigo, j 4
aghayev, ayaz 4
alavi, a 4
ambler, g 4
baumgarten, deborah a. 4
bobić, mislav 4
cao, w 4
chabriat, h 4
chan, cy 4
chan, gcf 4
chan, hss 4
chan, kannie wai yan 4
chan, ys 4
chang, rsk 4
chau, a 4
chau, acm 4
chen, cheng yu 4
cheng, hm 4
cheng, iky 4
cheng, vcc 4
cheung, c 4
cheung, eva yi wah 4
cheung, ywe 4
chiu, ssh 4
cho, byungchul 4
chu, mym 4
czarnecki, peter g. 4
dai, w 4
ding, j 4
eppinger, s 4
fong, aht 4
fong, chy 4
fu, jh 4
fu, yp 4
fung, sy 4
giger, maryellen l. 4
goris, ml 4
gumus, serter 4
guo, hy 4
han, lj 4
higashihara, eiji 4
horie, shigeo 4
hu, y 4
huang, j 4
hui, es 4
hui, esk 4
hyde, c 4
ip, msm 4
joe, bonnie n. 4
juan, chun jung 4
kai, g 4
kelleher, cass 4
khong, pek lan 4
kiaii, m 4
kim, jin hwan 4
kim, yd 4
kirpalani, a 4
koga, m 4
kwoh, c. kent 4
lam, tpw 4
lau, cp 4
law, s 4
lee, as 4
lee, chang hyun 4
lee, hyun ju 4
lee, kj 4
li, th 4
li, wk 4
li, yl 4
li, z 4
lim, js 4
liu, bj 4
lo, awi 4
lo, cm 4
lo, y 4
loong, f 4
lui, ssy 4
mak, kc 4
man, k 4
martin, diego 4
meng, qf 4
mok, my 4
ng, b 4
ng, cy 4
ng, m-y 4
ng, ming yen 4
olubaniyi, bo 4
rahbari-oskoui, frederic 4
riordan, rd 4
shen, chengli 4
shiozawa, m 4
singh, ghh 4
song, tj 4
song, y 4
soo, y 4
sridhar, s 4
tang, hs 4
tenant, s 4
teo, kc 4
tong, dkh 4
tong, x 4
tsang, kc 4
tso, awk 4
tsuge, yusuke 4
ugurbil, k 4
van zijl, pcm 4
vigneron, daniel b. 4
whitcher, b 4
wilson, d 4
wong, ekm 4
wong, hyf 4
wong, iyh 4
wong, rwk 4
wong, ws 4
xu, a 4
xu, xiang 4
yang, h 4
yap, pm 4
yiu, eml 4
yiu, kai hang 4
yokoyama, ryujiro 4
yu, k 4
zheng, jie 4
zhou, j 4
zhou, w 4
zhou, y 4
almusa, omar 3
altschuler, martin d. 3
arsava, em 3
au, wy 3
azman, rr 3
bae, hj 3
bao, y 3
barbato, c 3
becker, as 3
becker, christoph r. 3
bordet, r 3
borhani, amir a. 3
browning, s 3
bruce, i 3
cai, j 3
cai, jing 3
chan, chy 3
chan, cws 3
chan, d 3
chan, hwf 3
chan, j 3
chan, jyk 3
chan, kc 3
chan, kh 3
chan, kk 3
chan, kwy 3
chan, wp 3
chang, skr 3
chau, anson c.m. 3
chen, chin tu 3
chen, h 3
chen, m 3
cheng, cheng chieh 3
cheng, ky 3
cheng, t 3
cheng, yc 3
cheung, c 3
cheung, cf 3
cheung, cl 3
cheung, ksm 3
cheung, rhk 3
cheung, tt 3
cheung, yf 3
chin, twy 3
chiu, hui chu 3
chiu, keith 3
chiu, kmy 3
chiu, su chin 3
choi, seung hong 3
choi, young wook 3
chow, aym 3
choy, ts 3
christ, n 3
chu, km 3
chu, w 3
chuang, tzu chao 3
chung, hy 3
commean, paul k. 3
connelly, kim a 3
cook, larry t. 3
cooper, j. d. 3
coutts, sb 3
crean, a 3
crean, am 3
cui, j 3
dai, jing 3
deva, djeven p 3
devuyst, olivier 3
engelter, st 3
fang, bxh 3
fluri, f 3
fong, hta 3
foulkes, ns 3
fu, j 3
fujita, hiroshi 3
fung, k 3
gattringer, t 3
ge, yinghui 3
gitomer, berenice 3
glockner, james 3
glockner, james f. 3
goris, m 3
gunkel, s 3
gutteridge, c 3
gyanwali, b 3
haacke, e. mark 3
hallevi, h 3
har, wya 3
hara, h 3
he, jl 3
he, z 3
heiken, j. p. 3
hennerici, m 3
heo, jh 3
hess, s 3
heyer, christina m. 3
hilal, s 3
ho, sl 3
ho, wy 3
hogg, james c. 3
horstmann, s 3
hoshi, hiroaki 3
hu, x 3
hu, y 3
hu, zl 3
huang, guo shu 3
huang, j 3
hung, fni 3
hung, kn 3
im, jung gi 3
inamura, s 3
ip, i 3
ip, p 3
ip, pcp 3
irazabal, maría v. 3
james, j 3
jeon, kyung nyeo 3
jiang, x 3
jin, l 3
jouvent, e 3
kahn, charles e. 3
kakani, n 3
karur, gr 3
kenney, philip j. 3
khong, p 3
khong, p-l 3
kim, jong hyo 3
kim, youngwoo 3
kurhanewicz, john 3
kwan, ct 3
kwan, jsk 3
kwong, tsp 3
kwong, yok lam 3
lai, jhc 3
lai, ping hong 3
lam, byk 3
lam, cld 3
lam, cw 3
lam, hys 3
lam, kc 3
lang, bhh 3
lao, l 3
lau, kk 3
lau, vwh 3
lau, wh 3
law, tt 3
lee, e 3
lee, elaine 3
lee, j 3
lee, jk 3
lee, jongha 3
lee, sang uk 3
lee, vh 3
lemmens, r 3
leung, ayh 3
leung, cy 3
leung, t 3
leung, wk 3
li, debiao 3
li, s 3
li, t 3
li, yuguo 3
liang, y 3
lin, jm 3
lip, gyh 3
liu, c 3
liu, f 3
liu, jh 3
liu, yi jui 3
lloyd, s 3
loader, r 3
lomax, antony j. 3
lovelock, c 3
lovelock, ce 3
lui, g 3
lung, kc 3
ma, jkf 3
ma, x 3
mak, hk 3
mak, sf 3
mak, w 3
marco-rius, irene 3
marti-fabregas, j 3
mcalonan, g 3
mendyk, am 3
miskulin, dana 3
mitchell, gr 3
mok, v 3
montero, david 3
nelson, sarah j. 3
nesteruk, konrad p. 3
ng, pp 3
ngan, ssc 3
nishibori, hironori 3
nishihara, m 3
o'neill, w. charles 3
o'sullivan, b 3
orken, dn 3
pan, y 3
pang, hmh 3
pang, p 3
pang, syy 3
park, ilwoo 3
patel, nayana 3
pedrosa, ivan 3
peng, zp 3
peters, nils 3
petty, c 3
poon, ws 3
purrucker, j 3
qin, j 3
razack, a 3
reiser, maximilian f. 3
remer, erick 3
ronen, i 3
rossetti, sandro 3
salavati, a 3
schuemann, jan 3
schulz, u 3
senior, r 3
senum, sarah r. 3
shan, hongming 3
shen, x 3
shih, kc 3
sicard, gregorio a. 3
sidhu, hs 3
siegel, marilyn j. 3
simister, r 3
simoni, m 3
siu, cw 3
slone, r. m. 3
so, ty 3
suckling, j 3
sun, hongliang 3
sun, hongzhe 3
takahashi, naoki 3
tamai, tk 3
tan, kv 3
tanaka, j 3
tao, c. 3
taylor, j 3
tiwari, afy 3
torres, vicente 3
toyoda, k 3
tripathi, v 3
tsang, aco 3
tse, ka yu 3
tse, kai hei 3
tsougenis, e 3
tsui, kw 3
uysal, e 3
venkatanarasimha, n 3
wald, rachel m 3
wan, ws 3
wan, yfe 3
wang, cw 3
wang, j 3
wang, jinhong 3
wang, k 3
wang, lu 3
wang, xiaomei 3
wang, zuojun 3
watnick, terry 3
weekes, bs 3
wen, c 3
whitmore, d 3
williams, mc 3
winey, brian a. 3
winklhofer, franz 3
wong, ckk 3
wong, gtc 3
wong, ick 3
wong, jyh 3
wong, whs 3
wong, yhi 3
wu, b 3
wu, l 3
wu, mz 3
wu, zhiyuan 3
xie, cy 3
xu, j 3
yakushiji, y 3
yan, fk 3
yang, y 3
yau, c 3
yau, s 3
yeung, fk 3
yoshifuji, k 3
yu, alan s. 3
yu, sch 3
yuan, hui 3
yun, il dong 3
yung, awy 3
yusen, r. d. 3
zamboni, g 3
zhang, n 3
zhang, xiaoliang 3
zhang, xiaoling 3
zhu, xl 3
zou, y 3
abutalebi, j 2
acharya, chathur 2
adams, wm 2
al'aref, sj 2
al-shahi salman, r 2
alam, ms 2
alavi, abass a. 2
albertini, francesca 2
algra, a 2
aman, rrar 2
an, h 2
andreini, d 2
arbab-zadeh, a 2
arya, kraisthith 2
au yeung, mc 2
audenaert, ea 2
auyeung, pkm 2
awai, kazuo 2
ay, h 2
bae, junu t. 2
bae, k. 2
bae, kyungsoo 2
baggiano, a 2
bao, yw 2
barfett, jj 2
barker, jeffrey w. 2
barkhof, f 2
barthur, a 2
baty, catherine j. 2
behari, jaideep 2
bello, o 2
ben assayag, e 2
bergmann, carsten 2
bergstralh, eric j. 2
bernstein, a 2
bertolet, alejandro 2
best, jg 2
bhattarai, a 2
bierhals, andrew j. 2
bilgin, a 2
bok, robert a. 2
bornstein, nm 2
boss, a 2
bost, james 2
brezden-masley, c 2
brittenham, gm 2
budde, klemens 2
cai, h 2
calvet, d 2
camps-renom, p 2
canan, a 2
cavalcante, jl 2
chan, a 2
chan, b 2
chan, bpl 2
chan, cc 2
chan, clw 2
chan, fandy y.c. 2
chan, fsy 2
chan, hl 2
chan, jcy 2
chan, jsm 2
chan, jwm 2
chan, k 2
chan, kannie w y 2
chan, kannie wy 2
chan, kh 2
chan, kkl 2
chan, kkw 2
chan, lk 2
chan, lw 2
chan, ol 2
chan, pl 2
chan, rw 2
chan, s 2
chan, shirley chiu wai 2
chan, sya 2
chan, tt 2
chan, vsh 2
chan, wcl 2
chan, wks 2
chan, wl 2
chan, wy 2
chan, y 2
chang, chung chou h. 2
chang, gene yuan 2
chang, yy 2
chao, tc 2
chapman, a. b. 2
chapman, arlene 2
chappell, f 2
chau, cm 2
chauveau, dominique 2
chebib, fouad t. 2
chelliah, a 2
chen, j 2
chen, k 2
chen, l 2
chen, nan kuei 2
chen, p 2
chen, zhiwei 2
chen, zj 2
cheng, dominic y.t. 2
cheng, gerald w.y. 2
cheng, janice k.y. 2
cheng, ky 2
cheung, any 2
cheung, cf 2
cheung, felix 2
cheung, scw 2
chiang, jb 2
chiang, mf 2
chien, km 2
ching, asc 2
ching, oh 2
chiu, k. w h 2
chiu, kcp 2
chiu, keith wan hang 2
chiu, patrick k.c. 2
chiu, wan kam 2
chiu, yk 2
choi, hh 2
choi, hk 2
choi, ssa 2
choi, wm 2
choi, young jin 2
choong, cliff k. 2
choulilitsa, evangelia 2
chow, bck 2
chow, ck 2
chow, sf 2
chow, yhp 2
christensen, jeppe b. 2
chu, axw 2
chu, ellie s.m. 2
chua, bj 2
chuang, tc 2
chung, bhy 2
chung, ho yin 2
cong, wenxiang 2
conradi, mark s. 2
consugar, mark b. 2
cornec-le gall, emilie 2
cui, rx 2
czarnecki, peter 2
czerska, katarzyna 2
czerwiec, frank s. 2
dahdah, nagib 2
dai, wc 2
dallaire, frédéric 2
de cecco, cn 2
de leeuw, fe 2
delany, james p. 2
delmaire, c 2
demirelli, ds 2
deng, j 2
deng, y 2
desphande, r 2
diaz-canestro, candela 2
dissanayake, p 2
don, steven 2
dong, m 2
drolet, christian 2
edwards, marie e. 2
el-koussy, m 2
erickson, bradley j. 2
ettles, d. f. 2
faddegon, bruce 2
fan, kmj 2
fan, s 2
fang, b 2
farooqi, km 2
fazekas, f 2
felmlee, joel p. 2
feng, y 2
ferencik, m 2
fetzer, david t. 2
feuchtner, g 2
fong, ambrose ho tung 2
fong, hch 2
fong, lcw 2
fu, jianhua 2
fu, jui hsun 2
fu, ys 2
fung, jyy 2
fung, yl 2
gansevoort, ron t. 2
gao, pp 2
gierada, d. s. 2
gill, h 2
gill, harinder 2
gillard, jh 2
gomez-anson, b 2
gransar, h 2
grantham, j. j. 2
graves, mj 2
grewal, jasmine 2
gruner, c 2
guan, xy 2
guay-woodford, l. m. 2
guay-woodford, lisa 2
guhaniyogi, s 2
guidon, a 2
guisado-alonso, d 2
guo, c 2
guo, meihan 2
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
magnetic resonance imaging 47
humans 34
male 31
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 29
covid-19 27
middle aged 26
female 24
atherosclerosis 23
diffusion-weighted imaging 23
mri 23
pet/ct 23
adult 22
chinese 22
deep learning 21
prognosis 21
intravoxel incoherent motion 20
machine learning 19
cervical cancer 18
computed tomography 18
diffusion tensor imaging 18
positron emission tomography 18
sars-cov-2 18
adc 17
radiomics 17
imaging 16
cancer 15
chemoradiotherapy 15
dce-mri 15
dementia 15
randomized controlled trial 15
anosmia 14
cardiovascular magnetic resonance 14
diffusion kurtosis imaging 14
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 14
lung cancer 14
neoadjuvant therapy 14
olfactory dysfunction 14
perfusion 14
quality of life 14
rheumatoid arthritis 14
type 2 diabetes 14
artificial intelligence 13
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging 13
positron-emission tomography 13
standardized uptake value 13
mind-body intervention 12
non-small cell lung cancer 12
thyroiditis 12
aging - pathology 11
alzheimer's disease 11
anisotropy 11
brain - pathology 11
intensity-modulated radiation therapy 11
liquid biopsy 11
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 11
mrs 11
sensitivity and specificity 11
thyroid function tests 11
thyroid gland 11
aging 10
brain microstructure 10
cognition 10
cognitive behavioral therapy 10
coronary artery disease 10
delusional disorder 10
diffusion 10
f-dopa 10
family caregiver 10
first-episode psychosis 10
functional connectivity 10
functional outcome 10
hong kong 10
immunotherapy 10
intracranial germ cell tumor 10
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 10
multidetector computed tomography 10
negative symptoms 10
neurotoxicity 10
ovarian cancer 10
plasma ebv dna 10
radiation therapy 10
schizophrenia 10
striatal dopamine capacity synthesis 10
stroke 10
targeted therapy 10
18f-fdg pet/ct 9
4d flow 9
aged 9
chest x-ray 9
cognitive behavioural therapy 9
contrast-enhanced ct 9
diagnosis 9
diagnosis, differential 9
dw-mri 9
family caregivers 9
nomogram 9
outcome 9
prediction model 9
prevalence 9
radiology 9
recursive partitioning analysis 9
resting-state fmri 9
risk factors 9
smell impairment 9
stage classification 9
survival prediction 9
treatment outcome 9
tumors 9
vitamin a 9
white cell count 9
18f-fdg pet 8
aerosolised 8
alzheimer’s disease 8
cardiovascular diseases 8
case-control studies 8
chemotherapy 8
circulating neoplastic cell 8
circulating tumor dna 8
contrast media 8
curriculum 8
direct flow 8
fdg-pet/ct 8
fiber tracking 8
functional brain network 8
hfpef 8
intraventricular flow 8
long covid 8
longitudinal real-time monitoring 8
magnetic resonance cholangiography 8
multi-detector computed tomography 8
neuromyelitis optica 8
non-invasive biomarker 8
non-metastatic 8
obesity 8
observer variation 8
oesophageal cancer 8
oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma 8
oesophagectomy 8
olfactory training 8
positron-emission tomography and computed tomography 8
prognostic factors 8
quantitative susceptibility mapping 8
residual volume 8
silver 8
smell loss 8
survival 8
suv 8
systemic lupus erythematosus 8
ultrasound 8
adolescent 7
advanced escc 7
aged, 80 and over 7
alkaline phosphatase 7
animals 7
aorta 7
arterial spin labeling 7
azygos vein blood 7
biliary 7
brain 7
breast cancer 7
c-reactive protein - analysis 7
cell-free dna 7
cholangiogram 7
chronic kidney disease 7
circulating tumor cells 7
circulating tumor cells (ctc) 7
ctc clusters 7
ctc enumeration 7
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging - methods 7
diffusion tensor imaging - methods 7
diffusion weighted imaging 7
dti 7
early prediction 7
emt 7
epidemiology 7
epithelioid 7
gestational 7
intracerebral hemorrhage 7
ketamine 7
lipid 7
lymph node metastasis 7
medical sciences 7
medical students 7
mild cognitive impairment 7
parkinson's disease 7
phantoms, imaging 7
predictive value of tests 7
public health 7
screening 7
substance abuse 7
surgery 7
tomography, spiral computed 7
tomography, x-ray computed 7
trophoblastic 7
uterine cervical neoplasms 7
adenocarcinoma 6
alff 6
alzheimer disease - pathology 6
aorta, thoracic - pathology - radiography 6
aortic diseases - epidemiology - radiography 6
arterial calcification 6
arthritis, rheumatoid - complications 6
asymptomatic 6
atherosclerosis - epidemiology - physiopathology - radiography 6
atherosclerosis - epidemiology - radiography 6
biological markers - analysis 6
biomarker 6
body mass index 6
bone marrow 6
c-reactive protein 6
calcinosis - complications - epidemiology - radiography 6
calcinosis - epidemiology - physiopathology - radiography 6
calcinosis - etiology - radiography 6
cardiovascular diseases - epidemiology - physiopathology - radiography 6
cardiovascular system - pathology - physiopathology - radiography 6
carotid arteries - pathology - radiography 6
carotid artery diseases - epidemiology - radiography 6
carotid artery diseases - epidemiology - ultrasonography 6
carotid artery, common - radiography 6
cerebral microbleeds 6
cerebral small vessel disease 6
cest 6
comparative effectiveness 6
computer tomography 6
concurrent chemoradiotherapy 6
coronary angiography 6
coronary artery disease - epidemiology - radiography 6
coronary artery disease - etiology - radiography 6
coronary vessels - pathology 6
cross-sectional studies 6
diastolic function 6
diffusional kurtosis imaging 6
diffusivity 6
disease progression 6
dwi 6
extracellular matrix 6
extranodal 6
family 6
functional mri 6
glioblastoma 6
half-life clearance 6
hardiness 6
head and neck cancer 6
hepatocellular carcinoma 6
herbal medicine 6
high cardiovascular risk 6
hippocampus 6
histogram analysis 6
intervention research 6
intervertebral disc 6
intra-abdominal fat 6
iron deposition 6
ischemic stroke 6
ivim 6
kidney 6
liver 6
logistic models 6
low-level laser irradiation 6
lungquality of life 6
lupus erythematosus, systemic - complications - physiopathology 6
multimodal 6
multiple sclerosis 6
myelin 6
neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy 6
neoplasm staging 6
nerve fibers, myelinated - pathology 6
obstructive sleep apnea 6
oncology 6
orthodontic pain 6
orthodontic-periodontal joint treatment 6
osteoarthritis 6
palliative 6
periodontal inflammation 6
plasma epstein–barr virus deoxyribonucleic acid 6
positron-emission tomography and computed tomography - methods 6
prognostic factor 6
prognostication 6
prostate cancer 6
psoriasis 6
psoriasis - epidemiology 6
psychological health 6
psychometric validation 6
radiogenomic 6
randomised clinical trial 6
rct 6
recurrence 6
regression analysis 6
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation 6
resilience 6
resting state 6
retrogenesis 6
retrospective studies 6
scleroderma, systemic - complications - radiography 6
segmentation 6
sleep apnea, obstructive - metabolism 6
stress cardiac magnetic resonance 6
tomography 6
traditional chinese medicine 6
ultrasonography 6
ute 6
vascular calcification 6
vascular dementia 6
visceral fat 6
visual hallucinations 6
visual spatial memory 6
waist circumference 6
white matter integrity 6
18f-flutemetamol 5
5-fluorouracil 5
abdominal pregnancy 5
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - complications - diagnosis 5
acupuncture 5
adenosine triphosphate 5
aetiology 5
age-related degenerative disc change 5
amygdala 5
apparent diffusion coefficient 5
basal ganglia 5
bone marrow - pathology 5
c6 glioma 5
calcinosis - pathology - radiography 5
capecitabine 5
carcinosarcoma 5
cerebral blood flow 5
cerebral microbleed 5
cervical spinal cord 5
cetuximab 5
child 5
compressed sensing 5
coronary artery disease - complications - radiography 5
cryptococcosis - diagnosis - etiology 5
ct 5
diagnostic imaging 5
diffusion weighting 5
disc degeneration 5
dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging 5
dysphagia 5
ectopic pregnancy 5
endplate defect 5
fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose 5
fluorodeoxyglucose f18 - diagnostic use 5
functional assessment 5
gastric cancer 5
gestational trophoblastic neoplasia 5
gist 5
glycosaminoglycan 5
glycosaminoglycans - metabolism 5
hcc 5
head and neck cancers 5
hemoperitoneum 5
hodgkin disease - drug therapy - pathology 5
imbalanced datasets 5
interval debulking surgery 5
intervertebral disc - metabolism 5
intervertebral disc - pathology 5
knee osteoarthritis 5
lactate 5
leiomyosarcoma 5
liver fibrosis 5
lumbar 5
lumbar vertebrae - metabolism 5
lumbar vertebrae - pathology 5
lymphatic diseases - diagnosis - etiology 5
lymphoma - diagnosis 5
lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse - drug therapy - pathology 5
magnetic 5
mediastinal neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology 5
medical imaging 5
metastatic 5
metastatic colorectal cancer 5
molecular size 5
multidisciplinary management 5
neo-adjuvant chemotherapy 5
neural network 5
neuromyelitis optica - diagnosis - pathology 5
neurorehabilitation 5
npc 5
pain 5
peritoneal carcinomatosis 5
pilot projects 5
polycystic kidney disease 5
positron-emission tomography - methods 5
protocol 5
radiotherapy 5
random forest 5
re-sampling techniques 5
renal impairment 5
resonance imaging 5
scleroderma, systemic - complications - pathology 5
sex 5
sham acupuncture 5
sinew acupuncture 5
smell training 5
spectral overlapping 5
spinal cord - pathology 5
staging 5
statistics, nonparametric 5
stress 5
stretched exponential 5
suvmax 5
systemic treatment 5
therapeutic evaluation 5
tomography, x-ray computed - methods 5
treatment failure 5
tumour board 5
tumour staging 5
ultrashort time-to-echo 5
uterine sarcoma 5
2-[18f]fdg pet/ct 4
3d voxels 4
abdominal mri 4
ablation techniques 4
acute leukemia 4
adpkd 4
adrenal cortex hormones - therapeutic use 4
algorithms 4
amyloid-β protein (aβ) 4
angiography 4
anterior cingulate cortex 4
antimicrobial resistance 4
apoe ɛ4-negative 4
apoe4 4
asia 4
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease 4
b-value 4
bioinformatics 4
blood volume 4
body composition 4
bold 4
bone marrow - drug effects - pathology - radionuclide imaging 4
brain tumor 4
cancer management 4
cell metabolism 4
central executive network (cen) 4
checkpoint inhibitor 4
chemotherapy response score 4
chest radiographs 4
child, preschool 4
chinese medicine 4
citric acid cycle 4
clinical trial 4
colistin 4
ct imaging 4
data mining 4
default mode network (dmn) 4
diabetes 4
diagnostic errors 4
diffusion measurement 4
diffusion time 4
dimensionality reduction 4
disease-free survival 4
dynamic contrast enhanced 4
egfr mutations 4
ensemble 3d deep learning 4
extramedullary 4
extranodal extension 4
fat–water decomposition mri 4
fdg 4
fdg pet/ct 4
fdg-avid lymphoma 4
fluorodeoxyglucose f18 4
fluorodeoxyglucose f18 - diagnostic use - pharmacokinetics 4
fmri 4
follow-up studies 4
functional magnetic resonance imaging 4
functional neuroimaging 4
glucose metabolism 4
glutamatergic system 4
hands-on training 4
heart 4
hematological toxicity 4
high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation 4
human brain 4
ileal neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology - radionuclide imaging 4
image segmentation 4
immune checkpoint inhibitor 4
incidence 4
indolent lymphoma 4
interventional ultrasonography 4
intervertebral disc degeneration 4
intimate partner violence 4
late-onset alzheimer's disease 4
lean body mass 4
learning 4
low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol 4
lymphoma 4
magnetic stimulation 4
management 4
marrow biopsy 4
mcr-1 4
meta-analysis 4
metabolites 4
metal-binding sites 4
metalloenzymes 4
metalloprotein 4
metastasis 4
mlkl 4
monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal t cell lymphoma 4
multiplexed sensitivity encoding 4
myeloid sarcoma 4
neoadjuvant chemotherapy 4
neoplasm metastasis 4
neoplasm, residual 4
neurological impact 4
nodal staging 4
nodular goiter 4
normal-appearing brain tissues 4
ovarian neoplasms 4
peritoneal neoplasms 4
pneumonia 4
point-of-care ultrasound 4
positron emission tomography computed tomography 4
post-chemoradiation fibrosis 4
post-stroke dysphagia 4
prospective cohort study 4
proteinuria 4
proteoglycan 4
psychological stress 4
quantitative analysis 4
quantitative mri analysis 4
radiation dosage 4
radiation dose 4
radiopharmaceuticals - diagnostic use 4
radiopharmaceuticals - diagnostic use - pharmacokinetics 4
rat 4
relaxometry 4
relayed nuclear overhauser effect (rnoe) 4
reproducibility of results 4
resting state functional mri (rsmri) 4
restricted diffusion 4
salience network (sn) 4
sarcoma, myeloid - drug therapy - pathology - radionuclide imaging 4
sarcoma, myeloid - pathology - radionuclide imaging 4
self-referential network (srn) 4
semiquantitative analysis 4
sensory motor network (smn) 4
southern chinese 4
spatial features 4
stage iv 4
stereotactic ablative radiation therapy 4
stereotactic radiation therapy 4
target therapy 4
teaching 4
thigh muscle segmentation 4
tumor staging 4
tumour stage 4
valvular heart disease 4
white matter hyperintensities 4
whole exome sequencing 4
whole-body mri 4
x-ray computed 4
x-ray computed tomography 4
young adult 4
acute disease 3
acute kidney injury 3
aflibercept 3
american joint committee on cancer stages 3
amyloidosis - diagnosis - etiology - pathology - radionuclide imaging 3
angiogram 3
appendicitis 3
area under the curve 3
artificial embolism 3
b-values 3
beam motion control 3
bone 3
brain functional connectivity 3
brain topological organisation 3
brainstem atrophy 3
brainstem regional volume 3
calcinosis - etiology - radionuclide imaging 3
carcinoma - radiotherapy 3
cardiac capacity 3
cardiac imaging 3
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging 3
cardiac mri 3
cardiorespiratory fitness 3
cardiotoxicity 3
cbct 3
cell differentiation 3
cephalometry 3
cerebral infarction 3
cerebral perfusion 3
cervical carcinoma 3
cest mri 3
chinese herbal medicine 3
cholangiocarcinoma 3
circulating haemoglobin mass 3
clinical assessment 3
cognitive dysfunctions 3
coils 3
colorectal neoplasms 3
comparability 3
complete metabolic response 3
computational biology 3
computed tomography (ct), contrast enhancement 3
cone beam 3
cone beam computed tomography 3
cone beam computerized tomography 3
convolutional neural network 3
corpus callosum 3
cranial nerves 3
cyclegan 3
cyclophosphamide - therapeutic use 3
cytoreduction 3
damage control resuscitation 3
deauville score (ds) 3
difficult airway mangement 3
diffusion weighted mrs 3
diffusion-weighted mri 3
disability 3
discriminant analysis 3
disease staging 3
drug side effect 3
drug-target interaction 3
dynamic [ 18f]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose pet 3
echocardiography 3
echocardiography parameters 3
endometrial carcinoma 3
endovascular procedures 3
entropy 3
epidemiological characteristics 3
extranodal natural killer/t-cell lymphoma (enktl) 3
fabrication 3
fibrosis 3
figo 3
first-episode schizophrenia 3
fluorodeoxyglucose f 18 3
fluorodeoxyglucose f18 - pharmacology 3
functional mrs 3
gamma-aminobutyric acid 3
genome-wide association studies 3
germinoma 3
germinomas 3
glutamate 3
gradient echo 3
hans chinese 3
heart rate 3
hematoma 3
hepatotoxicity 3
hernia 3
histologic subtypes 3
histopathologic features 3
hybrid control 3
hydrogel 3
hydronephrosis 3
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 3
image enhancement - methods 3
image processing, computer-assisted 3
image reconstruction 3
imatinib 3
immunoglobulin lambda-chains - analysis 3
immunosuppressive agents 3
inferior colliculus 3
learning-based modulation 3
left ventricular function 3
liposome 3
liver toxicity 3
low-income countries 3
lower-middle-income countries 3
lupus nephritis - diagnosis 3
lymph nodes - pathology - radionuclide imaging 3
lymphatic diseases - etiology - pathology - radionuclide imaging 3
lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 3
lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse - pathology - therapy 3
magnetic resonance imaging (mri) 3
magnetization transfer 3
mantle cell lymphoma 3
marek disease - diagnosis - etiology - radionuclide imaging 3
mcnamara's analysis 3
measurement 3
mesenteric veins 3
metformin 3
mr angiography 3
mr fingerprinting 3
mr spectroscopic imaging 3
multiple sclerosis (ms) 3
multivariate analysis 3
muscle 3
myocarditis 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - radionuclide imaging - therapy 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism - radionuclide imaging 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism - radiotherapy 3
neoplasm invasiveness - pathology 3
nephrotic syndrome 3
neurodegeneration 3
neuroinflammation 3
neurolymphomatosis 3
neuromodulation 3
neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders 3
neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (nmosd) 3
neuropsychological assessment 3
older age 3
ophthalmic specialty clinics 3
oral arsenic trioxide 3
ovarian and peritoneal cancers 3
ovarian carcinoma 3
parallel imaging 3
paraproteinemias - complications - diagnosis 3
paraproteins - analysis 3
percist 3
perfusion imaging 3
periodontitis 3
peritoneal pelvic packing 3
permeability 3
pet 3
portal vein 3
positron emission tomography-computed tomography 3
positron-emission tomography - methods - utilization - veterinary 3
pressure gradient manipulation 3
prevalence in south-eastern chinese 3
principal component analysis 3
prognostic indicators 3
prospective studies 3
prostate 3
proteinuria - drug therapy - etiology 3
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 3
psychiatry and neurology gerontology and geriatrics 3
psychosis 3
public health care system 3
q-factor 3
recovered 3
recurrence detection 3
refractory 3
refractory hypertension 3
regional adiposity 3
relapsed 3
renal cell carcinoma 3
reproducibility 3
resistant hypertension 3
resnet 3
response assessment 3
response criteria 3
response evaluation 3
resting state functional mri 3
resting-state functional magnetic resonance 3
right ventricular function 3
robot-assisted mrg-fus 3
rosai-dorfman disease 3
rucam 3
run length 3
serum uric acid 3
severity of illness index 3
sex dimorphism 3
side effect 3
silent lacunes 3
single-blind method 3
sjogren's syndrome - diagnosis - etiology - pathology 3
spin echo 3
spine 3
squamous cell carcinoma 3
stroke - epidemiology 3
survivors 3
susceptibility weighted imaging 3
synthetic magnetic resonance imaging 3
systemic therapy 3
tetralogy of fallot 3
texture analysis 3
thrombophlebitis 3
time factors 3
total lesion glycolysis 3
triage 3
tricuspid regurgitation 3
troponin 3
tumor burden 3
tumor debulking 3
tumor heterogeneity 3
type 2 diabetic mellitus 3
uterine cervical neoplasms - pathology - therapy 3
v-net 3
vagus nerve 3
vascular cognitive impairment 3
venous return 3
volumetry 3
voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity 3
wireless communication 3
18f-fdg pet/ ct 2
3d diffusion‐weighted imaging 2
3d interleaved epi 2
3d phase correction 2
3d printing 2
4d imaging 2
68ga 2
abdomen -- imaging. 2
abdominal ct 2
abiraterone (aa) 2
absolute quantification 2
acupuncture points 2
acupuncture therapy 2
acute appendicitis 2
altitude 2
altitude sickness 2
alzheimer's disease - magnetic resonance imaging 2
analysis 2
analysis of variance 2
ankylosing spondylitis 2
anti-thyroglobulin autoantibody 2
anticoagulants 2
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 2
aorta, ct 2
apalutamide 2
apd 2
aphasia 2
aphasia - etiology - psychology - radiography - therapy 2
arteries 2
arteriovenous anastomosis - pathology 2
arteriovenous malformation 2
artifact removal 2
artificial intelligence (ai) 2
artificial neural network 2
asian continental ancestry group 2
astrocytoma 2
atypical pneumonia 2
automated segmentation 2
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (adpkd) 2
awake 2
axial spondyloarthritis 2
balloon test occlusion 2
bayesian estimation 2
behcet disease 2
behcet syndrome - radionuclide imaging 2
benign 2
benign thyroid nodule 2
bile duct neoplasms - complications - radionuclide imaging 2
biopsy, fine-needle 2
blood oxygenation level-dependent 2
blood-brain barrier 2
body burden 2
body water 2
bowel 2
brain abscess 2
brain cortex 2
brain edema 2
brain imaging 2
brain injuries - pathology 2
brain ischemia - diagnosis - etiology 2
brain ischemia - drug therapy - epidemiology - radiography 2
brain ischemia - epidemiology 2
brain malformation 2
brain mapping 2
brain metabolites 2
brain neoplasms - blood supply - metabolism - pathology - secondary 2
brain network 2
breast 2
breast neoplasms 2
cad 2
calcinosis - epidemiology - ethnology - radiography 2
cancer incidence 2
cancer mortality 2
cancer patient 2
cancer related symptoms 2
cancer risk 2
cancer survival 2
capillary permeability 2
capsulenet 2
carcinoid tumor 2
carcinoma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology - secondary 2
carcinoma, renal cell - complications - radionuclide imaging 2
carcinomatosis 2
cardiac ct 2
cardiac tamponade - etiology 2
cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging 2
cardiovascular mortality 2
cardiovascular system 2
cauda equina 2
cbs (carotid blowout syndrome) 2
cerebral angiography 2
cerebral arteries - pathology - physiopathology - radiography 2
chest 2
chest ct 2
chest radiograph 2
children 2
china 2
cholangiocarcinoma - complications - radionuclide imaging 2
choline 2
chronic kidney failure 2
chronic stroke 2
classification 2
clinical outcome 2
cognition disorders 2
cohort studies 2
collagenase 2
combined modality therapy 2
comprehension - physiology 2
computed tomography (ct) 2
computed tomography (ct), contrast media 2
computed tomography (ct), image processing 2
computed tomography (ct), technology 2
computed tomography (ct), three-dimensional 2
computer automatic diagnosis 2
computer-aided diagnosis (cad) 2
contrast agents 2
contrast media - administration and dosage 2
contrast media - diagnostic use 2
contrast media, experimental studies 2
convolution neural network 2
cord compression 2
coronary angiography - methods - statistics & numerical data 2
coronary microvascular disease 2
cortical 2
cranioplasty 2
craniospinal irradiation 2
ct coronary angiography 2
data consistency 2
decompressive craniectomy 2
deep brain stimulation 2
deep learning reconstruction 2
diagnostic signs 2
diagnostics 2
diffusion magnetic resonance spectroscopy 2
diffusion mri 2
diffusion‐weighted imaging 2
distant metastasis 2
docetaxel 2
dota 2
drain 2
dropout 2
dura mater - pathology 2
dynamic contrast-enhanced mri 2
early detection 2
echo-planar imaging 2
echo‐planar imaging 2
eddy current 2
editorial 2
effective connectivity 2
egfr 2
electrocardiography - methods 2
emission-computed 2
end-stage renal disease 2
enzalutamide (enz) 2
epilepsy - diagnosis - pathology - radionuclide imaging 2
epithelial ovarian carcinoma 2
esophageal neoplasms - complications - pathology - radiography 2
esrd 2
estimated glomerular filtration rate 2
extracellular matrix - pathology 2
extramedullary hematopoiesis 2
false positive 2
false positive reactions 2
fasting 2
faux pas 2
feed forward neural network 2
filum termniale 2
fluids 2
focused ultrasound 2
frameless stereotaxis 2
frontal lesions 2
frontal lobe - pathology - physiopathology 2
functional prediction 2
gadolinium 2
garadacimab 2
gastrointestinal stromal tumor 2
gastrointestinal stromal tumors 2
gastrointestinal stromal tumors - complications - pathology - radiography 2
gastrointestinal stromal tumors - pathology - radiography - radionuclide imaging 2
gd-eob-dtpa 2
general anaesthesia 2
generative artificial intelligence 2
generative network 2
genetic algorithms 2
glioblastoma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 2
glioma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 2
glomerular filtration rate 2
glycoaminoglycan 2
graphical processing unit 2
graves’ disease 2
gray matter 2
hba1c variability 2
heart failure 2
heart rupture - etiology 2
heart rupture, post-infarction 2
hemangioblastoma 2
hemangioblastoma - blood supply - pathology - surgery 2
hematology 2
hemorrhage 2
hereditary angioedema 2
hippocampal volumetry 2
hong kong - epidemiology 2
horseshoe kidney 2
hydraulic systems 2
hydropneumothorax 2
hypothyroidism 2
ileocecal 2
image acquisition 2
image enhancement 2
image processing 2
image quality 2
image-guided radiotherapy 2
immunohistochemistry 2
immunophenotyping 2
induced hyperthermia 2
infant 2
infarction, middle cerebral artery - drug therapy - epidemiology - radiography 2
infections 2
inflammation 2
inguinal 2
injections - adverse effects 2
injections, intra-arterial 2
intensity-modulated 2
intensity-modulated radiotherapy 2
interleaved echo-planar imaging 2
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
vince vardhanabhuti 25
mak, ka fung henry 22
cao, peng 20
chiu, wan hang keith 17
lee, elaine yuen phin 16
ng, ming yen 13
lee, victor ho fun 12
chang, hing chiu charles 11
khong, pek lan 10
kwok, ka wai 9
yiu, kai hang 9
seto, wai kay walter 8
so, tsz him 8
yuen, richard man fung 8
koohimoghadam, mohamad 6
yu, yee tak esther 6
chang, wing chung 5
chen, eric yu hai 5
dora kwong 5
hui, christy lai ming 5
hui, sai kam 5
lam, ka on 5
lee, ho ming edwin 5
tse, ka yu 5
chan, kit wa 4
chang, raymond chuen chung 4
cheung, tan to 4
chiang, chi leung 4
lam, pei wayne 4
lau, gary kui kai 4
lo, chung mau 4
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 4
tse, hung fat 4
tsoi, james kit hon 4
wong, cho lam tiffany 4
wong, chun sing 4
yu, philip leung ho 4
zhang, zhang-jin 4
anthony, marina-portia 3
clinical professor 3
fong, daniel yee tak 3
lee, chi ho paul 3
lee, wei-ning 3
li, wai keung 3
man, kwan 3
walter lam 3
wu, ed xuekui 3
botelho, michael george 2
chan, karen kar loen 2
chan, koon ho 2
chan, wing lok wendy 2
chang, tien yee amy 2
chen, haiyong 2
cheng, yi yung 2
cheung, kenneth man chee 2
cheung, yiu fai 2
choi, wai man 2
chung, ka fai 2
dissanayaka, waruna lakmal 2
hai, siu han jo jo 2
hu yong 2
javed, asif 2
kim, mina 2
lai, vincent 2
lam, tai chung 2
lao, lixing 2
luk, keith dip kei 2
mak, lung yi 2
mcgrath, colman 2
pow, edmond ho nang 2
sham, pak chung 2
siu, david chung wah 2
tiwari, agnes fung yee 2
wan, yuk fai eric 2
wong, janet yuen ha 2
wong, kenneth kin yip 2
zhang, chengfei 2
zhang, yanbo 2
bae, kyongtae tyler 1
chan, albert chi yan 1
chan, barbara pui 1
chan, edward ko ling 1
chan, esther wai yin 1
chan, hoi shan sophelia 1
chan, kwok wah 1
chan, see ching 1
chan, tao 1
chang, chunqi 1
chau, cheuk man 1
chen, jianping 1
cheung, charlton 1
cheung, ka shing michael 1
cheung, martin chi hang 1
chim, james chor sang 1
chiu, kin 1
choi, cheuk wai 1
chow, kwok wing 1
cowling, benjamin john 1
dai, wei 1
feng-ming (spring) kong 1
fung, james yan yue 1
gao, junling 1
guan, xin-yuan 1
ho, rainbow tin hung 1
huang, shi 1
hung, fan ngai ivan 1
hung, yeung sam 1
ip, patrick 1
irene ng 1
jiang, fei 1
jimmy lai 1
jin, lijian 1
khoo, ui soon 1
ko, josephine mun yee 1
kwan, joseph shiu kwong 1
lam, edmund yin mun 1
lam, james 1
lam, karen siu ling 1
lam, tai hing 1
lang, brian hung hin 1
law, andrew chi kin 1
law, simon ying kit 1
lee, tatia mei chun 1
lee, wing mui anne 1
leung, anskar yu hung 1
leung, gabriel matthew 1
leung, george pak heng 1
leung, gilberto ka kit 1
leung, wai keung 1
li, hongyan 1
liu, pei 1
lo, cheuk lam regina 1
luk, wai kuen 1
lung, maria li 1
montero barril, david 1
ng, ernest hung yu 1
ng, kwok chai kelvin 1
nicholls, john malcolm 1
pang, hei man herbert 1
richard kao 1
rong, jianhui 1
samartzis, dino 1
schooling, catherine mary 1
shih, kendrick co 1
siu, ming fai parco 1
so, kwok fai 1
song, you-qiang 1
stephanie ma 1
su, richard yuxiong 1
suen, yi nam 1
sun, hongzhe 1
sze, chun kin henry 1
sze, kam yim 1
tsang, chun on anderson 1
tsao, george sai wah 1
tse, eric wai choi 1
tso, wan yee winnie 1
vivian lui 1
wang, junwen john 1
wang, wen ping 1
wong, carlos king ho 1
wong, corine sau man 1
wong, gordon tin chun 1
wong, ian chi kei 1
wong, maria pik 1
wu, yik chung 1
xia, zhengyuan 1
xu, lin 1
yan, chun hoi 1
yang, yanqi 1
yau, wai pan 1
yeung, wing fai 1
zhang, zhiguo 1
zhu, hongyun june 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
molecular imaging, positron emission tomography, pre-clinical, radiotracer 16
mri, population-based, psychosis, psychotic experiences, subclinical psychotic symptoms, youth 9
biomarker, circulating tumor cell, drug resistance, esophageal cancer, metastasis, tumor evolution 8
hcc, ai , deep learning, microvascular invasion, medical imaging 8
11c-acetate, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, pet-ct, stereotactic body, tumour 7
acupuncture, breast, cancer, chemotherapy, insomnia, sham-controlled 7
adenocarcinoma, cfi-400945, gastroesophageal junction, platinum and fluoropyrimidine, prior therapy 7
alzheimer's disease, herbal medicine, modulate systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, wolfberry 7
carcinoma, chemoradiation, nasopharyngeal, pd-l1-positive, predicting, tumour 7
caries prevention, health education, health literacy, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, quality of life 7
chinese medicine, tumor-shrinking decoction (tsd), uterine fibroid 7
cognitive impairment, diffusion kurtosis imaging, diffusion mri imaging, duchenne msucular dystrophy, neurodisabilities, neuropsychology 7
1h-mrs, at-risk mental state, clinical high risk, glutamate, psychosis prediction 6
ai, ct, hcc, li-rads, liver cancer, machine learning 6
artificial intelligence, dental prostheses 6
asymptomatic type 2 diabetics 6
asymptomatic, cardiac, diabetics, empagliflozin, myocardial, resonance 6
cancer, genetic, heterogeneity, identify, intra-tumoural, translating 6
cardiovascular disease, coagulation, gegen, inflammation, lipids, pueraria 6
cirrhosis, hepatic steatosis, nafld, nash, sglt2 inhibitors 6
coping, emotion regulation, mental health, partner stalking, partner violence 6
disc degeneration, endplate, lumbar spine, schmorl's node 6
dopamine, late-onset, psychosocial stressors, schizophrenia 6
functionaml magnetic, magnetic resonance, schizophrenia, treatment resistant, ultra resistant, visual stress 6
mri compatible cycle ergometer 6
schizophrenia, spectroscopy, treatment resistant 6
ablation, fixed-dose, moderate-sized, multinodular, radioiodine-131, ultrasound 5
access, advanced, chemotherapy, esophageal, improving, locorgionally 5
acupuncture, major depressive disorder, neuroimaging, positron emission topography 5
an artificial intelligence system, detection and characterization, early liver cancer 5
an artificial intelligence system, early liver cancer, the detection and characterization 5
angiogram, artery, coronary, ct, disease, suspected 5
anxiety, cancer related symptom, depression, electro-acupuncture, fatigue, pain 5
big data, computed tomography, hepatocellular carcinoma, machine learning, predictive model, recurrence 5
brain connectivity, effective connectivity, multivariate signal modeling, neuroimaging, simultaneous eeg/fmri 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular, liver, liver-specific contrast agents, mri 5
cardiac, free, mrt, patients, poor, sick 5
cerebral aneurysms, fluid-structure interaction 5
chlorhexidine, complication, microbiome, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, quality of life, radiotherapy 5
cirrhosis, diabetes, hepatitis b, liver fibrosis, nucleoside analogue, transient elastography 5
cognitive impairment, intimate partner violence, mild traumatic brain injury 5
hepatocellular carcinoma, randomized controlled trial, stereotactic body radiation, transarterial chemoembolizatio 5
imaging guidance, magnetic resonance, robotic transoral surgery 5
low-lvel laser therapy, orthodontic treatment, patient-centered outcomes, periodontal inflammation and remodeling, periodontitis 5
radiomics, repeatability, test-retest 5
oral cancer, ffpe tissue, microbiome, diagnosis, prediction 5
radiomics, computed tomography, epithelial ovarian, platinum sensitivity, artificial intelligence 5
11c-acetate, 18f-fluorodeoxyglucose, carcinoma, hepatocellular, positron, tomograph 4
allograft, disc regeneration, endplate, intervertebral disc, nutritional pathway 4
bowel disease, inflammatory, magnetic resonance enterography, patients 4
cancer, chemotherapy, neo-adjuvant, ovarian, pet-ct, treatment 4
cardiac magnetic, diastolic dysfunction, heart failure with, strain, tissue tracking 4
cartilage repair, human mesenchymal stem cell, osteochondral interface, tissue engineering 4
cest imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, lumbar intervertebral discs, magnetic resonance imaging 4
effects, mushroom, ostreatus, oyster, pleurotus, protective 4
flexible continuum robot, image-guided intervention, surgical robotics 4
impairment, perspective, plausible, underpinning, vessel, wiring 4
magnetic resonance imaging, mri fingerprinting, prostate cancer 4
agent, contrast, free, liver, liver-specific, mri 3
angiogenesis, cell survival, hif-1α stabilization, pulp regeneration, small molecules 3
angiography, computed, coronary, free, poor, tomography 3
aortic, implantation, stenosis, tomography, transcatheter, valve 3
apparent diffusion, cytoreductive surgery, diffusion-weighted, functional volume, ovarian carcinoma, peritoneal carcinomatosis 3
artificial intelligence, clinical decision aid, colour retinal images, deep learning systems, ophthalmic referrals, triage 3
artificial intelligent, cancer, deep learning, lesion detection, prostate cancer, segmentation 3
benign, computed tomography, malignant, multi-centre, ovarian mass, texture analysis 3
bioinorganic chemistry, bismuth, medicinal inorganic chemistry, metalloproteomics, proteins 3
cardiac function, congenital heart disease, gut microbiome, heart-liver-gut axis 3
cardiovascular magnetic resonance, coronavirus disease 2019, covid-19, myocardial inflammation 3
cervical cancer, histogram analysis, intratumour heterogeneity, ivim 3
cognitive dysfunctions, laparotomy, neuroinflammation, pkr, systemic inflammation 3
cognitive processes, glutamate, normal aging, proton mr spectroscopy, task-based bold-fmri 3
demyelination, lesion detection, mri, ms, multiple sclerosis, neurological disease 3
detect silent brain, elderly, novel cardiac imaging technique, subsequent vascular dementia 3
disease recurrence, female pelvic cancers, mri 3
facility, imaging, pet/ct, scan, state-of-the-art 3
hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc), transarterial embolization, treatment response and drug resistance, tyrosine kinase inhibitors using preclinical micropet/mri system 3
imaging facility, pet/ct scan 3
imaging, magnetic, monitoring, resonance, response, treatment 3
intra-operative, mri-guided, multi-stage, neurosurgery, soft robotic assistant, stereotactic brain biopsy 3
ischemic stroke, magnetic resonance imaging (mri), queen mary hospital, transient ischemic attack 3
machine learning, prediction, radiomics, texture 3
novel self-navigated 3d diffusion, weighted magnetic resonance imaging technology 3
artificial intelligence, deep learning, muscular dystrophy, ageing, muscle quantification 3
bioinorganic chemistry, metalloproteomics, mechanism, arsenic trioxide, metallodrug 3
cardiovascular physiology, ethnic differences, hans chinese, caucasians, cardiac imaging 3
hepatocellular carcinoma, metastatic, previously untreated, immune checkpoint inhibitor, radioembolisation 3
quantitative stress cardiac magnetic resonance, myocardial blood flow, myocardial perfusion reserve, vericiguat, coronary microvascular dysfunction 3
blood pressure, cerebral small vessel disease, stroke 2
brain volume loss, diffusion kurtosis, magnetic resonance, multiple sclerosis, myo-inositol, neuromyelitis optica 2
cancer, cervical, mri, optimal, treatment 2
cancer, free, mri, patients, prostate, suspected 2
cancer, patients, pet-ct, prostate, psma, scans 2
cancers, gynaecological, pet/ct, subsidy 2
comprehensive, ischemic stroke, magnetic resonance imaging, mri, transient ischemic attack 2
diffusion weighted imaging, image artifact reduction, liver diffusion imaging, medical image reconstruction, propeller-epi 2
executive functions, frontal cortex, hippocampus, lycium barbarum, parkinson's disease, water maze 2
mri, magnetic resonance imaging, radiofrequency coil, gradient coil, mri hardware 2
pulp regeneration, vascularization, mitochondrial transfer, hypoxia, angiogenesis 2
artificial intelligence, based key technique developments, hyperpolarized 13c mri 1
cardiac, mri, patients, poor, sick 1
development, mri wrist anatomy, portable wristband eit, super-resolution bioimaging method, wrist 1
f18-psma, prostate cancer, repeatability 1
artificial intelligence based, key technique developments, hyperpolarized 13c mri 1
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