Law and Technology Centre

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
chan, fwh 127
kao, b 68
kao, cm 68
chan, ws 40
cheung, dwl 31
cheng, r 21
lo, e 19
cheung, dw 16
kao, ben 16
lee, sd 16
li, jsh 13
yip, cl 13
lam, ky 12
li, x 11
cheng, ck 10
chui, ck 10
zhang, m 10
ho, ws 9
yip, ky 9
luo, s 8
wu, th 8
adelberg, b 7
kao, bcm 7
garciamolina, hector 6
ng, cy 6
wu, z 6
cheng, ckr 5
cheung, d 5
chow, ws 5
hung, e 5
loo, kk 5
mamoulis, n 5
wong, wk 5
yin, p 5
bi, b 4
chau, m 4
cheung, asy 4
ester, m 4
kafeza, e 4
kafeza, i 4
lee, j 4
ng, j 4
xiao, x 4
zhao, l 4
zheng, y 4
zhu, x 4
barbara, daniel 3
cheung, km 3
feng, z 3
garcia-molina, h 3
garciamolina, h 3
he, z 3
hu, j 3
lee, vcs 3
li, r 3
mo, l 3
ngai, wk 3
prabhakar, s 3
ren, c 3
wan, c 3
wong, p 3
wu, rws 3
wu, rws 3
wu, x 3
yuan, g 3
zhang, y 3
zhou, b 3
bi, w 2
chen, yc 2
cheung, david w 2
cheung, l 2
cheung, michael mk 2
cheung, mk 2
cheung, mmk 2
ching, wk 2
chiu, a 2
chow, wws 2
grubenmann, tp 2
han, c 2
hung, sl 2
jen, j 2
kong, l 2
kuo, tw 2
kwan, a 2
lai, z 2
lee, joseph kw 2
lee, t 2
li, h 2
lin, w 2
liu, c 2
lu, z 2
ng, mk 2
sarony, n 2
sun, w 2
tsang, s 2
tu, y 2
wang, c 2
wang, x 2
wong, b 2
wu, tien-hsuan 2
wu, y 2
xu, w 2
yang, xs 2
yin, d 2
yip, chi lap 2
yiu, sm 2
young, jyk 2
zhang, p 2
adelberg, brad 1
bao, j 1
bhattacharya, p 1
chan, carol k k 1
chan, f 1
chan, henry 1
chan, hth 1
chan, hwh 1
chan, kf 1
chan, wh 1
chan, yc 1
chau, mcl 1
chen, c 1
chen, l 1
chen, x 1
chen, y 1
chen, yx 1
cheng, reynold 1
cheung, david wl 1
cheung, etm 1
chi lap, yip 1
cho, j 1
clifton, chris 1
dayal, umesh 1
dilena, m 1
ding, d 1
douglis, fred 1
duan, n 1
fang, y 1
feng, f 1
gong, j 1
gong, w 1
gu, q 1
han, j 1
ho, sy 1
hsu, mei 1
hu, k 1
huang, chao 1
huang, chunzhen 1
huang, z 1
hung, sheunglun 1
jin, y 1
johnson, stephen 1
kan, h 1
kao, ben cm 1
kao, benjamin cm 1
katriel, r 1
kim, ih 1
lam, kamyiu 1
lam, kw 1
lam, tak wah 1
lam, th 1
law, j 1
law, jax 1
lee, a 1
lee, e 1
lee, fkf 1
lee, kwj 1
lee, t 1
lee, thomas 1
lee, tony 1
lee, tsh 1
lee, victor cs 1
lei, s 1
li, chunbo 1
li, g 1
li, j 1
liang, y 1
liang, z. 1
lin, b 1
lin, kangyi 1
liu, fun 1
liu, q 1
liu, x 1
liu, y 1
lo, ecl 1
lo, j 1
lok, a 1
lu, hongjun 1
luo, siqiang 1
ma, c 1
mamoulis, n 1
mehrotra, sharad 1
nathanson, s 1
ning, w 1
ren, ch 1
ren, j 1
ren, z 1
rodrigues, lm 1
shan, c 1
shan, d 1
shan, dapeng 1
shan, mingchien 1
shang, l 1
song, q 1
sun, c 1
sun, y 1
tai, sk 1
tang, michael 1
tang, o 1
taot, y 1
tellefsen, jens 1
ting, hing fung 1
tong, i 1
tseung, g 1
walsh, rosemary 1
wang, deliang 1
wang, mp 1
wong, e 1
wong, pkf 1
wong, v 1
xia, lianghao 1
xiao, xiaokui 1
xiao, y 1
yang, j 1
yang, yin 1
yeung, c 1
yip chi lap 1
yip, kyl 1
yiu, ml 1
yu, n 1
yu, tao 1
yuan, gw 1
yuan, mr 1
zhang, chenwei 1
zhang, s 1
zhang, w 1
zhao, m 1
zhao, z 1
zhou, bo 1
zhou, kq 1
zhou, s 1
zhu, zichen 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
data mining 8
algorithms 7
olap 6
bioinformatics 5
clustering 5
computers 5
domain knowledge 5
explainability 5
fairness 5
information retrieval 5
judgment prediction 5
prison term prediction 5
association rules 4
computer systems 4
course delivery 4
curriculum design 4
data uncertainty 4
graph neural networks 4
legal education and training 4
legal knowledge dissemination 4
machine question generation 4
navigability and comprehensibility of legal information 4
postgraduate certificate in laws (pcll) 4
pre-trained language model 4
probabilistic algorithm 4
query processing 4
sequence 4
student-centred learning 4
allocation strategy 3
apriori 3
artificial intelligence 3
automated machine learning 3
classification 3
cluster analysis 3
collaborative filtering 3
column-store 3
computational biology - methods 3
computer science 3
concurrency control 3
constitutional law history 3
crowdsourcing 3
data augmentation 3
data cube 3
data interpretation, statistical 3
data quality 3
deadline assignment 3
design 3
distributed systems 3
dna - chemistry 3
educational dialog act 3
efficient algorithm 3
encryption 3
evolving graph sequeces 3
false positive 3
findlarge 3
gene expression 3
gene expression profiling - methods 3
gene expression regulation 3
gpt-3.5 3
history of asia 3
image interpretation, computer-assisted 3
incremental update 3
indexing 3
indexing methods 3
information storage and retrieval 3
join operators 3
knn 3
lattice 3
law 3
lgen 3
masked autoencoder 3
models, genetic 3
models, statistical 3
multi-label annotation 3
multidimensional data 3
multiple data sources 3
naive bayes model 3
object hierarchies 3
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis - methods 3
online tutoring 3
opsm 3
optimal algorithm 3
optimization 3
order-preserving submatrix 3
ordered domains 3
partial order 3
path expressions 3
pattern recognition 3
pattern recognition, automated 3
pattern-based clustering 3
performance 3
real-time databases 3
scheduling 3
schema mappings 3
security 3
selectivity estimation 3
self-supervised learning 3
sf-tree 3
shortest paths 3
social networking 3
social tagging systems 3
soft real-time 3
tag-based 3
transaction scheduling 3
uncertain data mining 3
uncertainty 3
view maintenance 3
xml 3
xml data 3
adaptive approach 2
adaptive filters 2
administrative data processing 2
approximate algorithm 2
approximation theory 2
as graph 2
boolean functions 2
c4.5 2
chlorine compounds 2
clustering algorithm 2
clustering algorithms 2
communication bandwidth 2
communication cost 2
computers - software 2
concept space 2
concurrency control protocols 2
confidence interval 2
continuous queries 2
costs 2
data cube system design 2
data streams 2
data warehouse 2
decision tree 2
dense region 2
diversification 2
dynamic world 2
efficient method 2
evolving graphs 2
exploratory analysis 2
feature space 2
fraction-based tolerance 2
gap requirement 2
graph 2
graph algorithms 2
graphical interface 2
iceberg 2
iceberg query 2
indexing (of information) 2
ir techniques 2
key word matching 2
knn search 2
knowledge discovery 2
large databases 2
location information 2
location-sensitive 2
maintenance 2
microprocessor chips 2
mining methods and algorithms 2
mixed real-time database systems 2
multidimensional data base 2
multiprocessor 2
network protocols 2
numerical analysis 2
olap system 2
online analytical processing systems 2
periodic pattern 2
priority assignment 2
probabilistic logics 2
probability 2
query concept 2
query languages 2
query performance 2
query recommendation 2
ranking 2
real-time database 2
resource retrieval 2
resources recommendation 2
road network 2
road networks 2
sampling 2
sequence data 2
sequence data cube 2
sequence databases 2
sequence mining 2
sequence olap 2
software 2
synthetic datasets 2
temporal consistency 2
text mining 2
thesaurus 2
top-k 2
uncertain data 2
uncertain database 2
update 2
updates 2
user profile 2
web tool 2
absolute values 1
action for price 1
active database system 1
actuarial evidence 1
actuarial tables 1
admissibility 1
art 1
attributed heterogeneous information network 1
bailment 1
bayesian model 1
bills of lading -- china -- hong kong. 1
bunkers 1
charter-parties. 1
china 1
civil evidence 1
column store 1
compensation 1
computational challenges 1
concurrency control and distributed real-time database systems 1
concurrent pattern 1
confidence intervals 1
content sharing services 1
contracts of sale 1
criminal evidence 1
criminal law 1
damages -- china -- hong kong -- accounting -- tables 1
damages -- singapore -- accounting -- tables. 1
data items 1
data noise 1
deadlines 1
debuggers 1
demurrage -- china -- hong kong. 1
derived data 1
discount rate 1
dual servers 1
ec law 1
ensemble learning 1
evaluation metrics 1
fault-tolerant computing 1
freight and freightage -- china -- hong kong. 1
graph algorithm 1
heterogeneous information network 1
heterogeneous information networks 1
heuristic algorithms 1
indexlinked gilts 1
intelligent agents 1
interest rate risk 1
judgment recommendation 1
judgment tagging 1
keyword extraction 1
knowledge base 1
kowloon-canton railway corporation. 1
lay days -- china -- hong kong. 1
lee–carter model 1
legal issues 1
longevity risk 1
lsi 1
machine learning 1
main memory 1
marine insurance -- law and legislation -- china -- hong kong 1
maritime law -- china -- hong kong. 1
maritime liens -- china -- hong kong. 1
mass transit railway. 1
monte carlo methods 1
mortality projection 1
mortality statistics 1
multi-scale data 1
multiple imputation 1
multiplier-multiplicand approach 1
multipliers 1
network structure 1
object attributes 1
ogden tables 1
ownership 1
packets 1
personal injuries -- china -- hong kong -- tables 1
personal injuries -- singapore -- tables. 1
personal injury 1
personal injury claims 1
personal injury compensation 1
personalized pagerank 1
pins 1
priority assignment heuristics 1
program bugs 1
program execution 1
quantum of damages 1
railroad law -- china -- hong kong. 1
real-time communications 1
real-time systems 1
redemption 1
replicated transmissions 1
robustness 1
sampling uncertainty 1
search 1
semi-supervised clustering 1
sequential kalman filter 1
simd 1
social networks 1
social tagging 1
soft deadlines 1
spectral clustering 1
statistical debugging 1
stochastic modelling 1
storage layout 1
subsampling 1
subways -- law and legislation -- china -- hong kong. 1
svd 1
tensor 1
topic-specific authority analysis 1
tort 1
tort law 1
transductive classification 1
transportation, automotive -- law and legislation -- china -- hong kong. 1
tucker decomposition 1
twitter 1
update locality 1
web contracting 1
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