Department of Psychology

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
so, kf 913
lee, tmc 434
becker, benjamin 248
ho, csh 245
chang, rcc 224
cheng, c 145
hsiao, jhw 142
au, tkf 139
chiu, k 119
kendrick, keith m. 118
chan, cs 105
chen, z 104
chan, cch 101
wu, w 101
hagger, ms 99
toulopoulou, t 96
blowers, gh 95
tay, dkc 87
hayward, wg 86
cao, hongjian 83
li, l 74
zhou, nan 74
ellis-behnke, rg 71
wing, yk 70
chung, kkh 64
liang, y 64
zhang, j 64
yu, ms 63
yip, hkf 62
hui, hcc 60
ho, ys 58
li, xs 55
yau, sy 55
tseng, c 51
cheung, sh 49
murray, rm 49
yao, shuxia 49
zhao, weihua 49
chan, ab 48
geng, x 47
saunders, ja 47
chatzisarantis, nld 46
cao, fan 45
montag, christian 45
shum, kmk 45
lam, sp 44
lee, sh 44
zhou, feng 44
lau, wm 43
lau, hakwan 42
yuen, wh 42
chan, dw 39
ho, itf 38
wu, ex 38
chang, hfd 37
chung, sk 37
lai, sw 36
lau, eyy 36
liang, yue 36
lo, acy 36
yeung, ps 36
zhou, xinqi 36
cheung, rtf 35
poon, kt 35
tipoe, gl 35
li, shirley xin 34
wing, yun kwok 34
picchioni, m 33
schneider, ge 33
tsang, sm 32
chan, ny 31
lau, hw 31
walshe, m 31
waye, mmy 31
tang, sw 30
wong, swl 30
yang, y 30
bramon, e 29
lau, bwm 29
liu, y 29
mcdonald, c 29
yip, hk 29
cheung, sf 28
wang, x 28
chan, jwy 27
chan, ys 27
hu, x 27
hurlemann, rené 27
lau, kc 27
liu, hl 27
zhang, jihui 27
au, tk 26
chan, wl 26
hu, b 26
lee, vwh 26
yao, yuan wei 26
zheng, xiaoxiao 26
chow, hm 25
hau, kt 25
hu, xiaoqing 25
li, am 25
li, sx 25
chen, j 24
li, xiaomin 24
mcbride, c 24
murray, r 24
tseng, ch 24
chow, bwy 23
chu, lw 23
hayward, william g. 23
hugon, j 23
li, lsw 23
lo, bcy 23
niehorster, dc 23
yu, mwm 23
chan, dwo 22
fung, ml 22
kam, cm 22
kou, juan 22
li, fws 22
li, jialin 22
mak, bsk 22
shum, kkm 22
teng, f 22
wong, wi 22
xu, lei 22
yick, lw 22
zhang, jin tao 22
ching, yp 21
hui, ch 21
xiao, j 21
yuan, q 21
chan, kc 20
cui, q 20
fu, meina 20
ho, c 20
hsiao, jh 20
lau, hakwan c. 20
li, j 20
shao, r 20
you, sw 20
collier, da 19
fang, xiaoyi 19
li, a 19
li, x 19
liang, yx 19
liu, lu 19
scheele, dirk 19
woo, j 19
chen, eyh 18
fang, xiao yi 18
gao, jh 18
li, sy 18
ren, c 18
romo, lf 18
sindermann, cornelia 18
su, h 18
suen, kc 18
sun, d 18
wang, j 18
wang, k 18
wong, hm 18
xu, xiaolei 18
zhang, yingying 18
chen, z 17
cho, ks 17
fu, ql 17
kravariti, e 17
legge, ge 17
li, s 17
lok, ckm 17
ma, xiaole 17
sun, w 17
wong, amy 17
wong, ty 17
xin, fei 17
chen, fangfang 16
hagger, m 16
jun, sa 16
lam, siu ping 16
lin, k 16
liu, congcong 16
oh, js 16
pu, m 16
rhodes, je 16
tang, jcy 16
tay, d 16
wong, tty 16
yip, jth 16
yiu, cky 16
you, s 16
bridges, sm 15
dewall, cn 15
feldman, g 15
feldman, gilad 15
gu, h 15
hui, wm 15
klugah-brown, benjamin 15
lau, s 15
li, keshuang 15
maniscalco, brian 15
mcgrath, cpj 15
picchioni, mm 15
poon, csk 15
rhodes, g 15
spence, c 15
yeung, sc 15
zheng, m 15
chan, wwl 14
chen, yuanshu 14
gao, j 14
ip, p 14
khong, pl 14
lai, jsm 14
leung, mcp 14
lin, c 14
liong, ec 14
liu, xiqin 14
ma, shan shan 14
raine, a 14
wong, wm 14
yang, x 14
yip, hkf 14
zhang, r 14
booth, james r. 13
chan, christian s 13
chan, clw 13
chang, wc 13
cho, eyp 13
fox, pt 13
gilmore, jh 13
huang, cm 13
jiang, xi 13
jiang, y 13
lam, clm 13
lan, jing 13
lau, eyy 13
leung, mk 13
mok, dsy 13
orbell, s 13
qiu, g 13
rijsdijk, f 13
sham, pc 13
tang, x 13
williams, kd 13
xu, ting 13
zhang, d 13
zhang, s 13
zhao, zhiying 13
zhou, j 13
awale, a 12
chan, dkc 12
cheung, mwl 12
cheung, wh 12
ellisbehnke, rg 12
ettinger, u 12
geng, yayuan 12
gouzoulis-mayfrank, euphrosyne 12
hagger, martin s. 12
jen, ls 12
jin, j 12
lee, cd 12
li, h 12
liu, t 12
lo, jcm 12
lo, ly 12
mcguire, p 12
passingham, richard e. 12
prata, dp 12
schulze, k 12
shao, z 12
shi, j 12
van os, j 12
wang, y 12
weber, bernd 12
wong, dsh 12
xu, a 12
xu, g 12
yu, j 12
yuan, tf 12
zhang, jintao 12
zheng, y 12
zhou, bo 12
blowers, g 11
chan, d 11
chan, hhl 11
chan, ngan yin 11
chen, k 11
chen, l 11
chen, r 11
chuk, ty 11
chung, kf 11
gauthier, i 11
hein, v 11
kalidindi, s 11
kidd, jc 11
lee, t 11
li, y 11
lu, q 11
maier, wolfgang 11
mark, w 11
mcguire, pk 11
mechelli, a 11
mi, s 11
ng, tf 11
nie, y 11
ross, tj 11
shum, dky 11
tso, rvy 11
wagner, daniel 11
wong, ml 11
wong, nml 11
wu, qinglu 11
yang, j 11
yeung, cm 11
yip, psf 11
yuen, ksl 11
zee, ssy 11
zhou, g 11
zhou, iy 11
zou, liye 11
biddle, sjh 10
biswal, bharat 10
cheung, cya 10
christensen, ge 10
cotier, fa 10
de lange, floris p. 10
feng, tingyong 10
ferraro, stefania 10
fu, chy 10
gao, zhao 10
guo, j 10
hayward, w 10
jin, jingwen 10
koehler, dj 10
lam, cs 10
lam, sf 10
lau, h 10
lin, b 10
liu, j 10
lu, w 10
luo, lizhu 10
odegaard, b 10
sang, y 10
saunders, j 10
shen, j 10
sigman, m 10
sigmundsson, t 10
tang, kns 10
yiend, j 10
yu, s 10
zhang, e 10
zhang, jie 10
zhang, x 10
bishop, dvm 9
chan, bp 9
chan, kcw 9
chan, kw 9
chan, wai sze 9
chen, b 9
cheung, h 9
cheung, yt 9
chung, stl 9
gan, xianyang 9
helmeste, dm 9
ho, cs 9
hu, y 9
hui, es 9
kane, f 9
ku, yl 9
kung, karson t.f. 9
lam, sk 9
lan, chunmei 9
le, jiao 9
lefkowitz, es 9
li, albert martin 9
lin, xiuyun 9
lin, y 9
ling, j 9
liu, yaping 9
luo, ruixue 9
mcbride-chang, c 9
potenza, marc n. 9
rosenfeld, j. peter 9
so, kf 9
so, kwok fai 9
sperling, g 9
wang, h 9
wang, l 9
wang, ling jiao 9
wong, ick 9
wong, wl 9
xiao, ym 9
xu, y 9
yang, d 9
yu, qian 9
zhang, ran 9
zhao, zhongbo 9
barry, tj 8
baum, l 8
chan, gcf 8
chang, dhf 8
chen, h 8
chen, zhiyi 8
cheng, jck 8
cheng, khc 8
cheung, kh 8
chiu, kin 8
crookes, k 8
dai, jing 8
dang, y 8
feng, pan 8
fu, genyue 8
gao, shan 8
hall, mh 8
hines, m 8
hines, melissa 8
ho, it 8
hoosain, r 8
hou, wk 8
huang, l 8
jiang, t 8
knill, dc 8
koester, philip 8
lam, ccc 8
lam, sm 8
lee, tatia m.c. 8
lee, yl 8
leung, jcy 8
li, tk 8
li, x 8
li, z 8
liu, h 8
liu, li 8
ma, yina 8
oppenheim, rw 8
peters, mak 8
poon, ch 8
rao, n 8
sham, p 8
tang, j 8
tao, j 8
tao, q 8
tsoi, wse 8
wang, z 8
wernicke, jennifer 8
wong, mln 8
wong, whs 8
xia, cui cui 8
xiong, g 8
yan, xiaohui 8
yan, xin 8
yang, xi 8
yao, dezhong 8
yip, lpw 8
yip, sarah w. 8
young, w 8
zee, sy 8
zhang, w 8
zheng, q 8
zhu, siyu 8
zhuang, qian 8
ban, h 7
chan, c 7
chan, hc 7
chan, jsm 7
chan, kl 7
chan, ny 7
chan, w 7
chan, ws 7
chan, ws 7
chau, ch 7
chau, cl 7
chen, yuzhong 7
cheng, cecilia 7
cheung, pt 7
cheung, zhy 7
chi, peilian 7
chung, kk 7
cottrell, gw 7
daumann, jörg 7
diao, yc 7
du, hongfei 7
fu, q 7
ho, sl 7
hsiao, janet h 7
hsu, lucy shih ju 7
hui, clm 7
ip, gwm 7
ji, j 7
jiao, guojuan 7
kendrick, keith m 7
kwan, so 7
lam, byh 7
lam, jkm 7
lee, tatia mc 7
leung, cnw 7
li, c 7
li, e 7
li, g 7
li, t 7
liang, y 7
liu, l 7
lui kau, kwf 7
mak, kk 7
mok, v 7
ng, sm 7
qin, d 7
qiu, c 7
salmeron, bj 7
siu, fkw 7
stahl, d 7
troje, nf 7
tso, wyw 7
vassos, e 7
wang, hy 7
wang, jiaojian 7
wang, lan 7
wong, ghy 7
wong, rsm 7
wong, yk 7
yik, sy 7
yu, e 7
yu, mandy wai man 7
zhang, h 7
zhang, jh 7
zhang, l 7
zhang, rong 7
zhang, tuo 7
zhu, h 7
campbell, g 6
chan, joey wing yan 6
chan, lkh 6
chan, rw 6
chan, yh 6
chan, ym 6
chang, dorita h f 6
chatzisarantis, nikos l d 6
chau, ph 6
chen, lh 6
cheng, j 6
cheong, amy 6
cheung, amanda k. 6
cheung, zh 6
chi, i 6
christie, br 6
chua, gt 6
daumann, joerg 6
deng, linyuan 6
deng, yuan 6
feng, jianfeng 6
feng, q 6
fine, mark a. 6
fong, cyc 6
fu, kw 6
gao, h 6
gao, m 6
gao, y 6
guo, r 6
guo, y 6
harris, im 6
ho, dsw 6
ho, sl 6
ho, spn 6
honer, wg 6
hsiao, j 6
hsiao, janet hui wen 6
hu, x 6
huang, yulan 6
hurlemann, rene 6
jiang, mingxin 6
kahn, rs 6
knickmeyer, rc 6
knightly, lm 6
kong, aps 6
kwok, ns 6
lai, csw 6
lam, wc 6
lee, dhs 6
lee, tatia m c 6
lee, whv 6
leerkes, esther m. 6
leung, aws 6
leung, kk 6
li, qin 6
li, x 6
liao, w 6
lin, x 6
lindwall, m 6
liu, ben 6
liu, k 6
liu, qi 6
liu, tianming 6
lu, bw 6
mak, b 6
mak, hkf 6
markett, sebastian 6
mcbridechang, c 6
mccrae, christina s. 6
mclachlan, s 6
mi, x 6
mohanty, aprajita 6
mok, kh 6
mok, vincent 6
morris, rg 6
o'connor, kp 6
oxner, m 6
pak, st 6
pak, ts 6
pepinsky, b 6
pickard, ge 6
poon, cys 6
rahnev, dobromir 6
schwartz, seo 6
smith, b 6
spray, gregory j. 6
stein, ea 6
stone, ls 6
sun, z 6
tam, yy 6
tarr, mj 6
ting, kh 6
tong, x 6
tong, y 6
tsao, gsw 6
tso, ricky van yip 6
tucker-drob, elliot m. 6
tudge, jonathan r.h. 6
van tongeren, dr 6
wang, c 6
wang, f 6
wang, jinyu 6
wang, s 6
wong, chy 6
wong, jj 6
wu, j 6
yan, jiadong 6
yang, m 6
yang, shimin 6
yu, fangwen 6
zeng, yixu 6
zhang, li 6
zhang, y 6
zhao, m 6
zou, zhili 6
andreassen, oa 5
arredondo, maria m. 5
atal, s 5
berry, richard b. 5
bishop, d 5
bitan, tali 5
brown, v 5
bruzzone, maria grazia 5
butterworth, b 5
cai, j 5
cao, f 5
chan, a 5
chan, aoo 5
chan, derwin k c 5
chan, derwin king chung 5
chan, fhf 5
chan, mps 5
chan, nm 5
chan, rck 5
chan, skw 5
chan, tk 5
chan, wl 5
chang, dorita h.f. 5
chau, swh 5
chen, huafu 5
chen, x 5
chen, y 5
chen, yu 5
cheng, gpm 5
cheung, k 5
chui, sw 5
chung, k 5
chung, ksh 5
cichon, s 5
demichelis, greta 5
deng, lin yuan 5
djurovic, s 5
dockery, p 5
ebrahimi, ov 5
eickhoff, simon b. 5
elyaman, w 5
feng, guoyan 5
feng, h 5
fraser, g 5
gawronski, b 5
giegling, i 5
grech, a 5
hamamura, t 5
hansen, t 5
he, l 5
ho, fkw 5
ho, fyy 5
ho, yyf 5
hsiao, j h 5
huang, q 5
huang, x 5
ingason, a 5
jiang, f 5
jiang, lianjiang 5
jin, y 5
ju, g 5
kawato, m 5
keatley, david a. 5
kendrick, keith 5
kiemeney, la 5
kim, say young 5
knotts, jd 5
koizumi, ai 5
kong, kyp 5
kovelman, ioulia 5
ku, kyl 5
kumar, d 5
labarda, ce 5
lam, c 5
lam, mo 5
lau, yye 5
leung, cj 5
leung, kss 5
li, ayl 5
li, chiang shan r. 5
li, jiayao 5
li, mei 5
li, rs 5
li, s. x. 5
li, tw 5
li, w 5
liang, yx 5
lieberman, ar 5
lin, kf 5
liu, s 5
liu, t 5
liu, yp 5
liu, z 5
liu, zhaowen 5
lonnqvist, j 5
lowe, sr 5
luan, h 5
luk, jw 5
lum, tys 5
luo, yj 5
lv, y 5
mak, aky 5
mathiak, klaus 5
meng, haoran 5
mills-koonce, w. roger 5
mohanty, a 5
möller, hj 5
nigri, anna 5
nöthen, mm 5
ophoff, ra 5
ouyang, h 5
owens, sf 5
oxner, matt 5
pan, j 5
parthasarathy, ds 5
peltonen, l 5
peng, x 5
penney, tb 5
perkins, kyle 5
petursson, h 5
pietiläinen, oph 5
qi, d 5
qi, ziyu 5
rahnev, dobromir a. 5
reuter, martin 5
rhodes, gillian 5
rietschel, m 5
ruggeri, m 5
rujescu, d 5
scott, de 5
shao, z 5
shergill, s 5
shillcock, r 5
shum, kar man kathy 5
sigurdsson, e 5
spillmann, l 5
stefansson, h 5
stefansson, k 5
steinberg, s 5
sun, d 5
suvisaari, j 5
tam, hmk 5
tam, kyy 5
tam, pkh 5
tang, wy 5
tao, jing 5
tidy, j 5
tosato, s 5
troje, nikolaus f. 5
tsang, skm 5
tso, rvy 5
tuuliohenriksson, a 5
van tilburg, wap 5
wai, yy 5
walker, n 5
walsh, v 5
wan, hy 5
wang, zhao 5
werge, t 5
wong, awk 5
wong, bcy 5
wong, d 5
wong, f 5
woo, vcp 5
woolson, s 5
wu, jingsong 5
wu, lulu 5
wu, m 5
wu, y 5
wuwongse, s 5
xi, y 5
xie, lk 5
xing, f 5
xing, x 5
yang, w 5
yao, ziqing 5
yeh, sl 5
yeung, albert 5
yu, mandy w m 5
yuen, lp 5
zang, ning 5
zhan, w 5
zhang, jx 5
zhang, kai 5
zhang, ruibin 5
zhou, l 5
zhou, y 5
zhu, lei 5
zhu, r 5
zimmermann, kaeli 5
zweerings, jana 5
an, jh 4
backus, bt 4
barkoukis, v 4
becker, b. 4
bedi, ks 4
beling, cd 4
bengtsson, sara l. 4
biswal, bharat b. 4
bore, mercy chepngetich 4
bryant, p 4
burke, d 4
chai, h 4
chan, antoni b 4
chan, chetwyn c.h. 4
chan, dw-o 4
chan, evangeline 4
chan, joey w y 4
chan, joey wy 4
chan, owen 4
chan, sc 4
chan, sym 4
chao, aa 4
chen, by 4
chen, d 4
chen, danni 4
chen, pin ru 4
chen, wh 4
chen, yl 4
chen, zhuo 4
cheng, joy 4
cheng, js 4
cheng, l 4
cheng, lfg 4
cheng, wei 4
cherny, ss 4
cheung, c 4
cheung, ccy 4
cheung, florence 4
chiu, wck 4
cho, wk 4
chu, phw 4
chui, slc 4
chung, sk 4
chung, ssm 4
crookes, kate 4
curran, melissa a. 4
dimmock, ja 4
donovan, rj 4
ebstein, richard p. 4
eckstein, monika 4
fan, j 4
favelle, s 4
feng, cm 4
fine, mark 4
fleming, sm 4
fong, dyt 4
fong, yc 4
fossdal, r 4
franke, b 4
fu, sq 4
fung, kms 4
fung, s 4
galmar, b 4
gao, j 4
geng, xiaomin 4
gobell, jl 4
gong, qiyong 4
greenberg, mt 4
grimaldi, p 4
gustafsson, o 4
han, s 4
han, sh 4
hardcastle, s 4
harden, k. paige 4
hartmann, a 4
he, lm 4
he, s 4
he, youze 4
heekeren, hauke r. 4
herold, fabian 4
ho, crover kwok wah 4
ho, rth 4
hsiao, janet 4
hu, j 4
hu, y 4
huang, b 4
huang, bei 4
huang, r 4
huang, y 4
hui, hc 4
hung, chl 4
ip, ka i. 4
ip, msm 4
jaquet, e 4
ji, jz 4
jin, jf 4
jing, y 4
jing, yiming 4
ju, xiaoyan 4
kanai, r 4
karasawa, m 4
kau, p 4
kok, peter 4
koka, a 4
kung, tfk 4
kwan, dpl 4
lam, dsc 4
lam, fwf 4
lam, s. p. 4
lam, siu p. 4
landau, s 4
lau, knt 4
lau, kww 4
lau, nt 4
law, ack 4
lawrence, mg 4
lee, jcd 4
lee, kar fye alvin 4
lee, pwh 4
lee, s 4
lee, s-h 4
lei, xu 4
lei, yi 4
leung, gkk 4
leung, knk 4
leung, lk 4
leung, mc 4
li, hong 4
li, l 4
li, n 4
li, shirley x 4
li, shirley x. 4
liang, l 4
lim, ckp 4
lin, z 4
ling, j 4
liu, apy 4
liu, jing 4
liu, kpy 4
liu, x 4
liu, yanni 4
ma, h 4
ma, n 4
manthey, al 4
marsh, hw 4
mccrae, cs 4
melle, i 4
mi, xs 4
mihov, yoan 4
mo, l 4
mobbs, dean 4
ng, ksh 4
ng, pkk 4
niu, b 4
okajima, isa 4
olson, r 4
paterson, jg 4
payir, ayse 4
peng, b 4
poon, dch 4
poon, ys 4
preisler, j 4
qiu, d 4
rabehesketh, s 4
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
female 70
humans 67
male 61
adult 50
animals 49
depression 49
cognition 42
medical sciences 41
anxiety 33
attention 32
covid-19 32
chinese 31
rats 31
mental health 30
reading 30
schizophrenia 30
interprofessional education 28
partnership model 28
social interaction anxiety 28
time factors 28
glaucoma 27
adolescent 26
aging 26
fmri 26
middle aged 26
rats, sprague-dawley 26
stress 26
children 24
meta-analysis 23
emotion 21
sleep 21
analysis of variance 20
magnetic resonance imaging 20
neuroprotection 20
adolescence 19
coronavirus 19
epidemiology 19
mice 19
public health 19
writing 19
aged 18
attention - physiology 18
brain - physiology 18
chronic disease 18
retinal ganglion cell 18
insomnia 17
perceived stress 17
adolescents 16
age factors 16
child 16
child psychosocial problems 16
development 16
disease models, animal 16
healthcare workers 16
home confinement 16
hong kong 16
hospital policies 16
paediatrics 16
psychological wellbeing 16
psychology 16
school closure 16
holistic processing 15
intraocular pressure 15
loneliness 15
neuropsychological tests 15
neurotoxicity 15
photic stimulation 15
psychopathology 15
alzheimer's disease 14
cues 14
intervention 14
oxidative stress 14
quality of life 14
resting-state fmri 14
social cognition 14
brain mapping 13
cell proliferation 13
eye movement 13
functional connectivity 13
immunohistochemistry 13
learning 13
memory 13
motivation 13
ophthalmology and optometry 13
personality 13
psychiatry and neurology 13
rat 13
reaction time - physiology 13
regeneration 13
reproducibility of results 13
retina 13
vision 13
visual perception 13
young adult 13
apoptosis 12
axotomy 12
case-control studies 12
cost-effectiveness 12
cricetinae 12
evaluation 12
face perception 12
face recognition 12
first episode 12
language 12
neuroimaging 12
optic nerve 12
photic stimulation - methods 12
physical exercise 12
qigong 12
questionnaires 12
reading comprehension 12
rehabilitation 12
social anxiety 12
voxel-based morphometry 12
adaptation, psychological 11
aging - physiology 11
apoptosis - drug effects 11
assessment 11
awareness 11
axonal regeneration 11
brain 11
cell count 11
dyslexia 11
erp 11
exercise 11
human 11
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 11
mathematics 11
mice, inbred c57bl 11
neuroprotective agents - pharmacology 11
pattern recognition, visual - physiology 11
perceptual expertise 11
psychometrics 11
randomized controlled trial 11
reaction time 11
statistics & research methods 11
visual perception - physiology 11
astrocyte 10
balloon analogue risk task 10
behavior 10
brain mapping - methods 10
brain microstructure 10
china 10
decision making 10
diffusion kurtosis imaging 10
dose-response relationship, drug 10
elderly 10
emotion regulation 10
enzyme inhibitors - pharmacology 10
executive function 10
functional mri 10
functional outcome 10
hikikomori 10
image processing, computer-assisted 10
inflammation 10
interleukin-6 10
internet gaming disorder 10
intracranial germ cell tumor 10
lycium barbarum polysaccharides 10
microglia 10
mri 10
nerve regeneration - physiology 10
neurogenesis 10
older adults 10
parkinson's disease 10
prevalence 10
psychomotor performance - physiology 10
semantics 10
spinal cord injury 10
theory of mind 10
trauma 10
addiction 9
adiponectin 9
affect 9
autism 9
comorbidity 9
cross-cultural comparison 9
culture 9
diffusion 9
dti 9
emotions 9
functional brain network 9
functional laterality - physiology 9
functional magnetic resonance imaging 9
germ cells 9
in vivo 9
mesocricetus 9
nerve regeneration 9
nerve regeneration - drug effects 9
neuroscience 9
neurotoxicity syndromes 9
perception 9
prefrontal cortex 9
psychosis 9
radiation therapy 9
retina - physiology 9
sleep deprivation 9
sleep disturbance 9
sleep quality 9
traumatic brain injury 9
treatment outcome 9
vocabulary 9
well-being 9
aerosolised 8
amygdala 8
animal model 8
anosmia 8
attentional bias 8
automaticity 8
brain - pathology 8
brain development 8
cell death 8
cell differentiation - genetics - physiology 8
cells, cultured 8
cognition - physiology 8
connectivity 8
coping 8
cortisol 8
dementia 8
diffusion mri 8
diffusion tensor imaging 8
education 8
educational status 8
eeg 8
eye-gaze perception 8
family 8
hemispheric asymmetry 8
impulsivity 8
long covid 8
longitudinal study 8
lycium - chemistry 8
lycium barbarum 8
major depressive disorder 8
mentalization 8
network efficiency 8
neurodegeneration 8
olfactory dysfunction 8
olfactory training 8
optic nerve - physiology 8
other-race effect 8
pattern recognition, visual 8
processing speed 8
psychological distress 8
questionnaire 8
reference values 8
reward 8
risk taking 8
self-reference 8
siblings 8
smell loss 8
social support 8
spinal cord 8
stroke 8
superior colliculus 8
telomerase 8
tissue engineering 8
validity 8
vitamin a 8
aged, 80 and over 7
aggression 7
animals, newborn 7
anisotropy 7
asian continental ancestry group 7
attention bias 7
autism spectrum disorder 7
axons - drug effects - physiology 7
behavior, animal 7
bipolar disorder 7
blotting, western 7
caregiver 7
caspases - metabolism 7
cell survival 7
cell survival - drug effects 7
chinese character recognition 7
cluster analysis 7
cognitive impairment 7
comprehension 7
cornea 7
corticosterone 7
dyscalculia 7
event-related potentials 7
eye-tracking 7
face processing 7
fear 7
fiber tracking 7
gender 7
health literacy 7
hidden markov model 7
hippocampus 7
hong kong - epidemiology 7
integrative body-mind-spirit (ibms) 7
interpretation bias 7
left-side bias 7
machine learning 7
meditation 7
meditation - methods - psychology 7
mice, knockout 7
mindfulness 7
mood 7
neural stem cells 7
neurocognition 7
neurons - drug effects - pathology 7
ocular perfusion 7
oxidative stress - drug effects 7
personality inventory - statistics & numerical data 7
physical activity 7
plasticity 7
pons 7
problem solving 7
reliability 7
religion 7
resting-state functional connectivity 7
retinal ganglion cells 7
self-determination theory 7
self-regulation 7
severe social withdrawal behavior 7
social communication 7
social perception 7
socioeconomic factors 7
visual search 7
working memory 7
youth social issues 7
acute ocular hypertensive injury 6
affect - physiology 6
aging - pathology 6
alzheimer disease - pathology 6
anterior cingulate cortex 6
anti-inflammatory 6
arousal 6
at-risk mental states 6
axons - physiology 6
basal ganglia 6
biomarker 6
brain-derived neurotrophic factor 6
cell death - drug effects 6
cerebral ischemia 6
chronotype 6
cns 6
cognitive behavioral therapy 6
cognitive control 6
consciousness 6
conversation analysis 6
cross-cultural 6
denervation 6
dentate gyrus 6
dentistry 6
differentiation 6
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology 6
dynamic causal modeling 6
early psychosis 6
emotion recognition 6
endocrinology 6
evoked potentials - physiology 6
eye 6
eye gaze 6
eye movements 6
first-episode schizophrenia 6
fluorescent antibody technique, indirect 6
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) 6
gaming addiction 6
gender differences 6
glutamic acid - metabolism 6
health communication / multilingualism / globalisation 6
hemostasis 6
hippocampal neurogenesis 6
igf-1 6
inhibitory control 6
intention 6
interpersonal relations 6
lithium 6
medical interpreting 6
mental concentration 6
mice, transgenic 6
mild cognitive impairment 6
molecular weight 6
morphological awareness 6
motoneuron 6
motor difficulty 6
multilingualism 6
nanoindentation 6
nerve fibers, myelinated - pathology 6
neurodevelopment 6
neuronal apoptosis 6
neurons - drug effects 6
neuropsychology 6
nitric oxide - metabolism 6
nitric oxide synthase 6
ocular hypertension 6
oral health 6
orientation 6
perceptual learning 6
phonetics 6
phonological awareness 6
pilot projects 6
plant extracts - pharmacology 6
pregnancy 6
priming 6
reactive oxygen species - metabolism 6
retina - cytology - enzymology 6
retinal ganglion cells - pathology 6
retrogenesis 6
risk aversion 6
risk-taking 6
risky–gains task 6
rumination 6
schwann cell 6
schwann cells 6
screening 6
self-efficacy 6
severity of illness index 6
sex differences 6
signal transduction 6
social media 6
social network 6
social skills 6
space perception - physiology 6
substance abuse 6
subventricular zone 6
syntactic skills 6
transcorneal electrical stimulation 6
verbal memory 6
vision, ocular - physiology 6
visual fields - physiology 6
white matter integrity 6
word reading 6
wound healing 6
adhd 5
adiponectin receptor 5
adult neurogenesis 5
affective processing 5
alanine transaminase - blood 5
alzheimer disease 5
alzheimer’s disease 5
animal experiment 5
anterior insula 5
anti-inflammatory agents - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
antioxidants - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
antioxidants - pharmacology 5
apoptosis - physiology 5
attentional capture 5
authentic literacy 5
autobiographical memory 5
autophagy 5
axonal injury 5
axonal projections 5
baduanjin qigong exercise 5
bdnf 5
behavioral science 5
bilingualism 5
biology 5
biopsy 5
blood coagulation - drug effects 5
blood loss, surgical 5
brain - cytology 5
brain - physiopathology 5
breast cancer 5
cancer survivors 5
carbon tetrachloride 5
cardiovascular disease 5
caspase 3 - metabolism 5
caspases 5
cathodal tdcs 5
cattle 5
cell differentiation - drug effects 5
cell proliferation - drug effects 5
cell survival - physiology 5
central nervous system - injuries - physiopathology 5
cerebellum 5
cerebrolysin 5
childhood 5
children and outcome (health) 5
chondroitin abc lyase - pharmacology 5
chronic cns regeneration 5
chronic distress 5
chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) 5
chronic insomnia 5
chronic pain 5
cns regeneration 5
cogntivie bias 5
comm child health 5
configural processing 5
contrast media - administration & dosage 5
corpus callosum 5
cortical thickness 5
cross-sectional studies 5
cultural differences 5
cytochrome p-450 cyp2e1 - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 5
cytokines - genetics - metabolism 5
cytoprotection 5
cytoskeleton 5
data interpretation, statistical 5
deception 5
depression-like behavior 5
depth perception - physiology 5
digital 5
dominance, cerebral - physiology 5
dopamine 5
drug 5
drug-induced liver injury - etiology - genetics - metabolism - pathology - prevention & control 5
drugs, chinese herbal - isolation & purification - pharmacology 5
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
education research 5
electrical stimulation 5
electroencephalography 5
endogenous 5
endophenotype 5
endothelin-1 5
enzyme activation - drug effects - physiology 5
epidemiology and health services research 5
epilepsy 5
ethnic minority 5
event-related potential 5
face 5
facial emotion perception 5
family study 5
fibrosis 5
frailty 5
functional literacy 5
ganglion cells 5
gender role 5
gene deletion 5
gene expression regulation, enzymologic - drug effects 5
genetics 5
gray matter volume 5
growth control 5
health education 5
health informatics 5
health-related quality of life 5
heart rate variability 5
hemostasis, surgical 5
hemostatic techniques 5
hemostatics - administration & dosage - chemistry 5
hippocampus - cytology 5
image processing, computer-assisted - methods 5
implicit motor learning 5
indoles - metabolism 5
inflammation mediators - metabolism 5
inhibition 5
insula 5
internet 5
internet addiction 5
intracerebral hemorrhage 5
intracranial germ cell tumors 5
left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 5
linguistics 5
lipid peroxidation - drug effects 5
literacy theory 5
liver 5
liver - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 5
manganese - diagnostic use 5
mathematics learning disability 5
medical consumerism 5
memory, short-term 5
memri 5
mental disorders 5
metacognition 5
microscopy, electron 5
mitochondria 5
mncl 2 5
models, biological 5
molecular sequence data 5
mouse 5
multiliteracies 5
multivariate analysis 5
mvpa 5
nano contrast agent 5
nanofibers 5
nanofibers - chemistry - diagnostic use 5
nanomedicine 5
nanomedicine - instrumentation - methods 5
nanotechnology 5
nanotechnology - instrumentation - methods 5
nanotechnology - methods 5
necrosis 5
nerve regeneration - drug effects - physiology 5
neural precursors 5
neurocognitive function 5
neuroinflammation 5
neurons - cytology 5
neurons - metabolism 5
neuroprotective agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
neurotrophic factors 5
nf-kappa b - metabolism 5
nitric oxide synthase - metabolism 5
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 5
nuclear factor kappa-b 5
optic nerve - pathology - surgery 5
oral health literacy 5
oral health status 5
orientation - physiology 5
outcome (health) and outcomes (educational) 5
p300 5
pandemic 5
partial transection 5
pc12 5
pc12 cells - cytology 5
peptides - chemistry - diagnostic use 5
performance status 5
peripheral vision 5
plants, medicinal 5
posttraumatic stress disorder 5
problematic smartphone use 5
proteoglycans 5
psychiatric status rating scales 5
psychophysics 5
qualitative research 5
raphe nuclei 5
rats, transgenic 5
recognition (psychology) 5
regenerative medicine - methods 5
resilience 5
resting-state network 5
retinal degeneration 5
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - pathology 5
retinal ganglion cells - enzymology 5
risk factors 5
safety 5
schizophrenic psychology 5
schwann cells - cytology 5
self-assembled materials 5
self-assembling nanofiber scaffold (sapns) 5
self-assembling peptide 5
self-esteem 5
signal detection theory 5
signal transduction - drug effects 5
situated literacy 5
skin - pathology 5
small-world connectivity 5
smooth pursuit 5
social behavior 5
social decision making 5
spinal cord - cytology 5
spinal cord injuries - drug therapy - pathology - physiopathology 5
stem cells 5
stroop 5
students 5
subjective well-being 5
suicidal ideation 5
suicide prevention 5
surgery 5
systematic review 5
telomerase reverse transcriptase 5
theory of planned behavior 5
tissue engineering - methods 5
tissue repair 5
tissue scaffolds - chemistry 5
transcription factor 5
tubulin - metabolism 5
up-regulation 5
validation studies 5
vbm 5
verbal learning 5
verbal working memory 5
visual pathways - pathology - surgery 5
426 apoptosis/cell death 4
4h-silicon carbide 4
530 ganglion cells 4
685 retina 4
academic boredom 4
action 4
acupuncture 4
administration, oral 4
adolescent behavior - psychology 4
age-related macular degeneration 4
aldehyde reductase - antagonists & inhibitors - deficiency - genetics - physiology 4
aldehyde reductase - deficiency - genetics 4
alzheimer disease - metabolism - prevention & control 4
amino acid sequence - genetics 4
amygdala, brain development 4
androstadienes - pharmacology 4
anticipation 4
antigens, cd31 - genetics 4
anxiety - epidemiology 4
appetitive behavior - physiology 4
approximate number system 4
arabinogalactan-protein 4
arithmetic principles 4
arousal - physiology 4
attention biases 4
attitude to health 4
attractiveness 4
autonomy support 4
avulsion 4
axon number 4
axon regeneration 4
axonal regrowth 4
axons - drug effects - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
axons - pathology - physiology 4
axons - physiology - radiography - ultrastructure 4
axotomy - methods 4
baicalin 4
base sequence - genetics 4
behavior therapy 4
beta-amyloid 4
beta-galactosidase - metabolism 4
bilingual 4
biocompatible materials - chemistry - metabolism 4
biological motion 4
bipolar cells 4
blood pressure 4
blood-brain barrier 4
blood-brain barrier - drug effects 4
blood-retinal barrier 4
blood-retinal barrier - drug effects - physiopathology 4
blood-retinal barrier - physiopathology 4
brain - cytology - metabolism 4
brain - pathology - physiology 4
brain edema - etiology - pathology - physiopathology - prevention and control 4
brain injuries - pathology - therapy 4
brain slice 4
brain-derived neurotrophic factor - pharmacology 4
bromodeoxyuridine - metabolism 4
calcium dysfunction 4
caspase 4
caveolin 1 - genetics - metabolism 4
cell count - methods 4
cell differentiation - genetics 4
central nervous system 4
chest pain - epidemiology - psychology 4
chinese adolescents 4
chinese characters 4
chondroitin sulfate 4
chondroitin sulfates - metabolism 4
chondroitin sulfates - pharmacology 4
chromosomes, artificial, bacterial 4
clarke's nucleus 4
cloning 4
cloning, molecular 4
cognitive therapy 4
cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (cbt-i) 4
collagen type i - chemistry - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
community-based 4
compressive strength 4
computational modeling 4
conduction velocity 4
confidence 4
conflict (psychology) 4
conserved sequence 4
continuous flash suppression 4
corticospinal tract 4
counting 4
cross-linking reagents - chemistry 4
cytochrome c group - analysis - biosynthesis - secretion 4
cytokines 4
decision-making 4
decoding 4
default mode network 4
demography 4
denervation - adverse effects 4
depression - epidemiology 4
depression - psychology 4
depressive symptoms 4
depth perception 4
diabetes mellitus - genetics - physiopathology 4
digital health 4
discourse skills 4
discrimination (psychology) 4
distraction 4
doping avoidance 4
drug interactions 4
drug synergism 4
edema 4
electrical phosphene threshold 4
emhmm 4
emotion management 4
empathy 4
encephalomyelitis, autoimmune, experimental - chemically induced - pathology 4
endophenotypes 4
endothelium-derived contracting factors 4
enzyme induction - physiology 4
eveningness 4
executive functions 4
extinction 4
eyes test 4
factor analysis, statistical 4
fibrin - chemistry - metabolism - ultrastructure 4
field assisted moderator 4
field dependence-independence 4
fixation, ocular 4
fluorescent dyes - diagnostic use 4
frontal lobe - physiopathology 4
functional recovery 4
functional return of vision 4
galactosides - metabolism 4
gan 4
gastroesophageal reflux - epidemiology - psychology 4
gender identity 4
gene expression regulation, enzymologic 4
gene transfer/gene therapy 4
ginkgo biloba 4
glaucoma - metabolism - pathology 4
glial cell 4
glycosaminoglycan 4
glycosaminoglycans 4
green fluorescent proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
green urban landscapes 4
guanine nucleotide exchange factors 4
guided tissue regeneration - instrumentation - methods 4
guinea pigs 4
habit 4
handwriting 4
health 4
health behaviour 4
health services - utilization 4
hematoma aspiration 4
heparan sulphates 4
heparitin sulfate - pharmacology 4
heritability 4
heterojunction 4
hippocampal cell proliferation 4
hypericum 4
hypericum perforatum 4
hypothalamus 4
ica 4
imidazolidines - therapeutic use 4
immunohistochemistry - methods 4
immunosuppressive agents - pharmacology 4
implicit association test 4
individual differences 4
induced pluripotent stem cell derived-mesenchymal stem cell 4
injections 4
injections, spinal 4
injured athletes 4
injury 4
integrases - genetics - metabolism 4
interneurons - enzymology 4
intralesional injection 4
intraocular pressure - physiology 4
inversion effect 4
ischemia 4
japan 4
job satisfaction 4
ketamine 4
l-iditol 2-dehydrogenase - antagonists & inhibitors - genetics - physiology 4
language development 4
language tests 4
late-life depression 4
leisure activities 4
lesion 4
life satisfaction 4
light 4
literacy 4
longitudinal 4
longitudinal studies 4
major depression 4
materialism 4
mathematical achievement 4
mediation 4
medicine, east asian traditional 4
melanopsin 4
membrane proteins - administration & dosage - antagonists & inhibitors - physiology 4
mental health services 4
mental processes 4
mental processes - physiology 4
mental recall 4
mice, inbred c3h 4
mice, mutant strains 4
microscopy, confocal 4
mindful teaching 4
mirror neuron 4
mitochondrial defect 4
mitochondrial transfer 4
model 4
models, neurological 4
models, psychological 4
moderation 4
motion perception - physiology 4
motoneurons 4
myelin proteins 4
myelin sheath - physiology - ultrastructure 4
myelin-associated glycoprotein - immunology - pharmacology 4
müller cells 4
n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor 4
nadph dehydrogenase - analysis 4
nanofiber scaffold 4
nanostructures - chemistry 4
nanostructures - therapeutic use - ultrastructure 4
nature 4
nerve bridge 4
nerve injury 4
nerve tissue proteins - administration & dosage - antagonists & inhibitors - physiology 4
network analysis 4
network meta-analysis 4
neural activation 4
neural pathways - physiology 4
neural progenitor cell 4
neural stem cell 4
neural stem cells - cytology - metabolism 4
neuroglia 4
neuroglia - metabolism 4
neurons - pathology - transplantation 4
neuropeptides - genetics 4
neuroplasticity 4
neuropsychological tests - statistics & numerical data 4
nitric oxide 4
notch1 4
object recognition 4
optic nerve injuries 4
optic nerve injuries - enzymology 4
optic nerve injury 4
optic nerve transection 4
oral language 4
orthographic learning 4
oxygen - blood 4
panax quinquefolius l. 4
papilledema - enzymology - pathology - prevention & control 4
parenting 4
parents 4
parietal cortex 4
paroxetine 4
patient acceptance of health care 4
peptides - chemistry - metabolism 4
peptides - therapeutic use 4
peripheral nerve 4
peripheral nerves - drug effects - metabolism - transplantation 4
peroxynitrite 4
personal values 4
pharmacotherapy 4
photochemistry - methods 4
phylogeny 4
place-value understanding 4
platelet adhesiveness 4
polysaccharide 4
positive affect 4
positron beams 4
positron mobility 4
precuneus 4
problematic internet use 4
prose memory 4
prospective memory 4
prospective memory interference 4
prospective studies 4
psychiatry and neurology gerontology and geriatrics 4
psychological tests 4
psychological well-being 4
psychomotor performance 4
purkinje cells - enzymology 4
pyrimidines - therapeutic use 4
rapid amplification of cdna ends 4
rapid automatized naming 4
reactive oxygen species 4
reading disability 4
recognition (psychology) - physiology 4
recovery of function 4
regeneration (再生) 4
regression analysis 4
rem sleep behavior disorder 4
reperfusion injury - drug therapy 4
reperfusion injury - enzymology - pathology - prevention & control 4
resting state 4
resting-state 4
retina - cytology - metabolism 4
retinal development 4
retinal diseases - enzymology - pathology - prevention & control 4
retinal ganglion cells - chemistry - enzymology - secretion 4
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - drug effects - enzymology 4
retinal ganglion cells - cytology - physiology 4
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects 4
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - enzymology 4
retinal ganglion cells - drug effects - metabolism 4
retinal ganglion cells - physiology 4
retinal ganglion cells. 4
retinal rod photoreceptor cells - cytology - embryology 4
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 4
rna, messenger - analysis - genetics - metabolism 4
rose bengal - chemistry 4
rt-pcr 4
rubrospinal tract 4
scar 4
schizophrenia - complications 4
schizophrenia - diagnosis - genetics 4
schwann cells - transplantation 4
sciatic nerve - drug effects - physiology - ultrastructure 4
sclera 4
self concept 4
self-assembly 4
semi-insulating 4
sensory-motor system 4
sequence homology, amino acid 4
sex 4
sic 4
signal transduction - genetics - physiology 4
silent picture-naming task 4
silent word recognition task 4
social acceptance 4
social functioning 4
socioeconomic status 4
solutions 4
sorbitol dehydrogenase 4
spatial learning 4
spectrophotometry 4
spelling 4
spinal cord - drug effects - pathology - physiopathology 4
spinal cord injuries - drug therapy - metabolism 4
spinal cord injuries - drug therapy - pathology 4
spinal cord injuries - pathology - physiopathology 4
spinal cord injuries - pathology - physiopathology - therapy 4
spinal cord injuries - pathology - surgery 4
spinocerebellar tracts - drug effects - injuries - pathology 4
spirituality 4
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
so, kwok fai 42
lee, tatia mei chun 32
au, terry kit fong 14
hsiao, janet hui wen 14
ho, connie suk han 13
li, shirley x. 13
cecilia cheng 12
chan, christian shaunlyn 9
hu, xiaoqing 9
chang, raymond chuen chung 8
shum, kar man kathy 8
toulopoulou, timothea 8
chan, kit wa 7
chan, wai sze 7
chang, hue fung dorita 7
chen, zhansheng 7
hayward, william gordon 7
li, li 7
c. harry hui 6
chang, wing chung 6
chung, sookja kim 6
ip, patrick 6
lo, barbara chuen yee 6
saunders, jeffrey allen 6
tay, david kiong chiu 6
ho, irene tak fong 5
lum, terry yat sang 5
rao, nirmala 5
sham, pak chung 5
wong, ian chi kei 5
wong, tin yau 5
cheung, sing hang 4
ellis-behnke, rutledge greer 4
fong, daniel yee tak 4
mcgrath, colman 4
shen, jiangang 4
tso, wan yee winnie 4
yip, henry ka fun 4
au yeung, shiu lun ryan 3
blowers, geoffrey hathaway 3
bridges, susan margaret 3
chan, wai lan 3
chen, eric yu hai 3
hui, christy lai ming 3
lee, ho ming edwin 3
luo, hao 3
tseng, chia huei 3
wong, anita mei yin 3
wong, hai ming 3
yin, guosheng 3
yiu, cynthia kar yung 3
yu, lequan 3
bacon-shone, john 2
chan, sophia siu chee 2
chan, ying shing 2
che, chi ming 2
cheung, charlton 2
cheung, chuen yih amos 2
cheung, kenneth man chee 2
chiu, kin 2
chung, brian hon yin 2
cora lai 2
hu yong 2
jimmy lai 2
jin, jingwen frances 2
kam, chi ming 2
karson kung 2
khong, pek lan 2
lam, lok man charlene 2
lam, shui fong 2
lam, wendy wing tak 2
lau, yuet ying esther 2
liang, yuxiang 2
lo, amy cheuk yin 2
lou, vivian weiqun 2
mak, ka fung henry 2
wong, gloria hoi yan 2
wong, paul wai ching 2
wu, ed xuekui 2
yang, dan 2
yeung, pui sze 2
cao, fan 1
chan, barbara pui 1
chan, carol kwai kuen 1
chan, cecilia lai wan 1
chan, danny 1
chan, esther wai yin 1
chan, godfrey chi fung 1
chan, hoi shan sophelia 1
chan, jasper fuk woo 1
chan, jonathan cheuk hung 1
chan, kai tai 1
chan, li chong 1
chan, wai chi 1
chan, yee shan isabelle 1
chen, steven feng 1
cheung, anne shann yue 1
cheung, martin chi hang 1
cheung, raymond tak fai 1
cheung, wai ming 1
ching, yick pang 1
chiu, pui yu cindy 1
chow, nelson wing sun 1
chui, sze ling celine 1
cowling, benjamin john 1
el-nezamy, hani said 1
fielding, richard 1
fong, siu ming 1
fu, king wa 1
fung, chun lok 1
geng, xiujuan 1
ho, man mandy 1
ho, shu leong 1
hou, wai kai 1
hsu, shih ju lucy 1
huang, guo quan 1
hui, sai kam 1
hung, yeung sam 1
ip, mary sau man 1
javed, asif 1
jin, lijian 1
kim, youngwon 1
kuo, yong-hong 1
kwan, kenny yat hong 1
kwok, yu kwong 1
kwong, ava 1
lai, yuen kwan agnes 1
lam, karen siu ling 1
lam, mei ling may 1
lam, tai chung 1
lau, eric ho yin 1
lau, hak wan 1
lau, yu lung 1
lee, antoinette marie 1
lee, wai yip jacky 1
lee, will wai ming 1
leung, joe cho bun 1
leung, man tak 1
li, frendi wing sai 1
li, johnson ching hong 1
li, xue 1
li, yuguo 1
liao, qiuyan 1
lin, angel mei yi 1
lin, yifan 1
lo, yuen yi 1
lu, william weijia 1
luk, keith dip kei 1
luk, tzu tsun 1
macpherson, kerrie l 1
mak, benise shun kwai 1
mcmillan, anne sinclair 1
ng, siu man 1
ngan, alfonso hing wan 1
pelekos, georgios 1
phan, tuan quang 1
poon, sau kwan connie 1
schuldenfrei, eric henry 1
shao, zhengxi robin 1
shum, daisy kwok yan 1
sobko, tanja 1
tang, jennifer yee man 1
tipoe, george lim 1
tsang, sandra kit man 1
tsang, wing hang janice 1
tse, samson shu ki 1
tso, ricky van yip 1
vanhoutte, paul michel georges remi 1
wan, wen echo 1
wang, man ping 1
wang, min 1
webster, christopher john 1
weekes, brendan stuart 1
wong, fu keung daniel 1
wong, kenneth kak yuen 1
wong, mathew y h 1
wong, michael tak hing 1
wong, rosa sze man 1
wong, wang ivy 1
wu, peng 1
wu, wutian 1
xu, aimin 1
yang, edward s 1
yao, yuanwei 1
yeung, kit yu kitty 1
yu, sau fung doris 1
yuen, jacqueline kwan yuk 1
zayts, olga a 1
zhang, xiao 1
zhao, shengzhi 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
null 12
mental health for older people 11
community-based, hubs, youth mental wellness 10
1) adhd 2) big data network 3) epidemiology 4) child cohort 5) data linkage 10
aerobic exercise, clinical trial, early psychosis, neuro-cognition, yoga 9
at risk mental state, clinical high risk, longitudinal neuroimaging, multimodal mri, psychosis prediction 8
adhd, big data network, children cohort, data linkage, epidemiology 7
alzheimer's disease, herbal medicine, modulate systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, wolfberry 7
built environment epidemiology, disease transmission models, exposure notification, privacy-preserving tracing, wireless localization 7
children and family, covid-19, crisis support, healthcare utilization, wellbeing 7
cognitive impairment, diffusion kurtosis imaging, diffusion mri imaging, duchenne msucular dystrophy, neurodisabilities, neuropsychology 7
collagen, intervertebral disc replacement 7
new frontier 7
schizophrenia, self-referential gaze 7
resilience, social disadvantage, early childhood, developmental trajectory, social-emotional development 7
cognitive outcome, diffusion kurtosis, functional outcome, intracranial germinoma 6
conversation analysis, health communication, health interpreting, health literacy, qualitative research 6
glaucoma, neuroprotective, randomized, supplement, tension, wolfberry 6
healthy ageing 6
motivational interview, oral and systemic health, oral health behaviour and lifestyle, periodontitis, quality of life, randomised 6
gestational diabetes, pregnancy, lifestyle intervention, mobile health, instant messaging 6
child abuse, child maltreatment, cohort study 5
health psychology, oral health literacy, oral health management, pediatric dentistry 5
oral health literacy 5
long covid, cognitive impairment , attentional control, adolescents, mri brain 5
alternating bilateral stimulation, dendritic spine plasticity, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, fear conditioning, optogenetics, post-traumatic stress disorder 4
assessment, bilingual education, clil, eye-tracking 4
attention bias, breast cancer, interpretation bias, psycholoigical distress 4
attention training, clumsy children, neuromuscular training, pediatric rehabilitation, postural control 4
barbarum, decompression, lycium, myelopathy, neurological, wolfberry 4
blood brain barrier, caveolins, ischemic stroke, matrix metalloproteinases, reactive nitrogen species 4
cost-effectiveness, dementia, e-mental health, participatory gerontechnology, public health preparedness 4
deep neural network, eye tracking, face recognition, facial expression recognition, hidden markov model 4
hemostasis 4
hypoxia, ischemia, neural stem/progenitor cells, neurogenesis, peroxynitrite 4
intracerebral hemorrhage, magnetic resonance imaging, nanotechnology, pathophysiological mechanisms, renovascular hypertension 4
mindful school culture project, the hong kong jockey club 4
nanobiomedical 4
neurogenesis, neurophasticity, neuroprotection, psychotropic drugs, steroid therapy 4
artificial intelligence, neurobiology, neuromedicine, genomic medicine, mental disorders 4
reading disability, development, fmri 4
allergy, early environmental education, gut microbiome, microbial diversity, pre-schoolers, randomised controlled trial 3
alzheimer's disease, lycium barbarum, microglia, neuroprotection, retina, triple transgenic 3
antagonist, astrocyte, ischemia, oxidative stress, vascular 3
appl2, differentiation, neural stem cells, notch signaling pathway, proliferation 3
behavioral change, folkbiology, microbiology, study of conceptual 3
behavioural change, emotion, food choice, priming, sustainable diets 3
cantonese chinese, dyslexia, reading comprehension, reading disabilities, specific language impairment 3
cantonese-chinese, cognitive, perceptual deficits, dyslexia, longitudinal prediction, specific language impairment 3
caveolin-1, neurogenesis, notch, stroke, vegf 3
cognition, neurocognitive, obstructive sleep apnea, psychosocial, quality of life, sleep 3
developmental neuropsychology, emotion regulation, executive functioning, longitudinal assessment, preschool 3
locomotion, motor phenotype, parkinson’s disease, symptom asymmetry, visual cues, visuospatial impairment 3
motor cortex, motor training, myelination, oligodendrocyte, social defeat, steroid therapy 3
regeneration 3
ambivalence, decision making, family carers, dementia, biopsychosocial model 3
institute of medical intelligence 3
institute of medical intelligence 3
adhesion, axonal injury, optic nerve 2
adipokine, depression, glucocorticoid, hippocampus, neurogenesis, physical exercise 2
alzheimer's disease 2
alzheimer's disease, beta-amyloid peptide, environmental stress, er stress, tau phosphorylation 2
animal model, fatty liver, lycium barbarum, therapeutic, wolfberry 2
arithmetic learning, mathematics learning, mental rotation, spatial ability, strategy use 2
asd 2
attributional style, chronotype, optimism/pessimism, personality, sleep quality 2
autism spectrum disorders, classroom observation, early identification, mild asd, peer interaction 2
bereavement, life event, personal values, personality, religious conversion 2
boredom, coping, emotion lay theory, emotion regulation 2
brain 2
brain abnormality, cognitive deficit, endophenotypes, schizophrenia, twin study 2
brain injury, post-discharge service 2
breast cancer, chinese, mental health, psychological adjustment, psychological morbidity, women 2
calcium imaging, dendritic spine, in vivo imaging, sleep, targeted memory reactivation 2
cell 2
childhood anxiety, cognitive behavioural therapy, group training, treatment efficacy 2
china, mental health, psychiatry, public health 2
chinese reading comprehension, chinese written composition, developmental dyslexia, syntactic skills 2
chinese, decoding, language skills, reading comprehension, reading difficulty 2
chronic stress, cognitive bias, lpfc, risk taking, tdcs 2
collective action, mixed methods, political identification, radicalization 2
communication, family relations, parent-child interaction, well-being, youth development 2
coping, internet addiction, social network, stress 2
cpt, focused-attention meditation, iaps, loving-kindness meditation, social neuroscience 2
cross-cultural comparison, cultural difference, mental health, psychological well-being 2
dementia 2
depressive symptoms, meaningful existence, ostracism, self-affirmation, social exclusion 2
developmental dyslexia, literacy problems, longitudinal predictors 2
developmental psychology, emotion regulation, executive control, parenting, rumination 2
drawing experience, face recognition, visual expertise, visual word recognition, writing experience 2
eating, habitual control of behavior, instrumental conditioning, pavlovian conditioning, sleep restriction 2
emotional well-being, mental health enhancement, psychological crisis management, psychological resilience, stress and coping 2
engagement, learning, motivation 2
financial decision, focus on gain, money, risk-taking, social exclusion 2
hyperactivity disorder, school-based support programme, students with attention-deficit 2
injury control, mental health, neuronal damage, neuroprotection, steroid therapy, stress 2
intervention, management training, organizational training, stress management, teamwork 2
iron oxide particles, magnetic resonance imaging, mri, mri cell tracking, neurogenesis 2
japanese encephalitis, minocyclin, neuroprotection 2
local school setting, mindfulness training 2
motivation, writing 2
psychology 2
anxiety, bias, transdiagnostic, fmri, computational modeling 2
building greenery, older adults, care and attention homes, physical health, psychophysiological health 2
coping, resilience, stress, mental health, intervention 2
neurofeedback training, near-infrared spectroscopy, virtual reality, adhd, randomized controlled trials 2
reading development, bilingualism, dyslexia, reading cognition, educational psychology 2
sleep, circadian rhythm, reward processing, depression, youth 2
sleep, insomnia, depression, pregnancy, cognitive behavioural therapy 2
(coda) study, anesthesia, cognitive, dysfunction 1
a cultural-moderational model, coping flexibility, cultural differences 1
abnormal salience; interpretational/attentional biases, prediction, psychosis proneness, schizophrenia; psychosis proneness, vulnerability markers, working memory 1
achievement, arithmetic principles, cognitive, development, mathematics 1
adhd, attention-deflict/hyperactivity disorder, support and training programme 1
adhd, brain challenge intervention program, secondary school students 1
adolescents, anxiety, cbt, insomnia, treatment 1
adolescents, cbt, depression, insomnia, treatment 1
adolescents, cbt-i, insomnia, intervention, sleep 1
adolescents, chronotype, circadian, insomnia, sleep 1
affective learning, emotional memory, memory control, memory reactivation, sleep 1
ageing, cognitive decline, cognitive rehabilitation, cognitive training, neuroplasticity 1
aggression, impression management, need to belong, ostracism, social exclusion 1
alzheimer's disease, app, jnk3, neurodegeneration, optic axotomy 1
amblyopia, diffusion tensor imaging, optic radiation, visual neuroscience, visual pathway 1
angry faces, attention bias, infants, social anxiety, temperament 1
art therapy, dementia, elderly care 1
attention, long-lasting sensitization, perceptual learning, salience, third-order motion 1
attributional style, job satisfaction, pessimistic personality, productivity, salesperson 1
autism spectrum disorder, cognitive skills, dialogic reading, early reading intervention, randomized controlled trial 1
autistic children, mainstream primary education, transitional program 1
autistic children, social-communication 1
automatic memory expression, emotional memory, memory control, retrieval suppression, sleep 1
bayesian, perception, vision 1
behavioral genetics, biliteracy, event-related potentials, molecular genetics, morphological awareness 1
behavioral genetics, chinese, language development, literacy development 1
behavioural genetics, cognition, endophenotyprs, prefrontal cortex, schizophrenia, structural imaging 1
binocular balance, fmri, perceptual learning, plasticity, visual psychophysics 1
binocular vision, fmri, perceptual learning, plasticity, visual psychophysics 1
blind, electrophysiology, fmri, hearing and vision, learning 1
cbt-i, ehealth, psychological distress, self-help, sleep disturbances, stepped care 1
children, environment, language 1
children, social-communication 1
chinese character recognition, chinese reading, psychophysics, visual crowding, visual span 1
chinese students 1
chinese youngsters, cultural-mediational, resilience building, resilience intervention, tao 1
coaching, emotion, parent 1
cognition, genetic modelling, intermediate phenotypes, mri, reciprocal causation, schizophrenia 1
cognitive behavioral therapy, digital interventions, feasibility, mobile health, perinatal depression, perinatal insomnia 1
collective action, machine learning, mental health, social media, text mining 1
comorbidity, learning disabilities, mathematics, reading 1
compassion meditation, empathy, mindfulness meditation, social neuroscience 1
computational modeling, face recognition, hemispheric asymmetry, visual expertise, visual word recognition 1
computer use, cyberpsychology, internet usage, social support 1
consciousness, fear extinction, fmri, pavlovian conditioning, pupillometry 1
contrast sensitivity, infant, luminance, preferential looking, spatial acuity, vision 1
contribution of information, object motion, optic flow, perception, self-motion 1
coping, personality, social psychology, stress, well-being 1
cortisol, fmri, mental health, psychological resilience, sleep 1
cross-cultural differences, individual, contextual, and cultural factors, shape prosocial behavior 1
cross-cultural, frame of reference, personality 1
cross-race deficits, face recognition 1
crowding, desire for control, instrumentality, objectification, social avoidance 1
deficit hyperactivity disorder, improve sleep for children, parent-based intervention 1
deficits, difficulties, mathematics, subtypes 1
depth perception, fmri, tms, visual psychophysics 1
domains, independent enquiry, skill instruction, teaching critical thinking 1
dyslexia 1
early androgen exposure, early human development, parental influences, sex and gender, testosterone 1
early intervention programs, preschoolers with adhd 1
egocentric direction, heading, locomotion, motor control, optic flow 1
employees 1
entitativity, forgiveness, intergroup apology, stereotype content 1
esl, perceptual training, phonology, second language, sensitive period 1
extra-retinal information, eye movements, locomotion, motion perception, optic flow 1
eye movement, face recognition, hidden markov model 1
fmri, heading, optic flow, optimal cue combination, path 1
gaming addiction 1
general just-world beliefs, objectification, prosocial behavior, self-affirmation, self-objectification 1
gestalt psychology, perceptual grouping, salience, visual attention, visual search 1
grasping, perception, sensorimotor, shape, vision 1
head movement, motion perception, object motion, self-motion, visual perception 1
hemispheric asymmetry, music notation reading, visual expertise, visual span, word reading 1
hemispheric asymmetry, music notation reading, visual expertise, visual word recognition, visual-to-auditory mapping 1
hku overseas fellowship awards 1
iq, schizophrenia, urbanicitry 1
letter identification, psychophysics, visual crowding 1
locomotion, motion, perception 1
locomotion, optic flow, visual perception, visual-motor 1
math achievement, randomized controlled trials, spatial skills 1
memory consolidation, memory reactivation, sleep 1
memory consolidation, mnemic neglect, motivated forgetting, self-evaluative memory, sleep 1
memory reconsolidation, neurocognitive mechanisms, novel multi-cs-conditioning paradigm 1
memory, temporal, unilateral 1
molecular neuroscience 1
motion sickness, perception, sensorimotor, virtual reality, vision 1
mri, schizophrenia, superior temporal gyrus, twins 1
multi-digit, numbers, place-value, preschool 1
neuromechanism, retinal 1
object perception, object recognition, repetition blindness, visual cognition, visual perception 1
objectification, ostracism, psychological entitlement, social exclusion 1
objection recognition, stereoscopic 1
perception, shape, vision 1
preschool screening tool 1
specific learning difficulties 1
substance abuse rehabilitation 1
training kit 1
twins scan 1
visual attention, visual cognition, visual perception, visual search 1
visual cue self-motion 1
- 1
binocular vision, eye dominance, perceptual learning, plasticity, fmri 1
color matching function, observer metamerism, lighting quality, wide color gamut display 1
emotion regulation, memory control, eeg/erp , neurodynamic, 1
emotional eating, exposure therapy, randomized controlled trial, mechanism of change, expectancy violation 1
gender, play, occupation, , 1
insufficient sleep, partial sleep deprivation, emotional eating, stress eating, obesity 1
logical reasoning, mathematical problem solving, longitudinal study, , 1
loneliness, aging, tdcs, lateral prefrontal cortex, emotion regulation 1
mathematics, numerical magnitude , negative numbers, gamified intervention 1
refer to attachments 1
sleep, depression, chronotype, adolescents, circadian 1
sleep, insomnia , adolescents, cbt-i, impulsivity 1
sleep, insomnia, adolescents, adhd, cognitive behavioural therapy 1
social media addiction, internet use disorder, decision-making, effort, fmri 1
threat perception, computational modeling, fmri, ieeg, top-down attention 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 50
psychology 40
others - relating to social sciences 21
psychosocial and behavioural research 16
n/a 12
hong kong studies 10
paediatricsepidemiology 10
clinical trials,imaging 9
behaviour and psychology 7
chinese medicine (clinical) 7
education: research on teaching & learningsocial work 7
epidemiologypaediatrics 7
information analyticssignal and image processing 7
others - medicine, dentistry and health,orthopaedics/traumatology 7
paediatricspsychosocial and behavioural research 7
diabetes/metabolismnursing 6
health services 6
nervous system (obsolete) 6
paediatrics 6
psychosocial and behavioural research,sociology 6
education: research on teaching & learning 5
others - medicine, dentistry and health,psychosocial and behavioural research 5
others - psychology and linguistics 5
psychology,psychosocial and behavioural research 5
psychologyothers - relating to social and behavioural sciences 5
social workpublic health 5
ageingpublic health 4
nervous system (obsolete),pathology 4
neurobiology and neuromedicineartificial intelligence and machine learning,genomic medicine 4
others - professional and vocational studies 4
others - relating to social and behavioural sciences,rehabilitative and physical medicine 4
psychology,artificial intelligence and machine learning 4
psychology,others - psychology and linguistics 4
psychology,others - relating to social sciences 4
psychologycognitive neuroscience of language 4
growth and development,microbiology 3
imaging 3
nervous system (obsolete),gene regulation 3
nervous system (obsolete),molecular biology 3
psychology,education: research on teaching & learning 3
psychology,linguistics and languages 3
psychology,others - education 3
public healthpsychosocial and behavioural research 3
social workpsychology 3
building and constructionsurveying 2
developmental biology 2
infection/parasitology,others - medicine, dentistry and health 2
marketing,psychology 2
neuroscience,biological imaging 2
others - administrative, business and social studies (obsolete) 2
others - biological sciences 2
psycholinguistics 2
psychology and linguisticspsychology 2
psychology,behaviour and psychology 2
psychology,others - biological sciences 2
psychologybehaviour and psychology 2
psychologyeducation: theory and applications 2
psychologyneuroscience 2
signal transduction,molecular biology 2
vision 2
anaesthesia,nervous system (obsolete) 1
behaviour and psychology,others - biological sciences 1
behaviour and psychology,psychosocial and behavioural research 1
education: research on teaching & learning,others - education 1
education: research on teaching & learning,psychology 1
nervous system (obsolete),vision 1
neuroscience 1
others - education 1
others - relating to social sciences,psychology 1
photonicsbuilding and construction 1
physiology,nervous system (obsolete) 1
psychology,business and management studies (including accounting) (obsolete) 1
psychology,imaging 1
psychology,management 1
psychology,others - medicine, dentistry and health 1
psychology,physiology 1
psychology,vision 1
psychologyeducation: research on teaching & learning 1
psychologyothers - psychology and linguistics 1
psychologypsychosocial and behavioural research 1
sociology 1
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