Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
wu, ex 709
li, vok 619
chau, kt 613
chew, wc 594
lai, pt 553
wong, kky 491
kosuge, kazuhiro 436
liu, yuanwei 411
chan, sc 399
hui, syr 397
hill, dj 370
choy, wch 336
ng, ts 280
chesi, g 259
pong, pwt 253
choi, hw 241
hung, ys 240
tan, sc 240
cheung, sw 226
kwok, yk 224
wong, n 220
yang, es 217
jiang, l 215
wu, ff 215
hou, y 201
wu, yc 197
lam, eym 189
chan, cc 188
lam, ey 185
zhang, yuhao 169
tsia, kkm 164
hirata, yasuhisa 163
tan, chaoliang 161
huang, k 158
wang, han 158
zhong, j 156
liu, y 152
pang, gkh 139
yung, nhc 139
du, hongyang 137
wang, y 131
yuk, ti 131
ni, y 130
niyato, dusit 126
yeung, kl 122
liu, c 115
leung, ch 113
so, hkh 113
li, victor ok 111
wang, yi 110
wei, x 109
zhang, c 107
chew, weng cho 106
sun, s 106
tang, wm 106
zhang, x 106
li, g 105
pong, mh 103
li, y 101
wang, x 101
li, b 100
wang, j 100
liu, t 97
shen, gg 97
chui, pc 96
ho, kl 94
tsia, kk 93
li, x 92
zhang, z 92
zhang, hua 91
zhang, z 91
lee, ck 90
nallanathan, arumugam 90
sha, w 90
liu, l 89
tien, nc 87
fukuda, toshio 86
hui, scm 86
chan, kc 85
li, j 85
lui, ks 85
lam, jck 84
xu, jp 84
zhu, l 82
tse, ck 80
chung, hsh 79
kang, jiawen 79
wang, c 79
hu, y 78
ngai, edith c.h. 77
yeung, kwan l 77
ding, zhiguo 76
liu, x 76
zhou, iy 75
zhou, y 75
cheng, m 74
wang, zhongrui 74
yu, ach 74
leung, cw 73
leung, kc 73
wang, z 73
yang, j 73
zhang, j 73
cheng, yc 71
zhang, y 71
tam, vwl 70
wang, s 69
xiang, chao 69
chang, c 68
mu, xidong 68
xu, j 68
lam, wh 66
peng, yifan 65
wu, b 65
lam, ays 64
chan, rw 63
chen, yue 63
liu, h 63
zhou, y 62
hui, sy 61
jiang, jz 61
lai, ym 61
chen, y 59
liu, c 59
wang, feifei 59
xiao, ming 59
qi, xiaojuan 58
yuk, tti 58
xu, jp 57
zhang, shiming 57
lau, vkn 56
wang, l 56
ma, s 55
fok, wwt 54
li, s 54
tsui, km 54
xu, y 54
yang, yanchao 54
zhang, l 54
jiang, c 53
li, l 53
zhang, ruizhe 53
leong, tl 52
li, kh 52
wu, y 52
yi, wenqiang 52
ching, tw 51
sun, x 51
wu, x 51
yang, y 51
zhou, yan 51
kang, chongqing 49
wang, h 49
khong, pl 48
kinugawa, jun 48
xiong, zehui 48
bowers, john e. 47
chen, m 46
chu, z 46
li, can 46
tang, h 46
lee, cht 45
li, kerui 45
li, w 45
luk, kdk 45
marhic, me 45
song, y 45
tam, v 45
xia, qiangfei 45
cao, y 44
chen, j 44
sha, wei 44
xu, x 44
yuan, j 44
fan, y 43
kazovsky, lg 43
li, c 43
lin, kw 43
qu, p 43
shi, j 43
wong, kk 43
wu, j 43
cui, tj 42
che, cm 41
jalali, b 41
lee, w 41
li, z 41
arai, fumihito 40
chan, wk 40
chen, x 40
du, y 40
han, w 40
hui, es 40
lau, c 40
li, cx 40
li, q 40
yang, s 40
chan, fhy 39
chen, cheng 39
chen, xianhao 39
hill, david j 39
huang, y 39
jiang, lj 39
kang, j 39
lei, cu 39
liu, w 39
song, qihao 39
zhang, h 39
zhang, ning 39
zhao, y 39
fung, pcw 38
gao, pp 38
hu, b 38
song, jm 38
wong lui, ks 38
zhang, zg 38
chen, g 37
chen, q 37
cheung, kky 37
cheung, yf 37
guo, h 37
huang, z 37
jiang, hao 37
jin, jm 37
kosuge, k. 37
ma, jingwen 37
ren, z 37
yip, kw 37
zhao, j 37
liu, j 36
ngai, edith 36
palacios, tomas 36
shum, hy 36
so, kf 36
xiao, l 36
fan, sj 35
hu, l 35
lee, wn 35
li, m 35
liu, lianqing 35
qin, zhijin 35
sun, xiankai 35
tan, s 35
yang, j. joshua 35
zhang, xiao 35
hu, j 34
li, wl 34
roberts, rc 34
xu, z 34
yan, z 34
cheng, js 33
dawson, md 33
djurišić, ab 33
lee, wk 33
ma, z 33
ni, yx 33
tong, ms 33
yan, w 33
zhang, jw 33
zheng, y 33
chan, cl 32
chen, bo 32
chen, s 32
cheung, rtf 32
fu, wy 32
guo, y 32
huang, xd 32
kim, dong in 32
lam, edmund y. 32
lei, s 32
leong, atl 32
liu, q 32
liu, w 32
lyu, m 32
qi, x 32
song, j 32
xu, k 32
zhang, b 32
zhang, s 32
zhou, y 32
batselier, k 31
chen, h 31
chen, qixin 31
dong, zy 31
liu, wei 31
ma, qy 31
wai, pka 31
wang, r 31
wang, y 31
wu, d 31
cheung, mm 30
elkashlan, maged 30
liu, b 30
liu, s 30
liu, xiao 30
liu, xu 30
lu, cc 30
ng, kt 30
wang, zhi dong 30
wei, j 30
yang, t 30
yang, z 30
yeung, lk 30
yiu, sm 30
chan, kcw 29
chen, z 29
cheng, j 29
cheung, js 29
fan, s 29
heng, pheng ann 29
palacios, tomás 29
teixeira, fl 29
wang, z 29
yu, y 29
zhang, d 29
zhang, tiankui 29
chung, h 28
dou, qi 28
kong, c 28
li, qiang 28
mak, ky 28
poon, nk 28
shen, d 28
sin, jko 28
sun, y 28
yu, c 28
ai, bo 27
dong, cm 27
guo, joel 27
kwong, cy 27
li, c 27
li, cy 27
li, f 27
li, haifeng 27
liu, jiangchuan 27
ma, j 27
shen, xuemin 27
tse, kw 27
wang, q 27
yan, xiaodong 27
zhao, tianshuo 27
gao, s 26
jiang, j 26
li, p 26
lin, y 26
ma, yunwei 26
qiu, c 26
wen, f 26
wu, xl 26
yan, s 26
zeng, t 26
chang, lin 25
chim, tw 25
kang, jiqiang 25
li, eh 25
liu, tao 25
liu, xihui 25
pang, g 25
qian, zg 25
ren, x 25
serpedin, e 25
tang, sc 25
vicino, a 25
wang, m 25
wong, kenneth k.y. 25
wu, huaqiang 25
xie, vb 25
zhao, js 25
zhong, w 25
zhou, h 25
zhu, yanmin 25
ahmad, i 24
chen, junze 24
chow, amk 24
chua, sj 24
ho, lc 24
kim, d 24
li, hai 24
li, min 24
lin, d 24
liu, jingcun 24
liu, k 24
xing, c 24
xu, j 24
zhang, jiayi 24
zhu, y 24
chen, l 23
chen, ms 23
chen, w 23
chow, am 23
huang, j 23
huang, ying 23
huang, zx 23
hui, lck 23
jin, warren 23
kong, jing 23
lee, ht 23
li, d 23
lin, peng 23
ngai, che 23
ouyang, d 23
sugahara, yusuke 23
wang, qianming 23
wang, w 23
xia, fengnian 23
xia, m 23
yi, z 23
zhao, w 23
zhu, g 23
zhu, h 23
cao, l 22
chan, ch 22
cheah, kw 22
chen, n 22
cheung, pys 22
fang, yuguang 22
feng, y 22
gao, y 22
hanzo, lajos 22
hsu, cc 22
hu, y 22
huang, mq 22
jensen, jh 22
konofagou, ee 22
lai, zhuangchai 22
liu, cp 22
michielssen, e 22
shen, gx 22
tan, siew chong 22
wang, boyan 22
yang, edward s 22
chang, cq 21
cheung, mmh 21
ding, ay 21
hu, xiping 21
huang, x 21
hui, kn 21
hui, th 21
ji, f 21
jiang, zp 21
lau, aks 21
liang, y 21
luo, y 21
niu, g 21
poor, h. vincent 21
qin, z 21
tse, hf 21
tse, kk 21
tsui, wk 21
wan, jmf 21
wu, jiangbin 21
xi, xiang 21
yang, yf 21
yu, h 21
yu, haibo 21
yue, xinwei 21
zhang, r 21
zhao, huan 21
zheng, c 21
zhou, y 21
zhou, zhan 21
barnell, mark 20
brittenham, gm 20
chan, kwy 20
chen, ye 20
chu, zhiqin 20
hui, shu yuen ron 20
jia, jiaya 20
khademhosseini, ali 20
li, gq 20
li, h 20
li, wen jung 20
liao, b 20
liu, z 20
lyu, michael r. 20
pong, bmh 20
shen, t 20
song, yue 20
wang, jiacheng 20
wen, m 20
wetzstein, gordon 20
wong, ngai 20
wu, f 20
wu, q 20
wu, qing 20
zhu, k 20
åkerman, j 20
al-dhahir, naofal 19
cao, p 19
chen, c 19
gao, bin 19
gong, y 19
he, s 19
huang, l 19
jeon, cw 19
lau, hf 19
lin, f 19
liu, yr 19
mccormick, dt 19
ng, mc 19
poon, fnk 19
qin, yuan 19
rao, mingyi 19
shum, hc 19
song, wenhao 19
tang, jianshi 19
uesaka, k 19
wong, ys 19
xu, jiaqi 19
zhang, q 19
zhou, z 19
zou, x 19
andrews, jg 18
dai, hongjie 18
fung, ksm 18
gao, j 18
gu, j 18
hou, r 18
hui, sy 18
jian, l 18
kalogerakis, g 18
ke, j 18
kwok, pck 18
lam, kh 18
lau, v 18
leung, victor c.m. 18
lu, h 18
luo, zhimin 18
man, c 18
qian, he 18
ren, yx 18
tang, ahl 18
verbic, g 18
xiang, hf 18
xie, f 18
xu, s 18
yang, gh 18
yang, x 18
yu, j 18
zeng, y 18
zhang, w 18
zhao, yi 18
asama, hajime 17
chen, p 17
du, zhonghao 17
hou, tianwei 17
hsu, allen 17
huang, xiao 17
lee, kcm 17
li, mk 17
lim, lw 17
liu, zhengwu 17
lu, z 17
ma, q 17
mcalonan, gm 17
niu, s 17
peter, t 17
roy, val 17
shen, y 17
strachan, john paul 17
sun, l 17
sun, wujin 17
tesi, a 17
tian, x 17
wang, zhidong 17
xiong, s 17
xu, w 17
yiu, bys 17
zha, jiajia 17
zhang, zg 17
ahadian, samad 16
cao, g 16
cao, p 16
chan, ks 16
chen, f 16
chen, wb 16
cheng, l 16
chung, r 16
diao, z 16
gan, d 16
garulli, a 16
goda, k 16
gu, e 16
hills, pr 16
hui, rsy 16
jaiswal, mk 16
kaetsu, hayato 16
lau, cp 16
li, pan 16
lin, yijing 16
liu, f 16
liu, m 16
lo, hb 16
man, k 16
mei, s 16
ng, wt 16
nilavalan, r 16
ou, h 16
pang, grantham kh 16
piedra, daniel 16
porter, matthew 16
qi, w 16
sun, q 16
takeo, koji 16
tang, yy 16
wang, am 16
wang, t 16
wang, ym 16
wang, yuechao 16
wang, z. r. 16
wu, h 16
xie, weiqiang 16
yang, f 16
yang, l 16
yeung, lawrence kwan 16
yin, w 16
yu, sf 16
yuan, huawei 16
zeng, x 16
zhao, meiting 16
brown, tr 15
chen, hao 15
chen, jh 15
cheng, y 15
choy, wallace ch 15
deng, j 15
guo, li 15
han, cy 15
he, h 15
he, qiyuan 15
heath jr, rw 15
heidrich, wolfgang 15
huang, kaibin 15
ioinovici, adrian 15
kawabata, kuniaki 15
kong, z 15
kuo, bpp 15
lee, junmin 15
lee, tla 15
leung, gkk 15
li, yunning 15
liang, ruizheng 15
lin, xh 15
liu, jcp 15
mai, f 15
morton, paul a. 15
ohnuki, s 15
peng, w 15
ren, y 15
shuai, q 15
song, y 15
sun, min 15
sun, xin 15
wang, d 15
yan, bp 15
yu, jj 15
yung, hc 15
zhang, y. 15
zheng, j 15
arai, shogo 14
cao, xiehong 14
chen, t 14
chen, yp 14
cheung, jsc 14
cicoira, fabio 14
deng, yiqin 14
dong, m 14
evans, hl 14
fathpour, s 14
feng, c 14
fu, wai yuen 14
he, x 14
hill, d 14
hou, j 14
hou, yh 14
hu, tingting 14
hwang, k 14
jiang, h 14
jin, l 14
kiratipongvoot, s 14
kozak, joseph p. 14
kwan, hk 14
lau, kn 14
lee, atl 14
leong, atl 14
leung, yp 14
li, r 14
li, xingwang 14
lu, caicheng 14
luo, x 14
ma, zj 14
mao, j 14
mao, js 14
midya, rivu 14
mok, kt 14
pan, z 14
peng, c 14
qi, l 14
qiu, y 14
schober, robert 14
song, zhengyu 14
sun, j 14
tu, y 14
wang, zhaolin 14
wong, h 14
wu, cm 14
wu, jiayang 14
xia, q 14
xie, xm 14
yu, h. y. 14
zhou, x 14
zou, y 14
cai, kx 13
chai, kok keong 13
chan, acs 13
chau, k. t. 13
chen, q 13
cheng, haozhong 13
cheung, pt 13
ching, htw 13
chiu, hs 13
christopoulos, c 13
deng, lf 13
ding, y 13
dokmeci, mehmet r. 13
dong, y 13
du, j 13
fan, zhanxi 13
feng, p 13
gao, zhipeng 13
ho, ph 13
hu, x 13
jamalipour, abbas 13
kim, han jun 13
kong, ja 13
kwok, yukwong 13
lau, ks 13
lee, cm 13
levkin, pavel a. 13
li, yuxing 13
liang, l 13
lin, h 13
lin, jiaru 13
lin, y 13
lo, cm 13
lu, qipeng 13
ma, qinglang 13
nahrstedt, k 13
ng, cw 13
pang, y 13
sathiakumar, s 13
su, l 13
sun, w 13
tong, x 13
ueda, erica 13
wang, hongbo 13
wang, rui 13
wong, cm 13
wong, cm 13
wong, hiu yung 13
wong, kkk 13
wong, ks 13
wu, di 13
wu, hc 13
yang, d 13
yang, jian 13
yu, jjq 13
yu, l 13
zeng, sh 13
zheng, g 13
zhu, x 13
abutarboush, hf 12
allen, cr 12
bhattacharya, k 12
chan, qcc 12
chaudhuri, b 12
chen, g 12
chen, xw 12
cheng, kai 12
cheung, ch 12
choi, hoi wai 12
choy, wallace c h 12
chu, y 12
chung, sw 12
egelhoff jr, wf 12
fan, pingzhi 12
feng, yq 12
fujisawa, yoshio 12
fung, kk 12
girkin, jm 12
he, l 12
hiskens, ia 12
ho, wc 12
hou, y 12
hu, miao 12
huang, wei 12
jin, w 12
kagan, cherie r. 12
kwok, ch 12
lai, ahs 12
lee, kang ju 12
lei, z 12
li, bing 12
li, gj 12
lin, j 12
liu, qinghuo 12
liu, shiyong 12
liu, yg 12
liu, zt 12
ma, l 12
ma, y 12
mao, y 12
mussot, a 12
ng, wn 12
pan, yc 12
pun, cks 12
qian, lx 12
qiao, d 12
qiao, z 12
rubin, bj 12
sasaki, kohei 12
shen, cm 12
shi, r 12
shrivastava, y 12
sun, f 12
tang, z 12
tian, he 12
udrea, florin 12
wang, bixuan 12
wang, f 12
wang, wendong 12
wang, xh 12
wei, p 12
wei, r 12
wei, xiaoming 12
weng, yf 12
wong, ak 12
wong, yk 12
wu, lue 12
wu, xue jun 12
wu, yik-chung 12
xu, zx 12
yang, e 12
yang, h 12
yang, zhong 12
yao, peng 12
yeung, ks 12
yuk, tit 12
zhang, chao 12
zhang, p 12
zhang, ping 12
zhao, y 12
zheng, kedi 12
zhong, qing 12
zhong, ruikang 12
zhou, e 12
zhuo, ye 12
aydiner, aa 11
bi, t 11
cao, x 11
chan, cky 11
chan, cs 11
chan, nmm 11
chan, ys 11
chen, yh 11
cheng, ck 11
cheng, h 11
cheng, ky 11
cheung, c 11
cheung, hky 11
chew, weng c 11
chua, se 11
cobbold, rsc 11
deutsch, a 11
donepudi, kc 11
furuta, katsuhisa 11
gao, ds 11
gao, yue 11
ge, ning 11
gu, lin 11
han, c 11
han, d 11
han, zhu 11
he, xinjun 11
heide, felix 11
huang, q 11
hung, ks 11
hwang, w 11
jiang, lijun 11
jin, x 11
kim, sg 11
kudlinski, a 11
kwok, to 11
lam, hy 11
li, jiachen 11
li, k 11
li, k 11
liu, by 11
liu, sr 11
liu, t 11
lo, fl 11
loo, kh 11
lu, j 11
luo, j 11
ma, t 11
ma, zhuoran 11
meng, k 11
moghaddam, m 11
ngan, ahw 11
qiu, d 11
qiu, dy 11
ravichandran, jayakanth 11
ren, j 11
sik, hh 11
soatto, stefano 11
song, s 11
strachan, jp 11
teng, y 11
tian, ye 11
velamparambil, s 11
wen, j 11
williams, r. stanley 11
xie, j 11
xie, x 11
yang, zhaohui 11
yeung, mkh 11
yu, x 11
yu, zejie 11
zhang, s 11
zhang, shengyu 11
zhang, t 11
zhang, xichao 11
zhang, xu 11
zhang, zhensong 11
zhang, zhicheng 11
zhao, h 11
zhao, yujiao 11
zhong, h 11
ahmad, ishfaq 10
ashammakhi, nureddin 10
baker, f 10
cao, m 10
chan, d 10
chao, hy 10
chen, hh 10
chen, hung yu 10
chen, jian 10
chen, manxin 10
cheng, hongfei 10
chesi, graziano 10
cheung, kmc 10
chiang, it 10
ching, wh 10
choy, kl 10
chu, yj 10
chung, bmf 10
cronin, stephen b. 10
dobre, octavia a. 10
dun, xiong 10
ezawa, m 10
fan, x 10
fang, z. 10
feng, d 10
feng, ziyao 10
fu, z 10
furuta, k. 10
gao, xinyu 10
guo, jing 10
gupta, s 10
han, w 10
hashimoto, k 10
hesford, aj 10
hong, j 10
hua, w 10
huang, g 10
hui, p 10
itoh, tomotaka 10
jiang, y 10
kanbayashi, takashi 10
kennedy, m. j. 10
lau, hk 10
lee, christopher h.t. 10
lee, cw 10
lee, sts 10
letaief, khaled b. 10
li, kh 10
li, quan 10
li, yang 10
lin, jh 10
lin, p 10
liu, d 10
liu, yinqiu 10
liu, zhengzhe 10
lo, yh 10
lu, ww 10
ma, x 10
mak, gy 10
meng, n 10
murray, christopher b. 10
ng, hc 10
View More
InventorsNo. of Patents
pong, mh 59
yang, es 19
pang, gkh 17
poon, franki ngai kit 16
liu, joe chui pong 14
liu, jcp 10
li, vok 9
poon, nk 9
leung, kc 8
liu joe chui pong 8
choi, hw 7
liao zhubang 7
pan yijie 6
pang minxi 6
poon franki ngai kit 6
poon, fnk 6
poon, ngaikit, franki 6
chan, chi-ho 5
ho, ka-lim 5
kwan, to-on 5
li, victor on kwok 5
liu, cp 5
wu, ex 5
clanton christopher 4
franki ngai kit poon 4
joe chui pong liu 4
lai, hon seng 4
lam, ksl 4
le khiem 4
liu chuipong joe 4
liu zhigang 4
liu, chuipong, joe 4
ng, ts 4
poon ngaikit franki 4
choi hoi wai 3
leung, kwong keung 3
liu, chuipong joe 3
poon, ngaikit franki 3
wang xianghua 3
wong alfred k 3
wong, alfred kwok kit 3
yang, edward s. 3
yip, kun wah 3
yuan, xiaochun 3
yung, nelson hon ching 3
chan, ch 2
chan, sc 2
cheung yingsheung 2
cheung, sw 2
cheung, yingsheung 2
chew weng cho 2
chi-ho chan 2
choi, hoiwai 2
choy wallace chik ho 2
clanton, christopher 2
cooma, a 2
dai qi 2
hui kwunnam 2
hui shu yuen ron 2
hui, shu yuen ron 2
jiang lijun 2
ka-lim ho 2
kumar ajay 2
kumar, a 2
kwan, to 2
lai hon seng 2
lam, eym 2
le, khiem 2
lee chi kwan 2
lee chiyeung 2
lee, chi kwan 2
lee, chiyeung 2
lee, wc 2
leung kwong keung 2
liu chui-pong joe 2
liu joe c.p 2
liu, chiupong, joe 2
liu, joe chui-pong 2
liu, joe, chui, pong 2
liu, zhigang 2
man hay pong 2
ng, tung sang 2
pang, gkh 2
pang, grantham kwok hung 2
pang, kwok-hung grantham 2
peng, khg 2
pong man hay 2
pong, bmh 2
pong, man hay 2
poon frankie ngai kit 2
poon ngai kit, franki 2
poon ngai-kit franki 2
poon, franki, ngai, kit 2
t.-o. guan 2
t.o. guan 2
tang haiying 2
wai, ping kong alex 2
wang, jun 2
wang, xianghua 2
wong lui, ks 2
wu, yc 2
yung hon ching 2
yung, hon ching 2
zhu bo 2
aiay, kumar 1
b.m.h. pong 1
bryan man hay pong 1
chan shingchow 1
chan, shing chow 1
chaudhuri balarko 1
chaudhuri nilanjan ray 1
che chi ming 1
che, chi ming 1
che, cm 1
cheng frederick m.c 1
cheng, chin long 1
cheng, cl 1
cheng, fmc 1
cheng, mc frederick 1
cheung yuk fai 1
cheung, sing wai 1
cheung, ying sheung 1
chow, s 1
choy wallace ch 1
chris sun-kin yeung 1
chuipong, joe liu 1
clanton, c 1
david yang 1
f.n.k. poon 1
franki, ngai, kit poon 1
goda keisuke 1
goda, keisuke 1
guo donghai 1
guo, d 1
haiying tang 1
ho, kl 1
ho, kl 1
hong, michael, king-ming 1
hong, mkm 1
hu aiqun 1
hu jianhao 1
hu, a. 1
hu, aiqun 1
hu, jianhao 1
hui kwun nam 1
hui, kun nam 1
hui, kwun nam 1
hui, kwunnam 1
j.c.p. liu 1
jalali bahram 1
jalali, bahram 1
jim, p 1
joe, chui, pong liu 1
kai-wing tse 1
kiratipongvoot sitthisak 1
ko, lawrence, ming-him 1
ko, lmh 1
kumar, aiay 1
kumar, ajay 1
kwok, chi kong paul 1
kwok, paul, chi-kong 1
lai chengdi 1
lai hansheng 1
lai, chengdi 1
lam albert yun sang 1
lam, edmund y 1
lam, karen siu ling 1
lawrence ming-him ko 1
le, k 1
lee francis k.h 1
lee, chi yeung 1
lee, fkh 1
lee, kh francis 1
leung, ka-cheong 1
li chun-yin 1
li kwai hei 1
li, chun yin 1
li, chun-yin 1
li, chunyin 1
li, victor o k 1
liang guangqiang 1
liao, wanjiun 1
liu chui pong 1
liu chui pong, joe 1
liu joe c. p 1
liu, chui pong joe 1
liu, cpj 1
liu, z 1
lu haifei 1
michael king-ming hong 1
nallanathan, a. 1
ng tung sang 1
ngaikit, franki poon 1
pang hon may 1
pang honman 1
pang yijie 1
pang, mh 1
paul chi-kong kwok 1
pong man h. 1
pong manhay 1
pong mh 1
pong, bryan man hay 1
pong, man hay bryan 1
pong, manhay bryan 1
poon franki n.k 1
poon franki ngai k 1
poon franki ngai k. 1
poon, franki ngai-kit 1
poon, n.k. 1
poon, ngai kit frankie 1
poon, nkf 1
tam, yau yee 1
tam, yau-yee 1
tang, h 1
tang, haiying 1
to-on kwan 1
to-on kwant 1
tse, kai wing 1
tse, kai-wing 1
tsia kevin kin man 1
tsia kevin kin-man 1
tsia, kevin kin-man 1
tsui kaiman 1
tsui, kai man 1
tsui, km 1
wai alex pong-kong 1
wai, ping-kong alex 1
wang chuandao 1
wang jun 1
wang, xiang-hua 1
wong kenneth kin yip 1
wong yum wing 1
wong, alfred k 1
wong, alfred, k., k 1
wong, yum wing 1
wu, dongsheng 1
xiang hai feng 1
xiang, h 1
xiang, hai feng 1
xie fengxian 1
xie, x 1
xie, xf 1
xie, xue fei 1
xu jingjiang 1
xu yiqing 1
yang, d 1
yang, david 1
yau-yee tam 1
yeung, chris, sun-kin 1
yeung, csk 1
yeung, szeman 1
yip, kw 1
yuan xiaochun 1
zhang chi 1
zheng tianhang 1
zhong wenxing 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
deep learning 57
optimization 52
animals 47
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 42
machine learning 41
mri 39
algorithms 37
computers 37
humans 34
wireless power transfer (wpt) 34
communications 33
wireless power transfer 30
artificial intelligence 29
internet of things 28
electronics 26
engineering 26
male 26
stability 26
rats 25
wireless communication 25
electrical engineering 23
smart grid 23
computer simulation 22
reproducibility of results 21
signal processing, computer-assisted 21
transportation 21
female 20
neural networks 20
rats, sprague-dawley 20
disease models, animal 19
magnetic resonance imaging 19
physics engineering 19
electric vehicle 18
fmri 18
mice 18
computer applications 17
genetic algorithm 17
photoluminescence 17
receivers 17
renewable energy 17
security 17
switches 17
synchronization 17
task analysis 17
wavelet transform 17
computational modeling 16
convergence 16
image processing, computer-assisted - methods 16
light emitting diodes 16
mathematical model 16
mathematical models 16
ofdm 16
physics 16
power electronics 16
power system stability 16
sensitivity and specificity 16
signal processing 16
simulation 16
time factors 16
adult 15
brain mapping 15
cost-effectiveness 15
eeg power 15
efficiency 15
energy efficiency 15
estimation 15
gallium nitride 15
optimal power flow 15
power control 15
power systems 15
real-time systems 15
reliability 15
resource allocation 15
scheduling 15
training 15
anisotropy 14
automobiles 14
capacitors 14
convolutional neural network 14
data models 14
dti 14
image processing, computer-assisted 14
image reconstruction 14
medical sciences 14
mimo 14
performance analysis 14
segmentation 14
voltage control 14
wavelet entropy 14
wireless sensor networks 14
analysis of variance 13
cognitive radio 13
collaborative stepped care 13
data interpretation, statistical 13
depressive symptoms 13
early intervention 13
effectiveness 13
federated learning 13
magnetic resonance 13
older adults 13
peer support 13
planning 13
prevention 13
resonant frequency 13
smart grids 13
tracking 13
capacitance 12
classification 12
convex optimization 12
costs 12
demand response 12
distributed control 12
electric spring 12
electromagnetic interference 12
energy storage 12
genetic algorithms 12
imaging 12
mimo communication 12
mobility 12
monitoring 12
power system 12
radio 12
resource management 12
robustness 12
sensitivity 12
soft switching 12
transmitters 12
vectors 12
voltage 12
wind power 12
antenna arrays 11
behavior, animal 11
computer graphics 11
computer-aided design 11
correlation 11
distribution network 11
electroencephalography 11
electromagnetics 11
gan 11
hippocampus 11
imaging systems 11
inverters 11
light-emitting diode (led) 11
light-emitting diodes 11
microfluidics 11
microscopy 11
modeling 11
models, statistical 11
neural network 11
nonlinear systems 11
optics 11
organic solar cells 11
parallel processing 11
routing 11
source reconstruction 11
topology 11
transient stability 11
age-related resting state 10
bandwidth 10
blind source separation 10
brain - pathology 10
cell line 10
circuits 10
coils 10
contrast media 10
convolutional neural networks 10
couplings 10
diffusion 10
diffusion tensor imaging 10
electric vehicles (evs) 10
electricity market 10
electroluminescence 10
event-related potential 10
finite element method 10
flipped classroom 10
fpga 10
generators 10
hydrogel 10
imaging flow cytometry 10
inductance 10
internet 10
internet of things (iot) 10
lasers 10
led 10
lighting 10
low frequency 10
measurement 10
mobile devices 10
object tracking 10
optical coherence tomography 10
performance evaluation 10
photic stimulation 10
polarization 10
quantitative phase imaging 10
reactive power 10
renewable energy sources 10
servers 10
time-frequency analysis 10
uncertainty 10
voltage regulation 10
voltage stability 10
bold 9
brain 9
brain mapping - methods 9
buck converter 9
channel estimation 9
china 9
cognition - physiology 9
collaboration perception 9
control 9
conventional methods 9
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging 9
digital holography 9
diseases 9
edge effect 9
electric vehicle (ev) 9
electric vehicles 9
emi 9
fault detection 9
frequency regulation 9
game theory 9
graph theory 9
health professions education 9
high efficiency 9
hong kong 9
image processing 9
image segmentation 9
impedance 9
in-memory computing 9
interprofessional education 9
interprofessional identity 9
kalman filter 9
learning analytics 9
llc resonant converter 9
magnetization transfer 9
manganese-enhanced mri 9
medical education 9
memristor 9
metasurface 9
mutual coupling 9
nonlinear control 9
nonlinear optics 9
power grid 9
power grids 9
privacy 9
quality of service 9
rat 9
resistance 9
scattering 9
smart city 9
solar cells 9
stability criteria 9
transformer 9
vehicle-to-grid 9
wideband 9
acoustic stimulation 8
acupuncture 8
adaptive filters 8
adolescent 8
artificial neural networks 8
atomic force microscopy 8
beamforming 8
biomechanics 8
cardiac differentiation 8
cell adhesion 8
cell differentiation - drug effects 8
cell movement - drug effects 8
circuit theory 8
computational imaging 8
computer architecture 8
computer networks 8
consumer electronics 8
convex relaxation 8
damping 8
design 8
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging - methods 8
distributed generation 8
distributed optimization 8
electric spring (es) 8
embryonic stem cell 8
embryonic stem cells - cytology - drug effects - transplantation 8
energy harvesting 8
energy management 8
equipment design 8
evoked potentials, somatosensory - physiology 8
feature extraction 8
feedback 8
ferric compounds - adverse effects 8
frequency 8
frequency control 8
gold 8
green fluorescent proteins - analysis - biosynthesis 8
hepatocellular carcinoma 8
high-intensity focused ultrasound 8
image interpretation, computer-assisted - methods 8
inductors 8
instructional design 8
lipid 8
liver transplant 8
magnetic resonance imaging (mri) 8
membrane 8
mobile handsets 8
motion estimation 8
motor skills - physiology 8
multiple-input multiple-output (mimo) 8
multiple-input-multiple-output (mimo) 8
myocardial infarction 8
myocytes, cardiac - cytology - drug effects 8
nanoparticles - adverse effects 8
nanostructures 8
neuromorphic computing 8
passivation 8
performance 8
photovoltaic 8
power conversion 8
power system security 8
privacy-preserving 8
probability 8
regularization 8
semiconductors 8
sensor networks 8
signal-to-noise ratio 8
spinal cord 8
staining and labeling - methods 8
steady-state 8
superparamagnetic iron oxide 8
temperature 8
traffic congestion 8
transarterial chemoembolization 8
ultrafast imaging 8
waiting list 8
wireless networks 8
young adult 8
accuracy 7
active power decoupling 7
aged 7
analytical models 7
animals, newborn 7
array signal processing 7
arrays 7
arrhythmias, cardiac - etiology 7
authentication 7
batteries 7
big data 7
bit error rate 7
calibration 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood supply - drug therapy - pathology 7
cardiomyocytes 7
chemical vapor deposition 7
chemokine cxcl10 - metabolism 7
chronic disease 7
classwork design 7
cloud computing 7
clustering 7
computational time 7
computer systems 7
convolution 7
cooperative control 7
cricetinae 7
data mining 7
delays 7
diagnosis, computer-assisted - methods 7
diffusion tensor imaging - methods 7
distribution system 7
dual-band 7
edge computing 7
eeg 7
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions 7
electric springs 7
electric stimulation 7
electrical engineering education 7
electricity markets 7
embryonic stem cells 7
embryonic stem cells - transplantation 7
emotion regulation 7
energy conservation 7
error analysis 7
evolutionary algorithm 7
field-effect transistors 7
finite element analysis 7
functional connectivity 7
functional mri 7
granger causality 7
graphene 7
hardware 7
holography 7
ieee 802.11 7
image enhancement - methods 7
in vivo 7
interference suppression 7
iot 7
learning design 7
light-emitting diode 7
light-emitting diodes (leds) 7
liver neoplasms, experimental - blood supply - drug therapy - pathology 7
load balancing 7
local polynomial regression 7
low-rank approximation 7
maternal exposure 7
matrix metalloproteinase 9 - metabolism 7
method of moments 7
microgrid 7
microgrids 7
model predictive control 7
model reduction 7
molecular imaging 7
monte carlo simulation 7
morphology control 7
multi-objective optimization 7
muscle 7
myocytes, cardiac - transplantation 7
nanowire 7
neovascularization, pathologic - drug therapy 7
nonlinear system 7
oled 7
optogenetic 7
outlier detection 7
overhead transmission lines 7
parameter estimation 7
peer-to-peer 7
phantoms, imaging 7
phosphorescence 7
photodetector 7
photonic integration 7
photovoltaic cells 7
pipelines 7
polymers 7
portfolio optimization 7
prediction 7
privacy preserving 7
proarrhythmias 7
rabbits 7
rectifiers 7
reference values 7
regulation 7
religious schema 7
rf shielding 7
robust statistics 7
semidefinite programming 7
sensors 7
single-phase converters 7
smart cities 7
source analysis 7
spectrum analysis 7
stabilization 7
state estimation 7
stem cell transplantation - adverse effects 7
support vector machine 7
testbed 7
time domain analysis 7
time-stretch imaging 7
traffic management 7
ultra-low-field 7
ultrasonography 7
ultrasound 7
variable selection 7
ventricular remodeling - physiology 7
wavelet 7
wavelet analysis 7
wireless communications 7
wireless telecommunication systems 7
1/f noise 6
adaptive filter 6
adaptive systems 6
adc 6
aging 6
air pollution monitoring 6
air quality 6
alzheimer's disease 6
antennas 6
autoclave 6
bayesian 6
bayesian model 6
beijing 6
benders decomposition 6
biomedical monitoring 6
blended learning 6
bluetooth 6
brain-heart coordination 6
channel allocation 6
chanting amitabha buddha 6
child 6
children 6
climatic changes -- china -- hong kong 6
cluster analysis 6
collagen fibril 6
computation offloading 6
computational electromagnetics 6
computational fluid dynamics 6
congestion management 6
connectivity 6
contrast enhancement 6
control theory 6
convergence analysis 6
cosimulation 6
coupling 6
covid-19 6
data-driven 6
deep learning (dl) 6
deep reinforcement learning 6
deep-learning 6
defect detection 6
demand side management 6
design methodology 6
dextran coated magnetic nanoparticle 6
disc degeneration 6
electric springs (ess) 6
electromagnetic fields 6
electromagnetic interference (emi) 6
energy 6
energy delivery 6
energy transfer 6
ensemble learning 6
environmental protection -- china -- hong kong 6
epicardial patch 6
fading channels 6
feature selection 6
fiber lasers 6
fibrosis 6
filtration; sterilization 6
finite element method (fem) 6
finite periodic structures 6
fluorescence 6
fracture mechanics 6
frequency modulation 6
functional laterality - physiology 6
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) 6
gallium nitride (gan) 6
gaussian process 6
gene regulatory network 6
generation expansion planning 6
harmonic analysis 6
harmonics 6
heart rate 6
heterogeneous networks 6
heuristic algorithms 6
high resolution 6
high-throughput 6
image coding 6
image restoration 6
implant stability 6
impulse noise 6
inferior colliculus 6
information and communication technologies 6
integral equation 6
introductory engineering 6
isolation 6
late positive potential 6
lateral ventricles 6
leakage current 6
leaky wave antenna 6
learning-analytics 6
linear programming 6
liver 6
load modeling 6
localization 6
locomotion 6
luminous flux 6
magnetoresistive (mr) sensors 6
manganese - diagnostic use 6
matrix metalloproteinase 12 6
matrix pencil 6
mbsr 6
mental concentration 6
mesenchymal stem cells/multipotent stromal cells 6
mimo antenna 6
mimo-ofdm 6
mobile phones 6
model order reduction 6
models, theoretical 6
modulation 6
monolithic 6
monolithic integration 6
mosfet 6
motor difficulty 6
multi-agent systems 6
multimedia 6
muscle, skeletal - physiology 6
myocardial infarction - pathology - physiopathology - surgery 6
nanosphere 6
navigation 6
negative bias 6
neonatal rat 6
network topology 6
neural network models 6
nickel 6
optical devices 6
optical fibers 6
optoelectronic devices 6
optoelectronics 6
organic light emitting diodes 6
organic semiconductors 6
orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (ofdm) 6
outage probability 6
oxidative stress 6
pericardium - pathology - physiopathology 6
perovskites 6
pmu 6
polymer 6
power loss 6
power market 6
power quality 6
power resources -- china -- hong kong 6
predictive control 6
prepulse inhibition 6
privacy preservation 6
programming education 6
project-based learning 6
prosthesis implantation - methods 6
protocols 6
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 6
pulse 6
qos routing 6
quantum dots 6
radiation 6
radiative recombination 6
rehabilitation 6
reinforcement learning 6
renewable energy sources -- technological innovations -- china -- hong kong 6
renewable generation 6
resonance 6
resonant converter 6
resting-state functional connectivity 6
reverse electrodialysis 6
reverse electrodialysis (red) 6
robust beamforming 6
rram 6
rube goldberg machine 6
sensor network 6
signature verification 6
silicon 6
single-cell imaging 6
single‐cell imaging 6
smart load 6
smart loads 6
smart-watches 6
source localization 6
specific absorption rate 6
stability analysis 6
stress 6
super-resolution 6
swine 6
system identification 6
teaching principles 6
thalamus 6
throughput 6
time domain 6
tissue contrast 6
titanium 6
trabecular bone 6
traffic engineering 6
tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium 6
tspyl2 6
uv irradiation 6
ventricular dysfunction, left - physiopathology - surgery 6
ventricular remodeling 6
visual cortex 6
visual perception - physiology 6
wearable-devices 6
wireless sensor network 6
zero-voltage switching (zvs) 6
2d materials 5
3d object detection 5
3d reconstruction 5
6g mobile communication 5
ad hoc networks 5
adaptive filtering 5
adaptive scale selection 5
aging - physiology 5
algorithm 5
aloha 5
ancillary service 5
annealing 5
anonymous credential 5
apparent diffusion coefficient 5
approximation 5
asymptotic stability 5
automatic generation control 5
autonomous vehicle system 5
autonomous vehicles 5
axon beading 5
axonal projections 5
b-value 5
b1. nanomaterials 5
b1. zinc compounds 5
bayesian inference 5
biology 5
biosensing platforms 5
blind signature 5
bloom filter 5
bold fmri 5
boundary smoothness 5
brain - enzymology - pathology 5
brain - physiology 5
broadcasting 5
c6 glioma 5
carbon material devices 5
cell imaging 5
central nervous system - injuries - physiopathology 5
cerebral ischemia 5
charging infrastructure 5
chlorides - diagnostic use 5
chronic cns regeneration 5
clinical diagnostics 5
closed form solutions 5
cnpase 5
coatings 5
color chromaticity 5
computational efficiency 5
computational social science 5
concentration ratio 5
confocal microscopy 5
congestion control 5
consensus 5
contrast media - administration & dosage 5
control systems 5
convergence of numerical methods 5
convex programming 5
convolutional neural network (cnn) 5
coupling coefficient 5
cross-disciplinary 5
crystallinity 5
cyber security 5
data collection 5
dc-dc converter 5
decentralized control 5
decentralized optimization 5
decorrelation 5
demand-side management 5
demand-side management (dsm) 5
denoising 5
deregulation 5
design principles 5
deuterium oxide 5
deuterium oxide - diagnostic use - metabolism 5
dielectric 5
diffusion weighting 5
discrete fourier transforms 5
disease progression 5
distributed system 5
distribution systems 5
disturbance attenuation 5
drug delivery 5
dual band 5
early identification 5
economic dispatch 5
education 5
educational data analytics 5
eeg coherence 5
electric field integral equation 5
electric vehicle (ev) charging 5
electroencephalogram (eeg) 5
electroencephalography - classification 5
electroencephalography - methods 5
electromagnetic coupling 5
electromagnetic phenomena 5
electron spin resonance spectroscopy - methods 5
electrooculography 5
emergency control 5
emission bands 5
energy consumption 5
energy routing 5
ensemble averaging 5
equipment failure analysis 5
equivalent circuit model 5
erasure coding 5
etching 5
event-related potentials 5
event-related potentials (erps) 5
evoked potentials, somatosensory 5
experiential learning 5
experimental data 5
extracellular matrix 5
fa 5
facts 5
fairness 5
false data injection attack 5
fast algorithm 5
fault diagnosis 5
fault-tolerant 5
fine-grained resolution 5
first principles of instruction 5
fluorescence microscopy 5
gaas 5
galloping 5
global optimization 5
glutamate excitotoxicity 5
glutamate-ammonia ligase - metabolism 5
glutamine synthetase 5
gold materials 5
gpu 5
graphics processing units 5
gratings 5
hepatic tumors 5
heterogeneous integration 5
high frequency 5
high quality 5
high-k dielectric 5
high-k gate dielectric 5
high-throughput screening 5
homomorphic encryption 5
human-machine interface 5
hybrid 5
hybrid system 5
hypoxia 5
hypoxia-ischemia, brain - enzymology - metabolism - pathology 5
image classification 5
image-based rendering 5
imaging, three-dimensional 5
impulse response 5
inductive power transfer 5
infant, newborn 5
ingan 5
instructional videos 5
integrated circuit modeling 5
integrated circuits 5
intercarrier interference (ici) 5
interlayer 5
intervertebral disc 5
intervertebral disc displacement - physiopathology - radiography 5
intravascular imaging 5
inverter 5
iron - chemistry 5
isolation room 5
iterative algorithm 5
iterative methods 5
label-free biophysical phenotyping 5
lactate 5
laser micro-machining 5
leds 5
light amplifiers 5
light field 5
lighting control 5
linear matrix inequality (lmi) 5
lithography 5
load flow 5
lumbosacral region - pathology - radiography 5
lyapunov methods 5
m-estimation 5
magnetic field measurement 5
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 5
magnetic resonance spectroscopy - methods 5
magnetic resonant coupling (mrc) 5
magnetic-field sensing 5
magnetoresistive sensor 5
manganese - pharmacology 5
manganese compounds - diagnostic use 5
materials science 5
matrix 5
matrix decomposition 5
maximum energy efficiency tracking (meet) 5
maximum likelihood 5
maximum likelihood (ml) 5
mechanotransduction 5
membrane shape stability 5
memory 5
memri 5
memristors 5
merging criterion 5
method of moments (mom) 5
microdisplay 5
microplastic characterization 5
microplastic detection 5
microwave amplifiers 5
minimum variance spectral estimation 5
mn-superoxide dismutase 5
mncl 2 5
mode-locked fiber laser 5
mode-locked lasers 5
model order reduction (mor) 5
model predictive control (mpc) 5
models, biological 5
models, neurological 5
molecular size 5
morphology 5
motor skill learning 5
multiple views 5
multiplier-less implementation 5
nano contrast agent 5
nanocomposite 5
nanofibers - chemistry - diagnostic use 5
nanoparticles 5
nanophotonics 5
nerve regeneration - physiology 5
neuron injury 5
nickel oxide 5
noise 5
nonlinear equations 5
nonparametric bayesian 5
nucleus 5
numerical methods 5
obesity 5
object detection 5
online learning 5
optic nerve - pathology - surgery 5
optical parametric amplification 5
optical properties 5
optical signal processing 5
optimal allocation 5
optimal number of segments 5
optimization algorithm 5
optimization methods 5
ordinal optimization 5
organic chemicals - chemistry 5
oversampling 5
oxygen - blood 5
packet reordering 5
parametric amplifiers 5
particle swarm optimization 5
peptides - chemistry - diagnostic use 5
phasor measurement units 5
phosphors 5
pilot projects 5
planar magnetics 5
plasticity 5
polyic 5
power decoupling 5
power flow jacobian 5
power markets 5
power network 5
power system reliability 5
practice (psychology) 5
precision eye healthcare 5
predictive models 5
prefrontal-striatal-limbic circuits 5
pregnancy complications, infectious - immunology 5
prenatal exposure delayed effects 5
projective reconstruction 5
qos 5
quantum wells 5
rabbit 5
radiofrequency interference 5
rayleigh fading 5
real option 5
recovery 5
rectifier 5
red 5
regenerative medicine - methods 5
regression 5
relay selection 5
relays 5
representation learning 5
resilience 5
resting-state network 5
restricted diffusion 5
rician fading 5
risk management 5
roads 5
robust control 5
sagging 5
scanning electron microscopy 5
secure vehicular sensor network 5
self-assembled 5
self-assembled materials 5
self-calibration 5
semantics 5
semi-supervised learning 5
semiconductor 5
sensor 5
sigma-delta modulation 5
signal to noise ratio 5
signal-to-noise ratio (snr) 5
silicon carbide 5
silver nanoparticles 5
simulation result 5
single-cell analysis 5
single-phase converter 5
single-trial analysis 5
sliding mode control 5
smart grid network 5
smart home 5
smart power grids 5
solar energy 5
somatosensory evoked potential 5
somatosensory evoked potentials (seps) 5
sparse matrices 5
spectral overlapping 5
spectroscopic imaging 5
spectroscopy 5
spinal cord - physiology 5
spinal cord injury 5
spintronics 5
spread spectrum communication 5
steady state 5
stereo vision 5
stochastic geometry 5
stochastic optimization 5
stochastic processes 5
stochastic systems 5
strategic planning 5
superoxide dismutase - metabolism 5
surface waves 5
sustainable lighting technology 5
svc 5
symbols 5
synchrophasor 5
tcad 5
technology 5
tensor 5
tensor decomposition 5
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
choy, wallace chik ho 42
wong, kenneth kin yip 39
wu, ed xuekui 34
wu, felix fulih 34
li, victor on kwok 33
chan, shing chow 32
lam, edmund yin mun 25
tsia, kevin kin man 25
lai, pui to 24
so, hayden kwok hay 23
choi, hoi wai 22
pong, philip wing tat 22
chau, kwok tong 21
chew, weng cho 20
jiang, lijun 19
wong, ngai 18
hui, shu yuen ron 17
zhong, jin 17
hou, yunhe 16
hung, yeung sam 16
ng, tung sang 15
alfred c. h. yu 14
tan, siew chong 14
huang, kaibin 13
zhou, yan 13
chu, zhiqin 12
lam, jacqueline chi kei 12
lee, chi kwan 12
ni, yixin 12
yeung, lawrence kwan 12
kwok, yu kwong 11
lee, wei-ning 11
fok, wilton wai tung 10
tam, wai leuk vincent 10
yang, edward s 10
khong, pek lan 9
li, can 9
wu, yik chung 9
cui, xiaodong 8
hill, david john 8
pong, man hay 8
zhang, shiming 8
cheung, paul ying sheung 7
ho, ka leung 7
leung, ka cheong 7
sun, sheng 7
alex t. l. leong 6
chan, godfrey chi fung 6
cheng, stephen wing keung 6
wang, zhongrui 6
yung, nelson hon ching 6
chan, godwin kwong yu 5
chang, chunqi 5
hu yong 5
lee, wing kin 5
leung, cheung hoi 5
li, chi ying vanessa 5
lim, lee wei 5
liu, tao 5
luk, keith dip kei 5
ngai, cheuk han edith 5
qi, xiaojuan 5
sha, wei 5
shen, gary guixiong 5
anderson shum 4
cheung, kenneth man chee 4
cheung, sing wai 4
fu, wai yuen gordon 4
kwok, ka wai 4
lee, nikki pui yue 4
liu, chunhua 4
mak, ka fung henry 4
peng, yifan evan 4
tse, hung fat 4
wang, yi 4
xiang, chao 4
chesi, graziano 3
chow, kwok wing 3
cora lai 3
djurisic, aleksandra 3
dr. sam c. m. hui 3
gao, junling 3
hills, peter ronald 3
lam, karen siu ling 3
lam, wong hing 3
law, nancy wai ying 3
lee, elaine yuen phin 3
li, kwai hei 3
lin, yuan 3
pang, grantham kwok hung 3
wan, jennifer man fan 3
wong, chun ming 3
wong, siu lun 3
xu, aimin 3
zhang, zhiguo 3
zhao, tianshuo 3
bridges, susan margaret 2
cao, peng 2
chan, cecilia ka yuk 2
chan, danny 2
chan, kit wah 2
chan, kwok leung 2
chang, raymond chuen chung 2
chen, xianhao 2
chen, yong hua 2
cheung, chuen yih amos 2
cheung, raymond tak fai 2
dora kwong 2
feng, shien ping tony 2
fong, daniel yee tak 2
han, yang 2
ho, daniel sai yin 2
huang, mingxin 2
hui, chi kwong 2
kim, jitae 2
kosuge, kazuhiro 2
lam, tai hing 2
lau, gary kui kai 2
lau, henry ying kei 2
lou, vivian weiqun 2
man, kwan 2
ng, thomas shiu tong 2
ngan, alfonso hing wan 2
siu, ming fai parco 2
so, kwok fai 2
spinks, john anthony 2
su, richard yuxiong 2
tan, chaoliang 2
tan, lihai 2
tse, kai wing 2
tsoi, james kit hon 2
tsui, wai kin 2
vince vardhanabhuti 2
wang, man ping 2
wang, yu 2
wong lui, king shan 2
wong, richard yue chim 2
woo, wai hong connie 2
xi, ning 2
yiu, kai hang 2
yiu, siu ming 2
yuk, tung ip tony 2
anthony, marina-portia 1
bacon-shone, john 1
boles, erica ann 1
burrow, michael francis 1
chan, albert chi yan 1
chan, tao 1
chan, wai chi 1
chan, wai kin 1
chan, ying shing 1
chang, eric chieh 1
chang, hing chiu charles 1
chau, michael 1
chau, pui hing 1
che, chi ming 1
cheah, kathryn song eng 1
chen, guanhua 1
chen, quan 1
chen, zhiwei 1
cheng, king yip 1
cheuk, lai yee bernice 1
cheung, bernard man yung 1
cheung, charlton 1
cheung, jason pui yin 1
cheung, kwok pun 1
cheung, pik to 1
cheung, tan to 1
chiang, chi leung 1
chiribella, giulio 1
chiu, wan hang keith 1
chow, chi yung philip 1
chow, kam pui 1
chow, shing fung 1
chu, samuel kai wah 1
chua, siew eng 1
chui, ting fong may 1
de la torre, jimmy 1
ellis-behnke, rutledge greer 1
fan, sheung tat 1
fang, christian xinshuo 1
fang, xuanlai 1
feng, shihui 1
fong, siu ming 1
fu, king wa 1
fung, james yan yue 1
gao, jinhua 1
ho, james chung man 1
ho, man mandy 1
hoo, ruby lai chong 1
hu, xiao 1
hui, hannah xiaoyan 1
ip, patrick 1
ip, wing yuk 1
irene ng 1
kang, jiqiang 1
kao, weiyuan john 1
ki, wing wah 1
komura, taku 1
kwan, kenny yat hong 1
kwong, yok lam 1
lam, albert yun sang 1
lam, tak wah 1
lam, wai fung 1
lau, sau mui adela 1
lau, yu lung 1
law, winnie wai yi 1
lee, chi ho paul 1
lee, frederick yok shiu 1
lee, tatia mei chun 1
leung, anskar yu hung 1
leung, frankie ka li 1
leung, john kon chong 1
leung, mike yiu yan 1
leung, wing hang 1
leung, yiu cheong dennis 1
li, kerui 1
li, lain-jong 1
li, ping 1
li, wendi 1
li, xiang david 1
li, xiaoyan 1
lian, qizhou 1
liang, hin suen raymond 1
liu, li 1
liu, pengtao 1
liu, wei 1
liu, xihui 1
liu, zhengwu 1
lo, hoi kwong 1
lo, sai huen 1
loh, elizabeth ka yee 1
lu, liwei 1
lu, william weijia 1
luke, kang kwong 1
lum, terry yat sang 1
luo, ruibang 1
ma, jingwen 1
mak, kai ling 1
mcalonan, grainne mary 1
mcdonald, tom 1
montero barril, david 1
neelakantan, prasanna 1
ng, kwok po 1
ng, manwa lawrence 1
ng, ming yen 1
ng, siu man 1
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 1
nicholls, john malcolm 1
or, ka lun 1
pan, wei 1
pang, hei man herbert 1
pomfret, david martin 1
pow, edmond ho nang 1
ramanathan, ravishankar 1
rao, nirmala 1
roberts, robert christopher 1
salter menzo, diane jacqueline 1
samartzis, dino 1
sham, pak chung 1
shea, graham ka hon 1
sik, hin hung 1
siok, wai ting 1
siu, david chung wah 1
smith, scott thomas 1
stephanie ma 1
tan, cheng yong 1
tang, chuyang 1
tang, jennifer yee man 1
tang, jinyao 1
ti, shih chieh 1
toy, patrick henry 1
tsao, george sai wah 1
tse, samson shu ki 1
tso, wai kwan annette 1
tso, wan yee winnie 1
tu, wenwei 1
vanhoutte, paul michel georges remi 1
vivian lui 1
wang, feifei 1
wang, han 1
wang, liqiu 1
wang, min 1
wang, wen ping 1
wang, yufeng 1
wong, cho lam tiffany 1
wong, fu keung daniel 1
wong, gloria hoi yan 1
wong, ian chi kei 1
wong, ka wai gary 1
wong, paul wai ching 1
wong, tak man 1
wu, wutian 1
xia, zhengyuan 1
xie, mao hai 1
xiong, xiaoyan 1
yang, guanghua 1
yang, weifa 1
yang, yanchao 1
yang, yi 1
yao, wang 1
yeh, anthony gar on 1
yeung, chok hang 1
yin, xiaobo 1
young, ben 1
yu, cheng-han 1
yu, lequan 1
yu, yee tak esther 1
yuen, hoi kau 1
zeng, min 1
zeng, qunsong 1
zhang, fuchun 1
zhang, shuang 1
zhang, teng grace 1
zhang, tong 1
zhang, xiang 1
zhao, yue 1
zhao, yujiao 1
zhong, wenxing 1
zhu, hongyun june 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
null 24
digital citizenship 20
molecular imaging, positron emission tomography, pre-clinical, radiotracer 16
fighting disease recurrence, liver transplantation, promoting tissue repair 14
delivery, power, renewables, structures, sustainable 13
devices, functional materials, materials characterisation, nanomaterials, structural materials 13
engineering education 13
metabolic medicine 13
mental health for older people 11
simulation of emerging electronics 10
rerace, reram, ai chips 9
adipokines, adipose tissue inflammation, atherosclerosis, immunometabolism, macrophage polarization 7
air pollution monitoring and health management, big data, personalized, smart 7
brain connectivity, brain networks, functional mri, mri, optogenetics 7
artificial intelligence, children, adolescents, scoliosis, machine learning 7
3d printing, antibiofilm, dental implants, nano diamonds 6
contingency management, effective governance, nuclear safety, stakeholder engagement, stakeholder trust 6
disc degeneration, endplate, lumbar spine, schmorl's node 6
elderly patients, fracture fixation surgery, more effective, osteoporotic bone fracture simulation system, safer 6
optofluidics, reconfigurable computing, ultrafast optical microscopy 6
- 6
behavioural pheotype, early diagnosis, mri, prevention, schizophrenia 5
big data, computed tomography, hepatocellular carcinoma, machine learning, predictive model, recurrence 5
biomedical, computational electromagnetics, electromagnetic imaging, inverse scattering, nanobots 5
brain connectivity, effective connectivity, multivariate signal modeling, neuroimaging, simultaneous eeg/fmri 5
brain, chinese language 5
building energy code, energy policy, green building, socio-technical system, zero carbon building 5
cancer, cylcotron, molecular imaging, neurology, positron emission tomography 5
clean energy, clean water, membrane technology, seawater desalination, smart system 5
computational optical imaging, environmental toxicity, microplastics pollution, optical information processing, ultrafast spectroscopy 5
diabetes prevention, diet, lifestyle intervention, physical activity, smartphone-based intervention, weight loss 5
flexible continuum robot, image-guided intervention, surgical robotics 5
high-throughput multiplexed cellular measurements, optical time-stretch microscopy 5
multiplexed cellular measurements, optical time-stretch microscopy for high-throughput 5
radiomics, repeatability, test-retest 5
1) magnetic resonance imaging 2) resting-state fmri 3) brain networks 4) optogenetics 5) neuromodulation 5
maxilla, mandible, impacted tooth, third molar , three-dimensional 5
photonics, electronics, topological physics 5
strength, conditioning, training, robots, ai 5
(asia), all-optical laser-scanning spinning imaging assay, tissue analysis, ultralarge-scale cellular 4
ad hoc network 4
advanced user profiling, internet of things, machine learning, nudge effect, smart city 4
advancing information, communications technology, family services 4
alzheimer’s disease, diagnosis, hyperthermia, magnetic resonance imaging, nanoparticles, simultaneous 4
aneurysms, integrated platform 4
attention training, clumsy children, neuromuscular training, pediatric rehabilitation, postural control 4
auto-recognition, fast extraction, somatosensory evoked potentials 4
bilinguals 4
cervical myelopathy, pattern analysis, somatosensory evoked potential, time-frequency analysis 4
compad, pen-based 4
computational electromagnetics, filter theory, finite element, low frequency electronics, wireless power transfer 4
copper hybrid bonding, advanced three-dimensional integrated circuits 4
devices, lighting, sustainable, systems, technology 4
diffusion tensor imaging, dti, mri 4
disc regeneration, low back pain 4
e-textbook 4
e-textbook market 4
functionalized metal oxide, integrated characterization, multiphysics, nanocomposite electrode, plasmonic nanostructure 4
gan, microdisk laser, solid-state lighting, whispering gallery mode 4
intracerebral hemorrhage, magnetic resonance imaging, nanotechnology, pathophysiological mechanisms, renovascular hypertension 4
noninvasive method 4
quantum communication, quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution, quantum photonics, random number generator 4
smart grid 4
car-t, hematologic malignancy, , , 4
active integrated antenna, computational electromagnetics, global modeling, submillimeter-wave, terahertz 3
advanced ultrasound, apoptosis imaging, micro-imaging array research platform 3
advanced, aquatic surface vehicles, machine vision guided, monitoring and capturing, refuse, watercourses 3
ai accelerator design, memristor crossbars, neural architecture search 3
arterial structural dynamics monitoring, high-speed, broad-view ultrasound, imaging equipment 3
artery, mechanics, nonlinear, shear modulus, strain, ultrasound imaging 3
artificial intelligence (ai), personalised community stroke rehabilitation 3
automated defect 3
bioengineering, heart failure, human embryonic stem cell, proarrhythmia, transplantation 3
biomedical imaging, iron metabolism, mri, thalassemia, tissue iron overload 3
boundary value problem, electromagnetic, hybrid method, integral equation, mlfma 3
brain, diffusion tensor imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, mri, mri diffusion 3
cervical myelopathy, degenerative, functional mri (fmri), progressive compression, spinal cord, stenosis 3
computational electromagnetics, domain decomposition, equivalence principle, fast multipole algorithm, integral equation 3
data analytics, e-learning, open learning design, visualization framework 3
data analytics, learning design, visualization framework for e-learning 3
decision-making, low-carbon economy, stakeholder engagement, technological env. innovation, transitional management 3
detect silent brain, elderly, novel cardiac imaging technique, subsequent vascular dementia 3
development of a point-of-care early liver cancer detector, magnetic immunoassay (mia) 3
diffusion tensor imaging, dti, heart, magnetic resonance imaging, mri 3
diodes 3
disc degeneration, mr diffusion, mr spectroscopy, mri, mrs 3
distributed control, microgrids, power systems 3
effective brain connectivity, electroencephalography, granger causality, non-stationary signal analysis, single-trial analysis 3
electrical and electronics 3
fiber lasers, optical engineering, ultradeep optical microscopy, ultrafast optical microscopy 3
flexibility, hierarchical architecture, renewable integration, risk assessment, robust operation strategy 3
flexible and scalable electricity storage, hybridized vanadium redox 3
flexible and scalable electricity storage, hybridized vanadium redox flow batteries 3
flexible and scalable electricity storage, hybridized vanadium, redox flow batteries 3
hybridized vanadium redox, scalable electricity storage 3
hybridized vanadium, scalable electricity storage 3
magnetic immunoassay (mia), point-of-care early liver cancer detector 3
neuroscientific research 3
next stage, power, transfer, wireless 3
polynomial regression, spectral estimation, time series analysis 3
power balancing, regulation, vehicle-to-grid (v2g) 3
1) thz integrated circuits random-access memory 2) metasurfaces 3) in-memory computating 4) resistive random access memory 5) 6g 3
cardiovascular physiology, ethnic differences, hans chinese, caucasians, cardiac imaging 3
diamond, nitrogen vacancy centers, quantum sensing, cellular forces, molecular tension 3
gen ai, feedback and assessment, leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork skills 3
microscopy, cell-based assay, imaging cytometry 3
moiré lattices in 2d layered materials / excitons and polaritons / dielectric and plasmonic photonic nanostructures / topological photonic nanostructures / chiral optics 3
multimodal gcn load prediction, multimodal data fusion, load biomarker and etiology, integrated multimodal risk score, population and feature graphs 3
na 3
speech-based load prediction, llm-based load linguistic generation, non-invasive low-cost timely prediction, llm-based linguistic embeddings, speech-based predictive markers 3
(pass-oct), coherence tomography, parametric amplified 2
3g 2
ac-dc rectifers, control, dc-ac inverters, power electronics 2
active queue management, bufferbloat, congestion control, link pricing, transmission control protocol 2
adaptation, mobility, scheduling, ubiquitous communication, wireless ad hoc networks 2
air pollution regulations, bayesian deep-learning, causal inference, interpretability, uncertainty 2
alcs, asca, e-learning 2
ami, risk assessment, risk-limiting methodology, self-healing smart grid, stochastic optimization 2
architecture, control center 2
arterial structural dynamics monitoring, high-speed, broad-view ultrasound imaging equipment 2
atc 2
auditory, fmri, midbrain, mri, neuroimaging 2
authenticity identification, development, jewellery industry, practical wide-field quantum diamond microscope 2
beyond 10% efficiency, design, high performance organic solar cell structures, newly proposed polymer materials 2
biomedical photonics, opitcal spectroscopy, optical amplication, optical microscopy, real-time ultrafast imaging 2
biophysical phenotyping, imaging flow cytometry, single-cell analysis 2
brain 2
brain connectivity (bc), electroencephalography (eeg), functional mri (fmri), gene regulatory networks (grn), large-scale dynamic networks 2
brain injury, magnetic resonance imaging, manganese, mri, neonatal hypoxia-ischemia 2
brain oscillations, functional mri, neuroimaging, optogenetic, thalamo-cortical system 2
broadband, computation electronmagnetics, electromagnetic interference, ic emc, radiation emission 2
caching, computation, cooperation (c4-net), wireless heterogeneous networks 2
casimir force, computational electronmagnetics, computational mechanics, fast multipole algorithms, integral equation 2
central auditory processing, functional mri, hippocampus, neuroimaging, optogenetic 2
coherence, cpu-gpu based computing infrastructure, proactively self-healing strategy, risk-limiting methodology, smart grid 2
coherent reliability measures, renewable energy integration, slf-haling pwer system, system restoration, target-oiented methodology 2
collaborative robots, human, modular 2
computation and evaluation, pulsed electromagnetic fields, their potentialities 2
computational electromagnetics, electrical packaging, electromagnetics, emi/emc, fast algorithms 2
computational electromagnetics, electromagnetics, nonlinearity, surface integral equation 2
computer architecture, fpga, heterogeneous computing, reconfigurable computing, resilient distributed dataset 2
congestion control, error control, fast tcp, non-congestive loss, packet reordering 2
constrained estimation, distributed online algorithms, large-scale systems, optimal power flow, power system state estimation 2
data compression, spatial-temporal analysis, traffic data 2
decision-dependent, hierarchical architecture, microgrid cluster, resilience, survivability 2
decoupling 2
detailed balance model, light trapping, organic/ inorganic solar cells, perovskite solar cells, photon recycling 2
detection of microwave radiation, nanoscale spintronic device 2
device design, device properties, light emitting devices, low-dimensiona perovskite, material properties 2
dipole/loop coils, inductive power transfer, loosely coupled, omnidirectional wireless power 2
discontinuous galerkin time-domain method, electro-thermal multiphysics and multiscale co-simulation, graphene nano-interconnects, non-nocal effect, system on package 2
distributed antenna systems, large-scale mimo, massive mimo, mimo communications, multiuser mimo 2
domino forms, tesla's resonators, wireless power 2
droplet soliton, magnetic, magnetic nanostructure, skyrmion topological, spin torque oscillators, spin transfer torque 2
drug delivery, gene, mr imaging 2
dynamic beahvior 2
economic operation, electricity market, electricity transaction 2
eigenvector decomposition, elastic deformation, image matching 2
electric drives, electric machines, electric motors, electric vehicles, in-wheel motors 2
electric machines, magnetic gears, permanent magnet machines, variable-speed gears 2
electric vehicle (ev) sensor parts, innovative multifunctional high-speed rotation, temperature and current sensor 2
electric vehicle network, electric vehicles, power system stability, smart grid, vehicle-to-grid 2
electric vehicle, multifunctional high-speed rotation, temperature and current sensor 2
electric, energy, systems 2
electrical properties, metal oxides, optical properties, organic solar cells, plasmonic nanostructures 2
electrical properties, metallic nanostructures, organic/polymer semiconductors, plasmonic nanostructures, thin-film solar cells 2
electricity 2
electricity market, game theory, market power, transmission right 2
electromagnetic boundary condition, frequency domain computation, integral equation, method of moment, mlfma 2
emissive devices, micrometer, nanometer scale 2
empowerment, energy consumption behaviours, environment, interdisciplinary study, smart energy management 2
exchange coupling, ferromagnetic, magnetization, spin torque, spin wave, topological insulator 2
facts controllers, interaction, power system 2
finite difference, maxwell's equations, multiphysics modeling, plasmonics, semiconductor equations 2
frequency control, load-side control, power systems, renewables, stability analysis 2
functional magnetic resonance, language deficits, stroke patients 2
functional mri, hippocampus, mri, optogenetic, resting-state connectivity 2
gallium nitride, laser, microcavities 2
gallium nitride, monolithic integration, quantum wells, strain induction 2
generation investmen, optimal portfolio, risk assessment, risk management 2
high frequency capacitive coupling, next generation high power contactless power transfer 2
hts coil, open field mri 2
iii-nitride optoelectronics, multi-colour laser, photonic crystal, semiconductor laser 2
image reconstruction 2
image-based 3-d 2
image-guided intervention, surgical robotics 2
impulse noise environment, robust adaptive filters 2
interconnecting layer, perovskite led device physics, perovskite nanomaterials, polychromatic el, polychromatic perovskite leds 2
intramyocellular lipid, magnetic resonance imaging, mr diffusion, mr spectroscopy, mri 2
iron oxide particles, magnetic resonance imaging, mri, mri cell tracking, neurogenesis 2
led 2
lifetime, light-emitting diode drivers, light-emitting diodes, sustainability, sustainable lighting 2
light-emitting diodes 2
logistic 2
low-temperature solution-processed metal oxides, organic optoelectronic devices 2
magnetoresistive sensors 2
metal nanoparticles 2
metal nanostructures, optical design, plasmonic resonance, polymer/organic semiconductor, thin-film solar cells 2
metrics, network 2
microgrid, power systems, stability 2
microwave radiation, nanoscale spintronic device 2
mobile ad hoc networks, multihop scheduling 2
multimedia technologies 2
neuromuscular ultrasound imaging, next-generation, noninvasive assessment, peripheral nerves 2
novel low profile 3-axis polarization, uhf rfid reader antenna system 2
operation-state monitoring 2
optical coherence tomography, parametric amplified swept-source 2
power system, power transmission, transmission planning 2
restructured power systems 2
rfid tag antennas 2
smart shelf rfid technology 2
transient stability 2
transmission management 2
vrm 2
""metal halide perovskite"", ""memristor"", ""microstructure"", ""in-sensor computing"", ""machine learning"" 2
1) monolithic integration 2) gan 3) optoelectronics 4) electronics 2
6g , radio resource management , space-ground integrated networks , edge ai , goal-oriented communications 2
artificial, intelligent, tennis movement, posture, game 2
character animation, hand animation, physically-based animation, motion capture, reinforcement learning 2
computational imaging, psf engineering, differentiable optimization, deep optics, dirractive optical element 2
deep learning, late onset alzheimer’s disease, somatic mutations, definitive genetic biomarkers, ai-driven causal model 2
electrohydrodynamic printing, 2
gallium nitride, quantum wells, polariton lasers, monolithic integration, 2
mechanosensation, microtubules, tubulin isotypes, recombinant tubulin, force microscopy 2
mri, functional mri, thalamus, brain oscillations, optogenetic 2
mri, magnetic resonance imaging, radiofrequency coil, gradient coil, mri hardware 2
please refer to hard copy. 2
solution-processed electrode, gel sintering, organic solar cells, perovskite solar cells/ leds, optoelectronic properties 2
ultrafast ultrasound, tensor completion, synthetic aperture, pulse wave, ultrasound beamforming 2
wireless power transfer, very high frequency, power electronics, resonator 2
3d geometric model construction 1
3d reconstruction, articulated structures, dynamic structure from motion, motion segmentation, non-rigid structures 1
3d reconstruction, image streams, non-grid shape recovery, structure from motion 1
3d shape recovery, multiple views 1
3d/multiview images and videos, content generation 1
3d/multiview images and videos, content generation and processing technologies 1
3d/multiview videos, auxiliary data compression, view synthesis technologies 1
5g and beyond, interference management, multiple access, radio resource management, scheduling 1
a study of inpainting techniques 1
accelerators, application, computer, performance-aware, programming 1
accurately counting, crowded scenes, human beings, model-based 1
achieving bendable, high-performance, low-cost, perovskite solar cells, room-temperature solution-process 1
active queue management, web traffic 1
ad hoc networks 1
adaptive training, computational efficiency, deep learning, redundancy, visual scene understanding 1
adversarial, binary, neural network, robustness, vulnerability 1
advertisement allocation, advertising pricing, auction, information diffusion, sponsored viral marketing 1
all-optical, network 1
alzheimer's disease, amyloid, molecular imaging, mri 1
ambiguity detection, bag-of-visual-word, categorization, sub-scene` 1
amplify-and-forward, channel estimation, high mobility, superimposed training 1
analog, model order reduction, nonlinear, parametric, radio frequency 1
analytical, cnn, frequency domain, pruning, rank 1
anisotropy, cardiovascular ultrasound, pulse wave, shear wave elasticity, strain 1
anisotropy, deformation, elasticity, heart, ultrasound imaging 1
artificial neural networks, magnetic tunnel junctions, magnetoresistive random access memory, quantum computing, spin torque oscillators, spintronics 1
artifiicial neural networks, fuzzy-neural networks, solder paste inspection 1
assessment, hong kong, imaging, innovative, microplastics distribution, technology 1
augmented reality system, shadow fields 1
automatic rank determination, cpd, probabilistic inference, subspace learning, tensor 1
automative engines, starter-generator system 1
ball joints, wireless charging, wireless power transfer 1
ballast, classification, led driver, power electronics 1
bandgap engineering, lbg polymers & nfas, light management, perovskite/polymer solar cell, tandem solar cell 1
beamforming, interference management, massive mimo, millimeter-wave communications, multi-antenna communications 1
beamforming, mimo-ofdma systems, subcarrier allocation 1
bifurcation phantom study, flow detection and estimation, high-frame-rate flow mapping, real-time system design, ultrasound color flow imaging 1
biomedical engineering, biomedical imaging, cellular imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, neural stem cells, neurogenesis 1
biomedical photonics, optical amplification, optical microscopy, optical spectroscopy, real-time ultrafast imaging 1
biophotonics, cars, fiber nonlinearities, nonlinear optical microscopy, parametric devices 1
biophotonics, fiber nonlinearities, optical coherence tomography, parametric devices 1
biophotonics, high-speed optical imaging 1
biophotonics, microfluidic, ultrafast imaging 1
biophotonics, optical sensor, parametric amplifier 1
biophotonics, optical time stretch, ultrafast optical imaging 1
biosensors, light emission enhancement, organic photovoltaics, plasmonics, sers 1
bit stream 1
blind deconvolution 1
blind source separation, gene regulatory network, microarray data analysis, network component analysis, systems biology 1
brain connectivity, fmri, functional mri, neuroimaging, vestibular system 1
brain connectivity, fmri, functional mri, optogenetic, thalamo-cortical circuit 1
brain-inspired computing, in-memory computing, memristor, neuromorphic device, software hardware co-design 1
brain-inspred computing chips, memristor, neural networks, neuromorphic computing chips, neuromorphic devices 1
broadband integrated circuit, electromagnetics, package applications 1
broadband rfid tag antenna 1
broadband, microwave feedback schemes, modulation, spin transfer torque, spintronics 1
cache allocation, multicast communications, optimization 1
cache, invalidation 1
cad and eda, fast algorithms, model reduction, vlsi interconnect 1
cad applications, vlsi 1
canonical projector, descriptor system, fast algorithm, model order reduction, passivity 1
capacity expansion, electricity market, game theory, power systems investment, real options 1
carrier scattering, gate dielectric, transistor 1
carrier transport layer, organic solar cells, perovskite solar cells, post-treatment-free, ultra-small nanoparticles 1
ccd 1
channel estimation, mimo-stc systems, symbol equalization 1
chaotification 1
circuit modeling, circuit simulation, model order reduction, nonlinear, tensor 1
circuit modeling, circuit simulation, nonlinear, polynomial, variational analysis 1
circuit modeling, circuit simulation, nonlinear, tensor, volterra series 1
circuit simulation, model order reduction, nonlinear, periodic steady state, variational analysis 1
circuit synthesis, impedance matching, phase synchronization, switching systems, wireless power transfer 1
collision avoidance, obstacle behavior 1
communication 1
communication network simulation, emulation, fpga-based, reconfigurable computers 1
communications 1
compact all-fiber pulse laser, fiber optics, high-speed wavelength sweeping, optical imaging 1
complex dynamic networks, dissipativity, distributed control, event-triggered control, networked control system design 1
complexity, networks, stability, systems 1
comprehension in chinese, flipped reading, interactive cloud platform, learning and teaching of reading strategies 1
computational electromagnetics 1
computational electromagnetics, dgtd method, electromagnetics, nonlinearity 1
computational imaging, digital holography, holographic techniques, optical information processing, optical scanning holography 1
computational imaging, digital holography, holographic techniques, optical scanning holography, otpical information processing 1
computational imaging, digital holography, optical information processing, optical scanning holography, time reverdal 1
computational optical imaging, digital holography, information photonics, optical information processing 1
computational optical imaging, digital holography, information photonics, optical information processing, speckle suppression 1
computational optical imaging, digital holography, optical information processing 1
congestion control 1
contactless power transfer, wireless power transfer 1
continuous output current, differential resonant rectifier, low thd, regulation 1
control, networks, power systems, stability 1
control, power electronics, wireless power transfer 1
convergence analysis, distributed estimation, factor graph, gaussian belief propagation 1
cost-effective, eco-friendly, led system-on-a-chip 1
coupled coils, inductive power transfer, power electronics 1
cpu-gpu architecture, game-theoretic method, smart grid, strategic defense system, vulnerability mitigation 1
culture heritage preservation, image-based modeling, image-based rendering 1
cvt, electric vehicle, magnetic gear 1
dc-dc converters, distributed energy systems, high-voltage gain converters, multi-port, power electronics 1
decaying dc component, distribution power cables, fault classification, magnetic sensing 1
decision under incomplete information, resilience enhancement, stochastic geometry, structural resilience, submodular optimization 1
design and analysis, multimedia traffic, network protocols 1
design methodology, fpga, operating system, power-efficient, reconfigurable computing 1
development of a novel electric machine 1
device optimization, drift-diffusion model, perovskite solar cells, stability prediction, trap evolution 1
device, dielectric, semconductor 1
dielectric, semiconductor device, thin-film transistor 1
dielectric, semiconductor, transistor 1
dielectrics, gan-based 1
dielectrics, germanium misfet's, high-k gate 1
digital signal processor, flexible and downloadable video codec prototype 1
diode, light-emitting, sustainable, system, technology 1
direct-drive, linear machine, permanent magnet machine, wave power generation 1
dissipativity theory, dynamic networks, power systems, small signal stability 1
distributed mimo, synchronization, timing 1
distributed systems, federated learning, mobile computing, robustness 1
dsa system 1
dynamic ibr, image-based modeling, image-based rendering 1
dynamic image base, object based presentation, presentation 1
dynamic image-based rendering, image-based modeling, image-based rendering 1
efficiency, high-voltage-gain, power converters, power electronics 1
efficient carrier transport layer, multiple plasmonic nanomaterials, new polymer materials, polymer/organic solar cells 1
efficient, efficient perovskite solar, first generation, highly stable, off-the-shelf treatment 1
efficient, first generation, highly stable, off-the-shelf treatment, perovskite solar cells 1
electric drives, electric machines, electric motors, electric vehicles, permanent-magnet motors 1
electric mini bus, hong kong island route 1
electric vehicle, energy system, inductive power transfer, power electronics, wireless power transfer 1
electric vehicles, green buildings, power systems, sliding mode control, smart grids 1
electricity, energy 1
electronic design automation, em-tcad, multi-physics, simulation, tightly-coupled 1
electronics technology 1
emerging technology, wireless power transfer 1
emissions, power system, prices, security 1
enhancement, renewable grid, transient stability 1
environment protection, recycling, re-utilization, solar cells, sustainable energy use, toxic materials 1
error correcting code, memristor, nanoelectronics, neuromorphic computing, nonvolatile memory 1
fiber lasers, optical force, ultrafast spectroscopy 1
fiber nonlinearities, fiber optics, mid-infrared window, ultrafast temporal imaging 1
fiber nonlinearities, fiber optics, optical imaging, ultrafast imaging 1
fiber nonlinearities, fiber optics, parametric amplifier, photoacoustic imaging 1
flux control, machine design, permanent magnet machine, special machine 1
fpga, memory cache, multi-core, operating system, reconfigurable computer 1
fuel cell, power electronics, waveform control 1
gallium nitride, lasers, optical cavity, vcsel 1
gallium nitride, microdisk, photonic crystals, stretchable 1
gan, integration, leds, waveguides 1
gan, laser, led, optical micro-cavities 1
gas sensors 1
gate dielectrics 1
genomic sequence 1
gradient, hts, mri 1
green-energy, inorganic, matter, optoelectronics, organic, soft 1
hard disk drive, magnetic random access memory, microwave oscillator, spin transfer torque, spintronics device, telecommunication 1
harvesting, solar, storage, utilization 1
heterogenous, network 1
high voltage insulation, wireless power transfer 1
high-speed wavelength scanning, intravascular photoacoustic spectroscopic 1
high-throughput flow cytometry, single-cell imaging, ultrafast microscopy 1
ict, information and communication technology, new senior secondary, nss 1
iii-nitride, integrated, microsensors, transistors 1
image synthesis, imaging system, optical lithography 1
image-based representations 1
image-based representations, scalable dynamic 1
imaging, lithography, optical projection 1
immersive tv, movable ibr system, plenoptic processing 1
inductive power transfer, phasor transform, roadway powered ev, switching systems 1
information technology 1
information transmission, micromagnetics, microwave electronics, nanowire, skyrmion, spintronics 1
integration, measurement, photonic, spectro-temporal, ultrafast 1
inter-chip, intra-chip 1
inter-exchange 1
internal mode, magnetic droplet soliton, perimeter excitation, spin torque oscillator, spin transfer torque 1
internet 1
investment, real option approach, strategic planning 1
iron overload, mri, thalassaemia 1
label-free super-resolution microscopy, spectroscopy, wavelength idler-signal-enhanced raman scattering, wisers 1
lan, wifi 1
led, nanotechnology 1
led, power electronics 1
leds 1
ligand treatment, perovskite solar cells, post-device treatment, room temperature, solution process 1
light emission, multilayered fluorescence, nanoparticles, purcell effect 1
light-emitting diodes, nanophotonics, nanotechnology 1
light-emitting diodes, nanotechnology 1
load signature 1
load-balanced, routers 1
low-carbon energy, novel fully solution-processed low-cost, stable solar cells 1
lower-power 1
luminaries, optimizing led, solid-state lighting 1
magnetic thin film, magnetic tunnel junction, spintronics, tunneling magnetoresistance 1
magnetite biominerals, magneto-optical imaging, neurodegeneration 1
market design, pricing mechanisms 1
measurement & verification 1
metastable state, mono-core growth, nucleation and growth, perovskite films, single crystals 1
micro-sensors 1
microstrip array, tunable loop 1
mimo, ofdm 1
mimo, ofdma, radio resource management, sdma 1
mobile phone charging, wireless battery charging pad, wireless energy tansfer 1
mobile, quiz 1
mobility management, qos support 1
motor drive, stator-doubly-fed doubly-salient 1
multicast, networks, wireless mesh 1
multiview video 1
nanodiamonds, nitrogen vacancy centers, quantum biosensors, spin crossover, switchable molecular magnets 1
network, parameter 1
networks 1
novel and green transparent electrode, optoelectronic applications 1
occluded vehicles 1
oled 1
packet scheduling techniques 1
parametric device, photonic networks 1
parametric devices, photonic systems 1
power electronics, power quality, power systems 1
power systems 1
power, ultrasonic motor 1
resilient operating strategy, restoration strategy, risk assessment, severe weather event, smart grid 1
restorable dynamic routing 1
rfid 1
security regions, unified theory 1
signal 1
solar power generations 1
spatial patterning 1
spectroscopy, terahertz imaging 1
spintronic microwave oscillators, wireless communications 1
synchronization 1
tcp 1
technology 1
thalassaemia 1
thin-film 1
third generation mobile systems 1
ultrasonic 1
unified machine model 1
wireless networks 1
新型能源材料聯合實驗室, 粵港澳大灣區 1
移動邊緣計算, 新型通訊網絡架構研究 1
1) industry 4.0 2) smart manufacturing 3) digital twin / iot / cps 4) mic 5) decision analytics 1
1) organic mixed ion-electron conductors 2) conducting polymers 3) pedot:pss 4) hydrogels 5) conducting hydrogels 1
6g, wireless access, connectivity, intelligent and sustainable world 1
advanced antenna technology , smart world 1
colloidal quantum dots, iii-v semiconductors, qd infrared photodetectors, surface chemistry of qds , nanodevice fabrication 1
computational optical imaging, optical information processing, low light, , 1
cost-effective, high-throughput, high-performance, microfluidic fluorescence-activated, cell sorter 1
development of a dual closed-loop, insulin delivery device, diabetes management 1
development, a dual closed-loop insulin delivery device, diabetes management 1
digital microfluidics, biosensors and bioelectronics, micro-total analysis system, point-of-care diagnostics, human stress monitoring 1
efficient and stable, perovskite solar cell, safe-to-use 1
elasticity, neural network, ultrasound imaging, machine learning, skeletal muscle 1
electromagnetic interference , rf shielding, portable mri, ultra-low-field mri, deep learning 1
embodied ai, self-supervised learning, perception & representation, concept grounding & discovery, physical manipulation 1
energy forecasting, local energy systems, probabilistic load forecasting, energy data analytics, trustworthy machine learning 1
energy forecasting, multi-energy systems, local energy community, energy data analytics, privacy-preserving 1
fiber nonlinearities, fiber optics, parametric amplifier, phase imaging, 1
fiber nonlinearities, fiber optics, parametric process, optical neural networks 1
functional mri, fmri, olfactory pathway, brain connectivity, neuroimaging 1
grid-interactive building, privacy-preserving, resilience, epistemic uncertainty, decision-dependent uncertainty 1
high-performance integrated, laser devices 1
hydrogels, pedot:pss, enzyme membrane, stretchable, glucose detection 1
internet-of-things, federated learning, edge computing, mobile computing, 1
lead-tin mixed perovskites, atomically coherent interfaces, x-ray flat panel detectors 1
lookup table, ai hardware, edge ai, lightweight inference, image enhancement 1
mimo communications, radio resource management , interference management, 6g, edge intelligence 1
multi-scale , multi-parameter , high speed photoacoustic imaging , tumor margin detection 1
multi-scale, multi-parameter, high speed, photoacoustic imaging, tumor margin detection 1
neural holography, machine intelligence, augmented and mixed reality, computer-generated hologram, spatial light modulation 1
neuromorphic computing, nenoelectronics, non-volatile moemory devices 1
perovskite nanocrystals, pure-red electroluminescence, phase segregation, polymer ligands, stability 1
radio resource management, mobile edge computing, edge intelligence, edge learning, 6g 1
refer to attachments 1
refers to hard copy 1
resistive memory, event data, in-memory computing, liquid state machine, hybrid snn-ann 1
resistive memory, graph learning, in-memory computing, echo state network, nanocrystal 1
resting-state functional mri, thalamus, optogenetic, functional mri, brain connectivity 1
resting-state functional mri, thalamus, optogenetic, functional mri, brain networks 1
short-wave infrared imaging, light sheet microscopy, structured illumination, adaptive optics, non-invasive imaging 1
theoretical design, on chip implementation of photonic neural network, multi-dimensional multiplexing technology 1
theoretical design, on chip implementation, photonic neural network, multi-dimensional, multiplexing technology 1
visual scene understanding, deep learning, data collection and annotation, image generation, label efficiency 1
wireless power transfer, miniature robotics, wireless motor, magnetic field braiding, biomedical power electronics 1
wireless power transfer, wireless charging, electro-thermal battery model, primary-side control 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - electrical and electronic engineering 62
n/a 24
education: research on teaching & learning,software 20
others - medicine, dentistry and health 17
imaging 16
imaging,molecular diagnostics 16
transplantationgastroenterology/hepatobiliary 14
diabetes/metabolism,cardiovascular research 13
education: research on teaching & learning 13
materials sciencesmaterials 13
others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 13
physics 13
power system,power electronics 13
signal and image processing 13
imaging,cancer 12
others - relating to social sciences 11
power (obsolete) 11
power system 11
artificial intelligence and machine learningcomputing hardware 9
others - computing science and information technology 9
photonics 9
robotics and automation 9
communication 8
microwave and terahertz engineering 8
artificial intelligence and machine learningothers - relating to social sciences 7
cardiovascular research,diabetes/metabolism 7
electrical and electronic engineering 7
electronics 7
imagingbiological imaging 7
nursing 7
photonics,imaging 7
ageing 6
biomedical engineering,signal and image processing 6
dentistrybiomaterials 6
environmental studies and science (obsolete),public administration and political science 6
literature, languages, linguistics (obsolete) 6
materials sciences 6
orthopaedics/traumatology,imaging 6
building and construction 5
communication,others - computing science and information technology 5
dentistry 5
environmental studies and science 5
environmental,power electronics 5
imaging,behaviour and psychology 5
others - physical sciences 5
photonicsenvironmental 5
photonicsphysics 5
power electronics 5
bioelectronics 4
biomedical engineering,orthopaedics/traumatology 4
cancerallergy/immunology 4
electronics,environmental 4
electronicsmaterials sciences 4
health services,population health 4
nervous system (obsolete) 4
orthopaedics/traumatology,others - medicine, dentistry and health 4
others - electrical and electronic engineering,signal and image processing 4
others - electrical and electronic engineering,software 4
others - relating to social and behavioural sciences,rehabilitative and physical medicine 4
photonics,materials sciences 4
photonicselectronics 4
physicscomputer science fundamentals 4
power (obsolete),communication 4
power system,others - electrical and electronic engineering 4
power systemothers - electrical and electronic engineering 4
vision 4
artificial intelligence and machine learningneurobiology and neuromedicine 3
biological imaging 3
cardiovascular research,transplantation 3
cardiovascular researchimaging 3
communication,network 3
computing hardware 3
education: research on teaching & learningeducation: theory and applications 3
geography (obsolete),urban planning (obsolete) 3
imaging,blood/hematology 3
microwave and terahertz engineering,electronics 3
network,communication 3
network,others - electrical and electronic engineering 3
orthopaedics/traumatology,nervous system (obsolete) 3
others - education 3
others - medicine, dentistry and health,others - electrical and electronic engineering 3
photonicsnanomaterials 3
physics,materials sciences 3
power electronics,power system 3
power electronicsothers - electrical and electronic engineering 3
production and manufacturing 3
religious studies 3
artificial intelligence and machine learning 2
biochemistry,others - biological sciences 2
biological imagingimaging 2
biomedical engineering,photonics 2
chemical sciences 2
communication,others - electrical and electronic engineering 2
communicationnetwork 2
communicationothers - electrical and electronic engineering 2
computer science fundamentals,communication 2
computing hardware,software 2
electronics,photonics 2
electronicsmaterials 2
imaging,others - medicine, dentistry and health 2
materials sciences,energy 2
materials sciences,photonics 2
materials sciencesnanomaterials 2
network 2
others - administrative, business and social studies (obsolete) 2
others - computing science and information technology,others - electrical and electronic engineering 2
others - electrical and electronic engineering,chemical sciences 2
others - electrical and electronic engineering,others - computing science and information technology 2
others - electrical and electronic engineering,power (obsolete) 2
others - electrical and electronic engineering,power electronics 2
others - professional and vocational studies,communication 2
others - relating to social and behavioural sciencesartificial intelligence and machine learning 2
photonicsvisualization & graphics 2
physics,others - electrical and electronic engineering 2
power (obsolete),electronics 2
power (obsolete),others - electrical and electronic engineering 2
rehabilitation (obsolete) 2
signal and image processing,imaging 2
software 2
urban planning (obsolete),geography (obsolete) 2
visualization & graphicsrobotics and automation 2
artificial intelligence and machine learninginformation analytics 1
bioelectronicsmaterials 1
biomedical engineering 1
biomedical engineering,imaging 1
blood/hematology 1
communication,signal and image processing 1
computing hardware,network 1
electronics,computing hardware 1
electronics,others - electrical and electronic engineering 1
electronics,signal and image processing 1
electronics,software 1
electronicsnanomaterials 1
environmental 1
imaging,cardiovascular research 1
journalism and media 1
materials 1
materialsbioelectronics 1
microwave and terahertz engineering,photonics 1
others - electrical and electronic engineering,materials 1
others - electrical and electronic engineering,robotics and automation 1
photonics,electronics 1
photonics,others - electrical and electronic engineering 1
photonics,signal and image processing 1
photonics,visualization & graphics 1
photonicsbiological imaging 1
photonicsmaterials sciences 1
photonicsothers - electrical and electronic engineering 1
physics,nanomaterials 1
physics,others - physical sciences 1
power electronics,others - electrical and electronic engineering 1
power electronicsbiomedical engineering 1
production and manufacturingbuilding and construction 1
signal and image processing,communication 1
signal and image processing,electronics 1
signal and image processing,others - computing science and information technology 1
signal and image processing,vision 1
software,network 1
softwarenetwork 1
vision,robotics and automation 1
vision,signal and image processing 1
visualization & graphics,signal and image processing 1
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