International Centre for China Development Studies

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
lin, gcs 125
wong, wsd 36
ma, han 33
wong, dw 27
liang, shunlin 26
wong, dws 24
he, tao 13
wong, d 9
camelli, f 8
yang, c 8
ho, sps 7
xiao, zhiqiang 7
li, x 6
wang, cc 6
he, s 5
hu, z 5
jia, aolin 5
wang, dongdong 5
wang, jindi 5
yang, r 5
zhou, y 5
jiang, bo 4
li, j 4
lien, j-m 4
lin, g 4
liu, xiaobang 4
liu, y 4
perlin, sa 4
shi, hanyu 4
song, jinling 4
sun, y 4
zhang, guodong 4
griffith, da 3
hu, fzy 3
kafatos, m 3
lee, j 3
li, b 3
li, bing 3
li, y 3
liang, sl 3
lin, cs 3
liu, x 3
lu, gy 3
lu, y 3
ma, h 3
sexton, k 3
smart, a 3
so, bkl 3
wang, c 3
wei, yhd 3
wu, y 3
yang, f 3
yao, yunjun 3
yeh, ago 3
zhang, d 3
zhang, xiaotong 3
zhang, yufang 3
allen, tr 2
borrell, ln 2
chen, yan 2
dawkins, cj 2
ding, anxin 2
fotheringham, as 2
he, t 2
he, y 2
he, yq 2
hu, fzy 2
hu, z 2
huang, jianxi 2
jia, kun 2
jim, cy 2
li, xuecao 2
lien, jm 2
lin, c 2
lin, gc 2
liu, qiang 2
ma, ljc 2
marton, a 2
mcgee, tg 2
oka, m 2
owen, kk 2
reibel, m 2
shen, d 2
sun, m 2
tse, phm 2
wang, f 2
wang, q 2
white, k 2
xiong, ch 2
xu, jianglei 2
xu, jl 2
xu, z 2
yan, y 2
zhang, gd 2
zhang, p 2
zhang, yf 2
zhang, yi 2
zhao, xiang 2
zhu, zhiliang 2
agouris, p 1
alnasrallah, m 1
amrhein, c 1
an, n 1
beaird, h 1
behar, e 1
brezinski, dk 1
cao, y 1
cao, yunfeng 1
chan, ck 1
chan, rck 1
chao, h 1
chen, wy 1
chen, xiaona 1
chen, xidong 1
cheng, jie 1
chiu, l 1
chiu, ls 1
chong, wk 1
chusheng lin, g 1
colabianchi, n 1
croitoru, a 1
davis, pe 1
delmerico, am 1
dennis wei, yh 1
doctor, dh 1
doctor, kz 1
donnelly, s 1
drummond, l 1
edgington, dw 1
el-askary, h 1
elmhirst, r 1
falcone, ja 1
falk, rf 1
fang, c 1
fonseca, jw 1
fu, zhuo 1
galea, s 1
george, csl 1
glassman, j 1
glymour, mm 1
gomez, r 1
gong, h 1
guo, d 1
guo, da 1
guo, y 1
he, c 1
he, s 1
hegazy, m 1
hu ,z 1
hu, f 1
hu, x 1
hua, yang 1
huang, g 1
huang, hai 1
huang, j 1
jia, al 1
jiang, r 1
jiao, ziti 1
jim, c 1
jin, huaan 1
kao, s 1
kao, sy 1
kelly, pf 1
kinser, j 1
kokhanovsky, alexander a. 1
kong, jl 1
kong, l. 1
kronenfeld, b 1
kronenfeld, bj 1
lasus, h 1
leaf, m 1
lee, f 1
lee, f 1
lee, hf 1
li, ainong 1
li, g 1
li, li 1
li, q 1
li, siwei 1
li, wenhong 1
liang, hui 1
liang, shunlin 1
liang, tianchen 1
liang, y 1
liao, b 1
lin, gs 1
lin, gsc 1
lin, h 1
lin, q 1
lin, w 1
lindsay, fe 1
litaker, d 1
liu, c 1
liu, h 1
liu, liangyun 1
liu, t 1
liu, x 1
liu, xb 1
liu, yan 1
liu, z 1
logue, e 1
lu, haibo 1
luo, y 1
löhner, r 1
ma, h 1
ma, l 1
ma, rui 1
ma, yichuan 1
matthews, k 1
mcmanus, j 1
mcwhorter, b 1
meyer, jw 1
nie, y 1
o'sullivan, d 1
ogedegbe, g 1
ouyang, aj 1
pan, f 1
peltoniemi, jouni 1
perzynski, a 1
qiao, b 1
qu, j 1
qu, yonghua 1
ratcliffe, m 1
rice, m 1
rigg, j 1
rogerson, pa 1
salem, f 1
sarkar, s 1
shao, l 1
shaw, s-l 1
shen, s 1
song, dan xia 1
song, jianjian 1
song, liulin 1
sonwalkar, m 1
stefanidis, a 1
su, wei 1
sudano, jj 1
sun, lin 1
sun, w 1
sun, xm 1
tang, y 1
taylor, g 1
thapar, n 1
thompson, d 1
tian, l 1
tian, xiaodan 1
torrieri, nk 1
wang, jj 1
wang, lx 1
wang, myl 1
wang, qian 1
wei, whd 1
wei, yd 1
wei, yu 1
whitfield, t 1
wieczorek, wf 1
wolf, h 1
wu, h 1
wu, j 1
wu, m 1
wu, q 1
wu, yantong 1
xi,g 1
xiao, jingfeng 1
xie, j 1
xie, y 1
xu, c 1
xue, huazhu 1
yang, cp 1
yang, f 1
yang, j 1
yang, k-s 1
yang, y 1
yang, z 1
yasmeen, g 1
ye, y 1
yeung, hwc 1
yi, f 1
yu, yunyue 1
yuan, l 1
yuan, wenping 1
yuan, z 1
zhan, xuchen 1
zhang, ay 1
zhang, aym 1
zhang, dd 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, hu 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, yuzhen 1
zhao, sx 1
zhou, x 1
zhu, s 1
zhuo, wen 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
china 8
remote sensing 6
political economy 5
avhrr 4
climatic change 4
deep learning 4
dynastic cycle 4
entrepreneurial motivation 4
gis 4
guangzhou 4
land development 4
local public finance 4
longwave radiation 4
policy entrepreneurship 4
social unrest 4
strategic‐relational 4
temperature anomaly 4
urban redevelopment 4
urbanism 4
war 4
beijing 3
information and consulting services 3
lai 3
neoliberalization 3
producer services 3
service economy 3
shanghai 3
state-owned enterprises 3
transitional economy 3
urbanization 3
動亂 3
戰爭 3
朝代循環 3
氣候變化 3
溫度距平 3
advanced baseline imager (abi) 2
advanced himawari imager (ahi) 2
ahi 2
albedo (love) 2
algorithm 2
all-sky 2
annual mean value 2
atmosphere 2
attribution 2
brdf 2
ceres 2
china (中国) 2
climate change 2
cloudy-sky 2
composite population counts 2
consistent estimation 2
coupled radiative transfer (rt) model 2
coupled radiative transfer model 2
crop growth model 2
data assimilation 2
deep neural network 2
developmental state 2
dissimilarity index 2
ensemble kalman filter (enkf) 2
ensemble learning 2
epidemiology 2
evolutionary economic geography 2
fapar 2
fraction forest cover 2
fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fapar) 2
fy-3b medium-resolution spectral imager (mersi) 2
gaofen-2 2
geographic scales 2
geographical political economy 2
geometry processing 2
geostationary satellite 2
glass 2
glass products 2
global land surface satellite (glass) products 2
globalirradiance 2
ground-up approach 2
hapke model 2
high resolution 2
high-resolution 2
hong kong 2
incident shortwave radiation 2
information technology 2
innovation 2
inversion 2
ismn 2
land 2
land surface temperature 2
land surface temperature (lst) 2
land use 2
land-surface parameter 2
landsat 2
landsat-8 2
leaf area index 2
leaf area index (lai) 2
lock-in 2
long time series 2
long-term variability 2
lstm 2
machine learning 2
machine learning algorithm ensemble 2
machinery industry 2
markov chain monte carlo (mcmc) 2
moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (modis) 2
modis 2
multiple parameters 2
multiple sensors 2
multiple variables 2
net radiation 2
new regionalism 2
new regionalism (新区域主义) 2
numerical robustness 2
optimization 2
pearl river delta 2
performance 2
polder 2
positionality 2
privatization 2
proba-v 2
productive efficiency (生产效率) 2
quasi-analytical algorithm (qaa) 2
radiative transfer 2
radiative transfer models (rtms) 2
random forest 2
random forest regression 2
regional advantage 2
regional development 2
regional institutional environment 2
regional variation (区域差异) 2
remote sensing retrieval 2
satellite 2
satellite products 2
satellite remote sensing 2
segregation 2
semi-analytical model 2
shenzhen 2
shortwave observation 2
simulation 2
simultaneous estimation 2
single-scattering albedo 2
soes 2
soes (国有企业) 2
soft budget constraint 2
soil hyperspectral reflectance model 2
soil moisture 2
soilspect model 2
spatial autocorrelation 2
spatial information 2
spatial segregation 2
spatiotemporal analysis 2
spatiotemporal distributions 2
spatiotemporal variations 2
state–market–society relation 2
surface albedo 2
surface emissivity 2
surface energy balance principle 2
surface longwave radiation 2
surface shortwave radiation 2
suspended sediment concentration (ssc) 2
technological innovation; strategic coordination 2
the gulf of bohai 2
three-north region of china 2
time series 2
top of atmosphere (toa) 2
top-of-atmosphere (toa) 2
transitional economies 2
trend analysis 2
united states 2
untraded interdependence (非贸易依赖性) 2
upwelling longwave radiation (lwup) 2
urban geometry objects 2
urban revolution 2
validation 2
viirs 2
viirs and modis 2
viirs product 2
visible infrared imaging radiometer suite (viirs) 2
webgis 2
yield simulation 2
城市空間 2
空間規劃 2
規劃工作者 2
規劃界 2
都市區 2
3d 1
3d spatiotemporal system 1
activity space 1
adaptive inverse-distance weighting 1
aeronet 1
agglomeration 1
agglomeration/urbanisation 1
agriculture 1
airs monitors 1
albedo 1
american community survey 1
ancillary data 1
anti-urbanism 1
aod 1
arc view gis 1
arcims 1
arcscene 1
arcview gis 1
area studies (區域研究) 1
areal weighting method 1
asia 1
asia-pacific (亞太地區) 1
asian studies 1
asymptotic radiative transfer (art) model 1
atmospheric dispersion 1
bidirectional reflectance distribution function (brdf) 1
blood pressure 1
borders 1
cache 1
cad 1
canopy height 1
capitalism 1
cart 1
census 1
census data 1
census tracts 1
chicago 1
china (中國) 1
chinese cities 1
chinese cities at and above the prefectural level 1
chinese diaspora 1
chinese urbanization 1
choropleth mapping 1
cities and towns -- china -- guangzhou. 1
city planning 1
city planning -- china -- guangzhou. 1
class 1
class separability 1
classification robustness 1
climate governance 1
cloud absorption radiometer (car) 1
cluster 1
cluster analysis 1
clustering 1
clusters 1
coastal china 1
collectively owned land 1
comparative urbanism 1
computational fluid dynamics 1
computational fluid dynamics models 1
computational geometry 1
constraints 1
contextual effects 1
contours 1
county 1
county towns (縣城) 1
cross validation 1
data conversion 1
data integrity 1
data modeling 1
data quality 1
data sources 1
debris flow 1
decision support system 1
dem 1
densification 1
developing countries 1
development 1
discriminant analysis (判別分析) 1
discriminant function analysis 1
distance-decay parameter 1
dual-track urbanism 1
dynamic data request 1
economic census 1
economic conditions 1
economic geography 1
economic transformation 1
economics 1
eco‐urbanism 1
efficiency 1
embeddedness 1
environmental degradation 1
environmental justice 1
environmental risk assessment 1
epistemology 1
ethnic integration 1
ethnic mixing 1
ethnicity 1
evaluation 1
evenness 1
experiments 1
exposure 1
favd 1
financialization 1
firm attributes 1
firm size 1
flash floods 1
floating population 1
flood simulation 1
foreign investment 1
foreign investment (外資) 1
forest 1
forest canopy height 1
forward-scattering effect 1
framework data 1
full-waveform lidar 1
functional structure (功能結構) 1
geographers 1
geographic awareness profiles 1
geographic information systems 1
geographical profiles 1
geographical scale 1
geographically weighted regression 1
geography 1
geomorphology 1
geospatial data 1
geostatistics 1
geovisualization 1
gis data formats 1
gis/lis 1
global pipelines 1
global value chains 1
globalisation 1
globalization 1
globalization (全球化) 1
goldstein 1
grassroots activism 1
growth coalitions 1
guangdong 1
guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area 1
guatemala 1
hash index 1
health disparities 1
health status 1
high-tech sector 1
historical gis 1
hong kong (香港) 1
housing markets 1
hubei 1
hyperspectral reflectance 1
hypertension 1
ice chart 1
ict industry 1
ideology 1
implementation 1
industrial air pollution 1
industrial clusters 1
industrialization 1
informal settlements 1
information and communication industry 1
information and communication technology 1
information and communications technology (ict) industry 1
infrastructure 1
integrated circuit design 1
intellectual agenda 1
inter-firm linkages 1
inter-firm relations 1
interaction 1
intra-firm attributes 1
intra-urban distribution 1
intra-urban population density structure 1
investments 1
ipf 1
jiangsu 1
jiangsu province 1
knowledge spill-over 1
knowledge spillover 1
kriging 1
land and housing markets 1
land commodification 1
land management 1
land market 1
land property rights 1
land reform 1
land tenure 1
land use type 1
leaf area index(lai) 1
level of detail (lod) 1
lidar 1
lis 1
local buzz 1
local citizenship 1
local debts 1
local segration 1
local spatial entropy-based diversity index 1
local spatial isolation index 1
mapping 1
market towns (非縣城建制鎮) 1
maup 1
mcd43a3 1
meals-on-wheels program 1
mega-events 1
megalopolis 1
merra 1
mesh generation 1
metropolitan development 1
migration 1
misr 1
model synthesis and repair 1
models, theoretical 1
monocentric 1
mosquitoes 1
multiethnic households 1
multigroup comparison 1
multipatch 1
multithread 1
nanjing 1
nation-state 1
national new area 1
nativity status 1
natural and built environments 1
natural resources 1
ndvi 1
neighborhood definition 1
neighborhoods 1
neoliberalism 1
neoliberalism (新自由主義) 1
network gis 1
nhanes 1
nlp 1
obesity prevalence 1
object constraint language 1
octree 1
oil pollution 1
ownership structure 1
ozone 1
particulate matter 1
peri-urban region 1
peri-urban zone 1
physically-based simulation 1
polarization and directionality of the eartha's reflectances (polder) 1
political 1
political economy (政治經濟) 1
politicsof scale 1
polycentric 1
population centroids 1
population density 1
population growth 1
poverty status 1
principal compon-ents analysis (主因素分析) 1
production networks 1
public finance 1
puma 1
pums 1
pyramid 1
query 1
race 1
race/ethnicity 1
racial/ethnic residential segregation 1
racial/ethnicity segregation 1
radiative transfer model 1
random error effect 1
rank-density regularity 1
rank-size distribution 1
real estate 1
regional applications 1
regional environment 1
republican beijing 1
residential segregation 1
respiratory health 1
river network extraction 1
road accessibility 1
rural industrialization 1
rural land 1
rural revitalization 1
rural slums 1
sampling error 1
satellite rainfall 1
scale effect 1
sdss 1
sea ice data 1
segregation measures 1
semiempirical kernel-driven model 1
service delivery systems 1
silicon valley 1
skinner 1
snow 1
social media 1
social theory 1
socialism 1
socio-geographical spaces 1
socioeconomic segregation 1
socioeconomic status 1
spatial analysis 1
spatial autoregressive model 1
spatial choice model 1
spatial data infrastructure 1
spatial extent 1
spatial fix 1
spatial governance 1
spatial interpolation 1
spatial relationship 1
spatial resolution 1
spatial segregation measures 1
spatial transformation (空間轉化) 1
spot 1
state rescaling 1
state-firm strategic resonance 1
state-market relation 1
state-society relations 1
state‐society relations 1
sub-centers 1
subcontracting 1
susceptibility 1
system of cities 1
technological innovation 1
technology upgrading 1
territorialization 1
texture 1
the maup 1
theory 1
three-dimensional (3-d) model 1
toxic release inventory 1
translocality 1
transnational urbanism 1
transnationalism 1
transport and dispersion 1
transportation investment 1
travel diary 1
uncertainty 1
unpublished 1
urban and regional development 1
urban development 1
urban geography 1
urban land 1
urban model 1
urban-rural interaction 1
urbanisation 1
urbanization -- china -- guangzhou. 1
virtual globe 1
visualization 1
vulnerability assessment 1
west nile virus 1
western medical services 1
world wind 1
zone-based mapping 1
zoning effect 1
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