language |
14 |
reading |
12 |
fmri |
10 |
cantonese |
9 |
humans |
9 |
neuroimaging |
9 |
brain - physiology |
8 |
english |
8 |
magnetic resonance imaging |
8 |
brain mapping |
7 |
chinese |
7 |
female |
7 |
male |
7 |
semantics |
7 |
adult |
6 |
bilingualism |
6 |
china |
6 |
chinese reading |
6 |
language contact |
6 |
lateralization |
6 |
phonology |
6 |
photic stimulation |
6 |
visual perception - physiology |
6 |
cognition - physiology |
5 |
dyslexia |
5 |
mandarin chinese |
5 |
multilingualism |
5 |
tone |
5 |
typology |
5 |
aged |
4 |
artificial language learning |
4 |
color |
4 |
color perception - physiology |
4 |
computer simulation |
4 |
education |
4 |
educational status |
4 |
functional laterality - physiology |
4 |
japanese |
4 |
language processing |
4 |
linguistics |
4 |
mandarin |
4 |
mri |
4 |
neural activation |
4 |
phonetics |
4 |
pitch |
4 |
psychiatry and neurology |
4 |
silent picture-naming task |
4 |
silent word recognition task |
4 |
sinitic |
4 |
syntactic priming |
4 |
syntax |
4 |
abstract phonological relations |
3 |
arcuate fasciculus |
3 |
areal typology |
3 |
asian continental ancestry group |
3 |
atp2c2 |
3 |
behavior |
3 |
bilingual acquisition |
3 |
bilingual children |
3 |
brain mechanisms of chinese reading |
3 |
cerebellum |
3 |
child |
3 |
child language |
3 |
chinese pidgin english |
3 |
chinese-english bilinguals |
3 |
cmip |
3 |
color perception |
3 |
color perception tests |
3 |
culture |
3 |
decision making |
3 |
developmental dyslexia |
3 |
dti |
3 |
dyslexia - physiopathology |
3 |
erp |
3 |
evolution |
3 |
functional laterality |
3 |
functional magnetic resonance imaging |
3 |
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) |
3 |
gender |
3 |
grammaticalization |
3 |
image processing, computer-assisted |
3 |
javanese |
3 |
korean |
3 |
language acquisition |
3 |
language development |
3 |
learning - physiology |
3 |
lexical tone |
3 |
lexical tones |
3 |
linguistic relativity |
3 |
medical sciences |
3 |
nasal substitution |
3 |
neighbornet |
3 |
neural bases for second language learning |
3 |
nouns and verbs |
3 |
parietal lobe - physiopathology |
3 |
perception |
3 |
phonological awareness |
3 |
pidgin |
3 |
place of articulation |
3 |
prosody |
3 |
psycholinguistics |
3 |
putamen |
3 |
questionnaires |
3 |
reading chinese |
3 |
reading development |
3 |
reading in chinese |
3 |
sasak |
3 |
second language learning |
3 |
sentence production |
3 |
single nucleotide polymorphism |
3 |
space perception - physiology |
3 |
specific language impairment |
3 |
structural priming |
3 |
superior longitudinal fasciculus |
3 |
temporal cortex |
3 |
tractography |
3 |
ultrasound language research |
3 |
variation |
3 |
verb |
3 |
visual cortex - physiology |
3 |
visual fields |
3 |
whorf |
3 |
word order |
3 |
word recognition |
3 |
young adult |
3 |
activation likelihood estimation (ale) meta-analysis |
2 |
adolescent |
2 |
anatomy |
2 |
anisotropy |
2 |
arbitrary mapping hypothesis |
2 |
areal linguistics. |
2 |
article |
2 |
articulatory variation |
2 |
association study |
2 |
attention capture |
2 |
audiovisual speech perception |
2 |
auditory processing |
2 |
ba 9 |
2 |
basal ganglia |
2 |
basque |
2 |
bilingual language processing |
2 |
bilinguals |
2 |
biomarker |
2 |
brain |
2 |
brain - anatomy & histology - physiology |
2 |
brain - growth & development - physiology |
2 |
brain activation |
2 |
brain development |
2 |
brain mapping - methods |
2 |
bumthang |
2 |
cantonese dialects - causative. |
2 |
cantonese dialects - semantics. |
2 |
causative (linguistics) |
2 |
central executive |
2 |
cerebral cortex - physiology |
2 |
child development |
2 |
china trade |
2 |
chinese character identification |
2 |
chinese functional mri |
2 |
chinese language |
2 |
chinese language - study and teaching. |
2 |
chinese language - transliteration. |
2 |
complexity |
2 |
context-dependence |
2 |
creole |
2 |
cross-linguistic influence |
2 |
cross-modal priming |
2 |
dcdc2 |
2 |
derivational morphology |
2 |
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging |
2 |
discourse |
2 |
dopamine d2 receptor (drd2) |
2 |
emergentism |
2 |
english language - dialects - china. |
2 |
english language -- asia -- history. |
2 |
english language -- variation -- asia. |
2 |
event-related |
2 |
evoked potentials, motor - physiology |
2 |
evolutionary linguistics |
2 |
expletive |
2 |
extrastriate cortex |
2 |
focus |
2 |
foxp2 |
2 |
french |
2 |
frequency |
2 |
functional load |
2 |
gnptab |
2 |
gnptg |
2 |
hemispheric dominance |
2 |
hierarchical structure |
2 |
human |
2 |
human experiment |
2 |
image interpretation, computer-assisted - methods |
2 |
imaging, three-dimensional - methods |
2 |
incrementality |
2 |
information structure |
2 |
kiaa0319 |
2 |
language change |
2 |
language comprehension |
2 |
language evolution |
2 |
language faculty |
2 |
language learning |
2 |
language tests |
2 |
languages in contact -- handbooks, manuals, etc. |
2 |
languages in contact. |
2 |
learning bias |
2 |
learning biases |
2 |
lie detection |
2 |
linguistics complexity |
2 |
linkage study |
2 |
macau creole portuguese |
2 |
macau pidgin portuguese |
2 |
magnetic resonance imaging - methods |
2 |
malingering |
2 |
memory |
2 |
mental processes |
2 |
meta-analysis |
2 |
mirror neurons |
2 |
misperception |
2 |
morphological processing |
2 |
morphosyntax |
2 |
multidisciplinary approaches |
2 |
nagpa |
2 |
nerve net - anatomy & histology - physiology |
2 |
neural basis for phonological processing |
2 |
neuro-plasticity |
2 |
neuropsychology |
2 |
northern cities vowel shift |
2 |
noun |
2 |
novelty |
2 |
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging |
2 |
orienting response |
2 |
pattern recognition, visual |
2 |
pattern recognition, visual - physiology |
2 |
perfective |
2 |
perfective aspect |
2 |
phonological activation |
2 |
phonological processing |
2 |
phonological structure of speech sounds |
2 |
phrasebooks |
2 |
pidgin english - china - grammar. |
2 |
pidgin english - china. |
2 |
pitch perception |
2 |
place-holder |
2 |
postnasal voicing |
2 |
production |
2 |
pronoun |
2 |
reading - phonetic method. |
2 |
real-time mri |
2 |
referential |
2 |
self-navigation |
2 |
semantic vagueness |
2 |
shared-syntax account |
2 |
simplification |
2 |
snps |
2 |
solute carrier family 6, member 3 (slc6a3) |
2 |
sound change |
2 |
sound symbolism |
2 |
spectral density |
2 |
speech imaging |
2 |
speech perception - physiology |
2 |
subject-to-object raising |
2 |
subspace reconstruction |
2 |
substantive bias |
2 |
substrate influence |
2 |
suprasegmental phonology |
2 |
syllables and phonemes |
2 |
syntactic processing |
2 |
taiwan |
2 |
template-free detection |
2 |
the stroop effect |
2 |
tibetan |
2 |
tibeto-burman |
2 |
ultrasound |
2 |
ultrasound tongue imaging |
2 |
upsid |
2 |
verbal behavior - physiology |
2 |
verbal learning - physiology |
2 |
visual selective attention |
2 |
visual system |
2 |
west africa |
2 |
whorf hypothesis |
2 |
word-order-independent cross-linguistic priming |
2 |
working memory |
2 |
working memory load |
2 |
written aoa |
2 |
'bootstrapping' scenario |
1 |
'formulaic' scenario |
1 |
acceptability judgment |
1 |
accessibility |
1 |
acoustic adaptation hypothesis |
1 |
acoustic stimulation |
1 |
acquisition |
1 |
activation likelihood estimation |
1 |
adjective |
1 |
adstrate |
1 |
adstrate linguistic area |
1 |
africa |
1 |
african languages |
1 |
age-matched |
1 |
agent-based modeling |
1 |
akan |
1 |
algorithms |
1 |
allophony |
1 |
amdo tibetan |
1 |
analogical change |
1 |
analogy |
1 |
analysis of variance |
1 |
analytic language |
1 |
anger |
1 |
animal names |
1 |
aphasia |
1 |
applying pragmatics |
1 |
areal |
1 |
areal borrowing |
1 |
areal convergence |
1 |
areality |
1 |
articulation |
1 |
articulatory phonetics |
1 |
artificial grammar learning |
1 |
artificial language learning paradigms |
1 |
asian englishes |
1 |
asian studies |
1 |
asian-portuguese creole |
1 |
assimilatory effects |
1 |
association task |
1 |
attention |
1 |
attention - physiology |
1 |
auditory |
1 |
austronesian language |
1 |
autism spectrum disorder |
1 |
autism spectrum disorders |
1 |
auxiliary selection |
1 |
bantu |
1 |
bantu expansion |
1 |
base form |
1 |
between-language structural priming |
1 |
bhutan |
1 |
bilingual advantage |
1 |
bilingual first language acquisition |
1 |
biolinguists |
1 |
body parts |
1 |
bonobo |
1 |
borrowing |
1 |
boundary tone (边界调) |
1 |
box-cox t distribution |
1 |
brain - anatomy & histology - physiology - radionuclide imaging |
1 |
brain circuits |
1 |
brain function |
1 |
brain mapping of language |
1 |
cantonese (粤语) |
1 |
cantonese dialects -- grammar |
1 |
cantonese dialects -- particles. |
1 |
cantonese-english bilingual |
1 |
cantonese-english bilingual acquisition |
1 |
cantonese-speaking children |
1 |
caregiver-patient relationship |
1 |
caribbean |
1 |
case alternations |
1 |
case marking |
1 |
category game,complex networks |
1 |
category learning |
1 |
causative |
1 |
causatives |
1 |
cbf |
1 |
central african french |
1 |
central coherence |
1 |
cerebral blood flow |
1 |
cerebral metabolism |
1 |
cerebrospinal fluid - physiology |
1 |
cerebrovascular circulation - physiology |
1 |
child first language acquisition |
1 |
child second and third language acquisition |
1 |
childhood |
1 |
children (兒童) |
1 |
chinese (中文) |
1 |
chinese dps |
1 |
chinese learning |
1 |
chinese topolects |
1 |
cliticization |
1 |
cluster analysis |
1 |
code-mixing |
1 |
code-switching |
1 |
coevolution |
1 |
cognition (認知) |
1 |
colonial language |
1 |
comparative approach |
1 |
compensation |
1 |
competence |
1 |
complex adaptive system |
1 |
complex adaptive system (復雜適應性系統) |
1 |
complex systems |
1 |
compositionality |
1 |
compounding |
1 |
computational cognitive science |
1 |
computational simulation |
1 |
computer modelling |
1 |
computer simulation (計算機模擬) |
1 |
confidence |
1 |
conflation |
1 |
congruence |
1 |
connective |
1 |
consonant/vowel quantity |
1 |
consonants and vowels |
1 |
constraints |
1 |
contact |
1 |
contact languages |
1 |
contact linguistics |
1 |
contex-tual variation |
1 |
context |
1 |
controlled semantic cognition |
1 |
conventionalisation |
1 |
convergence |
1 |
copula |
1 |
creole dialects - southeast asia |
1 |
creole dialects -- southeast asia. |
1 |
creole genesis |
1 |
creolization |
1 |
critical pragmatics |
1 |
cross-cultural comparison |
1 |
cross-language study |
1 |
cross-linguistic |
1 |
cross-linguistic priming |
1 |
crosslinguistic similarity |
1 |
cues |
1 |
cultural characteristics |
1 |
cultural transmission |
1 |
data interpretation, statistical |
1 |
data processing |
1 |
dative object |
1 |
decision making - physiology |
1 |
definiteness |
1 |
deformation field morphometry |
1 |
delaporte distribution |
1 |
demographic change |
1 |
demonstrations |
1 |
deontic |
1 |
derivation |
1 |
detail-focused style |
1 |
developmental stuttering |
1 |
dialectology |
1 |
differential subject marking |
1 |
diffusion tensor imaging |
1 |
discontinuous nominal construction |
1 |
discrimination (psychology) |
1 |
discrimination learning |
1 |
distributed morphology |
1 |
dominance, cerebral - physiology |
1 |
dorsal lateral frontal cortex |
1 |
double object |
1 |
duration |
1 |
dynamic time warping |
1 |
ecology |
1 |
eeg |
1 |
electroencephalography - methods |
1 |
elicited production |
1 |
emotion |
1 |
enactivism |
1 |
enactment |
1 |
english and chinese pseudowords |
1 |
english creoles |
1 |
english reading |
1 |
english-lexifier creoles |
1 |
english/korean |
1 |
epenthesis |
1 |
epistemic |
1 |
equation-based model |
1 |
equatorial guinean spanish |
1 |
ergative case |
1 |
ergativity |
1 |
european continental ancestry group |
1 |
event modality |
1 |
evidentiality |
1 |
evoked potentials - physiology |
1 |
evoked potentials, visual - physiology |
1 |
evolutionary linguistics ( 演化語言學) |
1 |
evolutionary linguists |
1 |
experience |
1 |
explicitation interview |
1 |
extrinsic laryngeal muscles |
1 |
f0 contour |
1 |
feature economy |
1 |
finnish |
1 |
first encounter |
1 |
first-person epistemology |
1 |
flexible electronics |
1 |
fmri (磁共振, 腦功能成像) |
1 |
fourier's law of heat conduction |
1 |
frontal lobe - anatomy & histology - physiology |
1 |
frontal lobe - physiology |
1 |
functional and structural development |
1 |
functional connectivity |
1 |
functional data analysis |
1 |
functional mri |
1 |
fuzhou |
1 |
gamlss |
1 |
geminate |
1 |
general interest periodicals |
1 |
generalized additive models |
1 |
generalized linear models |
1 |
generic descriptive category |
1 |
ghana |
1 |
global order |
1 |
grammatical function assignment |
1 |
grammatical relations |
1 |
grammatical role |
1 |
grammatical weight |
1 |
gur |
1 |
hardy-weinberg genetic inheritance principle |
1 |
hemodynamic response |
1 |
hispanic |
1 |
homographs |
1 |
homophones |
1 |
hong kong chinese |
1 |
human media interaction |
1 |
human migrations |
1 |
iconicity |
1 |
identity alignment |
1 |
ideophones |
1 |
image interpretation, computer-assisted |
1 |
image processing, computer-assisted - methods |
1 |
implicit learning |
1 |
indefinites |
1 |
independent component analysis (ica) |
1 |
indirect meaning transference |
1 |
individual differences |
1 |
inferior frontal gyrus |
1 |
inferior frontal region |
1 |
inferior parietal lobule |
1 |
information theory |
1 |
inhibition |
1 |
innatism |
1 |
input conditions |
1 |
intelligence tests |
1 |
interaction |
1 |
interdisciplinary perspective |
1 |
internally-headed relative clauses |
1 |
intonation (语调) |
1 |
intracranial electroencephalography (ieeg) |
1 |
irrealis |
1 |
joint attention |
1 |
kinship terms |
1 |
konkomba |
1 |
kwa |
1 |
kyungsang korean |
1 |
l2 inflectional morphology |
1 |
l2 production |
1 |
l2 sentence comprehension |
1 |
l2 syntactic processing |
1 |
labelling |
1 |
language and identity |
1 |
language and linguistics |
1 |
language attitudes |
1 |
language contact and change |
1 |
language creation |
1 |
language description |
1 |
language diversity |
1 |
language documentation |
1 |
language dominance |
1 |
language emergence |
1 |
language ideologies |
1 |
language ideology |
1 |
language origin |
1 |
language policies |
1 |
language practices |
1 |
language production |
1 |
language user |
1 |
language vitality |
1 |
languages in contact - southeast asia |
1 |
languages in contact -- southeast asia. |
1 |
languages of continental south-east asia |
1 |
lateral |
1 |
learning |
1 |
left inferior frontal gyrus |
1 |
left-dislocation of np |
1 |
lexical decision |
1 |
lexical diffusion dynamics |
1 |
lexical incrementality |
1 |
lexical semantics |
1 |
lexifier |
1 |
liaŋ22-cl-np |
1 |
lifespan brain development |
1 |
likpakpaln |
1 |
linguistic anthropology |
1 |
linguistic area |
1 |
linguistic complexity |
1 |
linguistic ecology |
1 |
linguistic minorities -- china -- encyclopedias. |
1 |
linguistics psychology medical sciences |
1 |
local order |
1 |
locative inversion |
1 |
logistic curve |
1 |
logistic regression |
1 |
mabia |
1 |
machine learning |
1 |
malay |
1 |
media psychology |
1 |
memory, short-term - physiology |
1 |
mental lexicon |
1 |
mental processes - physiology |
1 |
meta-analysis as topic |
1 |
metaphor |
1 |
metatypy |
1 |
micro-phenomenology |
1 |
middle aged |
1 |
mixed-effects models |
1 |
modal expressions |
1 |
modality |
1 |
modeling |
1 |
models, biological |
1 |
models, neurological |
1 |
models, psychological |
1 |
monolingualism |
1 |
morphology |
1 |
mother tongue |
1 |
motor function |
1 |
multi-agent system (多個體模型) |
1 |
multi-agent systems |
1 |
multiagent |
1 |
multiagent modeling |
1 |
multilingual |
1 |
multilingual acquisition |
1 |
multilingual database |
1 |
multimodality |
1 |
multiple etymologies |
1 |
music |
1 |
native speaker |
1 |
natural categorization |
1 |
natural language processing |
1 |
nature versus nurture |
1 |
negation |
1 |
negative concord |
1 |
nerve net - physiology |
1 |
neural development of reading |
1 |
neural pathways |
1 |
neural pathways - physiology |
1 |
neural representation of lexicon |
1 |
neural systems for reading |
1 |
neuroimaging of semantic ambiguity |
1 |
neuroimaging of semantic processing |
1 |
neuroimaging techniques |
1 |
neuronal plasticity - physiology |
1 |
nominative marker |
1 |
non-arbitrariness |
1 |
noun modification |
1 |
noun-modifying constructions |
1 |
nubri |
1 |
null pronoun |
1 |
null pronouns (zero anaphors) |
1 |
object pronoun |
1 |
occipital lobe - anatomy & histology - physiology |
1 |
oceanic language |
1 |
oral reading |
1 |
origins of language |
1 |
orthographic knowledge |
1 |
orthography |
1 |
overt pronoun |
1 |
overt pronouns |
1 |
ownership of languages |
1 |
oxygen - metabolism |
1 |
oxygen consumption - physiology |
1 |
oxygen metabolism |
1 |
p300 |
1 |
paradigms |
1 |
parallel model |
1 |
parietal lobe - anatomy & histology - physiology |
1 |
parietotemporal region |
1 |
partial denasalization |
1 |
pattern recognition, physiological |
1 |
persistent developmental stuttering |
1 |
pet |
1 |
phenomenology |
1 |
phonation |
1 |
phoneme deletion |
1 |
phonemic contrast |
1 |
phonemic inventory size |
1 |
phonetic naturalness |
1 |
phonological contrast |
1 |
phonological effects |
1 |
phonological inventories |
1 |
phonological inventory |
1 |
phonological phrasing |
1 |
phonological sensitivity |
1 |
phonological system |
1 |
phonological systems |
1 |
phonological typology |
1 |
phonological working memory |
1 |
phonosemantics |
1 |
photic stimulation - methods |
1 |
phylogenetic analysis |
1 |
phylogenetic network and sinitic |
1 |
physics |
1 |
picture-word interference paradigm |
1 |
pidgin languages - southeast asia |
1 |
pin-yin |
1 |
pitch accent |
1 |
plasticity |
1 |
plural inflection |
1 |
plural strategy |
1 |
population dynamics |
1 |
positron emission tomography |
1 |
post-focus compression |
1 |
power-law |
1 |
power-law distribution |
1 |
pre-low raising |
1 |
predictability |
1 |
prefrontal cortex - physiology |
1 |
prenasalized stops |
1 |
preposition |
1 |
prestige |
1 |
presuppositions |
1 |
price equation |
1 |
prinmi |
1 |
print exposure |
1 |
pronoun comprehension |
1 |
pronouns |
1 |
propositional modality |
1 |
prosodic contact |
1 |
prosodic system |
1 |
prosodic typology |
1 |
pseudowords |
1 |
psychological experimentation |
1 |
psychological theory |
1 |
psychology |
1 |
psychomotor performance |
1 |
psychomotor performance - physiology |
1 |
putonghua- and cantonese-speaking children |
1 |
pólya urns |
1 |
qiangic |
1 |
quotatives |
1 |
ratchet effect |
1 |
rcbf |
1 |
reaction time |
1 |
reaction time - physiology |
1 |
reading ability-matched |
1 |
reading and spelling english words |
1 |
reading disorder |
1 |
reading rates |
1 |
realis |
1 |
reference |
1 |
reference production |
1 |
referencing |
1 |
regional cerebral blood flow |
1 |
regularity effect |
1 |
relative clause |
1 |
relative clauses |
1 |
representational deficit account |
1 |
response selection |
1 |
resumptive pronoun |
1 |
resumptive pronouns |
1 |
revitalization |
1 |
rhotic |
1 |
rhyme detection and deletion |
1 |
right-dislocation of np |
1 |
roots |
1 |
rule-based model |
1 |
saccades |
1 |
sama |
1 |
schools |
1 |
second language acquisition |
1 |
self-assessment |
1 |
self-organization |
1 |
self-paced reading |
1 |
semantic component |
1 |
semantic priming |
1 |
semantic radical |
1 |
semantic retrieval |
1 |
semantic search |
1 |
semantic selection |
1 |
semantic transparency |
1 |
sentence type |
1 |
serbian |
1 |
serial model |
1 |
shallow structure hypothesis |
1 |
shaoxing wu |
1 |
shared syntax |
1 |
signal detection, psychological |
1 |
signal processing, computer-assisted |
1 |
silent reading |
1 |
simon effect |
1 |
simplicity |
1 |
singapore |
1 |
singapore english |
1 |
singlish |
1 |
sino-vietnamese characters |
1 |
smooth terms |
1 |
social change |
1 |
social cognition |
1 |
social factors |
1 |
social identity |
1 |
social media |
1 |
social monitoring (self-monitoring) |
1 |
social network |
1 |
social perception |
1 |
social popularity |
1 |
social structure |
1 |
socially mediated priming |
1 |
society |
1 |
sociolinguistic domains |
1 |
sociolinguistic survey |
1 |
sociolinguistics of hong kong |
1 |
sociophonetics |
1 |
sound |
1 |
source-language agentivity |
1 |
south asia |
1 |
southeast asia |
1 |
southern min |
1 |
spanish |
1 |
spatial congruence effect |
1 |
speech - physiology |
1 |
speech acoustics |
1 |
speech communication |
1 |
speech rate |
1 |
speech reduction |
1 |
speech timing |
1 |
speech-sound repetition |
1 |
sri lanka malay |
1 |
state anxiety |
1 |
statistical physics |
1 |
stress |
1 |
structural bias |
1 |
structural complexity |
1 |
structural overlaps |
1 |
subject/object asymmetry |
1 |
subjective experience |
1 |
sublexical component |
1 |
substrate |
1 |
substrate transfer |
1 |
superstrate |
1 |
suppletion |
1 |
svo |
1 |
syllable type |
1 |
syntactic flexibility |
1 |
syntactic representation |
1 |
syntactic unification |
1 |
syntax–phonology interface |
1 |
systematicity |
1 |
teacher–student relationship |
1 |
temporal cluster analysis (tca) |
1 |
temporal lobe - anatomy & histology - physiology |
1 |
temporal lobe - physiology |
1 |
thai |
1 |
thematic role |
1 |
thematic role accessibility |
1 |
time |
1 |
time factors |
1 |
time-frequency analysis |
1 |
tma |
1 |
tomography, emission-computed |
1 |
tonal systems |
1 |
tone (声调) |
1 |
tone alternation |
1 |
tone identification |
1 |
tone perception |
1 |
tone sandhi |
1 |
tone-conditioned allomorphy |
1 |
tones |
1 |
tongue - innervation - physiology |
1 |
tonkawa |
1 |
topic marker |
1 |
topicality |
1 |
trait anxiety |
1 |
transitivity |
1 |
typolog |
1 |
typological distance |
1 |
ultrasound imaging |
1 |
unaccusativity |
1 |
underspecification |
1 |
universal grammar |
1 |
utterance-final particles (句末语气助词) |
1 |
v-gei |
1 |
variable case marking |
1 |
verb-doubling |
1 |
vietnamese |
1 |
visual cortex - blood supply - metabolism |
1 |
visual cueing |
1 |
visual perception |
1 |
visual word form area |
1 |
visual world eye-tracking |
1 |
vitality |
1 |
vocabulary |
1 |
vocal communication |
1 |
vocal repertoire |
1 |
vocalic system |
1 |
vowel fronting |
1 |
vowel-to-vowel coarticulation |
1 |
voxel-based morphometry |
1 |
wh-fronting |
1 |
white matter |
1 |
whorfian |
1 |
word comprehension and production |
1 |
word order bias |
1 |
word order regularity |
1 |
word stress |
1 |
word-meaning binding |
1 |
動物行為學 |
1 |
威廉姆斯綜合癥 |
1 |
腦科學 |
1 |
語言演化 |
1 |
鏡像神經元 |
1 |