Department of Emergency Medicine

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
rainer, th 428
graham, ca 188
rainer, timothy h. 136
graham, colin a. 84
rainer, t. h. 60
yeung, jhh 55
cheung, nk 50
rainer, timothy hudson 37
wai, kca 35
lam, pk 34
cocks, ra 32
rainer, th 27
cheng, ch 26
kam, cw 25
graham, c. a. 24
poon, ws 24
graham, ca 23
ho, hf 23
man, cy 23
cattermole, gn 22
chan, cpy 22
mak, p 22
man, sy 22
lam, nyl 20
rainer, t 20
cattermole, giles n. 19
chan, ssw 19
leung, sc 19
liu, t 18
metreweli, c 18
wai, akc 18
lo, ymd 16
lee, s 15
liu, tong 15
tse, g 15
tse, gary 15
wai, abraham ka chung 15
lam, rpk 14
lee, nelson 14
wong, tw 14
yeung, janice h.h. 14
zhou, jiandong 14
agarwal, n 13
cameron, peter a. 13
lam, nicole y.l. 13
mak, psk 13
rainer, timothy 13
so, fl 13
wong, jyh 13
wong, wt 13
zhang, qingpeng 13
chang, a 12
lee, sharen 12
cameron, pa 11
chan, stewart s.w. 11
cheung, n. k. 11
graham, c 11
sung, joseph j.y. 11
tse, mm 11
zhang, q 11
zhou, j 11
ahuja, anil t. 10
cattermole, g. n. 10
chan, cangel pui yee 10
chan, paul k.s. 10
chang, carlin 10
cheung, bmy 10
cocks, robert a. 10
hung, kkc 10
ip, margaret 10
lam, pkw 10
lam, w 10
lee, teddy tai loy 10
tsui, msh 10
wong, kw 10
wong, wing tak 10
ahuja, at 9
cameron, p 9
chan, cangel p.y. 9
chang, c 9
graham, colin alexander 9
griffith, jf 9
lau, fl 9
leung, yk 9
lo, y. m.dennis 9
rainer, t. 9
wong, ks 9
chan, tyf 8
cheung, cka 8
hui, david s.c. 8
lam, jmy 8
lam, pui kin 8
lee, n 8
leung, keith sai kit 8
wong, ick 8
yip, wl 8
ahuja, a. t. 7
cameron, peter 7
cattermole, g 7
chan, s. s.w. 7
chan, ss 7
cheng, nm 7
cheung, ack 7
cheung, nk 7
choi, yf 7
chou, oscar hou in 7
hung, kevin k.c. 7
ip, m 7
lee, tlt 7
leung, ksk 7
leung, pym 7
leung, yuk ki 7
li, yl 7
poon, w. s. 7
smith, be 7
tam, mk 7
tang, co 7
wu, alan 7
yeung, jh 7
yuen, e 7
yuen, ky 7
antonio, gregory e. 6
chan, kl 6
chan, lys 6
chan, ms 6
chan, stewart siu wa 6
cheng, chi hung 6
cheung, pl 6
chiu, rwk 6
cocks, r. a. 6
lau, ehy 6
lee, kh 6
lee, n. 6
leung, m 6
leung, sk 6
narain, s 6
ng, kc 6
wong, ckh 6
wong, k. t. 6
yeung, j. h.h. 6
yeung, jhh 6
yuen, yky 6
antonio, ge 5
chan, cpy 5
chan, pks 5
chau, ssl 5
chen, wn 5
chen, xh 5
cheung, bernard man yung 5
cheung, nai kwong 5
chou, ohi 5
gabbe, bj 5
griffiths, jf 5
ho, h. f. 5
ho, w 5
jiang, hui lin 5
kam, c. w. 5
lam, cw 5
lam, n 5
law, kl 5
leung, jks 5
leung, ly 5
lo, dym 5
mak, p. s.k. 5
mak, paulina s.k. 5
man, chi yin 5
mo, junrong 5
ng, yc 5
ong, ys 5
rainer, tim 5
renneberg, reinhard 5
roebuck, dj 5
sin, kk 5
smit, de villiers 5
sung, jjy 5
wong, ka sing 5
wong, taiwai 5
yau, wh 5
yim, v 5
ahuja, at 4
antonio, g. e. 4
chaang, vk 4
chan, jeffrey shi kai 4
chan, rebecca w.y. 4
chen, l 4
chen, x-h 4
chen, xiao hui 4
chen, xiaohui 4
cheng, b 4
cheng, jcy 4
cheng, m 4
cheng, rch 4
cheung, c 4
cheung, c. s.k. 4
chiu, rossa w.k. 4
graham, ca 4
hjelm, nm 4
ho, jwk 4
hui, dsc 4
hui, jmh 4
ip, m. 4
jiang, hl 4
jiang, huilin 4
joynt, gavin m. 4
kwok, wo 4
lai, pbs 4
lam, e 4
lam, kw 4
lam, rex pui kin 4
lam, th 4
lau, pf 4
lee, a 4
lee, yha 4
leung, c. b. 4
leung, ling yan 4
leung, lp 4
leung, yk 4
lin, p-y 4
lin, pei yi 4
lin, peiyi 4
lin, py 4
liow, e 4
mak, paulina 4
man, shin yan 4
mo, jr 4
ng, eko 4
poon, wai s. 4
rainer, th 4
rainer, timothy h 4
robertson, c. e. 4
rotheray, kr 4
sin, king keung 4
smit, devilliers 4
smith, brendan e. 4
sung, j. j.y. 4
tam, ls 4
tomlinson, b 4
tse, g 4
tsui, matthew sik hon 4
tsui, nby 4
tsui, sh 4
wan, ck 4
wong, ek 4
wong, eml 4
wong, ian chi kei 4
woo, j 4
woo, ks 4
woo, wk 4
yip, tf 4
yuen, wk 4
zhang, q 4
zhou, j 4
agarwal, nandini 3
antonio, ge 3
cameron, p. 3
cao, z 3
cattermole, g 3
chan, cc 3
chan, eyy 3
chan, lisa y.s. 3
chan, pn 3
chan, rw 3
chan, rwy 3
chan, s 3
chan, ssw 3
chan, sunny ching long 3
chan, tina y.f. 3
chang, alm 3
chau, shirley s.l. 3
chen, x 3
cheng, nga man 3
cheng, nm 3
cheng, sh 3
cheung, bernard man yung 3
cheung, itf 3
cheung, ys 3
chu, ck 3
chu, k 3
chung, sydney s.c. 3
coats, t 3
cockram, c. s. 3
cooper, a 3
edwards, m 3
goggins, w. b. 3
goggins, william b. 3
graham, c 3
griffith, j. f. 3
griffiths, j 3
hui, d. s. 3
hui, ds 3
jiang, h-l 3
jiao, yaqing 3
joynt, g 3
joynt, gm 3
judson, rt 3
ki, cw 3
lai, paul b.s. 3
lam, wynnie 3
lau, cc 3
lee, m 3
lee, ttl 3
lee, yan hiu athena 3
leung, csm 3
leung, gm 3
leung, ks 3
leung, p. y.m. 3
leung, ph 3
leung, psc 3
leung, wingman 3
leung, y 3
leung, y. k. 3
li, m 3
li, min 3
li, y-l 3
li, yan ling 3
li, ym 3
li, yun mei 3
li, yunmei 3
lui, ct 3
lui, grace 3
lyon, dj 3
mak, p 3
man, c 3
mo, jun rong 3
narain, sangeeta 3
ng, k. c. 3
ng, margaret h.l. 3
ng, ws 3
poon, wai sang 3
porter, a 3
robertson, ce 3
satti, di 3
shing, kk 3
shum, k 3
so, lt 3
tai, ck 3
tsang, tc 3
tsui, shm 3
wai, akc 3
wang, mp 3
wong, e 3
wong, george k.c. 3
wong, george kwok chu 3
wong, jk 3
wong, kt 3
wong, lawrence k.s. 3
woo, pcy 3
yan, bp 3
yan, kl 3
yeung, j 3
yeung, janice 3
yim, veronica w.t. 3
yim, vwt 3
yousef, z 3
yu, cheuk man 3
yuen, edmund h.y. 3
zeng, dd 3
zhao, lingyun 3
abrigo, jill morales 2
abrigo, jm 2
ahmad, i 2
ahuja, anil t 2
anderson, p 2
au, ch 2
babar, a 2
balsari, s 2
barclay, c 2
baum, l 2
beattie, t 2
broekhuizen, berna d.l. 2
cameron, p. a. 2
carson-stevens, a 2
carson-stevens, andrew 2
cautherley, george w.h. 2
chan, a 2
chan, chi keung 2
chan, cp 2
chan, dexter y.s. 2
chan, dky 2
chan, e 2
chan, emily y.y. 2
chan, ewy 2
chan, hms 2
chan, jsk 2
chan, km 2
chan, lw 2
chan, p. k.s. 2
chan, paul 2
chan, rebecca wing yan 2
chan, stewart siu-wa 2
chan, sw 2
chan, t. y.f. 2
chang, a. 2
chang, annice 2
chau, ssl 2
chen, sx 2
chen, wn 2
cheng, c. h. 2
cheng, ch 2
cheng, m 2
cheng, n. m. 2
cheng, shuk han 2
cheung, chi kin arthur 2
cheung, ck 2
cheung, cs 2
cheung, csk 2
cheung, cw 2
cheung, kh 2
cheung, kwan yee 2
cheung, n 2
cheung, phoebe s.y. 2
cheung, psy 2
cheung, s. k.c. 2
cheung, ty 2
cheung, w. l. 2
cheung, wl 2
cheung, ws 2
ching, a 2
choi, km 2
choi, yp 2
chor, josette s.y. 2
chu, kkl 2
chung, ahy 2
chung, jsh 2
cockram, clive s. 2
collins, g. 2
cooke, m 2
cooper, alison 2
crawford, r. 2
critchley, lah 2
cusack, s 2
dale, j 2
davies, a 2
davies, f 2
davies, freya 2
de groot, joris a.h. 2
de villiers smit, pieter 2
de wit, niek j. 2
dee, ec 2
dee, edward christopher 2
dinant, geert jan 2
dion, pw 2
edwards, a 2
edwards, adrian 2
edwards, michelle 2
empson, k 2
fan, kl 2
fuchs, dietmar 2
gabbe, belinda j. 2
gonzales, ralph 2
gordon, m. w.g. 2
gordon, mwg 2
graffelman, aleida w. 2
graham, colin a 2
graham, colin a 2
griffiths, sian 2
guly, u. m. 2
guly, um 2
hedley, aj 2
hibbert, p 2
ho, amh 2
ho, grace y.l. 2
ho, hiu f. 2
ho, wendy 2
holm, anette 2
hopstaken, rogier m. 2
hughes, t 2
hui, david s. 2
hui, ds 2
hui, jeremy man ho 2
hui, sm 2
hung, k. k.c. 2
irwin, mg 2
jacobs, p 2
janssens, h 2
jiang, hl 2
kam, chak wah 2
karmakar, mk 2
koljonen, pa 2
kong, jhb 2
kossmann, t 2
kossmann, t 2
kot, tkm 2
kwok, ay 2
kwok, r 2
kwok, sw 2
lam, cw 2
lam, jenny m.y. 2
lam, k 2
lam, ny 2
lam, p. k.w. 2
lam, peggo k.w. 2
lam, pk 2
lam, sf 2
lam, tse sum 2
lam, w. w.m. 2
lau, chorchiu 2
lau, hl 2
lau, nkc 2
law, k 2
leaning, j 2
lee, jj 2
lee, ryan k.l. 2
lee, vincent 2
lee, yp 2
leung, cs 2
leung, joe kai shing 2
leung, l. y. 2
leung, man fai 2
leung, p. y.mia 2
leung, siu chung 2
li, qianyun 2
li, yl 2
lin, py 2
lin, x 2
ling, tk 2
liow, ech 2
liu, sh 2
liu, x 2
liu, xuejin 2
liu, ying 2
loong, f 2
lopez, v 2
lui, chun tat 2
lui, g 2
lui, g. 2
lui, grace c.y. 2
luk, yf 2
lum, c 2
lyon, d. j. 2
ma, c 2
machin, p 2
mahalwar, g 2
mak, a 2
mak, paulina siu kuen 2
mak, ps 2
mak, skp 2
man, cy 2
man, kck 2
man, s. y. 2
mao, haifeng 2
marshall, ruth 2
mcintosh, n 2
mcnicol, m 2
melbye, hasse 2
metreweli, c. 2
metreweli, constantine 2
minnaard, margaretha c. 2
mitchell, r. g. 2
mitchell, rg 2
ng, awh 2
ng, csh 2
ng, hk 2
ng, kenrick 2
ng, lh 2
ng, s. c. 2
ng, sk 2
ng, t 2
ng, wh 2
ng, y. c. 2
ng, yl 2
ng, zlh 2
ngai, karry l.k. 2
phillips, a 2
phillips, aled o. 2
porter, alison 2
pradhan, s 2
rainer, timothy h 2
reitsma, johannes b. 2
roever, leonardo 2
rotheray, kathleen r. 2
satti, danish iltaf 2
schierenberg, alwin 2
sedowofia, k 2
sherlock, r 2
siriwardena, an 2
siu, wing sze 2
smith, b 2
smith, be 2
snooks, h 2
snooks, helen 2
so, hk 2
so, kevin wang leong 2
stephen, r 2
steurer, johann 2
sung, htt 2
sung, jjy 2
tai, marcus c.k. 2
tam, john s. 2
tam, m 2
tam, mmk 2
tan, patrick c.f. 2
tang, b. y.h. 2
tang, ehm 2
tang, mhy 2
tang, n 2
tenney, jw 2
thomas, gn 2
tipoe, gl 2
tong, a 2
tong, tmc 2
tsang, a 2
tsang, ayl 2
tsang, ccr 2
tsang, tat chi 2
tse, man li 2
tse, mandy m. 2
tse, ml 2
tsui, kl 2
tsui, omar wai kiu 2
van de pol, alma c. 2
van vugt, saskia f. 2
verheij, theo j.m. 2
wai, a 2
wai, ak 2
wan, k 2
wong, fy 2
wong, g. k. 2
wong, ghy 2
wong, iol 2
wong, jyh 2
wong, k. s. 2
wong, kc 2
wong, kcg 2
wong, ky 2
wong, ms 2
wong, r 2
wong, rtm 2
wong, tmr 2
wong, tw 2
wong, yw 2
woo, jean 2
yeung, h. h. 2
yeung, janice hh 2
yeung, janice hiu hung 2
yeung, s 2
yim, cl 2
yim, vwt 2
yip, gabriel w.k. 2
yuen, eddie 2
zhang, md 2
zhang, xiaodan 2
zhang, yilin 2
adams, j. 1
agarwal, n 1
ahuja, anil 1
ahuja, anil tejbhan 1
aitken, p. 1
al shabanah, hasan 1
alkemade, annechien j. 1
allen, h 1
allen, h. 1
allen, s 1
allen, susan 1
anantharaman, venkataraman 1
anderson, philip d. 1
anderson, pippa 1
angus, dc 1
angus, derek c. 1
antonio, g 1
antonio, g. 1
antonio, gregor 1
arbalaez, c 1
au, frederick lap yan 1
au, thomas tak shun 1
baker, e 1
barclay, c. 1
barlas, rs 1
bastiampillai, t 1
batt, m. 1
baum, larry 1
beard, d 1
beard, d. 1
beard, d. j. 1
beattie, t. 1
behringer, wilhelm 1
bergmann, a. 1
bernhard, michael 1
bertini, alessio 1
bierma-zeinstra, s. 1
biggs, p. 1
biondi-zoccai, giuseppe 1
björnsson, hjalti m 1
blank, m. 1
blood systems laboratories 1
bolmer, manon 1
brian, tomlinson 1
brierley, j 1
brunke, s 1
bulger, jenna 1
burchett, n 1
burstow, dj 1
busse-morris, m. 1
button, k. 1
ca graham, 1
caglioti, s 1
cakal, elif dilek 1
calder, j. 1
cameron, p 1
cameron, pa 1
cameron, peter alistair 1
campanella, ciro 1
campbell, i. a. 1
cao, zhidong 1
capelastegui, alberto 1
cattermole, gc 1
cattermole, giles nicholas 1
cevik, arif alper 1
ch cheng, 1
chaang, vi ka 1
chan dr., c. k. 1
chan, allen k.c. 1
chan, alm 1
chan, bob c.y. 1
chan, c 1
chan, c. p. 1
chan, c. p.y. 1
chan, c. py 1
chan, c. y. 1
chan, cangel 1
chan, cangel puiyee 1
chan, ching long 1
chan, ck 1
chan, ck 1
chan, cl 1
chan, cp 1
chan, cpy 1
chan, crystal ying 1
chan, cs 1
chan, cw 1
chan, cy 1
chan, d. p. 1
chan, d. p.n. 1
chan, david po nin 1
chan, dpn 1
chan, dpn 1
chan, dys 1
chan, e. 1
chan, emily 1
chan, ew 1
chan, f. k.l. 1
chan, fk 1
chan, fkl 1
chan, h. m.s. 1
chan, henry l.y. 1
chan, ho ching 1
chan, hok hang 1
chan, holly m.s. 1
chan, hs 1
chan, hy 1
chan, j 1
chan, jannet w.m. 1
chan, jimmy t.s. 1
chan, jky 1
chan, jts 1
chan, jts 1
chan, justin 1
chan, jw 1
chan, jwm 1
chan, jwm 1
chan, k. c.allen 1
chan, ka man 1
chan, kf 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, kw 1
chan, l 1
chan, lapwa 1
chan, lisa sy 1
chan, lok kwan 1
chan, louis 1
chan, louis y. 1
chan, lwc 1
chan, m. 1
chan, m. c. 1
chan, m. s. 1
chan, mcw 1
chan, michael h.m. 1
chan, ming yin 1
chan, mmk 1
chan, p 1
chan, p 1
chan, p. k. 1
chan, p. n. 1
chan, p. y. 1
chan, pks 1
chan, po nin 1
chan, po nin david 1
chan, py 1
chan, r 1
chan, rickjason c.w. 1
chan, s 1
chan, scs 1
chan, skw 1
chan, sw 1
chan, sy 1
chan, tk 1
chan, ts 1
chan, tsz kit 1
chan, wk 1
chan, y 1
chan, y. l. 1
chan, yc 1
chan, yiucheung 1
chan, yl 1
chan, ym 1
chang, annice ling mui 1
chang, annice miu ling 1
chang, d 1
chang, dong 1
chau, jeffrey cheuk wai 1
chau, ph 1
chau, s. s.l. 1
chau, sl shirley 1
chau, y. l.a. 1
chau, yla 1
chee, ppy 1
chen, eyh 1
chen, j 1
chen, sy 1
chen, wj 1
chen, xh 1
chen, xiangyan 1
chen, zhaoying 1
cheng, a 1
cheng, a. f.b. 1
cheng, afb 1
cheng, b 1
cheng, b. 1
cheng, beatrice 1
cheng, c 1
cheng, cyj 1
cheng, fb 1
cheng, fwt 1
cheng, j. c.y. 1
cheng, jcy 1
cheng, n-m 1
cheng, raymond c.h. 1
cheng, smw 1
cheng, stella wai chee 1
cheng, w 1
cheuk, yy 1
cheung, arthur chi kin 1
cheung, arthur ck 1
cheung, awl 1
cheung, clement s.k. 1
cheung, fc 1
cheung, i 1
cheung, ian t.f. 1
cheung, kh 1
cheung, kl 1
cheung, ks 1
cheung, kwun lok 1
cheung, nt 1
cheung, p. s.y. 1
cheung, ps 1
cheung, pui ling 1
cheung, rkh 1
cheung, sf 1
cheung, tf 1
cheung, tfi 1
cheung, th 1
cheung, tsz fung 1
cheung, tsz yan 1
cheung, wai lun 1
cheung, wing sze 1
cheung, wl 1
cheung, wyk 1
cheung, y. s. 1
cheung, yue sun 1
chi-ping ng, stephanie 1
chia, kl 1
chiang, b 1
chiang, wc 1
chik, ki wai 1
chik, t 1
ching, a 1
ching, a. s.c. 1
ching, ck 1
ching, j 1
ching, j. y.l. 1
ching, jessica y.l. 1
chiu, a 1
chiu, khy 1
chiu, kwh 1
chiu, lfj 1
chiu, r. w.k. 1
chiu, rossa wai kwun 1
chiu, rossa wk 1
chiu, rwk 1
choi, awm 1
choi, d 1
choi, k. w. 1
choi, kin wing 1
choi, km 1
choi, kw 1
choi, yf 1
choi, yu fai 1
choi, yufai 1
chong, charing 1
chong, ching ning 1
chong, m 1
chong, yk 1
chook, p 1
chor, c. m. 1
chor, j. s.y. 1
chou, o 1
chou, oscar 1
choudhry, m 1
chow, dk 1
chow, e 1
chow, eric p.f. 1
chow, eric pui fung 1
chu, ida m.t. 1
chu, mary man lai 1
chu, simon 1
chu, winnie c.w. 1
chu, yc 1
chui, slc 1
chung, ch 1
chung, ct 1
chung, j 1
chung, joseph shun hang 1
chung, josephine yuen man 1
chung, jym 1
chung, lsw 1
chung, p 1
chung, s. s.c. 1
ciobanu, ana 1
clark, ab 1
clark, allan b. 1
clarke, tristan william 1
coats, tim 1
cocks, r 1
conaghan, p. g. 1
cook, j. 1
cooke, matthew w. 1
coolen, a. c.c. 1
coolen, acc 1
corp, n. 1
cousins, gráinne 1
crane, steve 1
crofton, p 1
crofton, p 1
crofton, p. 1
cui, victoria 1
cusack, s. 1
cusack, stephen 1
dai, d 1
dai, zl 1
dale, jeremy 1
dalziel, k 1
dang, zn 1
dani, sourbha s. 1
daniel, r 1
davies, j 1
davies, jan 1
davros research team 1
de oliveira lino, fs 1
de villiers smit, p. 1
dee, e. c. 1
deng, w 1
dennis lo, y. m. 1
domanovits, hans 1
donaldson, liam 1
driscoll, t 1
driscoll, timothy 1
du, r 1
ducharme, james 1
edwards, c. 1
edwards, e 1
eliakim, r 1
eliakim, r. 1
ellis, g 1
ellis, gemma 1
englund, m. 1
ephrath, h 1
ephrath, h. 1
españa, pedro p. 1
españa, pp 1
eurich, dean t. 1
eurich, dt 1
evans, b 1
evans, bridie 1
evans, bridie angela 1
evans, louis 1
evans, r 1
evans, r. j. 1
fahey, tom 1
fan, kkh 1
fan, weinv 1
fan, y. h. 1
fan, yu hua 1
fang, bxh 1
fegan, g 1
fegan, greg 1
felson, d. t. 1
ferrandiz, santiago 1
figueroa, d 1
fine, michael j. 1
fine, mj 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 24
emergency department 19
adult 18
aged 17
mortality 12
stroke 12
myocardial infarction 11
adolescent 10
emergency medicine 9
humans 9
emergency service, hospital 8
intubation 8
middle aged 8
outcome 8
aged, 80 and over 7
anxiety 7
atrial fibrillation 7
family well-being 7
female 7
health literacy 7
heart failure 7
hong kong 7
information sharing 7
male 7
preventive measures 7
risk factors 7
trauma 7
triage 7
acute kidney injury 6
all-cause mortality 6
angiotensin receptor blockers 6
angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors 6
cancer 6
cardiovascular mortality 6
child 6
child maltreatment 6
covid-19 incidence 6
depression symptom 6
diabetes 6
diabetes mellitus 6
dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors 6
income instability 6
infection 6
intensive care unit 6
job loss 6
mental health 6
pandemic 6
parenting 6
prognosis 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis 6
sodium-glucose co-transporter 6
sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors 6
stress 6
vaccine 6
validation 6
vulnerable group 6
aerosol 5
aerosol box 5
antibiotic therapy 5
antimicrobial activity 5
bacterial gene 5
cardiopulmonary resuscitation 5
community mental health services 5
confirmatory factor analysis 5
cost of waiting 5
decision making 5
delay announcement 5
epidemiology 5
hospital 5
logistic models 5
manikin, intubation tent 5
medical education 5
medical history taking 5
myocarditis 5
myopericarditis 5
online interprofessional education 5
pericarditis 5
predictive value of tests 5
psychiatric emergency admission 5
qualitative research 5
queueing behavior 5
queueing network coordination 5
rapid sequence intubation 5
resuscitation 5
retrospective studies 5
risk score 5
safety 5
seasonality 5
sensitivity and specificity 5
syncope 5
unemployment 5
warfarin 5
wounds and injuries 5
2019 novel coronavirus disease 4
accident & emergency medicine 4
algorithms 4
big data 4
blood pressure variability 4
cardiac arrest 4
chinese 4
covid‐19 4
crew resource management 4
diagnosis 4
dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, diabetes mellitus 4
early diagnosis 4
edoxaban 4
elderly 4
electrocardiography 4
epinephrine 4
feasibility studies 4
fracture 4
heart arrest 4
infectious diseases 4
injury 4
metformin 4
methamphetamine 4
neurological outcome 4
neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio 4
osteoporotic 4
plasma 4
poisoning 4
prediction 4
predictive model 4
randomized controlled trial 4
risk stratification, dementia 4
roc curve 4
sepsis 4
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 4
simulation 4
subarachnoid hemorrhage 4
sulphonylurea 4
teamwork 4
traumatic brain injury 4
unprotected left 4
young adult 4
acute coronary syndrome 3
alzheimer's disease 3
ambulance 3
cardiovascular disease 3
china 3
cognitive dysfunction 3
community 3
covid-19 pandemic 3
critical illness 3
curfew 3
dementia 3
deranged liver function 3
disasters 3
dpp4 3
dpp4 inhibitor 3
electronic health records 3
emergency medical service 3
hemodynamics 3
hypoceruloplasminemia 3
injuries 3
lockdown 3
maldi-tof ms 3
multiple trauma 3
national containment 3
neurotoxicity 3
older adults 3
operations management 3
parkinson's disease 3
patient boarding 3
physicians 3
pneumonia 3
polymorphism 3
prevention 3
reference values 3
risk assessment 3
severe acute respiratory syndrome 3
sglt2 3
sglt2 (sodium-glucose cotransporter 2) inhibitor 3
silver poisoning / intoxication 3
socio-demographic characteristics 3
spatial analysis 3
staphylococcus lugdunensis 3
stay-at-home 3
substance-induced psychosis 3
time series analysis 3
trauma system 3
treatment 3
urban geometry 3
urinary tract infection 3
wilson disease 3
abdominal pain 2
accident and emergency department 2
accidental falls 2
acupuncture 2
acute appendicitis 2
acute epiglottitis 2
acute lung injury 2
acute subdural hematoma 2
adhesion molecules 2
admissions 2
adrenaline 2
alleles 2
allergic rhinitis 2
ambulances 2
amiodarone 2
antibiotics 2
apolipoprotein e 2
apolipoprotein e4 2
apolipoproteins e - genetics 2
attendances 2
bias (epidemiology) 2
blood chemical analysis - methods 2
blood circulation 2
blood component transfusion - standards 2
blood specimen collection 2
body weights and measures 2
breathing rate 2
bronchoscopy 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - diagnosis 2
cardiac arrhythmias 2
cardiac output 2
cardiovascular health 2
care 2
case mix 2
case report 2
cell-adhesion 2
cerebral contusion 2
chest pain 2
circulating nucleic acids 2
clinical prediction rule 2
coagulopathy 2
cocaethylene 2
cocaine 2
cognitive impairment 2
cohort studies 2
computed tomography 2
coronavirus 2
craniotomy 2
cricothyroidotomy 2
critical care 2
cross-sectional studies 2
cross-sectional study 2
cycle 2
decision-making 2
decompressive craniectomy 2
demand 2
designer drug 2
diabetic ketoacidosis 2
dimensional measurement accuracy 2
dna, mitochondrial - blood 2
doppler 2
doppler ultrasonography 2
echocardiography 2
effectiveness 2
emergency departments 2
emergency medical services 2
emergency preparedness 2
emergency service 2
emphysematous pyelonephritis 2
erythrocyte transfusion 2
erythrocyte transfusion - trends 2
ethanol 2
exons - genetics 2
falls 2
filtration 2
flexible nasolaryngoscopy 2
fresh-frozen plasma 2
functional outcome 2
functional outcomes 2
gender 2
general practitioners 2
genotype 2
glasgow coma scale 2
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases - blood - genetics 2
guidelines 2
haemodynamics 2
health planning 2
hemorrhage - etiology - physiopathology - therapy 2
histology 2
hong kong - epidemiology 2
hormonal 2
hospital emergency service 2
human 2
indomethacin 2
infant 2
influenza 2
intervention 2
intracerebral haemorrhage 2
intranasal 2
intraperitoneal 2
intratracheal intubation 2
ischemic 2
ischemic stroke 2
klebsiella pneumoniae 2
l-selectin 2
leucocytes 2
linear models 2
lipoprotein lipase 2
lipoprotein lipase - genetics 2
liver abscess 2
liver neoplasms - blood - diagnosis 2
lps 2
lymphocytes 2
mace 2
massive transfusion 2
matrix metalloproteinase 9 (mmp9) 2
medical overuse 2
mobile app 2
model 2
monocytes 2
morbidity 2
mortality rate 2
musculoskeletal injury 2
myocardial infarction - epidemiology - genetics 2
neurological outcomes 2
neurosurgery 2
neutrophils 2
novel psychoactive substances 2
nurses 2
online symptom checkers 2
organ injury 2
pain protocol 2
patient 2
patient satisfaction 2
pharyngeal 2
plasma dna 2
polymerase chain reaction 2
polymorphism, genetic 2
predictors 2
prehospital 2
prehospital care 2
primary health care 2
professional education 2
quality of life 2
red blood cells 2
reflex 2
registries - statistics and numerical data 2
regression analysis 2
reliability and validity 2
reproducibility of results 2
resources 2
respiratory distress syndrome 2
resuscitation - methods 2
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 2
risk 2
rna, messenger - blood 2
seasons 2
self-harm 2
sensitivity 2
shock, hemorrhagic - epidemiology - therapy 2
smoking 2
social determinants of health 2
specificity 2
stroke - epidemiology - genetics 2
stroke volume 2
suicidal ideation 2
suicide 2
support 2
survival 2
survivors 2
synthetic cannabinoids 2
thromboembolism 2
thwarted belongingness 2
time factor 2
time factors 2
toxicity 2
transfusion 2
trauma centers - organization and administration 2
treatment outcome 2
triage analgesia 2
triss 2
ultracentrifugation 2
ultrasonography 2
ultrasound 2
unconsciousness 2
undergraduate medical education 2
ventricular fibrillation 2
volunteers 2
weather 2
wounds and injuries - blood - diagnosis 2
wounds, nonpenetrating - diagnosis - epidemiology - therapy 2
youth 2
(mesh) pediatrics 1
abdominal injuries 1
abuse 1
accident & emergency department offenders 1
accident and emergency departments 1
acetaminophen 1
acidosis 1
acute abdomen 1
acute abdominal pain 1
acute coronary syndrome (acs) 1
acute interstitial 1
acute kidney disease 1
acute medicine 1
acute myocardial infarction (ami) 1
acute poisoning 1
acute renal failure 1
acute respiratory tract infections 1
acute services 1
acute-onset atrial fibrillation 1
adrenergic alpha-2 receptor agonist 1
adult epiglottitis 1
adults 1
advanced life support 1
adverse outcomes 1
aetiology 1
africa 1
age distribution 1
age factor 1
age factors 1
ageing 1
agitation 1
air insufflation 1
airway management 1
airway obstruction 1
alcohol 1
alcohol drinking 1
alkaloid toxicity 1
allergic reaction 1
allergy 1
anaphylactoid reactions 1
anaphylaxis 1
anticoagulation 1
apache ii 1
apls 1
arachidonic acid metabolites 1
arrhythmia 1
arsenic 1
asia 1
aspiration 1
asthenia 1
asthma 1
atrial fibrillation diagnostics 1
attitudes 1
audit 1
bacterial infection 1
banach 1
barcode-style 1
barotrauma 1
biphasic reaction 1
blood flow 1
blood pressure 1
blood-brain barrier 1
bodyweights and measures 1
brain ischemia - enzymology - epidemiology - genetics 1
burnout 1
c-reactive protein 1
c-reactive protein (crp) 1
cabin pressure 1
cardiac 1
cardiovascular accidents 1
case-control studies 1
catecholamine 1
catecholamines 1
cd62l 1
cerebral edema 1
cerebrovascular accident 1
cervical spine trauma 1
chest 1
chest injury 1
children 1
chlamydophila 1
chloroxylenol 1
clinical decision unit 1
clinical epidemiology 1
clinical nephrology 1
clinical prediction score 1
clinical protocols 1
clinical significance 1
clinical trial 1
co-morbidity 1
colonoscopy 1
color doppler 1
colorectal cancer 1
commercial aviation 1
comorbidity 1
comparative study 1
compliance 1
concussion 1
confidentiality 1
considerations 1
corticosteroid 1
cost-effectiveness 1
coxassociated metabolites 1
crack cocaine 1
critical condition 1
crp 1
ct 1
cyclic-amp 1
cyclonic storms 1
d-dimer 1
decision curve analysis 1
defibrillation 1
defibrillator 1
detection 1
diagnostic imaging 1
diagnostic radiology 1
diagnostic techniques and procedures 1
diclofenac 1
diffusion 1
diffusion-weighted imaging 1
disaster preparedness 1
disinfectants/poisoning 1
dizziness 1
doppler spectrum 1
drug administration 1
drug overdose 1
drug therapy 1
drug toxicity 1
dwi 1
ecg 1
egfr protein, human 1
eicosanoids 1
electrocardiogram 1
electrolytes 1
embolism 1
emergencies 1
emergency 1
emergency department triage 1
emergency medical system 1
emergency nursing 1
emergency physicians 1
emergency services 1
emerging infectious diseases 1
ems 1
endocarditis 1
enteral nutrition 1
epidemiology and outcomes 1
equestrian 1
equipment design 1
ethnicity 1
evacuation 1
external chest compression 1
extradural haematoma 1
falls reduction 1
fast scale 1
fatal outcome 1
fever 1
flexible laryngoscopy 1
folate 1
followership 1
frail elderly 1
frailty 1
gait analysis 1
gastroenteritis 1
general anaesthesia 1
geriatrics 1
glasgow coma score 1
glasgow outcome scale 1
global registry for acute coronary event 1
glutathione 1
gout 1
gps spatial sampling 1
granulocytes (mesh terms) 1
guangzhou 1
guanine adenine thymine adenine sequence-binding protein (gata3) 1
h1n1 1
head 1
head injury 1
health care workers 1
health knowledge 1
health policy 1
health service research 1
health services research 1
health status 1
heart 1
heart diseases 1
heart function test 1
heart score 1
helical ct 1
hemorrhage 1
hemorrhagic stroke 1
herbal medicine 1
high-altitude 1
high-risk 1
high-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-crp) 1
home visit 1
homocysteine - metabolism 1
hs-ctnt 1
human immunodeficiency virus 1
hyperacute infarct 1
hypertension 1
hypertension diagnosis 1
hypertension screening 1
icu 1
immersion hypothermia 1
immobilization 1
incidence 1
infection control 1
infectious diarrhea 1
inflammation 1
inhalation 1
injury prevention 1
intelligence 1
international ems systems 1
intratracheal 1
investigation for hypertension 1
ischaemic heart disease 1
kidney 1
knee 1
lactate 1
lapss scale 1
laryngoscopy 1
lateral flow assay 1
leadership development 1
learning curve 1
legislation 1
length of stay 1
leukocytes 1
limb injury 1
lipocalin-2 (lcn2) 1
lower respiratory tract infection (lrti) 1
lung 1
machine learning 1
magnetic resonance 1
magnetic resonance imaging 1
major adverse cardiac event 1
major trauma 1
malaria 1
maximum velocity estimation 1
mca stenosis 1
mdct 1
medical diversions 1
medical school 1
medical student 1
medical students 1
medical volunteers 1
medicinal plants 1
messenger rna (mrna) 1
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (mthfr) 1
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (nadph2) - genetics - metabolism 1
mice 1
microfluidics 1
microrna 1
molecular diagnostics 1
mortality prediction 1
mrna 1
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 1
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (mods) 1
multiple organ failure 1
mutation 1
mycoplasma 1
myeloperoxidase (mpo) 1
nasogastric tube 1
nasopharyngeal cancer 1
natural disaster 1
neopterin 1
neurological 1
nihss 1
non-prescription drugs 1
nonpenetrating wounds 1
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 1
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 1
normal ranges 1
nsaid 1
nucleic acids 1
nurse clinicians 1
nurse practitioner 1
nurse practitioners 1
nurse's role 1
observation 1
observation ward 1
occult pneumothorax 1
occupational risk 1
occupational therapy 1
odds ratio 1
opioids 1
organ failure (of) 1
oscillometric 1
osteoarthritis 1
outcomes 1
overdose 1
paediatrics 1
pain 1
pain score 1
pandemic vaccine 1
paramedic 1
paramedic activities 1
paramedics 1
paraoxonase 1
parkinson’s disease 1
patient admission 1
patient experience 1
patient positioning 1
patient recruitment challenges 1
patients and staff 1
pedestrian 1
pediatrics 1
peds score 1
performance 1
perfusion 1
physiologic monitoring 1
plasma rna 1
plasma β-globin dna 1
plasmodium falciparum 1
platelet 1
pneumoperitoneum 1
pneumothorax 1
poc 1
police 1
position 1
positive end-expiratory pressure 1
post-stroke modified rankin score 1
posttraumatic 1
practice 1
predicted vo 2max 1
prediction rules 1
predictive 1
prednisolone 1
preschool 1
preschool child 1
prevention and control 1
primary care streaming 1
procalcitonin 1
professional autonomy 1
prognostic 1
prognostic biomarker 1
prospective studies 1
psychological services utility 1
pulmonary embolism 1
pupils 1
pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid 1
quality control 1
radiation doses 1
radiography 1
radiological classification 1
ramped position 1
randomised controlled trial 1
realgar 1
receptor, epidermal growth factor 1
recurrence 1
reference standard 1
referral for hypertension 1
registries 1
rhythm control; rate control 1
risk factor 1
risk stratification 1
role of emergency physicians 1
rosier scale 1
s100 protein 1
sars 1
sars virus 1
score 1
screening 1
sedation 1
seizure 1
self-efficacy 1
semi-quantitative 1
sensitivity analysis 1
serotonin syndrome 1
severe sepsis 1
severity 1
sex 1
sex distribution 1
sex factors 1
short stay unit 1
short-form 36 1
sibutramine 1
skin diseases 1
small subcortical infarcts 1
spectral envelope estimation 1
sphygmomanometer 1
spinal board 1
sporting injuries 1
standardized questionnaire 1
stool culture 1
stress hormones 1
stroke - enzymology - genetics 1
stroke mimics 1
study 1
supine position 1
surveys and questionnaires 1
systematic review 1
t-box expressed in t cells (tbet) 1
taiwan 1
team building 1
thoracostomy 1
thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 1
thrombolytic therapy 1
thrombosis 1
timi 1
timi score 1
tomography x-ray computed 1
toxic plants 1
toxicology 1
trachea manometry 1
tracheal 1
tramadol 1
transfusion - trauma 1
transfusion strategy 1
transthoracic echocardiography 1
trauma centre 1
trauma diversion 1
trauma epidemiology 1
trauma management 1
trauma nurse coordinator 1
trauma registry 1
trauma systems 1
trauma team 1
trauma team leader 1
travel 1
treatment outcomes 1
treatment practices 1
treatment strategy 1
troponin 1
tuberculosis 1
turbulence 1
undergraduate training 1
urgent care 1
vaccination 1
vertigo 1
vital signs 1
wearable sensors 1
wounds 1
wrist device 1
x-ray 1
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