AuthorsNo. of Publications
samaranayake, lp 78
corbet, ef 76
leung, wk 74
zhang, c 54
seneviratne, cj 42
darveau, rp 33
pelekos, g 31
soder, po 28
yang, y 28
cheng, t 26
soder, b 24
wang, cy 24
lu, q 23
yiu, kh 23
wang, y 20
zhao, d 19
li, x 18
li, x 17
tonetti, m 17
tse, hf 17
watt, rm 16
zhen, z 16
mcgrath, cpj 15
ren, l 14
söder, b 14
wang, c 14
wang, y 14
dissanayaka, wl 13
lam, olt 12
sun, h 12
loo, wty 11
yau, jyy 11
bandara, hmhn 10
cheung, mnb 10
li, p 10
wang, s 10
cao, cf 9
chiu, gkc 9
leung, kcf 9
liao, c 9
luo, w 9
seneviratne, cj 9
wang, m 9
wong, ssw 9
cheung, bpk 8
lo, ecm 8
ab malik, nb 7
acharya, a 7
gu, m 7
leung, pc 7
li, h 7
li, lsw 7
lin, y 7
liu, hn 7
mattheos, n 7
mcgrath, c 7
nedlich, u 7
söder, po 7
zee, ky 7
abiko, y 6
darveau, r 6
davies, wir 6
deng, k 6
ding, p 6
huang, r 6
kheur, s 6
klinge, b 6
leung, cfk 6
li, h 6
ren, c 6
chow, lwc 5
chu, fcs 5
fok, mr 5
hargreaves, km 5
herath mudiyanselage, tdkh 5
herath, tdk 5
lan, x 5
li, hj 5
sun, q 5
sun, z 5
wang, x 5
wen, p 5
yam, wc 5
yu, r 5
zhang, f 5
asman, b 4
chen, y 4
cheung, gsp 4
fok, melissa rachel 4
gao, x 4
koshy, g 4
lai, ia 4
li, m 4
matsuo, k 4
mohamad yatim, s 4
parahitiyawa, nb 4
samaranayake, l 4
seneviratne, c 4
su, y 4
wang, r 4
wu, m 4
xu, j 4
xu, xy 4
yang, h 4
yang, yz 4
yao, jl 4
yu, sy 4
ab malik, n 3
chan, lk 3
che, cm 3
chien, ayj 3
deng, z 3
ding, ph 3
fung, eym 3
geng, sf 3
hu, cz 3
jain, s 3
jayatilake, jams 3
lai, yt 3
li, s 3
li, wc 3
lin, yifan 3
ng, dkc 3
ng, tw 3
pang, ky 3
puriene, a 3
rabie, abm 3
she, tt 3
siu, sc 3
sum, fhkmh 3
söder, pö 3
tang, z 3
wang, l 3
wong, ch 3
yang, y 3
yang, yg 3
yatim, sm 3
yu, c 3
zhan, x 3
zheng, z 3
abdul razak, f 2
airila-mansson, s 2
ajonuma, lc 2
bergström, k 2
cai, z 2
cao, j 2
cao, z 2
cao, zg 2
chan, awk 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, tf 2
chan, tm 2
chan, yk 2
chen, h 2
chen, r 2
cheng, tianfan 2
cheung, g 2
chu, ch 2
dassanayake, rs 2
deng, h 2
dou, yd 2
fang, hhp 2
fu, y 2
gong, y 2
gopalakrishnan, d 2
hao, l 2
hargreaves, k 2
herath, mtdkh 2
herath, t 2
herrera, d 2
hu, r 2
jepsen, s 2
ji, c 2
jiang, n 2
jiang, s 2
jin, dy 2
kang, j 2
keung leung, w 2
khawaja, at 2
koh, ml 2
koohimoghadam, m 2
kwok, a 2
lau, asy 2
lau, cbs 2
leibur, e 2
li, c 2
li, cz 2
li, gr 2
li, w 2
li, y 2
liu, f 2
liu, j 2
liu, k 2
lo, ky 2
luan, q 2
luk, kc 2
martelli, p 2
mei, l 2
mohamad, y 2
orwoll, es 2
ouyang, xy 2
panduwawala, cp 2
panduwawala, kcpp 2
samaranayake, lp 2
samaranayake, yh 2
scully, c 2
seneviratne, c 2
seneviratne, j 2
sha, yq 2
she, j 2
shum, i 2
sim, c 2
sun, hongzhe 2
tang, zhongyuan 2
tong, a 2
tong, ehy 2
tsang, csp 2
tsang, pcs 2
wan, wmn 2
wang, c-y 2
wang, p 2
wat, e 2
wikner, s 2
williams, rc 2
wong, kw 2
xie, x 2
xu, x 2
yam, wc 2
yang, jh 2
yang, yanqi 2
yang, yq 2
yin, x 2
yip, hk 2
yuan, c 2
yuan, s 2
yuen, ky 2
zhan, chaoning 2
zhang, cf 2
zhang, chengfei 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, t 2
zhao, b 2
zhou, sy 2
zhu, f 2
zhu, j 2
zhu, s 2
zhu, x 2
abe, t 1
adel-khattab, d 1
airilamånsson, s 1
al-shaikh, z 1
albandar, jm 1
andersson, ju 1
armitage, gc 1
bandara, h 1
basudan, ama 1
berezow, ab 1
bissada, nf 1
bouchard, p 1
bridges, sm 1
byakod, g 1
cai, jianpiao 1
cai, x 1
cai, zg 1
cao, c 1
cao, c-f 1
carayol, n 1
caton, jg 1
chai, l 1
challacombe, s 1
chamila prageeth pandula, pk 1
chan, acc 1
chan, bwh 1
chan, gcf 1
chan, jasper fuk-woo 1
chan, kw 1
chan, wc 1
chan, y 1
chang, y 1
chang, yy 1
chau, acm 1
che, chi-ming 1
chen, c 1
chen, hj 1
chen, j 1
chen, jp 1
chen, l 1
chen, lh 1
chen, ll 1
chen, t 1
cheng, ck 1
cheng, tf 1
cheung, bp 1
cheung, gsp 1
cheung, lk 1
chik, kh 1
chik, kkh 1
chiu, gk 1
chu, fc 1
chu, hin 1
chu, t 1
chu, wing-ming 1
chung, ack 1
chung, kh 1
clarkson, j 1
cobert, ef 1
cohen, l 1
cortellini, p 1
curtin, jp 1
curtis, ma 1
darnaudet, jf 1
de lima navarro, mf 1
de sanctis, m 1
demirel, k 1
deng, hui 1
deng, j 1
deng, ke 1
deng, w 1
deng, y 1
deng, ym 1
ding, p-h 1
ding, xl 1
dissanayaka, w. l. 1
dissanayaka, waruna lakmal 1
dong, xx 1
dong, y 1
duygu, i 1
emanuele, a 1
ercoli, c 1
evans, rw 1
fan, j 1
fan, mw 1
fan, y 1
fang, fk 1
fang, hh 1
feng, zhang 1
fernandes, b 1
figuero, e 1
fox, c 1
fu, ml 1
fung, kit tang 1
geng, t 1
genovese, c 1
geurs, nc 1
goh, b 1
goh, bt 1
green, dw 1
greenspan, j 1
greenspan, js 1
guo, l 1
haapasalo, m 1
hajishengallis, g 1
han, bing 1
hargreaves, k. m. 1
hargreaves, kenneth m. 1
hashim, a 1
he, f 1
he, l 1
he, t 1
heng, bca 1
ho, eyl 1
homayounfar, m 1
hu, dl 1
hu, qin 1
hu, y 1
hu, z 1
hu, zk 1
hua, y 1
huang, regina 1
huang, s 1
huang, x 1
huang, x-f 1
huang, xr 1
hughes, fj 1
hung, ivan fan-ngai 1
hägg, u 1
iacono, v 1
ip, cm 1
jayampath seneviratne, c 1
ji, y-j 1
jia, n 1
jiang, zq 1
jin, t 1
jin, zc 1
jing, g 1
johannsen, a 1
johnson, n 1
kahar, a 1
kantarci, a 1
kemal, y 1
ko, chung-nga 1
kong, yc 1
koohi-moghadam, mohamad 1
kot, ccs 1
kot, s 1
kudanowska, i 1
kumarswamy, a 1
kwok, ems 1
lagerlof, f 1
lai, ckc 1
lai, i 1
lalla, e 1
lam, o 1
lam, pm 1
lam, pyp 1
lam, s 1
lamster, ib 1
lan, hy 1
lan, xinmiao 1
lan, xm 1
lang, np 1
lao, tth 1
lau, as 1
lau, asy 1
lau, e 1
lee, acy 1
lee, cst 1
lee, cy 1
lee, fnf 1
lee, hk 1
lee, sf 1
leung, cm 1
leung, fc 1
leung, g 1
leung, gty 1
leung, ken cham f 1
leung, ken cham-fai 1
leung, myy 1
leung, wc 1
li, ekm 1
li, hongyan 1
li, hui jun 1
li, ky 1
li, minjie 1
li, q 1
li, sx 1
li, xc 1
li, xuan 1
li, xy 1
li, yw 1
liang, hq 1
lin, d 1
lin, wsw 1
lin, yf 1
liu, cy 1
liu, h 1
liu, hhl 1
liu, jh 1
liu, x 1
liu, z 1
lo, e 1
lok, s 1
lok, s 1
loo, tw 1
loo, ty 1
loo, wt 1
loomer, p 1
lou, by 1
lu, j 1
lu, liwei 1
lu, y 1
lui, j 1
lui, vwy 1
lui, vwy 1
luk, py 1
lundquist, g 1
luo, cuiting 1
luo, xl 1
ma, x 1
ma, xx 1
ma, z 1
macdougall, m 1
madianos, pn 1
maeda, n 1
mahmood, h 1
mak, ch 1
malik, na 1
malik, nab 1
mansson, sa 1
masud, m 1
matsuo, koichi 1
matthews, d 1
mcguire, mk 1
meyle, j 1
mills, mp 1
mohamadi, ahmad 1
montero, e 1
mossey, p 1
narongsak, l 1
ng, ch 1
ng, kc 1
ng, tc 1
ng, yln 1
ohshima, t 1
ong, s 1
ong, sm 1
othman, wmnw 1
otomo-corgel, j 1
ou-yang, xy 1
pan, y 1
panduwawala kankanamalage, cpp 1
pang, m 1
parahitiyawa, n 1
pelekos, george 1
pelekos, georgios 1
peng, y 1
phipps, kr 1
pienvichit, p 1
pillai, n 1
pitts, n 1
pitts, nb 1
poon, cm 1
pow, e 1
preshaw, pm 1
pu, jj 1
qi, l 1
qiu, s 1
qu, wanting 1
rajan, s 1
rees, js 1
rekow, ed 1
renvert, s 1
reynolds, mk 1
sanz, m 1
sculean, a 1
seng, z 1
sgan-cohen, hd 1
sha, y 1
sham, as 1
sham, ask 1
shan, z 1
shan, zy 1
shang, sh 1
shang, zh 1
shapira, l 1
sheiham, a 1
shen, ff 1
shen, x 1
shen, y 1
shi, hw 1
shorab, m 1
silva, jr 1
silva, wj 1
situ, jianwen 1
siu, hh 1
song, yq 1
sridhar, siddharth 1
states, d 1
su, ryx 1
su, x 1
su, yx 1
sum, f 1
sun, jx 1
sun, w 1
sun, wb 1
susin, c 1
s~$f6der, po 1
tam, anthony raymond 1
tam, ls 1
tan, b 1
tang, fk 1
tang, fung kit 1
tang, kaiming 1
tang, scw 1
tang, z-h 1
tang, zh 1
teng, f 1
thakur, r 1
ting, wl 1
tonetti, maurizio 1
tonetti, ms 1
tong, eh 1
tong, wm 1
tongson, ls 1
tsang, cs 1
tsang, dnc 1
tsang, eyc 1
tsang, yc 1
tse, c 1
tse, hf 1
tse, od 1
tu, ww 1
van dijk, w 1
vardhanabhuti, v 1
villena, rs 1
vizacino, ja 1
vizcaino, j 1
vizcaino, ja 1
vowles, r 1
wai, kl 1
wan, p 1
wang, junwen 1
wang, nn 1
wang, t 1
wang, tt 1
wang, x 1
warnakulasuriya, s 1
watamoto, t 1
watt, r 1
wen, ping 1
wen, w 1
west, nx 1
whelton, h 1
wickholm, s 1
williams, dm 1
wings loo, ty 1
wong, cw 1
wong, hai ming 1
wong, kl 1
wong, kwf 1
wong, kyn 1
wong, mcm 1
wong, rwk 1
wong, sc 1
wu, l 1
wu, mz 1
xia, w 1
xiao, fan 1
xiao, h 1
xiao, y 1
xu, j 1
xu, xiaoyi 1
xu, y 1
xuan, d-y 1
xuan, shouhu 1
yamazaki, k 1
yan, f 1
yang, c 1
yang, chuanzhong 1
yang, f 1
yang, hong 1
yang, mx 1
yang, r 1
yang, w 1
yang, x 1
yang, xq 1
yao, j 1
yao, jilong 1
yatim, s 1
ye, z 1
ye, ziwei 1
ye, zw 1
yeung, lk 1
yeung, rwk 1
yim, ak 1
yip, jwy 1
yip, kw 1
yiu, bk 1
yiu, kh 1
yu, d 1
yu, rong 1
yu, sf 1
yu, y 1
yuan, shuofeng 1
yuan, w 1
yue, f 1
zenobia, c 1
zhang, aj 1
zhang, c. 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, hy 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, jc 1
zhang, zk 1
zhang, zy 1
zhao, w 1
zheng, y 1
zheng, zheng 1
zhou, ying 1
zhou, z 1
zhu, g 1
zhu, l 1
zhu, l. 1
zhu, lifang 1
zhu, p 1
zhu, w 1
zhu, yuexin 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
periodontitis 23
humans 20
periodontal disease 18
oral health 16
periodontal diseases 15
adult 14
biofilm 13
male 13
microbiology 13
oral hygiene 13
aged 12
biofilms 12
female 12
gene expression 12
inflammation 12
porphyromonas gingivalis 12
diabetes mellitus 11
low-level laser therapy 11
middle aged 11
tissue engineering 11
chronic periodontitis 10
gingivitis 10
lipopolysaccharide 10
periodontal index 10
saliva 10
systematic review 10
angiogenesis 9
china - ethnology 9
dental caries 9
dentin hypersensitivity 9
dmf index 9
adolescent 8
age factors 8
aged, 80 and over 8
blood glucose - analysis 8
diabetes complications 8
diabetes mellitus, type 2 - complications 8
hong kong 8
orthodontics 8
periodontal ligament cells 8
periodontics 8
periodontitis - complications 8
regeneration 8
sex factors 8
anaerobic bacteria 7
behavioral science 7
candida 7
chinese 7
chlorhexidine 7
cross-professional 7
dental plaque - microbiology 7
dentistry 7
enterococcus faecalis 7
follow-up studies 7
human gingival fibroblasts 7
medical sciences 7
microbiome 7
periodontal health 7
periodontally compromised patient 7
risk factors 7
case-control studies 6
chi-square distribution 6
children 6
china 6
chronic disease 6
cross-sectional studies 6
dna, bacterial - analysis 6
endodontics 6
fungi 6
gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods - isolation & purification 6
health services research and learning 6
host-microbial interactions 6
immunohistochemistry 6
infection 6
innate immune response 6
lipoteichoic acid 6
low-level laser irradiation 6
molecular biology 6
mouth - microbiology 6
orthodontic pain 6
orthodontic-periodontal joint treatment 6
periodontal attachment loss - complications 6
periodontal inflammation 6
polymerase chain reaction 6
randomised clinical trial 6
root canal infection 6
signaling pathways 6
statistics, nonparametric 6
stem cells 6
type 2 diabetes 6
antimicrobials 5
bacterial typing techniques 5
c-reactive protein 5
candida - growth & development - metabolism 5
candida albicans - enzymology - isolation & purification 5
candida biofilms 5
candidiasis - microbiology 5
cardiac function 5
caries 5
clinical trial 5
clinical trials 5
cytokine 5
diagnosis 5
dietary sucrose - metabolism 5
diffusion 5
diode laser 5
drug resistance, fungal 5
echocardiography 5
endothelial cells 5
endothelial progenitor cell 5
enteric rods 5
galactose - metabolism 5
gene expression regulation, bacterial 5
genotype 5
gingival crevicular fluid 5
gingival overgrowth 5
gingival overgrowth - chemically induced - complications - microbiology 5
glucose - metabolism 5
gram-positive rods - isolation & purification 5
granulocyte elastase 5
hatr-ftir 5
health status 5
hemoglobin a, glycosylated - analysis 5
hemolysin proteins - biosynthesis 5
hypertension - complications 5
immune response 5
immunology 5
immunosuppressive agents - adverse effects 5
interleukin-8 - analysis 5
kidney transplantation 5
mapk signaling pathways 5
matrix metalloproteinase-8 5
metronidazole 5
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 5
oral microbiology 5
osteoclasts 5
peptide hydrolases - biosynthesis 5
periodontal organisms 5
periodontitis - complications - microbiology 5
periodontitis - enzymology - immunology - microbiology 5
periodontitis - therapy 5
periodontium-gingiva 5
persisters 5
poverty 5
prospective studies 5
proteins 5
proteome 5
pseudomonas - isolation & purification 5
quorum sensing 5
randomized clinical trial 5
receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa b ligand 5
smoking 5
spectroscopy, fourier transform infrared 5
stenotrophomonas maltophilia 5
stenotrophomonas maltophilia - isolation & purification 5
sucrose - metabolism 5
sugars 5
survey 5
tibetans 5
tooth loss 5
type 2 diabetes mellitus 5
yeasts 5
young adult 5
16s rrna gene sequencing 4
2-d dige 4
2-de 4
3d voxels 4
acinetobacter - classification 4
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - isolation & purification 4
adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein 4
adult periodontitis 4
alkaline phosphatase activity 4
amino acid sequence 4
analysis of variance 4
animal 4
anti-oxidant activity 4
antioxidants - physiology 4
architecture 4
atherosclerosis 4
bacteremia - epidemiology - microbiology 4
bacteria - classification - growth & development 4
bacteria - classification - isolation & purification 4
bacteria - drug effects 4
bacteriological techniques 4
bacteroides - isolation & purification 4
biodiversity 4
biofilms - drug effects - growth and development 4
biofilms - growth & development 4
biofilms - growth and development 4
biomarker 4
biomass 4
biopsy 4
bone calcium deposition 4
cancer therapy 4
candida - growth and development - metabolism - physiology 4
candida albicans - genetics - pathogenicity - ultrastructure 4
candida albicans - growth & development 4
candida glabrata 4
candida glabrata - drug effects - genetics - metabolism - physiology 4
candida glabrata - growth & development 4
candidiasis, oral - epidemiology - microbiology 4
carcinoma - complications - radiotherapy 4
carcinoma - radiotherapy 4
cell adhesion 4
cell cycle 4
cell proliferation 4
cell wall - chemistry 4
cells, cultured 4
cftr 4
chemicals and cas registry numbers 4
child 4
chronic kidney disease 4
cisplatin 4
citrobacter - classification 4
clonality 4
cohort studies 4
colony count, microbial 4
compressive force 4
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator - analysis - genetics - metabolism 4
cytokines 4
dental calculus - epidemiology - ethnology 4
dental care - utilization 4
dental caries - epidemiology - ethnology 4
dental implants 4
dental plaque 4
dental restorations 4
dental scaling 4
dentures - adverse effects 4
diagnostic accuracy 4
dinoprostone - analysis - metabolism 4
disease progression 4
disease susceptibility 4
diversity 4
drug delivery 4
drug resistance, bacterial 4
drug resistance, fungal - genetics 4
drug resistance, multiple, bacterial 4
ecology 4
electrophoresis, gel, pulsed-field 4
electrophoresis, gel, two-dimensional 4
endocarditis - epidemiology - microbiology 4
endothelial cells - pathology 4
ensemble 3d deep learning 4
enterobacter - classification 4
enterococcus facaelis 4
eph–ephrin 4
epidemiology 4
escherichia - classification 4
flavobacterium - classification 4
fungi - drug effects - physiology 4
gene expression profiling 4
general practice, dental 4
gingiva - metabolism - pathology 4
gingiva - microbiology 4
gingival crevice 4
gingival crevicular fluid - chemistry 4
gingival crevicular fluid - immunology - metabolism 4
gingival epithelium 4
gingival inflammation 4
gingival recession 4
gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci - classification 4
gram-negative bacteria - chemistry 4
gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods - classification 4
growth kinetics 4
health services needs and demand - statistics & numerical data 4
human periodontal ligament cells 4
human periodontal ligament fibroblasts 4
image processing, computer-assisted 4
immunology and microbiology 4
incidence 4
inflammatory mediators 4
interleukin-8 4
irradiation 4
klebsiella - classification 4
klebsiella pneumoniae - classification 4
left ventricular dysfunction 4
leukocyte elastase - analysis 4
leukocyte elastase - analysis - metabolism 4
lipopolysaccharides - isolation and purification - metabolism 4
long non-coding rna 4
longitudinal studies 4
low-level laser 4
mechanical stress 4
mesoporous silica nanoparticles 4
metagenome 4
metagenomics 4
metal-binding sites 4
metalloprotein 4
microbial viability 4
microbiology and nucleic acids 4
microbiota 4
microneedle 4
microscopy, confocal 4
microscopy, electron, scanning 4
microscopy, fluorescence 4
molar 4
mouth - microbiology - radiation effects 4
mouth diseases - microbiology 4
nanoparticle 4
nanotechnology 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - complications - radiotherapy 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - radiotherapy 4
neisseria - classification 4
non-surgical periodontal therapy 4
non-surgical periodontal treatment 4
oral biofilms 4
oral hygiene index 4
oral microbiome 4
oral-systemic 4
orthodontic treatment 4
osteoblasts 4
osteogenic differentiation 4
pain 4
periapical periodontitis 4
periodontal diseases - epidemiology - ethnology 4
periodontal ligament stem cells 4
periodontal status 4
periodontitis - microbiology 4
periodontopathogen 4
persistent apical periodontitis 4
pge2 4
phenotype 4
polymorphism 4
polystyrenes 4
porphyromonas gingivalis - isolation & purification 4
prevalence 4
prevotella intermedia - isolation & purification 4
progenitor cells 4
proteomics 4
proteomics - methods 4
pseudomonas - classification 4
pulp 4
questionnaires 4
regeneration and tissue engineering 4
renal function 4
resistance 4
root planing 4
root-canal bacteria 4
saliva/microbiology 4
salivary biomarkers 4
salivary microbiota 4
screening 4
scutellaria baicalensis 4
self-reported questionnaire 4
sensitivity and specificity 4
sequencing 4
signal transduction 4
smoking - adverse effects 4
software 4
spatial features 4
statistics as topic 4
stem cells and tissue engineering 4
stress response 4
stress, physiological 4
stroke 4
tibet - epidemiology 4
time factors 4
toll-like receptors 4
tooth - microbiology 4
tooth diseases - microbiology 4
toothbrushing - utilization 4
treated and stabilised periodontitis 4
treponema - isolation & purification 4
urban health - statistics & numerical data 4
viability 4
xerostomia 4
xerostomia - complications 4
xerostomia - etiology - microbiology 4
16s rrna gene 3
3d cell sheet 3
acute ischemic stroke 3
adaptation, physiological 3
adherence and colonization 3
adult stem cells 3
alveolar ridge preservation 3
anti-bacterial agents - administration & dosage 3
antifungal agents - pharmacology 3
antifungal agents - therapeutic use 3
antifungal resistance 3
antifungal susceptibility 3
antigens, cd - blood 3
antigens, cd34 - blood 3
aspiration pneumonia 3
autoinducer 3
bacteria 3
bacterial physiological phenomena 3
biofilms - drug effects - growth & development 3
biological markers - blood 3
biology 3
biomaterials 3
bismuth drug 3
bismuth drugs 3
blood 3
blood cells - cytology - metabolism 3
bone marrow-derived macrophages 3
bone regeneration - physiology 3
bone remodeling 3
c-reactive protein - analysis 3
candida - classification - drug effects - physiology 3
candida - drug effects - growth & development 3
candida albicans 3
candidiasis, oral - complications - drug therapy - microbiology - pathology 3
canine animal model 3
carcinoma - microbiology - radiotherapy 3
cardiovascular disease 3
cardiovascular diseases - etiology 3
caregivers 3
carers 3
carotid arteries - pathology 3
cell biology 3
cell culture 3
cell sheet 3
cell-cell signaling 3
cerebral stroke 3
cerebrovascular accident 3
cerebrovascular disease 3
chronic periodontitis - blood 3
chronic periodontitis - blood - therapy 3
citrate 3
clinical isolates 3
clinical periodontal variables 3
coating 3
cognitive impairment 3
comorbidity 3
composite resins - chemistry 3
computer-aided learning 3
corrosion 3
cranial irradiation 3
crevicular fluid 3
cytoplasm - ultrastructure 3
dental alloys - chemistry 3
dental materials - chemistry 3
dental plaque index 3
dental porcelain - chemistry 3
dental prosthesis design 3
dental pulp - cytology 3
dental pulp stem cells 3
dental research 3
dental veneers 3
dentin 3
dentin infiltration 3
dentinal tubules 3
denture, complete, upper - adverse effects 3
diastema 3
diastema - therapy 3
diseases 3
early childhood caries 3
educational status 3
efflux 3
elastomers - chemistry 3
endodontic regeneration 3
endothelial cells - cytology - metabolism 3
endothelial function 3
endothelial progenitor cells 3
enzyme 3
enzymes 3
ephrin/eph 3
ephrinb2 3
epithelium - pathology 3
eradication 3
escherichia coli - physiology 3
esthetic dentistry 3
etiology 3
extracellular matrix 3
extraction 3
fibroblasts 3
fixed prostheses 3
flow cytometry 3
fluid flow 3
fluorescent mesoporous silica nanoparticles 3
fungi - physiology 3
gene expression regulation, fungal 3
gingiva - pathology 3
gingival hemorrhage - blood 3
gingival hemorrhage - etiology 3
gingival recession - blood 3
gingival thickness 3
glycolysis 3
glycoproteins - blood 3
gram-negative bacteria - growth and development 3
head and neck irradiation 3
health care providers 3
health status disparities 3
hemin 3
hiv infections - complications 3
home care 3
homeostasis 3
hospital 3
human gingival epithelium 3
human umbilical vein endothelial cells 3
hypha 3
imaging 3
implantology 3
incisor - pathology 3
infection and periodontal disease 3
inflammatory cytokines 3
inflammatory response 3
interleukin-17 3
interleukin-1β 3
interleukin‐17 3
internet 3
irrigation approaches 3
lactate 3
linear models 3
lipid a heterogeneity 3
lipopolysaccharide-binding protein 3
lipopolysaccharides - metabolism - pharmacology 3
local delivery 3
maxilla - pathology 3
mendelian randomisation 3
mesenchymal stem cells 3
mesenchymal stem cells - metabolism 3
meta-analysis 3
metabolic syndrome 3
metabolism 3
microbiology and periodontal disease 3
microbiology and plaque 3
minocycline 3
minocycline - administration & dosage 3
mmps 3
molecular mechanism 3
morphology 3
motivational interviewing 3
mouth mucosa - microbiology 3
mouth neoplasms 3
mouth neoplasms - etiology - pathology 3
mycoses - drug therapy - microbiology - pathology 3
nanoparticles 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - microbiology - radiotherapy 3
nickel 3
nickel - chemistry 3
nickel-containing metalloenzyme 3
noncommunicable diseases 3
odontoblasts 3
odontoblasts - cytology - metabolism 3
oral biology 3
oral health care 3
oral health knowledge 3
oral health promotion 3
oral pathogens 3
orthodontic appliances 3
orthodontic appliances, removable 3
orthodontic brackets 3
orthodontic retainers 3
orthodontic space closure 3
orthodontic wires 3
osteoclast-like cells 3
osteoclastic differentiation 3
osteoclastogenesis 3
osteocytes 3
osteogenesis 3
oxidative stress 3
p. gingivalis lps 3
patient care planning 3
patient satisfaction 3
patients 3
peptides - blood 3
peri-implant mucositis 3
periimplant disease 3
periodontal attachment loss - blood 3
periodontal disease and teeth 3
periodontal diseases - complications - epidemiology 3
periodontal diseases - etiology - pathology 3
periodontal ligament fibroblasts 3
periodontal organisms and saliva 3
periodontal pathogens 3
periodontal pocket - blood 3
periodontal pocket - drug therapy - microbiology 3
periodontal pocket - etiology 3
periodontal pocket - microbiology 3
periodontal pocket - pathology 3
periodontal therapy 3
periodontally compromised 3
periodontitis - microbiology - therapy 3
periodontitis - pathology 3
periodontitis - prevention & control - therapy 3
periodontitis/pathogenesis 3
periodontium - enzymology 3
peroxiredoxin 3
plasma protein binding 3
prevascularization 3
protein 3
pseudomonas 3
psychosocial models 3
raw 264.7 3
rbp-j 3
regeneration and stem cells 3
regenerative endodontics 3
regenerative medicine 3
registered nurses 3
rehabilitation 3
resin-based composites 3
restorative dentistry 3
review 3
risk indicator 3
scaffold 3
species specificity 3
statistical model 3
stem cells - cytology - metabolism 3
stem cells - pathology 3
stem cells from apical papilla 3
storage media 3
stratum corneum 3
streptococcus mitis - isolation & purification 3
stroke-carers 3
subgingival plaque 3
supportive periodontal care 3
synergism 3
tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 3
theory of planned behavior 3
theory of planned behaviour 3
therapeutic target 3
tissue or organ culture 3
titanium 3
titanium - chemistry 3
tobacco 3
tobacco use disorder - complications - therapy 3
tobacco, smokeless - adverse effects 3
tooth discoloration - therapy 3
tooth loss - etiology 3
tooth movement - instrumentation - methods 3
toothbrushing - instrumentation 3
transduction 3
transferrin 3
treatment response 3
tunica intima - pathology 3
tunica media - pathology 3
uptake 3
vascular cognitive impairment 3
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 - blood 3
veneers 3
virulence factors 3
waist-hip ratio 3
world health 3
absorptiometry, photon 2
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - enzymology - immunology 2
actinobacillus infections - enzymology - immunology 2
acute-phase proteins - analysis 2
acute-phase proteins - analysis - immunology 2
acute-phase proteins - pharmacology 2
acylation 2
aggressive periodontitis 2
aging 2
alleles 2
alveolar bone loss 2
alveolar bone loss - enzymology 2
alveolar bone loss - immunology - pathology 2
alveolar bone loss - pathology 2
alveolar process 2
alveolar ridge augmentation 2
alveolar ridge augmentation - methods 2
amphotericin b 2
anti-infective agents - analysis 2
antifungal 2
antigens, cd1 - analysis 2
antigens, cd14 2
antigens, cd14 - analysis 2
antigens, cd14 - analysis - drug effects 2
antigens, cd14 - biosynthesis 2
antigens, cd14 - biosynthesis - genetics 2
antigens, surface - analysis - drug effects 2
antimicrobial effect 2
apoptosis 2
asia 2
aspartic acid endopeptidases - genetics 2
assessment 2
bacteria - enzymology - immunology 2
bacterial 2
bacteroidaceae infections - complications - immunology 2
bacteroidaceae infections - enzymology - immunology 2
bacteroides - classification 2
bacteroides infections - enzymology - immunology 2
base pairing - genetics 2
benign lymphoadenosis of oral mucosa (blom) 2
beta-defensins - analysis 2
beta-defensins - biosynthesis - genetics 2
beta-defensins - genetics - metabolism 2
biological markers - metabolism 2
bismuth 2
bone density 2
bone diseases, metabolic - complications 2
bone graft 2
bone regeneration 2
bone substitutes - therapeutic use 2
candida - classification - genetics - immunology 2
candida albicans - genetics - physiology - ultrastructure 2
candida albicans - immunology 2
candida species 2
candida tropicalis - immunology 2
candidiasis, oral - immunology - pathology 2
candidiasis, oral - microbiology - physiopathology 2
carbon dots 2
cardiovascular diseases 2
cariogenic bacteria 2
carrier proteins - analysis 2
carrier proteins - analysis - drug effects - pharmacology 2
carrier proteins - analysis - immunology 2
cd14 2
cd14 antigens 2
cd20 2
cd3 2
cd45ro 2
cd74 2
cea 2
cell line 2
choice behavior 2
chronic periodontitis - classification - enzymology - genetics 2
chronic periodontitis - drug therapy - radiotherapy 2
chronic periodontitis - etiology - immunology 2
chronic periodontitis - immunology - pathology 2
connective tissue - immunology - pathology 2
connective tissue - pathology 2
continuing dental education 2
cost 2
ctla-4 antigen 2
culture media 2
curriculum - statistics & numerical data 2
cyclooxygenase 2 - blood - genetics 2
cyclooxygenase-2 2
cytokines - analysis - drug effects 2
decision-making 2
dendritic cells - pathology 2
dental pulp cavity - microbiology 2
dental pulp diseases - microbiology 2
dentifrices 2
detection 2
diabetes 2
diabetes mellitus - etiology 2
dimension 2
disease prevention 2
dna - analysis 2
dose-response relationship, drug 2
down-regulation 2
durapatite - therapeutic use 2
education, dental - methods 2
education, dental, continuing - statistics & numerical data 2
education, dental, graduate - statistics & numerical data 2
elastase, granulocyte 2
electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel 2
elongated incisors 2
endothelial cells - metabolism 2
endothelium, vascular - cytology - metabolism 2
endothelium, vascular - pathology 2
enterococcus faecalis - classification - physiology 2
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 2
epithelial attachment - immunology - pathology 2
epithelial cells - pathology 2
epithelium - drug effects - immunology - metabolism - pathology 2
epithelium - immunology - microbiology 2
epithelium - immunology - pathology 2
erbb2 2
escherichia coli 2
escherichia coli - immunology 2
evaluation 2
extracellular space 2
extracellular space - immunology 2
extraction healing 2
fibroblast 2
fibroblasts - cytology - drug effects 2
fibroblasts - immunology 2
fungal proteins - genetics 2
gene amplification 2
gene expression - physiology 2
gene expression regulation - drug effects - immunology 2
gene frequency 2
general dental practitioner 2
genetic predisposition to disease 2
genotypes 2
gingiva 2
gingiva - cytology - drug effects 2
gingiva - cytology - immunology 2
gingiva - immunology - metabolism 2
gingival biotype 2
gingival crevicular fluid - enzymology - immunology - microbiology 2
gingival crevicular fluid - enzymology - secretion 2
gingival crevicular fluid/analysis 2
gingival epithelia 2
gingival hemorrhage - pathology - therapy 2
gingival interleukin-6 2
gingival recession - complications 2
gingival tissues 2
gingivitis - enzymology 2
gingivitis/pathogenesis 2
glycine power air-polishing 2
granulation tissue - pathology 2
halitosis 2
host-pathogen interactions 2
human gingival epithelial cell 2
human oral keratinocytes 2
human β-defensin-3 2
human β-defensins 2
hydroxyapatite 2
hyphae - physiology 2
hyphae - physiology - ultrastructure 2
il-6 2
immunity, innate 2
immunity, innate - immunology 2
immunostaining 2
in situ hybridization 2
inflammatory mediators and periodontal disease 2
innate response 2
interleukin-10 2
interleukin-10 - analysis - immunology 2
interleukin-1alpha - analysis 2
interleukin-1beta - analysis - immunology 2
interleukin-6 2
interleukin-6 - analysis 2
intermediate filament proteins - analysis 2
keratin-20 2
keratinocytes - cytology - microbiology - physiology 2
keratinocytes - pathology 2
keratins - genetics 2
langerhans cells - pathology 2
laser therapy, low-level 2
lipid a - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology 2
lipopolysaccharide receptors 2
lipopolysaccharides - analysis 2
lipopolysaccharides - immunology 2
lipopolysaccharides - pharmacology 2
lps-binding protein 2
lymphocyte antigen 96 2
macrophage migration-inhibitory factor 2
macrophages - immunology - pathology 2
macrophages - pathology 2
marginal bone loss 2
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - blood - genetics 2
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - genetics 2
matrix metalloproteinase 3 - blood - genetics 2
matrix metalloproteinase 9 - blood - genetics 2
matrix metalloproteinase-1 2
maxilla - pathology - surgery - ultrastructure 2
maxillary sinus 2
maxillary sinus - pathology - surgery - ultrastructure 2
membrane glycoproteins 2
membrane glycoproteins - analysis 2
membrane glycoproteins - analysis - drug effects - pharmacology 2
membrane glycoproteins - analysis - immunology 2
men 2
merkel cells - pathology 2
metalloproteinases 2
microscopy, electron 2
monocytes 2
motivation 2
mouth mucosa - cytology - immunology - microbiology 2
mutation 2
mutation - genetics 2
nano-chlorhexidine 2
neutrophils - immunology - microbiology - physiology 2
nonsurgical periodontal therapy 2
oceania 2
oral biotic surface (biofilm) 2
oral candidiasis 2
oral epithelium 2
oral hygiene and periodontics 2
oral squamous cell carcinoma 2
orthodontic intrusion 2
osteogenesis - physiology 2
osteoporosis 2
osteoporosis - complications 2
outcome (health) and periodontics 2
pathogenesis 2
pathogenicity 2
periodontal attachment loss 2
periodontal attachment loss - enzymology 2
periodontal attachment loss - immunology - pathology 2
periodontal attachment loss - pathology 2
periodontal condition 2
periodontal disease and periodontal organisms 2
periodontal disease and pregnancy 2
periodontal diseases - complications 2
periodontal diseases - immunology - pathology 2
periodontal pocket - enzymology 2
periodontal pocket - immunology - metabolism 2
periodontal pocket - immunology - pathology 2
periodontal pocket - pathology - therapy 2
periodontal pockets 2
periodontally involved teeth 2
periodontics and prophylaxis 2
periodontitis - enzymology 2
periodontitis - genetics 2
periodontitis - immunology - metabolism 2
periodontitis - pathology - therapy 2
periodontium - immunology 2
periodontium - pathology 2
persister 2
photochemotherapy 2
photodynamic therapy 2
polistes olivaceous 2
polymorphism, restriction fragment length 2
polymorphism, single nucleotide 2
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 2
polymorphisms 2
polymorphonuclear neutrophils 2
porphyromonas gingivalis - enzymology - immunology 2
porphyromonas gingivalis - immunology - pathogenicity 2
pregnancy outcome 2
prevention 2
prevotella intermedia - enzymology - immunology 2
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 2
public health policy 2
receptors, cell surface - analysis - drug effects 2
receptors, interleukin-1 type i - analysis 2
recombinant proteins 2
reconstituted human oral epithelium 2
respiratory tract infections 2
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 2
reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction 2
rna, messenger - metabolism 2
saliva - microbiology 2
secretory rate 2
single nucleotide 2
socket healing 2
spaced incisors 2
specialties, dental - education 2
sucrose 2
survivin 2
susceptibility 2
synthetic peptide 2
teaching - methods 2
team approach 2
teeth and dentists extraction 2
toll-like receptor 2
toll-like receptor 2 2
toll-like receptor 2 - analysis 2
toll-like receptor 2 - biosynthesis - genetics 2
toll-like receptor 2 - genetics 2
toll-like receptor 4 2
toll-like receptor 4 - analysis 2
toll-like receptor 4 - biosynthesis - genetics 2
toll-like receptor 4 - genetics 2
tooth extraction 2
tooth socket 2
treatment 2
treponema - enzymology - immunology 2
treponemal infections - enzymology - immunology 2
up-regulation 2
vascular endothelial growth factor 2
volatile sulfur compounds 2
16s rdna 1
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - genetics - isolation & purification 1
adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence assay 1
advanced glycation end products 1
air-polishing 1
alpha 1-antitrypsin - diagnostic use 1
alveolar bone loss - classification - immunology 1
alveolar bone loss - complications 1
alveolar bone loss - enzymology - therapy 1
alveolar bone loss - radiography 1
alveolar bone loss - surgery 1
anatomy 1
angiotensin ii 1
angiotensin ii - physiology 1
animals 1
anti-bacterial agents - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
antibodies, monoclonal - diagnostic use 1
antimicrobial agents/inhibitors 1
antineoplastic agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
atherogenesis 1
attachment loss 1
attitude to health 1
bacteria-host interaction 1
bacterial colonization 1
bacteroides 1
bacteroides - genetics - isolation & purification 1
bacteroides forsythus 1
base sequence 1
beverages - adverse effects 1
bite force 1
blotting, western 1
bone density - drug effects 1
bone mineral density 1
bone resorption 1
bone resorption - chemically induced 1
bone transplantation 1
breast neoplasms - drug therapy - surgery 1
breast neoplasms - genetics 1
bruxism 1
c-reactive protein - analysis - genetics 1
cadherins - genetics 1
calcium channel blockers - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
cardiovascular diseases - mortality 1
caspase-1 1
caspase-11 1
caspofungin 1
cause of death 1
cell proliferation - drug effects 1
cell survival - drug effects 1
cell-free system - enzymology 1
centric relation 1
chairside guide 1
chlorohexidine mouthwash 1
chromatography, high pressure liquid 1
chromogenic compounds - diagnostic use 1
chronic periapical periodontitis 1
chronic periodontitis - diagnosis - genetics 1
chronic periodontitis - metabolism - pathology 1
classification 1
cleft lip/palate 1
clinical outcome 1
collagen type i - drug effects - genetics - metabolism 1
collagen type iii - drug effects - genetics - metabolism 1
collagenases - biosynthesis - genetics 1
colony formation 1
combined modality therapy 1
commensal bacteria 1
commensals 1
common risk factors approach 1
comparison study 1
complete blood count 1
computerized planimetry 1
confounding factors (epidemiology) 1
connective tissue - metabolism - pathology 1
cyclooxygenase 2 - genetics 1
cyclophosphamide - administration & dosage 1
cytokines - metabolism 1
dental calculus - epidemiology 1
dental enamel proteins - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
dental implant 1
dental occlusion, traumatic - complications - diagnosis 1
dental plaque - epidemiology 1
dental plaque - immunology - microbiology 1
dental plaque - mortality 1
dental plaque - pathology 1
dental prostheses 1
dental service, hospital - statistics & numerical data 1
dental visit 1
dentin sensitivity - epidemiology 1
dentine 1
dentine hypersensitivity 1
denture, complete 1
destructive periodontitis 1
digestive system diseases - mortality 1
dinoprostone - analysis 1
disease burden 1
disease severity 1
dna probe 1
dna probes - diagnostic use 1
double-blind method 1
doxorubicin - administration & dosage 1
drugs, chinese herbal - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry mandible 1
edentulism 1
eikenella corrodens - genetics - isolation & purification 1
elastase 1
ellagic acid 1
endothelial cells - metabolism - pathology 1
enzyme precursors - biosynthesis - genetics 1
epidemiologic methods 1
epigenesis, genetic 1
epithelial attachment - pathology 1
epithelium - metabolism - pathology 1
epithelium/epithelial 1
esthetics 1
evidence-based dentistry 1
extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1
fdi 1
fibroblasts - drug effects - metabolism 1
fibroblasts - enzymology - pathology 1
fibroblasts - metabolism - pathology 1
flavonoids - pharmacology 1
fluorouracil - administration & dosage 1
functional elastase 1
furcation defects - surgery 1
fusobacterium nucleatum - genetics - isolation & purification 1
galla chinensis 1
gamma ray scattering 1
gels 1
gene expression and regeneration 1
gene expression regulation 1
gene polymorphism 1
genes, dominant 1
genetic disease 1
gingiva - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 1
gingiva - enzymology - pathology 1
gingiva - immunology - microbiology 1
gingival crevicular fluid - chemistry - enzymology 1
gingival crevicular fluid - cytology - microbiology 1
gingival crevicular fluid - enzymology 1
gingival crevicular fluid - immunology 1
gingival hemorrhage - classification - immunology 1
gingival recession - epidemiology 1
gingivitis - enzymology - metabolism 1
gingivitis - enzymology - therapy 1
gingivitis - epidemiology 1
glycosylation end products, advanced - pharmacology 1
granulocytes - enzymology 1
granulocytes - pathology 1
guided tissue regeneration, periodontal 1
health behavior 1
health policy 1
hip - pathology 1
hong kong - epidemiology 1
host-pathogen interactions - immunology 1
human gingiva 1
hypertension - complications - drug therapy 1
i-kappa b kinase - metabolism 1
image interpretation, computer-assisted 1
immune responsse 1
immune system 1
immunity, innate - immunology - physiology 1
immunology and periodontics 1
inflammation and periodontal disease 1
inflammation mediators 1
innate immunology 1
interleukin-1 - pharmacology 1
interleukin-1beta 1
interleukin-6 - analysis - genetics 1
interleukin-6 - biosynthesis - secretion 1
intervention studies 1
iodine radioisotopes - diagnostic use 1
keratinocytes - metabolism - pathology 1
leukocyte elastase 1
leukocyte profiles 1
lipopolysaccharides - metabolism 1
location of crown margin 1
logistic models 1
lymphocytes - drug effects - metabolism 1
malocclusion - complications - diagnosis 1
mandible - pathology 1
maternal periodontal diseases 1
maternal peripheral blood 1
matrix metalloproteinase 1 1
matrix metalloproteinase 8 - analysis 1
mechanical debridement 1
metalloendopeptidases - biosynthesis - genetics 1
metronidazole - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
metronidazole/therapeutic use 1
mice 1
microbial interactions 1
missing molars 1
mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 - antagonists and inhibitors - metabolism 1
mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 - antagonists and inhibitors - metabolism 1
molecular sequence data 1
monocytes - microbiology 1
mouth, edentulous - complications 1
mucogingival surgery 1
nanotechnology antimicrobial spray 1
neonates 1
neoplasms - mortality 1
nf-kappa b - metabolism 1
nifedipine - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
nlrp3 inflammasome 1
non-communicable diseases 1
non-smokers 1
normal distribution 1
nuclear factor-κb 1
observer variation 1
occlusal contacts 1
occlusal trauma 1
odds ratio 1
oral bacteria 1
oral cancer 1
oral care 1
oral diseases 1
oral mucosal diseases 1
oral ulcer rhodiola algida 1
osteoblast 1
osteoblasts - metabolism 1
osteoporosis - chemically induced - diagnosis 1
pancreatic elastase - analysis 1
pathogenic bacteria 1
pathogenicity and therapeutics 1
peptide fragments - pharmacology 1
peri-implant disease 1
periodontal attachment loss - classification - immunology 1
periodontal attachment loss - metabolism - pathology 1
periodontal attachment loss - surgery 1
periodontal disease/infections 1
periodontal diseases - chemically induced - complications 1
periodontal diseases - epidemiology 1
periodontal diseases - epidemiology - etiology 1
periodontal diseases - immunology - microbiology 1
periodontal healing 1
periodontal ligament - enzymology - pathology 1
periodontal ligament - pathology 1
periodontal pocket - classification - immunology 1
periodontal pocket - complications 1
periodontal pocket - enzymology - therapy 1
periodontal pocket - epidemiology 1
periodontal pocket - metabolism - pathology 1
periodontal pockets/etiology 1
periodontics and pharmacology 1
periodontitis - complications - diagnosis - pathology 1
periodontitis - drug therapy - therapy 1
periodontitis - enzymology - metabolism 1
periodontitis - enzymology - pathology 1
periodontitis - enzymology - therapy 1
periodontitis - epidemiology 1
periodontitis - immunology 1
periodontitis - mortality 1
periodontitis - surgery 1
periodontitis/etiology 1
periodontitis/therapy 1
periodontopathogens 1
phosphatase levels 1
photogrammetry 1
photography 1
pilot projects 1
placebos 1
plant extracts - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
plaque 1
plaque index 1
plaque, subgingival 1
plastic periodontal surgery 1
population study 1
porphyromonas gingivalis - genetics - isolation & purification 1
porphyromonas gingivalis - metabolism 1
porphyromonas gingivalis lps 1
premature death 1
prostaglandin e2 1
prosthesis fitting - methods 1
questionnaire 1
radioimmunoassay 1
radiopharmaceuticals - diagnostic use 1
rats 1
rats, sprague-dawley 1
receptors, pattern recognition - immunology 1
reference values 1
regression analysis 1
reproducibility of results 1
rhodiola - chemistry 1
risk factor 1
rna, messenger - analysis 1
score system 1
scutellaria - chemistry 1
self-assessment 1
self-report 1
serine proteinase inhibitors - diagnostic use 1
severity of illness index 1
single-blind method 1
smokers 1
smoking - epidemiology 1
smoking - metabolism 1
socioeconomic factors 1
spirochaetales - isolation & purification 1
stomatitis - chemically induced - drug therapy 1
stomatognathic diseases 1
sweden 1
sweden - epidemiology 1
systemic disease 1
t-lymphocyte transformation 1
tooth 1
tooth abrasion - complications 1
tooth abrasion - epidemiology 1
tooth cervix - pathology 1
tooth loss - epidemiology 1
tooth mobility 1
tooth mobility - complications 1
tooth mobility - epidemiology 1
transplantation, autologous 1
trauma from occlusion 1
treponema - genetics - isolation & purification 1
treponema denticola 1
type i collagen 1
type iii collagen 1
umbilical cord blood 1
urban population 1
ventilator-associated pneumonia 1
virulence 1
wolinella - genetics - isolation & purification 1
wound healing 1
α1-antitrypsin 1
α2-macroglobulin 1
公共健康 1
口腔 1
心血管疾病 1
牙周病 1
种植牙 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
dental 6
motivational interview, oral and systemic health, oral health behaviour and lifestyle, periodontitis, quality of life, randomised 6
biofilm, candida, cell wall, in vivo activity, small molecules 5
endodontic infection, enterococcus faecalis, lipoteichoic acid, osteoblasts, osteoclasts 5
low-lvel laser therapy, orthodontic treatment, patient-centered outcomes, periodontal inflammation and remodeling, periodontitis 5
null 5
angiogenesis, dental pulp construct, ephrinb2/ephb4, functional anastomosis, hypoxia 4
angiogenesis, human dental pulp, microtissue spheroids, prevascularization, tissue engineering 4
bacteria-host interactions, periodontal diseases 4
biofilm, candida 4
biofilm, candida, persisters, proteomics 4
diagnostic trial, gingival bleeding, mmp-8, periodontitis, screening, sentinel sign 4
adult periodontitis, minocycline strips 3
angiogenesis, dental pulp regeneration, dental pulp stem cells, engineered pulp constructs, prevascularization 3
antifungal, blood isolates, candida, virulence 3
antifungal, candida, probiotics, proteomics 3
dental pulp stem cell, endothelial cells, ephb4/ephrinb2, pericyte, vegf 3
dental pulp, endothelial progenitor cells, regeneration, stem cells, vascularization 3
eph-ephrin, lipopolysaccharide, mechanical force, osteoblast, periodontal ligament cell 3
senescence, m6a rna methylation, fto, jun, alveolar bone remodelling 3
antimicrobial peptides, carbon dots, gingival niche, injectable hydrogel, nanomedicine, periodontal disease 2
antimicrobials, human gingival epithelia, immunoinflammatory modulators, nanoparticles, periodontitis 2
biomaterial, head and neck, microneedle, nanoparticle, t cell 2
bismuth drugs, host response, omics, periodontitis, porphyromonas gingivalis 2
bone remodelling, eph-ephrin, inflammation, mechanical loading, treated periodontium 2
chinese medicine, human gingiva, innate host defense, nanotechnology, periodontal diseases 2
diabetes mellitus, endothelial function, endothelial progenitor cells, periodontal disease, porphyromonas gingivalis 2
epigenetic regulation, human gingival/oral epithelia, monocytes, p. gingivalis/dna, signaling pathways 2
microbe-host interaction, monocytes, oral epithelial cells, p. gingivalis, persisters 2
macrophage polarization, fto, m6a rna methylation, socs1 mrna, mechanical loading 2
-- 1
human gingiva, innate immunity, lipopolysaccharide, periodontal disease, porphyromonas gingivalis 1
periodontal disease 1
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