AuthorsNo. of Publications
yiu, cky 48
mcgrath, cpj 38
botelho, mg 30
chan, lk 27
wong, hm 23
au, tkf 17
dyson, je 14
yang, y 14
corbet, ef 13
jin, j 13
mcgrath, c 13
botelho, m 9
ng, ml 8
tsang, pcs 8
cheng, ss 7
lo, ecm 7
sharma, n 7
yiu, c 7
chan, nk 6
doherty, i 6
green, jl 6
lai, hyy 6
chen, jy 5
chian, mm 5
chu, ch 5
parthasarathy, ds 5
samaranayake, lp 5
zayts, oa 5
cheng, bss 4
gardner, k 4
hmelo-silver, ce 4
ho, ch 4
leung, wk 4
perry, s 4
whitehill, tl 4
burrow, mf 3
chang, jww 3
drew, p 3
ganotice, fa 3
imafuku, r 3
liao, c 3
parthasarathy srinivasan, d 3
parthasarathy, sd 3
tsang, jpy 3
xu, x 3
zayts, o 3
zeng, m 3
abegglen, s 2
achieng-evensen, c 2
allen, q 2
andrews, sj 2
arantes, ja 2
arndt, s 2
bartlett, b 2
bartlett, bj 2
biličić, e 2
brown, jb 2
bryant, p 2
buchanan, r 2
burns, t 2
carr, pr 2
chan, lk 2
chan, scs 2
cheung, cc 2
christensen, ll 2
davidsen, j 2
devine, n 2
escaño, c 2
ford, dr 2
forster, dj 2
gibbons, a 2
grauslund, d 2
green, j 2
gustafsson, u 2
harfitt, gj 2
hayes, d 2
hayes, s 2
hazzan, mk 2
hmelo-silver, c 2
hogan, m 2
hollings, s 2
hood, n 2
humble, n 2
irwin, j 2
jaldemark, j 2
jandrić, p 2
jopling, m 2
kaur, k 2
kihwele, je 2
kirylo, jd 2
kishore, p 2
komolafe, bf 2
kwan, tyl 2
kwong, t 2
lam, p 2
lam, tp 2
lau, wcs 2
law, nwy 2
law, sp 2
leung, jessica sc 2
leung, kcm 2
levinson, p 2
li, l 2
lodahl, m 2
lukoko, ho 2
mallya, m 2
mayo, p 2
mañero, j 2
mcgrath, cp 2
monzó, ld 2
mozelius, p 2
mukherjee, m 2
nair, r 2
nejad, hg 2
novak, r 2
pfohl, s 2
philip, ap 2
prinsloo, p 2
pyyhtinen, o 2
redder, b 2
reitz, c 2
rikowski, g 2
rose, j 2
russell, bayden d 2
ryberg, t 2
saleh, a 2
sattarzadeh, sd 2
shukla, r 2
sinfield, s 2
soohoo, s 2
steketee, a 2
stewart, gt 2
stewart, pa 2
stockbridge, k 2
sturm, s 2
suoranta, j 2
tesar, m 2
tipoe, gl 2
truelove, i 2
urvashi, s 2
walmsley, d 2
white, ej 2
williams, gray a 2
wong, amy 2
wong, gtc 2
wong, mcm 2
wright, j 2
ye, l 2
zhang, l 2
aamir, a 1
aiston, sj 1
au, t 1
au, tk 1
au, tsy 1
babin, j 1
batarelo kokić, i 1
bodemer, d 1
bolanle, of 1
bone, elisa 1
burrow, mf 1
ceperkovic, robert 1
chan, c 1
chan, cecilia 1
chan, chy 1
chan, ckk 1
chan, jps 1
chan, k 1
chan, kennedy kh 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kit 1
chan, kmk 1
chan, l 1
chan, wlp 1
chan, yyc 1
chang, j 1
chau, acm 1
chau, cm 1
chen, g 1
chen, h 1
chen, j 1
cheng, mmw 1
cheng, sw 1
cheung, cha 1
cheung, rocky chun chung 1
cheung, rtf 1
cheung, wm 1
chian, monaliza m 1
chik, polly yy 1
chin, wy 1
chong, k 1
chu, b 1
chu, kpj 1
chuma, mm 1
claypool, m 1
cook, s 1
deneen, cc 1
desrocher, me 1
divya, ps 1
doherty, i 1
dyson, j 1
dyson, je 1
eichhorn, k 1
emerald, e 1
fang, christian 1
fang, h 1
farrington, sw 1
fluck, a 1
french, sarah 1
fuentes-martinez, a 1
fujisaki, k 1
fung, cl 1
galvin, a 1
ganotice, fja 1
gao, ax 1
gao, x 1
gibson, dc 1
goodwin, a lin 1
goodwin, al 1
green, jl 1
gu, m 1
gui, x 1
hedemann, m 1
ho, cc 1
ho, cy 1
ho, d 1
ho, jmc 1
ho, jwy 1
ho, kl 1
huang, r 1
ifenthaler, d 1
jackson, ej 1
jackson, l 1
jackson, l 1
jin, l 1
jurjević, l 1
jurjević, m 1
järvelä, s 1
järvenoja, h 1
kawakami, c 1
kee, yct 1
king, s 1
kirschner, pa 1
koehler, a 1
kokić, ib 1
kon, h 1
kong, sc 1
konnerup, u 1
kuivila, h 1
kumpulainen, kp 1
kwan, a 1
kwok, yk 1
lai, sml 1
lam, jwi 1
lam, sf 1
lane, t 1
lang, np 1
lau, i 1
lau, m 1
law, ww 1
lee, dpl 1
lee, pld 1
lee, t 1
lee, tm 1
leung, jsc 1
leung, k 1
leung, man fai 1
leung, rtc 1
li, q 1
liao, cs 1
lo, cts 1
lo, e 1
lo, sergio ct 1
lokuge dona, k 1
lu, j 1
lu, j 1
lu, jj 1
lu, jy 1
luk, plp 1
lulic, m 1
ma, kw 1
martinez, af 1
masters, rsw 1
matas, cp 1
mckeown, jm 1
mcmillan, as 1
mentzer, n 1
mikkonen, k 1
mohandas, l 1
mok, iac 1
molinari, g 1
mukama, e 1
neville, m 1
ng, ks 1
ngan, awl 1
nguyen, uyen nu thuy 1
niwa, m 1
not, ca 1
not, christelle 1
not, christelle a 1
nunohara, k 1
o'connell, b 1
ollesch, l 1
olorundare, a 1
ozoliņš, j 1
ozoliņš, jj 1
pang, mf 1
petit, m 1
poolton, jm 1
poyatos matas, c 1
poyatos matas, c m 1
poyatos matas, cm 1
pramila-savukoski, s 1
prosser, michael 1
raes, a 1
ren, y 1
russell, bd 1
saiki, t 1
salas pilco, sz 1
sampson, d 1
san diego, j 1
seneviratne, cj 1
shan, zy 1
sharifi, shayan 1
shen, j 1
so, yc 1
spector, jm 1
srinivasan, ds 1
streeck, j 1
suen, pc 1
suzuki, y 1
tanner, ja 1
ting, f 1
tipoe, george l 1
tse, ckw 1
tso, wyw 1
tsoi, hs 1
tsui, abm 1
tsunekawa, k 1
turner, j 1
törmänen, t 1
wang, d 1
wang, kyr 1
wang, mm 1
wang, y 1
warusavitarana, a 1
watt, rm 1
webster, bj 1
weinberger, a 1
whitehill, t 1
williams, ga 1
wong, akc 1
wong, c 1
wong, fky 1
wong, gary kw 1
wong, jw 1
wong, jyh 1
wong, ns 1
wong, rwk 1
worsley, aj 1
wyatt-smith, c 1
wyatt-smith, cm 1
wyattsmith, c 1
yang, jian 1
yang, lj 1
yeung, patcy 1
yeung, ps 1
yip, khk 1
yip, valerie wy 1
yip, wyv 1
yiu, ck 1
yu, lk 1
yu, yo 1
yum, tp 1
zeng, min 1
zhu, ff 1
zwahlen, r 1
zwahlen, ra 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
dentistry 22
evaluation 18
adult learning principles 16
collaborative practice 16
interprofessional education 16
problem-based learning 16
education 14
dental education 13
interactional ethnography 13
curriculum 11
behavioral science 10
clinical competence 10
ecology 10
field-based learning 10
hong kong 10
immersive technology 10
school-university partnership 10
sociomateriality 10
competency 9
dental 9
e-learning 9
medical sciences 9
simulation 9
blended learning 8
medical interpreting 8
oral health literacy 8
assessment 7
caregiver 7
child 7
curriculum design 7
dental curriculum 7
dental graduate 7
dental graduates 7
dental practice 7
education, dental - organization and administration 7
internet in education. 7
medical education 7
problem-based learning. 7
students, dental - psychology 7
university of hong kong. faculty of dentistry. 7
biofilm 6
consultation 6
conversation analysis 6
cross-professional 6
education research 6
employee performance 6
fnirs 6
functional near-infrared spectroscopy 6
graduate 6
health communication / multilingualism / globalisation 6
health literacy 6
health services research and learning 6
medical 6
near-infrared 6
oral health 6
psychomotor skills training 6
questionnaire 6
spectroscopy 6
virtual reality 6
adult 5
authentic literacy 5
children 5
children and outcome (health) 5
clinical communication 5
cognition 5
continuing dental education 5
conversation 5
digital 5
epidemiology and health services research 5
final-year students 5
functional literacy 5
health education 5
health informatics 5
internet 5
journal-based learning 5
literacy theory 5
medical consumerism 5
multilingualism 5
multiliteracies 5
oral health status 5
outcome (health) and outcomes (educational) 5
paediatrics 5
public health 5
qualitative research 5
reading comprehension 5
research 5
self-directed learning 5
situated literacy 5
validation studies 5
case-based learning 4
collaborative learning 4
educational technology 4
electronic dental models 4
health sciences students 4
instruments 4
learning technologies 4
learning with mobile devices 4
online problem based learning 4
orthodontic education 4
pbl 4
peer review 4
programme design 4
programme evaluation 4
undergraduate education 4
3d printed models 3
3d printing 3
anatomy 3
anatomy and medical education 3
assessment design 3
career 3
chinese 3
clinic visit 3
clinical interaction 3
clinical skills 3
communication 3
community of practice 3
complete denture prosthodontics 3
computer-assisted instruction - methods 3
concept map 3
constructive alignment 3
cooperative behavior 3
critical theory of technology 3
dental assistants - education 3
dental professional education 3
dentist-patient relations 3
education, dental 3
education, medical, undergraduate - methods 3
effectiveness and methodology 3
empathy 3
ethnography 3
factors 3
first year 3
group dynamics 3
haptic 3
health sciences 3
health sciences education 3
health services research and interactional microanalysis 3
higher education 3
horizontal integration 3
human anatomy 3
inquiry-based leaning 3
integration 3
interactional analysis 3
intercultural communication 3
learning outcomes 3
learning technology 3
matrix management 3
medical education professional development 3
mobile devices 3
multivariate framework 3
online information 3
online learning 3
online searching 3
operative techniques 3
pedagogy 3
professional curricula 3
programme 3
satisfaction 3
situated learning 3
sociomaterialty 3
students 3
students, medical - psychology 3
survey 3
translating 3
tutorial 3
undergraduate 3
undergraduate dental education 3
undergraduate medical education 3
vertical integration 3
video learning 3
anatomy learning challenges 2
co-teaching 2
decision-making 2
dramaturgy 2
e-models 2
gross anatomy education 2
implant dentistry 2
initial teacher education 2
inquiry-based curriculum 2
knowledge acquisition 2
learning 2
middle schooling 2
multicultural capital 2
multicultural education 2
south-east asia 2
synergistic co-teaching 2
undergraduate medical curricula 2
video analysis 2
case modality 1
clinical decision-making 1
collaboration 1
computer support 1
constructivism 1
digital learning object 1
educational ethnography 1
educational technologies 1
emic perspectives 1
english language teaching 1
ethnographic 1
ethnomethodology 1
expatriate teachers 1
facilitation 1
globalization 1
haptics 1
information problem-solving 1
inquiry 1
interactions 1
interactive whiteboard 1
interculturality 1
intersubjectivity 1
language policy 1
learning management system 1
mediated interpretation 1
membership categorization analysis 1
methodology 1
multilingual communities 1
multimodal 1
online 1
paper case 1
problem‐based learning 1
professional development and training 1
professional education 1
reflection 1
review 1
software 1
systematic review 1
teacher education 1
video case 1
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