AuthorsNo. of Publications
ip, jwy 40
ip, wy 30
lu, ww 21
chiu, pky 13
leung, f 11
luk, kdk 11
fung, bkk 9
cheung, kmc 8
leong, jcy 8
leung, f 8
chow, w 7
fitoussi, f 7
lu, w 6
ahmed, sk 5
chiu, ky 5
leung, kl 5
li, fb 5
li, yw 5
liao, wm 5
poon, tl 5
pun, wk 5
zhu, l 4
chau, rmw 3
gibson, i 3
gogolewski, s 3
ho, h 3
holmes, ad 3
ip, fk 3
jing, wm 3
lao, zg 3
leung, g 3
li, t 3
mak, aft 3
ng, tp 3
ngai, wk 3
roure, p 3
shibata, t 3
so, yc 3
tang, fh 3
wang, am 3
bruce, ic 2
cao, y 2
chan, cf 2
fang, d 2
fung, b 2
ho, wy 2
lam, ck 2
lam, kw 2
lau, tw 2
ng, kh 2
pun, ts 2
tang, wm 2
tokmakova, k 2
wu, wc 2
xu, dl 2
yu, wha 2
bao, cy 1
bilgin, ss 1
chan, d 1
chan, kc 1
chan, r 1
chan, yk 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, jy 1
chen, xf 1
cheng, cl 1
cheung, n 1
cheung, wy 1
chew, wyc 1
chu, km 1
chu, m 1
chu, yw 1
crosby so, cyc 1
crosby, c 1
feng, jm 1
fok, m 1
fu, m 1
fung, bk 1
furamachi, k 1
goto, h 1
goyal, r 1
gudushauri, p 1
han, s 1
han, sy 1
ho, dd 1
ho, henry 1
ho, ph 1
huang, wq 1
huang, yl 1
ikuta, y 1
kimori, k 1
kong, kf 1
kwok, hy 1
kwong, wh 1
lam, rwm 1
lam, t 1
law, k 1
law, s 1
lee, ey 1
lee, p 1
leung, fkl 1
li, ch 1
li, f 1
li, yh 1
liao, w 1
lie, c 1
liong, e 1
lou, zg 1
mark, elk 1
ming, f 1
ng, c 1
ng, cl 1
ngan, ah 1
ngan, ahw 1
ni, g 1
ning, cy 1
ochi, m 1
ozkan, m 1
peng, wh 1
qiu, j 1
qiu, js 1
qiu, qx 1
rajasekhar, c 1
rajesh, g 1
schneeberger, ag 1
si, xh 1
stephens, mm 1
tipoe, g 1
topalan, m 1
tu, yk 1
wang, cy 1
wang, kw 1
wang, lp 1
wang, yj 1
wong, j 1
wong, mk 1
wong, pwl 1
wong, s 1
wong, sh 1
wong, wl 1
wu, g 1
wu, j 1
wu, zh 1
xie, j 1
yan, ls 1
yang, bc 1
yau, pwp 1
yau, wp 1
ye, jd 1
zhang, b 1
zhang, jy 1
zhang, xd 1
zhao, q 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 7
chromium alloys 5
finger joint - surgery 5
materials testing 5
prostheses and implants 5
adult 3
basic fibroblast growth factor 3
biomechanical properties 3
biomechanics (生物力學) 3
cancellous screw fixation 3
distal radius fracture (橈骨遠端骨折) 3
female 3
male 3
middle aged 3
rat model 3
skin flaps 3
subcapital femoral neck fractures 3
treatment (治療) 3
adolescent 2
aged 2
biomechanics 生物力學 2
bone density 骨密度/生理學 2
bone plates 2
bone screws 2
bone wires 2
coating by plasma spray 2
debridement - methods 2
dislocations. 2
exercise/physiology 運動/生理學 2
finger injuries - complications 2
finger injuries - radiography - surgery 2
follow-up studies 2
fracture fixation 2
fracture fixation, internal 2
fractures, bone - radiography - surgery 2
fractures. 2
gap healing 2
hand injuries - surgery 2
hydroxyapatite 2
implant 2
mri 2
mycobacterium infections, nontuberculous - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 2
mycobacterium marinum 2
pigmented villonodular synovitis 2
postoperative complications 2
prospective studies 2
radius fractures - surgery 2
rats 大鼠 2
surgical excision 2
surgical flaps 2
thumb - injuries - surgery 2
ulna fractures - surgery 2
animals 1
biomechanics 1
compression 1
contracture - prevention & control 1
cord 1
denervation 1
equipment design 1
experiment 1
fingers - physiopathology - surgery 1
ganglia, spinal - pathology 1
graft 1
hand - physiopathology - surgery 1
movement 1
multiple 1
muscle contraction 1
muscles - innervation - physiopathology - surgery 1
nerve regeneration 1
nerve tissue - transplantation 1
organ size 1
postoperative period 1
rats 1
rats, inbred wky 1
skin 1
spine 1
splints 1
tendons - physiopathology - surgery 1
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