InventorsNo. of Patents
chow, kam p 1
chung, hing y 1
leung, chun b 1
mak, fuk s 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
algorithms 5
amino acid motifs 4
binding energy 4
binding site 4
binding sites 4
dna microarray 4
models, chemical 4
models, statistical 4
motif finding(discovering) 4
protein binding 4
proteins - chemistry 4
sequence analysis, protein - methods 4
transcription factor 4
transcription factors - chemistry 4
approximation theory 3
assembling 3
binning 3
building block 3
cameras 3
conseved metabolic pathways 3
contour dynamics 3
core protein 3
dna composition features 3
genome assembly 3
greedy-like prediction 3
k-mean clustering 3
l-mer 3
look ahead technology 3
markov chains 3
mathematics 3
metabolic network 3
metagenomics 3
metatranscriptomic reads 3
models, theoretical 3
modified chebychev distance 3
multiprotein complexes - chemistry - metabolism 3
next-generation sequencing 3
parameterized templates 3
ppi network 3
protein complexes 3
protein interaction mapping 3
protein sequence alignment 3
proteins - chemistry - metabolism 3
software 3
variable overlap sizes 3
vehicle tracking 3
2-trees 2
approximation algorithms 2
approximation results 2
assignment problems 2
asymptotic competitive ratio 2
asymptotic performance 2
base sequence 2
bin packing 2
bin packing problem 2
bin packing problems 2
binding sites - genetics 2
bounded degree graphs 2
bounded mean 2
call control 2
cellular network 2
color 2
coloring 2
competitive algorithms 2
competitive analysis 2
competitive ratio 2
complete binary tree 2
complexity 2
computational biology 2
computational geometry 2
computer animation 2
disks (machine components) 2
distributed algorithm 2
distributed algorithms 2
dna - genetics - metabolism 2
dna sequences 2
dynamic programming 2
frequency division multiplexing 2
gap ratio 2
gene regulation 2
grid 2
hybrid algorithms 2
hypercube 2
image processing 2
integer parameters 2
interpolation 2
lower bounds 2
maximal degree 2
median selection 2
message complexity 2
metamorphosis 2
minimum vertex cover 2
molecular sequence data 2
motifs discovering 2
object representation 2
on-line algorithms 2
one-way trading 2
online algorithms 2
online call control 2
packing algorithms 2
pattern recognition 2
planar graph 2
point insertion 2
pricing 2
promoter regions, genetic 2
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 2
sequence alignment 2
sequence alignment - methods 2
sequence analysis, dna - methods 2
shape transformation 2
side length 2
square grid 2
square packings 2
transcription factors - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 2
transcription factors - metabolism 2
tree node assignment 2
uniformity 2
wireless telecommunication systems 2
3-sat 1
algorithm 1
approximation 1
autonomous system (as) 1
cellular networks 1
channel assignment 1
constrained longest common subsequence 1
convex 3-polytopes 1
disjoint convex polygon 1
frequency allocation 1
greedy algorithm 1
haplotype inference 1
heuristics 1
importance ratio 1
longest common subsequence 1
maximum weight triangulation 1
minimum manhattan network 1
minimum triangulation 1
multicoloring 1
multimedia 1
np-complete 1
object placement 1
object placement (replacement) 1
on-line algorithm 1
online scheduling 1
optimization 1
pedigree 1
performance analysis 1
performance evaluation 1
quality of service 1
recombination 1
scan algorithms 1
scheduling 1
stabber 1
transcoding 1
transparent data access 1
transversal 1
tree network 1
web caching 1
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