AuthorsNo. of Publications
irwin, mg 37
qiu, q 24
chung, sk 22
xia, z 21
gu, p 18
tai, wl 17
wong, ssc 17
wong, scs 16
luo, x 15
wong, kl 15
choi, sw 14
leung, ym 14
sun, lt 14
wong, gtc 9
li, h 8
pan, z 8
sun, l 8
chan, tcw 7
ng, jkf 7
wang, xma 7
chiu, wk 6
fan, t 6
hung, kl 6
lee, y 6
wang, xm 6
ying, cla 6
fleetwood-walker, s 5
ho, amh 5
lu, dy 5
mitchell, r 5
ng, csh 5
tai, lw 5
wong, k 5
chan, ws 4
cheng, th 4
choo, cy 4
critchley, lah 4
dion, pw 4
hung, vkl 4
kim, yc 4
lao, l 4
li, q 4
li, s 4
lin, fs 4
lo, acy 4
singh, va 4
so, ec 4
tsui, sl 4
wang, y 4
yang, lq 4
yeung, jhh 4
yoon, sh 4
yu, wf 4
zhang, l 4
bhagat, a 3
cai, y 3
chan, kkl 3
chen, h 3
chen, smy 3
cheng, ks 3
chung, yf 3
huang, bm 3
irwin, m 3
joosten, eaj 3
karmakar, mk 3
lai, akw 3
lam, wl 3
law, wl 3
lei, s 3
leung, myy 3
leung, sws 3
liman, s 3
liu, tt 3
moon, sh 3
ng, kfj 3
ngan, hys 3
osio-salido, e 3
pan, sf 3
tao, km 3
wang, l 3
wang, x 3
ward, l 3
wong, ckh 3
wong, gt 3
xiang, hb 3
xie, x 3
yan, d 3
yeung, sc 3
yu, j 3
bahadur, n 2
cespuglio, r 2
chan, cw 2
chan, kc 2
chan, p 2
chan, pk 2
chan, timmy chi wing 2
chang, cs 2
chao, cc 2
chao, cz 2
chen, ays 2
chen, cy 2
chen, yl 2
cheung, m 2
cheung, martin 2
cheung, mpl 2
chiu, ky 2
choi, ws 2
chow, lwc 2
chung, sk 2
deng, l 2
ding, df 2
fan, jkm 2
fu, h 2
ho, hc 2
jiang, f 2
jiang, f 2
jin, sq 2
joosten, ea 2
lee, lhy 2
lesch, kp 2
li, j 2
li, rc 2
liu, c 2
liu, h 2
liu, j 2
liu, ja 2
liu, jessica aijia 2
liu, jf 2
liu, jtc 2
liu, y 2
liu, yt 2
liu, z 2
lo, osh 2
luo, j 2
mao, x 2
markova, n 2
mei, w 2
rainer, th 2
russo, m 2
saligan, l 2
shan, zhiming 2
shiu, hc 2
song, jg 2
strekalova, t 2
su, th 2
tai, l 2
tam, lk 2
tang, ch 2
tian, g 2
tian, xb 2
tsang, sf 2
veniaminova, e 2
wang, ff 2
wang, js 2
wong, ch 2
wong, stanley 2
wong, stanley sau ching 2
wu, fx 2
wu, y 2
xia, z 2
xia, zy 2
xu, j 2
yang, l 2
ye, dw 2
yeung, wf 2
ying, acl 2
yu, c 2
yu, w 2
yu, y 2
zhao, y 2
zheng, zn 2
zuo, zy 2
akinci, a 1
al shaker, m 1
anthony, dc 1
anuradha, s 1
applegate, rl 1
au, ah 1
au, ich 1
beech, ib 1
cai, song 1
camarini, r 1
campbell, sa 1
cao, f 1
chan, a 1
chan, acs 1
chan, acy 1
chan, akm 1
chan, bkb 1
chan, cwl 1
chan, kkk 1
chan, manson tak hei 1
chan, my 1
chan, shw 1
chan, th 1
chan, thm 1
chan, vwk 1
chan, will shing him 1
chan, wm 1
chan, ying shing 1
chan, ys 1
chang, a 1
chang, mh 1
cheah, kse 1
chen, c 1
chen, ch 1
chen, h 1
chen, jh 1
chen, p 1
chen, pp 1
chen, wr 1
chen, y 1
chen, ym 1
chen, yong long 1
chen, yr 1
cheng, jing 1
cheng, s 1
cheng, x 1
cheung, a 1
cheung, clement hoo chun 1
cheung, jpy 1
cheung, kmc 1
cheung, may pui lai 1
cheung, mh 1
cheung, sck 1
choi, ky 1
choi, wws 1
chong, yk 1
chu, km 1
chu, mc 1
chui, wcm 1
chung, ssm 1
chung, ssm 1
clanachan, as 1
cui, c 1
cui, j 1
danilov, a 1
fan, chao yang 1
fan, chaoyang 1
fang, c 1
fang, cx 1
fang, x 1
fang, yp 1
feng, l 1
feng, r 1
feng, xiang lan 1
feng, xl 1
fujiu, k 1
ganesan, k 1
gao, p 1
ge, r-s 1
goucke, r 1
green, md 1
guillen, r 1
guo, q 1
guo, weijie 1
hadjiat, y 1
han, c 1
han, mm 1
he, y 1
heiho, am 1
ho, ak 1
ho, cy 1
ho, hh 1
ho, mcy 1
ho, mha 1
ho, pt 1
holcomb, jb 1
hong, j-l 1
hu, yg 1
huang, h 1
huang, hs 1
huang, sm 1
huang, y 1
hui, g 1
hui, mn 1
hung, v 1
huo, x 1
iadarola, m 1
jacobus ng, kf 1
jian, l 1
jiang, w 1
jiang, yuanxu 1
jiao, y 1
jiao, yf 1
joosten, e 1
josé dueñas, h 1
joynt, gm 1
kim, y-c 1
kimura, lf 1
king, ym 1
ko, jks 1
ko, sh 1
kosuru, r 1
kwan, kyh 1
lai, ly 1
lam, dm 1
lam, dmh 1
lam, f 1
lam, mf 1
lamb, bt 1
lang, bhh 1
lau, eo 1
lau, tw 1
law, sw 1
lee, a 1
lee, jly 1
lee, lh 1
lee, um 1
lee, yvonne 1
leong, f 1
leung, f 1
leung, k 1
leung, siu yi doreen 1
leung, susan wai sum 1
leung, tw 1
leung, wc 1
leung, yy 1
li, l 1
li, ll 1
li, m 1
li, p 1
li, steve po yam 1
li, x 1
li, y 1
lian, q 1
lian, q-q 1
lim, h 1
lin, yh 1
lin, zhinan 1
liu, aijia jessica 1
liu, aj 1
liu, d 1
liu, jaj 1
liu, jessica aijia 1
liu, jingjing 1
liu, s-m 1
liu, xd 1
liu, zhanli 1
liu, zm 1
liu, zq 1
lo, alh 1
lo, sh 1
lou, sl 1
low, sj 1
lu, j 1
lubarsky, da 1
lui, f 1
lukkahatai, n 1
lv, h 1
ma, wsp 1
mai, z 1
mak, cyh 1
mak, henry chi yeung 1
meng, c 1
meng, fei 1
moon, h 1
moon, hanlim 1
moon, s-h 1
moore, bj 1
mortimer, n 1
munhoz, cd 1
ng, hei lui lhotse 1
ng, j 1
ng, kf 1
ng, sk 1
ng, tc 1
ng, v 1
ngai, cw 1
nie, b 1
ning, z 1
novaes, ls 1
okuyama, y 1
osio salido, e 1
pan, s-f 1
pan, yunping 1
peng, c 1
picolo, g 1
poon, jtc 1
poon, tcj 1
qi, b 1
qian, l 1
qiao, s 1
ren, hm 1
ricci, cj 1
rodrigo, mrc 1
saligan, ln 1
sanders, p 1
satherley, j 1
schiffrin, dj 1
sham, mh 1
shan, q 1
shen, cj 1
shen, x 1
shevtsova, e 1
shiao, lr 1
shum, daisy kwok yan 1
shum, dky 1
shunto, c 1
siu, dcw 1
so, fl 1
steinbusch, hw 1
sun, m 1
sun, x 1
tai, a 1
tai, w 1
tam, kc 1
tam, kin wai 1
tam, kw 1
tan, f 1
tang, c 1
tang, d 1
tang, ehm 1
tang, h 1
tang, j 1
tao, y 1
tassanawipas, w 1
tay, ba 1
ti, lk 1
tian, y 1
tirrell, l 1
tiwari, afy 1
treuer, t 1
tsai, kf 1
tsai, ty 1
tse, hf 1
tsui, fiona pui yee 1
tsui, py 1
turner, s 1
umriukhin, a 1
walitt, b 1
wang, j 1
wang, jj 1
wang, p 1
wang, s 1
wang, t 1
wang, tl 1
wang, z 1
wat, cy 1
wei, x 1
wen, dx 1
wen, xj 1
wong, ay 1
wong, ayc 1
wong, mk 1
wong, sau ching stanley 1
wong, shs 1
wong, ss 1
wong, ss-c 1
wong, vkc 1
wu, chaoran 1
wu, ex 1
wu, exk 1
wu, klk 1
wu, mh 1
wu, tt 1
wu, yr 1
xia, w 1
xia, zhengyuan 1
xiao, j 1
xiao, mw 1
xie, x 1
xing, yanmei 1
xu, a 1
xu, a 1
xu, s 1
xu, sy 1
y, s 1
yan, ch 1
yang, cw 1
yang, haoyi 1
yang, y 1
yang, yong ting 1
yang, yt 1
yao, tj 1
yao, x 1
yao, y 1
yeh, wl 1
yeung, ck 1
yeung, pkk 1
yeung, wf 1
yin, s 1
yin, w 1
ying, cl 1
yiu, kh 1
yu, f 1
yu, jing 1
yuan, h 1
yuen, mk 1
yuen, myv 1
zeng, f 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, qg 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, z 1
zhang, z 1
zhang, zj 1
zhang, zj 1
zheng, t 1
zhou, d 1
zhou, mt 1
zhou, sq 1
zhu, d 1
zhu, l 1
zhu, q 1
zhu, q-q 1
zhu, xiaowei 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
analgesia 18
propofol 13
pain 9
dexmedetomidine 8
health economic analysis 7
morphine consumption 7
neuropathic pain 7
placebo 7
rct 7
apoptosis 6
endothelin-1 6
general anesthesia 6
opioid 6
postoperative pain 6
remifentanil 6
spinal cord stimulation 6
acute postoperative pain 5
chronic pain 5
dental 5
diabetes 5
diabetes mellitus 5
fbxo9 5
glycogen synthase kinase 5
heme oxygenase-1 5
infarct size 5
inflammatory pain 5
intranasal 5
ischemia reperfusion injury 5
janus-activated kinase 5
myocardial hypertrophy and dysfunction 5
myocardial ischemia injury 5
neural crest progenitors 5
neurog2 5
signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 5
sox10 5
total intravenous anesthesia 5
acupuncture analgesia 4
acute 4
adiponectin 4
adipor 4
adult 4
adult population 4
aging 4
alzheimer's disease 4
ampk 4
amyloidosis 4
astrocytes 4
colorectal surgery 4
conscious sedation - methods 4
dental surgery 4
dexmedetomidine - administration and dosage 4
distal radial fracture fixation 4
dose-response relationship, drug 4
electroacupuncture 4
general anaesthesia 4
heart failure 4
human neural stem cells 4
hypnotics and sedatives 4
inflammation 4
infraclavicular nerve block 4
ischemic stroke 4
local 4
midazolam 4
molar, third - surgery 4
motor neurons 4
pain, postoperative - diagnosis - prevention and control 4
pluripotent stem cells 4
postoperative analgesia 4
postoperative opioid consumption 4
prevalence 4
regional anesthesia 4
sevoflurane 4
sox9 4
spinal cord injury 4
tooth extraction - adverse effects 4
acute pain 3
adrenergic alpha-2 receptor agonists - pharmacology 3
allopurinol 3
amp-activated protein kinase 3
analgesics, opioid - metabolism - therapeutic use 3
anesthesia, local 3
aspirin 3
astrocyte 3
autophagy 3
biological effects 3
biology 3
blood coagulation 3
blood loss 3
c-jun n-terminal kinase 3
cancer 3
cancer chemotherapy 3
cardiovascular diseases 3
chemobrain 3
chronic post-ischaemic pain 3
chronic post-ischemia pain 3
chronic regional pain syndrome 3
cognition dysfunction 3
colorectal 3
cxcl12 3
cxcl12/cxcr4 axis 3
cxcr4 3
cytokines and epigenetics 3
deamino arginine vasopressin - pharmacology 3
desmopressin 3
dexmedetomidine - administration and dosage - adverse effects - pharmacology 3
diabetic cardiomyopathy 3
endothelin type a receptor 3
forkhead box protein o1 3
glial–glial crosstalk 3
guidelines 3
healthcare utilisation 3
hemostasis - drug effects 3
hypothermia 3
hypothermia - blood 3
il-6 3
ischemic preconditioning 3
liver - blood supply - drug effects - metabolism 3
liver diseases - metabolism - prevention and control 3
matrix metalloproteinase-2 3
mitochondria 3
mortality 3
myocardial injury 3
myocardial ischemia-reperfusion 3
n-methyl-d-aspartate receptors 3
neuroinflammation 3
neuromodulator 3
neuropathic 3
nitric oxide synthase - drug effects - metabolism 3
non-cancer pain 3
nrf2 3
nuclear factor of activated t-cells 5 3
nuclear factor-kappa b 3
opioid requirements 3
opioid rotation 3
opioid therapy 3
oxidative stress 3
pain management 3
pain, postoperative - drug therapy 3
painpaired box gene 2 3
parecoxib 3
pathological pain 3
persistent opioid use 3
pharmacogenetics 3
pi3k 3
polymorphisms 3
postoperative 3
postoperative outcomes 3
pre-emptive 3
pten 3
spinal cord 3
surgical injury 3
vascular remodeling 3
[ca2+]i 2
acute respiratory distress syndrome 2
adverse effects 2
aged 2
allodynia 2
analgesic activity 2
analgesics, opioid - administration & dosage - adverse effects 2
anesthesia recovery period 2
anesthesia, dental - methods 2
anesthesia, dental/methods 2
animal cell 2
animal experiment 2
animal model 2
anti-nociception 2
bias (epidemiology) 2
blood component transfusion - standards 2
cancer-related pain 2
cannabinoids 2
central nervous system 2
chronic non-cancer pain 2
coagulopathy 2
conscious sedation/methods 2
coronavirus 2
covid-19 2
deleted in liver cancer 2 (dlc2) 2
differentiation 2
drug administration schedule 2
drug mechanism 2
drug resistance - physiology 2
elderly patients 2
electroencephalography - drug effects 2
endothelial cells 2
enhanced recovery after surgery 2
environmental enrichment 2
erythrocyte transfusion 2
erythrocyte transfusion - trends 2
excitatory amino acid transporter-2 2
female 2
fresh-frozen plasma 2
get-1 transgenic mouse 2
glucagon-like peptide 1-receptor agonists 2
glutamate acid decarboxylases 2
hemorrhage - etiology - physiopathology - therapy 2
high-flow nasal cannula therapy 2
histone deacetylase 5 2
humans 2
hyperalgesia 2
hypnotics and sedatives - administration & dosage - pharmacology 2
il-1β 2
immune response 2
infusions, intravenous - adverse effects - statistics & numerical data 2
labor analgesia 2
male 2
medical audit 2
mental recall - drug effects 2
meperidine 2
meta-analysis 2
meta-regression 2
metformin 2
microgliap38 2
midazolam - administration & dosage - pharmacology 2
middle aged 2
monitoring, intraoperative - methods 2
monosialoganglioside 1 2
morphine 2
morphine - administration & dosage - adverse effects 2
nerve regeneration 2
neural regeneration 2
neural stem cells 2
neuroprotection 2
neurotoxicity 2
opioids 2
oral oxycodone 2
outcome assessment (health care) - methods 2
pain measurement - methods 2
pain, postoperative - drug therapy - physiopathology - prevention & control 2
patient care management 2
patient care team 2
patient satisfaction 2
patient-controlled 2
peripheral nervous system 2
peripheral neuropathic pain 2
pethidine 2
plasma 2
pneumonia 2
post-operative 2
postoperative care 2
postoperative nausea and vomiting - chemically induced - epidemiology - prevention & control 2
pparα modulator 2
proliferation 2
red blood cells 2
respiratory insufficiency - chemically induced - epidemiology - prevention & control 2
resuscitation - methods 2
retrospective studies 2
review 2
rhoa rock 2
sars-cov-2 2
self administration - adverse effects - statistics & numerical data 2
shock, hemorrhagic - epidemiology - therapy 2
sodium–glucose co-transporter type 2 inhibitors 2
survivors 2
time factors 2
tooth extraction 2
transfusion 2
trauma 2
treatment outcome 2
young adult 2
a549 1
acheon 1
acute disease 1
adrenergic alpha-2 receptor agonists - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
alanine aminotransferase blood level 1
alpha-2 agonist 1
aminotransferase blood level 1
anaesthesiology 1
analgesic and antitumor 1
analgesics - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
analgesics, opioid - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
anesthetics, intravenous - pharmacology 1
angiotensin ii - antagonists & inhibitors - pharmacology 1
animal 1
animals 1
antimetabolites - diagnostic use 1
ap-1 1
asia 1
atp depletion 1
back pain 1
behavior change 1
blood component transfusion - methods 1
blotting, northern 1
blotting, western 1
bone cancer pain 1
bromodeoxyuridine - diagnostic use 1
c-jun 1
c57bl mouse 1
cancer-related fatigue (crf) 1
carotid artery puncture 1
cell line, tumor 1
cell proliferation - drug effects 1
cell survival - drug effects 1
central venous line cannulation 1
chop 1
chromatin immunoprecipitation 1
chronic 1
chronic disease 1
clonidine 1
cognition 1
colon cancer 1
colonic neoplasms - genetics - metabolism 1
comparative study 1
complication 1
disease model 1
dna, complementary - biosynthesis - genetics 1
drug effect 1
embolism - microbiology 1
endocarditis, bacterial 1
endothelin a receptor antagonist 1
epidural 1
er stress 1
erythema - microbiology 1
erythrocyte transfusion - methods 1
exercise 1
external beam radiation therapy (ebrt) 1
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - genetics - metabolism 1
fadolmidine 1
fibroblasts - drug effects 1
fluoresceins 1
foot dermatoses - microbiology 1
fused furo[2,3-d]pyrimidinone derivatives 1
gdnf 1
gene expression 1
gene expression regulation, enzymologic - drug effects 1
glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor - metabolism - pharmacology 1
glioma 1
glycolysis 1
grp78 1
gsk3α/β 1
haemophilus infections 1
haemophilus parainfluenzae 1
heart rate - drug effects 1
heart valve diseases - diagnosis - microbiology 1
hemorrhage - etiology - therapy 1
internal jugular vein 1
ischemia 1
jaundice, obstructive - complications 1
ketamine 1
lymphocyte 1
matrix metalloproteinase 13 - genetics - metabolism 1
mediator complex - genetics 1
medical sciences 1
migration 1
mirna-23a 1
mitochondrial membrane potential 1
mitral valve 1
mmp-13 1
myocardial contraction - drug effects 1
myocardial infarction 1
myocardial reperfusion injury 1
myocytes, cardiac - drug effects 1
nadph oxidase - metabolism 1
neural progenitors 1
neuralgia 1
neuroglia - drug effects - physiology 1
neuroplasticity 1
nitrates - metabolism 1
nitric oxide synthase - metabolism 1
nitrites - metabolism 1
nlrp3 inflammasome 1
oxidation-reduction 1
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
pain - drug therapy 1
pain - drug therapy - physiopathology - psychology 1
palmitic acid 1
phloroglucinol - analogs and derivatives - pharmacology 1
physicians 1
pneumothorax 1
positron-emission tomography 1
prenyl-phloroglucinol derivatives 1
propofol - pharmacology 1
prostate cancer 1
quality of life 1
questionnaire 1
rats 1
rats, sprague-dawley 1
reactive oxygen species 1
rna - biosynthesis - isolation & purification 1
ros 1
sciatic nerve injury 1
signalling pathway 1
splenic infarction - diagnosis - microbiology 1
steroid 1
superoxides - metabolism 1
synthesis 1
tetrandrine 1
tomography, x-ray computed 1
transcription factor chop/genetics 1
transfection 1
txnip 1
ultrasound 1
wounds and injuries - complications - therapy 1
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