AuthorsNo. of Publications
wong, jyh 106
lam, th 101
lam, clk 84
chan, ssc 77
luk, kdk 59
cheung, kmc 55
leung, aym 45
tiwari, afy 45
tarrant, am 39
samartzis, d 36
lam, dob 32
karppinen, j 31
ip, msm 29
lee, cf 29
chau, ph 28
wong, cn 27
yip, psf 27
lok, ywk 26
chin, wy 25
choi, ph 25
lai, cl 23
wang, mp 22
chan, ekl 21
fung, scc 20
ho, pc 20
tiwari, a 20
wan, yf 20
cheng, jcy 19
choi, eph 19
leung, wc 19
mak, yw 19
yu, yte 19
lam, tp 18
ng, bkw 18
siu, mfp 18
ho, dsy 17
wong, ckh 17
lee, am 16
lee, ily 16
mak, kh 16
fan, sl 15
guo, n 15
lo, yyc 15
mok, fps 15
tarrant, m 15
karlberg, jpe 14
leung, dyp 14
mok, ps 14
wong, dkh 14
yuen, rmf 14
chan, kc 13
chan, kl 13
dodgson, je 13
ho, mm 12
lee, pwh 12
wong, dcn 12
yuen, jch 12
brownridge, da 11
cheng, kk 11
leung, gm 11
li, s 11
yu, j 11
cerin, e 10
khong, pl 10
lam, ksl 10
lam, tp 10
leung, s 10
lok, kyw 10
macfarlane, dj 10
sham, a 10
yuen, mf 10
chan, gcf 9
chik, bcb 9
fung, jyy 9
ho, jwc 9
ho, sy 9
ip, p 9
kwan, cw 9
kwok, rlp 9
lai, ayk 9
leung, yp 9
taylor, aj 9
wan, eyf 9
wong, emy 9
wong, w 9
wong, whs 9
wu, km 9
bullock, l 8
cheung, st 8
fan, st 8
humphreys, j 8
lam, c 8
lam, jcm 8
lau, cp 8
leung, ssk 8
leung, yma 8
wong, wcw 8
yan, ecw 8
yu, ph 8
emmons, k 7
hung, ifn 7
lam, cld 7
lam, kf 7
lam, shs 7
mak, kk 7
mok, f 7
ngan, hys 7
poon, rtp 7
au, wy 6
auyeung, m 6
bai, dl 6
bernal, jdk 6
chan, kh 6
chi, i 6
chiu, bcf 6
choi, wm 6
dai, d 6
fung, csc 6
fung, j 6
gong, w 6
ho, mandy 6
huang, l 6
karppinen, ji 6
kwok, yy 6
kwong, dlw 6
lai, yk 6
lam, etp 6
lau, eyy 6
law, wl 6
leung, ck 6
leung, ipf 6
leung, w 6
li, whc 6
lo, ws 6
mcghee, s 6
seto, wkw 6
siu, sc 6
smith, rd 6
tan, kcb 6
wong, janet yuen ha 6
wong, sws 6
xu, p 6
yuen, fkh 6
chan, acy 5
chan, dkc 5
chan, kl 5
chan, w 5
chao, dvk 5
cheng, c 5
cheng, pwc 5
cheung, bmy 5
cheung, st 5
chin, cye 5
chin, e 5
choi, edmond pui hang 5
chui, hw 5
fan, hsl 5
fong, sm 5
ho, m 5
ho, rth 5
hui, kmc 5
kwok, c 5
lau, gkk 5
lee, a 5
liang, r 5
lie, akw 5
lo, cm 5
lo, ycy 5
lou, vw 5
luk, tt 5
pang, p 5
recchia, f 5
sing, c 5
stewart, sm 5
tanaka, y 5
tse, hf 5
vandan, n 5
wong, dcn 5
wong, kw 5
wong, sys 5
woo, j 5
yan, e 5
yau, jpl 5
yu, a 5
yu, eyt 5
yuk, h 5
cauilan, ge 4
chan, my 4
chan, wyy 4
chan, ym 4
chau, pui hing 4
cheng, tyy 4
cheung, k 4
cheung, wy 4
chow, cb 4
chung, cy 4
chung, wh 4
deng, w 4
ding, zy 4
he, q 4
ho, dwh 4
kam, cw 4
karlberg, j 4
lai, v 4
lai, yka 4
lam, b 4
lam, sk 4
leung, c 4
li, jiaying 4
lin, c 4
lin, cc 4
lin, chia-chin 4
lo, jlf 4
lok, kris yuet wan 4
lui, msm 4
luk, k 4
mcpherson, db 4
mercer, sw 4
ng, csm 4
ng, iol 4
qian, x 4
shing, sy 4
takemura, n 4
tsui, elh 4
wan, yfe 4
wong, bcy 4
wong, j 4
wong, wendy 4
wong, yw 4
wu, y 4
yau, plj 4
yuen, l 4
zhang, j 4
caulian, g 3
chan, clw 3
chan, kty 3
chau, tk 3
chen, n 3
chen, x 3
cheng, st 3
cheung, denise shuk ting 3
choi, awm 3
choi, edmond p.h. 3
chow, epf 3
chu, n 3
chung, kf 3
chung, twh 3
duan, w 3
fan, heidi sze lok 3
fan, yingwei 3
fung, asm 3
guo, x 3
heys, m 3
hong, awl 3
hui choi, wh 3
hui, emt 3
hui, lf 3
hui, ss 3
ip, wy 3
jiang, cq 3
jiao, f 3
kwok, t 3
kwong, yl 3
lam, c 3
lam, cindy lo kuen 3
lam, dcl 3
lam, ll 3
lam, wwt 3
lau, acw 3
lau, akl 3
lau, cs 3
lau, yl 3
lawless, jf 3
lee, ahk 3
lee, chp 3
lee, jj 3
lee, jjj 3
lee, kf 3
lee, ky 3
lee, tmc 3
leung, a 3
leung, aym 3
leung, kl 3
leung, lk 3
li, j 3
li, junyan 3
liu, d 3
liu, kpy 3
lo, hhm 3
lok, yuet wan 3
ma, jlc 3
mak, kc 3
mcghee, sm 3
mcpherson, b 3
mizokami, m 3
mok, my 3
pang, syy 3
qian, xx 3
quan, x 3
ruan, r 3
seto, wk 3
shapiro, c 3
so, s 3
so, wkw 3
takemura, naomi 3
tam, s 3
tang, dhm 3
thorburn, j 3
tiu, tmrj 3
tsang, wwn 3
tsao, gsw 3
tsui, wws 3
tung, sy 3
wan, sly 3
wang, yaqi 3
wilkinson, k 3
wong cheung, kl 3
wong, janet y.h. 3
wong, janet yuen ha 3
wong, jyh 3
wong, shs 3
wong, sht 3
wong, vcw 3
wong, vwy 3
xu, x 3
yang, jundi 3
yau, jhy 3
yiu, kh 3
yu, h 3
zhao, s 3
zhao, s 3
akingbade, o 2
alboraie, m 2
au, wp 2
bae, yh 2
bai, l 2
blasdel, c 2
bullock, lfc 2
but, dyk 2
cao, g 2
capio, cm 2
chan, a 2
chan, akc 2
chan, aoo 2
chan, ch 2
chan, ht 2
chan, khy 2
chan, kkw 2
chan, npt 2
chan, p 2
chan, rny 2
chang, c 2
chang, dhf 2
chau, f 2
chen, jy 2
cheuk, dkl 2
cheung, a 2
cheung, kb 2
cheung, mkt 2
cheung, yb 2
cheung, ytd 2
chin, cy 2
chin, ec 2
chio, jasmine h.m. 2
chio, jasmine hin man 2
chio, jhm 2
chiu, ky 2
choi, anna wai man 2
choi, awm 2
choi, ayy 2
chong, csy 2
chow, lyc 2
chu, lw 2
chu, s 2
chui, ahw 2
chung, jwy 2
davidson, pm 2
deek, h 2
dong, w 2
druker, bj 2
fadodun, oa 2
farnsworth, m 2
fawole, io 2
fielding, r 2
fu, cy 2
fu, icy 2
fung, sc 2
ha, sy 2
ho, fkw 2
ho, j 2
ho, my 2
holroyd, e 2
hong, s 2
hsieh, yc 2
huang, fy 2
huang, l 2
hui, esk 2
ip, msm 2
ip, patrick 2
ip, yc 2
irwin, mr 2
kim, h 2
ko, wt 2
kopaniszen, m 2
kuong, eeyl 2
kurilik, g 2
kwok, jyy 2
lai, a 2
lai, dwl 2
lam, cm 2
lam, h 2
lam, s 2
lau, cl 2
lau, cm 2
lau, cyk 2
lau, e 2
lau, smsm 2
lau, sp 2
lau, yk 2
lau, yy 2
lee, ack 2
lee, chun fan 2
lee, swl 2
lee, vhf 2
leung, dyp 2
leung, i 2
leung, lht 2
leung, rcy 2
li, lanlan 2
li, sha 2
li, sw 2
liang, rhs 2
liao, q 2
lie, a 2
lin, zq 2
liu, apy 2
liu, ss 2
liu, x 2
lo, herman h.m. 2
lo, herman hay ming 2
lo, sst 2
logan, tk 2
lou, vwq 2
lu, fangcao 2
lu, ww 2
lui, lyy 2
lui, tyl 2
luk, cw 2
ma, aww 2
macfarlane, d 2
malone, re 2
mauro, mj 2
mercer, s 2
montero barril, d 2
nam, s 2
ng, amy pui pui 2
ng, ehy 2
ng, io 2
ng, jwy 2
ng, mw 2
ngai, hh 2
ni, gx 2
o'dwyer, m 2
ogungbe, o 2
ooi, cgc 2
ooi, gc 2
pandian, v 2
parker, b 2
peng, xh 2
poon, jtc 2
qian, xing xing 2
rai, sn 2
ruscheweyh, r 2
samartzis, d 2
sarna, l 2
sham, jst 2
shek, wmn 2
shum, nf 2
sit, chp 2
siu, cw 2
siu, esm 2
siu, pm 2
so, tmk 2
song, yang 2
tai, jwm 2
tam, cy 2
tang, csk 2
tang, hm 2
tarrant, m 2
tarrant, marie 2
tarrant, marie 2
taylor, a 2
thompson, wr 2
to, m 2
tong, t 2
tse, emily tsui yee 2
tso, wyw 2
tsoi, th 2
vardhanabhuti, v 2
wan, yy 2
wang, c 2
weaver, te 2
wei, gx 2
wong, b 2
wong, j 2
wong, jks 2
wong, jps 2
wong, kh 2
wong, ssy 2
wong, ws 2
wong, wy 2
woo, jean 2
yang, j 2
yau, hyj 2
yau, sy 2
yip, km 2
yip, p 2
youssef, n 2
yu, ap 2
yu, aph 2
yu, ccw 2
yu, dj 2
yu, esther yt 2
yu, sfd 2
yu, wc 2
yuen, fkh 2
yuen, kh 2
yuen, st 2
yuen, wyw 2
yuen, ysc 2
zhang, ay 2
zhang, jy 2
zhang, w 2
zhao, sz 2
wong, jyh 1
abdullah, asm 1
adeleye, k 1
ahmad, m 1
ahmad, mohammad shakil 1
ahmad, ms 1
ai, qy 1
akingbade, oluwadamilare 1
alabdulwahhab, k 1
alabdulwahhab, khalid m 1
alabdulwahhab, km 1
alboraie, mohamed 1
alzahrani, m 1
alzahrani, ma 1
alzahrani, meshari a 1
annunziata, maria antonietta 1
ansari, mt 1
au, ws 1
au, ww 1
bai, dorothy li 1
bartholomeusz, a 1
bartone, p 1
bastian, b 1
beausejour, m 1
bedford, laura 1
bedford, le 1
bellamy, g 1
bilimale, anil s 1
bilimale, as 1
bloem, rb 1
boonpatcharanon, s 1
boonpatcharanon, sawitree 1
bosanquet, k 1
bowden, s 1
brown, jb 1
but, d 1
byiringiro, s 1
byiringiro, samuel 1
cao, jh 1
cao, ml 1
capdeville, r 1
cerin, e 1
chai, hung sze 1
chan, akl 1
chan, bky 1
chan, ckl 1
chan, cky 1
chan, claudia kor yee 1
chan, d 1
chan, dhy 1
chan, dkc 1
chan, e 1
chan, eyt 1
chan, hss 1
chan, hw 1
chan, j 1
chan, jfw 1
chan, jkf 1
chan, jkw 1
chan, jwm 1
chan, k 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kkc 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, kky 1
chan, kla 1
chan, ky 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, ml 1
chan, q 1
chan, r 1
chan, rck 1
chan, s 1
chan, sk 1
chan, ss 1
chan, ss 1
chan, ssc 1
chan, tm 1
chan, ty 1
chan, vhs 1
chan, ws 1
chan, wy 1
chan, yf 1
chan, yh 1
chan, yk 1
chan, yyw 1
chang, ch 1
chang, q 1
chang, r 1
chanyeung, mmw 1
chau, mt 1
chau, ph 1
chau, pui-hing 1
chau, sl 1
chaudhury, h 1
chen, h 1
chen, jieya 1
chen, js 1
chen, ningjing 1
chen, s 1
chen, y 1
chen, yj 1
chen, z 1
cheng, aco 1
cheng, andy chi on 1
cheng, hc 1
cheng, jack c y 1
cheng, k 1
cheng, kkf 1
cheng, q 1
cheng, s 1
cheng, sheung-tak 1
cheung, any 1
cheung, cm 1
cheung, cya 1
cheung, dst 1
cheung, dyt 1
cheung, jpy 1
cheung, kenneth m c 1
cheung, ky 1
cheung, m 1
cheung, mt 1
cheung, pfy 1
cheung, scw 1
cheung, tk 1
cheung, tt 1
chiang, vcl 1
chik, jeannie yin kwan 1
chik, jyk 1
chim, cs 1
chin, w 1
ching, ck 1
chiu, hc 1
chiu, sy 1
choi, e. p.h. 1
choi, hr 1
choi, kwy 1
choi, myo 1
choi, o 1
choi, wyk 1
choi, yya 1
choo, kl 1
chow, jp 1
chow, kp 1
chua, gt 1
chui, ah 1
chui, bsh 1
chun, ok 1
chung, j 1
chung, kl 1
chung, krista ching wai 1
chung, p 1
chung, pk 1
chung, tw 1
coombes, js 1
corzo, w 1
corzo, walter 1
dai, yl 1
davidson, patricia m 1
davies, hugh 1
de kleuver, m 1
de leon, anjanette s 1
de leon, josephine m 1
de, leon, as 1
de, leon, jm 1
deek, hiba 1
dong, dw 1
dong, l 1
duan, wenjie 1
efficace, f 1
efficace, fabio 1
el nayal, me 1
el, nayal mayssah a 1
el, nayal, ma 1
el-raey, f 1
el-raey, fathiya 1
elmahdi, i 1
ensaldo-carrasco, e 1
ensaldo-carrasco, eduardo 1
eremenco, s 1
escotorin, p 1
escotorin, pilar 1
fadodun, oluwadamilola agnes 1
fan, s 1
fan, sze lok 1
fan, yw 1
fang, y 1
fawole, israel opeyemi 1
feng, re 1
fielding, r 1
fong, chy 1
fong, ssm 1
ford, jm 1
fu, cyi 1
fu, i 1
fu, ic 1
fu, kw 1
fung, colman s c 1
fung, hyk 1
fung, hyky 1
fung, sww 1
gandek, b 1
gao, y 1
geng, l 1
girgis, a 1
goh, c 1
goh, cr 1
goh, yong-shian shawn 1
goh, ys 1
gong, wj 1
gozal, d 1
graham-kevan, n 1
grivas, tb 1
guo, wenwei 1
guo, y 1
guo, z 1
h, yy 1
halpern, gm 1
hasan, mkc 1
hasan, muhammad kamil che 1
hauser, th 1
hayakawa, y 1
he, ml 1
ho, cl 1
ho, james chung-man 1
ho, jcm 1
ho, jcy 1
ho, jw 1
ho, m 1
ho, mandy 1
ho, mandy man 1
ho, mh 1
ho, mu-hsing 1
ho, pc 1
ho, pwl 1
ho, s 1
ho, sy 1
hoosain, r 1
hou, j 1
hou, jl 1
hu, whc 1
hu, x 1
hu, xq 1
huang, b 1
huang, huixin 1
huang, j 1
huang, jq 1
huang, lixi 1
huang, lx 1
huang, ww 1
huang, xinping 1
huang, yanyi 1
huang, yy 1
hui, b 1
hui, bp 1
hui, ck 1
hui, ckm 1
hui, whc 1
hung, fni 1
hung, ys 1
inwin, mr 1
ip, caroline hoi lam 1
ip, dyk 1
ip, m 1
ip, ppc 1
irawan, d 1
irawan, devi 1
isenberg, da 1
jack, dl 1
jackson, k 1
jiang, chen 1
jiang, l 1
jiao, fff 1
johnston, jm 1
kam, chak wah 1
kam, tsz yeung 1
kam, ty 1
kato, t 1
kazis, le 1
keating, se 1
keung, ipf 1
khan, naimah ebrahim 1
khan, ne 1
kind, p 1
king, ad 1
ko, fw 1
ko, fws 1
ko, rwt 1
koirala, b 1
koirala, binu 1
kong, cw 1
krishna, a 1
krishna, ashish 1
ku, d 1
ku, dtl 1
kung, hf 1
kung, k 1
kuong, ee 1
kwan, jck 1
kwan, jcy 1
kwan, kyw 1
kwan, myw 1
kwok, cannas 1
kwok, hh 1
kwok, jojo yan yan 1
kwok, lp 1
kwok, r 1
kwok, timothy 1
kwong, a 1
kwong, ry 1
labelle, h 1
lachs, m 1
lai, c 1
lai, cl 1
lai, cw 1
lai, daniel wl 1
lai, kc 1
lai, lsf 1
lam, a 1
lam, cl 1
lam, cl 1
lam, clk 1
lam, cmj 1
lam, do 1
lam, dob 1
lam, dtp 1
lam, ftp 1
lam, gll 1
lam, j 1
lam, joyce 1
lam, ko 1
lam, lcc 1
lam, ly 1
lam, mhs 1
lam, pky 1
lam, sh 1
lam, sy 1
lam, t 1
lam, t 1
lam, tai-chung 1
lam, tc 1
lam, tpd 1
lam, tsz ping 1
lam, wk 1
lam, yh 1
lau, ac 1
lau, chu leung 1
lau, g 1
lau, kk 1
lau, ky 1
lau, mm 1
lau, sf 1
lau, tth 1
lau, wcs 1
lauder, ij 1
le tung, thanh 1
le, tt 1
leal, daniela giambruno 1
leal, dg 1
lee, a 1
lee, anne wing mui 1
lee, awm 1
lee, cf 1
lee, cp 1
lee, jmf 1
lee, jung jae 1
lee, klf 1
lee, mf 1
lee, ph 1
lee, pwu 1
lee, r 1
lee, rsy 1
lee, sl 1
lee, yt 1
lee, yw 1
leung, cm 1
leung, d 1
leung, emf 1
leung, gm 1
leung, ip 1
leung, kfs 1
leung, m 1
leung, r 1
leung, rkw 1
leung, skf 1
leung, ss 1
leung, ssl 1
leung, sy 1
leung, yh 1
lezana-fernández, miguel ángel 1
lezana-fernández, má 1
li, jy 1
li, pwc 1
li, r 1
li, sx 1
li, x 1
li, xs 1
li, y 1
li, zy 1
lin, cc 1
lin, jj 1
lin, jx 1
lin, k 1
lin, m 1
lin, z 1
liu, s 1
liu, tt 1
liu, xiangxiang 1
liu, xiao 1
liu, xiaoxue 1
liu, xl 1
liu, y 1
liu, yuxi 1
lo, g 1
lo, jck 1
lo, s 1
lo, sh 1
lo, sl 1
lo, y 1
lo, yvonne 1
locarnini, s 1
lok, kris yuet-wan 1
lou, vivian wq 1
lui, mms 1
luk, keith d k 1
luk, m 1
luk, mhm 1
luk, mhm 1
luk, th 1
luk, tt 1
luo, y 1
luo, yi 1
lydyard, pm 1
ma, esk 1
ma, haiyan 1
mak, yw 1
man, ho, m 1
man, ryk 1
manirambona, e 1
manirambona, emery 1
mantoani, lc 1
mantoani, leandro cruz 1
mastrotheodoros, s 1
mcalanon, g 1
mcalonan, gm 1
mccrohon, j 1
mcpherson, b 1
mcpherson,, b 1
mehnert-theuerkauf, a 1
meneses-gonzález, f 1
meneses-gonzález, fernando 1
meng, rt 1
meng, runtang 1
mercer, sm 1
mohamed, ie 1
mohamed, iman elmahdi 1
mok, fp 1
mok, tyw 1
mok, wyw 1
molasiotis, a 1
mori, m 1
mukeshimana, m 1
mukeshimana, madeleine 1
nagesh, nitya 1
nam, sujin 1
nanj, a 1
nanji, a 1
ng, bobby k w 1
ng, dmw 1
ng, dwl 1
ng, e 1
ng, haze kl 1
ng, hkl 1
ng, lwc 1
ng, ml 1
ng, ssm 1
ng, ty 1
ng, zlh 1
ngai, fw 1
ngai, h 1
ngan, h 1
ngan, r 1
nguyen, chinh thi minh 1
nguyen, ctm 1
nguyen, htt 1
nguyen, huong thi thanh 1
nguyen, khanh thi 1
nguyen, kt 1
nguyen, son truong 1
nguyen, st 1
niederkrotenthaler, t 1
nitya-nagesh, 1
nurumal, mohd said 1
nurumal, ms 1
nzabonimana, a 1
nzabonimana, aimable 1
o, yq 1
ogungbe, oluwabunmi 1
omagan, k 1
omagari, k 1
omar, n 1
omer, nagla abdelrahim mohamed ahmed 1
omer, nama 1
or, k 1
osman, amy 1
ouyang, yq 1
pak, hl 1
pandian, vinciya 1
pang, cby 1
pang, eps 1
pang, poy 1
parker, a 1
peiris, jsm 1
pillemer, k 1
pirkis, j 1
poon, acy 1
poon, angela chiu yin 1
poon, j 1
poon, rt 1
poon, tcj 1
puang-ngern, b 1
puang-ngern, busayasachee 1
qiu, d 1
rashed, sr 1
reséndiz-rodriguez, a 1
reséndiz-rodriguez, areli 1
richards, sb 1
rowlings, p 1
sagun, ceryl g 1
sagun, cg 1
sam, k 1
scheller, tom 1
schembre, sm 1
schembre, susan m 1
schettini, lc 1
schettini, luisa clausi 1
schooling, cm 1
see, cyh 1
shah, m 1
shaik, r 1
shaik, ra 1
shaik, riyaz ahmed 1
sham, pc 1
shan, a 1
shankar, ng 1
shankar, nikhil gauri 1
shek, nwm 1
shek, twh 1
shek, wh 1
shen, c 1
shi, kq 1
shing, mk 1
shing, mmk 1
shing, sheung yu 1
shinkai, n 1
sin, sy 1
siu, p 1
siu, shingchung 1
smith, r 1
so, fung ling 1
so, mk 1
so, scy 1
so, wkw 1
sommer, k 1
sommer, kathrin 1
sou da rosa duque, j 1
spruyt, karen 1
stack, s 1
stat, c 1
suen, d 1
sun, f 1
sun, ko 1
sun, rongwei 1
svikis, dp 1
sze mun lau, sm 1
takemura, n 1
tam, bt 1
tam, cm 1
tam, hlc 1
tam, kf 1
tam, sym 1
tan, vpy 1
tan, ws 1
tang, d 1
tang, dh 1
tang, ehm 1
tang, g 1
tang, jsf 1
tang, lch 1
tang, mhy 1
tang, nr 1
tang, oy 1
tang, r 1
tang, sw 1
tarrant, ma 1
thambar, s 1
thomas, p 1
thometz, j 1
tiu, r 1
tiwari, afy 1
to, mkt 1
tolman, r 1
tolman, rm 1
toro, e 1
toro, edgardo 1
tran, hanh thi hong 1
tran, hth 1
tsang, jwh 1
tsang, kwt 1
tsang, rcc 1
tsang, skm 1
tsao, sw 1
tse, eyy 1
tso, wwy 1
tsoi, yyo 1
tsui, eva 1
tung, y 1
turgeon, i 1
turner, mw 1
umucu, emre 1
urgel, el 1
urgel, elvira l 1
uwiringiyimana, e 1
uwiringiyimana, emmanuel 1
vanichbuncha, t 1
vanichbuncha, tita 1
viswanath, k 1
walker, r 1
wan, a 1
wan, amy 1
wan, ch 1
wan, ch 1
wan, chonghua 1
wan, v 1
wan, yuen yin 1
wang, bym 1
wang, f 1
wang, h 1
wang, jkl 1
wang, kelvin man ping 1
wang, man ping 1
wang, mp 1
wang, tingxuan 1
wang, y 1
wang, y 1
wang, yl 1
wat, nms 1
weaver, t 1
weaver, tw 1
wei, wi 1
wei,, gx 1
wen, ym 1
weng, min 1
white, k 1
wong, byh 1
wong, c 1
wong, carlos 1
wong, carlos k. h. 1
wong, carlos king ho 1
wong, carlos king ho 1
wong, ck 1
wong, cn 1
wong, dtw 1
wong, e 1
wong, ely 1
wong, hk 1
wong, hs 1
wong, j 1
wong, j. y.h. 1
wong, janet 1
wong, janet yh 1
wong, jgws 1
wong, john kit shing 1
wong, jws 1
wong, jwsg 1
wong, jy-h 1
wong, kawai 1
wong, kh 1
wong, kl 1
wong, ksh 1
wong, ky 1
wong, l 1
wong, lc 1
wong, mp 1
wong, ncl 1
wong, pc 1
wong, r 1
wong, s 1
wong, s 1
wong, sf 1
wong, sh 1
wong, tks 1
wong, v 1
wong, wht 1
wong, wm 1
wong, yat wa 1
wong, yh 1
wong, ymb 1
woo, hhn 1
wu, lyf 1
xiao, zhengqin 1
xin, yiqiao 1
xing, j 1
xu, a 1
xu, ph 1
yam, hf 1
yam, lyc 1
yam, m 1
yam, ttt 1
yan, csw 1
yan, e 1
yan, el 1
yan, elsie 1
yan, ysm 1
yang, c 1
yao, cm 1
yau, kc 1
yeung, dcy 1
yeung, wsb 1
yew, ww 1
yip, cw 1
yip, hk 1
yip, lck 1
yiu, hhy 1
yoon, js 1
youssef, naglaa 1
yu, akf 1
yu, cah 1
yu, ds 1
yu, dsf 1
yu, gkk 1
yu, hong-jie 1
yu, hongjie 1
yu, y 1
yuan, h 1
yuen, cys 1
yuen, cys. 1
yuk fung, hyk 1
yuk, hyk 1
yung, p 1
yung, ps 1
yung, psh 1
zeng, qiuxuan 1
zhang, hy 1
zhang, qiran 1
zhang, wen 1
zhejiang, lx 1
zheng, huiqiu 1
zheng, mh 1
zheng, tt 1
zhou, j 1
zhu, b 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
chinese 65
humans 60
female 54
male 54
adult 47
middle aged 40
quality of life 35
hong kong 33
depression 32
risk factors 31
adolescent 30
mental health 30
aged 28
hong kong - epidemiology 25
asian continental ancestry group 23
intimate partner violence 23
predictive value of tests 21
medical sciences 19
retrospective studies 19
anxiety 18
child 18
primary care 18
sexual health 18
cross-sectional studies 17
health-related quality of life 17
public health 17
smoking cessation 17
young adult 17
blood pressure 16
diabetes 16
diabetes mellitus 16
magnetic resonance imaging 15
sex factors 15
dating violence 14
aged, 80 and over 13
breastfeeding 13
chinese women 13
incidence 13
resilience 13
cardiovascular diseases 12
metabolic syndrome 12
prevalence 12
psychometrics 12
reliability 12
risk factor 12
screening 12
abused women 11
age factors 11
cardiovascular disease 11
exercise 11
health status 11
hypertension 11
liver cirrhosis - complications - diagnosis 11
longitudinal studies 11
mortality 11
prediction 11
qigong 11
rehabilitation 11
validity 11
antiviral therapy 10
brain microstructure 10
cognition 10
diffusion kurtosis imaging 10
dna, viral - blood 10
functional outcome 10
health surveys 10
intervention 10
intracranial germ cell tumor 10
item response theory 10
mass screening - methods 10
meta-analysis 10
mobile phone 10
models, biological 10
neurotoxicity 10
optimal test assembly 10
pregnancy 10
proportional hazards models 10
psychiatric status rating scales 10
reproducibility of results 10
sexual minority 10
smartphone 10
validation 10
women 10
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 9
body mass index 9
chronic kidney disease 9
clinical effectiveness 9
colorectal cancer 9
confirmatory factor analysis 9
covid-19 9
diffusion 9
germ cells 9
health literacy 9
hepatitis b 9
hepatitis b virus - genetics 9
hotlines 9
infant feeding 9
infection 9
neurotoxicity syndromes 9
nonrestorative sleep 9
obesity 9
older adults 9
primary health care 9
prospective studies 9
radiation therapy 9
women's health 9
adolescents 8
body weight 8
cohort 8
culture 8
falls 8
family communication 8
family doctor 8
family well-being 8
follow-up studies 8
health promotion 8
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - diagnosis 8
intimate partner violence (ipv) 8
item selection 8
logistic models 8
management programme 8
misconception 8
parkinson’s disease 8
perceived stress 8
perception 8
psychological distress 8
qualitative 8
qualitative research 8
randomized controlled trial (rct) 8
risk 8
risk stratification 8
severity of illness index 8
social support 8
survival rate 8
telomerase 8
theory of planned behaviour 8
treatment outcome 8
violence 8
viral load 8
algorithms 7
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 7
cancer 7
chat groups 7
child abuse and neglect 7
child, preschool 7
children 7
chronic viral hepatitis 7
complications 7
domestic violence 7
drug response 7
edevice 7
ehealth 7
family dinner 7
family functioning 7
hepatitis b virus 7
hotlines - utilization 7
implementation 7
lamivudine - therapeutic use 7
life satisfaction 7
lifestyle 7
liver transplantation 7
management 7
mobile apps 7
mobile instant messaging 7
noise sensitivity 7
nucleos(t)ide analogue 7
obstructive sleep apnea 7
outcome assessment (health care) 7
patient enablement 7
patient-centered care 7
patient-reported outcomes 7
population study 7
prediabetes 7
prediabetic state 7
pregnancy outcome 7
prognosis 7
psychometric validation 7
questionnaires 7
quitline 7
randomized controlled trial 7
risk assessment 7
screen time 7
sex education 7
sleep problems 7
smoking - epidemiology - prevention & control 7
smoking - legislation & jurisprudence 7
smoking cessation - methods 7
social marketing 7
subjective well-being 7
type 2 diabetes mellitus 7
well-being 7
youth 7
aerobic exercise 6
analysis of variance 6
bifactor 6
breast cancer 6
breast milk 6
breast neoplasms - epidemiology - psychology - rehabilitation 6
cancer survivorship 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - virology 6
cardiovascular health 6
cervix uteri - virology 6
china 6
chronic hepatitis b 6
circadian rhythm 6
cohort studies 6
computer applications 6
coping 6
cost-effectiveness 6
cotinine 6
counseling - methods 6
dna, viral - genetics 6
elder abuse 6
end stage renal disease 6
enhancer elements (genetics) - genetics 6
epidemiology 6
exercise - physiology - psychology 6
father 6
genotype 6
haemoglobin a1c 6
hardiness 6
health disparities 6
health empowerment 6
hemoglobin a1c 6
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - complications - genetics 6
hepatocellular carcinoma 6
hotlines - statistics and numerical data 6
information technology 6
life expectancy 6
lipids 6
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
liver neoplasms - virology 6
low-income families 6
medical sciences medical sciences 6
mental concentration 6
mortality risk 6
motor difficulty 6
musculoskeletal disorders 6
mutation - genetics 6
nicotine replacement therapy 6
nursing 6
outcome assessment (health care) - statistics and numerical data 6
papillomavirus infections - epidemiology - ethnology - virology 6
population-based study 6
pregnancy complications - epidemiology - psychology 6
prevention 6
problematic smartphone use 6
promoter regions (genetics) - genetics 6
psychological health 6
pumping 6
quality of life - psychology 6
randomised controlled trial 6
risk prediction 6
secondhand smoke 6
smoking - epidemiology - prevention and control - psychology 6
smoking cessation - methods - psychology 6
smoking cessation - statistics and numerical data 6
stress 6
studiesmortality 6
survivors - statistics and numerical data 6
temperature 6
viral core proteins - genetics 6
virus activation 6
actigraphy 5
acute disease 5
addictive symptoms 5
adenocarcinoma - diagnosis - pathology 5
adiposity - physiology 5
alanine transaminase - blood 5
albumins - genetics - metabolism 5
alertness 5
alkaline phosphatase - blood 5
alpha-fetoproteins - analysis 5
aspartate aminotransferases - blood 5
atherosclerosis 5
autofluorescence bronchoscopy 5
bilirubin - blood 5
biological markers - blood 5
brachial artery - drug effects - physiology 5
breast-feeding 5
c-reactive protein 5
c-reactive protein - metabolism 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - diagnosis - surgery 5
carcinoma, squamous cell - diagnosis - pathology 5
carotid artery diseases - diagnosis 5
carotid intima-media thickness 5
cell-free circulating nucleic acid 5
cellular phone 5
chronic illness care 5
classification and regression tree 5
classification rule 5
community smokers 5
coronary artery disease 5
cost of screening 5
curve progression 5
cytological techniques 5
dating apps 5
depressive disorder - diagnosis - epidemiology 5
detection 5
diffusion-weighted imaging 5
double-blind 5
drivers 5
early detection 5
education 5
ehealth literacy 5
elasticity imaging techniques 5
elderly 5
employment 5
empowerment 5
endothelial dysfunction 5
endothelium, vascular - drug effects 5
end‐ 5
fatty acid-binding proteins - blood 5
fatty-acid-binding proteins 5
fibrosis 5
forced expiratory volume 5
gamma-glutamyltransferase - blood 5
gastrointestinal tumours 5
geriatric assessment - methods 5
globulins - analysis 5
hcc 5
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 5
healthcare system 5
hepatitis b, chronic - blood - drug therapy 5
hepatitis b, chronic - pathology 5
hip prosthesis 5
hiv 5
hrqol 5
immunocompromised host 5
insomnia 5
instant messaging 5
intention 5
intention to quit 5
intervertebral disk degeneration - classification - epidemiology - radiography 5
intimate partner 5
intimate terrorism 5
intravoxel incoherent motion 5
isoflavone 5
isoflavones - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 5
kaplan-meier estimate 5
laryngopharyngeal reflux 5
liver - metabolism 5
liver biochemistry 5
liver cirrhosis - diagnosis 5
liver neoplasms - blood - diagnosis - surgery 5
liver stiffness 5
lumbar vertebrae - radiography 5
lung - physiopathology 5
lung cancer 5
lung neoplasms - diagnosis - pathology 5
lupus erythematosus, systemic - complications 5
mass screening - methods - statistics and numerical data 5
mediator 5
meditation 5
men who have sex with men 5
mental disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 5
mental health—state of emotional and social well-being 5
metabolic syndrome x - blood 5
metabolic syndrome x - complications - physiopathology 5
mhealth 5
mindfulness 5
moiré 5
multi-disciplinary 5
mycobacterium 5
mycobacterium infections, atypical - complications - diagnosis 5
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 5
neoplasm recurrence, local - blood - diagnosis 5
nicotine replacement therapy sampling 5
nigeria 5
noise 5
nomogram 5
nutritional support 5
obesity - blood 5
obstetric/gynecology patients 5
older people 5
older population 5
opportunistic infections - complications - diagnosis 5
pandemic preparedness 5
physical examination - methods - statistics and numerical data 5
plasma mrna 5
polysomnography 5
positive predictive value 5
practice-based research network 5
pre-diabetes 5
prognostic factors 5
proton pump inhibitor 5
psychological abuse 5
psychological outcomes 5
psychometric 5
quality of care 5
quality of health care - standards 5
quitting history 5
rabeprazole 5
radiology - methods - statistics and numerical data 5
recovery of function 5
recurrent fall 5
referral and consultation 5
research 5
retrospective cohort studies 5
risk prediction model 5
risky sexual behaviours 5
rna, messenger - blood 5
roc curve 5
school health services 5
school screening program 5
schoolbased scoliosis screening program 5
schools - statistics and numerical data 5
scoliosis - diagnosis 5
scoliosis - diagnosis - prevention and control 5
scoliosis - diagnosis - therapy 5
scoliosis screening program 5
screen-based activities 5
seasonal pattern 5
self-care enablement 5
self-efficacy 5
sensitivity 5
sensitivity and specificity 5
service utilization 5
sexual aggression 5
short-message service 5
single fall 5
situational couple violence 5
sleep apnea syndromes - complications - physiopathology 5
smoking - epidemiology 5
smoking cessation - psychology 5
social networking sites 5
socioeconomic factors 5
soybean proteins - therapeutic use 5
spine 5
spirituality 5
sputum - cytology 5
sputum cytology 5
stage renal disease 5
statistics, nonparametric 5
survival analysis 5
synovitis 5
topography 5
transient elastography 5
transplantation, homologous 5
tumour staging 5
world health organization 5
yoga 5
young people 5
abuse assessment screen 4
acceptability 4
activity impairment 4
adherence 4
adolescent depressive symptoms 4
adult sexual victimization 4
advanced lung cancer 4
afc 4
affect 4
age 4
albuminuria - physiopathology 4
antenatal 4
anxiety - psychology 4
asian continental ancestry group - statistics & numerical data 4
assessment 4
attitude 4
automobile driving 4
baby-friendly hospital 4
battered women 4
battered women - statistics and numerical data 4
behavioural intervention 4
bioactive bone cement 4
biodegradation, environmental 4
bmi 4
bone cements - adverse effects - chemistry 4
bone remodeling 4
breast feeding 4
breathing exercises 4
cancer survivor 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - pathology - surgery 4
cardiovascular diseases - epidemiology 4
cardiovascular risk factors 4
caregiver burden 4
caregiving 4
cell differentiation 4
child abuse - psychology - statistics & numerical data 4
child health 4
child sexual abuse 4
child victimisation 4
china - ethnology 4
chinese immigrants 4
chinese juvenile victimisation questionnaire 4
cholesterol - blood 4
chromosomes, human, y 4
chronic insomnia 4
chronic liver disease 4
chronic pain 4
classification 4
clinical trials 4
cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (cbt-i) 4
cohabitation 4
cohort analysis 4
colonoscopy 4
community-acquired infections - epidemiology - microbiology 4
continuous positive airway pressure 4
coronary artery disease - physiopathology - rehabilitation 4
corporal punishment 4
correlates 4
count data 4
cpap 4
cultural competency 4
daily assessment study 4
data collection 4
degeneration 4
depression - psychology 4
depression, postpartum - epidemiology - psychology 4
depressive disorder - ethnology - psychology 4
depressive symptoms 4
diabetes mellitus - epidemiology 4
diet 4
disc 4
disc degeneration 4
dna primers 4
doppler 4
emergency departments 4
emergency services 4
end plate 4
endocarditis, bacterial - epidemiology - microbiology 4
endothelial cells - physiology 4
endothelial progenitor cells 4
endothelium, vascular - physiology 4
endplate 4
equivalence range 4
ethnic minority 4
exercise - physiology 4
exercise therapy 4
expression 4
factor analysis 4
factor analysis, statistical 4
fall 4
family characteristics 4
family conflict - ethnology - psychology 4
family relationships 4
family violence 4
feasibility 4
fecal occult blood testing 4
female sex workers 4
fluorescent antibody technique 4
formula supplementation 4
functional neuroimaging 4
gender identity 4
gene expression profiling 4
gestational age 4
grains 4
hba1c 4
health disparity 4
health education - methods 4
health services 4
health status indicators 4
health utilization 4
heart rate 4
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 4
hepatitis b - mortality - therapy - virology 4
hepatitis b surface antigens - blood 4
hepatitis b virus - growth & development 4
hepatitis b, chronic - physiopathology 4
hepatitis b, chronic - psychology 4
hepatocytes - cytology 4
hiv prevention 4
hong kong chinese 4
hospital practices 4
hospitalization 4
human brain 4
hypertension - physiopathology - psychology - therapy - urine 4
immigration status 4
in situ hybridization, fluorescence 4
in-law conflict 4
incident type 2 diabetes 4
infant formula 4
infective endocarditis 4
influenza 4
influenza vaccination 4
injury 4
intercultural care 4
internal-external control 4
interventions 4
intervertebral disc degeneration - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
intervertebral disk - pathology - physiopathology 4
intervertebral disk degeneration - epidemiology - pathology - physiopathology 4
intimate partner violence, 4
knowledge about aging 4
kupffer cells - cytology 4
likelihood ratio test 4
literature review 4
liver neoplasms - genetics - pathology - surgery 4
low back pain - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
lumbar 4
lumbar vertebrae - pathology - physiopathology 4
macrophages - cytology 4
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 4
marital status 4
mass screening 4
materials testing 4
maternal 4
maternal age 4
maternal and child health 4
maternal behavior - ethnology - psychology 4
maternal negative affect 4
measurement invariance 4
meat 4
medical and nursing students 4
membrane proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
mental disorders - therapy 4
mental illness 4
metabolic syndrome x - epidemiology 4
meteorological factors 4
milk expression 4
mobile gaming 4
mobility limitation 4
modic 4
mother-child relations - ethnology 4
mri 4
neoplasm invasiveness 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - pathology - surgery 4
network meta-analysis 4
neurological impact 4
obesity - epidemiology 4
octreotide 4
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis 4
osa 4
ovarian reserve 4
overweight - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
pancreatic anastomotic leakage 4
pancreaticoduodenectomy 4
partner violence 4
paternal age 4
patient–provider communication 4
perpetrator 4
personality inventory 4
pharmacotherapy 4
phenotype 4
physical activity 4
physical activity level 4
physical fitness - physiology 4
physical violence 4
polymerase chain reaction 4
polyvictimization 4
post-traumatic stress disorder 4
posttraumatic stress disorder 4
predictor 4
pregnancy - psychology 4
pregnancy and violence 4
pregnant women 4
pregnant women - psychology 4
prenatal 4
problem solving 4
problem solving treatment 4
professional drivers 4
protocol 4
psychological maltreatment 4
psychological stress 4
psychotherapy, brief - methods - standards 4
public health research 4
punishment - psychology 4
questionnaires - standards 4
randomised 4
recurrence 4
renin - blood 4
retrospective cohort 4
return to work 4
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 4
revised conflict tactics scale 4
rheumatic heart disease - epidemiology 4
safety 4
schmorl nodes 4
schmorl's 4
scoliosis screening 4
sedentary behavior 4
service learning 4
sf-12 4
sleep 4
southern chinese 4
spouse abuse 4
spouse abuse - psychology 4
spouse abuse - statistics and numerical data 4
staphylococcus aureus 4
statistics as topic 4
stem cells - physiology 4
strontium 4
strontium-containing hydroxyapatite 4
substance abuse, intravenous - epidemiology 4
suicidal ideation 4
sustainability 4
tai chi 4
the time to breastfeeding initiation 4
time factors 4
total hip arthroplasty 4
transplantation chimera 4
tv viewing 4
undiagnosed dm 4
variability 4
video game playing 4
violence - statistics and numerical data 4
weather 4
work condition 4
work productivity 4
aa454543 3
abortion, habitual - complications - ethnology - immunology 3
abuse 3
abused chinese women 3
adaptation 3
adults 3
ahi (apnea-hypopnea index) 3
aids 3
airflow obstruction 3
alcohol use 3
amoxicillin-potassium clavulanate combination - therapeutic use 3
anemia 3
angiogenesis 3
anti-bacterial agents - therapeutic use 3
anti-infective agents - therapeutic use 3
anti-mbl antibodies 3
anti-ulcer agents - therapeutic use 3
anti-β 2-glycoprotein i antibodies 3
antibiotics 3
antibodies, antiphospholipid - blood 3
anticardiolipin antibodies 3
antiphospholipid syndrome 3
anxiety disorders - diagnosis - psychology 3
arthroplasty, replacement, hip - instrumentation 3
attitude of health personnel 3
autoantibodies - blood 3
beta-thalassemia - complications - physiopathology - radiography 3
biomarkers 3
bone cements 3
bone marrow 3
bone marrow transplantation - methods 3
bystanders 3
casual sex 3
censoring 3
china - epidemiology 3
chinese family violence (華人家庭暴力) 3
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3
cognitive disorders 3
cognitive functioning self-assessment scale 3
cohort study 3
college students 3
comparative research and practice (比較研究與實務) 3
condom 3
condoms 3
consultation rates 3
conventional risk factors 3
coronary artery disease - diagnosis - surgery 3
cpap adherence 3
cross-cultural comparison 3
cross-cultural study 3
cross-culture 3
cultural adaptation 3
dating 3
daytime blood pressure 3
dementia 3
depression - ethnology - etiology - prevention and control 3
depression in women. 3
depressive disorder - diagnosis - psychology 3
dietary restraint 3
dna, circular - analysis 3
dna, viral - analysis 3
domestic violence - ethnology - psychology 3
down syndrome 3
drug resistance, microbial 3
drug therapy, combination 3
drug utilization 3
dyspraxia 3
eating behavior 3
economic abuse 3
elisa 3
emerging adults 3
emotional eating 3
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 3
epidemiologic methods 3
ess (epworth sleepiness scale) 3
exercise test - methods 3
experimental pain testing 3
external eating 3
family - psychology 3
family medicine 3
family practice - education - standards 3
forced expiratory flow rates 3
gene expression 3
glycaemic trajectory 3
gps 3
hads 3
head injuries 3
health services needs and demand - statistics and numerical data 3
health system responsiveness 3
healthcare burden 3
healthcare disparity 3
helicobacter infections - complications - drug therapy - pathology 3
helicobacter pylori 3
hepatitis b - drug therapy - virology 3
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - drug therapy - metabolism 3
hip joint - radiography - surgery 3
hospitals, university 3
human milk expression 3
human papillomavirus 3
hypertension - etiology - metabolism - physiopathology 3
immune-complex 3
immunoglobulin g - blood 3
immunoglobulin m - blood 3
infant health 3
information needs 3
internet 3
intimate partner violence -- psychological aspects. 3
intimate partners' violence (親密伴侶暴力) 3
intimate relationship 3
iron chelation therapy 3
iron overload - complications - diagnosis 3
joint diseases - radiography - surgery 3
linguistic 3
liver - pathology 3
liver cancer 3
liver diseases - complications - diagnosis 3
liver, mr 3
lumbar vertebrae 3
lung - radiography 3
lung diseases, obstructive - complications - radiography 3
lung function 3
lung, air trapping 3
lung, ct 3
lung, function 3
lupus erythematosus, systemic - blood - immunology 3
lupus erythematosus, systemic - complications - ethnology - immunology 3
lymphoma - complications - drug therapy - metabolism - virology 3
magnetic resonance angiography - methods 3
mannose-binding lectins - deficiency - immunology 3
maxillofacial injuries 3
maximum comfortable level 3
mbl deficiency 3
mediation 3
meta-regression 3
metronidazole - therapeutic use 3
mild cognitive impairment 3
mixture model 3
mobile application 3
multivariate analysis 3
mutation 3
neoplasms 3
neuromuscular reaction time 3
noise tolerance 3
non-restorative sleep 3
norm 3
nuchal translucency 3
omeprazole - therapeutic use 3
online research 3
online survey 3
overall survival 3
pain sensitivity questionnaire 3
paired samples 3
patient advocacy 3
patient education as topic 3
patient education as topic - methods 3
patient satisfaction - statistics and numerical data 3
patient-provider communication 3
pediatric cancer 3
physician's practice patterns - standards - statistics and numerical data 3
plethysmography 3
policy/policy development 3
post-hospital 3
postural control 3
power 3
precancerous conditions - epidemiology - microbiology - pathology - prevention & control 3
pregnancy complications, hematologic - ethnology - immunology 3
pregnant women (懷孕婦女) 3
professional support 3
psychiatry and neurology 3
psychometric properties 3
public health policy 3
pulmonary ventilation 3
pumped human milk 3
rct (randomized controlled trial) 3
recreation drug use 3
reference values 3
regression analysis 3
rehabilitation exercises 3
relative risk 3
reproductive health 3
respiratory diseases 3
satisfaction 3
scoliosis 3
serum screening 3
service utilisation 3
sex offenses 3
sex orientation 3
sexual abuse 3
sexual behavior 3
sexual behaviour 3
sexual coercion 3
sexual intercourse 3
sexual violence 3
sexually transmitted diseases 3
sf-36 3
short form-12 health survey 3
sleep apnea 3
sleep apnea, obstructive - complications - metabolism - physiopathology 3
sleep apnea, obstructive - therapy 3
smoking 3
smoking - psychology 3
social environment 3
spinal fusion 3
spirometry 3
stomach neoplasms - epidemiology - microbiology - pathology - prevention & control 3
students 3
subcutaneous needle 3
substance misuse 3
surgery medical sciences 3
survivors 3
survivors - psychology 3
sympathetic activity 3
systematic review 3
temporal pattern 3
text messaging 3
thalassemia 3
thrombosis 3
thrombosis - complications - ethnology - immunology 3
thurstones scale 3
tomography, emission-computed, single-photon - methods 3
tomography, x-ray computed 3
training 3
transcultural validation 3
translation 3
type i error 3
ultrasound 3
university 3
unprotected sex 3
vaccine 3
vaccine uptake 3
vital capacity 3
women’s health 3
abstracting, bibliographies, statistics statistics 2
anxiety - epidemiology 2
asymptotic relative efficiency 2
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity - psychology 2
attitude to health - ethnology 2
attitudes 2
baby-friendly hospital initiative 2
baccalaureate nursing students 2
biometry. 2
bone marrow transplant 2
bone marrow transplantation 2
breast feeding - ethnology - statistics and numerical data 2
breast feeding - statistics and numerical data 2
childhood abuse 2
chinese adults 2
chinese medicine 2
chinese medicine. 2
chinese, equivalence 2
clinical practice 2
cluster analysis 2
cognition disorders - classification - etiology - psychology 2
cognitive 2
cognitive functioning 2
communicable disease 2
competing risks 2
construct validity 2
cross-cultural equivalence 2
cross-cultural translation 2
cultural differences 2
culturally‐competent care 2
cured proportion 2
depression - epidemiology 2
depression, postpartum - etiology 2
digital intervention 2
disability evaluation 2
disease outbreaks 2
drugs, chinese herbal - adverse effects - therapeutic use 2
dynamic random effects 2
economic evaluation 2
elder mistreatment 2
em-algorithm 2
emergency units 2
emotional 2
emotions 2
ethnic minority women 2
exclusive breastfeeding 2
exercise frequency 2
exercise intensity 2
eye 2
fact-bmt 2
famciclovir 2
flic 2
generalized estimating equations 2
geographical information system 2
guideline adherence 2
guideline adherence - statistics and numerical data 2
hbv 2
health belief model 2
health beliefs 2
health‐care access 2
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 2
hepatitis b virus - isolation & purification 2
hepatitis b, chronic - drug therapy - mortality - prevention & control 2
hiit 2
hit 2
hospitals, public - standards 2
immune tolerant 2
infectious diseases 2
influenza vaccine 2
intensive care units 2
international cooperation 2
interval exercise 2
knowledge 2
lamivudine - administration & dosage 2
language 2
likelihood function 2
martingale estimating equation 2
maternal health services - standards 2
maternity care services 2
maternity leave 2
mathematical statistics. 2
maximum likelihood estimation 2
mental well-being 2
middle age 2
migration 2
mild traumatic brain injury 2
missing values 2
mixed effects model 2
mixture models 2
mothers - education - psychology - statistics and numerical data 2
multidisciplinary care 2
multiparous women 2
multiple imputations 2
neoplasms - therapy 2
nurses 2
ophthalmology - standards 2
pain 2
patient–provider interaction 2
post-concussion syndrome - complications - psychology 2
postpartum 2
pregnancy outcomes 2
prenatal diagnosis - psychology 2
preschool 2
previous experience 2
primary health care. 2
prostitution 2
psychological tests 2
psychometric evaluation 2
publishing - standards 2
quality control 2
quality of life instrument 2
race 2
randomised control trial 2
randomized controlled trials as topic - standards 2
recurrent events 2
religious differences 2
removal debugging 2
removal experiment 2
research design - standards 2
research subjects 2
respiratory tract infections - drug therapy - psychology 2
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - administration & dosage 2
score test 2
seasonal influenza 2
seeded fault 2
self care 2
self-care dependency 2
self-determination theory 2
sensitivity analysis 2
serial publications 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission 2
sexually transmitted infection 2
sf-36 summary scales 2
somatic symptoms 2
south asian women 2
standardized mortality ratio 2
sti 2
stroke 2
stroke - ethnology - physiopathology - rehabilitation 2
subjective socioeconomic status 2
suicide 2
thymosin-α1 2
time dependent capture probability 2
translating 2
typology 2
vaccination 2
wald test 2
weaning - ethnology 2
web-based intervention 2
working hours 2
acupuncture therapy 1
amnesia, transient global - etiology - pathology 1
breast cancer screening 1
breast cancer screening practices 1
classical test theory 1
clinical data management 1
consensus-based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments 1
culturally sensitive instrument 1
data validation 1
determinants 1
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging 1
diffusion weighted imaging 1
e-m algorithm 1
exercise therapy - methods 1
exploratory graph analysis 1
generalizability theory 1
good clinical data management practice 1
graduate nurse 1
healthcare students 1
hippocampus - pathology 1
instrument validation 1
kalman filter 1
longitudinal design 1
maximum likelihood estimators 1
measurement error 1
medical sciences food and food industries 1
missing data 1
nurse 1
nursing -- statistical methods 1
perceived stress scale 1
process variation 1
pulmonary 1
quality assurance 1
quantitative survey 1
range of motion, articular - physiology 1
scale reduction 1
shoulder joint - physiopathology 1
shoulder pain - diagnosis - rehabilitation - therapy 1
sleep quality questionnaire 1
standard operating procedures 1
statistics 1
transient global amnesia 1
work experiences 1
work outcomes 1
work readiness 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
tiwari, agnes fung yee 17
lam, cindy lo kuen 15
wong, janet yuen ha 15
chan, edward ko ling 9
siu, ming fai parco 9
ip, patrick 7
cheung, kenneth man chee 6
lam, tai hing 6
lam, wendy wing tak 6
tarrant, marie 6
wang, man ping 6
yuen, felix kwan hok 6
wong, carlos king ho 5
chan, sophia siu chee 4
lam, tai pong 4
lee, chi ho paul 4
li, william ho cheung 4
luk, keith dip kei 4
sham, pak chung 4
wong, ian chi kei 4
chan, derwin king chung 3
chan, godfrey chi fung 3
cheung, jason pui yin 3
chin, weng yee 3
choi, wai man 3
fielding, richard 3
fong, siu ming 3
fung, siu cheung colman 3
ho, pak chung 3
jojo kwok 3
kwong, ava 3
law, wai lun 3
lee, antoinette marie 3
leung, gabriel matthew 3
leung, yee man angela 3
lin, chia-chin 3
lo, yuen chung yvonne 3
wong, william chi wai 3
yu, sau fung doris 3
yu, yee tak esther 3
chan, chee hon 2
chan, esther wai yin 2
chau, pui hing 2
cheng, pak wing calvin 2
cheung, shuk ting 2
edmond choi 2
foo, chi chung 2
ho, man mandy 2
ho, rainbow tin hung 2
ian wong 2
ip, mary sau man 2
lai, ching lung 2
lai, vincent 2
lam, karen siu ling 2
lam, oi bing debbie 2
lee, tatia mei chun 2
leung, yin ping 2
lok, yuet wan 2
lok, yuet wan kris 2
macfarlane, duncan james 2
mcghee, sarah 2
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 2
seto, wai kay walter 2
takemura, naomi 2
tsang, wing hang janice 2
tso, wan yee winnie 2
wan, yuk fai eric 2
yan, chau wai elsie 2
yuen, richard man fung 2
cerin, ester 1
chan, cecilia lai wan 1
chan, karen kar loen 1
chan, kitty kit chi 1
chan, wai chi 1
chan, wing lok wendy 1
chan, yuen kwong 1
chen, julie yun 1
cheung, annie nga yin 1
cheung, chuen yih amos 1
cheung, yee tak derek 1
chui, sze ling celine 1
chung, ka fai 1
chung, oi kwan joyce 1
deng, wen 1
dora kwong 1
heys, michelle 1
ho, daniel sai yin 1
ho, joshua wing kei 1
ho, mun yin samuel 1
hong, wai lin 1
huang, lixi 1
hui choi, wai hing 1
hui, sai kam 1
hung, fan ngai ivan 1
hung, yeung sam 1
karlberg, johan petter einar 1
khong, pek lan 1
lai, yuen kwan agnes 1
lam, kwok fai 1
lee, elaine yuen phin 1
lee, victor ho fun 1
leung, sharron shuk kam 1
li, qing 1
lin, jingxia jessie 1
lou, vivian weiqun 1
lu, william weijia 1
luk, tzu tsun 1
mcpherson, donald bradley 1
or, ka lun 1
philip ho 1
poon, ronnie tung ping 1
poon, tung chung jensen 1
rao, nirmala 1
samartzis, dino 1
shea, graham ka hon 1
tan, kathryn choon beng 1
tian, linwei 1
tsao, george sai wah 1
tse, hung fat 1
wang, junwen john 1
wang, yu 1
wong, danny ka ho 1
wong, maria pik 1
wong, rosa sze man 1
wu, yik chung 1
xu, aimin 1
yang, wanling 1
yip, paul siu fai 1
yiu, kai hang 1
zhang, teng 1
zhang, teng grace 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
antihypertensive, big data, blood pressure target, hypertension, target trial emulation 8
abused women, chinese, perceived stress, qigong, rct, telomerase 7
breast cancer, cognitive attentional syndrome, colorectal cancer, fear of cancer recurrence, metacognition 7
chronic disease management programmes, extended evaluation, hospital authority, public-private partnership programmes, qualtiy of care 7
resilience, social disadvantage, early childhood, developmental trajectory, social-emotional development 7
anti-smoking, quitting behaviour, youth smoking 6
anxiety, depression, meditation, parkinson's disease, yoga 6
brace, cost-effectiveness, idiopathic scoliosis, spine, surgery 6
cancer, genetic, heterogeneity, identify, intra-tumoural, translating 6
chronic hepatitis b, cost-effectiveness, disease progression, drug treatment, quality of life 6
cognitive outcome, diffusion kurtosis, functional outcome, intracranial germinoma 6
colorectal cancer, colorectal polyps, cost-effectiveness, quality of life, screening 6
coping, emotion regulation, mental health, partner stalking, partner violence 6
environmental factors, genetic factors, hypovitaminosis d, infants, toddlers 6
family intervention, healthcare utilization, household no-smoking policy, secondhand smoke, smoking cessation 6
hepatitis b 6
alcohol, workiing age, chatbot, screening, brief intervention 6
artificial intelligence, children, adolescents, scoliosis, machine learning 6
implementation science, symptom distress screening, cancer, stepped wedge cluster randomized trial, psycho-oncology 6
adhd, methylphenidate, seizure 5
child protection, children and women health, cross border families, longitudinal study, social exclusion & integration 5
children with disability, health, prevention, victimization 5
chinese, complications, cvd, dm, mortality, risk 5
cognitive impairment, intimate partner violence, mild traumatic brain injury 5
community-based, management patterns, morbidity, primary care services 5
depressive disorders, primary care 5
family doctor, health care, utilization pattern 5
health-related quality of life, implementation research, musculoskeletal problems, primary care, randomized controlled trial 5
hotline, smoking cessation, youth 5
noise, noise sensitivity, non-restorative sleep, sleep 5
suspension antibody 5
refer to attachments 5
self-efficacy, motivational interviewing, tai chi, advanced lung cancer, motivation  5
social frailty, depression, service utilisation , older adults, mediator 5
walking exercise, exercise guidelines, exercise prescription, liver fat, obesity 5
adhd, behaviour, child maltreatment, parenting, prevalence 4
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, brace, randomized, controlled trial 4
adolescents, e-cigarette 4
adventure-based training, chilhood cancer survivors, physical activity, quality of life, self-efficacy 4
asian, diabetes, ethnic, prevention, program, south 4
assessment and management, cost-effectiveness study of, in-depth, multidisciplinary risk factor, pep, ramp 4
attention training, clumsy children, neuromuscular training, pediatric rehabilitation, postural control 4
behavioral risk, ecological momentary assessment, internet gaming disorder, longitudinal study, mental health, sensing technologies 4
bioactive, bone cement, spinal fracture 4
breast cancer, goal disengagement, goal reengagement, longitudinal study, psychological well-being 4
breast cancer, return to work, work productivity, work satisfaction 4
breastfeeding, hong kong, infant feeding, infant nutrition, intervention, professional support 4
cancer, cluster, communication, perception, smoking, trial 4
cervical cancer, dating violence, female university, sexual coercion, sexually transmitted, youth 4
cervical cancer, hpv, precancerous leison 4
child abuse, intimate partner violence, longitudinal study, pregnancy, risk factors 4
chinese (hong kong) students, critical thinkingdisposition, instrument validation 4
chinese, chronic pain, intimate partner violence, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, women 4
chinese, control, depression, intimate partner violence, posttraumatic stress disorder 4
chinese, inventory, maltreatment, psychological, validation, women 4
colorectal cancer 4
colorectal cancer survivors, diet, physical activity intervention 4
colorectal cancer, longitudinal study, physical symptom distress, psychological distress, psychosocial unmet needs 4
cost, cost effectiveness, effectiveness, hypertension, multi-disciplinary, risk stratification 4
depression, exercise training, insomnia, mind-body exercise, sleep, tai chi 4
depressive symptoms, immigrants, intervention, intimate partner violence, mainland chinese, randomized controlled trial 4
domestic, hong kong, service utilization, violence costs 4
exercise therapy, geriatric health, healthcare for older people, healthy aging, sleep health 4
exercise training, fatty liver, hiit, metabolic syndrome, obesity 4
female sex workers, hiv prevention, psychological intervention, randomised control trial, resilience 4
health care, scoliosis 4
heart rate variability, menopause, sleep, women 4
hpv, mothers, vaccination 4
abused, dwelling women, mental health, rct 3
adaption, behaviour, cultural, eating, psychologica, translation 3
alzheimer's disease, dementia, exercise training, mild cognitive impairment, mind-body exercise, tai chi 3
becoming parents, enhance transition, hospital-community partnership, parenthood 3
bisexual, dating, health needs, health status, lesbian, stress 3
breastfeeding, diabetes, gestational, glucose regulation, postpartum 3
brief smoking, emergency departments, quitting, self-determination, self-efficacy 3
chinese, experiences, intimate partner, intimate partner violence, relationship, women 3
chinese, perinatal depression, pregnancy 3
clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness, scoliosis, screening 3
collaboration of parents, volunteers and professionals 3
continous positive airway pressure, education, obstructive sleep apnea 3
developmental, motor proficiency, randomised controlled, skeletal development, taekwondo 3
diabetic macular edema, diabetic retinopathy, external limiting membrane, optical coherence tomography, retinal ultrastructures 3
elderly patients, problem-solving counselling 3
exercise intervention, hiit, interval training, metabolic syndrome, obesity 3
hpv, instant messaging, mhealth, vaccination 3
risky sexual behaviour, sex education, sexual consent, virtual reality 3
artificial intelligence , children, adolescents, scoliosis 3
null 3
progressive neurological, palliative care, support care, psychological, spiritual 3
anxiety, attachment theory, childhood adversities, risky behaviors, sexual decision-making 2
baby friendly hospital initiative, breastfeeding, infant formula 2
breast milk expression, breastfeeding 2
cardiovascular risks, chinese, heart rate variability, long working hours, socioeconomic status 2
cardiovascular risks, middle-aged, psychological distress, socioeconomic status 2
central retinal thickness, cost effectiveness, diabetic macular edema, optical coherence, subclinical diabetic 2
childhood obesity, children, exercise, physical fitness, physical inactivity 2
chinese medicine, randomized clinical trial, respiratory tract infections 2
disordered eating, pregnant 2
infectious disease, infleunza, influenza vaccine, pregnancy 2
infectious disease, influenza, influenza vaccine, pregnancy 2
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 75
nursing 23
cancer 12
health services 10
nursing,psychosocial and behavioural research 9
education: research on teaching & learningsocial work 7
psychology 7
social work, public health and social services (obsolete) 7
orthopaedics/traumatology,surgical research 6
others - relating to social sciences 6
paediatrics 6
public health 6
rehabilitative and physical medicine 6
respiration 6
diabetes/metabolism 5
health services,rheumatology 5
orthopaedics/traumatology 5
paediatrics,pharmacology/toxicology 5
public healthhealth services 5
social work,others - relating to social sciences 5
social work,public health 5
epidemiology 4
epidemiology,population health 4
geriatrics/gerontology 4
nursing,population health 4
nursing,social work, public health and social services (obsolete) 4
others - relating to social and behavioural sciences,rehabilitative and physical medicine 4
others - relating to social sciences,population health 4
population health,psychosocial and behavioural research 4
psychology,psychosocial and behavioural research 4
psychosocial and behavioural research 4
social work 4
n/a 3
nursing,education: theory and applications 3
nursing,health services 3
nursing,others - relating to social sciences 3
others - physical sciences 3
psychosocial and behavioural research,health services 3
vision,imaging 3
chinese medicine (clinical) 2
population health,nutrition 2
psychology,reproduction 2
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