Yung, Shuk Fei Sofie


Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
ovarian response 8
antral follicle count 7
in vitro fertilization 7
apoptosis 6
letrozole 6
medical abortion 6
misoprostol 6
progesterone receptor 6
antiā€mullerian hormone 5
cancer 5
embryo cryopreservation 5
fertility preservation 5
gonadotrophin dosing 5
in vitro fertilsation 5
oocyte cryopreservation 5
pain relief 5
sperm cryopreservation 5
threatened miscarriage 5
abortifacient agents, nonsteroidal - pharmacokinetics 4
abortion, induced - methods 4
acetic acid 4
acetic acid - pharmacokinetics 4
dydrogesterone 4
first trimester 4
frozen embryo transfer 4
hyaluronic acid 4
hydrogen-ion concentration 4
intrauterine lidocaine 4
lidocaine gel 4
live birth rate 4
miscarriage 4
misoprostol - pharmacokinetics 4
normal saline 4
oral progestogen 4
pharmacokinetics 4
progestogen 4
randomized controlled trial 4
saline contrast sonohysterography 4
saline infusion sonogram 4
transfer medium 4
vaginal bleeding 4
vaginal misoprostol 4
anti-mullerian hormone 3
conscious sedation 3
cumulative live birth rate 3
dehydroepiandrosterone 3
follicle-stimulating hormone 3
herlyn-werner-wunderlich syndrome 3
obstructed hemivagina 3
premature ovarian insufficiency 3
renal agenesis 3
septate uterus 3
testosterone 3
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 3
transvaginal oocyte retrieval 3
adult 2
antifungal therapy 2
blood culture 2
candida glabrata 2
candidemia 2
endometrial vascularity 2
group b streptococcus 2
ovarian osteoma 2
ovarian teratoma 2
patient preference 2
pelvic ultrasonography 2
pregnancy-induced hypertension 2
screening 2
small-for-gestational age 2
subendometrial vascularity 2
three-dimensional ultrasound 2
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
li, raymond hang wun 1
lok, yuet wan 1
ng, ernest hung yu 1
quan, jianchao 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 5
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