AuthorsNo. of Publications
cheah, kse 53
lovell-badge, rh 13
pelling, al 11
tang, asp 11
chan, d 9
tam, ppl 9
steel, k 8
cheng, ccw 7
dong, s 7
pelling, a 7
koopman, p 6
tsui, lc 6
bell, d 5
fritzsch, b 5
heng, h 5
ho, bsy 5
tan, z 5
tsang, ky 5
wang, c 5
kiernan, a 4
lovell-badge, r 4
sham, mh 4
tam, kt 4
tease, c 4
bell, dm 3
chan, ys 3
dung, wf 3
fisher, g 3
jahan, i 3
kuffner, t 3
kwong, mwh 3
levy, a 3
melhado, ig 3
niu, b 3
ron, d 3
steel, kp 3
wynn, sl 3
chan, d 2
chan, ns 2
chen, p 2
cheung, mch 2
gao, b 2
heng, hhq 2
kwong, wh 2
lau, jyb 2
lee, yt 2
leung, yl 2
shea, gkh 2
shum, dky 2
so, cl 2
szeto, iyy 2
tai, wye 2
trainer, pa 2
tsui, yp 2
wai, wk 2
au, tyk 1
au, yk 1
bell, d.m 1
bow, c 1
brucknertuderman, l 1
c, dkh 1
c, p 1
c, wy 1
cheslett, dl 1
chi leung so 1
chu, kc 1
dung, nwf 1
f, b 1
gao, b 1
h, yh 1
harvey, r.p 1
ho, bs-y 1
ho, kky 1
itoh, n 1
jauch, r 1
kam wing ling 1
kieman, a 1
kierman, a 1
kiernan, ae 1
kiernan, k 1
klernan, a 1
kwong, m 1
kwong, mhk 1
lau, j.y.b 1
lb, r 1
lee, pyt 1
lee, yf 1
leong, vyl 1
leung, vyl 1
leung, wl 1
ling jim ng 1
liu, aj 1
lovellbadge, r 1
lovellbadge, rh 1
mai har sham 1
mak, acy 1
mak, cy 1
mohun, t.j 1
ng, lj 1
niewiadomska, ak 1
poon, w 1
prall, o 1
rizzoti, k 1
s, iyy 1
s, mh 1
samartzis, d 1
sat, e 1
sham, pc 1
shang, c 1
song, y 1
szeto, yy 1
tai, cp 1
tam, a 1
tam, kw 1
tam, p.p.l 1
tang, spa 1
trainor, pa 1
tsui, lc 1
w, sl 1
wai, awk 1
wang, y 1
wheatley, sc 1
wong, syy 1
yip, jws 1
yip, ms 1
zhang, jcl 1
zhang, mq 1
zhang, y 1
zhou, s 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
animals 5
bone development - genetics 5
cartilage - growth and development 5
chondrogenesis - genetics 5
collagen type ii - genetics 5
collagen type x - genetics 5
mice 5
mice, transgenic 5
humans 4
time factors 4
base sequence 3
beta-galactosidase - metabolism 3
branchial arch 3
cartilage - embryology 3
chromosome 3 3
collagen - genetics 3
cre 3
deaf 3
deafness - genetics 3
ear 3
ear, inner - cytology - embryology - metabolism 3
enhancer elements, genetic - genetics 3
gene expression profiling 3
gene expression regulation, developmental 3
gene expression regulation, developmental - physiology 3
genetic techniques 3
hair 3
high mobility group proteins - physiology 3
homeodomain proteins - genetics 3
hoxb2 3
inner ear 3
integrases - genetics - metabolism 3
lac operon - genetics 3
mesoderm - metabolism 3
mice, inbred strains 3
molecular sequence data 3
mouse 3
mutation - radiation effects 3
otic placode 3
otocyst 3
pigmentation 3
pigmentation - genetics - radiation effects 3
postural balance - physiology - radiation effects 3
rats 3
rhombencephalon - embryology - metabolism 3
rhombomere 4 3
sox9 transcription factor 3
transcription factors - genetics 3
transcription factors - physiology 3
transgene 3
transgenic 3
x-irradiation 3
abnormalities-genetics 2
alleles 2
antigens,-polyomavirus-transforming-biosynthesis 2
basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors 2
blotting, southern 2
bone-and-bones-abnormalities 2
cell differentiation 2
chimera- 2
collagen - analysis - biosynthesis - genetics 2
collagen-genetics 2
dna-binding proteins - deficiency - genetics - metabolism 2
dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa 2
ear, inner - abnormalities - embryology - metabolism - pathology 2
embryonic and fetal development 2
epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica - therapy 2
fibroblasts - metabolism 2
gene expression 2
gene expression regulation 2
gene therapy 2
gene therapy - methods 2
gene transfer techniques 2
hair cells, auditory, inner - abnormalities - metabolism - pathology 2
human type vii collagen 2
immunohistochemistry 2
mesencephalon - metabolism 2
mice, mutant strains 2
mutation - genetics 2
nerve tissue proteins - deficiency - genetics - metabolism 2
phenotype 2
regulatory sequences, nucleic acid 2
restriction mapping 2
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 2
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 2
skin - chemistry - metabolism 2
skin disease 2
soxb1 transcription factors 2
trans-activators - deficiency - genetics - metabolism 2
transcription factors - deficiency - genetics - metabolism 2
transgenic mice 2
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