AuthorsNo. of Publications
peiris, jsm 113
chan, mcw 85
guan, y 39
chan, rwy 28
poon, llm 28
chan, wy 22
hui, py 22
sham, jst 22
kwong, dlw 20
mok, kp 15
kuok, it 14
tsao, sw 14
wang, x 14
yuen, km 13
chan, wy 12
cheung, cy 12
peiris, m 12
cheung, mc 11
poon, lml 11
sia, sf 11
choy, kt 10
ng, kc 10
ng, mh 10
tsao, gsw 10
chan, kh 9
hui, kpy 9
lai, jcc 9
yen, h 9
yen, hl 9
yu, wcl 9
yuen, ky 9
bui, ht 8
chan, kh 8
chan, ly 8
chui, wh 8
leung, cyh 8
ng, mmt 8
wei, wi 8
yuen, pw 8
chua, dtt 7
fong, jhm 7
gulley, ml 7
lau, yl 7
li, otw 7
lui, vch 7
peiris, malik 7
tam, pkh 7
tse, hf 7
chan, lly 6
fang, f 6
lau, cp 6
lung, ml 6
niedobitek, g 6
peiris, js 6
perera, rapm 6
webster, rg 6
wong, yc 6
yu, cl 6
bui, cht 5
chan, rwy 5
choy, d 5
chua, d 5
doak, sa 5
ferguson, a 5
jones, j 5
khanna, r 5
krauss, s 5
kremmer, e 5
kuok, dit 5
lee, smy 5
li, acl 5
liu, y 5
lo, j 5
sham, j 5
siu, cw 5
wang, j 5
webby, rj 5
burrows, sr 4
chan, cw 4
cheah, kse 4
cheung, pph 4
chin, wh 4
chu, dkw 4
dell, a 4
fung, k 4
garcia, jm 4
gu, haogao 4
hahn, p 4
kang, ssr 4
ko, jmy 4
kwong, yl 4
li, hs 4
matthay, ma 4
mok, ckp 4
moss, dj 4
ng, ka-chun 4
saing, h 4
sihoe, adl 4
stanbridge, ej 4
tang, lls 4
tao, kp 4
webby, r 4
wong, ddy 4
wu, ex 4
wu, y 4
zabarovsky, er 4
agathanggelou, a 3
air, g 3
amin, mb 3
buchy, p 3
cao, l 3
chan, lc 3
chan, m 3
chen, h 3
chen, h 3
cheng, ack 3
cheng, rys 3
cheung, fmf 3
cheung, hw 3
chiu, pm 3
chow, lsn 3
choy, dtk 3
chung, bhy 3
chung, lp 3
forrest, h 3
grässer, fa 3
guan, xy 3
haselhorst, t 3
haslam, s 3
haslam, sm 3
ho, ccc 3
huang, dp 3
hui, cff 3
ip, p 3
karamanska, r 3
khong, pl 3
kwong, dl 3
kwong, pwk 3
lai, st 3
law, hkw 3
lee, awm 3
lee, my 3
lee, vhf 3
li, z 3
liao, sy 3
lim, w 3
ling, mt 3
luk, w 3
lung, hl 3
malik peiris, js 3
ng, ihy 3
ng, iol 3
ng, lj 3
poon, leo l.m. 3
ren, y 3
ro, jy 3
shek, twh 3
smith, gj 3
swinnen, lj 3
wang, q 3
wang, w 3
wei, w 3
wong, ch 3
wong, mp 3
wong, sch 3
wong, vcn 3
young, ls 3
zhu, h 3
altmeyer, r 2
arrand, jr 2
aschenbrenner, lm 2
au, timmy w.k. 2
bacher, m 2
beh, sl 2
belser, ja 2
benser, me 2
brink, a 2
bruzzone, r 2
burrows, jm 2
busson, p 2
campbell, er 2
chan, gcf 2
chan, mc 2
chan, michael c w 2
chan, michael c.w. 2
chan, mpk 2
chan, ws 2
chan, yo 2
chen, lm 2
chen, r 2
cheng, km 2
cheng, ms 2
cheng, vcc 2
cheng, y 2
cheung, a 2
cheung, akl 2
cheung, kmc 2
cheung, p 2
chevalier, v 2
chim, cs 2
ching, rachel h.h. 2
chow, ls 2
chow, snl 2
chu, kw 2
cooper, l 2
cowling, bj 2
crumpton, jc 2
de souza, y 2
deng, w 2
dickens, p 2
doak, sav 2
eagan, pa 2
fan, h 2
fang, x 2
fassi-fihri, o 2
fok, ko 2
forrest, hl 2
fung, khy 2
garcia, jc 2
gong, j 2
greenspan, j 2
griffin, be 2
guan, w 2
gubareva, lv 2
gutiérrez, ra 2
hedlund, m 2
hemida, mg 2
ho, cwj 2
ho, jcw 2
ho, john c.w. 2
hsin, michael k.y. 2
huang, x 2
hui, kenrie p y 2
hui, kenrie p.y. 2
ip, ny 2
irwin, mg 2
jia, n 2
jin, dy 2
katz, jm 2
khoo, us 2
kien, f 2
kwong, d 2
lai, wh 2
lai, ww 2
lai, wwk 2
lau, ehy 2
lee, hyh 2
lee, jw 2
lestra, m 2
leung, yhc 2
li, h 2
li, o 2
li, ra 2
li, x 2
liang, ch 2
liao, s 2
liu, h 2
lo, acy 2
lo, kw 2
lui, v 2
luk, isc 2
ma, e 2
mackett, m 2
meseda, ca 2
middeldorp, jm 2
miguel, e 2
mishin, vp 2
moss, rb 2
nal, b 2
ng, ka chun 2
ng, mt 2
ng, tk 2
ng, wf 2
ngan, esw 2
ooka, t 2
pan, j 2
park, e 2
pearce, mb 2
peiris, jm 2
perera, lp 2
poon, leo l m 2
poon, leo lm 2
poon, ll 2
poon, lm 2
poulsen, l 2
rose, fj 2
rosenberg, sp 2
ruco, lp 2
schneider, bg 2
sham, js 2
sham, pc 2
sit, ko yung 2
stoppacciaro, a 2
su, w 2
sun, y 2
thompson, n 2
tipoe, gl 2
trianabaltzer, gb 2
tsang, dnc 2
tumpey, tm 2
uiprasertkul, m 2
van poucke, s 2
van reeth, k 2
von itzstein, m 2
walther, tj 2
wang, y 2
wang, z 2
wong, acn 2
wong, d 2
wong, dsh 2
wong, kky 2
wu, cy 2
yang, z 2
yau, cc 2
yeung, hw 2
yuan, z 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, jx 2
zhao, j 2
zhong, n 2
zhou, z 2
zong, ys 2
abayneh, t 1
agathanggelon, a 1
agnihothram, s 1
air, gm 1
akira, s 1
akira, shizou 1
ali, a 1
ali, ma 1
allday, mj 1
allred, dc 1
alnaeem, a 1
altmeyer, rm 1
arkhipov, v 1
arnold, gj 1
au, gkh 1
au, kw 1
au, timmy wk 1
au, wy 1
auewarakul, p 1
ayala, ag 1
babizki, m 1
baker, dp 1
banks, pm 1
barclay, ws 1
baric, rs 1
baroni, cd 1
barth, s 1
bavari, s 1
beagley, l 1
beck, a 1
bell, dj 1
belshe, rb 1
billiau, v 1
binder, cj 1
bloom, jd 1
boon, acm 1
bouguermouh, a 1
bourne, aj 1
breviario, f 1
bricker, tl 1
brink, aatp 1
bromham, l 1
brooks, l 1
burton, mp 1
butany, j 1
butler, aw 1
böhm, r 1
chan, ck 1
chan, cm 1
chan, gs 1
chan, hm 1
chan, iww 1
chan, koon wing 1
chan, kw 1
chan, michael chi-wai 1
chan, michael cw 1
chan, myp 1
chan, pks 1
chan, r 1
chan, rw 1
chan, s 1
chan, shk 1
chan, sk 1
chan, sy 1
chan, wwl 1
chan, yc 1
chan, yk 1
chan, ys 1
chan, yw 1
chang, ld-j 1
chang, lydia dai jia 1
channappanavar, r 1
chen, cf 1
chen, hl 1
chen, hl 1
chen, rui 1
chen, xy 1
chen, y 1
chen, yg 1
cheng, cf 1
cheng, ck 1
cheng, ka man 1
cheng, samuel m.s. 1
cheng, samuel ms 1
cheng, w 1
cheng, y 1
cherny, stacey s. 1
cheung, alm 1
cheung, any 1
cheung, kn 1
cheung, m-c 1
cheung, man chun 1
cheung, man-chun 1
cheung, mt 1
cheung, php 1
cheung, st 1
cheung, tkw 1
cheung, yc 1
chiang, aks 1
chin, alex w h 1
ching, hh 1
ching, yp 1
chiu, ss 1
chiu, sss 1
choi, ach 1
choi, cw 1
choi, hl 1
choi, sw 1
chokephaibulkit, k 1
chow, ck 1
chow, jph 1
chow, velda l.y. 1
choy, ka tim 1
choy, t 1
choy, tk 1
chu, cm 1
chu, daniel k w 1
chu, julie ts 1
chua, gilbert 1
chun kit lee, w 1
chun, acs 1
chung, gty 1
chung, hy 1
chung, joseph c.k. 1
chung, ming hin 1
chung, yc 1
clevers, h 1
cohen, ir 1
colman, a 1
coman, w 1
connolly, g 1
crook, t 1
crossland, n 1
dai, w 1
danielson, kg 1
darling, tl 1
de vincentiis, m 1
dejana, e 1
demissié, gf 1
djennaoui, d 1
dong, xp 1
douam, f 1
drosten, c 1
dudas, g 1
dyason, jc 1
ehret, john 1
eiknes, sh 1
el masry, i 1
ellebedy, ah 1
ermolaeva, m 1
escriou, n 1
esteban, ma 1
fan, ly 1
fan, rebecca ly 1
fan, st 1
fang, vj 1
feld, gk 1
feng, hc 1
feng, z 1
fiorini, s 1
fish, e 1
fish, en 1
fong, hm 1
francis, gd 1
fröhlich, t 1
fu, s 1
fung, ml 1
gallo, a 1
garcia, j 1
garcia-barcelo, maria mercè 1
garcia-barcelo, mm 1
garciabarcelo, m 1
gelaye, e 1
geradts, j 1
gordon, kh 1
grabenbauer, gg 1
grasser, f 1
grasser, fa 1
greaney, aj 1
grässer, f 1
gu, h 1
gu, h 1
guardo, m 1
gurtsevitch, v 1
hachim, a 1
han, h 1
hans, c 1
harastani, hh 1
haryana, sm 1
hau, pm 1
hawley, s 1
he, qiuming 1
heath, rb 1
herath mudiyanselage, hmtk 1
herbst, h 1
ho, cc 1
ho, ck 1
ho, jcy 1
ho, john c w 1
ho, john cw 1
ho, wk 1
hoi, yn 1
holmdahl, r 1
hopton, cl 1
horby, p 1
horm, vs 1
hosegood, ian 1
houali, k 1
hsu, c 1
hsu, ch 1
hsu, sj 1
hu, l 1
hu, y 1
huang, y 1
huang, z 1
huebner, k 1
hui, kenrie pui-yan 1
hui, kenrie py 1
hui, kf 1
hui, n 1
hui, pk 1
hultqvist, m 1
hyytiainen, m 1
imai, y 1
iozzo, rv 1
ip, kwy 1
ip, mary sau-man 1
islam, t 1
itzstein, mv 1
janik, c 1
jenkins, d 1
jia, d 1
jia, lj 1
jiang, c 1
jiang, g 1
jiao, yaqing 1
joshi, a 1
ka kit leung, g 1
kaewpreedee, p 1
kalpravidh, w 1
kam, tonia tong 1
kan, r 1
kayali, g 1
keskioja, j 1
klimov, aa 1
ko, rlw 1
kong, ryg 1
koo, ym 1
kopf, m 1
krishnan, p 1
krishnan, pavithra 1
krishnan, sp 1
kuba, k 1
kudelko, m 1
kung, awc 1
kuranga, sa 1
kuria, w 1
kwan, jsh 1
kwok, h 1
kwong, dhy 1
kwong, dlw 1
lagarde, n 1
lai, ka ling 1
lai, kl 1
lam, ak 1
lam, cck 1
lam, ko 1
lam, ksl 1
lam, ky 1
lam, tommy t y 1
lam, wy 1
lam, yh 1
lamb, jr 1
lan, hy 1
larson, jl 1
lau, tyh 1
lau, yu lung 1
law, sy 1
lay, kwj 1
lee, acw 1
lee, cp 1
lee, dcw 1
lee, ef 1
lee, eh 1
lee, j 1
lee, jmf 1
lee, jsk 1
lee, k 1
lee, kc 1
lee, py 1
lee, s 1
lee, sd 1
lee, sl 1
lee, v 1
lee, yk 1
leong, kc 1
leong, l 1
leung, csw 1
leung, cw 1
leung, cy 1
leung, daniel 1
leung, g 1
leung, sy 1
leung, syh 1
leung, tw 1
li, b 1
li, cl 1
li, gkh 1
li, h 1
li, ot 1
li, q 1
li, qx 1
li, rf 1
li, sy 1
li, v 1
li, y 1
liang, c 1
liang, r 1
liang, w 1
liang, yingmin 1
liao, q 1
liao, s 1
lichy, jh 1
lim, wl 1
lin, c 1
lin, cl 1
lin, w 1
lin, zx 1
ling, cs 1
liu, d 1
liu, f 1
liu, gyz 1
liu, h 1
liu, hy 1
liu, tf 1
liu, wei 1
liu, xf 1
liu, yingzhi 1
liu, yu 1
liu, z 1
lo, ck 1
lo, jy 1
lo, skf 1
long, ht 1
low, lck 1
loy, h 1
luk, gs 1
luk, my 1
luther, m 1
lv, h 1
ma, l 1
ma, lt 1
madge, pd 1
mak, jcw 1
mak, judith choi-wo 1
mak, kl 1
mak, pwy 1
mak, yw 1
malakhov, m 1
malakhov, mp 1
mamo, g 1
man, k 1
man, wy 1
mao, m 1
mason, rj 1
matrosovich, m 1
mech, c 1
meijer, cjlm 1
meister, g 1
meyerholz, dk 1
miao, x 1
middeldorf, j 1
middeldorp, j 1
mitchison, hm 1
mohammed, bm 1
mok, chris k p 1
mok, ckp 1
motsch, n 1
mun hong ng 1
muth, d 1
mya, gh 1
mĂ¼llerlantzsch, n 1
nauwynck, hj 1
neely, gg 1
nefkens, i 1
ng, dym 1
ng, hy 1
ng, k-c 1
ng, km 1
ng, m 1
ng, mt 1
ng, wk 1
ng, ymd 1
ng, yp 1
ng, yuet mai 1
ngo, dn 1
nguyen, dt 1
nguyen, pah 1
niemeyer, d 1
nizami, sarea islam nuha 1
nizami, sin 1
njagi, o 1
novikova, e 1
o'callaghan, c 1
o'nions, j 1
obadan, a 1
oladipo, jo 1
ong, ks 1
ooi, gc 1
ormsby, t 1
oyas, h 1
pasparakis, m 1
paulson, jc 1
pavlish, o 1
peng, j 1
peng, p 1
penninger, jm 1
perera, lip 1
perera, py 1
perez, dr 1
perkmann, t 1
perlman, s 1
pfuhl, t 1
pier, gb 1
piganeau, g 1
pileri, s 1
pillarisetti, j 1
pittaluga, s 1
poon, ryc 1
poon, sy 1
pooruk, p 1
poulsen, lm 1
poutanen, s 1
puthavathana, p 1
pzolt, d 1
qi, s 1
rabadan, r 1
raffoux, c 1
rahbar, r 1
rainer, timothy h 1
rambaut, a 1
roberton, si 1
roberts, k 1
roger, f 1
romeike, bfm 1
russell, rj 1
sachs, n 1
sachse, m 1
sai, wt 1
sangsiriwut, k 1
sanyal, sumana 1
sat, ewy 1
scherback, l 1
schichman, sa 1
schmitz, aj 1
schultz-cherry, s 1
schultz-cherry, sl 1
sham, fgj 1
sham, pak c. 1
sham, st 1
shek, wh 1
shih, kcs 1
shimizu, y 1
shiu, syw 1
sholehvar, b 1
shum, marcus h h 1
sia, sin fun 1
simpson, ma 1
sin, fs 1
sit, fyl 1
sit, ko-yung 1
sit, ylf 1
siu, yl 1
slade, rw 1
slutsky, as 1
smith, c 1
so, kc 1
so, lky 1
so, ly 1
so, man ting 1
so, mt 1
so, ray t y 1
so, rty 1
so, th 1
so, ty 1
sommer, p 1
sorn, s 1
sridhar, s 1
srigley, jr 1
srisook, k 1
starr, tn 1
streicher, u 1
su, wen 1
sui, j 1
sun, b 1
sun, h 1
sun, wanying 1
tam, ay 1
tam, paul k. 1
tam, ppl 1
tan, kcb 1
tang, clara s m 1
tang, dj 1
tang, mhy 1
tang, sm 1
tao, q 1
tellam, j 1
teng, o 1
teoh, kt 1
to, kkw 1
todd, d 1
tong, cc 1
tong, cindy s w 1
tong, dkh 1
tran, pq 1
traoré, a 1
trarore, a 1
travanty, ea 1
triana-baltzer, gb 1
trianabaltzer, g 1
tsai, pn 1
tsang, cm 1
tsang, j 1
tsang, kc 1
tsang, nc 1
tsao, s-w 1
tse, km 1
tsoi, ns 1
tsz hin kwok, k 1
turner, js 1
uccini, s 1
uhlendorff, j 1
valkenburg, sophie a. 1
van den brule, ajc 1
van loo, g 1
van poucke, sgm 1
vanprapar, n 1
veldhuizen, r 1
vncini, s 1
von dobschuetz, s 1
waldmann, ta 1
waldmannc, ta 1
walelign, e 1
walther, t 1
wan, ckc 1
wan, ky 1
wang, bx 1
wang, fh 1
wang, h 1
wang, pg 1
wang, r 1
wanglia, r 1
webb, n 1
wei, i 1
whelan, spj 1
wong, ac 1
wong, ay 1
wong, ayl 1
wong, chk 1
wong, emily h m 1
wong, hh 1
wong, hk 1
wong, hm 1
wong, john k l 1
wong, karen h m 1
wong, kenneth k y 1
wong, kh 1
wong, ksc 1
wong, lpw 1
wong, m 1
wong, sc 1
wong, sn 1
wong, vcl 1
wong, wm 1
woolfit, m 1
wu, c 1
wu, vwc 1
wu, x 1
wurtman, d 1
wurtman, df 1
xia, hm 1
xia, huimin 1
xiangguo, z 1
xu, k 1
yaghubianmalhami, r 1
yam, lyc 1
yamamoto, m 1
yan, kw 1
yan, lm 1
yan, ww 1
yang, xh 1
yang, zf 1
yee, wks 1
yen, hui ling 1
yen, hy 1
yeun, pw 1
yeung, f 1
yeung, hin wo 1
yeung, hin-wo 1
yin, w 1
yip, ky 1
yip, yl 1
yong, cw 1
yu lam siu, l 1
yu, h 1
yu, jk 1
yu, m 1
yu, wc 1
yuan, l 1
yue, h 1
yuen, apw 1
yuen, kkm 1
yuen, st 1
yuen, w 1
yuk, oc 1
yung, rwh 1
zaltash, s 1
zhang, qy 1
zhang, ruizhong 1
zhang, rz 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, yilin 1
zhao, jincun 1
zhao, lingyun 1
zhao, x 1
zheng, bj 1
zheng, h 1
zheng, z 1
zhou, c 1
zhou, j 1
zhou, y 1
zhu, jy 1
zhu, s 1
zhu, sg 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 77
female 42
male 41
animals 35
sars-cov-2 27
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 26
immunohistochemistry 25
adult 23
middle aged 23
influenza 22
covid-19 19
coronavirus 18
disease progression 17
swine 17
transmission 17
aged 16
respiratory system - virology 16
child 15
infant 15
fatal outcome 14
hong kong 14
influenza, human - virology 14
mers-cov 14
promoter hypermethylation 14
virus replication 14
adolescent 13
avian 13
cell line, tumor 13
conjunctiva - virology 13
organ culture techniques 13
birds 12
bronchi - cytology 12
cell cycle 12
cells, cultured 12
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - metabolism 12
receptors, cell surface - metabolism 12
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 12
sars 12
zoonosis 12
africa 11
biopsy 11
down-regulation 11
ferrets - virology 11
h5n1 11
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - metabolism 11
mice 11
transfection 11
acute lung injury 10
alveolar epithelial cells 10
apoptosis 10
carcinoma - metabolism - pathology 10
cell differentiation 10
chemicals and cas registry numbers 10
child, preschool 10
conjunctiva 10
cyclooxygenase 2 - biosynthesis - genetics 10
cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors 10
cytokines - metabolism 10
e-cadherin 10
h7n9 10
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - growth & development - pathogenicity 10
influenza a virus, h1n2 subtype - genetics - growth & development - pathogenicity 10
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - genetics - immunology - pathogenicity 10
influenza in birds - enzymology - immunology - virology 10
influenza, human - enzymology - virology 10
influenza, human - metabolism - transmission 10
mesenchymal stromal cells 10
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism - pathology 10
phylogeny 10
reassortant viruses - isolation & purification 10
respiratory mucosa - virology 10
risk assessment 10
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 10
viral tropism 10
virulence 10
virus attachment 10
alveolar fluid clearance 9
cell cycle arrest 9
chromosomes, human, pair 14 - genetics 9
dna damage 9
dna methylation 9
gene expression 9
genetic predisposition to disease 9
in situ hybridization 9
microcell-mediated chromosome transfer 9
mipol1 9
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 9
neoplasm invasiveness 9
pathogenesis 9
sars virus - physiology 9
severe acute respiratory syndrome 9
signal transduction 9
tumor cells, cultured 9
tumor suppressor proteins - genetics - metabolism 9
2009 pandemic h1n1 influenza virus 8
autopsy 8
bronchi - immunology - pathology 8
characterization 8
chemokines 8
china 8
coronaviruses 8
cytokines - immunology 8
diagnosis, differential 8
dogs 8
immunity, innate 8
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology - pathogenicity 8
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - immunology 8
innate host responses 8
ip-10 8
medical sciences 8
nasopharynx - virology 8
neoplasm metastasis 8
neoplasm staging 8
neuroblastoma - metabolism - pathology 8
pathogenicity 8
phenotype 8
pulmonary alveoli - immunology 8
respiratory mucosa - immunology - pathology 8
rna, messenger - metabolism 8
swine influenza virus 8
tropism 8
avian influenza 7
bronchial tissue 7
cell cycle proteins - genetics - metabolism 7
cell-mediated immunity 7
chfr 7
china - epidemiology 7
chromatids - genetics - metabolism 7
col4a5 7
col4a6 7
copy number variation 7
cpg islands - genetics 7
dna-directed dna polymerase - genetics - metabolism 7
drug resistance, neoplasm 7
epigenesis, genetic - genetics 7
etiology 7
evolution 7
gene expression regulation, neoplastic - genetics 7
gene expression regulation, viral - physiology 7
gene silencing 7
gestational age 7
gonosomal mosaicism 7
hemagglutinin glycoproteins, influenza virus - metabolism 7
hemagglutinins - genetics - metabolism 7
herpesvirus 4, human - isolation & purification 7
histones - metabolism 7
infant, newborn 7
influenza a 7
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - enzymology - genetics - physiology 7
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - classification - genetics 7
influenza virus 7
isolated diffuse oesophageal leiomyomatosis 7
lung - pathology - virology 7
mers 7
mitosis 7
nasal tissue 7
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - drug therapy - genetics - metabolism 7
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics - pathology 7
neoplasm proteins - genetics - metabolism 7
neuraminidase - metabolism 7
omicron ba.2 7
orthomyxoviridae infections - epidemiology - transmission - virology 7
phosphorylation 7
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 7
proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - genetics - metabolism 7
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction - methods 7
risk factors 7
rna interference 7
rna, viral - analysis 7
sars cov 7
swine, miniature 7
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - metabolism 7
universal vaccine 7
up-regulation 7
ventricular remodeling - physiology 7
viral genes 7
whole exome sequencing 7
adherens junctions - metabolism 6
aerosols 6
airway epithelial cells 6
alpha b-crystallin 6
anti-angiogenesis 6
antibodies, monoclonal - diagnostic use 6
biodiversity 6
biodiversity conservation 6
birds - virology 6
blotting, western 6
bronchi - pathology 6
cadherins - metabolism 6
cell movement 6
cell nucleus - ultrastructure 6
cell proliferation 6
cigarette smoking 6
combined modality therapy 6
conservation of natural resources 6
coronavirus - classification - isolation & purification - ultrastructure 6
coronavirus infections - diagnosis - transmission - virology 6
endocrine glands - metabolism 6
epicardial patch 6
epstein-barr virus 6
ex vivo 6
explants 6
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 6
giant cells - ultrastructure 6
herpesvirus 4, human - immunology 6
hpai 6
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - pathogenicity 6
influenza a virus, h3n2 subtype - genetics - pathogenicity 6
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 6
influenza in birds - epidemiology - transmission - virology 6
influenza, human - epidemiology - transmission - virology 6
influenza, human - transmission 6
latent transforming growth factor β binding protein 2 (ltbp-2) 6
metaplasia 6
metastatic growth 6
microscopy, electron 6
myocardial infarction 6
myocardial infarction - pathology - physiopathology - surgery 6
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) 6
nsp6 6
nucleocapsid proteins - analysis 6
opportunistic infections - diagnosis - transmission - virology 6
organ size 6
orthomyxoviridae infections - transmission 6
orthomyxoviridae infections - transmission - veterinary - virology 6
owston's civet 6
pandemics 6
pericardium - pathology - physiopathology 6
polymerase chain reaction 6
pregnancy 6
pregnancy trimester, first 6
prosthesis implantation - methods 6
radiotherapy 6
sars virus - isolation & purification 6
sars-cov 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - complications - pathology - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - transmission - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - mortality - physiopathology - virology 6
swine - virology 6
tumor cell dormancy 6
tumor suppression 6
tumor suppressor proteins - metabolism 6
vascular endothelial growth factor, endocrine-gland-derived - metabolism 6
ventricular dysfunction, left - physiopathology - surgery 6
ventricular remodeling 6
virus cultivation 6
virus evolution 6
viverrid 6
viverridae - anatomy & histology - physiology - virology 6
wild species infections 6
zoonoses - epidemiology 6
β-catenin 6
adaptation, biological 5
adenoviridae - immunology 5
antiviral agents - pharmacology 5
bone marrow 5
bone marrow transplantation - methods - physiology 5
cadherins - genetics - metabolism 5
cell count 5
cell death - drug effects 5
cell polarity 5
children 5
chronic disease 5
clade 5
clone cells 5
communicable diseases, emerging 5
cpg islands 5
cyclosporine 5
cytokine 5
disease outbreaks 5
disease reservoirs 5
electrophysiologic techniques, cardiac 5
endothelial cells - immunology - virology 5
epidermal growth factor receptor 5
epithelial cells - immunology - virology 5
epstein-barr virus infections - immunology - therapy 5
epstein-barr virus nuclear antigens - immunology 5
ex vivo explants 5
ferrets 5
flow cytometry 5
fluorescent antibody technique 5
fomite 5
genome, viral 5
h7n9 influenza virus 5
histology 5
hospitalization 5
hpai h5nx 5
immunization, passive 5
influenza a virus - enzymology - genetics 5
influenza a virus - genetics - metabolism - physiology 5
influenza a virus - physiology 5
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - drug effects 5
influenza b 5
influenza in birds - enzymology 5
influenza, human - prevention and control - virology 5
interferons - metabolism - pharmacology 5
ischaemic myocardium 5
leukocytes, mononuclear - physiology 5
lineage specific 5
lung - cytology - drug effects - virology 5
lung - drug effects - metabolism - virology 5
mammals - virology 5
methylation 5
microspheres 5
middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (mers-cov) 5
myocardial ischemia - physiopathology 5
myocardial revascularization - methods 5
myocardium - metabolism 5
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - immunology - pathology - therapy - virology 5
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism 5
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - pathology - virology 5
neovascularization 5
neovascularization, physiologic 5
neuraminidase inhibitors 5
nucleocapsid proteins - genetics - metabolism 5
nucleoprotein 5
omicron 5
paracrine communication 5
r292k na mutation 5
radiation 5
recombinant fusion proteins - pharmacology 5
remission induction 5
resistance 5
rna, neoplasm - metabolism 5
sars virus - genetics 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - epidemiology - prevention & control - transmission - virology 5
signal transduction - physiology 5
stem cells - physiology 5
syrian hamsters 5
t-lymphocytes, cytotoxic - immunology 5
telomerase - metabolism 5
tissue tropism 5
treatment outcome 5
triavalent influenza vaccine 5
tumor markers, biological - analysis 5
type i interferon 5
vaccine effectiveness 5
vascular endothelial growth factor a - metabolism 5
ventricular function, left 5
viral envelope proteins - genetics - metabolism 5
viral matrix proteins - genetics - metabolism 5
viral matrix proteins - immunology 5
viral nonstructural proteins - genetics - metabolism - physiology 5
virus assembly 5
ablation 4
acth syndrome, ectopic - complications - diagnosis 4
adjuvants, immunologic - administration and dosage 4
adrenocorticotropic hormone - analysis 4
amino acid sequence 4
antineoplastic agents - pharmacology 4
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
antiviral agents - pharmacokinetics - pharmacology 4
avian influenza h5n1 virus 4
biliary atresia 4
biliary epithelial cells 4
biological markers 4
biopsies 4
body temperature 4
bone metastases 4
bone neoplasms - secondary 4
bronchi - metabolism - virology 4
bronchial epithelial cells 4
carcinoma, squamous cell - drug therapy - mortality - secondary 4
carcinoma, squamous cell - radiotherapy - surgery 4
carrier proteins - metabolism 4
cartilage - cytology - embryology - metabolism 4
catheter ablation - methods 4
cd56 4
cdc2-cdc28 kinases 4
cell cycle - drug effects 4
cell division 4
cell function 4
cell isolation 4
cell line 4
cell migration 4
cell survival - drug effects 4
cisplatin 4
cisplatin - pharmacology 4
collagen - biosynthesis - classification - genetics 4
colon carcinoma cells 4
colonic neoplasms - pathology 4
contraceptive agents, male - toxicity 4
coronavirus disease 2019 4
coronavirus infections - diagnosis - mortality 4
culture media, serum-free 4
cushing syndrome - etiology 4
cutaneous fistula - etiology 4
cyclin-dependent kinase 2 4
cyclin-dependent kinase 4 4
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 4
cyclin-dependent kinases - metabolism 4
cytokeratin 7 4
cytology and histology 4
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging - methods 4
distant metastases 4
dna fragmentation - drug effects 4
dna-binding proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
dose-response relationship, drug 4
drug administration schedule 4
dti 4
ebv 4
ectopic acth syndrome 4
electrophoresis, agar gel 4
embryonic and fetal development - physiology 4
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 4
epithelial cell adhesion molecule 4
epithelium - virology 4
epitope mapping 4
epstein- barr virus 4
ex vivo bronchi 4
eye tissue 4
factor xii deficiency - complications - ethnology 4
fetus - metabolism 4
fistula 4
fludase 4
follow-up studies 4
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - etiology 4
gefitinib 4
genes, viral 4
gossypol 4
gossypol - toxicity 4
h5n1 influenza virus 4
hae 4
hematoma, subdural - etiology 4
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics 4
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics - immunology - physiology 4
heterosubtypic immunity 4
histologic remission 4
host response 4
human 4
human respiratory epithelial cell in vitro cultures 4
human respiratory organ ex vivo cultures 4
id-1 4
il-6 4
il-8 4
in farct size 4
infarct location 4
influenza a virus, h3n2 subtype - immunology - pathogenicity 4
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - classification - immunology 4
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - genetics - pathogenicity 4
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - immunology - pathogenicity 4
influenza in birds - virology 4
influenza, human - diagnosis - mortality 4
influenza, human - epidemiology - immunology - pathology - physiopathology 4
influenza, human - prevention & control 4
inhibitor of differentiation protein 1 4
interferons - metabolism 4
interleukin-12 - biosynthesis - metabolism 4
interleukin-15 - administration and dosage - immunology 4
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins 4
karyotyping 4
kinetics 4
laryngeal neoplasms 4
laryngeal neoplasms - radiotherapy - surgery 4
laryngectomy 4
laryngectomy - adverse effects 4
lesion 4
leukocytes, mononuclear - cytology 4
liver fibrosis 4
maackia amurensis agglutinin 4
macrophages - virology 4
maximum tolerated dose 4
microwave 4
microwaves - therapeutic use 4
mitochondria 4
molecular sequence data 4
monocytes - cytology 4
mouse-adaptation 4
multiple myeloma - pathology 4
muscle, skeletal - pathology - physiology - surgery 4
myocardial fiber 4
myocardial infarction - pathology 4
myocardium infarction 4
nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - complications - diagnosis 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - drug therapy - mortality - pathology 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - mortality - pathology - radiotherapy 4
neoplasm proteins - metabolism 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - drug therapy - mortality - pathology 4
neoplasms, multiple primary - diagnosis - pathology - therapy 4
neural crest 4
neuroectodermal tumors, primitive, peripheral - diagnosis - pathology - therapy 4
neurofibromatosis 4
neurofibromatosis 1 - diagnosis - pathology - therapy 4
next-generation sequencing 4
oncology medical sciences 4
oral fistula - etiology 4
orthomyxoviridae - drug effects 4
orthomyxoviridae infections - immunology - physiopathology 4
orthomyxoviridae infections - immunology - prevention and control 4
osteitis deformans - diagnosis 4
osteosclerosis - diagnosis 4
pathology 4
pharyngeal diseases - etiology 4
pharyngectomy 4
pharyngocutaneous 4
plasmacytoma - complications - pathology 4
plasmids 4
population surveillance 4
primitive neuroectodermal tumor 4
prognosis 4
proliferation 4
protein-serine-threonine kinases - metabolism 4
proto-oncogene proteins 4
quinazolines - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
radiofrequency 4
radiology and nuclear medicine pharmacy and pharmacology biology 4
recombinant fusion proteins - pharmacokinetics - pharmacology 4
recurrence 4
reference values 4
remission, spontaneous 4
remodeling 4
repressor proteins 4
respiratory distress syndrome, adult - immunology 4
respiratory syncytial virus infections - diagnosis - mortality 4
retinoblastoma protein 4
retrospective studies 4
rna - isolation & purification 4
rna, messenger - biosynthesis - metabolism 4
sambucus nigra agglutnin 4
sars virus - genetics - metabolism 4
sciences: comprehensive works 4
sialic acid receptors 4
stomach neoplasms - complications - pathology 4
survival analysis 4
time factors 4
tissue distribution 4
tomography, x-ray computed 4
transcription factors - genetics - metabolism 4
type ii pneumocytes 4
type-i-like pneumocytes 4
universal vaccines 4
vaccinia virus - genetics - immunology 4
ventricular dysfunction, left - pathology 4
viral infection 4
viral load 4
viral matrix proteins - analysis 4
viral nonstructural proteins - genetics 4
acute disease 3
adaptor proteins, vesicular transport - metabolism 3
adenoma - blood - complications - pathology 3
adoptive cell therapy 3
adrenocorticotropic hormone - blood 3
agammaglobulinemia 3
alternative splicing 3
amino acid metabolism, inborn errors - blood - immunology 3
amino acids - analysis 3
analgesia intra-articular 3
analgesics non-opioid ketorolac 3
angiogenesis 3
anisotropy 3
antibodies, monoclonal 3
antibodies, viral - isolation & purification 3
antigens, cd56 - metabolism 3
antigens, viral - analysis 3
antineoplastic agents, phytogenic - pharmacology 3
antisense elements (genetics) 3
apoptosis - drug effects - genetics 3
astrocytes - cytology - immunology - virology 3
avian h5n1 virus 3
barf1 3
base sequence 3
beta-galactosidase - metabolism 3
bone and bones - embryology 3
borderzone 3
brain neoplasms - immunology - pathology - secondary 3
bronchi - metabolism 3
cancer vaccine 3
carcinoma 3
carcinoma - enzymology - pathology 3
carcinoma - pathology - virology 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - complications - pathology 3
carcinoma, squamous cell - pathology - virology 3
carrier proteins - genetics - physiology 3
cartilage - embryology 3
case-control studies 3
cell aging - drug effects 3
cell cycle - drug effects - physiology 3
cell cycle - radiation effects 3
cell division - drug effects 3
cell division - drug effects - physiology 3
cell proliferation - drug effects 3
cell survival - drug effects - physiology 3
cellimmuno 3
cervical vertebrae - abnormalities - ultrasonography 3
checkpoint inhibitors 3
chemokine ccl2 - biosynthesis 3
children, chinese 3
chromatography, gas 3
chromatography, high pressure liquid 3
cisplatin - toxicity 3
codon - genetics 3
collagen - genetics 3
culture media, conditioned - chemistry 3
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 3
cyclin-dependent kinases - antagonists & inhibitors 3
cyclooxygenase 2 - biosynthesis 3
cytopathogenic effect, viral 3
cytotoxic t cells 3
dengue virus - classification - genetics - physiology 3
diaphragmatic hernia 3
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging 3
diffusion tensor imaging 3
disease models, animal 3
dna, viral - isolation & purification 3
dose-response relationship, radiation 3
dysostoses - ultrasonography 3
ebv expression 3
embryo, mammalian - metabolism 3
embryonic and fetal development 3
enterocolitis, necrotizing - genetics - metabolism - pathology 3
enzyme activation 3
enzyme induction - radiation effects 3
epstein-barr virus infections - complications - diagnosis 3
ex vivo human bronchus culture 3
ex vivo lung culture 3
fetal diseases - ultrasonography 3
fiber architecture 3
fluorescent antibody technique, direct - methods 3
fluorouracil - toxicity 3
g1 phase - radiation effects 3
galactose - analogs & derivatives - biosynthesis 3
gamma rays 3
gastric cancer 3
gastric dilatation - ultrasonography 3
gene expression regulation, neoplastic - drug effects - genetics 3
gene transfer techniques 3
genes, tumor suppressor 3
genetic vectors - genetics 3
hemagglutinin glycoproteins, influenza virus - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
hernia, diaphragmatic - ultrasonography 3
herpesviridae infections 3
herpesvirus 4, human 3
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics - immunology - isolation & purification 3
hirsutism - blood - etiology 3
hodgkin's disease 3
host-pathogen interactions 3
human seasonal h1n1 virus 3
human α1(ii) collagen mrna 3
humdisease 3
hydrocortisone - blood 3
immunodeficiency 3
immunologic deficiency syndromes - complications - immunology 3
immunotherapy 3
inborn error of immunity 3
influenza a virus 3
influenza a virus - genetics - metabolism 3
influenza a virus - isolation & purification 3
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - physiology 3
influenza a virus, h3n2 subtype - metabolism 3
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype 3
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - pathogenicity 3
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - physiology 3
influenza, human - metabolism 3
influenza, human - metabolism - virology 3
interleukin-6 - biosynthesis - genetics 3
interleukin-6 - blood 3
interleukin-6 - metabolism 3
interleukin-8 - biosynthesis - genetics 3
interleukin-8 - blood 3
jarcho-levin syndrome 3
jejunal neoplasms - diagnosis - immunology - pathology 3
keywords: liver cell adenoma, bile pigment, hirsutism, child 3
learning objectives 3
liver neoplasms - blood - complications - pathology 3
lung 3
lymphangioma 3
lymphangioma - epidemiology - pathology - surgery 3
lymphocyte subsets - immunology 3
lymphoma, t-cell, peripheral - diagnosis - immunology - pathology 3
macrophage migration-inhibitory factors - blood - genetics - metabolism 3
macrophage migration-inhibitory factors - metabolism 3
macrophages - cytology - metabolism 3
mapk 3
methylmalonic acid - blood 3
methylmalonic acidaemia 3
mice, inbred c57bl 3
microvascular endothelial cells 3
mif 3
mitogen-activated protein kinases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 3
models, molecular 3
n-myc 3
nadph oxidase - metabolism 3
nasopharjngeal neoplasms 3
nasopharyngeal aspirates (npa) 3
nasopharyngeal flocked swabs (npfs) 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - chemistry - diagnosis - radiotherapy 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - enzymology 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - enzymology - pathology 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - pathology - radiotherapy 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - virology 3
nec 3
neoplasm recurrence, local - virology 3
neoplasm transplantation 3
neuraminidase 3
neuraminidase - chemistry 3
neuroblastoma 3
neurodegenerative disease 3
neuroinflammation 3
neurons - cytology - immunology - virology 3
nf-kappa b - metabolism 3
non-chondrogenic expression 3
npc differentiation 3
nuclear magnetic resonance 3
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis 3
oligonucleotide probes - genetics 3
orthomyxoviridae infections - metabolism 3
oxidative stress 3
paclitaxel - pharmacology 3
pancreas 3
pancreas - pathology 3
pancreatic neoplasms - epidemiology - pathology - surgery 3
pandemic h1n1pdm virus 3
parainfluenza virus 1, human - isolation & purification 3
parainfluenza virus 2, human - isolation & purification 3
parainfluenza virus 3, human - isolation & purification 3
paraneoplastic syndromes - diagnosis - etiology 3
pbl 3
phospholipids - metabolism 3
predictive value of tests 3
procollagen - genetics 3
protein precursors - genetics 3
proto-oncogene proteins c-myc - biosynthesis - genetics 3
questionaire 3
rapid diagnosis 3
rat 3
receptor interaction 3
receptors, antigen, t-cell, gamma-delta - metabolism 3
receptors, cell surface - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
receptors, virus - biosynthesis 3
receptors, virus - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
receptors, virus - chemistry - metabolism 3
recombinant fusion proteins - chemistry - pharmacology 3
recombinant proteins - metabolism 3
respiratory distress syndrome, adult - metabolism 3
respiratory mucosa - cytology - metabolism 3
respiratory syncytial viruses - isolation & purification 3
respiratory tract infections - virology 3
respiratory viruses 3
ribs - abnormalities - ultrasonography 3
rna, messenger - biosynthesis 3
rna, messenger - genetics 3
sars virus - metabolism 3
saturation transfer difference 3
scoliosis - ultrasonography 3
sensitivity and specificity 3
sepsis - complications 3
serology 3
severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) 3
severe acute respiratory syndrome - metabolism 3
sialoglycoproteins - chemistry - metabolism 3
specimen handling - methods 3
spine - abnormalities - ultrasonography 3
spondylocostal dysostosis 3
stomach 3
stomach neoplasms - drug therapy - genetics - metabolism 3
telomerase 3
telomerase activation 3
thoracic vertebrae - abnormalities - ultrasonography 3
toll-like receptor 4 - metabolism 3
transplantation, heterologous 3
tumor burden 3
tumor cells, cultured - enzymology - radiation effects 3
tumor marker 3
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - biosynthesis - genetics 3
tumor stem cell assay 3
tumor suppressor protein p53 - drug effects - metabolism - physiology 3
tumor virus infections 3
ultrasonography, prenatal 3
ultrasound 3
up-regulation - genetics 3
vascular endothelial growth factor a - biosynthesis - genetics 3
viral proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
viral proteins - genetics - pharmacology - physiology 3
virion - metabolism 3
virus assembly - physiology 3
virus diseases - virology 3
virus latency 3
viruses - genetics - isolation & purification 3
x-linked lymphoproliferative disease type 1 (xlp1) 3
xenograft 3
actuarial analysis 2
acute kidney injury - etiology 2
aged, 80 and over 2
antibodies, monoclonal - immunology 2
antibodies, viral - immunology 2
antibody specificity 2
antifungal agents - therapeutic use 2
antigens, viral - immunology 2
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 2
barna, messenger - metabolism 2
bile duct neoplasms - mortality - pathology - ultrastructure 2
bile ducts, intrahepatic - pathology 2
brachytherapy 2
brain tumour 2
candidiasis - diagnosis - microbiology 2
carbohydrates 2
carboxypeptidases - metabolism 2
carcinoma - diagnosis - therapy 2
carcinoma - microbiology - pathology 2
carcinoma - mortality - pathology - radiotherapy - therapy 2
carcinoma in situ - diagnosis - therapy - virology 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - ultrastructure 2
carcinoma, papillary - complications 2
carcinoma, squamous cell - microbiology - pathology 2
carcinoma, transitional cell - complications 2
cell line, transformed 2
cell transformation, neoplastic - pathology - radiation effects 2
cholangiocarcinoma - mortality - pathology - ultrastructure 2
chromosomes, human, pair 3 2
cisplatin - administration & dosage 2
clinicopathological features 2
combined hepatocellular- cholangiocarcinoma 2
cranial fossa, posterior - surgery 2
cranial irradiation - adverse effects 2
cross infection - diagnosis - microbiology 2
cross infection - microbiology - transmission 2
dna primers - chemistry 2
dna, viral - analysis - isolation & purification 2
ear, middle - pathology - radiography - surgery 2
endoscopy - methods 2
epirubicin - administration & dosage 2
epstein-barr virus (ebv) 2
epstein-barr virus infections - virology 2
fiber optic technology 2
fungemia - diagnosis - microbiology 2
gene expression regulation, developmental 2
haemangiopericytoma 2
hemagglutinin 2
hemagglutinin glycoproteins, influenza virus - biosynthesis - genetics - metabolism 2
hemagglutinin glycoproteins, influenza virus - chemistry 2
hemangiopericytoma - pathology - radiotherapy - surgery 2
herpesviridae infections - pathology 2
histological techniques 2
hodgkin disease - virology 2
induction chemotherapy 2
infant, premature 2
infant, premature, diseases - diagnosis - microbiology 2
influenza a virus - chemistry - classification 2
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - physiology - ultrastructure 2
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - genetics - pathogenicity - physiology 2
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - genetics - physiology - ultrastructure 2
influenza in birds - blood - diagnosis - virology 2
influenza, human - blood - diagnosis - virology 2
influenza, human - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology 2
influenza, human - pathology - virology 2
intestines - virology 2
intranasal 2
intraperitoneal 2
intravascular lymphomatosis 2
iridium radioisotopes - therapeutic use 2
laboratory diagnosis 2
latent membrane protein (lmp 1) 2
lentivirus - genetics - pathogenicity - physiology 2
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - ultrastructure 2
lmp1 2
lps 2
luciferases - genetics 2
lymphatic metastasis 2
lymphocytes - virology 2
lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse - pathology - virology 2
lymphoma, t-cell - pathology - virology 2
lymphoma, t-cell, peripheral - virology 2
magnetic resonance spectroscopy - methods - standards 2
malassezia - isolation & purification 2
meningeal neoplasms - pathology - radiotherapy - surgery 2
monoclonal antibodies 2
mycoses - microbiology - transmission 2
n-acetylneuraminic acid - metabolism 2
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - diagnosis - therapy 2
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - diagnosis - therapy - virology 2
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology - radiotherapy 2
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - mortality - pathology - radiotherapy - therapy 2
nasopharynx - pathology 2
neck 2
neck dissection 2
neoplasm recurrence, local 2
neoplasm recurrence, local - pathology - surgery 2
neoplasms, multiple primary - mortality - pathology - ultrastructure 2
neoplasms, radiation-induced - pathology 2
neuraminidase - chemistry - metabolism 2
neuraminidase - genetics - physiology 2
neutralization tests - methods 2
nmr spectroscopy 2
npc 2
nuclear magnetic resonance, biomolecular 2
nucleic acid amplification techniques 2
oncogene proteins, viral - analysis - chemistry - genetics - immunology 2
organ injury 2
orthomyxoviridae - chemistry - enzymology 2
oseltamivir - pharmacology 2
parenteral nutrition, total - adverse effects 2
particle size 2
peptidyl-dipeptidase a - metabolism 2
promoter regions (genetics) 2
proportional hazards models 2
prospective studies 2
proto-oncogene proteins - genetics 2
pseudotyped lentiviral particles 2
pulmonary alveoli - metabolism 2
radiosurgery 2
radiotherapy dosage 2
radiotherapy, adjuvant 2
receptor, epidermal growth factor - metabolism 2
receptors, cell surface - chemistry 2
reoperation 2
respiratory distress syndrome, adult - enzymology - etiology 2
rhabdomyosarcoma 2
rhabdomyosarcoma - pathology 2
sars coronavirus 2
sars virus - isolation & purification - pathogenicity 2
sepsis 2
sequence deletion 2
serodiagnostic 2
serologic tests - methods 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - complications - enzymology 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - pathology - virology 2
sialic acid 2
sialic acids 2
species specificity 2
survival 2
survival rate 2
t-cell 2
tonsil neoplasm 2
tonsillar neoplasms - microbiology - pathology 2
transformation 2
tumor suppressor protein p53 - metabolism 2
tumor virus infections - pathology 2
urinary bladder neoplasms - complications 2
viral matrix proteins - analysis - chemistry - genetics - immunology 2
viral proteins - genetics - physiology 2
virion - genetics - pathogenicity - physiology 2
virus assembly - genetics - physiology 2
virus replication - physiology 2
viruses 2
放射治療 2
香港大學醫學院 2
鼻咽癌治療 2
鼻咽癌病人 2
鼻咽部 2
30-bp deletion 1
a/hong kong/1/68 1
adenocarcinoma 1
adenocarcinoma - etiology - pathology 1
alkaline phosphatase - metabolism 1
alleles 1
analytic test validation 1
anatomical pathology 1
anatomy - methods 1
antibodies, viral - blood 1
antigen presentation - physiology 1
antigens, cd - analysis 1
antigens, cd63 1
antiviral agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
atp-binding cassette transporters - metabolism 1
bacterial adhesion 1
bamhi-f region 1
bcl-2 1
bhrf1 1
bladder 1
bladder carcinoma 1
blood donors 1
blood-borne viruses 1
blotting, southern 1
brain neoplasms - drug therapy - enzymology 1
breast neoplasms - chemistry - diagnosis - metabolism 1
burkitt lymphoma - immunology 1
burkitt lymphoma - virology 1
carcinoma - classification - virology 1
carcinoma - enzymology - pathology - virology 1
carcinoma - genetics - immunology - virology 1
carcinoma - immunology - metabolism - pathology 1
carcinoma - immunology - pathology 1
carcinoma - pathology - radiotherapy 1
carcinoma - virology 1
carcinoma in situ - metabolism - pathology - virology 1
carcinoma in situ - pathology 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - chemistry - complications - virology 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - epidemiology - virology 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - genetics - immunology - virology 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - immunology - pathology 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - metabolism 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - metabolism - pathology - virology 1
carcinoma, squamous cell - virology 1
carcinoma-in-situ-pathology 1
carrier proteins - genetics 1
cell adhesion molecules - analysis 1
cell transformation, neoplastic - pathology 1
cell transformation, viral 1
central nervous system 1
chemokine ccl17 1
chemokines, cc - analysis - genetics 1
cloning, molecular 1
clothing 1
competitive polymerase chain reaction 1
coronary vessels - pathology 1
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 - metabolism 1
cytokines - genetics 1
cytotoxic t lymphocyte 1
deoxyribonuclease bamhi - genetics 1
diabetes, gestational - complications 1
diagnosis 1
disease outbreaks - prevention & control 1
diverticulum 1
diverticulum - pathology 1
dna replication 1
dna, viral 1
dna, viral - analysis 1
dna, viral - analysis - genetics 1
dna, viral - genetics 1
dna-binding proteins 1
dna-binding proteins - metabolism 1
drugs, chinese herbal - adverse effects 1
ebna2 1
england - epidemiology 1
epithelium - pathology - virology 1
epitope 1
epitopes - immunology 1
epitopes, t-lymphocyte - analysis - chemistry 1
epstein-barr virus infections - genetics 1
epstein-barr virus infections - genetics - immunology 1
epstein-barr virus nuclear antigen 1 1
epstein-barr virus nuclear antigens - genetics 1
evolution, molecular 1
fatal cases 1
fibrosis - pathology 1
foreign bodies 1
gene deletion 1
gene expression regulation, viral 1
genetic variation 1
genitalia, female - abnormalities 1
germany - epidemiology 1
hand, foot and mouth disease 1
heart failure - pathology 1
hemorrhage - pathology 1
hemorrhagic myocarditis 1
hepacivirus - isolation & purification 1
hepatitis b - epidemiology 1
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 1
hepatitis c - epidemiology 1
hepatitis c antibodies - blood 1
hepatitis viruses 1
herpesviridae infections - complications - diagnosis - genetics 1
herpesviridae infections - complications - epidemiology 1
herpesviridae infections - enzymology - pathology - virology 1
herpesviridae infections - metabolism - pathology 1
herpesvirus 4, human - enzymology - isolation & purification 1
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics - immunology 1
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics - isolation & purification 1
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics - physiology 1
histocompatibility antigens class i - immunology 1
histocytochemistry 1
hiv antibodies - blood 1
hiv infections - epidemiology 1
hiv seroprevalence 1
hiv-1 - classification - genetics - immunology - isolation & purification 1
hiv-1 prevalence 1
hla restriction 1
hla-a2 antigen - genetics - immunology - metabolism 1
hodgkin disease - genetics - immunology - virology 1
hong kong - epidemiology 1
htlv-i antibodies - blood 1
htlv-i infections - epidemiology 1
human enterovirus a71 1
hyperacute rejection 1
il-10 1
immune system - physiology 1
immunoenzyme techniques 1
immunohistochemistry - methods 1
in situ hybridization - methods 1
in-situ carcinoma 1
infectious mononucleosis - virology 1
innate immunity 1
integrins 1
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 1
interleukin-10 - analysis - genetics 1
interleukin-6 - analysis - genetics 1
interleukin-8 - analysis - genetics 1
jun/ap-1 1
latent membrane protein 1 1
lectin 1
lectins - metabolism 1
local recurrence 1
luciferases - metabolism 1
lung - pathology 1
lupus erythematosus 1
lupus erythematosus, systemic - pathology 1
lymphocyte activation 1
lymphoepithelioma 1
lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 1
lymphoid stroma 1
lymphoid tissue - pathology - physiopathology 1
lymphoma - genetics - virology 1
lymphoproliferative disorders - drug therapy - enzymology 1
malawi - epidemiology 1
melanin 1
melanins - analysis 1
membrane proteins 1
metaplasia - pathology - surgery 1
mice, nude 1
micrornas - biosynthesis - genetics - isolation & purification 1
mitogens - pharmacology 1
mucin 1
myocarditis - pathology 1
myocardium - pathology 1
n-acetylneuraminic acid - analysis 1
nasal mucosa - pathology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - chemistry - complications - virology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - chemistry - ethnology - virology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - diagnosis - virology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - enzymology - pathology - virology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - epidemiology - virology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics - immunology - virology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - immunology - metabolism - pathology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - immunology - pathology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - virology 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - pathology 1
nasopharyngeal-neoplasms-pathology 1
nasopharynx 1
nasopharynx - chemistry - pathology 1
nasopharynx - pathology - virology 1
neoplasm recurrence, local - pathology 1
neoplasms - chemistry - diagnosis - metabolism 1
neoplasms, experimental - immunology - virology 1
neoplasms, glandular and epithelial - drug therapy - enzymology 1
neuraminidase - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
nfkb 1
nuclear proteins 1
nucleocapsid proteins - metabolism 1
oncocytic metaplasia 1
oncogene proteins, viral - immunology 1
oral hairy leukoplakia 1
orthomyxoviridae - growth and development 1
p14(arf) 1
p53 1
p63 1
parotid neoplasms - chemistry - ethnology - virology 1
pathology - methods 1
peptide fragments - immunology - metabolism 1
perineum - abnormalities 1
phosphoproteins - genetics - metabolism 1
pigs 1
platelet membrane glycoproteins - analysis 1
pneumococcal infections 1
post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder 1
precancerous conditions 1
prevalence 1
protein binding 1
protein binding - immunology 1
protein isoforms - genetics - metabolism 1
protein structure, tertiary 1
proteins - genetics 1
proteomics 1
proto-oncogene proteins - biosynthesis 1
proto-oncogene proteins c-mdm2 1
pulmonary 1
pulmonary edema - pathology 1
pyrophosphatases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 1
pyrophosphatases - immunology 1
rats 1
reagent kits, diagnostic 1
receptor specificity 1
receptors, virus - analysis 1
recombinant proteins - pharmacology - therapeutic use 1
reed-sternberg cells - immunology 1
reproducibility of results 1
respiratory explants 1
respiratory mucosa - chemistry 1
respiratory system - chemistry - virology 1
retinoblastoma protein - metabolism 1
ribosomal proteins 1
rig-i 1
rna, messenger - analysis 1
rna, viral - analysis - genetics 1
rna, viral - biosynthesis - genetics - isolation & purification 1
rna, viral - blood 1
rna, viral - metabolism 1
rna-binding proteins - genetics 1
russia - epidemiology 1
saliva - chemistry 1
selection (genetics) 1
sequence analysis, dna 1
sequence homology, nucleic acid 1
smad3 protein - metabolism 1
smad4 protein - metabolism 1
squamous cell carcinoma 1
streptococcus pneumoniae - physiology 1
stromal cells - virology 1
t-lymphocytes, cytotoxic - immunology - metabolism 1
t-lymphocytes, cytotoxic - immunology - virology 1
tarc 1
trans-activators 1
trans-activators - metabolism 1
transcription factors 1
transforming growth factor beta - metabolism 1
tumor markers, biological - analysis - metabolism 1
tumor suppressor protein p14arf 1
tumor suppressor protein p53 - biosynthesis - genetics 1
tumor suppressor proteins 1
tumor virus infections - complications - diagnosis - genetics 1
tumor virus infections - complications - epidemiology 1
tumor virus infections - enzymology - pathology - virology 1
tumor virus infections - immunology 1
tumor virus infections - metabolism - pathology 1
undifferentiated nusopharyngeal carcinoma 1
urinary bladder neoplasms - chemistry - complications - virology 1
urinary bladder neoplasms - etiology - pathology 1
vagina 1
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 1
viral load - methods 1
viral matrix proteins - analysis - blood - pharmacology 1
viral matrix proteins - genetics 1
viral matrix proteins - genetics - isolation & purification 1
viral matrix proteins - immunology - metabolism 1
viral matrix proteins - metabolism 1
viral proteins 1
viral proteins - analysis - blood - pharmacology 1
viral proteins - immunology 1
viral proteins - metabolism 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
host, influenza, pathogenesis, transmission 16
molecular imaging, positron emission tomography, pre-clinical, radiotracer 16
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 12
avian inflenza a, h5n1 8
h1n1 subtype, h3n2 subtype, influenza virus, lower respiratory tract infection, tissue tropism, virus reassortment 5
h1n1, h5n1, influenza a virus, neutrophil extracellular trap, neutrophil infiltration, transepithelial migration 5
lungs, respiratory virus 5
anti-viral, h5n1, immunomodulatory, influenza, pdgfr 4
avian flu, cytokine, h5n1, influenza, pathogenesis 4
bronchial epithelial cells, cigarette, influenza h5n1 virus, mucin, sialic acid receptors, smoking 4
canine, explant, h3n2, human/avian, reassortment, tract 4
coronavirus, innate host response, pathophysiology, transmission, tropism 4
cytokine, influenza, morphology, pathogenesis, virulence 4
cytokines, focal adhesion kinase, immunomodulator, influenza a virus 4
dna-encoded chemical library, drug discovery, hemagglutinin, high throughput screening, influenza 4
evaluation, explant, glycosylation, influenza, severity, viruses 4
ex vivo organ culture, innate immune responses, respiratory epithelial cells, respiratory viruses, tropism 4
infection, inhibitor, mers-cov, pdgfr, potential, therapeutic 4
influenza virus, swine respirtory organ explants 4
null 4
sars-cov-2, sars-cov, host response, , 4
acute lung injury, ards, distal airway stem cells, influenza, lung regeneration 3
alveolar fluid clearance, lung injury, mers-cov, mesenchymal stem cells, sars-cov 3
avian, cyclophilin, pathogenesis, respiratory, therapeutic, tropism 3
bone marrow cells transplantation, ischemic myocardium, neovascularization 3
cancer, chemodrug, mad2, nasopharyngeal carcinoma 3
coronavirus, influenza, innate immunity, toll-like receptor, virus 3
cytokine, farnesyl transferase, immunomodulator, influenza a virus 3
cytokine, histology, influenza 3
ferret, host response, influenza, transcriptome, transmission 3
h9n2, influenza, pathophysiology, transmission, tropisn 3
influenza virus infection, upper respiratory 3
influenza, sialic acid 3
lung cancer, histology, frozen section, computational, label-free imaging 3
acute lung injury, alveolar fluid clearance, influenza h5n1 virus, mesenchymal stem cells, protein permeability 2
acute lung injury, genetic determinants, influenza virus, pathogenesis 2
alveolar epithelail cells, alveolar fluid clearance, influenza, lung injury, microvascular, protein permeability 2
cancer 2
coronavirus, interferon, tropism 2
influenza, pseudoparticles, receptor 2
carciomas, molecular changes, nasopharyngeal 1
epstein-barr virus, humoral immune, immunohistochemical detection 1
ex-vivo setting, influenza, investigations, novel therapies, receptor binding 1
influenza, interferon, swine origin 1
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