Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
female 7
humans 7
male 7
adult 6
adolescent 4
aged 4
antineoplastic agents - adverse effects 4
audiometry, pure-tone - methods 4
carcinoma, squamous cell - complications - pathology - radiotherapy 4
child 4
cisplatin 4
cisplatin - adverse effects 4
combined modality therapy 4
effusion 4
follow-up studies 4
grommet 4
hearing 4
hearing loss, conductive - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 4
hearing loss, sensorineural - etiology - physiopathology 4
medical sciences 4
middle aged 4
middle ear ventilation - methods 4
multivariate analysis 4
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - complications - pathology - radiotherapy 4
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - drug therapy - radiotherapy 4
nasopharynx 4
otitis media with effusion - complications - surgery 4
otitis media with effusion - etiology 4
prognostic factors 4
prospective studies 4
radiation dosage 4
radiation-sensitizing agents - adverse effects 4
radiotherapy 4
randomized 4
sensorineural hearing loss 4
severity of illness index 4
sex factors 4
人工耳蜗植入 (cochlear implant) 4
刺激速率 (stimulation rate) 4
噪声 (noise) 4
声调识别能力测试 (tone identification test) 4
声调辨别能力测试 (tone discrimination test) 4
age factors 3
aged, 80 and over 3
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 3
audiometry, pure-tone 3
auditory threshold - radiation effects 3
bone conduction - radiation effects 3
carcinoma - drug therapy - radiotherapy 3
chemotherapy, adjuvant 3
chi-square distribution 3
cochlear implantation 3
deafness 3
ear, inner - radiation effects 3
hearing loss, sensorineural - etiology 3
hong kong 3
long-term irradiation 3
longitudinal studies 3
nasopharyngeal cancer 3
probability 3
radiation injuries - etiology 3
radiotherapy dosage 3
recovery of function 3
acoustic 2
acoustic neuromas (聽神經瘤) 2
auditory brainstem implant 2
auditory brainstem implant (聽覺腦干置入) 2
cantonese 2
child, preschool 2
chinese tonal language rehabilitation 2
cochlear diseases - diagnosis 2
cochlear implant 2
cochlear implantation - economics 2
cochlear ossification 2
cost-benefit analysis 2
deafness (聾) 2
deafness - economics - rehabilitation 2
electrode insertion 2
glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor 2
hirschsprung's disease 2
infant 2
magnetic resonance imaging 2
meningitis 2
neurofibromatosis 2 2
neuroma 2
neurotrophin factor 3 2
otitis media 2
oto-acoustic emission 2
prelingually deaf children 2
quality-adjusted life years 2
temporal bone - radiography 2
tomography, x-ray computed 2
tympanoplasty 2
voice training 2
先天性语前聋 (hearing impairment) 2
听力剥夺 (auditory deprivation) 2
言语认知 (speech perception) 2
cochlear implants 1
coding strategy 1
dizziness 1
dizziness handicap inventory 1
hearing tests 1
lexical tones 1
medical sicences 1
quality of life 1
selected groups 1
sf-36 health survey 1
speech perception 1
stimulation rate 1
temporal pitch 1
tonal language 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
wei, william ignace 5
raymond tsang 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 3
n/a 2
surgical research 2
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