AuthorsNo. of Publications
lai, kn 191
yung, ssy 130
lui, sl 109
lo, wk 99
cheng, ikp 97
li, fk 95
yung, s 77
yap, yhd 68
lam, mf 67
tse, kc 66
tang, s 50
tang, scw 46
chan, kw 44
zhang, q 44
yap, dyh 41
lo, cy 37
chau, km 34
tang, cso 33
choy, by 30
lau, yl 29
ho, skn 27
lau, cs 27
leung, jck 27
cheung, kf 26
tsang, rcw 25
wong, rws 23
choy, cby 22
lau, wcs 22
mok, cc 20
wong, whs 20
lai, cl 19
yip, tps 19
leung, jkh 18
yip, t 18
chau, mkm 17
ho, yw 16
lok, asf 16
mok, my 16
yang, w 16
mok, mm 15
zhao, m 15
chan, kw 14
fang, gx 14
wong, sn 14
ma, kmm 13
ma, mkm 13
yip, ps 13
chan, gcw 12
cheng, sw 12
lee, kw 12
lee, ppw 12
lee, tl 12
chan, lyy 11
kwan, lp 11
tam, s 11
tse, ww 11
chan, cyc 10
ho, mhk 10
li, cs 10
liu, zh 10
lu, q 10
ma, mk 10
mok, my 10
tong, kl 10
au, ky 9
avihingsanon, y 9
chan, gc 9
chan, gsw 9
lo, y 9
sham, pc 9
tang, c 9
zhang, c 9
fung, sks 8
hirankarn, n 8
jiang, n 8
leung, amh 8
mok, tmy 8
wong, ast 8
wu, pc 8
yuen, ky 8
zhang, y 8
lai, wm 7
lee, p 7
liang, g 7
tan, kcb 7
tang, soc 7
wu, h 7
yang, j 7
ying, sky 7
yu, j 7
zhang, j 7
zhang, l 7
chan, mk 6
cherny, ss 6
jha, v 6
kwan, pyl 6
li, ls 6
li, n 6
li, xp 6
mok, mmy 6
ng, iol 6
ng, ycc 6
pan, hf 6
peiris, jsm 6
shiu, swm 6
tam, pc 6
tse, hf 6
tso, wk 6
wong, ws 6
woo, jcy 6
yan, ww 6
ye, dq 6
yuen, mf 6
chan, ly 5
chong, wp 5
chu, jys 5
dai, y 5
deekajorndej, t 5
floege, j 5
kwan, lpy 5
lam, clk 5
lau, jyn 5
li, ph 5
ma, bm 5
mok, mym 5
rianthavorn, p 5
romero-diaz, j 5
rovin, bh 5
shotelersuk, v 5
so, byf 5
suphapeetiporn, k 5
tai, cp 5
tong, mkl 5
tsang, r 5
tse, nkc 5
wang, aym 5
wong, akm 5
wong, ssy 5
yap, dy 5
yim, a 5
yung, sy 5
zhu, w 5
chan, awk 4
chan, cy 4
chan, g 4
chan, ky 4
chau, py 4
chen, y 4
cheng, yl 4
chong, cy 4
chow, cc 4
chu, fcs 4
chu, fsk 4
chung, bhy 4
doria, a 4
hasni, s 4
ho, kk 4
ho, kn 4
ho, sk 4
hung, ifn 4
ip, km 4
jayne, d 4
ji, yl 4
kong, i 4
kung, awc 4
lam, cwk 4
lee, ck 4
leung, wk 4
liew, a 4
liu, y 4
luk, wk 4
ng, fsk 4
ng, ppy 4
sanchez-guerrero, j 4
shea, yf 4
shum, hp 4
tam, c 4
tang, awc 4
tang, cs 4
thong, km 4
to, kkw 4
tsang, awl 4
wofsy, d 4
wong, ckh 4
wong, cm 4
wong, cy 4
wong, ks 4
wong, s 4
wong, y 4
yim, asy 4
yiu, kh 4
zhang, xh 4
adler, sg 3
alarcon-riquelme, me 3
anic, b 3
aringer, m 3
assan, f 3
au, twk 3
barratt, j 3
bertsias, g 3
boumpas, dt 3
brinks, r 3
chan, kc 3
chan, pck 3
chan, pl 3
chan, sy 3
chau, kf 3
chen, jy 3
chen, xr 3
cheng, kp 3
cheung, ko 3
chiu, w 3
chu, lw 3
chu, sm 3
clarke, ae 3
cook, ht 3
crow, mk 3
cui, y 3
daikh, d 3
davies, m 3
fervenza, fc 3
fung, cw 3
garciabarceló, mm 3
gibson, kl 3
gladman, dd 3
glassock, rj 3
hahn, b 3
hiepe, f 3
ho, lm 3
ho, s 3
ho, ssk 3
hoyer, bf 3
ip, ckm 3
ip, ewk 3
izmirly, pm 3
jacobsen, s 3
johnson, dw 3
johnson, sr 3
jung, m 3
kamen, dl 3
khanna, d 3
kong, ekp 3
kong, kp 3
kwok, jsy 3
lam, ym 3
lan, hy 3
lao, th 3
lau, cp 3
law, ht 3
lee, ms 3
leuchten, n 3
leung, cy 3
leung, py 3
levin, a 3
li, d 3
li, xw 3
liao, j 3
liu, q 3
luo, s 3
lv, j 3
mariette, x 3
mejia-vilet, jm 3
meroni, pl 3
mosca, m 3
naden, r 3
nester, cm 3
ng, cyc 3
ng, f 3
padjen, i 3
poon, jfm 3
radhakrishnan, j 3
reich, hn 3
ronco, p 3
schmajuk, g 3
schneider, m 3
seror, r 3
seto, wk 3
sham, mk 3
shen, n 3
sit, ky 3
siu, dcw 3
smolen, js 3
stummvoll, gh 3
sun, l 3
sun, y 3
szeto, cc 3
tai, acp 3
tam, pkh 3
tan, y 3
tanaka, y 3
tang, a 3
tang, q 3
tani, c 3
tedeschi, sk 3
tektonidou, mg 3
tesar, v 3
tong, pc 3
touma, z 3
tsang, pcs 3
tsao, gsw 3
tsun, gs 3
urowitz, m 3
vasconcelos, c 3
vital, em 3
vivarelli, m 3
wallace, dj 3
wan, cc 3
wetzels, jfm 3
wong, kl 3
woodward, m 3
yam, i 3
yam, iyl 3
yang, s 3
yang, y 3
yavuz, s 3
yeung, ck 3
ying, d 3
yu, kyc 3
yu, x 3
zeng, s 3
zhang, f 3
zhang, xj 3
abe, k 2
au, wy 2
barbour, s 2
baum, l 2
besarab, a 2
billot, l 2
bridoux, f 2
burdge, ka 2
cameron, js 2
cass, a 2
cattran, d 2
cervera, r 2
chak, wl 2
chan, acl 2
chan, ccy 2
chan, d 2
chan, eyh 2
chan, fhw 2
chan, j 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, kh 2
chan, ml 2
chan, o 2
chang, yk 2
chau, m 2
chen, j 2
chen, x 2
cheung, cy 2
cheung, m 2
chiu, f 2
chiu, fh 2
chong, yb 2
chu, wl 2
claure-del granado, r 2
costedoat-chalumeau, n 2
costenbader, k 2
czirjak, l 2
diamond, b 2
dorner, t 2
eiam-ong, s 2
fung, jyy 2
fung, pcw 2
garcia-barcelo, mm 2
glassock, r 2
graninger, w 2
greene, t 2
halda-kiss, b 2
hao, wk 2
ho, kl 2
ho, pl 2
ho, tw 2
hooi, ls 2
hui, ck 2
ip, wk 2
jardine, mj 2
jayne, drw 2
jin, lj 2
kam, km 2
kam, mkm 2
kar neng lai 2
kumana, cr 2
kumanovics, g 2
kuok, ui 2
kwan, p 2
kwong, yl 2
lai, kb 2
lam, wo 2
lau, skp 2
leong, r 2
lerstrom, k 2
leung, h 2
leung, vk 2
leung, vks 2
li, c 2
li, cw 2
li, ffk 2
li, h 2
li, l 2
li, xm 2
lie, akw 2
liu, z 2
lo, acy 2
lo, sk 2
lo, skf 2
ma, alt 2
ma, x 2
mak, jcw 2
malvar, a 2
martin, de 2
massarotti, e 2
mccune, j 2
mok, myt 2
muller, e 2
ng, m 2
ng, mmt 2
oh, i 2
pai, mcp 2
pego-reigosa, jm 2
perkovic, v 2
praga, m 2
prokunina, l 2
ramsey-goldman, r 2
rathi, m 2
rave, em 2
remuzzi, g 2
rua-figueroa, i 2
ruiz-irastorza, g 2
sacks, sh 2
saikali, kg 2
samaranayake, lp 2
sanders, jsf 2
sethi, s 2
shen, jj 2
shum, hc 2
singh, ghh 2
siu, ho 2
so, e 2
solomons, n 2
su, y 2
sumethkul, v 2
suzuki, y 2
tai, yt 2
takeuchi, t 2
tam, ar 2
tam, ch 2
tam, tw 2
tang, ahn 2
tang, myh 2
tang, wm 2
tighiouart, h 2
trask, m 2
tsang, klc 2
tsang, kwt 2
tsun, jgs 2
wang, l 2
wang, y 2
wang, yf 2
wheeler, dc 2
wieslander, a 2
wong, ck 2
wong, cm 2
wong, d 2
wong, mg 2
wong, wt 2
woo, pcy 2
wu, m 2
wu, r 2
wu, y 2
xie, y 2
yap, desmond yh 2
yap, dy 2
yau, jyy 2
yeung, ssc 2
yip, tp 2
yu, awy 2
yu, k 2
yu, pm 2
yuen, mc 2
yung, s 2
yung, susan 2
zhang, h 2
zhang, p 2
zhao, h 2
zhao, mh 2
zhen, z 2
agarwal, r 1
agrawal, r 1
alarconriquelme, me 1
alarcónriquelme, m 1
alpers, ce 1
ambekar, cs 1
amoura, z 1
anna suk fong lok 1
appel, gb 1
aranow, c 1
arnold, ge 1
arriens, c 1
asia pacific myproms study investigators, . 1
au, cwh 1
au, tc 1
avihingsanon, yingyos 1
ayoub, i 1
bagga, a 1
barbour, sj 1
bello, ak 1
bellorin-font, e 1
boedigheimer, mj 1
bonfa, e 1
borba, ef 1
bradley, c 1
brown, m 1
brunetta, p 1
cadena, aa 1
cao, y 1
caster, dj 1
cattran, dc 1
cevera, r 1
chan, brian pui-chun 1
chan, cwg 1
chan, eyt 1
chan, g 1
chan, gary cw 1
chan, gck 1
chan, gs 1
chan, hh 1
chan, jfw 1
chan, jkf 1
chan, khn 1
chan, kym 1
chan, l 1
chan, phm 1
chan, ppw 1
chan, rt 1
chan, sc 1
chan, scw 1
chan, ssk 1
chan, sy 1
chan, tsy 1
chan, v 1
chan, wan-mui 1
chan, yh 1
chan, ywa 1
chan, yy 1
chang, a 1
chang, ikp 1
chang, kw 1
chang, ll 1
chapman, j 1
chau, ws 1
chaudhari, j 1
chen, h 1
chen, j 1
chen, lin-lei 1
chen, n 1
chen, ruoyan 1
chen, sl 1
chen, walter wc 1
chen, wei 1
chen, wh 1
chen, xm 1
chen, ya 1
chen, zz 1
cheng, ayy 1
cheng, bhw 1
cheng, cc 1
cheng, ccv 1
cheng, hw 1
cheng, swk 1
cheng, vcc 1
cheng, vincent chi-chung 1
cheng, w 1
cheng, wm 1
cheng, yy 1
cherny, stacey s. 1
chernyavskaya, e 1
cheuk, a 1
cheung, any 1
cheung, cy 1
cheung, lydia wt 1
cheung, r 1
cheung, wc 1
chien, d 1
chim, s 1
chiu, cn 1
chiu, ekw 1
chiu, k 1
choi, ds 1
choi, ks 1
choi, lcw 1
chok, ksh 1
chong, cc 1
chong, chun yin 1
chong, mc 1
choo, ck 1
choo, jcj 1
choo, ql 1
chou, w 1
choufani, s 1
chow, km 1
chow, kws 1
chow, wh 1
choy, cb 1
choy, hk 1
chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration 1
chu, allen wing-ho 1
chu, cm 1
chu, h 1
chu, kh 1
chu, km 1
chu, pcm 1
chu, ssm 1
chui, akk 1
chui, wh 1
chun, csa 1
chung, bhy 1
chung, brian hon yin 1
chung, ht 1
chung, hy 1
chung, hy 1
chung, jb 1
chung, lp 1
collins, rj 1
conti, f 1
coppo, r 1
coresh, j 1
costedoat‐chalumeau, n 1
costenbader, kh 1
couchman, jr 1
coyne, dw 1
craig, jc 1
cui, yong 1
czirják, l 1
dali'era, m 1
damore, ma 1
davies, s 1
davies, sj 1
deekajorndej, thavatchai 1
deng, w 1
deng, x 1
diamon, b 1
dooley, ma 1
douthat, w 1
dörner, t 1
earley, a 1
eke, fu 1
elege, a 1
eyassu, m 1
fan, k 1
fang, g 1
fang, xhb 1
feehally, h 1
feehally, j 1
fervenza, f 1
fishbein, j 1
fleoge, j 1
fogo, ab 1
fong, carol ho-yan 1
fong, dyt 1
fong, knk 1
for the hklnk study group, 1
for the testig study group, .. 1
fox, jg 1
franco, m 1
fritzer, mj 1
fritzier, mj 1
fritzler, mj 1
fu keung li 1
fukuda, k 1
fung, j 1
fung, kss 1
fung, p 1
fung, samuel ka shun 1
furie, r 1
gansevoort, rt 1
gao, f 1
gao, l 1
gao, y 1
garcia cordoba, ca 1
garcia-barcelo, maria merce 1
garcia-barceló, mm 1
gershwin, me 1
ghany, mg 1
ginzler, em 1
giorgio, s 1
goh, bl 1
goicoechea, m 1
grafodatskaya, d 1
graninger, wb 1
guo, h 1
guo, m 1
gupta, kl 1
gurevich, k 1
hai, shjj 1
halda‐kiss, b 1
han, dj 1
hao yui lan 1
harden, pn 1
harris, d 1
hassan, aa 1
hassan, mh 1
hawkins, br 1
haycox, a 1
hc li, j 1
heath, rb 1
hebert, la 1
heerspink, h 1
heerspink, hjl 1
hemmerich, s 1
herrington, w 1
hirankarn, nattiya 1
hladunewich, m 1
hladunewich, ma 1
ho leung, am 1
ho yw 1
ho, ck 1
ho, cs 1
ho, ctk 1
ho, dsw 1
ho, eyw 1
ho, jcy 1
ho, lt 1
ho, m 1
ho, marco hok kung 1
hodson, em 1
hogan, jj 1
hou, ff 1
houghton, m 1
houssiau, fa 1
howell, m 1
hoxha, e 1
hruskova, z 1
huang, c 1
huang, d 1
hui, fyw 1
hui, km 1
hui, pc 1
hui, yl 1
hung, fni 1
hung, i 1
ignatius kum po cheng 1
imai, e 1
inker, l 1
inker, la 1
iozzo, r 1
iozzo, rv 1
ip, jonathan daniel 1
ip, msm 1
ip, pp 1
iseki, k 1
isenberg, da 1
jafar, t 1
jah, v 1
janus, ed 1
jennette, jc 1
jia, l 1
jiang, y 1
jin, d 1
kala, s 1
kalantar-zadeh, k 1
kalunian, k 1
kaname, s 1
kar, nl 1
karassa, fb 1
katafuchi, r 1
kay, j 1
kendal, e 1
kim, sg 1
kitching, ar 1
kivitz, a 1
kochba, e 1
kong, ap 1
kong, hhy 1
korbet, sm 1
kotzin, bl 1
kou, m 1
kumbar, lm 1
kumánovics, g 1
kung ho, mh 1
kung, nns 1
kung, y 1
kuo, g 1
kurstjens, n 1
kwan, am 1
kwan, cya 1
kwan, iwl 1
kwan, l 1
kwan, lpw 1
kwan, th 1
kwok wah chan 1
kwok, j 1
kwok, oh 1
kwok, tf 1
kwok, tk 1
kwok, wc 1
kwok, wc 1
kwong, km 1
lafayette, ra 1
lai, ash 1
lai, ck 1
lai, ffy 1
lai, fmm 1
lai, hc 1
lai, km 1
lai, wai ming 1
lam, b 1
lam, cck 1
lam, cw 1
lam, jsc 1
lam, ksl 1
lam, ky 1
lam, mk 1
lam, ssy 1
lam, wf 1
lamb, s 1
lambrinoudaki, i 1
lan, hw 1
lapid, ea 1
lau, cd 1
lau, chak sing 1
lau, jy 1
lau, kk 1
lau, sk 1
lau, t 1
lau, vwk 1
lau, yu lung 1
lauder, ij 1
law, hk 1
lawfon, jwm 1
lee, ch 1
lee, ch 1
lee, cj 1
lee, cl 1
lee, cms 1
lee, cyy 1
lee, hch 1
lee, j 1
lee, jsk 1
lee, ka wing 1
lee, kc 1
lee, kk 1
lee, kl 1
lee, lly 1
lee, lto 1
lee, msc 1
lee, p 1
lee, pamela pui wah 1
lee, ph 1
lee, tsz leung 1
lee, tt 1
lee, yyc 1
lerstrøm, k 1
lesser, m 1
leung lui, s 1
leung, a 1
leung, alexander moon ho 1
leung, ayh 1
leung, etk 1
leung, j 1
leung, jc 1
leung, ny 1
leung, peter ck 1
leung, ss 1
leung, ty 1
leung, ws 1
levey, as 1
levin, y 1
levy, dm 1
lewis, ej 1
lewis, j 1
lewis, jb 1
li, chiu leong 1
li, cl 1
li, f 1
li, jhc 1
li, mk 1
li, p 1
li, pkt 1
li, pwc 1
li, r 1
li, rj 1
li, s 1
li, ss 1
li, twl 1
li, w 1
li, x 1
li, xiang pei 1
li, y 1
liang, y 1
lie, d 1
lim, sc 1
lim, ww 1
lin ng, io 1
lin, aw 1
lin, kyk 1
lio, wi 1
lip, gy 1
liu, ck 1
liu, j 1
liu, s 1
liu, s 1
liu, sh 1
liu, x 1
lo, cm 1
lo, jmw 1
locateilli, f 1
locatelli, f 1
long, h 1
lu, f 1
lu, l 1
lu, qj 1
lu, yp 1
lugue-lizardo, lr 1
lui, gcy 1
lui, sf 1
luk, isc 1
luk, kristine shik 1
luyckx, va 1
lytvyn, l 1
ma, bmy 1
ma, j 1
ma, km 1
ma, m 1
ma, ock 1
ma, rc 1
ma, ronald cw 1
maciuca, r 1
mackay, m 1
macune, j 1
maes, b 1
mak, asc 1
mak, ccy 1
mak, cm 1
mak, ly 1
mak, sk 1
mak, w 1
maldonado, ma 1
man fai lam 1
martin, da 1
maruyama, s 1
massrotti, e 1
mathieson, pw 1
mejia-vilet, j 1
mejía-vilet, jm 1
mengistu, yt 1
miao, s 1
moeller, mj 1
mok, chi chiu 1
mok, cody wing long 1
mok, cwl 1
mok, ky 1
mok, m 1
mok, mo yin 1
monagham, h 1
monaghan, h 1
moniri, k 1
moosa, mr 1
morad, z 1
motylev, i 1
moustafa, ma 1
nachman, ph 1
navarra, sv 1
neff, tb 1
neuen, b 1
ng, c 1
ng, ckf 1
ng, cpl 1
ng, cy 1
ng, i 1
ng, irene oi lin 1
ng, jkc 1
ng, kf 1
ng, mw 1
ng, p 1
ng, pkm 1
ng, sy 1
ngalamika, o 1
ngan, hys 1
noiri, e 1
o'connell, pj 1
o'shaughnessy, mm 1
oh, inyoung 1
ohno, t 1
oi lin, ing 1
oilin ng, i 1
okpechi, ig 1
ona, et 1
onon chan, a 1
ossareh, s 1
padyukov, l 1
pan, cy 1
pan, hai feng 1
pang, wing fai 1
parikh, sm 1
parikh, sv 1
park, hc 1
park, k 1
pego‐reigosa, jm 1
peh, ca 1
pema, a 1
pendergraft, wf 1
peng, l 1
perrone, r 1
petri, m 1
pickering, mc 1
pillebout, e 1
pingle, a 1
poole, l 1
poon, j 1
poon, km 1
poon, kp 1
poon, wt 1
prodjosudjadi, w 1
prokuninaolsson, l 1
pun, kk 1
qian, jq 1
qian, xx 1
qin, c 1
qiu, x 1
rachel tzun chan 1
ramsey‐goldman, r 1
reich, h 1
rianthavorn, pornpimol 1
richardson, b 1
rizvi, sah 1
roccatello, d 1
roger, sd 1
rogers, k 1
romero‐diaz, j 1
ronco, c 1
rondeau, e 1
ruiz‐irastorza, g 1
rúa‐figueroa fernández, i 1
sahay, m 1
sanchezpescador, r 1
sanchez‐guerrero, j 1
sang wong, wh 1
sawalha, ah 1
schena, f 1
schena, fp 1
seto, wkw 1
shaheen, fam 1
sham, hp 1
sham, pak chung 1
shen, jiangshan jane 1
shin, sk 1
shotelersuk, vorasuk 1
shun, hp 1
shutov, e 1
siau, h 1
silverman, e 1
sim, j 1
simon, al 1
sing wong, rw 1
sing, ll 1
siu, cwd 1
siu, david cw 1
siu, wk 1
sml 170222 amended 1
smoyer, we 1
so, benjamin yf 1
so, nyf 1
so, wy 1
soegondo, s 1
sohn, w 1
song, yq 1
stepien, s 1
suen, ws 1
sullivan, ba 1
sun, liangdan 1
suphapeetiporn, kanya 1
suwanwalaikorn, s 1
sy, skh 1
szczech, l 1
szeto, cheuk chun 1
tam, cw 1
tam, eyw 1
tam, hy 1
tam, oy 1
tam, oyc 1
tam, paul kwong hang 1
tam, ph 1
tam, scf 1
tan, kathryn cb 1
tang, a 1
tang, aw 1
tang, bsf 1
tang, ccs 1
tang, cw 1
tang, hl 1
tang, l 1
tang, m 1
tang, mks 1
tang, syc 1
tang, xd 1
tchokhonelidze, i 1
teng, ll 1
teo, kc 1
terence poksiu, yip 1
tesař, v 1
testing study group, . 1
the asian lupus nephritis network (alnn), 1
thoenes, m 1
thurman, jm 1
tin, vpc 1
to, ch 1
to, kelvin kai-wang 1
tomlinson, b 1
tonelli, ma 1
tong, kk 1
tong, klm 1
tong, kwok lung 1
tong, y 1
trimarchi, h 1
tsang, csp 1
tsang, ewk 1
tsang, hhl 1
tsang, jpy 1
tsang, kl 1
tsang, mw 1
tsang, wk 1
tsang, wl 1
tsang, ws 1
tse, h 1
tse, hung fat 1
tse, ks 1
tse, niko kei chiu 1
tsui, matthew sh 1
tunnicliffe, dj 1
twahir, a 1
ullah, s 1
urdea, m 1
vachharajani, t 1
vathsala, a 1
vlassara, h 1
vonesh, e 1
wah lee, pp 1
walley, t 1
walters, gd 1
wan, eyf 1
wan, km 1
wang, c 1
wang, hy 1
wang, tingyou 1
wang, tkf 1
wang, y 1
wang, yongfei 1
wanner, c 1
watarai, y 1
weksberg, r 1
welcher, aa 1
wen, y 1
wen, yb 1
wenderfer, se 1
were, ajo 1
west, mr 1
wetzels, j 1
wheeler, d 1
williams, jd 1
winkelmayer, wc 1
wo chan, ay 1
wong, a 1
wong, alice st 1
wong, bck 1
wong, chun ming 1
wong, dkh 1
wong, emmanuel ck 1
wong, h 1
wong, hs 1
wong, j 1
wong, jky 1
wong, kc 1
wong, kk 1
wong, km 1
wong, lp 1
wong, nle 1
wong, pn 1
wong, r 1
wong, raymond woon sing 1
wong, rms 1
wong, sik nin 1
wong, sw 1
wong, sy 1
wong, tk 1
wong, w 1
wong, wilfred hing sang 1
wong, wl 1
wong, wm 1
wong, yc 1
woo, c 1
woodcock, c 1
woods, a 1
wu, rafter 1
xia, y 1
xiao, hb 1
xiao, p 1
xiao, r 1
xie, d 1
xie, s 1
xu, h 1
yam, wc 1
yan, t 1
yang, cw 1
yang, jing 1
yang, m 1
yang, sen 1
yang, wanling 1
yao, q 1
yao, y 1
yap, desmond yat-hin 1
yap, fhy 1
yau, cff 1
yau, csf 1
ye, dong qing 1
yee-ming, j 1
yeung, ks 1
yeung, ml 1
yeung, wwy 1
yi, n 1
yin, h 1
ying, dingge 1
ying, shirley king yee 1
yip, a 1
yip, ms 1
yiu, mk 1
yoshimura, a 1
yu, esther yt 1
yu, kh 1
yu, khp 1
yu, vivien 1
yu, xq 1
yu, yj 1
yuen, jch 1
yuen, kyc 1
yuen, rmf 1
yung, cy 1
yung, pm 1
zemchenkov, a 1
zeng, jz 1
zeng, shuai 1
zhang, fq 1
zhang, hx 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, jing 1
zhang, lu 1
zhang, rr 1
zhang, xiaojuan 1
zhang, xue jun 1
zhang, yan 1
zhao, yan 1
zheng, b 1
zhong, m 1
zhou, j 1
zuo, ml 1
zuo, x 1
zuo, xianbo 1
özen, s 1
牟姗 1
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InventorsNo. of Patents
yung, ssy 3
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 51
adult 42
female 35
male 34
middle aged 34
kidney transplantation 27
peritoneal dialysis 26
lupus nephritis 22
aged 20
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 20
sle 20
dialysis 19
systemic lupus erythematosus 19
follow-up studies 17
genetic predisposition to disease 17
genome-wide association study 17
time factors 17
hong kong - epidemiology 16
animals 15
chinese 15
immunocompromised host 15
immunosuppressive agents - therapeutic use 15
asian 14
association 14
hong kong 14
risk factors 14
hepatitis b 13
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics 13
peritonitis 13
prevalence 13
prognosis 13
renal transplantation 13
transplantation, homologous 13
case-control studies 12
cells, cultured 12
chronic kidney disease 12
ephrin-a2 - genetics 12
epidemiology 12
fibrosis 12
genotype 12
proteinuria 12
retrospective studies 12
risk assessment 12
uhrf1bp1 12
anti-bacterial agents - therapeutic use 11
antibodies, antinuclear - blood 11
antigens, cd3 - genetics 11
autoantibodies 11
autoantibodies - blood 11
cd247 11
cohort studies 11
gwas 11
inflammation 11
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics - immunology 11
outcome 11
treatment outcome 11
adolescent 10
glomerulonephritis 10
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics 10
intradermal 10
kidney transplantation - adverse effects 10
lupus erythematosus, systemic - enzymology - genetics 10
prospective studies 10
severity of illness index 10
acute kidney injury 9
china 9
combined modality therapy 9
dna, viral - blood 9
drug therapy, combination 9
infection 9
kidney failure, chronic - therapy 9
medical sciences 9
nephrotic syndrome 9
anti-dsdna antibodies 8
antiviral 8
ascitic fluid 8
azathioprine - therapeutic use 8
carcinoma/metabolism 8
carcinoma/secondary 8
cell adhesion 8
chemicals and cas registry numbers 8
creatinine - blood 8
cyclophosphamide 8
cyclosporine - therapeutic use 8
glucose - pharmacology 8
hbv 8
hepatitis b vaccination 8
hyaluronan 8
il-17 8
immunosuppression 8
kidney - pathology 8
lupus erythematosus 8
model 8
mycophenolate mofetil 8
nephritis 8
nephrotoxicity 8
nucleoside analogues 8
outcomes 8
peritoneal dialysis - adverse effects 8
peritoneal mesothelial cells 8
prediction 8
prednisolone - therapeutic use 8
renal failure 8
rna, viral - analysis 8
tacrolimus 8
tacrolimus - therapeutic use 8
tenofovir 8
tlr7 agonist 8
acute disease 7
advanced cirrhosis 7
antigens, cd11b - genetics 7
asian continental ancestry group - ethnology - genetics 7
biomarkers 7
chronic disease 7
cluster analysis 7
cytokines 7
debridement 7
disease susceptibility 7
epistasis 7
ets1 7
fatal outcome 7
hepatitis 7
hepatitis - diagnosis - etiology 7
hepatorenal syndrome 7
iga nephropathy 7
immunosuppressive agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 7
interstitial fibrosis 7
lupus erythematosus, systemic - complications 7
lupus erythematosus, systemic - ethnology - genetics 7
lupus erythematosus, systemic - ethnology - immunology 7
mesothelial cells 7
multivariate analysis 7
nephritis - ethnology - genetics 7
ovarian cancer 7
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory 7
peritoneum 7
prednisolone - adverse effects - therapeutic use 7
recurrence 7
renal transplant 7
systemic 7
up-regulation - drug effects 7
urology and nephrology 7
alanine transaminase - blood 6
amino acid 6
antibodies - pharmacology 6
asian continental ancestry group 6
azathioprine 6
base sequence 6
burkholderia cepacia 6
capd 6
china - ethnology 6
chronic allograft nephropathy 6
complement 6
cross-sectional studies 6
decorin 6
diagnosis, differential 6
dose-response relationship, drug 6
dyslipidaemia 6
economic burden 6
electrophysiology 6
end-stage renal disease 6
epithelial cells - drug effects - metabolism 6
fibronectin 6
flow cytometry 6
gene expression 6
glomerulonephritis, iga - metabolism - pathology 6
hemodialysis 6
hepatitis b surface antigens - blood 6
immunoglobulin a - metabolism 6
immunohistochemistry 6
immunosuppressive agents 6
immunosuppressive agents - adverse effects 6
kaplan-meier estimate 6
kidney transplantation - immunology 6
lamivudine - therapeutic use 6
linkage disequilibrium 6
long-term 6
membranous nephropathy 6
mycophenolic acid 6
nerve tissue proteins - genetics 6
nocturnal home haemodialysis 6
peritoneal dialysis - methods 6
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - adverse effects 6
peritoneum - cytology 6
peritonitis - drug therapy - microbiology 6
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 6
predictive value of tests 6
protein-serine-threonine kinases - genetics 6
proximal renal tubular epithelial cells 6
quality of life 6
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 6
stat4 transcription factor - genetics 6
survival rate 6
transferrin 6
treatment 6
ultrasound 6
1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 5
administration, oral 5
age factors 5
aged, 80 and over 5
anaerobic bacteria 5
antifungal agents - therapeutic use 5
antitubercular agents - therapeutic use 5
antiviral agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 5
atrial fibrillation 5
biopsy 5
bone marrow transplantation - immunology 5
candida - classification 5
cardiovascular diseases - mortality 5
catheters, indwelling 5
cell line 5
complication 5
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 5
corticosteroid 5
covid-19 5
cyclophosphamide - therapeutic use 5
cytomegalovirus - genetics - immunology - pathogenicity 5
cytomegalovirus infections - immunology - virology 5
dental plaque - microbiology 5
dialysis initiation 5
dmf index 5
dna, viral - analysis 5
end‐stage renal disease 5
enterobacteriaceae - classification 5
epithelial cells - metabolism 5
estimated glomerular filtration rate 5
exons 5
gingival overgrowth 5
gingival overgrowth - chemically induced - classification 5
gingival overgrowth - chemically induced - complications - microbiology 5
glomerular filtration rate 5
glomerular mesangium - cytology - metabolism 5
glucocorticoids - therapeutic use 5
glucose 5
glucose degradation products 5
graft rejection 5
gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci - classification 5
gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods - classification 5
haemodialysis 5
health status 5
hepatitis b - complications - drug therapy 5
hepatitis c 5
hyaluronic acid - biosynthesis - blood - metabolism 5
hypernatraemia 5
immunoglobulin light chains - analysis 5
in situ hybridization 5
incidence 5
interleukin-8 - biosynthesis - genetics 5
ischaemic stroke 5
kidney failure, chronic - complications - mortality - physiopathology - therapy 5
kidney tubules, proximal - drug effects - immunology - injuries - metabolism 5
lamivudine 5
living donors 5
lung abscess 5
lupus 5
lupus erythematosus, systemic - complications - drug therapy 5
lupus nephritis - drug therapy 5
mannitol - pharmacology 5
membranous lupus nephritis 5
mouth - microbiology 5
mycobacterium 5
mycobacterium infections, atypical - complications - diagnosis 5
mycophenolic acid - adverse effects - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 5
nf-kappa b - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 5
opportunistic infections - complications - diagnosis 5
opportunistic infections - immunology - virology 5
oral health 5
pathogenesis 5
patient‐reported outcome 5
periodontal diseases 5
periodontal diseases - therapy 5
periodontal index 5
periodontitis - complications - microbiology 5
peritoneal cavity - cytology 5
pharmacokinetics 5
polymerase chain reaction 5
polymerase chain reaction - methods 5
polymorphism, genetic 5
postoperative complications - virology 5
pregnancy 5
proteinuria - drug therapy - etiology 5
proximal tubular epithelial cells 5
reactive oxygen species - metabolism 5
renal dialysis 5
renal dysfunction 5
rhodococcus equi 5
rna, messenger - metabolism 5
sensitivity and specificity 5
shock, septic - etiology 5
sirolimus 5
sodium 5
statistics as topic 5
survival 5
synovitis 5
tomography, x-ray computed 5
transplantation 5
treatment refusal 5
tuberculosis 5
uraemic symptoms 5
uremia - etiology 5
valvular heart disease 5
vascular endothelial growth factor 5
vasculitis 5
viral envelope proteins - genetics - immunology 5
zonula occludens protein 1 5
3d culture 4
abdominal pain - microbiology 4
actinomycetales infections - complications - diagnosis - therapy 4
acute renal failure 4
adenine - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 4
adhesion 4
advanced glycation end-products 4
aeromonas - isolation & purification 4
alanine transaminase - metabolism 4
albumin 4
alopecia - chemically induced 4
alpha-fetoproteins - analysis 4
alpha-galactosidase - genetics 4
angiography - adverse effects - economics - methods 4
angioplasty, balloon 4
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors - therapeutic use 4
anionic charge 4
anti-bacterial agents 4
anti-diabetic agents 4
anti-hypertensive 4
anti-inflammatory agents - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
antibiotic prophylaxis 4
antilymphocyte serum - therapeutic use 4
aqp-3 4
aquaporin 1 4
aquaporin 1 (aqp1) 4
aquaporin 3 4
aquaporin 3 (aqp3) 4
aquaporins - analysis - genetics 4
aquaporins - genetics - metabolism 4
arthritis, infectious - etiology 4
arthritis, rheumatoid - complications - drug therapy 4
arthroplasty, replacement, hip 4
azathioprine - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
binding sites 4
biocompatibility 4
bioengineering 4
blood group antigens 4
blood pressure - drug effects 4
cadaver 4
calcitriol 4
carbon radioisotopes - diagnostic use 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 4
carrier state 4
catheterization, central venous - instrumentation 4
cell culture techniques - methods 4
cell injury 4
cell membrane permeability - drug effects 4
cell proliferation 4
charge dependent iga binding 4
chemokine 4
chemokines - genetics 4
chromatography, ion exchange 4
chromosome banding 4
chromosomes, human, x 4
ciclosporin a 4
co-culture 4
complications of hbv reactivation 4
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd) 4
conventional arteriogram 4
cost 4
cost-effectiveness 4
cross infection - transmission 4
ct angiogram 4
culture media, conditioned - pharmacology 4
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 - biosynthesis - genetics 4
cyclophosphamide - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
cyclophosphamide - adverse effects - therapeutic use 4
cyclosporine - blood - therapeutic use 4
cytomegalovirus infections - epidemiology 4
deposits of iga 4
dialysis solutions - pharmacology 4
disease outbreaks 4
disease transmission, infectious 4
disseminated intravascular coagulation - etiology 4
diuretics, osmotic - pharmacology 4
dna primers 4
dna primers - genetics 4
dna, complementary - analysis 4
drainage - methods 4
drug interactions 4
drug resistance, multiple, bacterial 4
drug resistance, viral 4
drug therapy, combination - therapeutic use 4
end stage renal disease 4
endothelial cells 4
entecavir 4
enterococcus peritonitis 4
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 4
epithelial cells - chemistry - cytology - physiology 4
epithelial cells - immunology - metabolism 4
epstein-barr virus 4
extrahepatic manifestation of hbv 4
fabry disease - enzymology - genetics - physiopathology 4
fabry's disease 4
fasciitis, necrotizing - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 4
fasciitis, necrotizing - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 4
femur head necrosis - chemically induced - surgery 4
fishes - microbiology 4
gene expression - drug effects 4
gene expression regulation - immunology 4
genetic mutation 4
glomerular mesangial cell 4
glomerular mesangium - cytology - immunology - metabolism 4
glomerular mesangium - metabolism - pathology 4
glomerulonephritis, iga - metabolism 4
glomerulonephritis, membranous - drug therapy 4
glycerol - pharmacokinetics 4
glycosylation 4
graft rejection - blood - prevention & control 4
gram-negative bacterial infections - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 4
gram-positive bacterial infections - drug therapy - etiology 4
granulomatous interstitial nephritis 4
haplotype 4
haplotypes 4
hepacivirus - isolation & purification 4
hepatitis b infection 4
hepatitis b virus 4
hepatitis b, chronic - complications 4
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - diagnosis - drug therapy - mortality 4
hepatocellular carcinoma 4
herpes zoster 4
herpes zoster - chemically induced 4
herpesvirus 4, human - isolation & purification 4
heterozygote detection 4
high mortality of acute pancreatitis 4
hospital units - organization & administration 4
human peritoneal mesothelial cell 4
icodextrin 4
iga1 4
immunoblotting 4
immunocompromised hosts, β-haemolytic streptococcus 4
immunoenzyme techniques 4
immunoglobulin a (iga) nephropathy 4
immunosuppression - adverse effects 4
immunosuppressive agents - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
immunosuppressive agents - blood - therapeutic use 4
immunosuppressive agents - pharmacology 4
influenza 4
insulin-independent 4
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 4
interferon 4
interferon regulatory factors - genetics 4
interleukin-6 - blood 4
invasive pneumococcal disease 4
ischemia-reperfusion injury 4
isoniazid - therapeutic use 4
issue 120 4
ivig 4
kidney 4
kidney - immunology - pathology 4
kidney - metabolism - pathology 4
kidney diseases - blood - drug therapy - therapy 4
kidney diseases - complications - surgery 4
kidney diseases - diagnosis - etiology - pathology 4
kidney diseases - drug therapy - therapy 4
kidney failure, chronic - diagnosis - surgery 4
kidney failure, chronic - etiology - surgery 4
kidney failure, chronic - mortality - therapy 4
kidney failure, chronic - pathology - therapy 4
kidney mesangial cells 4
kidney transplantation - adverse effects - methods 4
kidney transplantation - adverse effects - mortality 4
kidney transplantation - immunology - physiology 4
kidney transplantation - pathology 4
kidney transplantation - physiology 4
kidney tubules - cytology 4
kidney tubules, proximal - cytology - immunology - metabolism 4
lectins - metabolism 4
lipoproteins 4
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 4
living kidney donor 4
ln 4
lung abscess - complications - diagnosis - therapy 4
lupus erythematosus, systemic - blood - genetics 4
lupus nephritis - complications - drug therapy - virology 4
lymphoma 4
lymphoma, b-cell - chemistry - etiology - genetics 4
macrophages 4
malnutrition - etiology 4
membranous glomerulonephritis 4
mesangial cells 4
metastasis 4
mice 4
mice, inbred balb c 4
micro-costing 4
microfluidics 4
minimization 4
morbidity 4
mortality 4
multicellular spheroids 4
mycoses - diagnosis - drug therapy 4
necrotizing fasciitis 4
nephritis, interstitial - complications - drug therapy - pathology 4
nephritis, interstitial - immunology - physiopathology 4
nephrotic syndrome - complications - drug therapy 4
nephrotic syndrome - drug therapy 4
osmolality 4
p-cadherin 4
p21 4
p70 s6 kinase 4
p70s6k 4
pancreatitis - diagnosis - etiology 4
parvoviridae infections - transmission 4
parvovirus b19, human 4
pedigree 4
peritoneal adhesion 4
peritoneal dialysis first 4
peritoneal dialysis peritoneal mesothelial cells 4
peritoneal inflammation 4
peritoneum - drug effects - metabolism 4
peritoneum - physiopathology 4
peritonitis - drug therapy - epidemiology - microbiology 4
peritonitis - microbiology 4
pilot projects 4
piperacillin - therapeutic use 4
platelet-derived growth factor - immunology - secretion 4
polycation 4
polymeric iga 4
polymers - metabolism 4
polymorphism, single nucleotide 4
portal vein - radiography 4
post- transplantation 4
postoperative period 4
prednisone - administration & dosage - adverse effects 4
proteinuria - immunology - metabolism 4
pseudomonas infections - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 4
radiography, thoracic 4
rapamycin 4
receptor 4
recombinant proteins 4
regression analysis 4
relapse 4
renal 4
renal dialysis - adverse effects 4
renal dialysis - instrumentation - methods 4
renal insufficiency - etiology 4
renal palliative care 4
renal replacement therapy 4
reperfusion injury - pathology 4
resistance 4
respiratory tract infections - chemically induced 4
rhodococcus - isolation & purification 4
rna, messenger - analysis 4
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 4
scleroderma, diffuse - complications - drug therapy 4
secondary syphilis 4
serum albumin 4
serum albumin - analysis 4
shear stress 4
shock, septic - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 4
sialylation 4
single nucleotide polymorphism 4
sirolimus - pharmacology 4
skin - injuries 4
skin transplantation 4
sodium–glucose co-transporter type 2 inhibitors 4
steroid 4
streptococcal infections - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 4
streptococcal infections - epidemiology - microbiology 4
streptococcus bovis 4
streptococcus bovis - isolation & purification 4
streptococcus pyogenes 4
superior mesenteric artery syndrome 4
superior mesenteric artery syndrome - etiology - radiography - therapy 4
surgical wound infection - etiology 4
survival rate - trends 4
susceptibility 4
syndecan-1 4
syphilis - complications - diagnosis - pathology 4
syphilis, cutaneous - complications - diagnosis 4
tacrolimus - blood - therapeutic use 4
tacrolimus conversion 4
three pore model 4
thrombomodulin 4
tissue donors 4
tomography, x-ray computed - adverse effects - economics - methods 4
transferrin - pharmacology 4
tricuspid annuloplasty 4
tubular cells 4
tubuloglomerular cross talk 4
type 2 diabetes mellitus 4
ultrasmall pores 4
up-regulation 4
up-regulation - drug effects - immunology 4
urinary tract infections - chemically induced 4
vascular anomalies 4
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 4
water channel 4
wedge resection 4
weight loss 4
y chromosome 4
α-galactosidase a 4
β1 integrin 4
γ-iga 4
2-aminopurine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 3
acquired cystic kidney disease 3
actinomycetales infections - drug therapy - microbiology - radiography 3
actuarial analysis 3
acute kidney injury - chemically induced - complications 3
acute kidney injury - chemically induced - pathology 3
acute kidney injury - immunology - pathology 3
adenine - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
adequacy 3
adiponectin - blood 3
adrenal cortex hormones - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
adrenal cortex hormones - therapeutic use 3
age distribution 3
age of onset 3
aki 3
albuminuria - chemically induced - drug therapy - immunology 3
albuminuria - drug therapy 3
alcaligenes 3
alcaligenes xylosoxidans 3
allograft 3
amphotericin b - therapeutic use 3
analysis of variance 3
angiography 3
angiography - economics - methods 3
angiotensin receptor antagonists 3
angiotensin receptor blocker (arb) 3
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (acei) 3
anthraquinone 3
anthraquinones - adverse effects 3
anti-bacterial agents - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics 3
anti-glomerular basement membrane disease - blood - complications - drug therapy - enzymology 3
anti-glomerular basement membrane disease - complications - epidemiology - ethnology 3
anti-histone antibodies 3
anti-infective agents - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
anti-inflammatory agents, non-steroidal - adverse effects 3
anti-neutrophil cytoplasm auto-antibody (anca) 3
anti-nucleohistone antibodies 3
anti-obesity agents - antagonists & inhibitors 3
antibiotics, antineoplastic - toxicity 3
antibodies - analysis - immunology 3
antibodies - blood 3
antibodies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic - analysis - immunology 3
antibodies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic - blood - metabolism 3
antibodies, antinuclear - immunology 3
anticholesteremic agents - administration & dosage 3
antifungal agents 3
antigens, cd 3
antigens, cd - genetics - immunology - metabolism 3
antigens, surface - genetics 3
antiglomerular basement membrane antibody disease 3
antihypertensive agents - therapeutic use 3
antiphospholipid antibodies 3
antiviral agents - administration & dosage - adverse effects - therapeutic use 3
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 3
anuria - mortality - physiopathology - therapy 3
apoproteins - pharmacology 3
apoptosis regulatory proteins 3
appendicitis - complications - diagnosis 3
arthritis, rheumatoid - ethnology - genetics 3
ascites - etiology - therapy 3
ascitic fluid - metabolism 3
asia 3
asialoglycoprotein receptor 3
autoimmunity 3
b cell depletion 3
b cell signatures 3
b cells 3
bacterial infections - etiology - metabolism 3
basement membrane - chemistry - immunology 3
basic fibroblast growth factor (fgf) 3
beta-lactamases - biosynthesis 3
biological markers - blood 3
biological transport, active 3
biopsy, needle - adverse effects - methods 3
blood pressure 3
blotting, western 3
body weight 3
bone density - drug effects 3
bone density - drug effects - physiology 3
bone diseases, metabolic - chemically induced - drug therapy - etiology 3
bone marrow transplantation - adverse effects 3
bone mineral density 3
brain - microbiology 3
burkholderia cepacia - drug effects - isolation & purification 3
burkholderia infections - etiology - microbiology - therapy 3
c-reactive protein 3
c-reactive protein - analysis 3
c-reactive protein - analysis - metabolism 3
c-reactive protein - metabolism 3
calcitonin - blood - metabolism 3
calcitriol - administration & dosage 3
calcitriol - therapeutic use 3
calcium 3
calcium - blood 3
calcium - urine 3
calcium channel agonists - therapeutic use 3
cancer nanomedicine 3
cancer stem cells 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - therapy 3
cardiovascular 3
carrier proteins - genetics 3
carrier state - diagnosis - virology 3
catheters, indwelling - adverse effects 3
cell division 3
cell proliferation - drug effects 3
cell survival - drug effects 3
cell viability 3
cephalosporin 3
cera 3
chemokine ccl2 - biosynthesis - genetics 3
chemokine ccl5 - genetics 3
chemokine ccl5 - metabolism 3
chemoprophylaxis 3
china - epidemiology 3
chinese subjects 3
chlorambucil - therapeutic use 3
cholestasis - drug therapy 3
chronic kidney failure 3
chronic renal failure (crf) 3
chronic viral hepatitis 3
chronotropic incompetence 3
ciprofloxacin - administration & dosage - adverse effects 3
clarithromycin - adverse effects - pharmacokinetics 3
cognitive impairment 3
collagen type i - genetics 3
colonoscopy 3
colonoscopy - adverse effects 3
coloring agents 3
combined antibiotic therapy 3
commencement 3
complement c3 - biosynthesis - genetics 3
complications 3
covid‐19 3
creatinine - metabolism 3
crescentic glomerulonephritis 3
cyclosporins 3
cytokines - analysis 3
cytokines - biosynthesis - genetics 3
cytokines - pharmacology 3
delusions - chemically induced 3
dematiaceous fungi 3
dendrimer nanovector 3
denver shunt 3
diabetic nephropathies - complications - drug therapy 3
diltiazem 3
disease models, animal 3
disease relapse 3
disseminated ochroconis gallopavum 3
diverticulosis 3
diverticulosis, colonic - complications 3
dna - genetics 3
dna - immunology 3
dna probes - diagnostic use 3
dna, viral - genetics - isolation & purification 3
doxorubicin - toxicity 3
drug administration schedule 3
drug resistance, microbial 3
drug-induced liver injury - complications - etiology 3
dyskinesia, drug-induced - etiology - therapy 3
e coli 3
emerging therapies 3
emodin 3
emodin - pharmacology 3
emt 3
enalapril - therapeutic use 3
endemic diseases 3
enteric peritonitis 3
enzyme inhibitors - pharmacology 3
enzyme inhibitors - therapeutic use 3
epithelial cells - cytology 3
epithelial cells - immunology 3
epithelium - metabolism - pathology 3
epr effect 3
esa 3
escherichia coli - enzymology 3
escherichia coli infections 3
estrogen replacement therapy 3
ethics 3
ethics, medical 3
ethnic groups 3
european continental ancestry group 3
evaluation studies as topic 3
exercise tolerance 3
exit-site infection 3
extended-spectrum beta-lactamase 3
face 3
family 3
far east 3
fatigue 3
fibroblast growth factor 2 - analysis 3
fibronectins - biosynthesis - genetics 3
fibrosis - etiology - metabolism 3
flaviviridae infections - epidemiology 3
fluorescent antibody technique 3
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 3
fuel oils - poisoning 3
gastric acid inhibitor 3
gb virus c 3
gene expression - drug effects - immunology 3
gene frequency 3
gene mutation 3
genetic markers 3
glomerular mesangium - pathology - ultrastructure 3
glomerulonephritis, iga - complications - drug therapy 3
glomerulonephritis, iga - etiology 3
glomerulonephritis, iga - etiology - pathology 3
glomerulonephritis, membranous - drug therapy - ethnology - metabolism 3
glomerulonephritis, membranous - etiology - immunology 3
glomerulosclerosis 3
glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental - chemically induced - drug therapy - immunology 3
glucocorticoids - adverse effects 3
glucose - metabolism 3
goodpasture's syndrome 3
graft survival 3
graft survival - physiology 3
graft vs host disease - complications - etiology 3
graft vs host disease - complications - immunology 3
graft vs leukemia effect 3
gram-negative bacterial infections - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 3
gram-negative bacterial infections - drug therapy - etiology 3
gram-positive bacterial infections - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 3
granuloma - etiology 3
guanine - analogs & derivatives - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
haematuria 3
haplotypes - genetics 3
helical ct angiography 3
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - adverse effects 3
hematuria - etiology 3
hemolysis 3
hepacivirus - genetics 3
hepatitis antibodies - analysis 3
hepatitis b - diagnosis - virology 3
hepatitis b - drug therapy 3
hepatitis b - epidemiology - prevention & control 3
hepatitis b antibodies - blood 3
hepatitis b e antigens - blood 3
hepatitis b surface antigens - immunology 3
hepatitis b vaccine 3
hepatitis b vaccines - administration & dosage - immunology 3
hepatitis b virus - drug effects - genetics - isolation & purification 3
hepatitis b virus - genetics - isolation & purification 3
hepatitis b, chronic - epidemiology 3
hepatitis c - drug therapy - etiology - virology 3
hepatitis c antibodies 3
hepatitis c, chronic - complications - drug therapy 3
hepatitis c, chronic - epidemiology 3
hepatitis c, chronic - epidemiology - mortality 3
heptanoic acids - administration & dosage 3
histones - immunology 3
hong kong - ethnology 3
hormonal replacement therapy 3
hospital costs 3
hospitalization 3
human peritoneal mesothelial cells 3
hydrogen-ion concentration 3
hydrothorax 3
hydrothorax - etiology - therapy 3
hyperbilirubinemia - complications - microbiology - therapy 3
hyperleptinaemia 3
hypertension 3
hypogonadism - complications 3
hysteroscopy - adverse effects 3
immunization, secondary 3
immunocompromised host - drug effects - immunology 3
immunogenicity 3
immunoglobulin a - metabolism - pharmacology 3
immunoglobulin a, secretory - pharmacology 3
immunoglobulin g 3
immunoglobulin g - analysis - immunology - pharmacology 3
immunoglobulin g - pharmacology 3
immunoglobulins 3
immunosuppressive agents - administration & dosage 3
immunosuppressive agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
immunotherapy, adoptive - adverse effects 3
in situ hybridization, fluorescence 3
infant, newborn 3
inflammation - blood - etiology 3
injections, intradermal 3
injections, intraperitoneal 3
interferon-alpha - administration & dosage - adverse effects - therapeutic use 3
interferon-alpha - adverse effects - therapeutic use 3
interleukin 10 3
interleukin-1 (il-1) 3
interleukin-1 - analysis 3
interleukin-1 - blood 3
interleukin-10 - genetics 3
interleukin-2 - adverse effects 3
interleukin-6 (il-6) 3
interleukin-6 - analysis 3
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins 3
ischemia 3
jaundice - complications - microbiology - therapy 3
kdigo 3
kidney - blood supply 3
kidney - drug effects 3
kidney - metabolism 3
kidney - physiopathology 3
kidney biopsy 3
kidney diseases - pathology 3
kidney failure, acute - microbiology 3
kidney failure, chronic - blood - mortality - therapy 3
kidney failure, chronic - complications 3
kidney failure, chronic - complications - therapy 3
kidney failure, chronic - diagnosis - therapy 3
kidney failure, chronic - surgery 3
kidney glomerulus - blood supply - chemistry - immunology 3
kidney glomerulus - immunology - metabolism - pathology 3
kidney inflammation 3
kidney transplant 3
kidney transplantation - adverse effects - immunology - mortality 3
kidney transplantation - ethics - methods 3
kidney transplantation - methods - physiology 3
kidney transplantation - mortality 3
kidney tubules, proximal - metabolism 3
killer cells, lymphokine-activated - transplantation 3
kinetics 3
kt/v 3
ku70 3
lamivudine resistance 3
leptin - blood 3
leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive - therapy 3
lipids - blood 3
liver - enzymology 3
liver cirrhosis - complications 3
liver neoplasms - therapy 3
liver transplantation - methods - physiology 3
living donors - ethics - supply & distribution 3
living renal donors 3
living-related donor 3
long term 3
longitudinal studies 3
lopinavir‐ritonavir 3
losartan - therapeutic use 3
lung - microbiology 3
lung abscess - microbiology - radiography 3
lupus erythematosus, systemic 3
lupus erythematosus, systemic - complications - drug therapy - epidemiology - immunology 3
lupus erythematosus, systemic - drug therapy 3
lupus erythematosus, systemic - immunology 3
lupus nephritis - drug therapy - pathology 3
lupus nephritis - immunology - pathology - prevention & control 3
lupus nephritis pathogenesis 3
lupus pleuritis 3
lymphocele 3
lymphocyte 3
lymphocyte transfusion - adverse effects 3
lymphoproliferative disorders - etiology 3
macrophages, peritoneal - chemistry 3
macrophages, peritoneal - metabolism 3
magnetic resonance imaging 3
malnutrition 3
mannose binding lectin 3
mannose-binding lectin - genetics - metabolism 3
mice, inbred nzb 3
microscopy, electron 3
minimal 3
mir-200c 3
mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk) 3
mitosporic fungi 3
multiple renal arteries 3
mutation 3
mycobacterial infection 3
mycobacterium tuberculosis - drug effects - isolation & purification 3
mycobacterium tuberculosis - isolation & purification 3
mycophenolic acid - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 3
mycoses - drug therapy 3
natural killer cell 3
naval medicine 3
nephrotic syndrome - etiology 3
nitric oxide 3
nod2 signaling adaptor protein 3
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 3
non-viral delivery 3
nzb/w f1 mice 3
onychomycosis - etiology 3
opportunistic infections - diagnosis - drug therapy 3
optimal 3
organ preservation 3
osteonecrosis - diagnosis - epidemiology - etiology 3
osteopenia 3
osteoporosis 3
osteoporosis - chemically induced - drug therapy - physiopathology 3
outcome assessment (health care) 3
pegylated interferon 3
penicillanic acid - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 3
penicillins - therapeutic use 3
peritoneal dialysis - mortality 3
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - adverse effects - methods 3
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - statistics & numerical data 3
peritoneal diseases - etiology - metabolism 3
peritoneal transport 3
peritoneum - metabolism - pathology 3
peritonitis - blood - complications 3
peritonitis - blood - etiology - metabolism 3
peritonitis - blood - therapy 3
peritonitis - drug therapy - epidemiology - prevention & control 3
peritonitis - epidemiology - etiology 3
peritonitis - etiology 3
peritonitis - etiology - genetics - metabolism 3
peritonitis - etiology - metabolism 3
peritonitis - pathology 3
peritonitis, tuberculous - complications - drug therapy - mortality 3
peroxidase - immunology 3
ph 3
phosphonic acids - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
pichia 3
plasma exchange 3
pleura - immunology 3
pleural diseases - immunology 3
pleural mesothelial cells 3
pleurodesis 3
pleurodesis - methods 3
point mutation 3
polyethylene glycols - adverse effects - therapeutic use 3
polymorphism 3
postoperative complications - epidemiology 3
postoperative complications - therapy 3
postrenal transplant 3
prednisolone - adverse effects 3
pregnancy complications 3
pregnancy outcome 3
premenopause - drug effects - metabolism 3
probability 3
procalcitonin 3
programmed cell death 1 receptor 3
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 3
protein precursors - blood - metabolism 3
protein-energy malnutrition - diagnosis - etiology 3
proteinuria - drug therapy 3
proteinuria - metabolism 3
psychological symptoms 3
pulmonary hzemorrbage 3
pyelonephritis - drug therapy 3
pyrroles - administration & dosage 3
ramipril - therapeutic use 3
receptors, cell surface - genetics - metabolism 3
receptors, fc - genetics - immunology - metabolism 3
receptors, polymeric immunoglobulin - genetics - metabolism 3
recombinant proteins - adverse effects 3
renal allograft recipient 3
renal anemia 3
renal arteriography 3
renal artery - abnormalities - radiography 3
renal artery - radiography 3
renal artery obstruction - diagnosis - epidemiology - therapy 3
renal biopsy 3
renal cell carcinoma 3
renal transplant recipient 3
reproducibility of results 3
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - therapeutic use 3
rhodococcus equi - isolation & purification 3
ribavirin 3
ribavirin - administration & dosage - adverse effects - therapeutic use 3
rifampin - therapeutic use 3
rna, messenger - genetics 3
rna, viral - blood 3
rnai therapy 3
sampling studies 3
sars‐cov‐2 3
seawater 3
sex distribution 3
shear wave elastography 3
ships 3
sirna delivery 3
sirolimus - administration & dosage 3
sirolimus - pharmacology - therapeutic use 3
sirolimus - therapeutic use 3
slimming 3
spleen - microbiology 3
splenomegaly 3
spousal donor 3
spouses 3
statistics, nonparametric 3
steroids - adverse effects 3
subsets 3
survival analysis 3
sweden 3
t-lymphocytes - immunology 3
talc 3
talc poudrage 3
target 3
targeted therapy 3
terfenadine - adverse effects 3
tgf-β1 3
tgfβ1 3
thienamycins - therapeutic use 3
thoracoscopy - methods 3
tinea - etiology 3
tinea pedis - etiology 3
tissue and organ harvesting 3
tissue and organ procurement - organization & administration 3
tomography, x-ray computed - economics - methods 3
transferrin - metabolism - pharmacology 3
transforming growth factor beta - analysis - genetics 3
transforming growth factor beta - biosynthesis - genetics 3
transforming growth factor beta1 3
transforming growth factor-β (tgf-β) 3
transplant 3
transplantation chimera - immunology 3
transplantation immunology 3
transplantation, homologous - immunology - mortality 3
treatment failure 3
treatment, infectious peritonitis 3
trypan blue 3
tuberculosis - complications - drug therapy - mortality 3
tuberculosis - complications - epidemiology - immunology - prevention & control 3
tuberculosis - diagnosis - drug therapy - epidemiology - etiology 3
tuberculosis, lymph node - complications - drug therapy - mortality 3
tuberculosis, pulmonary - complications - drug therapy - mortality 3
tuberculous peritonitis 3
tubulointerstitial disease 3
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - blood 3
ultrasonography 3
uremia - metabolism - therapy 3
urinary tract infection 3
urinary tract infections - etiology - microbiology - therapy 3
urothelium - metabolism 3
vancomycin - therapeutic use 3
vasculitis - immunology 3
video recording 3
viral load 3
viral load - drug effects 3
viremia - epidemiology - virology 3
water pollutants, chemical - poisoning 3
weil disease - complications - therapy 3
young hypogonadal women 3
25-hydroxyvitamin d 2
aanti-gbm 2
aav 2
abo blood-group system - immunology 2
abstracting, bibliographies, statistics medical sciences 2
actin cytoskeleton - physiology 2
actin cytoskeleton - ultrastructure 2
actinin - metabolism 2
acute kidney injury - complications - diagnosis - therapy 2
acute kidney injury - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 2
adequacy of dialysis 2
adrenal cortex hormones - adverse effects 2
advanced ckd 2
akt 2
alkaline phosphatase - blood 2
alkaline phosphatase - metabolism 2
allergen 2
allergology and immunology medical sciences 2
alloimmune hemolysis 2
alternative pathway 2
amikacin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
amino acid dialysate 2
amino acid motifs 2
amino acids 2
amino acids - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
amino acids - pharmacology 2
ampicillin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
anaemia 2
anc 2
anca 2
angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia 2
angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia - complications 2
annexin a2 - genetics - metabolism 2
anti-arrhythmia agents - adverse effects 2
anti-bacterial agents - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
anti-dna antibodies 2
anti-gbm 2
anti-inflammatory agents - therapeutic use 2
antibodies, anti-idiotypic - metabolism 2
antibodies, antinuclear - blood - immunology 2
antibodies, antinuclear - pharmacology 2
antibodies, antinuclear - physiology 2
antibodies, bacterial - blood 2
antibodies, monoclonal - therapeutic use 2
antibodies, viral - analysis 2
antigen-antibody complex 2
antigens, cd - analysis 2
antigens, cd14 - blood 2
antigens, cd2 - analysis 2
antigens, cd3 - analysis 2
antigens, cd56 - analysis 2
antigens, viral - blood 2
antigens, viral - blood - drug effects 2
antiviral agents - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
anxiety 2
arteriovenous fistula/radiography 2
arteriovenous fistula/therapy 2
asia: health economics 2
asian continental ancestry group - statistics & numerical data 2
asian patients 2
asymptomatic 2
atorvastatin 2
autoantigens - immunology 2
autoimmune diseases 2
automated peritoneal dialysis 2
azathioprine - administration & dosage - adverse effects - economics 2
b cell 2
b cell abnormalities 2
bicarbonate 2
bicarbonates 2
biglycan 2
biochemistry abstracting and indexing services 2
biocompatible materials 2
biological assay - methods 2
biological markers - metabolism 2
biological transport 2
biopsy, needle 2
blood - immunology 2
blood glucose - analysis 2
blood preservation 2
blood transfusion 2
blotting, southern 2
buffers 2
c3 2
calcifediol 2
calcineurine inhibitor 2
canada 2
carcinogens - pharmacology 2
caregiver burden 2
castleman's disease 2
catheter implantation 2
catheters 2
cause of death 2
cd14 2
cd4+t cells 2
cd4-positive t-lymphocytes - immunology - metabolism 2
cd40l 2
cefazolin - therapeutic use 2
cell culture techniques 2
cell differentiation 2
cell differentiation - drug effects 2
cell division - drug effects 2
cell membrane permeability 2
cell survival 2
childhood-onset 2
chinese population 2
cholesterol - blood 2
chromosomes, human, pair 16 2
chronic active hepatitis 2
chronic microbial infections 2
chronic renal failure 2
classical pathway 2
clinical outcome 2
clinical outcomes 2
cmv dnaemia 2
co-stimulatory molecules 2
codon 2
collagen type i - metabolism 2
complement c3 - analysis 2
complement system proteins - analysis 2
computed tomographic peritoneography 2
computerized tomographic peritoneography 2
conservative management 2
corticosteroids 2
cost-benefit analysis 2
creatinine clearance 2
cyclic amp response element-binding protein - metabolism 2
cyclophosphamide - administration & dosage - adverse effects - economics 2
cyclosporine - adverse effects 2
cystatin c 2
cystatins - blood 2
cytokeratin 2
cytomegalovirus - drug effects - genetics - immunology - isolation & purification 2
cytomegalovirus - genetics - isolation & purification 2
cytomegalovirus infections - diagnosis 2
cytomegalovirus infections - diagnosis - drug therapy - immunology - virology 2
damage 2
darbepoetin alpha 2
decision trees 2
demyelinating diseases - etiology - therapy 2
demyelinating neuropathy 2
depression 2
device removal 2
diabetic nephropathies - epidemiology 2
diabetic nephropathies - surgery 2
dialysis catheter insertion 2
dialysis solutions 2
dialysis solutions - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
dialysis solutions - adverse effects 2
dialysis solutions - chemistry - pharmacology 2
diet 2
disease progression 2
dna - analysis - genetics 2
dna methylation 2
dna mutational analysis 2
dna, viral 2
dna, viral - analysis - blood 2
dna, viral - genetics 2
donors 2
drug costs - statistics & numerical data 2
drug evaluation 2
drug resistance 2
dyslipidemias - drug therapy - epidemiology - etiology 2
dyspepsia 2
dyspepsia - epidemiology 2
e4bp4 2
ebf1 2
electric impedance 2
electron spin resonance spectroscopy - methods 2
enhanced psychosocial support 2
eosinophilia - drug therapy - etiology 2
eosinophilic peritonitis 2
epidermal cyst - etiology 2
epidermoid cyst 2
epigenetics 2
epithelial cells - metabolism - pathology 2
epithelial cells - metabolism - physiology 2
epithelial cells - metabolism - secretion 2
epithelial cells - physiology 2
epithelial-to- mesenchymal transdifferentiation 2
epithelial-to-mesenchymal transdifferentiation 2
epithelium 2
epstein syndrome 2
equipment design 2
erythropoiesis-stimulating agent 2
erythropoietin 2
everolimus 2
exercise capacity 2
exercise test - statistics & numerical data 2
exercise therapy - statistics & numerical data 2
exercise training 2
exit site infection 2
experimental medicine, laboratory technique 2
extracellular matrix 2
extracellular matrix proteins - metabolism 2
extrapulmonary manifestation 2
false negative reactions 2
feasibility studies 2
fibrillary 2
fibronectins - biosynthesis 2
fibronectins - metabolism 2
focal adhesions - metabolism 2
foxp3 2
foxp3 tsdr 2
fruit - poisoning 2
fungal peritonitis 2
gamma-glutamyltransferase - metabolism 2
ganciclovir - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 2
gender 2
gene expression regulation 2
giant lymph node hyperplasia - complications - drug therapy - pathology 2
glomerular basement membrane - immunology 2
glomerular mesangium - immunology 2
glomerular mesangium - metabolism 2
glomerular mesangium - pathology 2
glomerulonephritis - classification - epidemiology - surgery 2
glomerulonephritis - complications - immunology 2
glomerulonephritis - diagnosis - genetics 2
glomerulonephritis - pathology 2
glomerulonephritis, iga - complications - physiopathology - prevention & control 2
glomerulonephritis, iga - diagnosis - immunology - pathology - therapy 2
glomerulonephritis, iga - epidemiology 2
glomerulonephritis, iga - pathology 2
glomerulonephritis, iga - surgery 2
glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative - complications - drug therapy - pathology 2
glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative - surgery 2
glomerulonephritis, membranous - surgery 2
glomerulonephropathy 2
glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental - surgery 2
glucans 2
glucose transport 2
glucuronosyltransferase - genetics 2
glycosaminoglycans 2
glycosaminoglycans - biosynthesis - physiology 2
glycosaminoglycans - metabolism 2
graft rejection - epidemiology 2
graft rejection - genetics - immunology 2
graft rejection - physiopathology 2
graft survival - drug effects 2
gross haematuria 2
gut microbiota 2
has-mir-1246 2
hcv genotype 2
hcv rna 2
hearing loss, sensorineural - diagnosis - genetics 2
heavy chain disease - diagnosis - immunology - pathology - therapy 2
helicobacter infections - epidemiology 2
helicobacter pylori 2
helicobacter pylori - immunology - isolation & purification 2
hematoma - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 2
hemodialysis solutions 2
hemolysis - immunology 2
hemoperitoneum 2
hemoperitoneum - etiology - mortality - therapy 2
hepacivirus - immunology 2
heparan sulfate proteoglycans - biosynthesis 2
heparin 2
hepatitis - virology 2
hepatitis antibodies - blood 2
hepatitis b - blood - diagnosis - virology 2
hepatitis b - diagnosis 2
hepatitis b - drug therapy - epidemiology 2
hepatitis b - drug therapy - prevention & control 2
hepatitis b - etiology 2
hepatitis b surface antigens - genetics 2
hepatitis b virus - metabolism 2
hepatitis c - enzymology - immunology - surgery 2
hepatitis c - etiology - metabolism - pathology 2
hepatitis c - etiology - therapy 2
hepatitis c virus 2
hepatitis c virus (hcv) 2
hepatitis, chronic - etiology - metabolism - pathology 2
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics 2
histamine h1 antagonists - therapeutic use 2
histone modification 2
histone modifications 2
hla antigens - genetics - immunology 2
hmgb1 protein - genetics - metabolism 2
hormone 2
hospital anxiety and depression scale (hads) 2
hospital costs - statistics & numerical data 2
hrm-pcr 2
human leukocyte antigen (hla) typing 2
human mesangial cells 2
hyaluronan synthase 2
hyaluronic acid - biosynthesis 2
hyaluronic acid - metabolism - secretion 2
hydroxychloroquine 2
hypercholesterolemia 2
hyperlipidemia 2
hyperlipidemias - complications - epidemiology 2
hyperphosphataemia 2
hypoalbuminemia - drug therapy - etiology 2
hypocalcaemia 2
icaritin 2
il-1b 2
il17a 2
immunoglobulin 2
immunoglobulin a 2
immunoglobulin alpha-chains - analysis 2
immunoglobulin g - immunology 2
immunoglobulin m 2
immunoglobulin m - analysis 2
immunology 2
immunophenotyping 2
immunosuppressive agents - administration & dosage - adverse effects - economics 2
income 2
infection - economics - epidemiology - etiology 2
inflammation - etiology 2
inflammation - metabolism 2
inflammation - physiopathology 2
infusions, parenteral 2
integrins 2
interferon-alpha - therapeutic use 2
interleukin-1 - physiology 2
interleukin-10 2
interleukin-10 - biosynthesis 2
interleukin-6 2
interleukin-6 - biosynthesis 2
interleukin-6 - metabolism 2
intracellular 2
ischaemia-reperfusion injury 2
ischemia - genetics - metabolism 2
ischemia - physiopathology 2
isoantibodies - blood 2
itraconazole 2
japan 2
ketotifen 2
ketotifen - therapeutic use 2
kidney - blood supply - drug effects 2
kidney - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 2
kidney - immunology - physiopathology 2
kidney diseases - chemically induced 2
kidney diseases - diagnosis - etiology - therapy 2
kidney diseases - etiology - therapy 2
kidney diseases - metabolism - physiopathology 2
kidney diseases/pathology 2
kidney failure, chronic - blood - complications - therapy 2
kidney failure, chronic - economics - epidemiology - therapy 2
kidney failure, chronic - epidemiology - therapy 2
kidney failure, chronic - etiology 2
kidney failure, chronic - etiology - mortality 2
kidney failure, chronic - etiology - physiopathology - surgery 2
kidney failure, chronic - immunology - surgery - virology 2
kidney function tests 2
kidney glomerulus - chemistry - pathology 2
kidney glomerulus - pathology 2
kidney transplantation - adverse effects - immunology 2
kidney transplantation - methods 2
kidney tubules, proximal - cytology - metabolism 2
kidney, polycystic/genetics 2
killer cells, natural - immunology 2
lamivudine - administration & dosage 2
lamivudine - pharmacology 2
lectins, c-type 2
leukemia, t-cell - diagnosis - immunology - virology 2
leukocytes - virology 2
linkage (genetics) 2
lipopolysaccharide 2
lipopolysaccharide binding protein 2
listeriosis - etiology 2
liver - enzymology - pathology 2
liver diseases - enzymology - pathology 2
liver diseases - immunology 2
liver failure 2
liver function tests 2
living-related donors 2
longterm treatment 2
lupus erythematosus, systemic - blood - immunology 2
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics - immunology - metabolism 2
lupus erythematosus, systemic - immunology - pathology 2
lupus erythematosus, systemic - surgery 2
lupus nephritis - blood - classification - complications - drug therapy - pathology 2
lupus nephritis - blood - complications 2
lupus nephritis - classification - drug therapy 2
lupus nephritis - complications 2
lupus nephritis - complications - mortality 2
lupus nephritis - drug therapy - economics - epidemiology 2
lupus nephritis - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology 2
lupus nephritis - drug therapy - physiopathology 2
lupus nephritis - etiology - metabolism 2
lupus nephritis - immunology - physiopathology 2
lupus nephritis - metabolism - pathology 2
lupus nephritis - pathology 2
lupus nephritis - therapy 2
lymphadenitis 2
lymphocytes - immunology 2
magnetic resonance peritoneography 2
maintenance immunosuppression 2
malignancy 2
malnutrition - etiology - therapy 2
mammalian target of rapamycin 2
mannose-binding lectin pathway 2
mcns 2
mediastinum 2
medical records 2
medical sciences medical sciences 2
membrane glycoproteins - analysis 2
membrane glycoproteins - genetics - metabolism 2
membrane potentials 2
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 2
membranous 2
men 2
mesangial cells - metabolism - pathology 2
mesothelial cell 2
metalloproteinases 2
methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta 2
methylprednisolone 2
microrna 2
micrornas 2
microvilli 2
minimal change nephrotic syndrome 2
mismatched human leukocyte antigens 2
monocyte 2
monocytes - metabolism 2
mycobacterium infections - epidemiology - prevention & control 2
mycophenolic acid - administration & dosage - adverse effects - analogs & derivatives - economics 2
mycophenolic acid - analogs and derivatives - pharmacology - therapeutic use 2
mycoses - diagnosis - etiology 2
myosin heavy chains - genetics 2
natural killer cell lymphoma 2
neck 2
nephrectomy 2
nephrosis, lipoid - drug therapy - pathology 2
nephrotic syndrome - complications 2
neurotoxicity syndromes - etiology 2
neurotoxins - adverse effects 2
ng-nitroarginine methyl ester - pharmacology 2
nitric oxide - analysis - biosynthesis 2
nitric oxide - biosynthesis 2
nitric oxide synthase - antagonists & inhibitors 2
nitric oxide synthase - genetics 2
nitric oxide synthase type ii 2
nk cell lectin-like receptor subfamily d 2
nuclear family 2
nucleic acid hybridization 2
nutrineal 2
omentum 2
osps 2
p53 2
pain 2
passenger lymphocyte 2
pcr test 2
penicillium - isolation & purification 2
penicillium marneffei 2
perinephric hematoma 2
periodicity 2
peritoneal dialysis (pd) 2
peritoneal dialysis - economics - statistics & numerical data - utilization 2
peritoneal dialysis - instrumentation 2
peritoneal dialysis fluids 2
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - mortality - standards 2
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - utilization 2
peritoneal diseases - metabolism 2
peritoneal eosinophilia 2
peritoneal fibroblasts 2
peritoneal fibrosis 2
peritoneal fibrosis - etiology - prevention & control 2
peritoneal transport characteristics 2
peritoneum - cytology - drug effects 2
peritoneum - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 2
peritoneum - cytology - metabolism - physiology 2
peritoneum - drug effects 2
peritoneum - metabolism 2
peritoneum - metabolism - physiopathology 2
peritoneum - pathology 2
peritoneum - pathology - physiology 2
peritoneum - radiography 2
peritonitis - blood - etiology - physiopathology 2
peritonitis - drug therapy - etiology 2
peritonitis - drug therapy - etiology - microbiology 2
peritonitis - etiology - metabolism - pathology 2
perlecan 2
ph neutral 2
phosphoproteins - blood 2
phosphorylation - drug effects 2
physical rehabilitation 2
pkc 2
plant poisoning - complications - diagnosis - mortality 2
pneumonia - economics - epidemiology - etiology 2
polyarteritis nodosa 2
polyarteritis nodosa - complications - diagnosis 2
polyester filter 2
polyradiculoneuropathy, chronic inflammatory demyelinating - etiology 2
post-transplantation 2
postoperative complications 2
postoperative complications - classification - epidemiology - prevention & control 2
postoperative complications - drug therapy - virology 2
postoperative complications - epidemiology - prevention & control 2
postoperative complications - etiology - immunology 2
postoperative complications - immunology 2
pp65 assay 2
prednisolone - administration & dosage 2
preemptive treatment 2
primary membranous nephropathy 2
proliferation 2
proliferation signal inhibitor 2
proliferative lupus nephritis 2
protein binding 2
protein kinase c - metabolism 2
protein kinase c-alpha 2
protein-tyrosine kinases - metabolism 2
proteoglycans 2
proteoglycans - biosynthesis 2
proteoglycans - biosynthesis - physiology 2
proteoglycans - genetics - metabolism 2
proteoglycans - metabolism 2
psoriasis 2
pyruvaldehyde - metabolism - toxicity 2
quality of life (qol) 2
randomized controlled trial 2
randomized controlled trial (rct) 2
receiver operating characteristic 2
recombinant fusion proteins 2
recovery of function 2
recurrence - prevention & control 2
regulatory t cells 2
remission induction 2
renal circulation 2
renal fibrosis 2
renal insufficiency - blood - diagnosis 2
renal insufficiency - diagnosis - genetics - surgery 2
renal insufficiency - immunology - physiopathology 2
renal survival 2
reoperation 2
reperfusion injury - genetics - metabolism 2
reperfusion injury - physiopathology 2
residual renal function 2
responsiveness 2
retreatment 2
retroperitoneal leakage 2
retroperitoneal space 2
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - administration & dosage 2
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - pharmacology 2
rheumatology 2
rheumatology biology 2
safety 2
senescence 2
seroepidemiologic studies 2
serological reactivation 2
serology 2
serratia 2
serum creatinine 2
sex 2
sex characteristics 2
signal transduction 2
simvastatin 2
skin diseases - etiology 2
social support 2
social worker 2
socioeconomic factors 2
sotalol - adverse effects 2
sulbactam - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 2
sulfur radioisotopes - diagnostic use 2
symptom 2
syndecan 2
syndecan-4 2
t cells 2
tacrolimus - adverse effects - therapeutic use 2
takayasu arteritis - epidemiology 2
telbivudine 2
tenckhoff catheter insertion 2
tetradecanoylphorbol acetate - pharmacology 2
thrombocytopenia 2
thrombocytopenia - diagnosis - genetics 2
thrombospondin 1 - drug effects - genetics - physiology 2
thrombotic microangiopathy 2
tlr2 2
tobramycin - therapeutic use 2
torsades de pointes - chemically induced 2
transcriptome 2
transforming growth factor beta - metabolism 2
transforming growth factor beta - metabolism - secretion 2
transforming growth factor beta1 - metabolism 2
transforming growth factor-β1 2
transplantation immunology - immunology 2
transplantation, homologous - adverse effects 2
triple incision method 2
trombospondin-1 2
tuberculosis - diagnosis - drug therapy 2
tuberculosis - prevention & control 2
tuberculosis, lymph node - diagnosis - etiology 2
ultrafiltration failure 2
united states 2
urea - metabolism 2
uremia 2
uremia - complications - diagnosis - mortality - therapy 2
urology and nephrology medical sciences 2
vasculopathy 2
vimentin 2
viral matrix proteins - blood 2
virus activation 2
virus replication - drug effects 2
vitamin d deficiency 2
whole blood 2
young adult 2
α heavy chain 2
24-hour urine protein 1
activities of daily living 1
activity 1
acute pulmonary edema 1
adenocarcinoma - etiology - secondary 1
adhesion molecule 1
adrenal cortex hormones - administration & dosage 1
adrenal insufficiency 1
albuminuria 1
albuminuria - epidemiology - ethnology - physiopathology - urine 1
allograft kidney thrombosis 1
allograft rupture 1
amenorrhea - chemically induced 1
anemia 1
anemia - therapy 1
anti-dna antibody 1
anti-infective agents - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
anti-inflammatory agents - administration & dosage 1
anti-inflammatory agents - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody 1
antibodies 1
antibodies, antinuclear - biosynthesis - blood 1
antibody formation 1
anticoagulants - therapeutic use 1
anticoagulation 1
antifungal agents - administration & dosage 1
antigens, viral - immunology 1
antilymphocyte serum - blood 1
antiphospholipid 1
arthritis 1
asia - epidemiology 1
autoantibodies - biosynthesis - blood 1
azathioprine - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
bacterial infections - etiology 1
biomarker 1
blood pressure - physiology 1
blood transfusion - adverse effects 1
body mass index 1
bone density 1
bone mineral density (bmd) 1
candida 1
candidal peritonitis 1
candidiasis - drug therapy - etiology 1
candidiasis - etiology - prevention & control 1
cardiovascular diseases - epidemiology - ethnology - physiopathology - urine 1
catheterization - adverse effects 1
cd4+ t cells 1
child 1
cholesterol 1
cholesterol, ldl - blood 1
chronic hepatitis 1
chronic hepatitis c 1
chronicity 1
clinical nephrology 1
clinical trial 1
clinical trials as topic 1
cognitive defect 1
cohort analysis 1
congresses as topic 1
continuous renal replacement therapy 1
cost-effective analysis 1
cost-effectiveness analysis 1
costs and cost analysis 1
cranial neuropathy 1
creatinine - metabolism - urine 1
creatinine - urine 1
creatinine blood level 1
cyclophosphamide - administration & dosage 1
cyclophosphamide - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
cyclosporin neoral® 1
cyclosporine - metabolism 1
cyclosporine a 1
cyclosporine/therapeutic use 1
cytopenia 1
data base 1
delphi study 1
deoxyribonucleases - metabolism - pharmacology 1
diabetes mellitus 1
diabetes mellitus, type 2 - complications - ethnology - physiopathology - urine 1
diabetic nephropathies - epidemiology - ethnology - physiopathology - urine 1
disease classification 1
disease course 1
diuresis 1
dna - immunology - metabolism 1
dna, viral - isolation & purification 1
dosage conservation 1
double therapy 1
double-blind randomized trial 1
drug administration routes 1
end-stage kidney disease 1
end-stage renal failure 1
endothelial cell 1
endothelium, vascular - immunology 1
endothelium, vascular - immunology - metabolism 1
enti-dna antibody 1
erythropoietin - adverse effects 1
eskd 1
ethnicity 1
fatigue - etiology - prevention & control 1
first-dose reaction 1
fluconazole 1
fluconazole - therapeutic use 1
fluorescent antibody technique, indirect 1
gemfibrozil 1
gemfibrozil - therapeutic use 1
gentamicins - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
global 1
graft rejection - complications - drug therapy - physiopathology 1
gram-negative bacterial infections - drug therapy 1
gram-positive bacterial infections - drug therapy 1
hdl-cholesterol 1
health education - methods 1
hematoma - etiology 1
hemoglobin a, glycosylated - metabolism 1
hemoglobins 1
hepacivirus - genetics - immunology 1
hepatitis b - blood - diagnosis 1
hepatitis b - epidemiology 1
hepatitis b - prevention & control 1
hepatitis b antigens - analysis 1
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 1
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis - blood 1
hepatitis b virus - isolation & purification 1
hepatitis c - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
hepatitis c - enzymology - genetics - therapy 1
hepatitis c - epidemiology - etiology 1
hepatitis c - epidemiology - etiology - immunology 1
hepatitis c - epidemiology - immunology - microbiology 1
hepatitis c - immunology - transmission 1
hepatitis c - microbiology 1
hepatitis, viral, human - drug therapy - epidemiology - prevention & control 1
hepatitis/diagnosis 1
hiv seropositivity 1
hospitalization - statistics & numerical data 1
hyperlipidemias - blood - drug therapy - etiology 1
hypoadrenalism 1
immune suppression 1
immune tolerance 1
immunocompetence 1
immunoglobulin g - blood 1
immunosuppressive agents - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
immunosuppressive agents - metabolism 1
immunosuppressive therapy 1
infarction - drug therapy - etiology 1
infection - chemically induced 1
infections 1
injections, intravenous 1
integrated care 1
intensive care 1
interferons - therapeutic use 1
international cooperation 1
kidney - drug effects - pathology 1
kidney diseases - etiology - physiopathology - surgery 1
kidney failure, chronic - metabolism - mortality - therapy 1
kidney failure, chronic - prevention & control 1
kidney transplantation - pathology - physiology 1
kidney transplantation - statistics & numerical data 1
kidney transplantation - statistics & numerical data - trends 1
ldl-cholesterol 1
leukemia - surgery 1
leukocytes - immunology - virology 1
levofloxacin 1
life tables 1
liver transplantation - statistics & numerical data 1
lung neoplasms - complications - secondary 1
lupus erythematosus, systemic - blood - epidemiology - immunology 1
lupus nephritis - classification - pathology 1
lupus nephritis - drug therapy - ethnology - mortality 1
lupus nephritis - drug therapy - pathology - psychology 1
megestrol acetate 1
membrane proteins - metabolism 1
meta-analysis 1
methylprednisolone - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
methylprednisolone - therapeutic use 1
miconazole - therapeutic use 1
mycophenolic acid - administration & dosage - analogs & derivatives 1
mycophenonate mofetil 1
mycoses - drug therapy - etiology 1
mycoses - drug therapy - etiology - prevention & control 1
myelopathy 1
naphthalenes - therapeutic use 1
netilmicin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
netromycin 1
neurocognitive disorder 1
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin 1
nocardia infections - drug therapy - etiology 1
nucleic acid hybridization - methods 1
nutrition 1
nutrition assessment 1
nutritional status 1
nystatin 1
nystatin - administration & dosage 1
o-set 1
ofloxacin 1
ofloxacin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
okt3 1
onychomycosis - drug therapy 1
parathyroid hormone - blood 1
pathophysiology 1
patient acceptance of health care 1
peliosis 1
peritoneal dialysis - statistics & numerical data 1
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - adverse effects - economics - methods 1
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - mortality 1
peritoneal dialysis, continuous ambulatory - mortality - statistics & numerical data 1
peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis 1
peritonitis - drug therapy - etiology - prevention & control 1
peritonitis - etiology - prevention & control 1
peritonitis, tuberculous - drug therapy - etiology - mortality 1
polyarteritis 1
postoperative complications - epidemiology - virology 1
postoperative complications - prevention & control - virology 1
prednisolone 1
prednisone - adverse effects - pharmacology 1
prophylaxis 1
proportional hazards models 1
pulmonary embolism - etiology 1
registries 1
rejection 1
remission 1
renal artery - pathology 1
rescue therapy 1
rheumatoid arthritis 1
rna 1
roxadustat 1
rupture, spontaneous 1
segmental 1
sepsis 1
serum albumin - metabolism 1
sf36 1
spleen 1
splenic diseases - etiology 1
stomach neoplasms - etiology - pathology 1
sustainable care 1
taiwan - epidemiology 1
thromboembolism 1
thromboembolism - drug therapy - etiology 1
tissue and organ procurement - methods 1
tissue donors - supply & distribution 1
transforming growth factor-beta/metabolism 1
transfusion 1
transverse myelitis 1
trichosporon 1
triglyceride 1
triglycerides - blood 1
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination - therapeutic use 1
triple therapy 1
united states - epidemiology 1
universal health care 1
uremia - therapy 1
urine protein-to-creatinine ratio 1
uvxd 1
vancomycin 1
vancomycin - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 1
viral core proteins - immunology 1
viral envelope proteins - immunology 1
viral nonstructural proteins - immunology 1
viral/analysis 1
virtual reality 1
von willebrand factor 1
wegener's granulomatosis 1
whoqol 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
null 7
economic evaluation, end-stafe renal disease, haemodialysis, markov model, peritoneal dialysis, renal replacement 4
acetate, gut microbiota, inflammation, lps, lupus nephritis, short chain fatty acids 3
b cell signatures, clinical flares, immunosuppression, lupus nephritis, pre-emptive treatment 3
cellular cholesterol efflux, cholesterol transporters 3
cytokines, immunosuppressive, lupus nephritis, lymphocyte subsets, relapse 3
exhaustion, immunosuppression, lupus nephritis, memory b cells, relapse 3
kidney disease, rapamycin, systemic lupus erythematosus 3
lupus, mycophenolic acid, nephritis, pharmacogenomics, pharmacokinetics 3
4-methylumbelliferone, hyaluronan, inflammation, lupus nephritis 2
acetate, kidney fibrosis, kidney inflammation, lupus nephritis, short chain fatty acids 2
annexin ii, anti-dna antibodies, inflammation, lupus nephritis 2
annexin ii, fibrosis, inflammation, lupus nephritis, mesangial cells 2
anti-dna antibodies, lupus nephritis, mesangial cells 2
anti-dsdna antibodies, fibronectin, fibrosis, inflammation, lupus nephritis 2
anti-dsdna antibodies, fibrosis, inflammation, ku70/80, lupus nephritis 2
anti-dsdna antibodies, inflammation, lupus nephritis, major vault protein, tubulo-interstitial injury 2
anti-dsdna antibodies, inflammation, lupus nephritis, renal tubular epithelial cells 2
antibody, anti-phospholipase, idiopathic, membranous, nephropathy, receptor 2
cd14, chronic kidney disease, kidney fibrosis, kidney inflammation, tubular epithelial cells 2
cd14, lbp, lipopolysaccharide, lupus nephritis, renal inflammation 2
cd44, fibrosis, inflammation, lupus nephritis 2
cellular, chronic, failure, kidney, lupus, nephritis 2
chronic kidney disease, hyaluronan, interstitial fibroblasts, kidney fibrosis, proximal tubular epithelial cells 2
chronic kidney disease, kidney inflammation, major vault protein, proximal tubular cells, tubulo-interstitial fibrosis 2
decorin, dialysis, fibrosis, inflammation, membrane, peritoneal 2
decorin, fibrosis, inflammation, mesothelial cells, peritoneal dialysis 2
diabetic nephropathy, gbm, hspg 2
dna 2
eda fibronectin, inflammation, kidney fibrosis, myofibroblasts, tubular epithelial cells 2
eda fibronectin, mesothelial cells, peritoneal dialysis, peritoneal fibroblasts, peritoneal fibrosis 2
emt, mesothelial cells, mir-200c, peritoneal dialysis, peritoneal fibrosis 2
fibronectin, fibrosis, inflammation, mesothelial cells, peritoneal dialysis 2
hbvdna 2
lupus nephritis, mesangial cell proliferation, mrl/1pr mice 2
chronic kidney disease, annexin-a2, kidney inflammation, kidney fibrosis, emt 2
lupus nephritis, hyaluronan, inflammation, 4-methylumbelliferone, mycophenolate 2
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