AuthorsNo. of Publications
fan, st 694
chok, ksh 290
cheung, tt 282
liu, cl 274
man, k 268
chan, sc 265
chan, acy 260
wong, j 238
poon, rtp 200
dai, wc 176
ng, ktp 123
ng, iol 112
fung, jyy 100
she, wh 79
ma, kw 72
lai, cl 66
sharr, ww 66
wong, clt 65
li, c 64
liu, x 59
ma, yy 56
lai, ecs 53
ng, kkc 52
liu, h 50
qi, x 49
wei, wi 47
tso, wk 45
yong, bh 45
chan, kl 43
geng, w 37
lam, cm 37
ling, c 33
saing, h 33
tsang, shy 33
cheng, q 32
chan, jkf 30
shao, y 30
tam, pkh 30
yuen, wk 30
tsoi, ns 29
liu, j 28
sin, sl 28
yuen, ky 28
yeung, wh 27
li, xl 26
lee, tkw 25
cheung, st 24
ng, kt 23
wong, tcl 22
lau, g 21
lau, gkk 21
yeung, who 21
yuen, mf 21
cheung, cky 20
yeung, c 20
zhao, y 20
chu, km 19
lo, cy 19
chan, a 18
fung, j 18
lee, kw 18
tsang, hys 17
lee, tk 16
liang, tb 16
liu, j 16
liu, xb 16
xu, a 16
yu, wc 16
chau, mt 15
poon, rt 15
yang, x 15
yau, tcc 15
li, cx 14
ng, kck 14
sharr, w 14
hui, ck 13
lau, gk 13
ng, io 13
pang, l 13
sun, ck 13
wong, y 13
au, wy 12
guan, x 12
lam, yf 12
ng, kk 12
ng, tp 12
ng, tp 12
sun, ckw 12
sun, kw 12
tsui, sht 12
yuen, rmf 12
au, kp 11
leung, n 11
liu, y 11
luo, y 11
wang, x 11
lam, bk 10
lee, tk 10
ma, sky 10
ng, kkc 10
seto, wkw 10
tong, m 10
wei, w 10
yang, xx 10
zhou, l 10
chan, ac 9
chan, jk 9
dai, jwc 9
ng, ky 9
poon, r 9
chen, l 8
cui, tys 8
lo, rjw 8
seto, wk 8
tsang, sh 8
wong, n 8
wong, tl 8
yeung, owh 8
young, k 8
chung, hy 7
guo, dy 7
ho, jwy 7
kwong, yl 7
ling, cc 7
luk, jmc 7
she, bwh 7
shek, twh 7
wong, t 7
zheng, ss 7
chan, fl 6
chan, j 6
chan, kw 6
chan, my 6
chen, s 6
chu, kkw 6
dai, j 6
fan, kmj 6
guan, xy 6
lam, ksl 6
li, x 6
lian, q 6
luk, jm 6
man, kwan 6
mok, fpt 6
ng, i 6
ngan, h 6
sun, b 6
wang, y 6
xiao, j 6
yau, t 6
zhang, w 6
chan, sc 5
chan, sy 5
chen, cl 5
chen, z 5
cheng, vcc 5
cheung, ck 5
chu, fsk 5
fung, jtk 5
ho, cl 5
ho, jw 5
jenkins, cr 5
lee, vhf 5
leung, tw 5
lim, zx 5
liu, jiang 5
lo, rcl 5
ma, s 5
rossi, m 5
siriwardana, rc 5
wong, wm 5
wong, yc 5
xu, x 5
zhang, hy 5
zhou, j 5
zhu, j 5
adam, r 4
chai, s 4
chen, y 4
chiu, whk 4
fan, j 4
fong, dyt 4
hawkins, br 4
ji, r 4
lai, q 4
lai, st 4
lam, bky 4
lam, sp 4
lau, myh 4
lerut, j 4
leung, sy 4
li, xc 4
lie, akw 4
liu, hui 4
lo, clr 4
lu, l 4
mak, ly 4
ming, x 4
mya, gh 4
pang, li 4
shiu, hc 4
sun, bs 4
ting, acw 4
trotter, jf 4
tsui, ht 4
tsui, sl 4
wong, bcy 4
wong, tc 4
xiao, jw 4
yuan, yf 4
zhang, h 4
chan, albert chi yan 3
chan, wf 3
chan, yp 3
chen, k 3
cheng, w 3
cheung, c 3
cheung, tan to 3
chiang, cl 3
choi, tk 3
chu, kwk 3
clevers, h 3
dai, jw 3
dai, wing chiu 3
de villa, mvh 3
emond, jc 3
fung, pcw 3
heimbach, jk 3
jia, w 3
kao, wj 3
khong, pl 3
kotewall, cn 3
lai, lsw 3
lai, mk 3
lam, b 3
lam, cck 3
lam, ck 3
lau, c 3
lau, h 3
law, wl 3
lee, ew 3
lee, mf 3
lee, npy 3
li, h 3
li, p 3
li, z 3
lian, qz 3
lian, qz 3
lim, zxh 3
liu, l 3
loong, hc 3
luk, my 3
luk, st 3
ma, k 3
man, k 3
ng, kk 3
ng, tpk 3
pomfret, ea 3
qin, lf 3
qiu, w 3
richard, s 3
shaked, a 3
sharma, r 3
she, w 3
shing, bsy 3
sin, s 3
sridhar, s 3
su, m 3
to, kf 3
tsang, dsf 3
tsang, j 3
tsao, gsw 3
tso, hwk 3
tsoi, wk 3
wong, bc 3
wong, cho lam tiffany 3
wong, dkh 3
wong, kky 3
wong, scy 3
yang, z 3
yang, zf 3
ye, d 3
yong, jl 3
young, kk 3
yu, j 3
yueng, yh 3
yun, jp 3
zhang, gx 3
zhang, y 3
agnes, s 2
aldrighetti, l 2
artegiani, b 2
avolio, aw 2
berloco, pb 2
bhangui, p 2
buell, jf 2
but, d 2
cai, j 2
cao, x 2
chan, a 2
chan, ao 2
chan, gcf 2
chan, jck 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, lh 2
chan, mym 2
chan, oo 2
chan, sc 2
chan, w 2
che, n 2
chen, cs 2
chen, jhk 2
chen, w 2
chen, yx 2
cheng, yhf 2
cherqui, d 2
cheung, any 2
cheung, pfy 2
cheung, tt 2
cheung, ww 2
chiang, aks 2
chik, bhy 2
ching, wyp 2
ching, yp 2
chiu, j 2
chiu, t. l.shirley 2
chiu, tls 2
choi, hk 2
chok, k 2
chok, sh 2
chu, acy 2
chu, f 2
chu, kw 2
chu, skf 2
chung, phy 2
chung, sk 2
cillo, u 2
cui, ty 2
dai, xw 2
de villa, vh 2
ding, tao 2
drazan, k 2
durand, f 2
fan, jkm 2
finkenstedt, a 2
fu, xb 2
fung, as 2
fung, sky 2
fung, tt 2
geller, da 2
guo, d 2
han, h 2
han, hs 2
ho, dwy 2
ho, kl 2
ho, pl 2
hoppe-lotichius, m 2
hou, j 2
huen, msy 2
iesari, s 2
ikegami, t 2
jurim, o 2
kaido, t 2
kaneko, h 2
kenison, jr 2
kim, m 2
koh, ps 2
kong, fp 2
kong, kl 2
kwan, m 2
kwan, ps 2
kwok, ggw 2
kwok, sy 2
lai, jy 2
lai, kn 2
lam, ko 2
lam, mf 2
lam, p 2
lam, s 2
lam, tw 2
lau, ck 2
lau, e 2
lau, sh 2
lau, skp 2
lau, v 2
law, ah 2
law, aly 2
lee, jmf 2
lee, np 2
lee, sg 2
lee, yt 2
leung, cc 2
leung, gkk 2
leung, kh 2
leung, kw 2
leung, r 2
li, bcw 2
li, iws 2
li, j 2
li, jhc 2
li, tw 2
liang, r 2
liem, msl 2
lin, c 2
lin, cc 2
liu, bc 2
liu, d 2
liu, q 2
liu, xiao bing 2
lo, awi 2
lo, ks 2
lo, r 2
lo, r 2
loh, jj 2
luk, y 2
luo, r 2
ma, sk 2
mak, yk 2
makuuchi, m 2
manzia, tm 2
mennini, g 2
miller, cm 2
mittler, j 2
mok, vwk 2
monto, a 2
ng, k 2
ng, kevin t.p. 2
ng, kevin tak pan 2
ng, kt 2
ng, ktp 2
ng, lwc 2
ning, w 2
pang, hh 2
poon, ryc 2
qiu, s 2
quintini, c 2
ratti, f 2
sapisochin, g 2
she, wong hoi 2
shek, wh 2
shih, kc 2
singh, g 2
soejima, y 2
soin, as 2
soubrane, o 2
sun, c 2
sun, d 2
sun, h 2
tan, kv 2
tanabe, m 2
tang, kh 2
tang, v 2
tisone, g 2
tong, ch 2
tsang, js 2
tsang, s 2
tsang, shh 2
tsang, simon hing yin 2
tzang, fc 2
uemoto, s 2
uesaka, k 2
vitale, a 2
wakabayashi, g 2
wang, md 2
wang, q 2
wang, wl 2
wang, y 2
wong, bl 2
wong, sc 2
wong, tiffany cl 2
wong, yc 2
woo, pcy 2
wright, tl 2
wu, h 2
wu, s 2
xie, d 2
xu, am 2
xue, y 2
yam, jwp 2
yan, hhn 2
yersiz, h 2
yip, ccy 2
yip, cw 2
yip, vsk 2
yiu, mk 2
yu, h 2
yuen, j 2
yuen, jhf 2
zhai, y 2
zhang, wy 2
zhang, zw 2
zhou, w 2
zhou, y 2
zhu, lx 2
abbey, se 1
abdelmalek, mf 1
abe, y 1
accapezzato, d 1
agnes, salvatore 1
ahn, k 1
akamatsu, n 1
akamatsu, nobuhisa 1
alberts, rg 1
alhadeedi, s 1
alzoubi, m 1
ambs, s 1
ammar-khodja, n 1
andreone, p 1
arcilla jr, ce 1
asbun, h 1
attili, fa 1
au yeung, khr 1
au, ch 1
au, howard lai ho 1
au, twk 1
au-yeung, rkh 1
bai, c 1
balci, deniz 1
balsarkar, dj 1
barnaba, v 1
barroso, e 1
bartsch, f 1
bednarsch, j 1
belghiti, jb 1
belli, a 1
belli, g 1
benzing, c 1
berardi, g 1
berloco, p 1
bhangui, prashant 1
bharwani, alina ashok 1
boehnert, markus u 1
boehnert, mu 1
bonney, gk 1
bonney, glenn k 1
bothe a, jr 1
boudjema, k 1
breuer, e 1
briceno, j 1
broering, dieter 1
brundage, si 1
budhu, a 1
bulger, em 1
busutil, r 1
busuttil, r 1
busuttil, rw 1
cai, z 1
castilho, a 1
cattral, mark 1
chan, aac 1
chan, acy 1
chan, aky 1
chan, albert cy 1
chan, aoo 1
chan, awh 1
chan, ck 1
chan, evelyn hui yi 1
chan, fsy 1
chan, g 1
chan, hl 1
chan, hly 1
chan, hm 1
chan, hy 1
chan, jf 1
chan, jfk 1
chan, kfj 1
chan, kk 1
chan, kw 1
chan, ky 1
chan, miu yee 1
chan, mmy 1
chan, mp 1
chan, p 1
chan, sk 1
chan, sl 1
chan, sr 1
chan, tm 1
chan, vernice hui yan 1
chan, wm 1
chan, ys 1
chang, cm 1
chau, emc 1
chau, j 1
chen, cc 1
chen, chao-long 1
chen, chao‐long 1
chen, cy 1
chen, h 1
chen, kh 1
chen, kj 1
chen, ll 1
chen, t 1
chen, yb 1
chen, ys 1
chen, z 1
chen, zhi wei 1
chen, zhiwei 1
chen, zw 1
cheng, asz 1
cheng, bwc 1
cheng, c 1
cheng, ctk 1
cheng, ikp 1
cheng, j 1
cheng, jin lin 1
cheng, jl 1
cheng, jty 1
cheng, lc 1
cheng, pw 1
cheng, sh 1
cheng, wk 1
cheng, yf 1
cheuckseen lai, e 1
cheung, akl 1
cheung, allen ka loon 1
cheung, aly 1
cheung, bhh 1
cheung, byy 1
cheung, c 1
cheung, cy 1
cheung, hk 1
cheung, js 1
cheung, kla 1
cheung, mc 1
cheung, st 1
cheung, t 1
cheung, tf 1
chiang, cl 1
chiang, mwl 1
chiang, yc 1
chih-yi, chen itsuko 1
chik, b 1
chik, bh 1
ching chan, s 1
chiu, a 1
chiu, khy 1
chiu, ms 1
chiu, st 1
chiu, stl 1
chiu, sw 1
chiu, wyj 1
cho, hd 1
chok, ksh 1
chow, fc 1
chow, fcl 1
chow, jp 1
chow, kk 1
chow, lc 1
chu, a 1
chu, cy 1
chu, esh 1
chu, ka-wan 1
chu, kfs 1
chu, ls 1
chung, cd 1
chung, ho yu 1
chung, hy 1
chung, twh 1
cillo, umberto 1
ciria, r 1
clavien, p 1
clavien, pierre-alain 1
co shih, k 1
colquhoun, sd 1
concejero, a 1
crisostomo, ac 1
croce, cm 1
cui, yt 1
d'silva, m 1
dagher, i 1
dai, wing-chiu 1
dassanayake, as 1
de oliveira, m 1
de ponthaud, c 1
de silva, ap 1
de silva, hj 1
de stefano, carmine 1
deng, xf 1
dhawan, a 1
ding, g 1
ding, j 1
ding, t 1
dixon, dj 1
doherty, gm 1
dong, j 1
dong, jia hong 1
dong, p 1
dong, q 1
dutkowski, p 1
dutkowski, philipp 1
edwin, b 1
ekmekcigil, e 1
el helali, a 1
emond, jean 1
emond, jean c 1
epstein, rj 1
erasmo, aa 1
erdmann, j 1
ettorre, giuseppe maria 1
fan, km 1
fan, l 1
fan, s 1
fan, s-t 1
fan, wt 1
fang, wentao 1
farrell, gc 1
feng, mx 1
ferretti, g 1
finotti, m 1
finotti, michele 1
fok, aj 1
fok, m 1
fondevila, c 1
fong, dy 1
fong, sy 1
fong, yk 1
forbes, sj 1
forgues, m 1
frigo, ac 1
fu, l 1
fuks, d 1
fung, a 1
fung, ach 1
fung, asm 1
fung, hsj 1
fung, j 1
fung, james 1
fung, james yan yue 1
fung, jf 1
fung, jy 1
fung, ky 1
fung, sw 1
fung, tm 1
fusai, g 1
gallagher, tk 1
gane, ej 1
garcia-barcelo, mm 1
garden, oj 1
gayet, b 1
genedy, l 1
genedy, lara 1
gertsch, p 1
gleisner, a 1
gong, sf 1
gores, g 1
gorgen, a 1
gotohda, n 1
gregorio, g 1
guan, z 1
guglielmi, a 1
gunasekaran, g 1
gunasekaran, v 1
gunasekaran, vasanthakumar 1
gunathilake, b 1
guo, j 1
halazun, k 1
halazun, kj 1
halim, na 1
han, t 1
hanajiri, k 1
hasegawa, kiyoshi 1
hashida, k 1
hedley, aj 1
heimbach, julie k 1
henderson, jm 1
hepp, j 1
hervera, marquez ka 1
hervera, marquez kris ann 1
hessheimer, a 1
hidalgo-salinas, c 1
higuchi, r 1
hilal, ma 1
hirano, s 1
ho, chm 1
ho, dw 1
ho, gcl 1
ho, margaret kay 1
ho, p 1
ho, sl 1
ho, wy 1
hong, s 1
hong, suyoung 1
hong, ys 1
hoo, rlc 1
hoppe‐lotichius, maria 1
howard, tk 1
hsu, sc 1
hsu, shih-chao 1
hu, rh 1
hu, whc 1
hu, z 1
huang, ht 1
huang, xr 1
hui, ay 1
hui, p 1
hui, twc 1
humar, a 1
hung, ifn 1
hunter, jg 1
ikegami, toru 1
imamura, h 1
inabnet, b 1
ismail, w 1
ito, takashi 1
jansen, jo 1
jawan, b 1
jeddou, h 1
jeng, long-bin 1
ji, j 1
joh, jae-won 1
kaizu, t 1
kanazawa, a 1
kang, k 1
kato, y 1
kawamoto, k 1
kenison, j 1
kim, h 1
kim, j 1
kim, jongman 1
kim, kh 1
kim, y 1
kim-schluger, hl 1
kim-schluger, l 1
kirimker, elvan onur 1
kirimker, o 1
kitano, s 1
ko, kl 1
koerkamp, b 1
kong, mcw 1
kontis, e 1
kou, yh 1
kubo, s 1
kumamoto, y 1
kwan, c 1
kwan, kyh 1
kwan, th 1
kwan, ym 1
kwok, jsy 1
kwong, a 1
kwong, bernard ming hong 1
kwong, dlw 1
kyrana, e 1
labio, e 1
lai, ack 1
lai, kc 1
lai, l 1
lai, pb 1
lai, pbs 1
lai, quirino 1
lai, wm 1
lam, ahk 1
lam, ct 1
lam, cw 1
lam, cy 1
lam, cynthia sin nga 1
lam, f 1
lam, jmf 1
lam, ks 1
lam, ky 1
lam, lk 1
lam, ly 1
lam, lyf 1
lam, sw 1
lam, tc 1
lam, tt 1
lam, vwt 1
lan, hy 1
lang, h 1
lang, hhb 1
lao, ecs 1
lau, ey 1
lau, fl 1
lau, ll 1
lau, my 1
lau, whv 1
lau, yk 1
laurent, a 1
law, b 1
lee, as 1
lee, ewm 1
lee, fas 1
lee, j 1
lee, ku 1
lee, kw 1
lee, nw 1
lee, oj 1
lee, py 1
lee, swm 1
lee, tkh 1
lee, vwy 1
lee, wk 1
leonard, w 1
leong fung, lly 1
leong, l 1
leppäniemi, a 1
lerut, jan paul 1
lerut, jp 1
leung liu, c 1
leung, a 1
leung, b 1
leung, ckl 1
leung, cyi 1
leung, gkk 1
leung, kc 1
leung, rcy 1
lewin, j 1
li, b 1
li, cb 1
li, ch 1
li, chs 1
li, d 1
li, fk 1
li, fyl 1
li, g 1
li, hf 1
li, hl 1
li, ra 1
li, x 1
li, y 1
li, zhihao 1
liang, b 1
lie, ak 1
lilli, d 1
lim, z 1
lin, ccw 1
lin, cl 1
lin, n 1
line, p 1
ling, mt 1
ling, mt 1
ling, pmt 1
liu, ch 1
liu, jh 1
liu, jiang 1
liu, ky 1
liu, m 1
liu, qing sheng 1
liu, qs 1
liu, xiaobing 1
liu, yf 1
liu, z 1
liu, zh 1
lo, jwr 1
lo, rky 1
lok, s 1
loksun, u 1
loong, f 1
loong, jhc 1
lu, l 1
lui kau, wf 1
lui, vch 1
luk, tcs 1
ly, r 1
lópez-lópez, v 1
ma, ayy 1
ma, es 1
ma, ka wing 1
ma, ka-wing 1
ma, sk 1
ma, vws 1
maier, rv 1
mak, cm 1
mak, kw 1
mak, lung-yi 1
mak, wwn 1
maller, es 1
man, n 1
maruyama, t 1
mathur, a 1
mathur, abhishek 1
meltzer, ps 1
merli, m 1
mh, kc 1
ming lam, c 1
mitsui, h 1
miyama, a 1
mizuno, t 1
mod, f 1
monden, k 1
morise, z 1
mrzljak, anna 1
mueller, m 1
nadalin, s 1
nadalin, silvio 1
nagino, m 1
nagorney, dm 1
nanji, aa 1
neff, gw 1
neumann, u 1
ng, f 1
ng, ilo 1
ng, ilo 1
ng, jkf 1
ng, kc 1
ng, kf 1
ng, m 1
ng, mw 1
ng, np 1
ng, rk 1
ng, rwm 1
ng, rwn 1
ng, sl 1
ngan, es 1
ngan, esw 1
nicolini, g 1
nie, y 1
niriella, ma 1
nitta, h 1
noji, t 1
nooijen, l 1
norbury, c 1
novelli, g 1
o'sullivan, cb 1
ogura, t 1
ohmura, y 1
ohtsuka, m 1
oilin ng, i 1
okamura, y 1
oldhafer, k 1
olson, p 1
olthoff, kim m 1
olthoff, km 1
ome, y 1
ong, j 1
otsuka, y 1
oʼrourke, n 1
o’rourke, n 1
pai, mc 1
pang, hmh 1
pang, rwc 1
park, j 1
pascher, a 1
peh, wcg 1
peng, sk 1
piktim mok, f 1
pitt, ha 1
polak, w 1
polak, wg 1
polak, wojciech g 1
poon, rt 1
poon, rws 1
poon, ry 1
poon, tcw 1
potts, m 1
prachalias, a 1
pratschke, j 1
proye, c 1
qi, l 1
qian, yb 1
qin, j 1
qin, l 1
qin, lx 1
qiu, sy 1
qiu, wen qi 1
qiu, wenqi 1
qiu, wf 1
qiu, wq 1
rammohan, a 1
rammohan, ashwin 1
ranjan, d 1
ranson, jhc 1
rashed, shireen 1
ravaioli, matteo 1
rela, mohamed 1
rivanera, d 1
robles-campos, r 1
roessler, s 1
rose, j 1
rosen, cb 1
rosen, charles b 1
rossi, massimo 1
rotellar, f 1
ruzzenente, a 1
sadamori, h 1
samstein, b 1
samstein, benjamin 1
sandelin, k 1
santos-ocampo, r 1
sapisochin, gonzalo 1
scarola, j 1
schaefer, b 1
schaefer, benedikt 1
schein, m 1
schulick, r 1
schwartz, m 1
seek, al 1
selzner, nazia 1
seto, wai-kay 1
seyama, y 1
shackleton, cr 1
shaked, o 1
shaked, oren 1
she, b 1
she, bw 1
she, wong-hoi 1
shea, qt 1
shek, tw 1
shen, b 1
shi, j 1
shing, k 1
shinoda, m 1
shwaartz, c 1
sin, sui-ling 1
sin, wc 1
siriwardana, r 1
siriwardena, rc 1
sirolimus liver conversion trial study group 1
siu, hc 1
siu, kf 1
smoot, r 1
song, y 1
song, y 1
starzl, the 1
steele g, jr 1
stefan, rj 1
stickel, f 1
sugawara, y 1
sugioka, a 1
sugiura, t 1
suh, ks 1
suh, kyung-suk 1
suilleabhain, cbo 1
sulivan, ma 1
sun, hc 1
sun, s 1
sung, jjy 1
sung, wk 1
surman, os 1
tai, jwm 1
takayashiki, t 1
takeda, y 1
tam, hsc 1
tam, p 1
tam, pc 1
tam, pk 1
tam, s 1
tam, scf 1
tan, esy 1
tan, z 1
tanaka, s 1
tanaka, y 1
taner, t 1
taner, timucin 1
tang, a 1
tang, s 1
tang, scw 1
tang, vyf 1
tang, zy 1
tarn, pkh 1
tenen, dg 1
teng, ll 1
teoh, n 1
tergaonkar, v 1
testa, g 1
testa, giuliano 1
thung, sn 1
tian, mg 1
tisone, giuseppe 1
to, kkw 1
tong, ahy 1
tong, cm 1
tong, dkh 1
toselli, lt 1
troisi, ri 1
tsang, f 1
tsang, hh 1
tse, hf 1
tsochatzis, emmanuel 1
tsui, sh 1
tsui, ty 1
tsui, wjc 1
tu, w 1
tung, h 1
tungping poon, r 1
ueno, m 1
uu, cl 1
vierling, jm 1
vivarelli, marco 1
viveiros, a 1
wagner, k 1
wan, p 1
wan, tmh 1
wan, tsk 1
wan, wsc 1
wang, cc 1
wang, hw 1
wang, jjw 1
wang, jq 1
wang, l 1
wang, qs 1
wang, r 1
wang, sh 1
wang, w 1
wang, wh 1
wang, wx 1
wang, xh 1
wang, xq 1
wang, xw 1
wang, yuewen 1
wang, zhe 1
wei, n 1
wei, t 1
wilson, gc 1
wo, jyh 1
wong, ac 1
wong, acc 1
wong, ck 1
wong, cm 1
wong, cw 1
wong, d 1
wong, ecy 1
wong, emh 1
wong, fcs 1
wong, h 1
wong, iyh 1
wong, j 1
wong, jsl 1
wong, khc 1
wong, kw 1
wong, nsm 1
wong, pc 1
wong, s 1
wong, sy 1
wong, t 1
wong, tc 1
wong, tt 1
wu, c 1
wu, cw 1
wu, ex 1
wu, g 1
wu, x 1
xia, l 1
xia, ns 1
xia, q 1
xia, w 1
xiang, j 1
xiao, f 1
xu, a 1
xu, aimin 1
xu, br 1
xu, xp 1
y, zhai 1
yamamoto, m 1
yan, cw 1
yan, hhn 1
yan, ln 1
yang, s 1
yang, xinxiang 1
yang, y 1
yao, h 1
yao, tj 1
yasunaga, m 1
yau, wl 1
ye, mmq 1
yeow, m 1
yeow, marcus 1
yeung, csy 1
yeung, hy 1
yeung, o 1
yeung, oscar w.h. 1
yeung, oscar wai ho 1
yeung, ow 1
yeung, r 1
yeung, rmw 1
yeung, wai ho oscar 1
yeung, yp 1
yip, cy 1
yiu, j 1
yiu, kh 1
yoh, t 1
yonkus, j 1
you, kt 1
youngfadok, tm 1
yu, hj 1
yu, kwt 1
yu, y 1
yu, ym 1
yu, z 1
yue, m 1
yuen, ap 1
yuen, man-fung 1
yuen, st 1
zhang, ajx 1
zhang, cc 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, n 1
zhang, qingmei 1
zhang, yj 1
zhao, g 1
zhe, y 1
zhen, z 1
zheng, b 1
zheng, bj 1
zheng, j 1
zheng, ming zhu 1
zheng, mz 1
zheng, yp 1
zhou, d 1
zhou, j 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, ht 1
zhu, ji ye 1
zhu, jiye 1
zhu, jj 1
zhu, y 1
zhu, yq 1
zhu, yueqin 1
zuo, s 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
liver transplantation 71
hepatocellular carcinoma 56
adult 51
humans 47
female 38
male 37
medical sciences 37
middle aged 37
hepatectomy 33
aged 28
recurrence 27
surgery 27
gastroenterology medical sciences 26
hcc 25
prognosis 25
retrospective studies 25
treatment outcome 25
survival analysis 24
liver cancer 23
living donors 23
survival 22
graft survival 21
hong kong - epidemiology 21
follow-up studies 20
adolescent 19
cirrhosis 19
time factors 19
immunosuppressive agents - therapeutic use 18
liver transplantation - methods 18
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 17
liver resection 17
survival rate 17
aged, 80 and over 16
cadaver 16
disease-free survival 16
gastroenterology 16
hepatectomy - methods 16
hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) 16
immunohistochemistry 16
liver cirrhosis 16
liver transplantation - adverse effects 16
transarterial chemoembolization 16
age factors 15
blood transfusion 15
cell proliferation 15
disease progression 15
liver transplant 15
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 15
laparoscopic liver resection 14
outcomes 14
case report 13
cohort studies 13
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 13
hepatitis b 13
incidence 13
infant 13
inflammation 13
liver function tests 13
liver transplantation - immunology 13
living donor liver transplant 13
portal vein 13
postoperative complications 13
reoperation 13
ablation 12
acute hepatitis 12
arginine methylation 12
bronchiectasis 12
cancer stemness 12
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - surgery 12
chemicals and cas registry numbers 12
child 12
child, preschool 12
chronic obstructive lung disease 12
drug therapy, combination 12
liver diseases - surgery 12
liver neoplasms - mortality - surgery 12
liver neoplasms - pathology - surgery 12
living donor 12
meld 12
organ size 12
pediatric liver transplantation 12
tissue donors 12
acute disease 11
acute flare 11
apoptosis 11
body mass index 11
cancer staging 11
cancer survival 11
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery 11
carrier state 11
decompensation 11
emergencies 11
hepatitis b infection 11
high-intensity focused ultrasound 11
intraoperative complications - epidemiology 11
laparoscopy 11
liver failure 11
liver neoplasms - surgery 11
liver transplantation - statistics & numerical data 11
long-term outcome 11
metastasis 11
outcome 11
prospective studies 11
tumor recurrence 11
allergology and immunology 10
alpps 10
antigens, cd - genetics - metabolism 10
biliary anastomotic stricture 10
bridging therapy 10
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - surgery 10
cyclosporine - therapeutic use 10
dna primers 10
hepatitis b, chronic - complications 10
hong kong 10
hospital mortality 10
immunosuppression 10
lamivudine 10
length of stay 10
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - surgery 10
liver transplantation - methods - statistics and numerical data 10
living donors - supply and distribution 10
morbidity 10
new technology 10
postoperative complications - epidemiology 10
resection 10
scarce deceased donors 10
surgery medical sciences 10
tissue donors - supply and distribution 10
vascular surgical procedures - methods 10
11c-acetate 9
animals 9
bile ducts - surgery 9
blood loss, surgical 9
body weight 9
cancer invasion 9
carcinoma 9
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - surgery 9
chronic disease 9
contrast ct 9
endocrinology 9
epigenetics 9
gpx3 9
hifu 9
hipsc-mscs 9
hospitals, university 9
invasion 9
invasiveness 9
lamivudine - therapeutic use 9
liver circulation - physiology 9
liver diseases - epidemiology 9
liver failure - surgery 9
liver transplantation - mortality 9
living donor liver transplantation 9
milan criteria 9
mortality 9
neoplasm staging 9
non-invasive treatment 9
palliative care 9
pet/ct 9
postoperative complications - classification - epidemiology 9
rats 9
rats, sprague-dawley 9
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - therapeutic use 9
right liver graft 9
severity of illness index 9
tumor-initiating cells 9
acetic acid c 11 8
advanced cancer 8
antiviral agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 8
antiviral therapy 8
base sequence 8
bile leak 8
biliary atresia 8
biliary atresia - complications - surgery 8
biliary complications 8
bilirubin - blood 8
cadaver donor 8
cancer recurrence 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - metabolism - pathology 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery - virology 8
cardiac function 8
carrier proteins - metabolism 8
cell division - physiology 8
cell line, tumor 8
chemokine cxcl1 - physiology 8
cholangiocarcinoma 8
colorectal cancer 8
combined modality therapy 8
complications of liver transplantation 8
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 - genetics - metabolism 8
deceased donor liver transplantation 8
disease severity 8
dose-response relationship, drug 8
elasticity imaging techniques - methods 8
fluorodeoxyglucose f 18 8
focal adhesion kinase 2 - metabolism 8
general surgery 8
gist 8
glycoproteins - deficiency - genetics - metabolism 8
glycoproteins - genetics - metabolism 8
guanine - adverse effects - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 8
heme oxygenase-1 8
hepatectomy - adverse effects 8
hepatectomy - methods - mortality 8
hepatic encephalopathy - surgery 8
hepatitis b antibodies 8
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - diagnosis - drug therapy - surgery 8
hepatitis b, chronic - pathology 8
inhibitor of differentiation protein 1 8
interleukin-8 - deficiency - genetics - physiology 8
ischemia-reperfusion injury 8
laparoscopic resection 8
liver 8
liver cirrhosis - pathology - virology 8
liver cirrhosis - surgery - virology 8
liver disease 8
liver diseases - etiology - surgery 8
liver failure - etiology - surgery 8
liver failure - pathology - virology 8
liver graft injury 8
liver metastasis 8
liver neoplasms - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism 8
liver neoplasms - metabolism - pathology 8
liver transplantation - adverse effects - statistics & numerical data 8
liver transplantation - contraindications - methods - mortality - statistics & numerical data 8
living-donor liver transplantation 8
living-related liver transplantation 8
marginal graft 8
medicine & public health 8
microscopy, electron 8
mitochondrion 8
multivariate analysis 8
neoplasm recurrence, local - surgery 8
neoplastic cells, circulating - pathology 8
nitric oxide synthase type ii 8
organ size - physiology 8
orthotopic liver transplantation 8
patient selection 8
pediatric liver transplant 8
portoenterostomy, hepatic 8
postoperative care 8
postoperative complications - prevention & control 8
preoperative care 8
prevention 8
proportional hazards models 8
radiofrequency ablation 8
reduced-size liver transplant 8
reduced-size liver transplantation 8
renal transplantation 8
repressor proteins 8
retinoblastoma protein - genetics - metabolism 8
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 8
salvage transplantation 8
sensitivity and specificity 8
seroconversion (sc) 8
steatosis 8
stereotactic body radiation therapy 8
thrombosis - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 8
tissue donors - statistics & numerical data 8
tki 8
transcription factors - genetics - metabolism - physiology 8
tyrosine-kinase inhibitor 8
unresectable 8
waiting list 8
wedge resection 8
abdominal abscess 7
abdominal bleeding 7
abdominal surgery 7
activities of daily living 7
adenine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 7
adiponectin 7
adiponectin - blood - chemistry - genetics 7
adiponectin oligomeric form 7
adjuvant therapy 7
alanine transaminase - blood 7
american society of anaesthesiologists (asa) 7
anastomosis, roux-en-y 7
anastomosis, surgical 7
anastomosis, surgical - methods 7
anti-steatosis 7
asia 7
bile duct diseases - etiology 7
bile ducts - blood supply - surgery 7
biliary obstruction 7
bone marrow transplantation 7
cadaveric transplantation 7
cap 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood supply - drug therapy - pathology 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - enzymology - genetics 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - pathology - virology 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - therapy 7
cardiac surgery 7
catheter ablation 7
catheters, indwelling 7
cell differentiation 7
cell survival signaling 7
chemokine cxcl10 - metabolism 7
child-pugh a 7
children 7
chinese 7
cholecystitis, acute - surgery 7
cholecystostomy - instrumentation - methods 7
cholestasis - etiology 7
chronic hepatitis b 7
combined resection 7
complication 7
cytology and histology 7
de novo hbv 7
de novo hepatocellular carcinoma 7
deceased-donor liver transplantation 7
dna-binding proteins - metabolism 7
domino liver transplant 7
down-regulation 7
drug resistance, viral - genetics 7
endothelin-1 - genetics 7
entecavir 7
experience 7
extended criteria organ 7
fatty liver - pathology - surgery 7
fty720 7
gene expression profiling 7
graft rejection 7
graft rejection - blood - drug therapy - pathology 7
graft survival - drug effects 7
graft-to-recipient weight ratio 7
head of pancreas 7
hepatic artery - surgery 7
hepatic microcirculation 7
hepatitis - surgery 7
hepatitis b - complications 7
hepatitis b - drug therapy - prevention & control - surgery 7
hepatitis b vaccination 7
hepatitis b virus - genetics 7
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - drug therapy - pathology 7
hepatocellular 7
hepatocytes - cytology 7
high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation - methods 7
histocompatibility 7
icc 7
indocyanine green clearance 7
informed consent 7
kidney transplantation 7
limon 7
liver - metabolism 7
liver biopsy 7
liver cirrhosis - blood - metabolism - pathology - virology 7
liver diseases - congenital - mortality - surgery 7
liver diseases - epidemiology - surgery 7
liver neoplasms - complications - surgery 7
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 7
liver neoplasms - enzymology - genetics 7
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology - virology 7
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - therapy 7
liver neoplasms, experimental - blood supply - drug therapy - pathology 7
liver transplantation - adverse effects - methods 7
liver transplantation - adverse effects - methods - mortality 7
liver transplantation - adverse effects - methods - pathology - statistics & numerical data 7
liver transplantation - methods - physiology 7
living donors - classification 7
logistic models 7
long-term survival 7
macrophage 7
mafld 7
malignancy 7
matrix metalloproteinase 9 - metabolism 7
metabolic syndrome 7
microsurgery 7
microvascular anastomosis 7
model for end-stage liver disease 7
molecular weight 7
nafld 7
neovascularization, pathologic - drug therapy 7
nitric oxide synthase - metabolism 7
olt 7
oncology medical sciences 7
pegylated interferon alfa-2a 7
percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy (ptc) 7
phosphonic acids 7
portal vein resection 7
post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease 7
postoperative complications - prevention & control - surgery 7
proline-rich tyrosine kinase2 (pyk2) 7
ptbd 7
pulse spectrophotometry 7
radiology and nuclear medicine pharmacy and pharmacology biology 7
rats, inbred lew 7
recurrent hcc 7
registries 7
retransplantation 7
right-lobe 7
rna, messenger - metabolism 7
sepsis - prevention & control 7
small-for-size syndrome 7
solid organ transplantation 7
split graft liver transplant 7
stat5 transcription factor - biosynthesis - genetics - metabolism 7
stents 7
survival outcomes 7
sustained virological response 7
thoracic surgery 7
thrombosis - prevention & control 7
transcription factors - metabolism 7
transplantation 7
transplantation, homologous 7
transthyretin 7
usg-guided 7
val30ala 7
vascular surgery 7
vcte 7
whipple operation 7
acute kidney injury - surgery 6
acute pancreatitis 6
adefovir 6
adrenal cortex hormones - administration & dosage 6
akt signaling pathway 6
angiogenesis 6
angiopoietin-like 4 6
antibodies, monoclonal - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 6
antigens, viral - blood 6
antineoplastic agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
antineoplastic agents, hormonal - administration & dosage 6
azathioprine - therapeutic use 6
biliary reconstruction 6
biliary stricture 6
blotting, western 6
bowel preparation 6
breast cancer 6
cancer 6
cancer metabolism 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - surgery 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - therapy 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - mortality 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - pathology - surgery - virology 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - surgery 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - metabolism - pathology 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - mortality - pathology - surgery - therapy 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - genetics - prevention and control - secondary 6
case-matched study 6
cd133 6
cd274 6
cdna microarray 6
cell adhesion molecules 6
cell cycle - genetics 6
cell cycle proteins - genetics 6
chemokines 6
chemoresistance 6
cholangiograms 6
cisplatin 6
close resection margin 6
colorectal liver metastasis 6
complex liver resection 6
controlled study 6
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 6
cytokines 6
cytomegalovirus - immunology 6
daptomycin 6
decolonization 6
desmosplastic reaction 6
diabetes mellitus - epidemiology - prevention & control 6
diagnostic imaging 6
dna, viral - blood 6
donor hepatectomy 6
duct-to-duct anastomosis 6
ductal anomaly 6
elderly 6
en-bloc resection 6
end-stage liver disease 6
endoscopic retrograde cholangiography 6
endoscopic treatment 6
endothelin-1 - genetics - metabolism 6
endothelium, vascular - pathology 6
epithelial-mesenchymal transition 6
erc 6
extracellular signal-regulated map kinases - metabolism 6
family history 6
focal adhesion kinase 6
gastrin 6
gene expression 6
gene expression regulation 6
gene expression regulation - physiology 6
genes, p53 - genetics 6
glycolysis 6
graft 6
graft injury 6
graft rejection - epidemiology - prevention & control 6
graft-weight-to-recipient-weight ratio 6
heme oxygenase (decyclizing) - genetics 6
hepatic veins - surgery 6
hepaticojejunostomy 6
hepatitis b - prevention & control - surgery 6
hepatitis b e antigens - blood 6
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 6
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis - blood 6
hepatitis b, chronic - mortality - surgery 6
hepatocellular carcinomas 6
hepatocellullar carconoma 6
hepatocholangiocarcinoma 6
hfe 6
histone modifications 6
homeodomain proteins - antagonists and inhibitors - genetics - metabolism 6
homeodomain proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
homeoprotein six1 6
hypertension, portal - etiology - physiopathology 6
immunoglobulins - therapeutic use 6
immunosuppressive agents - administration & dosage - therapeutic use 6
inflammasomes 6
inflammatory response 6
inflow 6
injections, intravenous 6
interference 6
interferon-alpha - adverse effects - therapeutic use 6
intragraft gene expression profiles 6
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 6
kc 6
keywords 6
kidney neoplasms - genetics - prevention and control - secondary 6
lactobacillus rhamnosus gg 6
ldlt 6
ligation 6
linezolid 6
lipocalins 6
liver - blood supply - metabolism - pathology - surgery 6
liver - blood supply - pathology 6
liver - pathology 6
liver - pathology - ultrasonography 6
liver neoplasms - blood supply - surgery - ultrastructure 6
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - therapy 6
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - mortality 6
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology - surgery - virology 6
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - surgery 6
liver neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 6
liver neoplasms - genetics - mortality - pathology - surgery - therapy 6
liver neoplasms, experimental - genetics - pathology - prevention and control 6
liver neoplasms, experimental - metabolism - pathology - surgery 6
liver resection (lr) 6
liver transplantation (lt) 6
liver transplantation - adverse effects - immunology 6
liver transplantation - adverse effects - pathology - physiology 6
liver transplantation - pathology 6
liver transplantation - pathology - physiology 6
liver transplantation - physiology 6
liver transplantation - statistics and numerical data 6
living 6
lung neoplasms - etiology - metabolism - secondary 6
m2 macrophages 6
matrix stiffness 6
mechanoepigenetics 6
metastases 6
mitochondria, liver - pathology 6
modulation 6
mycophenolic acid - administration & dosage - analogs & derivatives 6
neoplasm recurrence, local - etiology - metabolism - pathology 6
neuroendocrine carcinoma 6
neutrophil 6
nitric oxide synthase - genetics - metabolism 6
nitric oxide synthase type iii 6
nomogram 6
octreotide - administration & dosage 6
omeprazole 6
p21/waf1 6
p53 6
pancreatic tumor 6
pathologic tumour-node-metastasis (ptnm) stage 6
pediatric donor 6
pkm2 6
placebos 6
polyethylene glycol 6
polymerase chain reaction 6
portal pressure - physiology 6
post-lt surveillance 6
post-transplant recurrence 6
postoperative period 6
prediction 6
predictive model 6
predictive value of tests 6
primary transplantation 6
prmt6 6
prognostic predictor 6
progression 6
proliferating cell nuclear antigen 6
proliferating cell nuclear antigen - analysis 6
propensity score matching 6
radiofrequency ablation (rfa) 6
rap1 6
receptors, interleukin-2 - immunology 6
recombinant fusion proteins 6
recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma 6
regional blood flow - physiology 6
reperfusion injury - pathology 6
right liver donation 6
right-liver 6
risk factor 6
risk factors 6
rna, small interfering - pharmacology 6
short hairpin rna (shrna) 6
simultaneous resection 6
six1 6
size 6
small-for-size fatty liver 6
small-for-size grafts 6
stage resection 6
standard 6
synchronous colorectal liver metastasis 6
systemic therapy 6
tacrolimus - administration & dosage 6
tacrolimus - therapeutic use 6
thbs2 6
therapeutic 6
tissue and organ procurement - organization & administration 6
transplantation, isogeneic 6
tuberculosis 6
tumor suppressor gene 6
tumour thrombus 6
vancomycin-resistant enterococci 6
venous infiltration 6
waiting lists 6
warburg effect 6
zollinger-ellison syndrome 6
acute-on-chronic liver failure 5
acute-phase reaction 5
acute-phase reaction - metabolism - pathology 5
adenosine - chemistry 5
adenosinergic signaling pathway 5
adjuvant chemotherapy 5
adoptive transfer 5
adrenal cortex hormones - therapeutic use 5
akt 5
akt survival pathway 5
alagille syndrome 5
albumins - genetics - metabolism 5
aldose reductase 5
allopurinol - chemistry 5
alpha-fetoprotein 5
alpha-fetoprotein (afp) 5
amino acid substitution 5
amyloid neuropathies, familial - surgery 5
amyloidosis, familial - ethnology - genetics - pathology 5
analysis of variance 5
angioplasty - methods 5
animal models 5
anterior approach 5
antibody therapy 5
antineoplastic agents, hormonal - therapeutic use 5
antitubercular agents - pharmacokinetics - therapeutic use 5
anxa3 5
apolipoprotein c-iii 5
apolipoproteins c - metabolism 5
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 5
aspartate aminotransferase 5
aspartate aminotransferases - blood 5
augmented reality 5
bile duct atresia 5
bile duct obstruction 5
bile duct reconstruction 5
bile leakage 5
biopsy 5
biopsy, needle - adverse effects - methods 5
blood loss, surgical - prevention & control 5
blunt trauma 5
bone marrow transplantation - adverse effects 5
cancer cell culture 5
cancer stem cells 5
carcinoma - secondary - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - blood supply - pathology 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - diagnosis - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - chemistry - drug therapy - mortality 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - diagnosis - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - pathology - surgery 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - enzymology - pathology 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - enzymology - pathology - ultrastructure 5
case-control studies 5
cause of death 5
ccaat-enhancer-binding proteins - physiology 5
cell fusion 5
cell movement - physiology 5
cell-free circulating nucleic acid 5
chemokine cxcl2 5
chemokines, cxc - metabolism 5
chemosensitization 5
chi-square distribution 5
cholangiocarcinoma - complications - pathology - surgery 5
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - adverse effects 5
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - methods 5
cholelithiasis - complications - diagnosis - surgery 5
cholestasis, intrahepatic - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 5
clinical competence 5
clonorchis sinensis 5
colorectal neoplasms - pathology 5
complications 5
computer systems 5
confidence intervals 5
cyclin d1 5
cytokines - blood - genetics 5
deceased donor 5
deceased-donor liver re-transplantation 5
disease transmission, infectious 5
dna - analysis 5
dna primers - chemistry 5
dna probes 5
dna, viral - metabolism 5
dna-binding proteins - physiology 5
donor/recipient origin 5
double bypass 5
down-regulation - drug effects 5
dual portal vein 5
early growth response protein 1 5
emergency medical services 5
endosonography 5
endothelial growth factors - blood 5
endothelin-1 - blood - genetics 5
endothelin-1 - metabolism 5
energy metabolism - drug effects - physiology 5
entpd1/cd39 5
enzyme activity 5
epidermal growth factor - metabolism 5
epithelial-mesenchymal transition - physiology 5
et5e/cd73 5
evaluation studies as topic 5
extracellular adenosine 5
familial transthyretin amyloidosis 5
fibrosis - drug therapy - pathology 5
focal adhesion kinase 2 - metabolism - physiology 5
gallstones - complications - ultrasonography 5
glucagon - blood 5
glutathione - chemistry 5
glycogen synthase kinase 3 - metabolism 5
graft failure 5
graft rejection - drug therapy 5
graft survival - drug effects - genetics 5
graft survival - drug effects - immunology - physiology 5
graft survival - physiology 5
grp78 5
heme oxygenase (decyclizing) - biosynthesis 5
hepatectomy - classification - methods 5
hepatic artery thrombosis 5
hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury 5
hepatic malignancy 5
hepatic resection 5
hepatic senescence 5
hepatic steatosis 5
hepatic stellate cell (hsc) 5
hepatic stellate cells 5
hepatic veins - physiopathology - surgery 5
hepatitis b - complications - drug therapy - surgery 5
hepatitis b - complications - etiology 5
hepatitis b antibodies - blood 5
hepatitis b core antigens - genetics 5
hepatitis b surface antigens - immunology 5
hepatitis b virus 5
hepatitis b, chronic - immunology - surgery 5
hepatitis b, chronic - surgery 5
hepatology 5
hepatopancreatoduodenectomy 5
hong kong chinese 5
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - genetics 5
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - metabolism 5
hypertension - epidemiology 5
hypertension, portal - etiology - prevention & control 5
hypertension, portal - mortality - physiopathology - surgery 5
hypoglycemic agents - pharmacology 5
hypoxia 5
iatrogenic disease 5
immediate-early proteins 5
immediate-early proteins - metabolism 5
immunosuppressive agents - administration and dosage 5
immunosuppressive agents - pharmacology 5
in situ hybridization, fluorescence 5
in situ nick-end labeling 5
insulin - chemistry - pharmacology 5
insulin receptor substrate proteins 5
intercellular signaling peptides and proteins - metabolism 5
interleukin-10 - biosynthesis 5
internal medicine 5
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins 5
intraoperative complications 5
ir injury 5
kaplan-meier estimate 5
ketone bodies - blood 5
lamivudine - administration and dosage 5
laparoscopic hepatectomy 5
leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive - therapy 5
live donor liver transplantation 5
liver - anatomy & histology 5
liver - anatomy & histology - drug effects - ultrastructure 5
liver - anatomy & histology - pathology - physiopathology 5
liver - anatomy and histology 5
liver - drug effects - injuries - metabolism 5
liver - metabolism - ultrastructure 5
liver - physiology - surgery 5
liver - radiography 5
liver cell carcinoma 5
liver cirrhosis - complications 5
liver cirrhosis - complications - virology 5
liver cirrhosis - drug therapy - etiology - surgery 5
liver cirrhosis, experimental - surgery 5
liver laceration 5
liver neoplasms - blood - blood supply - pathology 5
liver neoplasms - blood - diagnosis - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - blood - secondary - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - blood - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - chemistry - drug therapy - mortality 5
liver neoplasms - complications - diagnosis - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - complications - pathology - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - etiology - genetics - surgery 5
liver neoplasms - enzymology - pathology 5
liver neoplasms - enzymology - pathology - ultrastructure 5
liver neoplasms - therapy 5
liver remnant 5
liver transplantation - adverse effects - mortality 5
liver transplantation - immunology - methods - physiology 5
liver transplantation - immunology - mortality - physiology 5
liver transplantation - methods - mortality 5
liver transplantation - methods - mortality - statistics & numerical data 5
liver transplantation - methods - pathology 5
liver transplantation - mortality - physiology - statistics & numerical data 5
liver trauma 5
living related donor 5
living-donor liver re-transplantation 5
lobectomy 5
longitudinal studies 5
lymphatic metastasis 5
lymphocytes - immunology 5
lymphokines - blood 5
lymphoma, b-cell - etiology - genetics - pathology 5
map kinase signaling system 5
map kinase signaling system - drug effects - physiology 5
mapk 5
marrow transplantation 5
matrix metalloproteinase-12 5
medical errors - adverse effects 5
meld score biliary atresia 5
meta-analysis 5
metachronous primary hcc 5
metal stent 5
microsatellite analysis 5
microsatellite repeats 5
models, animal 5
momp 5
multidrug resistance protein 1 5
multiple injuries 5
mutant 5
mutation 5
neoplasm invasiveness 5
neoplasm recurrence, local - blood - diagnosis 5
neoplasm recurrence, local - mortality 5
neoplasm recurrence, local - mortality - pathology 5
neoplasm seeding 5
neoplasms, second primary - mortality - surgery 5
neovascularization, pathologic 5
neutrophils 5
neutrophils migration 5
nf-kappa b - metabolism 5
nf-κb signaling 5
non-operative management 5
nuclear factor-κb 5
nuclear family 5
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis 5
oncological outcomes 5
opportunistic infections - prevention and control 5
organ preservation 5
organ preservation solutions - chemistry 5
organ transplantation - adverse effects - pathology 5
overall survival 5
oxygenation 5
oxylab po2 5
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases - metabolism 5
palliative care - methods 5
pancreatic cancer 5
pancreaticojejunostomy 5
pancreatitis - etiology - ultrasonography 5
pancreatitis, acute necrotizing - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 5
pancreatoduodenectomy 5
peld score 5
penetrative trauma 5
phosphoproteins - physiology 5
plasma mrna 5
platelet count 5
portal vein - anatomy and histology - surgery 5
portal vein - physiopathology - surgery 5
portal vein reconstruction 5
post-hepatectomy 5
post-operative complication 5
post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder 5
postoperative complications - etiology 5
postoperative complications - etiology - pathology 5
prealbumin - genetics 5
predicting scoring system 5
prediction model 5
preoperative care - methods 5
probability 5
proctology 5
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 5
prophylaxis 5
propylene glycols - pharmacology 5
propylene glycols - therapeutic use 5
protein-serine-threonine kinases - physiology 5
protein-tyrosine kinases - physiology 5
proteins - genetics 5
proteins - metabolism 5
proto-oncogene proteins - physiology 5
proto-oncogene proteins c-akt 5
raf kinases - metabolism 5
raffinose - chemistry 5
receptors, endothelin - genetics 5
receptors, estrogen - analysis 5
receptors, progesterone - analysis 5
reconstructive surgical procedures - methods 5
reference values 5
referral and consultation 5
regorafenib 5
regulatory t cells 5
remnant 5
reperfusion injury - drug therapy 5
reperfusion injury - metabolism - physiopathology 5
right lobe graft 5
risk assessment 5
rna, messenger - analysis 5
rna, messenger - blood 5
rupture - etiology - mortality - pathology 5
sarcoma - diagnosis - etiology - genetics - surgery 5
segmentectomy 5
serum albumin - analysis 5
signal transduction 5
signal transduction - drug effects - physiology 5
single-blind method 5
sirolimus - administration and dosage 5
smad inhibitor 5
smad2/3/smad4 5
small-for-size graft 5
somatostatin - therapeutic use 5
sorafenib resistance 5
sphingosine - analogs & derivatives 5
statistics, nonparametric 5
stem cell 5
steroids - therapeutic use 5
sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 5
stress, mechanical 5
survival rate - trends 5
t cell exhaustion 5
tace 5
tamoxifen - therapeutic use 5
tissue and organ harvesting - methods 5
tissue donors - supply & distribution 5
toce 5
tomography, x-ray computed 5
transcription factors - physiology 5
transferrin - analysis 5
transplantation, homologous - adverse effects 5
ttr gene 5
tuberculosis - diagnosis - drug therapy - transmission 5
tumor-initiating cell 5
up-regulation 5
up-regulation - physiology 5
upr pathway 5
vascular endothelial growth factor a 5
vascular endothelial growth factors 5
vasoconstriction - physiology 5
" surrogate" end point 4
78-kda glucose-regulated protein 4
abo blood-group system - immunology 4
active immunization 4
acute rejection 4
adenine - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 4
adenosine 4
allopurinol 4
alpha-fetoproteins - analysis 4
anastomosis, surgical - adverse effects 4
antibody against hepatitis b surface antigen 4
antibody formation 4
antibody-mediated rejection 4
apoa-1 4
associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy 4
biliary tract neoplasms - complications - mortality 4
bilirubin level 4
biomaterial 4
biomedical research 4
blood group incompatibility - immunology 4
blood loss, surgical - statistics & numerical data 4
blood vessel prosthesis implantation 4
bone marrow cells - pathology 4
bregs 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications - mortality - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - surgery 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - etiology - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - therapy 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - surgery - virology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - therapy 4
caspase 4
caspase 3 4
cell cycle checkpoint 4
chemoembolization 4
chemoembolization, therapeutic 4
chemotherapy 4
china 4
cholangiocarcinoma - pathology - surgery 4
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - methods - mortality 4
cholangitis - etiology - surgery 4
cholangitis - mortality - therapy 4
choledochostomy 4
cholestasis - etiology - surgery 4
cholestasis - mortality - surgery - therapy 4
cholestasis - surgery 4
cholesterol 4
chromosomes, human, y 4
clinical outcomes 4
combined hcc-cc 4
complement component 4
complex liver surgery 4
contraceptives, oral - administration & dosage 4
cytokine receptor gp130 - metabolism 4
cytotoxicity 4
diagnosis prediction 4
discriminant analysis 4
dna, viral - analysis 4
drainage 4
drug reaction 4
drug-induced liver injury - etiology - metabolism - pathology - surgery 4
dual graft 4
dyslipidemia 4
early-phase 4
embryonic liver 4
end stage liver disease - surgery - virology 4
ercp 4
family practice - trends 4
fasting glucose 4
fatal outcome 4
fatty change 4
fatty liver - pathology - radiography 4
female patient 4
fibrosis progression 4
fish 4
fluorescent antibody technique 4
forecasting 4
gallbladder 4
gender 4
glutathione 4
gore-tex graft 4
graft occlusion, vascular - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology - surgery 4
graft survival - drug effects - physiology 4
graft survival - immunology 4
graft vs host disease - diagnosis - etiology - pathology 4
grafts 4
granulin-epithelin precursor 4
hbv 4
hcc invasiveness 4
hcc recurrence 4
hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier 4
hemostasis, surgical 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - contraindications - methods - mortality 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - methods 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - methods - mortality 4
hepatectomy - adverse effects - mortality - standards 4
hepatectomy - statistics and numerical data 4
hepatic bipotent cells 4
hepatic ischemia reperfusion 4
hepatic veins - physiopathology 4
hepatic veins - physiopathology - radiography - surgery 4
hepatitis 4
hepatitis b - complications - pathology - surgery 4
hepatitis b - prevention & control - surgery - therapy 4
hepatitis b antibodies - analysis 4
hepatitis b e antigens - analysis 4
hepatitis b immune globulin 4
hepatitis b vaccines - therapeutic use 4
hepatitis b virus - genetics - immunology 4
hepatitis b, chronic - drug therapy - pathology - virology 4
hepatitis b, chronic - etiology - immunology - prevention & control 4
hepatitis, chronic - complications - surgery 4
hepatocytes - metabolism - pathology - transplantation 4
hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery 4
hernia - etiology 4
high intensity focused ultrasound 4
hilar cholangiocarcinoma 4
histocompatibility testing 4
histology 4
hla 4
hla antigens - analysis 4
hsp70 heat-shock proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
hydroge 4
imaging 4
immunity 4
immunization 4
indocyanine green - diagnostic use 4
inflammasome 4
inflammatory responses 4
inoperable 4
insulin - pharmacology 4
interferon-gamma 4
interleukin-6 - genetics - metabolism 4
internal hernia 4
interventional radiology 4
intestinal diseases - etiology - surgery 4
intestinal obstruction 4
intestinal obstruction - etiology - surgery 4
intravital imaging 4
ionizing radiation 4
ischemic injury 4
kupffer cells - cytology 4
laparoscopic ultrasonography 4
laparoscopy - statistics and numerical data 4
left lobe graft 4
lipid metabolism 4
lipoprotein 4
live donor 4
liver - drug effects - pathology 4
liver - metabolism - pathology 4
liver - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
liver circulation 4
liver circulation - drug effects 4
liver cirrhosis - complications - surgery 4
liver cirrhosis - diagnosis - surgery 4
liver cirrhosis - epidemiology - etiology - pathology 4
liver complications 4
liver graft 4
liver neoplasms - complications - mortality - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - etiology - pathology 4
liver neoplasms - metabolism - pathology - surgery 4
liver neoplasms - mortality 4
liver neoplasms - mortality - therapy 4
liver neoplasms - pathology - surgery - virology 4
liver neoplasms - surgery - therapy 4
liver regeneration 4
liver steatosis 4
liver transplantation - immunology - methods 4
liver tumor 4
living donor transplantation 4
living donors - psychology - supply and distribution 4
lliver neoplasms 4
lymphocytes - pathology 4
macrophage activation 4
macrophages - cytology 4
mass spectrometry 4
mdsc 4
member d 4
mhc class i chain-related molecule a 4
mir-1246 4
mixed tumor, malignant - pathology - surgery 4
modified hai score 4
natural-killer group 2 4
nf-κb 4
notch signaling 4
occult hbv co-infection 4
oncology 4
open liver resection 4
organ preservation - methods 4
organ preservation solutions 4
pancreatic neoplasms - complications 4
parenteral nutrition 4
pattern 4
pediatric 4
perforin 4
phlebography - methods 4
phosphonic acids - therapeutic use 4
pi3-kinase/akt 4
pneumocystis jirovecii 4
pneumocystis pneumonia 4
post-liver transplant 4
postoperative complications - epidemiology - mortality 4
postoperative cytokines 4
preoperative biliary drainage 4
preventive medicine - methods 4
primary biliary cirrhosis 4
pringle manoeuvre 4
protein interaction 4
radiofrequency 4
radiosurgery 4
raffinose 4
recurrence - prevention & control 4
recurrent chronic hepatitis c virus 4
relapsed infection due to hbv 4
reperfusion injury - physiopathology 4
resectability 4
response marker 4
retreatment 4
review 4
right lobe 4
safety 4
sepsis 4
severe fibrosis 4
single institution 4
skin - pathology 4
small for size liver graft 4
small-for size graft 4
small-for-size fatty graft injury 4
split graft 4
steatotic donor 4
steatotic liver graft 4
stress 4
surgical procedures, operative 4
survivor 4
tacrolimus 4
technique 4
therapeutic potential 4
therapeutic target 4
thermal ablation 4
tissue and organ harvesting - adverse effects - methods 4
tissue and organ harvesting - adverse effects - mortality - standards 4
transmembrane protein 47 4
transplant outcomes 4
transplant research 4
transplantation chimera 4
transplants 4
triglyceride 4
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - genetics - metabolism 4
tumor-suppressive protein 4
tumour recurrence 4
ultrastructure 4
urology and nephrology 4
vascular reconstruction 4
vascular resection 4
vein graft 4
vena cava, inferior - surgery 4
y chromosome - genetics 4
adenosine - pharmacology 3
adoptive immunity transfer 3
alemtuzumab 3
alternative splicing events 3
aminopyrine - diagnostic use 3
aminopyrine breath test 3
amyloidosis 3
antineoplastic agents - therapeutic use 3
bacterial infections 3
belatacept 3
bias (epidemiology) 3
bile 3
bile ducts - metabolism - surgery 3
bile ducts - pathology - surgery 3
bile ducts, intrahepatic 3
bile ducts, intrahepatic - pathology 3
bile ducts, intrahepatic - surgery 3
biliary tract - abnormalities - radiography 3
biliary tract diseases 3
biliary tract diseases - etiology 3
biliary tract diseases - etiology - therapy 3
biliary tract neoplasms - therapy 3
biliary tract surgical procedures - adverse effects 3
bleeding 3
blood glucose - analysis 3
blood loss, surgical - physiopathology 3
blood transfusion, autologous 3
body surface area 3
breath tests 3
calcineurin inhibitor 3
calcium - diagnostic use 3
cancer hallmarks 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - genetics - mortality 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - pathology - surgery 3
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - surgery - ultrasonography 3
catheterization, central venous 3
cell delivery 3
central bisectionectomy 3
chemotherapy, adjuvant 3
chilaiditi's sign 3
cholangiography 3
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde 3
cholangitis 3
cholangitis-therapy 3
cholecystectomy, laparoscopic - adverse effects 3
cholecystitis - surgery - ultrasonography 3
cholelithiasis - diagnosis - therapy 3
cholelithiasis - surgery - therapy 3
cholestasis - epidemiology - metabolism - surgery 3
cholestasis - physiopathology - surgery 3
cisplatin - administration & dosage 3
cisplatin resistance 3
clinical trials as topic 3
colon - radiography 3
combined 3
constriction, pathologic 3
corticosteroid 3
cost-benefit analysis 3
cyclosporine 3
deceased-donor 3
dendritic cells - pathology 3
diagnosis, differential 3
diaphragm - radiography 3
distal pancreatectomy 3
double-blind method 3
drainage-methods 3
embolization, therapeutic 3
embolization, therapeutic - methods 3
endoscopy,-gastrointestinal 3
enucleation 3
epcs 3
epidemiologic factors 3
erectile dysfunction 3
estimated standard liver weight 3
everolimus 3
fibrosis 3
flexible endoscopy 3
flowmetry 3
follicular dendritic cell 3
fulminant hepatic failure 3
gallstones-surgery 3
glucose - pharmacology 3
graft shortage 3
hbv vaccination 3
hcv 3
heart 3
hepatic 3
hepatic duct, common - pathology 3
hepatic duct, common - surgery 3
hepatic i/r injury 3
hepatic ischemia/reperfusion 3
hepatic veins 3
hepatic veins - transplantation 3
hepatitis, chronic - pathology - surgery 3
hepatobiliary 3
hepatocellular cancer 3
hepatolithiasis 3
hormones - administration & dosage 3
hyperalimentation 3
hypogonadism 3
icg 3
immunoglobulin 3
immunology 3
in vivo applications 3
indocyanine green retention 3
inferior vena cava 3
inflammatory pseudotumour 3
inflow control 3
insulin - blood 3
insulinoma - diagnosis - surgery 3
intensity 3
intensive care 3
interferon-alpha - therapeutic use 3
interventional endoscopy 3
intestinal perforation - radiography 3
intraoperative complications - etiology 3
intraoperative complications - etiology - prevention & control 3
ip10 3
jejunostomy - methods 3
laparoscopic surgery 3
laparotomy 3
leiomyosarcoma 3
linear models 3
liver - blood supply 3
liver - blood supply - surgery 3
liver - surgery 3
liver cirrhosis - pathology - surgery 3
liver failure - etiology 3
liver failure - radiography 3
liver failure - surgery - therapy 3
liver neoplasm 3
liver neoplasms 3
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - genetics - mortality 3
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology - surgery 3
liver neoplasms - pathology - radiography - surgery 3
liver neoplasms - pathology - surgery - ultrasonography 3
liver regeneration - physiology 3
liver transplantation - contraindications - methods 3
liver transplantation - immunology - methods - mortality 3
liver transplantation - methods - psychology 3
liver transplantation using steatotic graft 3
living donation 3
living donors - psychology 3
living-related liver donors 3
lymphoma, follicular - pathology - radiography - surgery 3
macrophage activation - immunology 3
macrophages - immunology 3
magnet‐driven 3
metabolism and immune cells 3
microrobots 3
microvascular surgery 3
mtor inhibitor 3
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 - surgery 3
mycophenolate 3
non-colorectal liver metastasis 3
nutritional support 3
obstructive jaundice 3
organ donation 3
organ preservation solutions - pharmacology 3
pancreatic insulinoma 3
pancreatic neoplasms - diagnosis - surgery 3
pancreatic pseudocyst - diagnosis 3
pancreatitis - blood - etiology - prevention & control 3
pancreatitis - blood - mortality 3
pancreatitis-surgery 3
photoacoustic imaging 3
platelet apheresis 3
portal inflow 3
portal vein thrombosis 3
portoenterostomy 3
postoperative complications - epidemiology - prevention & control 3
postoperative complications - etiology - therapy 3
postoperative complications - radiography - therapy 3
potassium chloride - pharmacology 3
pregnancy 3
quality of life 3
questionnaires 3
raffinose - pharmacology 3
rapamycin 3
regional blood flow/physiology 3
regression analysis 3
renal veins - surgery - ultrasonography 3
resection margin 3
right liver 3
saphenous vein - surgery 3
sequential 3
sex factors 3
sexual dysfunction 3
simplifying 3
sirolimus 3
soft tissue sarcoma 3
somatostatin - administration & dosage 3
sotrastaurin 3
sphincterotomy, endoscopic - adverse effects - mortality - statistics & numerical data 3
sphincterotomy,-endoscopic-adverse-effects 3
sphincterotomy,-endoscopic-mortality 3
splanchnic circulation - physiology 3
splenic artery 3
splenic vein - surgery - ultrasonography 3
spouses 3
subclavian vein - surgery 3
subphrenic abscess - radiography 3
surgical approaches 3
surgical procedures, elective 3
t lymphocyte function 3
tenofovir 3
thrombocytosis 3
tissue and organ harvesting 3
tissue and organ procurement - methods 3
tissue and organ procurement - statistics and numerical data 3
tissue donors - supply and distribution 3
tofacitinib 3
transplantation, liver 3
transplants - standards 3
treg 3
tregs 3
tumor metastasis 3
ultrasonography, interventional 3
urea - blood 3
vascular endothelial growth factor a - biosynthesis - immunology 3
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 - biosynthesis - immunology 3
vena caval tumor 3
venoplasty 3
viral infections 3
voclosporin 3
yq23 3
abo blood-group system - adverse effects 2
adenocarcinoma - secondary - surgery 2
advanced hepatocellular carcinoma 2
alkaline phosphatase - blood 2
anastomosis, roux-en-y - standards 2
anemia, hemolytic - etiology 2
asian continental ancestry group 2
bile duct 2
bile duct neoplasms - radiography - surgery 2
bile duct stricture 2
bile ducts -- surgery. 2
biliary complication 2
biliary tract surgical procedures - standards 2
blood banks 2
blood grouping and crossmatching 2
bloodless liver resection 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood 2
carcinoma, hepatocellular - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology 2
carcinoma, squamous cell - secondary - surgery 2
cardia 2
chimerism 2
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde - adverse effects - mortality 2
choledocholithiasis 2
covalently closed circular dna 2
de-novo hepatitis b virus infection 2
dna 2
drain 2
end-stage liver diseases 2
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 2
endoscopy 2
epoprostenol - administration & dosage 2
erythrocytes - immunology 2
esophageal neoplasms - surgery 2
estimated standard liver volume 2
expanded criteria 2
exploration 2
extended right lobe graft 2
gallstones - radiography - therapy 2
gamma-glutamyltransferase - blood 2
graft rejection - immunology 2
graft vs host disease - etiology 2
hematopoietic stem cells - immunology 2
heparanase 2
hepatic duct, common - radiography - surgery 2
hepatic injury 2
hepatic venous outflow obstruction 2
hepatitis b - surgery - therapy 2
hepatitis b core antigen 2
hepatitis b surface antigen 2
hepatitis c virus 2
hepatocellular cacinoma 2
hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis 2
hernia 2
hilar plate 2
history, 20th century 2
inguinal 2
insulinoma 2
international cooperation 2
isoantibodies - blood 2
klatskin's tumor - radiography - surgery 2
laparoscopic 2
laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct 2
laparotomy - adverse effects 2
lithotripsy - methods 2
liver - transplantation - china - hong kong. 2
liver - transplantation. 2
liver -- surgery. 2
liver / transplantation 2
liver metastases 2
liver neoplasms - drug therapy - metabolism - pathology 2
liver neoplasms - secondary 2
liver transection 2
liver transplantation - ethnology - immunology 2
liver transplantation - history - methods 2
liver transplantation - history - methods - trends 2
liver tumour 2
living donors - history 2
localization 2
loco-regional therapy 2
lung neoplasms - drug therapy - metabolism - secondary 2
matrix metallopeptidase 2
mif 2
mrecist 2
neuroendocrine tumor 2
oesophagus 2
organ donors 2
pancreatitis 2
percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage 2
peritoneal neoplasms - secondary 2
plasmapheresis 2
postoperative complications - etiology - mortality - surgery 2
ppar gamma - agonists - metabolism 2
pparg 2
pregnancy complications - surgery 2
prophylactic therapy 2
purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic - blood - chemically induced 2
resection strategy 2
right lobe living donor liver transplantation 2
salvage therapy 2
seroepidemiologic studies 2
seroma 2
small for size syndrome 2
split liver transplantation 2
stents - adverse effects 2
stomach neoplasms - surgery 2
surgical resection 2
syndrome 2
tacrolimus - administration & dosage - adverse effects 2
thiazolidinediones - pharmacology 2
thrombocytopenia - etiology 2
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 2
treatment 2
trisectionectomy 2
ttp 2
ultrasonography 2
abo blood-group system 1
alpha-fetoproteins - metabolism 1
antibody formation - immunology 1
arteriovenous malformations - diagnosis - radiography - surgery 1
blood group incompatibility 1
calcineurin - antagonists and inhibitors 1
carcinoma, hepatocellular - blood - surgery 1
causes 1
cholecystectomy, laparoscopic 1
cholelithiasis - surgery 1
clinical manifestations 1
covid-19 1
data collection 1
diagnostic errors 1
emergency surgery 1
far east 1
fatty liver - diagnosis 1
filtration efficiency 1
global 1
graft rejection - blood 1
graft rejection - epidemiology 1
graft rejection - prevention and control 1
health surveys 1
hepatectomy - mortality 1
hepatic artery 1
hepatitis - diagnosis 1
hepatitis b - complications - immunology 1
hepatitis b - diagnosis - immunology - mortality 1
hepatitis b - immunology 1
hepatitis b vaccines - immunology 1
home-made masks 1
immunity, cellular - immunology 1
liver - cancer - treatment. 1
liver cirrhosis - etiology - surgery 1
liver failure, acute - therapy 1
liver transplantation - adverse effects - immunology - mortality 1
liver transplantation - immunology - mortality 1
liver transplantation - trends 1
living donors - statistics & numerical data 1
living donors - statistics and numerical data 1
maintenance therapy 1
models of care 1
nano-aerosols 1
nephrotoxicity 1
non-operative treatment 1
organ shortage 1
osmolar concentration 1
package charge (住院打包收費) 1
pancreatitis - diagnosis - etiology 1
pandemic 1
patient satisfaction (患者滿意度) 1
postoperative complications - immunology - virology 1
rectal cancer 1
reoperation - statistics & numerical data 1
research design 1
risk 1
sarcoma - diagnosis - pathology 1
sars-cov-2 1
soft tissue neoplasms - diagnosis - pathology 1
splenic artery - surgery 1
surgical disease (手術病例) 1
thigh - blood supply 1
thrombosis - etiology 1
tissue and organ procurement 1
transanal endoscopic operation 1
transanal total mesorectal excision 1
treatment failure 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
11c-acetate, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, pet-ct, stereotactic body, tumour 7
circulating biomarkers, inflammation and tumour recurrence, liver transplantation, marginal graft injury, tissue repair by stem cells 5
hepatocellular carcinoma, randomized controlled trial, stereotactic body radiation, transarterial chemoembolizatio 5
hepatorenal syndrome, liver failure, liver transplant, outcomes, renal failure, terlipressin 5
11c-acetate, 18f-fluorodeoxyglucose, carcinoma, hepatocellular, positron, tomograph 4
alpps, hepatectomy, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver remnant, portal vein ligation 4
alpps, hepatocellular carcinoma, tumor behaviour, tumor growth 4
biological model, drug sensitivity, genetic mutations, hepatocellular carcinoma, next-generation, organoid culture 4
bridging therapy, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, stereotactic body radiation 4
liver transplantation, marginal graft injury, recurrence and metastasis, surgical stress, tumor microenvironment 4
null 4
3d/4d bioprinting, cancer microenvironment, embedded cell structure, multiscale building blocks, precision therapy 3
agent, contrast, free, liver, liver-specific, mri 3
cancer, liver, transplantation 3
cytokine profiling, cytomegalovirus, immune response, living donor liver transplantation, small-for-size graft injury 3
hcc, olt, orthotopic liver transplantation 3
hepatocellular, liver tansplantation, protein maker 3
alternative-activated macrophage, hepatocellular carcinoma, tumor growth and metastasis 2
animal models, liver transplantation, marginal liver graft injury, mitochondrial biogeneses 2
antiviral drug resistance, hepatitis b virus, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, recurrence 2
cerebral oximetry, cerebral oxygenation, liver transplantation, outcomes, randomised controlled trial 2
chemoresistance, graft injury, liver cancer, liver transplantation 2
endothelial progenitor cells, liver surgery, liver transplantation 2
epithelial-mesencymal, liver graft fibrosis, living donor liver, marginal liver graft injury, notch signaling 2
gene knockout mice, inflammatory response, liver graft injury 2
glutathione peroxidase 3, liver graft injury, transplantation 2
hepatitis b, immune response, lamivudine prophylaxis, transplantation 2
hepatocellular, liver transplantation, regulatory b cells, tumor recurrence 2
hepatitis b 1
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