Name Card

Dr Zhang, Jinxia 張錦霞

Scientific Officer

Contact Information

Dr Zhang, Jinxia 張錦霞

Scientific Officer

Also Cited As:
Zhang, AJX
Zhang, AJ

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
Li, L
Tang, X
2008-06-01The Best Poster Award at the XIth Nidovirus Symposium 2008: The XIth International Nidovirus Symposium (2008), Oxford, UK
Research Achievement
CAO, Jianli
CHAN, Chun Yiu Chris
LIANG, Ronghui
TANG, Kaiming
XU, Wan
Poon, KM
LAU, Chit Ying
Chan, CS
Lai, PM
Yuen, CKJ
Sit, KY
Lee, CY
Wang, R
Meng, X
2023-01-01The University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize 2021-22: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
ZHANG, Ruiqi
Li, TW
Wong, TL
Lau, JY
2016-02-01Research Output Prize 2015-16: Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
Li, PY
Li, TW
Xu, T
Wong, TY
2012-10-01Dose sparing intradermal trivalent influenza (2010/2011) vaccination overcomes reduced immunogenicity of the 2009 H1N1 strain: Best Abstract in Clinical Medicine (Oral), 18th Medical Research Conference, Department of Medicine, HKU; 2013
Research Achievement
Cheng, CCV
Li, PY
Li, TW
Li, C
Zhu, H
Chan, TCI
2015-01-01Best Abstract in Clinical Medicine (Oral) - "Immunogenicity of Intradermal Trivalent Influenza Vaccine with Topical Imiquimod, a Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial": 20th Medical Research Conference 2015, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
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