AuthorsNo. of Publications
lau, yl 15
mak, ccy 15
yeung, ks 12
chitayat, d 11
weksberg, r 10
leung, kc 9
chu, wy 7
tang, mhy 7
chan, gcf 6
grafodatskaya, d 6
yang, w 6
chan, hss 5
chan, yk 5
chau, akt 5
choufani, s 5
chow, pc 5
fung, cw 5
kan, sya 5
lee, ppw 5
lee, sl 5
lo, ifm 5
wong, vcn 5
ying, d 5
blaser, s 4
chan, kyk 4
cheung, yf 4
chu, ywy 4
fung, jlf 4
lam, sts 4
lau, etk 4
liu, apy 4
luk, hm 4
lun, ks 4
marshall, cr 4
chen, x 3
cytrynbaum, c 3
hinek, a 3
ho, mhk 3
inbar-feigenberg, m 3
ip, p 3
kan, asy 3
lee, cp 3
lee, tl 3
mok, gtk 3
scherer, sw 3
stavropoulos, dj 3
wong, v 3
wong, wl 3
yu, hc 3
bradley, t 2
brudno, m 2
cai, j 2
chan, aok 2
chan, sy 2
chen, ya 2
cheng, yky 2
cheuk, ky 2
chiu, wk 2
chong, cy 2
chow, cb 2
dai, hz 2
girisha, km 2
grossse-wortmann, l 2
hamilton, j 2
hasan, kmm 2
horn, d 2
ip, jkj 2
keating, s 2
khong, pl 2
lee, m 2
li, h 2
li, y 2
lo, tk 2
ma, ach 2
mak, sl 2
man, e 2
mendoza-londono, r 2
merico, d 2
mok, sl 2
mok, tkg 2
ooi, gc 2
reardon, m 2
roberts, w 2
shannon, p 2
shotelersuk, v 2
so, pl 2
stavropoulos, j 2
tam, pkh 2
tang, wf 2
tsang, hy 2
turinsky, al 2
wang, w 2
wong, ky 2
yang, j 2
yung, wk 2
aad, verrips 1
abarca-barriga, hh 1
abdul-rahman, oa 1
abidi, fe 1
addissie, ya 1
aldinger, ka 1
aliku, t 1
anderlid, bm 1
au, lks 1
avihingsanon, y 1
babul-hirji, r 1
badoe, e 1
barge-schaapveld, dqcm 1
barkovich, aj 1
bartocci, m 1
basel, d 1
bassett, as 1
basu, s 1
batkovskyte, d 1
bauer, p 1
beetz, c 1
beleza-meireles, a 1
belhassan, k 1
bertoli-avella, am 1
biskup, s 1
boonchooduang, n 1
bulk, s 1
buschow, r 1
butcher, dt 1
callebe, a 1
carter, m 1
casey, b 1
chad, l 1
chan, cf 1
chan, k 1
chan, kw 1
chan, ky 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, s 1
chan, shs 1
chan, ssk 1
chan, tm 1
chan, yk 1
chau, csk 1
chau, ftj 1
chau, kt 1
chavez p, m 1
chee, wyy 1
chen, jh 1
chen, yx 1
cheng, h 1
cheng, kf 1
cheong, kn 1
cherny, ss 1
cheuk, dkl 1
cheung, kw 1
cheung, nyc 1
cheung, rtf 1
chiang, a 1
chin, r 1
chiu, atg 1
choi, ky 1
chong, pcy 1
chonufani, s 1
choufan, s 1
chow, cp 1
chow, csk 1
chow, jhk 1
chow, p 1
chow, w 1
chu, l 1
chua, gt 1
chui, mcm 1
chui, mmc 1
chung, ccy 1
chung, cy 1
chung, twh 1
chung, wh 1
chungyan fong, g 1
conner, p 1
cui, h 1
cui, y 1
de die-smu8lders, c 1
de geus, c 1
deekajorndej, t 1
diao, q 1
ding, j 1
dissanayake, vhw 1
dobyns, wb 1
dombrowsky, g 1
drmic, i 1
duque, jsr 1
eckmann=schoiz, c 1
eisfeldt, j 1
ekure, en 1
el bouchikhi, i 1
elsner, j 1
erasmus, ce 1
erik-jan, kamsteeg 1
fang, h 1
feigenberg, m 1
fernandez, b 1
fernandez, ba 1
ferreira, cr 1
forrest, c 1
fung, gpg 1
fung, lf 1
fung, sks 1
fung, sth 1
funke, bh 1
gagneur, j 1
gallardo jugo, be 1
gao, f 1
gao, j 1
garcia-barcelo, mm 1
garcia-cabau, c 1
gerkes, eh 1
gibson, b 1
gibson, wt 1
gill, ad 1
gillissen, c 1
goh, w 1
goodman, s 1
grigelioniene, g 1
guo, q 1
ha, sy 1
hammarsjo, a 1
handa, a 1
hao, f 1
hawkins, c 1
hirankarn, n 1
hitz, mp 1
hnisz, d 1
ho, acc 1
ho, ach 1
ho, cca 1
ho, pk 1
ho, rsl 1
ho, wws 1
hoischen, a 1
holterhus, pm 1
honey, e 1
horemuzova, e 1
hui, lh 1
hui, vcc 1
hui, y 1
hulsemann, w 1
hyodo, h 1
ip, j 1
ip, p 1
jain, r 1
johnson, j 1
jones, kl 1
kahrizi, k 1
kalscheuer, vm 1
kalu, n 1
kamsteeg, ej 1
kang, x 1
kaplan, jd 1
kievit, aja 1
kimball, a 1
kimonis, v 1
kircher, m 1
kisling, ms 1
klein-zighelboim, e 1
kline, ad 1
klopocki, e 1
kogan, j 1
koren, g 1
kornejeva, l 1
krapels, ipc 1
krause, a 1
kraushar, ml 1
kriek, m 1
krumbiegel, m 1
kruszka, p 1
kuong, eeyl 1
kuong, eyl 1
kurth, i 1
kusters, b 1
kwong, ky 1
lafferty, ka 1
lagerstedt-robinson, k 1
lai, shy 1
lai, wm 1
lam, bcc 1
lan, w 1
lau, ck 1
lau, cs 1
lau, e 1
lau, eyt 1
lau, kk 1
lau, wcs 1
lau, wl 1
law, syk 1
lee, hch 1
lee, kw 1
lee, nc 1
lee, p 1
lee, p 1
lee, r 1
lee, s 1
lee, wc 1
lee, wm 1
lee, yt 1
leubner, j 1
leung, amh 1
leung, d 1
leung, g 1
leung, ky 1
leung, ls 1
li, am 1
li, hc 1
li, rch 1
li, rhw 1
li, s 1
li, xp 1
li, z 1
liang, b 1
lin, ae 1
lindstrand, a 1
linguraru, mg 1
liu, a 1
liu, q 1
liu, y 1
lo, fm 1
lo, fmi 1
lo, hm 1
longardt, ac 1
lou, y 1
love, a 1
lu, q 1
lui, cyw 1
luk, mhm 1
lwabi, p 1
magalhaes, ap 1
magnusson, m 1
mandal, k 1
martin, n 1
maystadt, i 1
medrano, s 1
megabane, a 1
meijer, r 1
meinecke, p 1
mensah, ma 1
millen, kj 1
mishra, r 1
miu, x 1
mok, cc 1
mok, my 1
mok, tmy 1
moosa, s 1
moresco, a 1
moritz, jd 1
muenke, m 1
mundlos, s 1
mutesa, l 1
muthukumarasamy, p 1
najmabadi, h 1
nayak, ss 1
ng, app 1
ng, csc 1
ng, iol 1
ng, vks 1
ng, ync 1
nield, le 1
nilsson, d 1
nishimura, g 1
niskanen, h 1
nordgren, a 1
obregon, mg 1
ohashi, h 1
ohashi-fukuda, n 1
okello, e 1
ouldim, k 1
pan, hf 1
parents of little people, hk 1
paththinige, cs 1
patil, sj 1
pei, lcs 1
pei, slc 1
pennings, m 1
pettersson, m 1
pfundt, r 1
phadke, sr 1
poon, rws 1
porras, ar 1
prijoles, ej 1
pu, x 1
rajendram, r 1
rasmussen, m 1
reid, dm 1
reiter, amv 1
rianthavorn, p 1
richieri-costa, a 1
roberts, lj 1
roifman, m 1
russell, c 1
sallevelt, sceh 1
salvatella, x 1
saris, cgj 1
schonewolf-greulich, b 1
schouten, mi 1
schwartz, ce 1
sczakiel, hl 1
seto, mty 1
shaffer, lg 1
shah, v 1
sham, pc 1
shen, n 1
sheng, y 1
shi, b 1
shuen, ya 1
shukla, a 1
shuman, c 1
silver, r 1
sirsena, nd 1
skinner, c 1
skinner, sa 1
skipalova, k 1
smpokou, p 1
snijders, bl 1
sokunbi, oj 1
spielmann, m 1
stevenson, re 1
stranneheim, h 1
stunnenberg, bc 1
summar, m 1
sun, l 1
sun, y 1
suphapeetiporn, k 1
sznajer, y 1
tam, s 1
tan, ty 1
tan, ty 1
tang, h 1
tang, lyf 1
tang, m 1
tang, m 1
tang, x 1
tanpaiboon, p 1
taylan, f 1
taylor, g 1
teitelbaum, r 1
tekendo-ngongang, c 1
tenywa, e 1
thompson, m 1
thong, mk 1
thuestad, ij 1
ting, sh 1
to, m 1
toi, a 1
tong, dkh 1
tong, kl 1
toutain, a 1
traberg, r 1
tsang, am 1
tsang, js 1
tsang, mhy 1
tse, nkc 1
tso, wyw 1
tzschach, a 1
uwineza, a 1
van alfen, n 1
van der kooi, aj 1
van der zwaag, pa 1
van engelen, bg 1
van spaendonck-zwarts, k 1
verschuuren-bemelmans, cc 1
viero, s 1
vincent, lm 1
voermans, nc 1
voss, u 1
westra, d 1
wiedersberg, e 1
wirta, v 1
witting, n 1
wong, cm 1
wong, cnv 1
wong, kt 1
wong, rws 1
wong, s 1
wong, sn 1
wong, vc 1
wong, wcw 1
wong, whs 1
wong-reiger, d 1
wonkam, a 1
wu, sp 1
xiang, j 1
xie, h 1
yang, s 1
yang, wl 1
yau, ms 1
ye, dq 1
yepez, va 1
yeung, k 1
yin, x 1
ying, jd 1
ying, sky 1
yoon, g 1
yu, fny 1
yu, mhc 1
yu, mwc 1
yuen, ky 1
yung, awy 1
yung, tc 1
zeng, f 1
zenker, m 1
zhang, c 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, y 1
zhao, c 1
zheng, j 1
zhi, z 1
zhou, f 1
zhou, lj 1
zhu, d 1
zuo, x 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
chinese 9
child 8
dysmorphism 8
humans 8
whole exome sequencing 7
22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2ds) 6
adolescent 6
adult 6
blood 6
cell composition 6
cell lineage-specific 6
child, preschool 6
congenital heart disease 6
conotruncal anomaly 6
dna methylation 6
female 6
infant 6
lupus 6
male 6
methylationepic 6
paediatric-onset 6
sle 6
alport's syndrome 5
developmental delay 5
esophageal leiomyoma 5
hong kong 5
anisotropy 4
aortic stenosis 4
array comparative genomic hybridization 4
case-control studies 4
chromosome 17p13.3 4
chromosome aberration 4
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging 4
diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging 4
hand - physiopathology 4
infarction, middle cerebral artery - complications - diagnosis - physiopathology 4
internal capsule - pathology 4
mesencephalon - pathology 4
microcephaly 4
microduplication 4
movement 4
nervous system - physiopathology 4
neuromotor outcome 4
pacs1 variant 4
paediatric infarction 4
paresis - etiology - physiopathology 4
pyramidal tracts - pathology 4
schuurs‐hoeijmakers syndrome 4
sensitivity and specificity 4
stroke 4
wallerian degeneration 4
wallerian degeneration - diagnosis - etiology 4
breastfeeding 3
chemicals and cas registry numbers 3
chinese children 3
clinical genetics and dysmorphology 3
congenital malformations 3
drug-exposed infants 3
founder mutation 3
functional independence measure for children 3
genetic counseling and training 3
haematopoietic stem cell transplant 3
health professionals 3
heterotaxy syndrome 3
immunodeficiency 3
infant, newborn 3
information provision 3
klhl40 3
kw042 - diagnostics 3
kw085 - haplotype 3
kw141 - population genetics 3
kw154 - respiratory system 3
kw160 - snp analysis/discovery 3
lactation 3
nemaline myopathy 3
parental decisions 3
pik3ca 3
pik3ca-related overgrowth spectrum 3
pregnancy termination 3
prenatal diagnosis 3
rapid 3
sex chromosome aneuploidy 3
somatic mosaicism 3
spinal muscular atrophy 3
teratology 3
wiskott-aldrich syndrome 3
*asian continental ancestry group 2
*attitude to health 2
*awareness 2
*public opinion 2
*questionnaires 2
attention 2
autistic disorder/*diagnosis 2
brain - pathology 2
brain diseases, metabolic - diagnosis - genetics 2
brain edema/epidemiology/virology 2
brain mri 2
brain stem - pathology 2
children 2
china/ethnology 2
cilia 2
clinical assessment 2
clinical genetics 2
cohort studies 2
cost-benefit analysis 2
cross-cultural comparison 2
cross-sectional studies 2
data collection 2
dna-binding proteins/*genetics 2
dynein cytoplasmic 1 heavy chain 1 (dync1h1) gene 2
encephalitis, viral/epidemiology/etiology 2
epilepsy/ethnology/*psychology 2
exome 2
exome sequencing 2
follow-up studies 2
genetics 2
global developmental delay 2
hong kong/epidemiology 2
hospitalization 2
hyperglycinemia, nonketotic - diagnosis - genetics 2
incidence 2
inflation analysis 2
influenza, human/*complications/epidemiology 2
intellectual disability 2
isomerism 2
likelihood ratio model 2
mass screening 2
muscle mri 2
mutation/*genetics 2
myopathies 2
nerve fibers, myelinated - pathology 2
neurology 2
neuromuscular diseases 2
play and playthings 2
registries 2
respiratory insufficiency/*genetics 2
retrospective studies 2
risk factors 2
seizures, febrile/epidemiology/*virology 2
social behavior 2
spinal muscular atrophies of childhood/complications/*diagnosis/*genetics 2
spinal muscular atrophy with lower extremity predominance (smaled) 2
spinocerebellar ataxia 2
stroke/*ethnology/etiology 2
tgm6 2
transcription factors/*genetics 2
united states/epidemiology 2
zebrafish 2
9q34.3 deletion 1
abnormalities, multiple - genetics - pathology 1
africa 1
asia 1
autism spectrum disorder 1
biology 1
cerebellum 1
cesarean section - methods 1
chromosome 1
chromosome analysis 1
chromosome deletion 1
chromosome x duplication 1
chromosomes, human, pair 2 - genetics 1
congenital heart defects 1
deletion 1
developmental disabilities - genetics - pathology 1
diverse populations 1
dna-binding proteins - genetics 1
dup(x)(p11.22-p11.23) 1
epigenetics 1
facial analysis technology 1
forehead 1
hemangiopericytoma - blood supply - diagnosis 1
hypoplastic left heart 1
kw008 - bioinformatics 1
kw040 - development 1
kw106 - mental retardation 1
kw107 - intellectual and developmental disability 1
kw109 - methylation 1
kw110 - methylation 1
kw123 - neurogenetics 1
kw181 - x-linked disease 1
latin america 1
magnetic resonance imaging 1
mbd5 1
microdeletion 2q23.1 1
middle east 1
noonan syndrome 1
notch1 1
shank3 1
trichotillomania 1
vacterl h syndrome 1
x chromosome linked disorder 1
zic3 gene 1
临床遗传医师 1
临床遗传学 1
医学遗传学 1
培训 1
培训基地 1
培训计划 1
建议 1
考核认证 1
资格认定 1
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