AuthorsNo. of Publications
lau, yl 108
yang, j 41
chung, bhy 38
zhang, y 38
lee, ppw 32
lee, tl 28
ho, mhk 25
sham, pc 25
wong, whs 20
chan, kw 17
mak, ccy 17
ying, d 17
mok, cc 15
wang, y 15
yeung, ks 15
chan, gcf 13
hirankarn, n 13
lee, kw 13
wong, rws 13
wong, sn 13
cherny, ss 12
lau, cs 12
lee, sl 12
shen, n 12
zhang, l 12
chan, tm 11
tam, pkh 11
zhang, x 11
chan, yk 10
chong, cy 10
cui, y 10
guo, m 10
leung, kc 10
ye, dq 10
zhang, h 10
avihingsanon, y 9
lau, wcs 9
leung, amh 9
mok, my 9
wang, yf 9
zhang, j 9
li, xp 8
pan, hf 8
shen, jj 8
yang, s 8
zeng, s 8
zhao, m 8
chu, wy 7
ng, iol 7
sheng, y 7
shotelersuk, v 7
tu, w 7
ban, bo 6
chen, tx 6
deekajorndej, t 6
jiang, lp 6
jin, d 6
kok, kh 6
lai, wm 6
lam, sts 6
lee, ck 6
lee, m 6
lei, y 6
li, y 6
mao, h 6
middleton, d 6
mok, tmy 6
ng, p 6
rianthavorn, p 6
sun, l 6
suphapeetiporn, k 6
tang, y 6
tsang, hy 6
tse, nkc 6
wong, cm 6
ying, sky 6
chan, dtm 5
chen, xy 5
fok, sfs 5
fung, sks 5
garcia-barcelo, mm 5
huang, p 5
kan, sya 5
kwok, jsy 5
lin, z 5
liu, l 5
liu, q 5
liu, y 5
mok, tkg 5
siu, kl 5
tang, mhy 5
tang, sm 5
tong, kl 5
vyse, tj 5
wang, p 5
wong, wl 5
yang, x 5
yin, x 5
bang, sy 4
baum, l 4
cao, y 4
chan, jck 4
chau, ftj 4
chen, r 4
chen, shuxiong 4
chen, y 4
chiang, aks 4
chung, phy 4
fung, cw 4
fung, lf 4
gao, w 4
ip, p 4
kwan, p 4
lee, bw 4
leung, d 4
li, j 4
li, ph 4
li, w 4
li, yanying 4
liu, z 4
lu, l 4
lun, ks 4
mao, h 4
morris, dl 4
tang, wh 4
wang, l 4
wang, z 4
wen, l 4
wu, l 4
yang, c 4
yang, jing 4
yu, mhc 4
zhang, chuanpeng 4
zhang, mei 4
zhang, xj 4
bae, sc 3
ban, b 3
chan, hss 3
chan, mcy 3
chan, ys 3
chen, j 3
chen, jh 3
chen, mh 3
cheng, y 3
chiang, wc 3
choufani, s 3
chua, gt 3
chung, ccy 3
fung, jlf 3
garciabarceló, mm 3
gong, y 3
gu, x 3
harley, jb 3
he, d 3
hildebrandt, jd 3
hirankarn, nattiya 3
ho, j 3
kuo, l 3
lau, yu lung 3
lei, yao 3
li, am 3
li, m 3
li, r 3
li, yh 3
liang, r 3
liew, wk 3
liu, j 3
liu, w 3
loh, hh 3
lung, ml 3
lyons, pa 3
ma, j 3
ma, w 3
shao, c 3
she, chun hing 3
smith, dk 3
song, q 3
sou da rosa duque, j 3
tang, csm 3
tang, h 3
tsao, bp 3
wang, ty 3
wei, wei 3
weksberg, r 3
willcocks, lc 3
wong, vcn 3
yang, xingtian 3
yang, xq 3
ye, z 3
yiu, sm 3
yu, f 3
zhang, f 3
zhang, z 3
zheng, x 3
zhou, xj 3
zhou, y 3
zhu, z 3
zuo, x 3
avihingsanon, yingyos 2
bao, s 2
barbouche, mr 2
breunis, wb 2
burgner, d 2
burns, jc 2
chan, cp 2
chan, cp 2
chan, sy 2
chan, tf 2
chang, dm 2
chang, yk 2
chau, jft 2
chau, skc 2
chaudhary, v 2
chen, hz 2
chen, l 2
chen, m 2
chen, s 2
chen, x 2
chen, ya 2
cheong, kn 2
cherny, stacey s. 2
cheung, yf 2
chong, chun yin 2
chu, cq 2
chu, wk 2
chui, wcm 2
chung, brian hon yin 2
chung, hy 2
cimaz, r 2
cui, h 2
cui, yong 2
dahdah, n 2
dang, xiao 2
davila, s 2
deekajorndej, thavatchai 2
deng, j 2
deng, y 2
ding, c 2
ding, h 2
eley, b 2
fei, w 2
feng, hong 2
fung, samuel ka shun 2
fung, sy 2
gao, m 2
grafodatskaya, d 2
guo, q 2
guo, x 2
guo, xianghua 2
guo, y 2
gupta, a 2
ha, e 2
he, dongye 2
he, jx 2
he, l 2
hibberd, ml 2
ho, marco hok kung 2
ho, sl 2
ho, th 2
hou, f 2
hou, fei 2
huang, c 2
huang, gy 2
huang, h 2
huang, y 2
hui, kf 2
ip, jkj 2
jiang, q 2
jo, s 2
kan, asy 2
kaufman, km 2
kawaguchi, y 2
khor, cc 2
kochi, y 2
koeleman, bpc 2
koh, mt 2
koido, m 2
kottyan, lc 2
kui, l 2
kuijpers, tw 2
kwok, awc 2
kwok, h 2
kwok, j 2
kwong, dlw 2
lai, wai ming 2
lam, kp 2
lam, tw 2
lao-araya, m 2
lau, chak sing 2
law, py 2
lee, hs 2
lee, jk 2
lee, ka wing 2
lee, pamela pui wah 2
lee, pp 2
lee, ppw 2
lee, r 2
lee, tsz leung 2
lee, yc 2
lei, g 2
leng, rx 2
leong, hy 2
leung, alexander moon ho 2
levin, m 2
li, awt 2
li, jian 2
li, m 2
li, weiyang 2
li, xiang pei 2
liang, b 2
liang, w 2
lin, hy 2
lin, j 2
lin, p 2
liu, apy 2
liu, fl 2
liu, fupeng 2
liu, s 2
liu, x 2
liu, zhongyi 2
lo, ifm 2
lu, l 2
luk, hm 2
ma, ch 2
mao, f 2
mcluskey, j 2
mei, y 2
mitchell, p 2
mok, chi chiu 2
nath, sk 2
niederer, ha 2
okada, y 2
ong, wpt 2
pan, hai feng 2
park, is 2
pei, lcs 2
peshu, n 2
qi, yy 2
qian, x 2
qin, x 2
qin, xiao 2
qiu, r 2
qiu, y 2
rawat, a 2
rayner, tf 2
rianthavorn, pornpimol 2
roberts, al 2
sakamoto, y 2
sham, pak chung 2
shao, l 2
shao, li 2
shao, qian 2
shen, c 2
shen, j 2
shimizu, c 2
shotelersuk, vorasuk 2
sim, ks 2
singh, s 2
siu, ho 2
smith, kgc 2
song, qin 2
song, y 2
song, yw 2
stevelink, r 2
suetsugu, h 2
sumida, t 2
sun, c 2
sun, liangdan 2
suphapeetiporn, kanya 2
suri, d 2
suzuki, a 2
tam, paul kwong hang 2
tan, dek 2
tang, lyf 2
thong, mk 2
tombleson, p 2
tong, kwok lung 2
trakultivakorn, m 2
tsai, wc 2
tsang, mhy 2
tse, niko kei chiu 2
tso, wyw 2
urban, bc 2
vignesh, p 2
wang, f 2
wang, frank qingyun 2
wang, j 2
wang, jj 2
wang, x 2
wang, yong-fei 2
wei, shuoshuo 2
wei, w 2
weirauch, mt 2
williams, tn 2
wong, cm 2
wong, cya 2
wong, raymond woon sing 2
wong, sik nin 2
wong, tkf 2
wong, ty 2
wong, wilfred hing sang 2
wright, vj 2
wu, jy 2
xing, d 2
xu, j 2
xu, w 2
yamamoto, k 2
yan, c 2
yang, l 2
yang, p 2
yang, sen 2
ye, dong qing 2
ye, l 2
yeung, ccw 2
yin, xy 2
ying, dingge 2
ying, shirley king yee 2
yip, bhk 2
yip, cyw 2
yu, cy 2
yu, hc 2
yu, hc 2
yu, hh 2
yuen, ks 2
zeng, shuai 2
zeng, x 2
zhang, c 2
zhang, jing 2
zhang, lili 2
zhang, lu 2
zhang, w 2
zhang, xue jun 2
zhang, yan 2
zhang, yanfang 2
zhao, j 2
zhao, l 2
zhao, qianqian 2
zhao, x 2
zheng, j 2
zheng, l 2
zheng, y 2
zhou, f 2
zhou, m 2
zhou, x 2
abdul latiff, ah 1
abou-khalil, bassel 1
adesoji, oluyomi m 1
adu, d 1
aekplakorn, wichai 1
afawi, zaid 1
ahmed, h 1
ahmed, r 1
ahn, gy 1
al-saad, k 1
alarcon, gs 1
alarcon-riquelme, me 1
alarconriquelme, me 1
alcasabas, ap 1
allanson, j 1
amadori, elisabetta 1
amano, k 1
ambalavanan, a 1
amodio, d 1
anderson, alison 1
anderson, joseph 1
andrade, danielle m 1
ang, ey 1
annesi, grazia 1
anthony g scott, j 1
arasi, s 1
atsumi, t 1
attia, j 1
au, eyl 1
auce, pauls 1
avbersek, andreja 1
bahlo, melanie 1
bai, f 1
baker, al 1
baker, mark d 1
balagura, ganna 1
balestrini, simona 1
ban, bo 1
barba, carmen 1
barboza, karen 1
bartolomei, fabrice 1
bast, thomas 1
baum, larry 1
baum, lw 1
baumgartner, tobias 1
baykan, betül 1
bebek, nerses 1
becker, albert j 1
becker, felicitas 1
bedford, hm 1
begovich, ab 1
bei, jx 1
belaid, b 1
ben-ali, m 1
ben-mustapha, i 1
bennett, caitlin a 1
bentham, j 1
berg, s van den 1
berghuis, bianca 1
berkovic, samuel f 1
beydoun, ahmad 1
beziat, v 1
bianchini, claudia 1
bielowka, a 1
biezeveld, m 1
biggs, cm 1
binas, vwe 1
bisulli, francesca 1
blanchard-rohner, g 1
blatt, ilan 1
bobbili, dheeraj r 1
boonbangyang, manon 1
booy, r 1
borggraefe, ingo 1
bose, a 1
bosselmann, christian 1
boushaki, s 1
braatz, vera 1
bradfield, jonathan p 1
braun, kpj 1
brockmann, knut 1
brody, lawrence c 1
brody, lc 1
brogan, p 1
brown, ee 1
brown-whitehorn, tf 1
bullens, d 1
buono, russell j 1
burns, so 1
busch, robyn m 1
byeon, jh 1
caglayan, hande 1
cai, m 1
cai, w 1
camonayan, kab 1
campbell, ciarán 1
campbell, ellen 1
canafoglia, laura 1
canavati, christina 1
cancrini, c 1
cantor, rm 1
cao, w 1
capulong, rd 1
carr, ej 1
casanova, jl 1
cascino, gregory d 1
casis-hao, rj 1
castellotti, barbara 1
catanese, j 1
catarino, claudia b 1
cavalleri, gianpiero l 1
cavalli, a 1
cerrato, felecia 1
chakrabarti, s 1
chan, dhc 1
chan, gsw 1
chan, ihy 1
chan, jfw 1
chan, kh 1
chan, koon-wing 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, lk 1
chan, ll 1
chan, nk 1
chan, s 1
chan, scw 1
chan, sophelia h.s. 1
chan, tak mao 1
chan, tak mao 1
chan, tm 1
chan, vsf 1
chan, yp 1
chang, js 1
chang, ly 1
chang, m 1
chang, t 1
chang, y 1
chang-ashtiani, m 1
chantveerawong, t 1
chassoux, francine 1
chau, csk 1
chau, kf 1
chen, jy 1
chen, lp 1
chen, mr 1
chen, p 1
chen, ruoyan 1
chen, siwei 1
chen, tm 1
chen, w 1
chen, xinxin 1
chen, yf 1
chen, yh 1
chen, yx 1
chen, z 1
cheng, fj 1
cheng, g 1
cheng, h 1
cheng, kkf 1
cherny, stacey s 1
cheung, ety 1
cheung, oy 1
cheung, ching lung 1
chi, h 1
chiang, alan k s 1
chilvers, er 1
chiu, nc 1
chiu, tlh 1
chiu, yt 1
choe, jy 1
choi, sw 1
chong, cc 1
chong, pcy 1
chong, wp 1
christiansen, ft 1
chu, lw 1
chu, ywy 1
chua, gilbert t. 1
chui, mcm 1
chui, mmc 1
chung, bhy 1
chung, cy 1
chung, phy 1
chung, wt 1
cifaldi, c 1
claeys, t 1
clatworthy, mr 1
clayton, dg 1
condliffe, am 1
costedoat-chalumeau, n 1
criswell, la 1
cui, j 1
cui, l 1
cunninghame graham, ds 1
cunninghame, d 1
curtis, n 1
dai, w 1
dalmann, j 1
de vries, n 1
del bel, kl 1
delafontaine, s 1
deng, sj 1
di cesare, s 1
di matteo, g 1
diao, q 1
dillon, m 1
ding, y 1
djidjik, r 1
dunstan, sj 1
edberg, jc 1
eswar, s 1
et al 1
eu-ahsunthornwattana, jakris 1
fan, x 1
fan, y 1
fang, h 1
fang, y 1
feng, x 1
feng, y 1
filippini, l 1
finocchi, a 1
fischer, a 1
fong, sm 1
fornes, o 1
foronda, r 1
fouladvand, a 1
fu, mp 1
fu, q 1
fürnrohr, bg 1
gaffney, pm 1
gao, f 1
gao, g 1
gao, j 1
garcia-barcelo, maria merce 1
garcia-barceló, maria mercè 1
garcia-barceló, mm 1
geissler, j 1
geng, l 1
goldwater, p 1
gong, s 1
gray, cj 1
grossman, jm 1
gunnarsson, i 1
guo, r 1
guthridge, jm 1
ha, ks 1
ha, sy 1
hahn, bh 1
han, mk 1
han, tongxin 1
hao, f 1
hao, rc 1
harrap, s 1
hashimoto, h 1
he, f 1
he, h 1
he, j 1
he, kz 1
heimall, j 1
heng chua, k 1
hien, tt 1
hildebrandt, f 1
ho leung, am 1
ho, ctk 1
ho, dwh 1
ho, hk 1
ho, m 1
ho, rsl 1
ho, s 1
ho, wws 1
hoischen, a 1
holliday, e 1
hong, sj 1
hong, ym 1
hou, g 1
hou, p 1
howe, hs 1
hu, h 1
huang, b 1
huang, f 1
huang, fy 1
huang, j 1
huang, kp 1
huang, lm 1
huang, s 1
huang, yc 1
hui, kwai fung 1
hui, pw 1
hui, wyf 1
hui, y 1
hwang, b 1
hwang, jy 1
hwang, my 1
ikegawa, s 1
international league against epilepsy consortium on complex epilepsies 1
international league against epilepsy consortium on complex epilepsies, 1
ip, patrick 1
isa, ms 1
ishigaki, k 1
ismail, ih 1
izumi, k 1
jaiwan, krisana 1
james, ae 1
jang, gy 1
jansen, fe 1
jia, y 1
jiang s, s 1
jiang, s 1
jiang, y 1
jiang, yuping 1
jin, r 1
jinawath, natini 1
jindal, ak 1
jirapongsananuruk, o 1
jiratchaya, c 1
jolly, ec 1
jones, lcw 1
jouhadi, z 1
kaiser, r 1
kamchaisatian, w 1
kang, x 1
kang, ym 1
karino, k 1
kawasaki, a 1
kechout, n 1
khleborodova, a 1
kim k, k 1
kim, bj 1
kim, ds 1
kim, jj 1
kim, k 1
kim, kj 1
kim, kw 1
kim, th 1
kimberly, rp 1
klein, n 1
ko, jmy 1
kong, q 1
kong, qingsheng 1
kou, shuang 1
ku, dtl 1
kuipers, im 1
kung ho, mh 1
kunhapan, punna 1
kuo, hc 1
kuroda, t 1
kwan, jsh 1
kwan, jsk 1
kwan, mike y.w. 1
kwan, sh 1
kwok, syj 1
kwon, yc 1
kwong, dl 1
kwong, dora lai-wan 1
la, t 1
lack, j 1
lam, jck 1
lam, ki pui 1
lam, th 1
lam, tl 1
latiff, az 1
latour, s 1
lau, dss 1
lau, etk 1
lau, y 1
lau, yu lung 1
lau, yu-lung 1
lau, yu lung 1
laurynenka, v 1
le, htm 1
le, mht 1
lee, acw 1
lee, cp 1
lee, hd 1
lee, jj 1
lee, jm 1
lee, jmf 1
lee, kl 1
lee, ky 1
lee, ml 1
lee, nc 1
lee, p 1
lee, pc 1
lee, pw 1
lee, ss 1
lee, wma 1
lee, ws 1
lee, yk 1
leung, a 1
leung, ayh 1
leung, cb 1
leung, gkc 1
lew, am 1
li, c 1
li, cr 1
li, f 1
li, k 1
li, kkw 1
li, mj 1
li, p 1
li, pkt 1
li, qz 1
li, rj 1
li, syh 1
li, twl 1
li, xm 1
li, yan 1
li, hoi yee gloria 1
liang, cd 1
liang, h 1
liang, rui 1
liang, z 1
liany, h 1
lin ng, io 1
lin, g 1
lin, jh 1
lin, s 1
lin, y 1
ling, mt 1
liu, c 1
liu, f 1
liu, hc 1
liu, jiong 1
liu, jj 1
liu, lj 1
liu, t 1
liu, zy 1
lo, fmi 1
lobo, rcm 1
looger, ll 1
lu, hy 1
lu, jx 1
lu, q 1
lui, cht 1
lui, vch 1
luk, adw 1
luk, mhm 1
lung, dc 1
lung, maria li 1
luo, m 1
luo, x 1
luykx, jj 1
lv, jc 1
lv, m 1
lyons, jj 1
ma, esk 1
ma, h 1
ma, jin 1
ma, jy 1
ma, ruirui 1
ma, wen 1
ma, x 1
ma, xj 1
mahasirimongkol, s 1
mahasirimongkol, surakameth 1
mai, z 1
maimaris, j 1
mak, hkf 1
mak, hs 1
mallillin, jm 1
man, k 1
mao, huawei 1
mao, y 1
mao, yujing 1
mason, w 1
masters, sl 1
matsuda, k 1
matsuo, k 1
matthews, a 1
mccormack, m 1
mcgovern, nn 1
mcgwin, g 1
mckinnon, ml 1
melish, me 1
meyts, i 1
miao, x 1
michie, c 1
miryounesi, m 1
miyamoto, t 1
miyamura, t 1
mo, wenxiu 1
mok, mo yin 1
mok, mo yin 1
mok, myt 1
molineros, je 1
molloy, am 1
momenilandi, m 1
morgan, aw 1
morris, ec 1
motomura, g 1
mu, n 1
mukai, m 1
mukasa, t 1
muktiarti, d 1
murrell, jr 1
nakamura, j 1
nam, hk 1
namjou, b 1
nash, g 1
nath sk, sk 1
neelapaichit, nareemarn 1
newburger, jw 1
newland, sa 1
ng, cl 1
ng, hk 1
ng, i 1
ng, irene oi lin 1
ng, pw 1
ng, wt 1
ng, ytn 1
ngan, esw 1
ngan, rkc 1
nguyen, atv 1
nguyen, vat 1
ni, k 1
niemela, je 1
niiro, h 1
nissen, m 1
nititham, j 1
noh, lm 1
nourse, c 1
novelli, a 1
o'shea, jj 1
odam, m 1
odhams, ca 1
ohmura, k 1
oi lin, ing 1
or, jsf 1
otomo, n 1
ottenkamp, jj 1
pacillo, l 1
padyukov, l 1
palasanthiran, p 1
palma, p 1
pang, j 1
pang, m 1
pangilinan, f 1
parameswaran, s 1
park, dj 1
park, y 1
park, yb 1
park, ym 1
parvaneh, n 1
passarelli, c 1
pei, lc 1
peng, j 1
petri, m 1
pfundt, r 1
phan nguyen lien, a 1
philippot, q 1
philips, rl 1
phongsamart, g 1
phu, nh 1
piao, yurong 1
pisitkun, p 1
pisitkun, prapaporn 1
plagnol, v 1
poon, wkg 1
project mine als gwas consortium, 1
pu, x 1
puel, a 1
qian, c 1
qian, j 1
qian, xx 1
qin, y 1
qu, b 1
quynh le, nn 1
rai, d 1
raj, r 1
ramanujam, tm 1
ramsey-goldman, r 1
ren, yq 1
reveille, jd 1
rhim, jw 1
richmond, pa 1
rivalta, b 1
robinson, ji 1
rochtchina, e 1
rogaeva, e 1
rohani, p 1
rokni-zadeh, h 1
rosenzweig, sd 1
rossi, p 1
rouleau, ga 1
rowley, ah 1
rönnblom, l 1
salim, h 1
sang wong, wh 1
sang, yuting 1
santos-ocamo, fh 1
satproedprai, n 1
sauer, k 1
savage, co 1
schett, g 1
schijven, d 1
scott, jag 1
scott, r 1
seear, m 1
shah, v 1
shahrooei, m 1
sham, pc 1
sham, pak chung 1
shan, s 1
shanmugam, a 1
sharma, aa 1
sharma, m 1
shek, lp 1
shek, nwm 1
shen, jiangshan jane 1
shen, y 1
shi, b 1
shi, sf 1
shi, y 1
shim, sc 1
shimizu, m 1
shin, jm 1
shing, mmk 1
shingadia, d 1
shu, zhou 1
shulman, st 1
silva, r de 1
sin, nc 1
sing wong, rw 1
siu, nho 1
smith, kg 1
so, cc 1
so, jcc 1
so, mt 1
sodsai, pimpayao 1
sohn, s 1
song, ms 1
song, y 1
spicer, ek 1
st george-hyslop, p 1
stevelink, remi 1
su, huidong 1
sucharitchan, p 1
sugano, n 1
suh, ch 1
sun, fei 1
sun, h 1
sun, hailin 1
sun, j 1
sun, jiapeng 1
sun, ld 1
sun, xb 1
sun, y 1
suratannon, n 1
svenungsson, e 1
sze, kmf 1
tacke, c 1
tada, y 1
tak, pp 1
takahashi, d 1
takahashi, m 1
takasaki, y 1
takeuchi, t 1
tam, cy 1
tam, och 1
tam, ph 1
tam, ysi 1
tan, ty 1
tang, clara s.m. 1
tang, czm 1
tang, hmv 1
tang, hym 1
tang, l 1
tang, lwm 1
tang, vhm 1
tang, wf 1
tang, wk 1
tang, x 1
tangtanatakul, p 1
tangtanatakul, pattarin 1
tao, qv 1
tao, ss 1
tao, yb 1
taylor, ke 1
terao, c 1
terblanche, a 1
thomas, gn 1
tian, m 1
tong, mt 1
tong, tmf 1
treat, jr 1
tremoulet, ah 1
tsai, fj 1
tsang, hhl 1
tsang, hing wai 1
tsao, gsw 1
tsao, sabrina s.l. 1
tsao, sw 1
tsoi, th 1
tsuchiya, n 1
tu, ww 1
tu, x 1
tulloh, r 1
turvey, ak 1
turvey, se 1
urban, m 1
van der lee, r 1
van der made, ci 1
van der zanden, hgm 1
van karnebeek, cdm 1
van rheenen, w 1
vaseghi-shanjian, m 1
vaughan, j 1
veldink, jh 1
vera, md 1
vila, lm 1
villanueva, jcmm 1
viswanathan, a 1
voll, re 1
wah lee, pp 1
wakeland, ek 1
wang, b 1
wang, dg 1
wang, h 1
wang, hl 1
wang, jj 1
wang, m 1
wang, ry 1
wang, s 1
wang, t 1
wang, tingyou 1
wang, yong fei 1
wang, yongfei 1
wasseman, ww 1
watts, r 1
watts, ra 1
wei, cc 1
wei, ln 1
wei, m 1
weinstein, bl 1
wen, xiwu 1
white, b 1
winter, s 1
witt, c 1
wong, chun ming 1
wong, csm 1
wong, ehm 1
wong, jkl 1
wong, ka wo 1
wong, kf 1
wong, kj 1
wong, kky 1
wong, kw 1
wong, m 1
wong, mwk 1
wong, r 1
wong, rms 1
wong, sm 1
wong, v 1
wong, w 1
wong, ws 1
wongwaree, s 1
woo, pcy 1
wood, kh 1
wu, d 1
wu, q 1
wu, qingjun 1
wu, y 1
wu, yl 1
xia, jl 1
xia, s 1
xiao, sm 1
xie, d 1
xie, h 1
xin, q 1
xiong, l 1
xu, h 1
xu, n 1
xu, yb 1
yamaji, k 1
yamamoto, t 1
yang, h 1
yang, hz 1
yang, xk 1
yang, y 1
yang, yi 1
yao, c 1
yao, h 1
yao, y 1
yap, dyh 1
ye, d 1
ye, z 1
yeoh, aej 1
yeung, hm 1
yeung, nkm 1
yeung, rs 1
yeung, rsm 1
yeung, wwy 1
yin, z 1
yoo, jj 1
yoon, k 1
yu, z 1
yuan, zw 1
yun, sw 1
zang, x 1
zeng, f 1
zeng, j 1
zhai, y 1
zhang x, x 1
zhang, caicai 1
zhang, kai 1
zhang, m 1
zhang, r 1
zhang, s 1
zhang, sw 1
zhang, yanhong 1
zhang, ym 1
zhang, yue 1
zhao, h 1
zhao, mh 1
zhao, n 1
zhao, qiang 1
zhao, xuan 1
zhao, z 1
zheng, h 1
zheng, j 1
zheng, lichuan 1
zheng, w 1
zhi, z 1
zhong, sl 1
zhou, g 1
zhou, l 1
zhou, s 1
zhou, t 1
zhu, d 1
zhu, j 1
zhu, w 1
zhu, x 1
zhuang, x 1
zhuang, y 1
ziegler, j 1
zuo, xb 1
zuo, xianbo 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 18
genetic predisposition to disease 18
genome-wide association study 17
systemic lupus erythematosus 17
sle 16
asian 14
association 14
chinese 13
hong kong 13
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics 13
animal tissue 12
anorectal malformation 12
chromosome aberration 12
ephrin-a2 - genetics 12
single nucleotide polymorphism 12
uhrf1bp1 12
wnt signaling pathway 12
antigens, cd3 - genetics 11
cd247 11
gwas 11
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics - immunology 11
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics 10
lupus erythematosus, systemic - enzymology - genetics 10
chemicals and cas registry numbers 8
cyclin a2 8
hbv integration 8
hepatocellular carcinoma 8
humans 8
lupus nephritis 8
model 8
phenotyping 8
prediction 8
prenatal exome 8
risk assessment 8
splicing 8
variants of unknown clinical significance 8
adult 7
antibodies, antinuclear - blood 7
antigens, cd11b - genetics 7
asian continental ancestry group - ethnology - genetics 7
autoantibodies 7
autoantibodies - blood 7
cluster analysis 7
disease susceptibility 7
epidemiology 7
epistasis 7
ets1 7
female 7
hong kong - epidemiology 7
il-17 7
lupus erythematosus 7
lupus erythematosus, systemic - ethnology - genetics 7
lupus erythematosus, systemic - ethnology - immunology 7
male 7
middle aged 7
multivariate analysis 7
nephritis - ethnology - genetics 7
prevalence 7
protein-serine-threonine kinases - genetics 7
systemic 7
autoimmunity 6
blood 6
bnt162b2 vaccine 6
cell composition 6
cell lineage-specific 6
clustering 6
dna methylation 6
founder mutation 6
genetic risk predisposition 6
genotype 6
linkage disequilibrium 6
lupus 6
methylationepic 6
nerve tissue proteins - genetics 6
paediatric-onset 6
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 6
stat4 transcription factor - genetics 6
vaccine side effect 6
vaccine-induced myocarditis 6
aim2 5
alps-like disease 5
bronchiectasis 5
china 5
crohn disease 5
cystic fibrosis 5
cytoskeletal proteins - genetics 5
ebv‐encoded small rna 5
epilepsy - genetics 5
epstein–barr virus 5
exome 5
exome sequencing 5
gene sequence 5
genetic defect 5
genome‐wide analysis 5
heterozygosity 5
ifi16 5
immune dysregulation 5
immunodeficiency 5
inflammasome 5
interleukin 10 receptor 5
mendelian disease 5
molecular sequence data 5
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 5
polymorphism, single nucleotide 5
quality control 5
rasgrp1 5
sequencing 5
t-cell receptor signaling 5
trafficking defects 5
transcript isoform 5
variant annotation 5
variant prioritization 5
alleles 4
apoe ɛ4-negative 4
base sequence 4
blood smear 4
bone marrow examination 4
case report 4
case-control studies 4
child 4
child, preschool 4
clinical article 4
dna mutational analysis 4
filipino (citizen) 4
frequency haplotypes 4
gene frequency 4
haplotype frequency 4
haplotypes 4
hla 4
hla antigens 4
homozygosity mapping 4
interferon regulatory factors - genetics 4
kw075 - genetic mapping 4
kw078 – genome scan 4
kw083 - genotype-phenotype correlations 4
kw086 – identification of disease genes 4
kw087 - immune system 4
late-onset alzheimer's disease 4
major histocompatibility complex (mhc) 4
matching probability 4
mlkl 4
molecular basis of mendelian disorders 4
population-based linkage 4
rare variants 4
recessive mutation 4
registry/registry analysis 4
stem cell 4
whole exome sequencing 4
5' untranslated regions - genetics 3
adolescent 3
agammaglobulinemia 3
age of onset 3
algorithms 3
alternative splicing 3
alternative splicing - genetics 3
alternative splicing pattern 3
amino acid conservation 3
amino acid sequence 3
animals 3
autism spectrum disorder 3
brcc3 3
btk mutations 3
carrier proteins - genetics 3
cd40l 3
clec16a 3
coding mutation 3
cohort studies 3
conserved sequence 3
cord blood 3
deubiquitinase 3
developmental delay 3
disease progression 3
dna, complementary - genetics 3
ests 3
evolutionary distance 3
exons 3
exons - genetics 3
expressed sequence tags 3
expressed sequences 3
fbn1 3
flow cytometry 3
functional impact 3
functional polymorphism 3
gene expression - genetics 3
gene expression regulation 3
genetic association studies 3
genetic diseases, x-linked - genetics 3
genetic testing 3
genome, human 3
genotype-phenotype correlation 3
hla gene frequency 3
hla haplotype frequency 3
infant 3
infection - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics - physiopathology 3
interferon 3
introns - genetics 3
josd2 3
macrocephaly 3
marfan syndrome 3
marfan syndrome - genetics 3
megalencephaly 3
mice 3
mice, inbred c57bl 3
microfilament proteins - genetics 3
mtor 3
multiple intestinal atresias (mia) 3
mutation - genetics 3
mutation screening 3
mutation, missense 3
nlrp3 3
nssnp 3
phenotype 3
phylogeny 3
pik3ca 3
polymorphism, genetic 3
ppp2r5d 3
promoter regions, genetic 3
protein-tyrosine kinases - genetics - immunology 3
pten 3
receptors, transforming growth factor beta - genetics 3
registry 3
rna - genetics 3
rna splice sites - genetics 3
rna-binding proteins - genetics 3
sequence alignment 3
sequence analysis, dna 3
sequence analysis, dna - methods 3
sequence homology, amino acid 3
severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) 3
sex factors 3
somatic mosaicism 3
spliced variants 3
stat1 3
synteny 3
taloromyces marneffei 3
tgfbr2 3
toll-like receptor 7 - genetics 3
ttc7a 3
type i 3
veoibd 3
whole exome sequencing (wes) 3
x-linked agammaglobulinemia 3
x-linked combined immunodeficiency diseases - diagnosis - epidemiology - genetics - physiopathology 3
x-linked hyper-igm syndrome 3
xla 3
young adult 3
zebrafish - genetics 3
african continental ancestry group - genetics 2
antigen-antibody complex - genetics - immunology 2
association studies 2
autoimmune diseases 2
bacterial septicaemia 2
biomarker 2
calculated panel reactive antibody 2
canakinumab 2
ccl2 2
cdna sequencing 2
complex diseases 2
cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome 2
east asian 2
expressed sequence tag 2
gene dosage 2
gene dosage - genetics - immunology 2
gene expression 2
gene expression regulation - genetics 2
gene expression regulation - genetics - immunology 2
genetic association study 2
genetic predisposition to disease - ethnology - genetics 2
genetic predisposition to disease - genetics 2
genetic susceptibility 2
genetic variation - immunology 2
genetics 2
genome scan 2
genome sequencing 2
genotype and phenotype correlation 2
genotype-phenotype correlations 2
iga nephropathy 2
immune system 2
infectious disease 2
integrative analysis 2
irf3 2
lupus erythematosus, systemic - genetics - metabolism 2
mbl 2
micrornas - genetics - metabolism 2
missing heritability 2
mutation detection 2
ngs 2
novel mutation 2
organ allocation 2
pleiotropy 2
polymorphism 2
population differences 2
population genetics 2
population structure 2
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 2
protein-protein interactions 2
receptors, igg - genetics 2
renal transplantation 2
replication 2
selection 2
sensitization 2
sequence-specific subtraction 2
sequencing depth 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome 2
shared genes 2
short inversion detection 2
single-nucleotide polymorphisms 2
somatic mosaicism mutation 2
split reads method 2
structural variations 2
susceptibility 2
transcription factor 2
unacceptable antigen 2
virtual cross-match 2
x chromosome 2
african americans - genetics 1
allele 1
als 1
alzheimer's disease 1
analgesics, opioid - toxicity 1
ankrd11 gene 1
apoe ε4 1
apoe ε4 carriers and non-carriers 1
association study 1
autophagy 1
bayes theorem 1
charcot-marie-tooth disease 1
charcot-marie-tooth disease - genetics - physiopathology 1
chromosome mapping 1
chromosome y 1
classification 1
classification factors 1
clinical phenotypes 1
connexins - genetics 1
cytokines 1
development and evaluation (grade) 1
dimerization 1
diprenorphine - metabolism 1
dirichlet distribution 1
dna - genetics 1
down-regulation 1
electromyography 1
enkephalin, ala(2)-mephe(4)-gly(5)- 1
enkephalin, d-penicillamine (2,5)- 1
enkephalins - pharmacology 1
epilepsy 1
escherichia coli proteins - genetics 1
european continental ancestry group - genetics 1
frameshift mutation 1
frameshift variant 1
frequency 1
functional assays 1
g protein 1
gamma 1
gene 1
gene expression profiling - methods 1
gene fusion 1
gene locus 1
gene structure 1
gene-targeting 1
genetic 1
genetic algorithm 1
genetic correlation 1
genetic defects 1
genetic diseases, x-linked - genetics - physiopathology 1
genetic linkage 1
genome 1
genomics 1
gge 1
ghrh gene 1
gjb1 (connexin32) 1
gnas 1
grading of recommendations assessment 1
gtp-binding protein alpha subunits, gs - genetics 1
gtp-binding protein beta subunits - chemistry 1
gtp-binding protein gamma subunits - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 1
gtp-binding proteins - physiology 1
guideline 1
han 1
haploinsufficiency 1
haplotype 1
hsp40 heat-shock proteins - genetics 1
hub gene cluster 1
imputation 1
in vitro functional assays 1
intracellular signaling peptides and proteins - genetics - metabolism 1
introns 1
isolated growth hormone deficiency 1
kbg syndrome 1
kidney diseases 1
lethal dose 50 1
ligands 1
linkage analysis 1
literature review 1
long non-coding rna 1
long noncoding rna 1
loss of function mutation 1
mhc 1
mice, knockout 1
mir-20a-5p 1
mixture distributions 1
models, statistical 1
morphine - toxicity 1
morphine analgesia 1
morphine derivatives - toxicity 1
morphine lethality 1
multinomial distribution 1
multiplex pcr 1
mutant chimeric proteins - genetics - metabolism 1
mutation 1
neat1 1
oligopeptides - toxicity 1
osteoarthritis (oa) 1
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 1
pedigree 1
pertussis toxin 1
protein structure 1
pvt1 1
pyridoxine 1
receptors, opioid, delta - analysis 1
receptors, opioid, mu - analysis 1
receptors, opioid, mu - genetics 1
recombinant human growth hormone 1
recombination, genetic 1
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 1
rna 3' polyadenylation signals 1
sequence deletion 1
short stature 1
shrinkage estimators 1
single nucleotide polymorphisms 1
snp 1
software 1
survey 1
tlr4 1
transcription initiation site 1
truncated transcript 1
tumor cells, cultured 1
turner syndrome 1
ulk1 1
virulence factors, bordetella - pharmacology 1
weighted gene co-expression network analysis (wgcna) 1
whole-exome sequencing 1
x-linked 1
μ opioid receptor 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 12
environmental factors, genetic factors, hypovitaminosis d, infants, toddlers 7
complex disease, epidemiology, family history, genetic, risk profiling 6
malformation, prenatal, structural congenital, whole-exome 6
bioinformatics, disease mutations, exome sequencing, public-domain databses, statistical genetics 5
cancer family history, carcinoma, germline mutation, nasopharyngeal, ngs sequencing 5
children, conditions, genetic, genomic, medicine, testing 5
children, epigenomics, hepatoblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, prognosis, stratification 5
epstein-barr virus, nasopharyngeal, next generation, pathogenic mutations 5
1) systemic lupus erythematosus 2) genomic medicine 3) clinical subphenotype mapping 5
association study, complex disease, genetics, genomics, systemic lupus erythematosus 4
biomarkers, genetics, precision treatment, syngr1, systemic lupus erythematosus 4
cell lineage-specific, early-onset sle, epigenetics, whole genome dna methylation, whole genome expression study 4
cns tumors, dna methylation array, liquid biopsy, next-generation sequencing, pediatrics, solid tumors 4
diagnostic, dna-methylation, embryonal, frontline, nervous, tumors 4
dma methylation, rare disease, rna-seq, transcriptome, undiagnosed disease 4
exome sequencing, genetic screening, immunodeficiencies, ngs, scid, t lymphocytes 4
systemic lupus erythematosus, genetics, patient stratification, risk prediction, precision treatment 4
association studies, complex disease, genetics, personalized medicine, systemic lupus eruthematosus 3
association study, complex disease, genetics, meta-analysis, systemic lupus erythematosus 3
autism, cnvs, genetic studies, multiplex family, snps 3
autoimmune disease, human leukocyte antigens (hla), system lupus erythematosus 3
autoimmunity, deep phenotyping, immune dysregulation, immunophenotype, inflammation, transcriptome 3
birth defects/genetic conditions, in hong kong, provision of molecular diagnosis 3
coding variants, early onset sle, exome sequencing, familial sle, systemic lupus erythematosus 3
common complex disease, genetic analysis, human variation, sle, whole genome association study 3
development, molecular diagnosis tool, primary immunodeficiency patients 3
dna methylation, epigenetics, sle 3
epigenetics, sle, whole genome dna methylation 3
genetic susceptibility, humoral immunity, subphenotypes, systeemic lupus erythematosus, taci 3
""cnvs"", ""ethnical difference"", ""complex diseases"", ""autoimmune diseases"", ""genetics"" 3
analytical validity, balanced chromosomal, clinical utility, whole genome 2
association study, genetics, systemic lupus erythematosus 2
characterization, identification, isoform, novel, sting, transcript 2
cr2, dnase2, genes polymorphisms, sle, systemic lupus erythematosus, tyk2 2
cytokines, systemic lupus erythematosus 2
first southern chinese haplobank, pluripotent stem cell, regenerative medicine 2
melk, pax5, systemic lupus erythematosus 2
next generation sequencing, one-stop thalassaemia screenig method 2
sle, snp, x-linked 2
thalassaemia 2
first southern chinese haplobank, pluripotent stem cell lines, regenerative medicine 1
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