Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
compact city 3
outdoor recreation 3
urban green space 3
urban park 3
動亂 3
戰爭 3
朝代循環 3
氣候變化 3
溫度距平 3
abiotic layers 2
acceptable temperature range 2
arboreal colonization 2
attitude - ethnology 2
biodiversity 2
biodiversity conservation 2
biophysical properties 2
bioreceptivity 2
building microhabitat 2
canopy microclimate 2
china 2
china - ethnology 2
climate change 2
cluster analysis 2
community effect 2
community participation 2
conservation motivation 2
conservation of natural resources - economics - legislation & jurisprudence - methods - statistics & numerical data 2
consumption preference 2
contingent valuation 2
cooling effect 2
demand forecast 2
demand-responsive optimal-inventory model (dom) 2
developing world 2
district fidelity 2
ecological energetics 2
ecosystem 2
ecosystem service 2
ecotourism 2
energy balance model 2
energy budget model 2
energy saving 2
energy-efficient building 2
environment design 2
environmental benefit 2
environmental externalities 2
environmental function 2
environmental monitoring 2
evaporative cooling 2
factor analysis 2
female 2
financing, government 2
floristic augmentation 2
floristic indices 2
green roof 2
green space 2
greening 2
guangzhou 2
habitat connectivity 2
heat diffusion 2
hedonic pricing method 2
hong kong 2
housing market 2
housing value 2
humans 2
intensive green roof 2
inventory optimization 2
knowledge 2
landscape amenity 2
latent heat dissipation 2
logistic models 2
male 2
masonry wall 2
motivation 2
naturalistic landscape design 2
neutral temperature 2
operations management 2
outdoor thermal comfort 2
passive cooling 2
pet and utci 2
physiological equivalent temperature (pet) 2
policy making 2
precision planning 2
protected area 2
public opinion 2
public perception 2
questionnaires 2
residence characteristics 2
residential garden 2
ruderal vegetation 2
shenzhen 2
sky woodland 2
social environment 2
social function 2
socioeconomic factors 2
species diversity 2
spontaneous vegetation 2
sustainable urban development 2
theoretical model 2
thermal benefit 2
thermal comfort 2
thermal insulation 2
thermal insulation performance 2
thermal performance 2
tropical green roof 2
universal thermal climate index (utci) 2
urban biodiversity 2
urban ecology 2
urban flora 2
urban greenspace 2
urban natural area 2
urban nature conservation 2
urban tree 2
urban tree flora 2
urban trees 2
urban village 2
urbanization 2
visitor perception 2
weather 2
wet porous medium 2
adolescent 1
adult 1
age factors 1
aged 1
air-barrier function 1
air-conditioning energy consumption 1
airgap thermal insulation 1
amenity value 1
amenity vegetation 1
analysis of variance 1
arboreal vegetation 1
bidirectional cooling benefit 1
biodiversity conservation. 1
biomass 1
bird community 1
bowen ratio 1
building heat-sink effect 1
building thermal insulation 1
canopy temperature inversion 1
carrying capacity 1
cities 1
cities - economics 1
cityscape 1
conservation 1
conservation of natural resources 1
conservation of natural resources - trends 1
cost-benefit analysis 1
coupled green-building roof system 1
cultural characteristics 1
data collection 1
decision making 1
defarming 1
developing countries 1
diffuse solar radiation 1
direct solar radiation 1
distance-reinforced perception 1
domestic garden 1
ecological brinkmanship, transgenerational arboriculture 1
ecological succession 1
ecology 1
economic value 1
ecosystem services 1
ecotourism development 1
ecotourism service 1
emigration and immigration 1
energy budget 1
environment 1
environment design - trends 1
environmental benefits 1
environmental impacts 1
environmental valuation 1
environmental welfare 1
epilithic plant 1
extensive green roof 1
extrahome leisure 1
facility design and construction 1
floristic diversity 1
forest resource 1
forest use 1
formulaic expert method 1
fragmentation index 1
geoconservation 1
geoheritage interpretation 1
geopark 1
geotourism 1
global solar radiation 1
green ratio 1
green roof ecosystem 1
green spaces 1
green wall 1
green-roof heat-sink effect 1
greenspace planning 1
greenwall passive cooling 1
ground-level 1
guangzhou (廣州) 1
heat flux 1
heat flux dynamics 1
hedonic pricing 1
heritage tree 1
heritage trees 1
historical trees 1
holiday effect 1
holistic research agenda 1
hong kong (香港) 1
hong kong geopark 1
housing price 1
human impact 1
hybrid habitat 1
hybrid park 1
income 1
information services 1
institutional forest 1
intrahome leisure 1
land deconversion 1
land use 1
land-cover change 1
landscape assessment 1
landscape changes 1
landscape impact contribution 1
landscape metrics 1
leisure barrier 1
leisure value 1
livable city 1
local participation 1
macau 1
market segmentation 1
mass effects 1
meteorological condition 1
middle aged 1
migrant labor 1
models, economic 1
moisture storage 1
monetary value 1
multi-layer shield 1
nanjing 1
natural landscape 1
natural resources 1
natural-cum-cultural heritage 1
naturalistic green-roof design 1
nature appreciation 1
nature conservation 1
nature conservation -- china -- hong kong. 1
nature education 1
nature reserve 1
nature-based education 1
nature-based tourism 1
neighbourhood park 1
park design 1
park forest 1
participatory planning 1
partitioned heat flux 1
people-park conflict 1
perched thermal discontinuity 1
population dynamics 1
population overload 1
potential planting sites 1
precision urban forestry 1
principal component analysis 1
property valuation 1
property-linked valuation 1
protected area conservation 1
public policy 1
radiation shield effectiveness model 1
recreation value 1
recreational use 1
reforestation 1
remnant woodland 1
reservoir inundation 1
residential housing 1
roadside forest 1
roadside greenspace 1
roadside trees 1
roadside-tree communities (行道樹群落) 1
root protection 1
rural population 1
rural-urban migration 1
scenic quality 1
secondary succession 1
social conditions 1
socioeconomic effect 1
soil 1
soil compaction 1
soil degradation 1
soil genesis 1
soil limitation 1
soil management 1
soil recovery 1
soil-forming factor 1
solar radiation 1
solar-barrier function 1
species composition 1
species selection 1
species specificity 1
spontaneous plant species 1
statistics as topic 1
stone wall 1
stonewall ecosystem 1
storm damage 1
structural damage 1
subsurface thermal discontinuity 1
suspended temperature inversion 1
sustainable city 1
sustainable development -- china -- hong kong 1
thermal defense 1
thermal inertia 1
thermal insulation breaching 1
thermal lag 1
thermal shielding coefficient 1
thermodynamic transmission 1
thermodynamics transmission model (ttm) 1
threshold solar irradiance 1
time 1
time factors 1
tourism 1
town plan 1
trampling impact 1
tree care 1
tree conservation 1
tree evaluation 1
tree habitat 1
tree health condition 1
tree management 1
tree overall condition 1
tree performance 1
tree performance assessment 1
tree planting plan 1
tree preservation 1
tree protection 1
tree stocking rate 1
tree structural damage 1
tree valuation 1
trees 1
trees - classification - growth & development 1
trees - growth & development 1
treescape 1
trenchless technology 1
tropical woodland 1
unique species 1
urban ecology (biology) 1
urban ecology (城市生態) 1
urban forest 1
urban forestry 1
urban greenery 1
urban greening 1
urban history 1
urban infrastructure 1
urban landscape 1
urban nature 1
urban soil 1
urban tree management 1
urban trees (城市樹木) 1
urban treescape 1
urban woodland 1
vertical greening 1
visitor management 1
visitor motivation 1
visitor-employed photography 1
wall preservation 1
wall tree 1
water depletions 1
willingness-topay 1
zhuhai 1
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